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lol nerd

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/space_cat356 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
hmm this story happened to me on a thursday night  when i was home alone in my apartment complex   i lived with my roommate josh who was usually  out with his girlfriend so that gave me the   luxury of having the place to myself i was video  chatting with three classmates of mine on facebook   messenger their names were eric craig and cindy  this was my first interaction with them as our   professor selected us to be in a group project  together throughout the night we brainstormed   ideas while getting more acquainted with one  another this is when the story gets a bit weird   eric spontaneously asked the group chat hey guys  wanna see something cool what is it getting an a   plus in this project would be cool sure man  what's up eric sends the group chat a photo   i click the chat icon and see a disturbing  image of a woman with her arms and legs missing   what the hell ew why are you sending us this dude  where the hell did you get that photo i'll tell   you but you guys really need to keep this a secret  promise me you won't tell anyone um this isn't   marketing related but okay i guess uh sure dude  please don't tell me you were the sicko who took   that pic i didn't i actually got the photo from  the dark web dude you go on the dark web what's   the dark web supposedly it's this hidden part  of the internet where you can buy illegal stuff   i personally wasn't that educated about the dark  web but i did hear rumors about it growing up   i've always acknowledged the existence of  these kinds of things growing up but i was   still unaware as to what potential atrocities  lie within the online world eric then says yeah i   just recently started getting into it i found the  photo from one of the forums i came across called   homemade dolls here's the full size picture he  then sends us the exact same photo except this   time it had a description box next to it with  the title doll number 20. why the hell of all   people did i have to be in a group project with  this weirdo the details in the description stated   inhumane acts that can be performed on the  victims before being shipped to their buyers   i felt pretty disgusted reading the dialogue but i  was still somewhat skeptical about the whole thing   it was hard to deny its legitimacy though the  authenticity of the image looked too real to be   a hoax to be honest this looks photoshopped  i don't know it looks pretty real to me   dude that's disgusting why do you even go on sites  like that well i only go on at occasion midway   through eric's sentence a random user joins the  video chat uh who's that i don't know i swear to   god we better not be getting hacked eric is this  one of your stupid friends from the dark web i'm   gonna call the cops if it is that's when i decide  to move my mouse cursor to exit the video chat   why the hell isn't this working come on work  god damn it my cursor was resisting to move no   matter how many times i clicked or moved my mouse  that's when the random user's video turned on it   was a guy wearing a pig mask the mask didn't look  like some dollar store knockoff it looked like the   skinned face of an actual pig he wore it like he  was leatherface from the texas chainsaw massacre   hey uh is anybody seeing what i'm seeing eric  dude i really hope this isn't a stupid prank   it's not dude i don't even know who that is why  is there a guy wearing a pig mask on my screen   guys what's going on i i don't know why  but something about that moment i just knew   i was looking into the eyes of what true evil  looks like that's when my classmates video chat   completely froze the only screen functioning  was the pigmans it seemed like our computers   were being hijacked i couldn't quite comprehend  what was going on until i heard the pigman say   can you see me say yes if you can hear me say it  i reply with yes what what do you want from me   in an uncontrollable stutter you know that feeling  you get when you're with someone for so long every   single day just drags and becomes a routine  i just want something new and fresh you know   something vibrant and will make me feel  like again i just i just need a new doll   what do you say does it sound  like a brilliant plan to you i was completely appalled by what was transpiring   that's when i hear a muffled  female's voice in the background the pigmen then swivels the camera towards the  direction of the muffled voice only to reveal   a woman with no arms and legs she had duct tape  on her mouth and a chain bound around her neck   the woman was flailing her severed arms wildly  in a desperate attempt to escape a couple seconds   later the pig man approaches her while holding an  axe the kind of acts lumberjacks use to chop down   trees i began to hyperventilate as i knew the  inevitable fate this woman was about to endure   he then raises the ax up in the air i  begin screaming from the top of my lungs   leave her alone i'm calling the cops as i took  my last glance at the woman i realized that it   was the same woman in the photo that eric sent  that's when the pigman smashes the axe against   the woman's skull repeatedly i practically  leap up from my chair and begin to vomit this sadistic display was unbearable what the hell  is going on someone tell me i'm dreaming there's   there's no way this is real i look back on  the screen only to see nothing like the whole   thing was just a bad dream or a figment of my  imagination what the hell just happened i know   i'm not going crazy i immediately messaged my  classmates in the group chat saying please tell   me you guys saw that did any of you see the pig  man we need to report him yeah i briefly saw him   but then my video chat ended same here that was  weird as hell must have been a hacker thank god   my screen went back to normal did you see anything  terence i respond as nonchalantly as i can saying   yeah basically what you guys saw i think it's  best that we just put this behind us and move   on from here you know i didn't know if that  was the right decision i just i didn't want   to further escalate the situation acknowledging  the pig pigman's existence was one thing but   going into further detail about afterwards  just felt unnecessary this is the part where   i wish the story ends it's been a year since the  incident i ended up dropping out and taking the   semester off due to the mental trauma i endured  i now work at a local retail store i was coming   home from work one day and i saw an envelope  sitting in my mail slot i open it and discover   the most horrifying thing that sends shivers down  my spine it was a picture of my classmate cindy   except she had no legs and no arms the  picture was titled doll number twenty-one wow i remember waking up in a still cage  locked inside a limitless white room   the room looked like like  it had no end just my bed   the cage and a swarm of distorted figures  surrounding me there were hundreds of them   and they all looked like they were possessed  like something out of the movie the exorcist where the hell am i this can't be real   i must be dreaming i couldn't distinguish whether  these people were human or not but all i can   say is that i was overwhelmingly frightened by  the over-exaggerated mouths of these creatures they just kept tormenting me like like  i was a test subject in a lab experiment   gone wrong please stop it stop it  what the hell do you want from me   leave me alone that's when i closed  my eyes and had a nostalgic moment   almost like i went back in time i remember  opening my eyes and waking up to my bedroom