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it ended up being a double date with his mom and her OkCupid date what is your tinder horror story creepiest story at the end of the video started talking to this guy exchanged numbers everything was completely normal and we hit it off he had a good job we had similar interests and he was really good-looking he asks me out for drinks we go talk for a couple hours have fun we continue texting and he asks me to hang out at his place the next time I go his places normal-looking no red flags we start talking he's drinking and he gets super paranoid out of nowhere he tells me he did a background check on me and then asks me if I'm a quittance it with a specific person he must know somehow or have trouble with I say no and he continues asking the questions about this so-called person with which he never says a name he then tells me he has killed someone before and then asks me if I'm wearing a wire on me at this point I was trying not to freak out which I did a pretty good job of I continued to play a cool as we talked he kept telling me how much he liked me and that he liked me so much that I should just leave he said this to me about 15 times I like you so much you should just go something along those lines eventually I took it as my way out and left before he could think twice about what I was doing I got to my car which wasn't a far walk from his front door and I remember saying Jesus Christ to myself before driving away quickly about five minutes later he called me and couldn't believe I left he kept asking me if I trusted him multiple times and I finally got him off the phone by saying I had to work early and go to bed I only answered because I was trying to break it off easy so he didn't do anything to me he called me again at 5:00 that morning which I didn't answer never heard from him again after that thank God thanks tinder I went on a date with this guy who I didn't really have anything in common with but thought I'd give him a shot anyways we met up at a bar and he had already pounded two pitchers of beer but was completely sober at least from what I could tell we hung out talked and although he seemed nice enough I wasn't quite feeling it I wanted to leave but he convinced me to go to another bar to get one last drink seeing as it was only about 8 p.m. I agreed to one more drink we were sitting at the bar and a couple was making out next to us he looked at me and asked what I thought people in the bar would do if he and I started making out I knew where this was going I tried to laugh and make some joke about no one paying attention he then insisted that we should make out I nervously laughed and told him that wasn't a very good idea and excused myself to the restroom I came back to the seat and he had a shot waiting for me and insisted I drink it no shot for him just me I declined and he got really upset and said he was ready to go at that point in the evening he had consumed two pitchers of beer for margaritas and two more pints yet displayed no sign of being intoxicated nonetheless I knew there was a lot of alcohol in his system and asked if he thought it was a good idea for him to drive he got extremely defensive and said he was fine we exited the bar and he took off in the opposite direction when I got home I texted him just to make sure he was okay because he'd had so much to drink his response I only date girls I sleep with on the first date dodged a bullet with that one found a profile using a picture of me that was obviously ripped from my Facebook account come to find out it was my ex-wife trying to stir up drama and problems between my current wife and myself a single friend of ours texted me a screenshot of it my wife is an intelligent woman and didn't fall for it this became a horror story for my ex because this among other shady things she had done landed her with stalking charges and identity theft charges sucks to be stupid I messaged a girl who wanted to meet up so I go out to the coffee shop and she's not there I asked her what's up and she totally admits to being a dude catfishing me just so he could check me out in public and goes on a rant about what a shame it is that I'm a lesbian because he totally would sleep with me I feel like the creepiest part for me was that he never once tried to get nudes or anything which I'd at least understand the effort for he just wanted to stare at me in public it ended up being a double date with his mom and her OkCupid date he told me that he and his mom were a package deal I was mortified and there was no second date someone replies oh this reminds me of a time we had someone show up to an interview with their mother this was an adult man in his 30s applying to work at a Social Work age see we had to convince the mother to wait in the waiting room literally had to take her up to the floor of the waiting room and tell her she had to wait there she tried to get back in the elevator we had to escort her back he never said a word to her needless to say he was not hired bartender here this one girl who was a regular came in and told me about an awful tinder date she had not sure of the specifics but it wasn't bad enough for her to not bring him