Glummy Glooma Compilation | True and the Rainbow Kingdom

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lummy okay I've heard that plumbing lives in a hollowed-out tree so let's be sharp and be on the lookout something sharp [Applause] [Music] he must be getting snacks ready for us happy heart steak lemme know he seems sadder than usual and I came all the way here to give you your very own happy heart oh joy okay nope you know Happy's not really my thing everyone see what do I do with it your happy heart looks kind of blue oh I broke it didn't I I'm sorry maybe try giving it a hug and think happy thoughts I don't know what that is happy thoughts are things that make you feel good go ahead think of your favourite things like balloons if you move crackers or baby mouth critters you never know unless you try fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] that doesn't usually happen does it I've never seen that happen it's like it's turned into an unhappy heart you did think of your favorite things didn't you Oh rain clouds melted ice cream oh no one in my swamp my very favorite things I've got a funny feeling about that blue heart let's keep an eye on it be just in case just in case the one with the super sad face like this things could start to get frowny so we need to follow it we'll be right back [Music] the Sun gets in my eyes and the birds are singing the same song over and over and over it all makes me so blue me I'm so very very glum and so gloomy and humdrum why won't people let me be I say Happy's overrated and it just makes me irritated I just wanna be so let me be where did you get that gloom sceptre glove me uncle grumpy gave it to me for my millionth birthday yay it wasn't the one I wanted [Music] [Applause] oh what's that horrible soup that's the emergency the stick is so bad it's driving everyone out of the park [Music] it's like I know I said you could walk your critter whenever you wanted use my pet now my mom cause it's pink oh isn't he cute excuse him oh sure but soon I'll stink oh no I have a Starfleet nose I can't smell anything right now why the stick Oh smell like a beautiful bunch of flowers even better whoa thinking a big fat like this would have more fun playing an inside game like checkers or charades or maybe just take a bath not really sting Colo speak outside and going for walks [Music] oh okay your dive was better hey these flowers to make stinko smell nicer great problem-solving Queen true [Music] nice flower blanket I liked it better when stinko stunk though wow these flowers are so beautiful thanks green Majesty drew your highness ma'am for days not working now well is it oh I don't know I think this poncho is pretty Kiki if we're gonna stop stinko from sticking up rainbow City we're gonna need some wish help right sweet sweet stay poncho [Music] goomy's tree was just up ahead wait a minute but you snotty who I think it is rainbow king groggy foggy day to you this is my Bartleby everyone's been gloom afire by the unhappy hearts and they're all here in the soggy bottom swamp the best part of being the only person who didn't like happy hearths day was being by myself this is terrible which is something I usually enjoy now even terrible is ruined for me wait ah that be hearts day is ruined it's supposed to be the happiest day of the year and we're supposed to share happy thoughts and make everyone happy maybe not everyone wants to be happy why wouldn't you want to be happy because I like being glum that's it what's it is it okay if I come join you I suppose Thank You Lonnie Wow yeah it's beautiful isn't it you right claw me this is beautiful call me if you had your own special day what would you want well I wouldn't be sunny well I don't like the Sun it hurts my eyes instead yeah that would be better I do like the fog it's so mysterious I don't like mysterious fog okay non mysterious fog what else hmm no chirpy birds yeah they hurt my ears sometimes especially when I just want to sleep in exactly I think your special day would just be different are you calling me different that's the best compliment I've had all day we can call it glum chums who like to be alone by themselves to wallow all day day CHUM's Dave for short that sounds great Oh blue my favorite color I can see why you won't get gonee it's beautiful and for me so is pink I love it because it makes me feel so happy and you like blue because it makes you feel so gloomy gloomy I've got an idea let's try something well okay just because it's you true are we [Music] [Music] [Music] like that it's so cute Purple Rain okay I guess it doesn't make me unhappy what's the big whoop about Grabel Applefest - anyway everyone is excited about the change of seasons the Claire the hay rides the leaf colors the coziness of bundling up don't forget the scarves the scarves but most importantly they can't be that good nothing's that good do you mean you've never eaten a Grabel Apple well I don't like trying new things but even you would like them ghulami they're sweet crunchy delicious Shh I'll be the judge of that [Music] sour hmm poppy I'm not delicious at all and I can't see why anyone would like these except me we told you they weren't ready their taste will change when they rapin no I don't want them to change they're perfect the way they are you're not saying what I think