i can't live like this anymore   my body was dripping with sweat and  my bed sheets were completely drenched   i was honestly convinced that that i was  living in an alternate reality trapped in a   never-ending nightmare taking my prescribed meds  really helped with my schizophrenic tendencies   as it would numb down the hallucinations  that i experienced on occasion   my parents understood my condition but my sister  jenny didn't me and her never got along growing up   as she would always tease me about my condition  well tease me about my other condition   i also have obsessive compulsive  disorder otherwise known as ocd   i had a disorder where i couldn't touch  taste nor bear the sight of pineapples i know this sounds quite bizarre but  it's haunted me throughout my existence it was a compulsion that i had developed at an  early age and have grown a great deal of disdain   for the tough segmented skin and the pointy leaves  was always something i fathom as to why one could   think such a thing was edible i always thought  a pineapple was equivalent to eating a porcupine   just a pointy object that humans  have to butcher down to consume as   understanding as my parents  were about my condition   i still feel like there was an underlying  favoritism towards my sister jenny i can   tell they enjoyed jenny's company more as she was  less high maintenance than myself to say the least growing up in the same household as her really  made me more uncomfortable than i already was   she would use my condition as  fuel for her bullying antics   i remember when i was in school jenny would  always text me when she arrived to pick me up   the annoying thing was that she  intentionally texted the pineapple emoji   as opposed to just texting i'm  here just to get under my skin   i remember another time where i invited  my friend stephen to come over to my place   hey jenny can you order some food for me and  steven what do you want anything but the thing you   know i don't like please how about i get you guys  a pizza and two drinks sound good yeah thanks sis dude is that your sister yeah why oh she's  hot i mean she's got a lot a lot of tattoos   shut up dude stop checking out my sister   hey dude i was just looking at her tattoos  she seems like a pretty cool person   you wouldn't be saying that if you lived with her  well i only need to live with her for one night ow   i was just joking sheesh about 30 minutes later  the pizza guy arrives and delivers the pizza   here you go boys eat up i open the  box only to discover a pepperoni pizza   topped with pineapples what the hell is this why  did you put pineapples on the pizza just tell your   friend to eat the pineapples duh all the other  toppings sucked you suck i wish you never lived it's been a couple months since that incident   my hatred for jenny has unfortunately  become far greater as time went on i was   honestly convinced she had a compulsion  herself for making my life a living hell there was this one occasion  where the final straw was drawn i remember watching tv in my bedroom when  i see jenny lurking behind the doorway   holding a sheet of paper she began waving  the paper at me while saying hey jake i   have two surprises i want to show you it'd be a  surprise if you moved out because i'd love that   don't be rude i have a drawing i made for you  what is it jenny then reveals a hand-drawn picture   of a pineapple with spongebob on it what the hell  is wrong with you why can't you stop tormenting me   i have one more surprise for you i got another  tattoo jenny then lowers the sheet of paper   revealing a tattoo of a pineapple on her chest  surprise get the hell out of my room you freak i hate her i hate her so much i hate her so  much i hate her so much a couple hours passed by   and it was time to go to bed i couldn't sleep  that night as my blood pressure felt like it   was at an all-time high i could feel my head  throb in pain as i became more irritated with   the thought of my sister's existence why the  hell would she get a tattoo of a pineapple   what kind of sister does that to her brother it  was about 1am in the morning when i ultimately   decided to go to jenny's room and confront  her about her derogatory behavior towards me   while approaching her room i can hear  jenny's voice subtly echo louder in my   head saying surprise over and over  again surprise surprise surprise i then open her bedroom door only to see  a pineapple sitting on top of her bed is this supposed to be another  stupid orchestrated prank   that's when i grabbed a pair of  scissors from the top of the nightstand   and began piercing the pineapple over and  over again stabbing and stabbing and stabbing good luck sleeping on top of this mess loser good morning it's time for school jenny wake up what the hell i i could have sworn it was a pineapple no  no no no no i didn't do anything it wasn't me i decided to close my eyes and  recite over and over again in my head   please be a dream please be  a dream please be a dream that's when i open my eyes again only  to see myself back inside a still cage   i was still in a white room surrounded  by hundreds of distorted creatures   but then my vision started becoming clearer  i realized that i wasn't in a cage i was in   a jail cell those distorted figures weren't  creatures they were men in orange jumpsuits i now remember i am in jail for the murder of my sister jenny this story happened to me on a saturday night it  happened when i was with my girlfriend who will   call lisa for the sake of the story i was sitting  on my bed watching tv while lisa was on her laptop   working on a school report for english class it  was due the following monday which kept her busy   on the laptop for the majority of the weekend  my parents were out of town so we had the house   to ourselves i'd just like to point out that  lisa and i were polar opposites from each other   i say this because she was a goth who fantasized  over dark and morbid kind of things i was the   complete opposite from that however our  different personalities didn't stop us   from pursuing a relationship with one another as  we've been together for about four months now i'd   also like to point out that lisa was extremely  socially awkward if she was talking to anyone   other than myself there was a time where i invited  her over to a family dinner with my parents   lisa was understandably a bit shy at first  but as the night progressed it turned out   to be less awkward than i anticipated near  the end of dinner my dad asked lisa salisa   if you could have anything in the world  other than jack what would it be um   i don't know if i feel comfortable answering that  what do you mean what else would you want other   than my son harold stop it sweetie you can tell  us only if you want i could tell lisa was getting   uncomfortable about the impromptu interrogation  my parents decided to have by the look on her face   well it's complicated to be honest i was  a little taken back by that statement as   i thought i knew everything about her i decided  to chime in saying uh what do you mean lisa things   took a total 180 when lisa says don't you guys  wish you could resurrect your dead loved ones   uh sure i mean i guess i would my family found  lisa quite bizarre since that day but oddly enough   accepted her for who she was fast forward to now  and that statement that lisa made would all make   sense to me lisa was tired of the monotony of  a report so we decided to head to the balcony   i remember both of us being out of our minds while  gazing out into the horizon midway through lisa   offhandedly makes an odd remark saying it would  be pretty cool if i could see todd again todd was   lisa's ex i found this quite