Truckers Share Their Creepiest Experiences While On The Road - AskReddit

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as I got closer I can now see that this guy is eating the dear long-haul truckers what's the creepiest and most paranormal thing you've seen on the road at night I'm a truck driver in the UK was driving through rural Scotland one night going down a country lane all of a sudden I start to see flashing lights come through the trees lights of all colors flashing through the trees and causing some really freaky looking shadows on the road I'm not a believer of aliens or anything but my first thought was UFOs safe to say I put my foot down and got out of there found out the next day it was rave happening in a field but at the time it didn't have scare me my father was an 18 year old gas station attendant in the late 70s and without a certain long-haul trucker I probably wouldn't be here the gas station was open 24/7 and my dad was the only one working the night shift 11:00 to 7:00 I think a guy comes in and just gives him the creeps seems sketchy he was wearing tight jacket and pants and you could tell he had something in his pants under the jacket it was during the summer and was it was warm so why is he wearing a jacket to begin with it was later confirmed he was on drugs a lot of truck drivers used this station as it was the only one open 24 hours for a long stretch of the highway they also had a big lot where they let truckers park and sleep or take a break on this night at this time it was just my dad sketchy dude and one trucker in there he kind of knew as in came in frequent enough to be conversational and asked if he'd stay in the station and hang out until sketchy dude left well after looking at the stock shelves for several minutes while sneaking peeks at my dad behind the counter the sketchy guy eventually looked fed up and got into his blue car and sped off cool trucker guy hung out with my dad a little longer until another couple of guys came in to use the booths they had to eat a sandwich I should also point out this was pretty middle of nowhere rural southeast United States in the 70s CB and landline was it my dad only had a landline in the store dad did not have any protection or weapon of any kind so the hours pass and my dad had shaken off the paranoid when all of a sudden this truck driver guy in a car comes hauling into the lot jumps out and Sprint's into the store hollering he needs a phone he didn't have a citizen's band nor did he see a phone at the other station he also wasn't familiar with the area and my dad's station was the first place he found calls 911 to report that he had walked it on a gas station of 40 miles back next closest station to find the attendant shot and dead no one else around and the only other piece of information is that a blue car was speeding out of the lot when a trucker pulled in apparently they eventually apprehend the guy in the blue car my dad confirms it was sketchy dude from earlier in the night and they charged him with murder and armed robbery to the long-haul trucker who waited around with my dad that night thanks and hope you're keeping it real also worth adding that apparently sketchy guy in blue car was already a bad apple who was either being looked for her on probation or something he was in the system when I went to local driving my route ran near an Air Reserve Base in Indiana she'd see planes and helicopters pretty often one night about 2:00 a.m. I was headed to pick up another load when I saw a bright green light in the corner of my windshield it was too low to be an aircraft it moved pretty slowly then darted and I lost sight of it behind some trees I drove by typical I saw a UFO stuff but I still think it was just a helicopter or a jet that I saw at the prefect angle that turns after a take-off the jet pilots have broken the sound barrier over town a couple times in the past sonic boom so a jet flying abnormally isn't necessarily out of the realm of possibility driving south on a 75 in the winter in Ohio I witnessed a compact car like a cobalt or similar get on the on-ramp to merge into I 75 north and lost control they went sideways fell at least six feet off the ramp and onto the shoulder of the interstate landing on all four wheels spun 360 degrees and then proceeded to merge into traffic like it was nothing blew my mind the CB radio was going nuts for about five minutes holy hell who else just saw that etc myself and two friends had to drive from Laredo Texas to Baton Rouge Louisiana one night in my ford van it was about 2:00 a.m. there is a particularly long and dark section of the highway just outside Laredo no buildings towns or lights for about d miles I was in the right lane coming up on a truck and pulled out into the left passing lane as I was slowly over taking this long truck my peripheral vision caught a sudden movement of this big truck towards the right shoulder I saw the truck was swerving to avoid hitting a person dressed in all white white face whose arms were folded across the chest and eyes were closed as they walked across the highway I swerved to the left and barely missed this ghostly looking person with my passenger mirror can still remember seeing that the eyes were closed that's how close we came to hitting this person I was 23 my newly married husband and I decided