home afterward he leaves the next morning she brushes it off as a one-night stand and a few days later her debit card gets declined odd since she is a bartender herself at a fairly busy place in our city and is good about saving and usually flush with cash she goes to check her debit card turns out there were a bunch of charges at Best Buy GrubHub a bunch of other stuff curious she checks her credit card to there she found a bunch of charges for streaming services Netflix Hulu sling everything she goes to confront the guy and finds out he deleted his profile but she remembers a friend they had in common on Facebook she reaches out to the mutual friend to try and track him down and it turns out he did the exact same thing to that mutual friend not sure if what the outcome was but she was out for blood after a mediocre hookup turned into a serious case of identity theft this happened just after I decided to get into the dating scene after a traumatic end to a three-year relationship so it's zero 45 and a tinder match messages me asking what I'm doing then invites me to go out with her I think it's a bit late but the clubs were open for three to four more hours so why not I should take opportunities right I'm a single man in his 20s for the first time she says she'll pick me up driving in towards the town from outside of it and I put on cologne and a nice shirt get ready to go out I go to the car my matches in the front passenger seat and her friend is driving I think it's pretty weird but having a friend along isn't super off so I get in and ask which club we're going to we are not going out out just out my match says as we drive off where are we going I asked feeling a little uncomfortable just into town she replies they drive to a nearby bridge with a car park under it in park turned the radio up and start chatting the girl driving pulls out a 1 liter 2 pints bottle of chocolate milk and starts drinking it they talk about the most boring things barely include me in conversation and start rolling cigarettes after 15 minutes they get out of the car to have a smoke I get out to my tinder match is wearing fluffy white slippers that light up with each step I turn and face them I appreciate you guys picking me up but this really isn't my scene I'm going to head off have a nice night they were very offended I matched with a girl and sent a lot of messages later that night we talked on the phone and the conversation was going really well so I asked to go out the next night she agreed and then five minutes later she tells me that needs to tell me something she admits that she's permanently in a wheelchair so I'm either an a-hole if I back out now or an a-hole if I lead her on I figure why not it's just a date and it could be a fun time still we talk more that night and go to bed the next morning she calls me early and tells me she's doing something crazy she won't tell me what but she said she'll show me later a few hours goes by and she calls me back and tells me she's going to send me a pic of what she did I checked my messages and I see a picture of her wrist with my name tattooed on it we end the call and I immediately tell my friends about this crazy girl later that night I'm driving to her place because I figure she can be committed enough to tattoo my name on or I should be committed enough to go on this date plus I have to know it it's real I'm almost at her place and I realized that my car may not accommodate her wheelchair and I know she drives so I asked if she can drive us I'm walking in the parking lot and she drives up and I get in the car now I had figured she had a handicapped enabled car nope turns out she just uses two crutches to drive one on the gas and one on the brake I don't like this as we're driving on the Southern California freeways in traffic we go eat and she gets a phone call from her daughter turns out she left her ten-year-old daughter at home alone and she's scared I'm like hey we can go but she's like no it's okay I gave her something to make her sleep she'll be asleep soon so we finish up and I was gonna take her to see a movie but the kid thing was too much so we head home and my fingers are already crossed that we make it when she turned to me while driving and says well I'm kind of drunk in my head I'm like one drink is all you had but I asked if I can drive and she says no she's gonna get in the fast lane and uses her crutch to hit the gas I saved my last prayers but we made it back to her place so I wheeled her back to her door said goodbye and lived tattoo was real though after a movie date with a guy I met on tinder we came back to my place we'll call him dude I told him we could hang for a bit but I have work in the morning so I would need to go to sleep soon dude said that was fine but he was hungry and he was going to order food ok sure dude orders 2 large subs from potbelly in a milkshake downs it no judgment he's 6 feet 4 inches 210 pounds younger still growing by all means I didn't think anything of it until later we end up messing around a bit and fall asleep in bed I wake up to my front door opening and closing several times over a 5 minute period my dogs are going nuts and it's 1 a.m. what the heck is this guy