strange that  she would say such a thing considering   the fact that we were both dating each other i  assumed she was out of her mind but sadly that   didn't stop me from giving her a piece of my mind  i agitatedly said fine go see him then it's not   like i ever liked you lisa then gives me a death  stare like she wanted to throw me off the balcony   i stare back at her while i casually take another a long pause of awkward silence occurred  but then i had a nostalgic moment   i remembered lisa mentioning something  about todd passing away just before we dated   his cause of death was due to  undisclosed reasons i won't get into everything lisa was saying all made sense now  she was just expressing that she wanted to   see todd again since he was no longer here  with us i attributed my lack of memory to   being in my mind which helped made the mishap more  plausible so i extend my arm to pass the talisa she then slaps the out of my hand and aggressively  says he was better than you anyway i had gotten   into arguments with lisa in the past but i could  tell she was at her boiling point this time she   then storms out of my place and immediately gets  into her car despite being wrong in the situation   i stupidly shouted from the balcony saying fine  have fun fishing on tinder loser she then flips   me the bird and begins driving off into the  distance i eventually head back to my bedroom   and continue to watch tv about five minutes later  i couldn't help but feel guilty about what i did   i then decided to text lisa saying please come  back to my house i'm not trying to fight i also   have a free place and more in case you forgot  a couple minutes go by and i get no reply   that's when i start becoming more anxious i kept  contemplating whether i should call lisa but   i didn't want to submit to the fact that i was  begging for her forgiveness i continued watching   television that's when i noticed lisa's laptop  sitting on my computer desk she had stormed off   and obviously forgot to take it with her i  noticed that lisa had left her school report   still open on a word document so i decided to  proofread it thinking it would be my silly way   of apologizing to her the report was titled  be with your loved ones even when they're dead   this wasn't that surprising as i knew the kind of  person lisa was but it was also disturbing due to   the circumstances that had just occurred on the  balcony i skimmed through the report and find lisa   talking about a relationship and how she wasn't  internally happy and needed some sort of closure   i became more and more anxious the further i read  into the report she goes into detail about her   past relationship with todd and how she misses him  tremendously as i skim through more of the report   i come across a part where lisa talks about  being able to reconnect with todd through a   satanic blog she found online to summarize what  she said it basically insinuated that you would   have to go to the last spot where the person  died and died the same way that way you'll be   able to reconnect with them in the afterlife  i begin panicking and call lisa's cell phone   she then picks up the phone and says what do  you want in a voice full of disdain and hatred   i try to pretend like i knew nothing about the  report and say please come back i'm sorry about   everything that happened i'm sorry about what  i said there's no coming back from this jack   that's when i hear the sound of  a train honking from a distance   my heart dropped and i yelled lisa where the  hell are you where i should have been all along i could hear the train getting louder and  louder like it was coming with a full head of   steam towards her direction i began shouting lisa  get the hell out of there lisa please i'm sorry   desperately trying to stop her from  what i knew she was about to do   lisa i'm sorry okay get the hell out of there  please oh lisa please i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm   sorry lisa please i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry  please come back i'm sorry i'm sorry i was such   an awful boyfriend i'm sorry lisa she then said  see you again todd no now lisa please i'm sorry this is a true story from when i was 18 years  old it still creeps me out just thinking about   it it all started when i was heading home from  my friend jason's house it was about 3 am in the   morning so it was pretty dark outside i was  walking towards a bus stop to catch the blue   night bus that ran during after hours my friend  didn't really reside within a suburban area he   was more or less closer to the downtown region  that meant there were a lot of random weirdos   strolling around the streets which definitely  made me a little uncomfortable to say the least   they're uncomfortable i have to sleep out here  i decided to wait inside the glass shelter of a   nearby bus stop as i regretted my decision to  take the bus this late at night as opposed to   just calling an uber i couldn't help but notice  the dozens of flyers stuck up on the glass of the   shelter they were scattered everywhere all varying  from different things like job postings rooms for   rent that kind of thing there was this one flyer  that really caught my attention it was a picture   of an older gentleman doing a peace gesture with  his left hand the title of the posting was called   easy three hundred dollars in one day call me  i decided to read further into the flyer as   the thought of making an easy three hundred  dollars in one day seemed like a bargain one   couldn't refuse the flyer had a description which  read if you are looking to make a quick three   hundred dollars then you come to the right place  this job entails the assistance of cleaning slash   chores for a period of 12 hours call my cell phone  in the details provided below if you're interested   regards philippe i was a part-time college student  so any extra money would have definitely been   beneficial to me i decided to take a plunge at  the opportunity so i took a picture of the flyer   as i see a night bus arriving towards my stop as  i boarded the bus i refrained from calling the job   posting as i didn't want to wake the employer up  so i ultimately decided to text the number instead   my text read hello please contact this number as  i'm interested in the job presented in your flyer   about 10 seconds later after sending the text  i get a call from an unknown number i assume   it was the guy in the job posting so i answer  it hello a man answered back hey you interested   in the job uh is this philippe from the 300 a  day posting yes yes it is what's your name kid   um john sir how are you he completely disregards  my question and says you mind coming over right   now kid sir it's kind of late for that can we do  tomorrow listen listen i know it's very late at   night but both my wife and grandma are sick so  i could use a helping hand as soon as possible   i felt really uncomfortable knowing this guy  was trying to guilt-trip me into coming over   to his house mind you it was approximately 3 am  in the morning which made the thought of going   that much more absurd i tell him sir if we  can arrange this for tomorrow it would be   much more convenient for me kid john listen if  you come right now i will pay you double 600   take it or leave it whether the man was bribing me  or not i unwisely took the bait i ended up saying   i'm on my way i'll be there in about a half an  hour while simultaneously getting off the bus to   call an uber i ended up getting dropped off at the  address provided within the flyer and immediately   began second guessing my decision while standing  in front of the house i get a call on my cell   phone it was from an unknown