driving team would be a fun adventure after college rather than jumping into the 9 to 5 I was down in Arizona on a long stretch of nothing about 4 a.m. when a guy pulled up next to me waving his CB I never left my nan listening to those guys BS was irritating I turned on my CB and he told me I had a blown tire I thanked him figuring I would stop at the next truck stop he kept harassing me to pull over and check my tire for a good 40 miles I finally got to a next town and pilot truck stopped got out and checked my truck no blown tires anywhere no clue what that guy would have done to me but so glad I trusted my gut and didn't stop my stepdad is a truck driver and I asked him this question and he gave me three answers in winston-salem NC a guy was masturbating while driving by his truck and my stepdad threw his water bottle at him another time he said he was up near Oregon and he was the only one on the freeway at the time since it was around 2:00 a.m. and something large and pail swooped down a few yards in front of his truck and swooped back up into the tree line while driving at 70 miles per hour a tire rolled ahead of him and went across the median nearly hitting another car I saw a clown staggering down an alley in the city back facing us while we were coming to a stoplight at like 1:00 a.m. looked like he was still blowing balloons not seeing his face made it more ominous I'm not sure if it's either really creepy or sad maybe he was on his way to abduct children or maybe he was blind drunk after a long day my dad has several stories from hauling logs in Idaho and driving trucks through Utah and Nevada my favorite is from actually just in his pickup going through Utah he said there was a light keeping pace with him out in the desert on a moonless night it kept pace for a minute before it disappeared and his truck turned off he stopped and turned it on and pulled off at the next diner the folks in the diner called it a common occurrence the creepiest is when he was hauling logs in Idaho and was coming down from near Coeur d'Alene area during a snowy winter night he was putting on chains before heading down steep grade and said all of the hair stood up on his body it felt like there was something watching him halfway down the switchbacks he saw a large figure standing on a 20-foot tall embankment as he got closer it jumped down and the shoulders were as tall as the cab in a single bound it left down and then left over to the other side of the embankment at the time he thought it was a sasquatch now he says it was probably a demon trying to make him crash he didn't stop to remove the chains until he was well away from the mountain I am a log truck driver in the Pacific Northwest we go up into the woods on logging roads and haul logs back from the loggers to sawmills we start work very early in the morning 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. so it's nighttime obviously one of my co-workers pulled away from the job and started down the logging road after a couple miles after the load had settled a bit he decided to pull over and throw his remaining wrappers around the load as he is tying his load down he looked back and saw a mountain lion watching him from ten feet off of the end of his trailer he slowly backed up to his driver door and got in by the time he looked in his mirror the lion had disappeared not paranormal but it's surely creepy we see lions and bears fairly often out there but to be that close and out of the truck we faced different obstacles up in the woods than highway drivers my friend his wife and several neighbors last year saw a large car drive to the river at the end of their Street in Indianapolis and dumped a girl's body all inboard daylight at like 2 p.m. of course the car sped away my friend and another neighbor run up to the side of the river and it's definitely a girls or a woman's body said he wanted to throw up and did later on this girl had obviously been murdered they got the license plate but do not know if the people were ever caught my dad has told me the story a couple times and each time it always kind of weirds me out he is not a trucker but when he was in the military one night him and a buddy went out to get food about halfway into their drive down a dark road my dad and his buddy noticed a woman in a red dress with black hair walking my dad and his buddy found it odd because it didn't seem safe and it wasn't that warm my dad said deep down he knew stopping was a bad idea and so they drove by a little more slowly to get a glimpse to see if she needed help as they drove by my dad and his friend both swear she has no face instead there was just a black hole as if she had been in a wreck and her face was taken off it freaked them both out so badly my dad floored it and when they stopped to eat both of them they agreed they saw the same thing come to find out a woman had been killed earlier that year in an accident they were talking about it when a stranger told them the sightings of the woman were actually common I am not one to believe in the paranormal but the story is still kind of weird okay so here is a spook for you and to this day I still have no idea so I was in the Virginia Maryland area and had a lot of work-related sites ranging from downtown Baltimore to Virginia Beach and all around Friday wrapped up and I hit the road