you're saying the fruit will stay sour and gravel Applefest is canceled what I thought you were saying no wait come back codes and bring your glorious shade with you no new sour drabble apples can be so black oh I wonder what else I've been missing out on why don't you let me show you some of the wonderful things in the kingdom that change how will I show off my new scarf in this heat Oh sir what happens if the treats don't drop their fruit and go to sleep Oh Deary me if the trees don't have their weight a nanny they'll be grumpy all next summer what does that mean break it down for me in terms of travel apples not only with their fruit be sour this year it'll be sour next year and the year after that then we have to help them have their winter nap maybe we can figure out a way to soothe the trees then they'll feel better and go to sleep it's possible [Music] [Music] [Music] you spread your gloom all around like this no but keeping it to myself would be a waste [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry cumulative pal and we should have warned you about how great that snow is [Music] how's your work going not so great I can't find anybody to play with pink oh I'm so sorry if I done my queenly duties right none of this would have happened but maybe I can fix it with some wish help [Music] [Applause] [Music] when Stingo goes past spreads him with her sweet smell [Applause] [Music] you smell good stink oh nice nice no fur [Applause] [Music] you mean better how long distinct last image or do you think okay we tried giving single a sweet smell but that didn't work so let's try getting rid of the stinky smell yeah I'd collect it all if I could that's what we she's gonna do [Music] [Music] okay whoosh I hope you've got space for a whole lot of state [Music] just one last snip [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it's terribly hardly it'll be a nice change of pace from all this cheeriness rain belton are you alright being around gloomy must be making me me too no matter what's there to be happy about anyway did I just say that she's heading to rainbow castle right now defy it this is bad be the Kings gotten gloomy we have to help him but what about whoosh I don't know how long you can hold that sweet sweet stink [Music] [Music] don't worry true maybe the happy heart will turn the unhappy heart pink and happy again [Music] or not [Music] come on team arrow follow that [Music] everything's coming up blue whoopee oh why aren't you just that tastiest looking little never berry perfect for making jam but I don't like jam anymore it's too yummy you're a bit blue and you seem kind of gloomy Oh true me gloomy well done it's the blue heart it was on farmer monster that blue heart must be what made him gloomy shades of cerulean where did all these blue hearts come from is this a happy heart well kinda it looks like a happy heart but a little different yeah well the main difference is I guess that it's blue and also if it touches you it doesn't make you happy it makes you blue me oh dear just like Donny gloom ah you rang gloomy Goomer you left soggy bottom swamp unhappy hearts day I'm perplexed watch out when did it get so sunny first farmer masa and now rainbow king so how do we fix happy hearts day now mobi Mo's look at this cheery mess okay that did not work we need wish help come on Bartleby how is it clean supposed to sit be I don't know I've never been a queen okay I'll give it a shot woo you're a natural your queen is ready excuse me miss queen keep running the yetis crossing the rainbow pattern and that running forest you should use this yeti crossing sign thank you plain truth hmm oh yeah first queen problem solved give me a pop top oh wait a minute maybe Queens don't do that this Queen does yes she does [Music] I had a great zoom bloom but it popped then we need another great zoo balloon [Music] sure why not I thought I heard my name in there somewhere um miss queen your heart is true back my name is Mila and I started killing a critter from the forest can I keep them of course meal I love pets can I walk him whatever I want all the time pets love walks wow thanks you're the best Wiener in Buncombe them there I had [Music] snack okay who's next for the request Royal request day is over B that was fun but a lot of work huh weird I never felt okay one more request [Music] happy arts days the best day ever we're down to our very last delivery terrific topes you certain move fast I only just started delivering my Happy Hearts to all my friends it helps if you sing the song while you work that's a pro tip we're almost done delivering our happy hearts the only person left on our list is gloomy Bluma I'm sorry but dummy Duman never ever ever shows up on happy hearts day why not I thought attendance was mandatory it's so much fun when everyone's together it certainly is but gloomy he likes to be gloomy by himself in soggy bottom swamp that's just how he likes it that's so sad nobody should be alone and gloomy on happy hearts day happy hearts day your highness hello farmer master and a Happy Hearts day to you Oh blue bother I almost forgot wait a minute farmer Maw sir you know Whoopie what we should go see gloomy gloomy and bring him a happy heart I don't know if happy hearts day is really glum easting true he seems more like a mopey mumble month kind of