number again i  answer it and say hello hey johnny can you see me   no sir where are you look at the window  i'm looking at it but i don't see you sir   look a bit closer i'm looking dead at you uh where  sir i get startled by a firm grasp on my shoulder   oh i'm sorry john i didn't mean to scare you i  thought you could see my reflection in the window   anyways please allow me to show you inside my  house uh thank you philippe you can call me   creep creep why would i call you creep it's  a nickname that my mom gave me as a young boy   all my close friends call me that so  i'd appreciate it if you did the same   uh okay felipe i mean creep i mean  we are technically friends now right   uh yeah sure very well then let me show you inside  john we end up going inside and i can't help but   notice the amount of dolls lying around his house  it honestly looked like he was a hoarder that had   an obsession over dolls i decided to ask him why  do you have so many dolls it's just a collection   that i've accumulated from my childhood aren't  they precious john i've built a special bond   with these guys i'll never feel alone again  you know at this point i was pretty convinced   that the name crete was actually his biological  name due to the creepy vibes he was given off   i see well what exactly does this job entail well  for starters my grandma and wife are unfortunately   ill so i have to take care of them since they're  in bed all the time if you don't mind me asking   what's wrong with them well my grandma has  parkinson's so she's unable to function without   my assistance my wife sadly got into a tragic  car accident after her dance rehearsal she's   pretty much paralyzed in her legs and can't walk  so i now have to take care of her as well oh i'm   sorry to hear that she was so beautiful before the  accident i'm unbelievably lucky to be with such a   beauty like her we got married and had about  100 people there it was the best wedding ever   sorry if i'm getting carried away no worries  what would you like me to do for now you can   start by vacuuming the house just don't go inside  the bedrooms because that's going to disturb   my grandma and wife's sleep a couple minutes  later i begin vacuuming the hallway upstairs   the bedroom doors were slightly open so i could  vaguely view the inside of it i remember seeing   a glimpse of a woman sleeping on a bed which i  assumed to be his wife it was unfortunate to see   her like that as she was quite beautiful from  what i was able to see i noticed the man was in   the other bedroom having a conversation with his  grandma so i continued vacuuming without drawing   too much attention towards his direction have you  been feeling better are you okay the next part of   the story is what sends chills down my spine the  man asked me to put the vacuum down and meet his   grandma as i approach the inside of the bedroom  i see a creepy life-sized doll laying on the bed   i unhesitatingly ask him uh where's your  grandma john don't be rude this is my grandma   i felt my heart fall to my stomach when he said  that i honestly wanted to get the hell out of   there but i didn't want to potentially put my life  in danger so i just went along with it and said   nice to meet you he then said my grandma thinks  you're really handsome and you should come over   more often uh sure i'll definitely come over  more often my grandma wants me to grab her some   mcdonald's why don't you continue vacuuming the  place while i do that uh sure sir i mean creep the   man then hands me an envelope and says here's your  six hundred dollars thanks for being there for us   uh yeah no problem i then continue vacuuming  the hallway as the man exits the house   i need to get the hell out of here this guy is  a psycho as i dropped the vacuum on the floor i   peeked inside the bedroom of where the man's wife  was sleeping to be honest i felt really skeptical   about leaving her there so i shouted ma'am is  everything okay can you hear me ma'am are you okay   can you hear me she didn't say anything she  honestly looked like she was heavily sedated   off the meds i saw on top of the nightstand i  end up leaving the house and catching an uber   i eventually make it home and remember the  man had gave me the 600 in an envelope thank   god i made it out of there at least i made an  easy 600 bucks i opened the envelope only to   see six pieces of paper each piece had a poorly  drawn face with a hundred dollars written on it   i shouted in anger what the hell is this i  contemplated on giving the man a piece of   my mind but i honestly didn't want any further  conflict with this psycho just before heading   to bed that night i got a call from an unknown  number it was quite obvious that it was the creep   so i ignored it and never looked back it's been  a couple months since that creepy experience   i haven't gotten any more calls from that unknown  number since i was strolling around with my phone   one day when i got a notification that someone  followed me on instagram i noticed it was the   creep from the avatar picture on his profile  i was pretty freaked out that he was able to   track me down since he only knew my first name and  we haven't contacted each other since i noticed   he had only one post so i clicked it it was a  picture of the woman in the creep on the same bed   she looked sedated while wearing a wedding veil  the creep had his arm around her while there   were hundreds of dolls surrounding the two the  caption read the best wedding and audience ever she was so beautiful before the accident i'm  unbelievably lucky to be with such a beauty   like her we got married and had about 100  people there it was the best wedding ever i live alone in a small house in canada and  this all happened about six and a half years ago   i opened my front door one morning to  go and get some groceries and found the   strangest thing waiting for me outside lying  on my doorstep was a small usb flash drive   almost stepped on the damn thing  who'd put that there i thought   it was just your generic usb stick no label or  anything no way to know who it came from well   i did what anyone else would do took  it inside and plugged it into my pc   the device was full of pictures in fact  nothing but pictures dozens of them   i opened the first one and clicked through them  in order the first few were just shots from around   town general places that i recognized the fourth  image was taken on our town's busiest street   in the image the street was full of people  but there was somebody in it that caught my   attention immediately me the image showed me in  amongst the crowd just minding my own business   well this was a small town was it just  a coincidence that i was in the picture   the fifth image had been taken on the same day   again it was taken in our town again i was in  it the photographer was closer to me this time   whoever had taken these pictures of  me i hadn't noticed them at the time   next came several more pictures of me in various  locations around town then something more chilling   a photo of a house my house it was night time  in the image and the living room light was on   i clicked through to the next picture it was  another image of my house this time taken even   closer through the living room window you could  see me sitting on the couch watching television   i could tell from the clothes i was wearing that  it had been taken the night before i had no idea   that somebody had been outside watching me i  kept clicking through the images on the drive   photo after photo of me inside my house taken from  just outside my window because it was so light   inside and so dark outside i was totally unable to  see that somebody was