to some social arrangements I had made for the weekend spent the weekend with friends out in various parts of Virginia got dragged off to other places even further out the usual weekend fun times it's late Sunday night when I have to leave or I'm not going to be able to get home in time to start my thankfully late afternoon Monday I'm fully rested I didn't do any drinking I'm not into drugs on the highway at about 3 a.m. in the middle of nowhere between Roanoke and DC absolutely nobody around I'm cruising along in the left lane simply because nobody else is around no headlights for the past hour no taillights either no road lamps either it's dark it's mildly damp it's foggy I have the music up I'm feeling good all is fine and then I just happened to look to the left and there is a dog barking at me a German Shepherd in a car passenger seat somewhat blue glow from the instruments inside the car and it's got its face to its window and it's sparking its head off at me I get a good hard look at it too because at first my brain is not registering the cop car dummy I'm doing 90 plus and a 75 I promptly have the Oh moment when the dog the instruments the white Crown Vic like bar will click and my brain after a second heart look I put my foot on the brakes and start slowing down hard but safe to pull over I even put my blinker on to start shifting lanes over to the right to pull over because wait there is no shoulder on the left side of this road I look back to my left where there is still no shoulder room for another car and it's just gone no trace I slammed my brakes and stopped in the middle of the highway flipped on all my light bars and even looked around with my hand held spot there was nothing no taillights no headlights no engine sounds nothing there are no other tire marks in the damp but mine and I can see for a nice long distance both ways - nothing my vehicle had great visibility and a lot of extra lighting off-road SUV with the trimmings there is no possible way somebody pulled a sneaky little own drove that fast on wet sloped grass and rocks on my left side so yeah there you have it ghost cop and his dog didn't like me speeding apparently I was driving near Las Vegas at around 3 a.m. I had been following a few black SUVs along the highway for a good hour or so they had Nevada plates that were single digit numbers in order 1 2 3 suddenly they all pulled off the highway down a dirt path there was no mile marker or cactus that would indicate a path there it was just dirt after pulling off the road they all turned their lights off I didn't stick around it was creepy my dad told me and my brothers this story when we were growing up and it's always stuck with me particularly on long drives when I'm feeling a bit sleepy the first time I remember hearing it was after I asked him if angels were real I was probably 7 or 8 he drove trucks decades ago before I was born and before labor laws around limits and brakes were more standard I'm assuming it's different now he'd fairly regularly accept calls that would extend his shift to where he was driving 24 to 36 hours without a break longer than a quick bathroom or fast-food stop my dad has a pretty mathematical brain he's the type to make up logic puzzles out of something totally mundane just for fun whenever we were driving around town he'd regularly asked me things like how long would it take us to get from home to the store if we were going 30 miles per hour but had to stop for five minutes in the middle because a family of kittens were crossing the road etc he'd come up with similar equations for himself while he was driving solo that involved things he was seeing like the odometer mileage markers the time and then he could test his speed based on the equation etc one night after having already driven a particularly long day he noticed his eyes getting droopier and the whole roll down the window and blast the music up thing didn't seem to be helping much it was a rainy night on a pretty windy mountain road without a shoulder to pull over safely so he started doing those logic games out loud to keep alert and awake he was saying something to the effect of I had just past mile marker 146 so what time will it be when I reached 200 if I'm going 55 miles per hour then he closed his eyes took a deep breath and felt his head to the not jerk thing which woke him up with a gasp he opened his eyes to see he was driving straight towards mile marker 158 which would have sent his whole truck tumbling down a random Mountain ravine he was able to correct the course safely back but it was a matter of seconds between that reality and certain death he insists to this day that he slept through 12 miles of windy mountain road going 60 plus mile per hour only to wake up right at the last moment between life and death the story usually ends with him tearing up saying I don't know if there's angels but I know there's something bigger going on in this universe than our human brains have been able to understand yet if I wouldn't have woken up right when it did you kids wouldn't be here today and that's something that feels pretty close to spiritual obligatory not a trucker but the black dog is a popular omen seen by many truckers while spending late nights out on the road the dog appears late at night when the driver starts to drift off to sleep and often as