guy this happy heart today we're gonna help go me be the happiest he can be great yeah the happiest he can be come on the happiest he can be its request day now what would you like to ask of your king today Oh rainbow King would you love the color of our sky but we were wondering will perhaps if it could just be shades of every color to Bartleby please come join me thanks rainbow King I had no idea royal request day would have so many requesters it's never good when they do that [Music] back in a moment everyone true party follow me please [Music] sapphire periwinkle he's added again whose app what again my cousin bloomer Oh Thank You true but he's my glowy cousin a friendly chat with him should do the trick but I must do it before he makes everyone in rainbow city gloomy but what about the quest day oh right someone must hear their ideas and problems today true you could do it what me really of course citizens love and trust you immensely [Music] we're sorry you're feeling a little blue okay B we need to keep these unhappy hearts here time for my first wish [Music] I know you can bubble over anything we need you to wrap yourself around me and tie or Wishing Tree ready [Music] whoa good job do you keep all these new hearts here we'll go figure out how to unglue everyone [Music] lemme swamp is much sunnier than usual he cannot be okay with that maybe that will help us convince him to bring the clouds back rainbow King wears gloomy he's in his stump and won't come out I tried to convince him to bring the clouds back and change the seasons and oh right it's still sunny I guess he wasn't convinced I did my best to show him that change wasn't good thing I showed him how slipper slugs pika cookies and turned into slipper months but gloomy like the feel of slipper slug slug even thought it would be better if slipper slug stage slipper slugs I showed him how bumbly bees took nectar from the stink of daughter daisies and faded into honey he said he never really stopped to smell the stink adora daisies and thought that the bumbly bees should leave the stink of darkness alone every time I tried to show them how something changed for the better he wanted to keep it the way it was and now he's inside having a good soak soaking his feet in a bowl of damp but we need him to come back to the orchard maybe we can get him to come out with some of his favorite things go away I'm busy being grumpy about how bright it is you know what would make it less bright big great clouds smooth don't you want to come out and look for some slipper slug slime we've got some already how about picking some stink adora daisies I hear they make a really awful salad maybe tomorrow if you change your mind I won't [Music] are true we missed some blue hearts and they're heading to the city please stop them join for my second wish [Music] which kind of true hope you're hungry cuz we've got to slurp up all those hearts [Music] whoa wait a bit floor bow thanks for your help your Excuse Leppa back in my pack now we just have to unglue in the wishing tree and anyone else who's been glorified but how do we do that well Louise and tree got gloomy after a blue heart landed on it and the first heart turned blue when Connie Coomer touched it they think gloomies the only person who can help us now let's go back to soggy bottom swamp retrace and think some more what did you do before use your brain and think a lot do you remember what you forgot and that memory won't be lost retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost I want to recall [Music] retrace your steps that's it [Music] my girl Camilla that was some top-notch fliers see true Bartleby happy hearts day oh thank you we need to save happy hearts day huh boy what do you mean I wanted everyone to feel happy so I gave a happy heart to go me glulam then he thought gloomy thoughts instead of happy thoughts and then the pink happy heart turned blue and then family mesoamerican got gloomy if we don't do something fast everyone will be gloomy and instead of the happy active asteroids that is an emergency let's sit and have a seat okay true how can the Wishing Tree help you well first I need a way to stop the blue hearts for making more people gloomy then I need a way to change anyone who's already blew me back to being themselves again Wishing Tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] I think refreezing tape reshare your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Music] true these wishes are absolutely incredible let's see what the wish of Pina says about their powers this is goofy an amazing bubble don't wish I can keep anything contained can't contain my excitement oh you can stop the blue hearts from leaving the Wishing Tree so they don't touch anyone else introducing slurp oh I love this wish slurp ahh slurp oh so vacuum wish that can gather everything up with super strong force Wow sleep oh I'll bet you can slurp up all the blue hearts that have already left the Wishing Tree and finally we have sizer a sighs wish it can make anything teeny tiny or super high sighs I need to see you again I'm not sure how you'll help us make everyone unnie but I'm sure we'll find a way [Music] see you Bartleby Rosie we're sorry you're feeling a little blue tree please [Music] it's not such a bad smell we've got a big stink problem outside you don't