watching me from out there   i couldn't see them but they could see me clear  as they didn't even need to use the flash on   their camera after 20 or so photos of just me  inside my house there came a real curveball   an image taken from inside my hallway the man or  woman or whoever was taking these pictures of me   had been inside my house the night before   there were photos of my living room now lightless  and empty obviously taken after i'd gone to sleep   photos of my kitchen of my dining area my  stairwell and several taken as the unknown person   ascended my stairs towards where i was sleeping  my brain started to run wild with thoughts about   who had been following me had i wrung someone in  the past said the wrong thing to the wrong guy   was this just some weirdo who decided to target me  were they armed when they came to pay me a visit   whatever the case somebody had come inside my  house at night and taken pictures of all of the   rooms including my bedroom the second to last  photo was of me fast asleep in my bed totally   oblivious to the person in my home the final image  was just of a handwritten note framed in close-up   the message on it simply read never hide a spare  key under your doormat i've since moved house this story happened a couple years ago when  i was in my early teens it all started when   i went to the movies with my friend sam to  go see the world premiere of the dark knight   the movie garnered a lot of notoriety at  the time obviously due to heath ledger's   leading role as the joker i personally  thought it was the greatest movie i had   ever seen considering i've seen almost  every batman movie that ever existed   i decided to buy some dark knight merchandise  at the vendor booth located in the theater   what appealed most was how cheap the batman masks  were selling for i didn't have a halloween costume   picked out for october yet and neither did my  friend sam we both collectively purchased one   mask each and figured it would make for an easy  costume to trick-or-treat with i can honestly say   it was an astronomical improvement from the cliche  bed sheet over the head ghost i was last year fast forward to october 31st me and sam both wore  batman masks and began going door to door looking   for an opportunity to fill our candy sacks faster  than any other trick-or-treater on the block   trick or treat well happy halloween batman i mean  batman that's it lame get the hell off my property   ungrateful twerps the majority of the houses were  pretty generous with the exception of a few bad   apples to say the least on this particular night  there wasn't many houses that had their lights on   which generally meant that they didn't really  celebrate halloween or in other words they weren't   giving out candy me and sam were understandably  upset considering we'd been walking for at least   an hour i continued trick-or-treating  while sam began to head home through   the pit located in the middle of the neighborhood  why didn't i just stay home and watch spongebob   the pit was just a fancy nickname for the  forest reserve which was generally used for   nature walks during the day but me and sam went  there solely for the sake of a shortcut home   i began walking about half a block down when  i see more houses without their lights on   screw this i'm going home i eventually approached  the pit while beating myself over the head for not   leaving at the same time as sam as i entered the  pit i instantly had second thoughts of taking the   longer route as this route seemed nothing short of  irresponsible and dangerous i ultimately decided   to man up and continue walking through the pit as  i didn't want to prolong my already dreadful night   why the hell did i have to take this route i can  barely see anything i knew i should have dressed   up as a skateboarder i would have been home  already i remember the pit being so dark to the   point where i could virtually see nothing except  for whatever my cell phone light was illuminating what the hell was that i began walking faster as  i could hear faint sounds of what sounded like a   maniac clown laughing what the hell who's  there who's there at this point i was so   petrified i instinctively dropped my candy due  to the adrenaline rush flowing through my body   i couldn't care less about the candy as i  genuinely felt like my life was in danger that's when i saw the source of the  laughter standing a few feet in front of me   it was a man dressed as the joker from  the batman movie i saw previously he   honestly looked like an exact replica of heath  ledger's with a hint of blood on his costume   what made this more disturbing  was how casual his demeanor was   he just stood there smiling at me like my  appearance was amusing to him i didn't want to   express the fear i felt internally so i tried to  playfully marvel at his costume and say hey there   i really like your joker costume no matter  how hard i tried to keep a composed poker face   my body language and mannerisms couldn't help  but show the fear that blood inside of me   he then took a couple steps closer to me as i  began to cautiously take a few steps backwards hey man what the hell do you want  from me why so serious happy halloween   the man surprisingly walks past me  while i watch him in complete shock   what the hell was that was that some real  life joker at this point i continued walking   home while looking back every two seconds to  make sure the man wasn't lurking behind me   i eventually make it home and watch a couple  of youtube videos trying to forget the creepy   encounter that just took place that's when my  dad pops into my room and asks me to answer the   house phone hey mark answer the house phone hello  hey mark is sam still with you that's when i felt   my heart dropped to my stomach uh no he left to  go home way before i did oh my god why would you   leave without him he's not even home sam's parents  end up calling the police which resulted in an   entire block search party what came of such an  innocent halloween night turned into a nightmare   sam's remains were eventually found in the pit  with his face lacerating to an exaggerated smile   and his head decapitated from his body  i haven't trick-or-treated since and   i still live with the regret of not leaving at the  same time as my friend i informed law enforcement   about the bizarre encounter with the man i saw  that night call it speculation or whatever you   want but i know the death of my friend sam  had something to do with that sick man or   should i say the joker my god why did you take my  son for me police are looking for any witnesses   to come forward in the connection of a deadly  homicide of a teen the victim's remains were   found at the local park observatory the suspect  is described to be approximately six feet tall   caucasian and was last seen wearing purple attire  with a green vest and tie police say the suspect   is described to have face paint imitating the  joker from the blockbuster hit the dark knight   if anyone has any tips please contact your local  law enforcement and you shall remain anonymous   all right karen back to you trick or treat  well happy halloween batman i mean batman   that's it lame dude they held  off my proper ungrateful twerps so this story happened to my mum's friend in korea  about 10 years ago every time i hear this story   i still get chills my mum's friend lived  in an apartment complex in seoul she was   a stay-at-home mother with a young daughter  and her husband was working during the days   one day she was coming home from running errands  with her daughter and got onto the elevator in her   building when she got inside the elevator  she noticed there was a man wearing