a precursor or warning to a fatal crash while there are many stories of truckers seeing the dog and snapping back to reality with the sudden rush of adrenaline there are also a handful of stories where a trucker swerved to avoid the dog resulting in a crash I had a late night on the road a few months ago after a concert and had to drive back across the state about an hour and I could feel my eyes getting heavy regardless of the coffee I was drinking as I drove through and underpass I was able to see a flash of black just out of the corner of my eye I brushed it off as nothing until later the same thing happened on the left side of the road just within the view of my headlights I had read stories about the black dog before and knew I should soon pull off the highway and wait for my caffeine really start working not a long-haul trucker but thought this would fit here also on mobile so sorry for format my mom sister and I were on our way to a baseball game of mine during my junior year of high school this was in northern New York so spring got a little chilly at times the main road we took stretched about 35 miles and was nothing but cornfields and tree lines we hit a stretch of the road that was super foggy for no reason so my mom slowed down to a proper speed we finally reached the end of the fog and we all looked to the left to see where we were about 50 yards from the road was a man and woman in what appeared to be wedding clothing from at least 100 years ago man wearing a big top hat on the woman wearing a very old-looking white dress holding hands with her backs to us walking towards the wood line we drove past and I just remember the silence in the car until my mom said what the hell was that till this day whenever we are together and one of us tells the story we all get goose bumps not a trucker but I ran on to something creepy on a road and I have a picture of it too my friend and I were coming back from a concert one night and we're taking a shortcut through this area that was being worked on so there wasn't really anyone around because it was late on the streets were closed as we're crossing this small bridge I looked up and saw what appeared to be a zombie rat jumping at my face scared the hell out of me turns out that someone had taken a mummified rat or squirrel and used wire to position it midair on that bridge here is the picture I snapped of it on the flip phone I had the combination of that in the abandoned atmosphere of the construction area was so creepy that we ran until we hit a busy street years ago in the late 90s I was on my way from the house central Texas heading to Laredo to pick up a load it was early morning around 4:00 or 5:00 I had just come off a string of days at home so I know I wasn't tired I am on one of those two lane winding roads in the absolute middle of nowhere when I see something on the side of the road at the edge of my high beams at first I just thought it was roadkill as is usually the case as I get closer I see that it is roadkill and there's someone crouching over the deer carcass I remember thinking either this guy's taking the antlers as a trophy or he's sick as I got closer still I can now see that's this guy's eating the deer he's pulling chunks of meat from the stomach and bringing them up to his face at this point he stops mid motion and looks up at me not at my truck but at me he or it stands up and that's when I see that it's huge brown and covered in hair I remember thinking at this point oh no this thing is standing on the tiny shoulder looking at me by this point maybe three seconds have passed and I'm about at the point in the road he's standing at I didn't even think of stopping in fact I'm starting to lay on it and get the hell out of there as I'm passing it it's looking at me again not at the truck it's looking through the driver's side windshield at me he obviously has the intelligence to know that there's a driver in here and knows where I'm sitting as I start to pass him I can still see its head above the hood of an old needlenose Pete this thing is giant I remember seeing what looked like human intelligence in its eyes it scares the hell out of me was driving on this back road at maybe 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. after hanging out with friends nobody on the roads certainly nobody walking it was incredibly foggy the area here as a small protected wetland and visibility was maybe 30 to 40 feet at best there is a 90-degree turn as I'm turning there is a man standing there arms at his side's wearing ragged clothes just standing perfectly still about two feet into the road I nearly hit him but was certainly closer to pooping my pants than anything maybe a bit off the mark but it still scared the hell out of me I was headed west on a 76 here in Denver just cruising along at about 70 miles per hour out of nowhere I saw a massive almost solid cloud of what looked to be dirt coming at me I'd say it was at least 20 feet wide and 10 feet tall I scanned ahead of me but couldn't see any vehicle it could have came from with nowhere to go I slowed down and took the hit hoping there wasn't anything big enough in there to come through the windshield or jack up my truck it was pretty loud as I smashed through it the instant it hit I knew it wasn't dirt though I immediately hit the washers because I couldn't