doing I opened the door to my room that opens up to the rest of my apartment in my bathroom is to the left where the light is on and the door is wide open I walk around the corner to make eye contact with dude who is in a squatting position over my toilet with a stick poking around in murky brown poop water that has millimeters from overflowing onto my bathroom floor horrified he yells stop looking at me go back to bed I have it under control I'm still waking up trying to understand what I'm seeing and what's going on and I just start nervous laughing I don't know what else to do he yells why don't you have a plunger and I said I don't know I never needed one until now he tells me to go back to bed he has it under control I'm so disturbed tired can't process what's happening and have work in the morning I go back to bed I remember hearing him peek in my room a bit later and heard I fixed it and then heard him leave and my door closed behind him the next morning I hesitantly approached my toilet to find the water is down but there is something poking out from the bottom of the toilet like he didn't get it all upon further inspection what I was seeing was the tip of a stick some gloves towels and barbecue tongs later I pulled out approximately 3 foot a stick from my toilet that it broke followed by several other stick fragments dude had broke several sticks I heard my door open and closed so much because he was going outside to look for a stick one would break he'd go get another dude had left drippy poop water stains all over my bathroom floor he also left my apartment so fast that he left his underwear and undershirt and socks after work that day I went straight to the store and bought a plunger lesson learned a chick said she was having a work party at her house and I should come over it's Bob so I bought a six-pack for myself went to her place and noticed more than half of the people were younger 17 to 18 while I was 21 and the girl was also 21 then they gathered everyone in the living room and proceeded to talk about the job turns out it was one of those pyramid scheme recruiting gatherings I just sat there drinking my beer only one drinking for two hours because I thought it was rude to leave because they were telling sob stories and saying how much this job had helped them set they're listening to some head of the group guy saying how we can make millions in a short amount of time saying BS like you seen my BMW 3-series out front that's a company car that you can drive around in if you do what we do it was sad because they were trapping low-income teens that are deciding not to go to college and to join them after the pitch I pretty much had enough and was preparing to leave then the girl came up to me and asked what I thought and I just said it's not for me and I'm leaving she asked if I wanted to take my beer and I said they needed it more than I did two or three weeks later she sent me a text unfortunately we exchanged numbers asking if the head of the group guy can call me and ask me questions on why I'm not signing up and how I thought the group session went I didn't reply but sure enough the dude called me and I politely said it's not for me but he kept pushing finally I had to tell him to eff off and that was the end of that never went to work parties for a tinder date again it was a complete freak show and if it wasn't for the beer I brought or the tinder dates dog I would have just left looking back on it during the pitch the head of the group guy said at one point if you're not interested in making a million dollars you can just leave no one's stopping you I really wish I stood up chug my beer and said eff this you guys are all stupid and no one should be joining you will ruin your lives and walk out but that's just a daydream I have in the shower chatted with this girl for about two weeks every conversation went well and eventually I got her number and she started sharing nudes and speaking dirty lay down evening after a stressful work day she talks me into driving an hour to come get coffee with her she spends the next hour and a half non-stop talking about her ex and how she has to see him at the bank and all this personal upset ex-girlfriend stuff she cuts me off any time I try to speak or change the subject right back to him a day later I get a text about how I didn't do any talking and I was too boring to be anything more than just friends with she got irate when I pointed out she would not allow me to speak and only wanted to talk about her ex-boyfriend when we have never once had a slow or boring conversation before meeting up we lived about 25 minutes from each other so agreed to meet at the beach pier about halfway between before meeting we had been texting and he seemed totally normal I was already at the pier when he texted me saying he can't meet me there because his license is revoked and it's too far for him to walk I should have just left then but I agreed to meet him at a pizza place closer to him I get there and I'm standing outside when I see him and quickly realize the pics from his profile were at least 3 to 5 years old homeboy looks like the dollar store version of himself greasy looks like he hasn't showered in days