a cap   and a yellow raincoat and he kept his head  low so she couldn't really see his face she immediately felt really uneasy and  she made her daughter stand by her side   the side farthest away from the man what made her feel even more uncomfortable  was when she pressed the button for her floor   there was no other lit number and on top of that   she noticed that he was carrying something wrapped  inside newspaper close to his side things started   to click in my mum's friend's head and she started  to panic and decided to take out her cell phone   and pretend she was calling home to her husband  who was obviously really not at home but at work   she started saying things like oh i'm  on the elevator and about to get off   can you get the door for me and making it  seem like her husband was waiting at home when the elevator did reach her floor she quickly  got off and grabbed her daughter and started to   walk as fast as she could to her apartment she  noticed that the man also got off on her floor and   was slowly following her down the hallway when my  mum's friend got to her door she started banging   on it really loudly and shouting hey yobo i'm home  please open the door yobo means husband or dear   she was kind of pretending like  he was coming to open the door   upon seeing this the man in the yellow raincoat  started to walk away back towards the elevator   when he seemed to be far enough away my mum's  friend quickly picked up her daughter and slid   open her door's passcode thingy this is usually  how people get into their homes in korea and she   started to frantically punch in her key code but  the problem was that the buttons would make sounds   so that the man knew that no one was going to  answer the door for her and he turned around   and started to run back towards her my mum's  friend at this point was practically screaming   and the first thing she did when she opened  the door was throw her daughter inside when she got inside herself she saw that the  man was practically inches away from the door   but she managed to shut it and lock it  just before he could wedge his hand or a   weapon in through the door afterwards  looking through the door's peephole   she saw that the man was walking  away back towards the elevator several months pass and my mom's  friend was watching the news   and there was a coverage on the capture of a  serial killer named you young chul who used to   kill a lot of prostitutes she told my mum that she  could never forget the dread she felt when she saw   the all too familiar yellow raincoat and the same  hat that he was wearing when he was apprehended   the person who submitted this story has included  a wiki page on you young chul in case anyone was   curious it also details all of his killings a link  to this page can be found in the description below i will never look at life the same way after  what i experienced it still bothers me just   thinking about it it happened a while ago  when i was working as a cashier at starbucks   i worked part time as there was unfortunately not  enough hours available so moving out of my parents   house wasn't the easiest endeavor to accomplish my  parents always nagged at me for the latter part of   the day which always had me stressed out they  would always send subliminal jabs alluding to   me moving out i'll never forget the time my  dad confronted me while i was doing laundry   hey jason can you ask for a raise at work  i can't exactly do that dad i'd probably   get fired if i tried that well can't you  work somewhere else then i'm gonna need   your room soon because i plan to make it  charlie's room charlie was my baby brother   well can't charlie stay in your room a little  longer i said i'm gonna need your room damn it   well where the hell am i supposed to stay then  figure it out you've had plenty of time now   i've always avoided going home right after  work especially after confrontations like that   i would much rather procrastinate at work after  my shift was done just to avoid the inevitable   arguments that awaited me sounded like a better  deal anyway it'd been a few weeks since the tents   clash with my dad my life had been a little  bit more bearable since i started going to   this local karaoke bar located down the street  from my workplace i would make it a routine to   go there after work just to instill a little more  enthusiasm in my already dull life i was a regular   so i knew all the employees on a first name basis  what you drinking tonight hot stuff i'll get the   usual sally wait a minute it's you again jason  right yep me again good to see you again jason   one order coming right up thanks sally i really  enjoyed coming here as it was the perfect place   for guests to lounge with just a small admission  fee the bar always held live performances from   various bands so there was usually a decent  sized crowd always in attendance ladies and   gentlemen here is the final performance of the  night please give it up for the lovely katie hey kid doesn't she have the prettiest eyes you've  ever seen uh yeah she's definitely a pretty gal   katie had a lot of die-hard fans that would show  up to support her she was really attractive which   made older men look like young teenage boys  fanboying over her i've had the privilege   of chatting with katie after her shows before but  this time i mustered up the courage to ask her out   hey katie it's me again who are you jason we met  on several occasions after performances i'm a big   fan of your voice thanks jason i really appreciate  it i think you're the best singer ever and you're   really gorgeous uh thank you i was wondering if  we could potentially exchange oh jason all you men   are alike i bet you just want to see what i look  like without my clothes right uh no i mean yeah   katie nonchalantly takes my cell phone and begins  punching in her contact information holy crap   this is actually happening i must be dreaming  here you go jason hope to chat with you more   definitely baby i mean kate i mean katie as i  was on my way home i decided to be ballsy and   give katie a good night text i then noticed she  had given me a link to her only fan's page as   opposed to her phone number what the hell is this  well at least i might get to see some nudes i've   personally never used and only fans before but  if there was going to be someone's account i was   going to check out it'd be katie's i eventually  make it home and open up her page on my computer   browser a subscription of 10 bucks a month netflix  doesn't even charge that much i unfortunately   didn't have the funds to purchase such things but  my curiosity was what put the nail in the coffin   i took out my credit card and shamefully typed  in the details on the site i was now officially   subscribed to katie's only fans account i began  scrolling around seeing a lot of mature content   throughout her page i can honestly say it wasn't  the most regretful decision i ever made as i got   to see a different side of katie or should i say a  different side of my long time crush oh yeah this   is what i'm talking about throughout the night  i continued to browse through more of katie's   content till it was time to head to bed it'd been  a couple of weeks since that whole ordeal occurred   i still worked as a cashier at starbucks and  made it a routine to go to the karaoke bar after   work everything had pretty much been the same  except i hadn't seen or heard about katie since   i couldn't help but feel like i had some sort of  role in katie's sudden disappearance from the bar   so i decided to snoop around our only fans once  again later that night i had katie's only fans   open on my computer the monthly subscription i  had paid for