see a thing through all of the carnage my windshield was painted with guts turns out it was B's freaking huge B's that sounded like rocks went ahead I can't even imagine seeing that swarm if I was walking they would kill the crap out of anything in their path a friend of my cousin was a long-haul trucker he was making a delivery across the country and was in a hardly used dirt stretch of a rural route since the road wasn't exactly peachy he had to drive slowly he sees another truck slowly approaching from the opposite direction and he sees the truck is the same as his since this isn't fairly uncommon he didn't think much of it but as the other one group closer he decided to honk in recognition of having the same kind of truck the other one replies and all is good that is until they narrowly and very slowly had to pass one another he turned to look at the driver and he saw himself not a reflection not a similar person but his exact same copy same clothes same hat same red beard staring at him they passed each other and that was that he told me he'd seemed very weird things but that was the moment he decided to stop being a trucker I was in rural Maine looking for a lumber mill just before sunset it took hours to get out there because Maine is riddled with these narrow windy roads that try and get as close as possible to every building in every village from u.s. 1 to Canada so I pull in just as the last guy is leaving I asked him where to park and say I'll see him in the morning I parked my truck in this fairly large gravel parking lot with thick forests right on all sides there are no visible artificial lights except for my truck and my flashlight after I get parked I go and sit out in a lawn chair and just enjoy the warm night Aaron look at the absolutely beautiful night sky it was a rare treat to enjoy basically no light pollution as I'm looking at the stars like a switch was flipped what sound like 50 coyotes 60 feet away start howling like mad it is at this point I nope right back into the truck and don't open the door until sunrise the town of West Salem Wisconsin is always kind of given me the shivers it's like it's both empty and full of people at the same time nothing concrete just feels like things aren't quite right in that town I'm a stand-up comic I often refer to my profession as being a trucker with jokes near the north end of mainland Michigan I saw a car stopped on the side of the highway we hadn't seen a car for a while it was 2:00 a.m. I commented to my buddy poor bastard but as we passed the car the lights came on and it got back on the road odd timing and then it was gaining on us I told my friend to speed he did he spent more in the car kept closing in we were doing 120 and this guy was catching up to us we saw an exit with a hotel so we took it and drove right in front of the building where it was well-lit and we could see the front desk clerk the car got off that exit too it drove into the hotel parking lot then turned around and got back on the highway I'll never know what that guy wanted from us I'm fine with that remaining a mystery not a trucker but I've driven cross-country a few times have two freaky things that have happened first middle of the night with a buddy and we pulled off to the side of the highway to take a piss and switch drivers nobody else around on the road I walked to the side pitch-black whip it out and start to pee my buddy is just stretching his back or whatever I heard something in the woods shake a tree no other way to describe it a tree about 30 feet away shook then I hear something big crashing through the woods coming straight for us in the car my buddy and I don't even say anything he dives in the driver's side and I jumped through the passenger window pants still down he floors it out of their legs and pants dangling outside never did see anything in the rearview mirror but there was something out there coming at us my buddy likes to say he heard me stop peeing when that tree shook second I solo somewhere in West Virginia again middle of the night I got off an exit one of those long curvy ones I saw lights before I got off and assumed it was exit stuff or maybe even construction get to the exit in it's not construction it's a ton of Army or National Guard guys the exit was lit up brighter than daytime so many lights set up pointing everywhere the army guys were completely decked out gas masks on an assault rifles they were sprinting around one guy at the corner was frantically waving me through to get back on the highway I gunned it out of there looked in the news later and didn't see anything no idea what was going on that night thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more creepy videos click the right box for the creepy reddit stories playlist share your own paranormal Road stories in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 334,915
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, radio tts truck drivers, reddit trucker stories, reddit truck drivers, truck driver, truck driver stories reddit, creepy truck driver stories, scary truck driver stories, truck driver horror stories, truck driver ghost stories, truck driver creepy stories, truck driver scary stories, trucker, truckers
Id: TkdtK0lQFx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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