say no I can smell stinko stink all the way up here yes but don't worry I have a wild windy fern I can blow this stink back outside I keep it I keep it all how did the steam problem start well today is royal request stay with the king but the rainbow King had to go see gloomy Jima so he made it royal request stay with the Queen time the Queen Oh congratulations your highness that must be hard work yeah it was so hard to keep track of all the royal requests I made a mistake I told the girl named Milla she could walk her pet anywhere anytime that doesn't sound so bad but it was I didn't know her pet was a stink critter oh that's where it came from and the whole rainbow kingdom is filled with the stink guess we better have a think this is that rhymed tell me how the wishes could help well I can't get stinko to stop stinking but I could use a wish to help them smell better covering a bad spot with a good one yes and another wish could move the stink away from people don't want to smell like you're wild when defriended the Wishing Tree has heard you'd see it's time to get your three wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes let's see what the loopy Diaz says about them [Music] ah here it is your first wish is smell fur it makes wonderful smells sounds like the perfect wish for making stink Oh smell better now where's your second wish it can suck air in strongly and blow it up just as strong so we can blow away stink Oh smell and send it wherever we wanted to go I'll send it my way I'll take care of it oh oh that's good last but not least sizer it can make things very very smell that's fun I don't know how changing size will get rid of a stink I'll think of something Thank You Z and thank you Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me it's still covered with blue hearts we need to get this Purple Reign over to the Wishing Tree do you think you might be able to push this purple rain cloud out of soggy bottom swamp and enter the rainbow kingdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the purple rain is turning the glowy blue hearts back to happy pink hearts but it's not big enough to cover all the blue hearts and all the blue citizens - I've got an idea that can help get all the blue hearts pink again it's time for my third wish [Music] my thighs are ready to make that purple rain cloud super duper big [Music] thanks.thanks Iser zu ZipZap wishes in my pack thank you true for saving the day and making it extra special but the day wouldn't have needed saving if I just wanna be himself that's okay true now we know for the next happy hearts day you're right it's okay back called me as alone in his swamp as long as he feels what he wants to feel thanks gloomy and happy glum chums day I'm soaking wet I can't see a thing in this fog in my soggy swamp perfect rainbow city needs more gloom I wish I thought of that rainbow King snap out of it my paws can't snap wait maybe my tail can boss wants to be gloomy and not everyone wants to be cheery it's true true what are we gonna do have one wish left sizer but how can i sighs wish help us stop Lenny from g'loona flying things let's think about this boney makes things gloomy by zapping them with his gloom scepter but he can't zap anything if you can't find a scepter I love sizer shrink it down really small I love your big idea yeah small idea I need you [Music] sizer let's make glum ease gloom scepter tiny rainbow castle like that it makes people smile just looking at it I can fix that I don't like it when things happen ya know go me we'll never be able to there we go oh yeah I found it oh my eyes are just too good sometimes true its well this is going to be difficult that smell it's not bad might be nice to have this all the time hey did you hear that true that sounded like a request royal requests your AP if gloaming likes to smell so much as queen for a date I say we give it to him huh I don't have to give up my stink jar do I know I have an even better idea besides our I need you can you shrink down that big stink cloud [Music] Wow a super concentrated steam cloud that'll last forever gloomy do you think riding this thing cloudlet cheer you up long enough to honor clarify everything no promises goody-goody true shoes Oh [Music] [Music] thank you I guess how did you enjoy being queen for a day it was harder than I thought your majesty and I made some mistakes that's okay true to tell you the truth Eve and I don't have all the answers all the time who does you just want someone to play with I never doubted you I'm still so very glum but just look how far I've come that's too bad some stink stink and some stink smell what kind you like no one can tell everyone from trance teachings all of us like different things our lifes don't need to be [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,998,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, kids tv, cartoons for kids, rainbow kingdom, Jamie Whitney, Harold Harris, Jeff Borkin, Franciska Friede, Samuel Borkson, Mary Bredin, Frank Falcone, Arturo Sandoval, Michela Luci, Jamie Watson, Eric Peterson, Dante Zee, Anna Claire Bartlam, Nicolas Aqui, Glummy Glooma Compilation 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Id: zxsVarwwcbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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