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[Music] [Music] this story happened when my girlfriend lindsay resided in tokyo japan for a teaching abroad occupation she taught english to foreigners for a fairly decent pay i personally wasn't too cultivated by the idea as the thought of lindsay being in a foreign country by herself really stressed me out i can't wait for you to fly over yeah me too babe hey can you please make sure your doors are locked i already locked it silly stop being so paranoid i know i'm being paranoid i just i just want you to be safe okay don't worry i am being away from lindsay definitely took a toll on my health as i would constantly get anxious from worrying about her safety knowing that i didn't have the capability of protecting her from any unlawful perpetrators always gave me extreme anxiety which is why my doctor prescribed an inhaler for me to use every time i felt the symptoms get out of hand i didn't do too well with long distance relationships but i really wanted to support lindsay in her career endeavors i'd fly over there on occasion usually around the holidays when work wasn't so strenuous for the both of us i remember spending the majority of my time watching the rather odd japanese game shows while lindsay and her roommate saki would do after hours work from home staying in japan was quite the culture shock i wasn't used to the eastern lifestyle but the longer i stayed there the more accustomed i became or i should say the more comfortable i felt with lindsay stay there being halfway across the world made me adjust my sleeping schedule as i made it my duty to video chat lindsay every day at exactly 3 a.m in the morning 3 a.m over here was equivalent to 5 p.m over there according to the time zone difference i'd make it a routine to catch lindsay after her work shift was done even if that cost me a few hours of sleep you guys doing anything for halloween yep sake and i are probably going bar hopping that sounds nice i wish i could be there we'll talk later saki's calling me seeing that lindsay had a roommate to acquaint herself with gave me a little peace of mind a lot of my friends were well aware of how concerned i was about lindsay's well-being so much so that they would message me encouraging words to help cheer me up but all of that changed one night when i got a message from one of my close colleagues from school i opened the message and read hey craig i know you're concerned about lindsay so i thought you might want to check this link out it was a link to a forum titled is teaching abroad in japan safe i hesitantly clicked the link only to see the forum containing a large threat of positive comments saying stuff like teaching there was a great experience highly recommended or once you go japan you'll never need another plan stuff like that i then came across a user that posted a comment saying for those who are considering being a tutor in japan you might want to watch this first before you fully commit with a link right next to it i felt extremely skeptical clicking the link but my curiosity was too overbearing to withstand my compulsion so i clicked it i then saw a low-grade video of a woman with her hands bound to the ceiling while being completely wrapped in duct tape the woman was also wearing a plain white mask over her face with the word dog written on it i couldn't tell if this was a joke or some sort of sick snuff film until i saw a man approaching the woman holding a large machete i could hear this poor lady screaming in agony as he began to shout what is your name please sir please just let me go please just let me go what is your name my name is that's when i exited my web browser and instinctively video call lindsey it was about a quarter past three the time i usually video called her why now come on answer the video call dammit i assume she was still at work or possibly out with a roommate so i waited patiently for a return call at her convenience i decided to stroll around instagram for another hour or so till it was time to call it a night i noticed lindsay had posted a few pictures from the halloween night out she had a couple days ago it looked like a huge costume festival of some sort on the streets of japan that's when i spotted a shocking revelation in each of the photos presented i saw a man wearing the same god mask as in the snuff film i'd seen earlier nonchalantly masquerading in the background of the photos he was in every photo looking towards the direction of where the picture was being taken or should i say the direction of where my girlfriend and her roommate were that's when i get a video call from lindsay i unnervingly accept it and see what seemed to be lindsay and her roommate saki wearing white masks with the words dog 1 and dog 2 written on them hey why the hell are you guys wearing that i want to play a game guys who the hell is that they both stood there silent looking at the webcam almost like my words didn't have any significant purpose to them i then heard the man in the background saying transfer twenty thousand dollars to dog two's paypal account right now or else they both die what the hell is going on please leave them alone or i'll call the cops so be it dog two take out dog one now please don't let me do this do it dog two take out dog one now or else you're both getting taken out do it dog two take out dog one right now or else i'm taking you both out that's when lindsay raises a large kitchen blade in the air and stabbed saki in the neck i can hear her gargling her own blood while struggling to gasp for what seemed to be her last remaining breaths on earth dude please stop this i'm begging you i'll do anything you want just just please don't hurt my girlfriend that's when the voice in the background revealed himself only to unveil the same man wearing the god mask that i'd seen in the snuff film and instagram photos earlier he then grabbed lindsay by the forehead and raised a huge machete in the air saying transfer the money or else this dog gets put down too dude please i'm transferring the money right now that's when i grabbed my phone and immediately began to transfer twenty thousand dollars to lindsay's paypal account here here look i transferred twenty thousand dollars now now please can you let her go i did everything you wanted the man then approached the camera up close and began saying i'm just a guy trying to survive in this cold cold world i just do what i have to do to put food on my family's table you know just know that god has nothing to do with this what the hell i began a request for another video chat but there was no answer that's when i get two messages from lindsay's account i click the chat box and see an image of lindsey severed head on top of the computer desk the other image was a mean face with the caption gotcha you
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 503,279
Rating: 4.9191871 out of 5
Keywords: scary, animated stories, animated horror stories, scary animated story, scary story, mr nightmare‬, chillingtales‬, creepy story‬, horror‬, ‎horror story‬, creepypasta, halloween, scary stories, terrifying true story, horror movies, llama arts, halloween true stories, halloween stories, true scary story, true scary stories, nightmare, most scary story, haunted, short scary stories, long scary stories, scary cartoons
Id: FVbJel9Eik4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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