harren done holes in his shirt I awkwardly give him a side hug and suggest we get a seat and he says oh no we're not getting pizza let's go to the park I awkwardly say okay and as he talks I realize his gums and tongue ring are stained black from smoking by this point I am completely turned off in him just keeping up with formalities so we get to the park and find a bench to talk and before I can sit down homie pulls me onto his lap squeezing me and saying God baby girl you are so cute I awkwardly scooch away and try to get a conversation going he pulls out his phone and starts texting for a few minutes not really listening to me before interrupting with have you smoked my friend is a plug we could go back to my place for a bowl I decline aw come on baby girl my place is just right there we could have some fun - I decline again next thing you know he pulls me close by the face and whispers you're so innocent before broad tongue licking my face from chin to ear shell-shocked I just sit there for a moment processing what the hell just happened as he keeps talking about weed before I decide to fake an urgent phone call and leave talk to him for two weeks before we went out and no red flags so we ended up going out to dinner I said I hadn't been out in a while because I was trying to save money for a washer and dryer he told me instead of saving for that I should save for a boob job I didn't even know how to reply so he followed up with no it's not a bad thing my sister and mom both had small boobs and got boob jobs and they look amazing this is all before the waitress even brought our drinks I just got up and left fresh off a breakup on campus match with this really good-looking girl who is talking pure filth obviously I'm just an idiot with a hurt heart so I don't question much head over to her place a few days later she insisted I come over on a certain day at X o'clock usually I would have been sketched out but it was the middle of the day on a b-1 g10 campus what exactly could go that south half hour and her husband came home I was being used in a revenge plot no more tinder it was my first time using the app and dating after like three to four years I matched with a Chinese guy he seemed really nice and his pictures made him seem very handsome we talked for about a week pretty consistently and I liked him a lot from text when he asked me to meet up with him I said of course we met and he was nothing like his pictures I later found out that he used Godfrey GAO's photos are not his own he said he used the pictures because people thought he was too ugly I should have left then but I didn't and we talked he asked if I wanted to go for a walk at a park down the road and I said sure I didn't see the harm in it I told you I'm really naive I got into this guy's car stupid and off we went to another city about 25 to 30 minutes from the coffee shop we had been in he says he comes here all the time there's a nice trail so I'm like okay we can take a walk in nope he parked and started kissing me then he started groping me I was honestly terrified he wanted me to get into the backseat and when I said no he dragged me out of the car and made me get into the backseat I was freaking out but it was like I was frozen he locked the doors when he got in and I was trying to push him away and keep him off of me but he wouldn't stop I kept saying no but and I'll never forget these words he kept saying I've never slept with a white girl he nearly snatched me but I was lucky enough to fight him off and force the door open I reached into the window of the front seat and grabbed my person took off down a little road and a car was there a high school girl I probably scared her to death but I ran to her and begged her to act like we knew each other so the guy didn't drag me back she called 9-1-1 and told me to get into her car so i didn't she locked the doors for me the guy came looking for me my sweater was still in his car and he was screaming for me but the girl said we were best friends so she'd take me home the police came and took me for a statement I had to take pictures of the scratches and bites he left on me and the female cop helped me fix my clothes I never told anyone I had just broken up with my boyfriend of three years because I found him in bed with my best friend since diapers I guess I wanted to feel something be attractive to someone I don't know but I learned my lesson and now I make people send pics to me for proof they match their photos be careful please thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a date with Radio TTS and his mom and her mom package deal click the right box for the radio TTS dating advice playlist share your own tinder horror stories in the comments below
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 200,379
Rating: 4.9096045 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts tinder, reddit tinder horror stories, reddit tinder horror, reddit tinder funny, reddit tinder top posts, reddit tinder videos, tinder horror stories, tinder horror story reddit, tinder horror story storytime, tinder stories funny
Id: 4Rh1aHz2gzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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