previously was still in effect so   i could still view her content there were five  observations i accumulated right off the bat   the first observation was that her status  said active five minutes ago i assumed she   had lost interest in the singing gig and was  pursuing the only fan's endeavor solely now   the second observation was that she began  to wear sunglasses in all her recent photos   hmm interesting the third observation  was that her photos were being taken in   an old wooden cellar not the aesthetic  bedroom that she once previously had   the fourth observation was that all  her pre-existing content was deleted   why the hell would she get rid of everything  the only thing left on katie's page was three   photos of her posing with sunglasses the last  observation was the one that struck me the most   i could tell the recent pictures were being  taken by someone due to the shadow presented   in the photos call me sherlock holmes  if you will but i had my suspicions that   something just wasn't right i decided to direct  message katie saying hey it's me jason from the   karaoke bar i'm not sure if you remember me but i  wanted to know why don't you perform there anymore   about 10 minutes go by and i get no reply she  probably gets a thousand messages i bet she'll   reply to this though that's when i decided to  bribe katie by sending a convincing message saying   hey if i tipped you five bucks could you send me a  video of yourself smiling on camera about a minute   later i surprisingly got a response from katie  showing a hidden video with an option of unlock   for five dollars i end up accepting the purchase  only to see a video of katie wearing sunglasses   she just stood in one spot not saying anything i  then heard a male voice in the background saying   smile for the camera you vermin katie  then involuntarily puts on this bizarre   and unnatural smile almost like she was  a cartoon character from a disney movie   i felt really disturbed from what i was witnessing  i decided to continue the game of charades and say   if i give you five more bucks could you send me  a video of yourself kissing the friend you're   with about five minutes had passed and i got no  reply i honestly thought katie was done with my   pathetic games until i got another message of a  hidden video with a five dollar price tag on it   i hesitantly unlocked the video only to  see a disturbing clip of katie saying   he's not my friend don't ever say he's my friend  because he's not he's more than that to me   he's my everything he's my one and  only love that's my good girl oh   yeah the young boy wanted some kissing  action let's make his money's worth shall we i felt sick to my stomach i then realized that  the gentleman's appearance stood out to me like   i recognized him from somewhere i couldn't exactly  pinpoint where i knew him from but he definitely   looked familiar to me the man then said i bet  you'd love to see katie's beautiful eyes win   wouldn't you oh i'm gonna make this  your best five dollars ever spent   that's when the man removed the sunglasses from  katie's face revealing her eye sockets with both   eyeballs missing that's when i exited my web  browser and immediately turned off my computer   what the hell was that that was wrong  on so many levels i decided to head to   bed and call it a night hoping to sleep off  the nightmare i just witnessed first hand   it's been a couple months since the incident  had occurred i haven't seen katie's only fan's   account since as i assume she deleted it  or should i say that man in the video did   i haven't told anyone about this and quite  frankly i don't know what to do i still   go to the karaoke bar with an optimistic  attitude that one day i'll see katie again falling for you i can't keep away   are you listening i want you to stay  before you go i want you to know hey kid doesn't she have the prettiest  eyes you've ever seen four years this all took place a couple of years back  i was walking my dog through a local park   late one night and decided to take a  little break on one of the park benches   i sat down and immediately  felt something under my butt   it was a usb flash drive which had either  been forgotten or abandoned by somebody   i waited around for maybe five minutes to  see if somebody would come back and claim it   nobody did so i just put it in my pocket like i  said it was late at night so the park's lost and   found area was closed i plan to head back there in  the morning before work and hand it over maybe the   owner might come by and collect it a student  who had some work assignments on it i figured   as i sat at home my curiosity got the better of me  and i decided to take a quick look at what was on   the usb i plugged it into my computer and checked  its contents strange there was only one file on   the usb an excel file of all things some porsche  muk must have lost this thing after its first use   the file was simply titled little black  book needless to say i opened the document   it was just a large collection  of names addresses and numbers   mr x tudor hill drive 52 750  mrs y springfield avenue 47 300   dr z deacon street 52 200 etc the list ran on and  on probably 40 or 50 names and addresses in total   at least 25 of them have been highlighted  in red the rest were just in black strange   why would someone go through the trouble of making  an excel file with all this information in it   then saving it onto an empty usb is the only  file were these someone's clients someone's   friends had no idea and what were the  numbers next to each name supposed to mean   they were all in the same  ballpark between 30 and 60 000   and i decided to dig a little deeper and  look up a few of the names and addresses   just to save my curiosity you know i  started with a couple of the names in black   it looked like these really were  real people and their real addresses   okay still didn't give any indication  about what the numbers meant though   i looked up one of the names in red mr  x that's when things took a darker turn   mr x was indeed a real person and the  address listed was indeed his but he had   passed away a few years back under mysterious  circumstances the same was true of mrs y dr z   and all the other names listed in red on  the document they'd all perished either   under mysterious circumstances or through some  sort of unfortunate accident starting to worry   that this usb might have belonged to someone in  the cleanup business so to speak i began to put   the pieces of the puzzle together and figured  i knew what the numbers next to each name meant   they were the amount that the people had  been contracted for this was a hit list i immediately called up the authorities and handed  the usb over to them telling them where i'd found   it and what the information pertained to and they  took it from there and i haven't heard anything   else about it since had somebody left the usb on  the bench intentionally for somebody else to come   and collect or had it simply fallen out of the  owner's pocket i still don't know probably never   will but i'm glad that nobody came by that park  bench during those five minutes i waited around   it was dark the park was completely empty and  the owner or collector really wouldn't have   wanted that usb to fall into somebody else's  hands who knows what they might have done i've been holding on to this for a couple of years  now and feel like i need to get it off my chest   i had a few years to digest this and now i'm ready  to share my story with the world i wish to remain   anonymous so for the sake of this story my name  will be danny the details of the story remain   vivid but somewhat foggy as i try to reminisce  on the distant memories that occurred a couple   of years ago it all started when me and my parents  resided together in an old town house which was   located in a neighborhood notorious for having  a high crime rate i never liked living there and   neither did my parents but it was the only thing  that we could afford at the time my parents were   a little rough around the edges considering they  had both been through a lot in their younger years   my dad has had a few run-ins with the law while my  mom lost both her parents at a very young age so   seeing them edgy at times didn't phase me at  all well i'm doing my best all right can you do   something else what you're doing isn't working i'd  like to see you do better we'll do better damn it   shut the hell up already i'm tired of hearing you  nag all day you shut up you bum almost every night   i could hear the constant back and forth bickering  that occurred for hours on end between my parents   they would always fight over what i assumed  to be financial related issues which had only   gotten worse over the years my parents both didn't  really make much money on their respective jobs so   hearing them argue was almost a daily occurrence  i was always scared that things would turn violent   especially with the way these two went at  it i remember one night i was in my bed   trying to induce myself to sleep by watching  a couple of youtube videos on my cell phone   i could hear the usual shouting match coming from  the kitchen downstairs it honestly sounded like   they were at the point where they were going to  be in a physical altercation i pressed my ear   against my bedroom door and can hear the distant  bickering become more hostile between my parents   i can make out my mom saying if you don't get a  real job i'm taking danny and we're moving out   what in the hell are you talking about he doesn't  even like you shut up shut up shut the hell up   i remember hearing sounds of my  mom opening up the kitchen drawers   which led me to assume she was searching for  something sharp and potentially do the unthinkable   that's when i decided to head downstairs and  mediate the feud to hopefully put it to rest   as i approach the kitchen i could see my mom  holding a huge knife and an overhand grip   the kind of grip that someone uses  in preparation of stabbing someone   i can also see my dad holding one of the dining  room chairs in which i assumed was his defense   mechanism what are you doing here danny didn't  i tell you never to leave your room unless you   have to use the washroom i'm sorry mom but i  heard you and go to your room you little turd   don't call him that don't tell me what to do  you mother mom please don't kill dad i said   go to your room danny leave danny  alone and put the knife away helen that's when my mom began piercing a  family portrait of us except she's   only piercing the portion with my  dad's face mom stop please stop it it's been a couple weeks after  the whole saga had occurred   my parents ended up getting a divorce which  unfortunately left me to reside with my mother   the court unfortunately ruled that my mom  would be in favor of getting custody of me   due to my dad's criminal history with the law  i honestly contemplated on running away due to   how much i dreaded living with her especially  with how toxic and controlling her behavior was   i would spend most of my time locked in my bedroom  sulking on why i couldn't live a normal life like   the rest of the younger individuals in my  neighborhood why in the hell do i have to   live with her why couldn't i just live with dad  he was always the better parent i can't stand her   i wish she were dead what made this even worse was  the fact that i had a curfew during my school days   i didn't even have time to join any after-school  clubs or sports teams due to the simple fact   that i was too worried about not making it  home on time i remember my mom locked me out   of the house for several hours due to the  fact that i was five minutes past my curfew   the one thing i found even more aggravating  was how my mom permanently banned me from   going to the local chuck e cheese restaurant  located down the street from my residence   for those that aren't familiar with chuck  e cheese it's a restaurant that has arcade   games and playrooms for younger crowds such as  myself i enjoyed going there as it would bring   back fond memories of when me and my dad used to  go i usually went to chuck e cheese every time   it was my birthday just as a tradition my dad  established when we all used to live together   but all of that is gone now my mom took my entire  childhood away from me which i find equivalent to   ripping my heart out of my chest she selfishly  didn't want me going because she didn't want me   to be reminded of my dad's existence the rules  and restrictions i had to abide by really made   it difficult to make any friends which put me in a  dark state of mind for the latter part of my life   there was one night where i decided to  approach my mom and convince her to bring   me to chuck e cheese for my upcoming birthday  i honestly cared more about chuck e cheese than   my actual birthday itself which is why i  ended up using it as an excuse to go there   hey mom can we please go to chuck e cheese  for money no danny i already told you this   but it's for my birthday no no no no no i  anticipated the rebuttal my mom was going   to throw at me but that didn't stop me  from being persistent with my request   after a few tears and relentless pleading my  mom eventually caved in and agreed to take me   there on my birthday the exhilaration of going to  chuck e cheese after all these months was honestly   something i would compare to an inmate getting  released from jail i felt so excited to the point   where i didn't even care about anything else  just me and the place that i once grew to love   my birthday eventually arrived and it was time  for me to finally visit chuck e cheese once again   it was about the evening time so the  venue was usually packed to full capacity   i couldn't help but marvel at what was in front of  me as i genuinely felt i was a kid in a candy shop   pinch me i must be dreaming i immediately started  playing the arcade games while my mom wandered off   to grab some food i remember being so hungry  but at the same time so infatuated with every   arcade game that was in front of me i couldn't  help but indulge in countless games as i knew   this could be my very last time at chuck e cheese  that's when i felt a strange tap on my shoulder   i turned towards the direction of where i felt  the tap only to see a large chuck e-cheese rat   mascot hovering over me i was a little alarmed  that the mascot would approach me considering   there were hundreds of guests in attendance  uh hey chucky the mascot didn't say anything   he just stood there staring at  me with his big elongated eyes   i noticed he had red stains on his costume which  i assumed to be pizza stains but then i noticed   the stains had transferred onto the shoulder  area of my shirt from the tap he did earlier   i now knew that these were definitely not pizza  stains they had to be blood stains of some sort   chucky is she gone yeah she is here take my  hand danny i missed you dad i missed you too son uh you
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 3,051,077
Rating: 4.8137007 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horro stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 12 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: eRE4Eb8x-8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 29sec (4709 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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