Tron and Tron: Legacy - re:View

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I remember watching Tron: Legacy in the cinema in 3D. The 3D didn't kick in until Sam enters the computer world. One of the only good uses of 3D in my opinion.

The last decade was definitely the rise and fall of 3D.

EDIT: This does get mentioned at the very end of the video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 402 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lankeymarlon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Am I still to create the perfect system???


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 71 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WrongSubreddit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm pretty sure the reception to Tron Legacy is why Bob Iger treated Star Wars as an uber-mainstream pop culture item that should appeal to every country and every demographic in the world.

The one country I know that truly loved Tron is Japan. In fact, Tron and Tron Legacy are huge hits in Japan and not only was it in Kingdom Hearts, but also it influenced the current trend of "Isekai" anime where anime characters got transported to videogame worlds and such. "Tron" was also a nickname for a Japanese computer system used by the Japanese government and US Forces in Japan back in the 1980s.

If anything, Disney should've asked Japanese anime studios to make a Tron anime. Sword Art Online and Re Zero owes a lot to Tron, and Disney should try and do interesting things with Tron by testing it with the Japanese market. A Tron manga/light novel would be sick, and an anime adaptation should follow that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 136 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NorrisOBE ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is the Re:View I never knew I wanted.

Awesome. The aesthetics of Legacy were awesome, but damn, the movie comes to a complete and utter crushing halt by the time you get to the middle of the second act after the disc wars game and light cycles.

Would kill to see a Tron 3 though. Do it Mouse, you've finally gotten National Treasure 3 in the works. Get Tron 3 going.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 173 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CELTICPRED ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Jackโ€™s back!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 149 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EagleSkyline ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I always like the aesthetics of the original Tron, apparently I'm the only one.

Tron: Legacy is kind of like a better version of Interstella 5555 โ€“ The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. That and I saw it in a non-tiny cinema (>100 seats) with 2 friends and we were the only people there, so I always have that memory of it.

One more thing: Armagetron Advanced. Anyone here used to play that? I love(d) that game.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 57 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ajs124 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Talking about wishing the score was done by "someone really good with synth stuff" and somehow missing that it was made by synth pioneer Wendy Carlos is a big miss for Jay there.

That's like watching Un Chien Andalou and wishing it was directed by "someone really good with surrealism".

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 197 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sahboe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

They always talk about how Hollywood should stop rebooting successful films and start remaking films that didn't do well... And that is exactly what Tron: Legacy was. I'm surprised they didn't mention that at all.

I'm also surprised they didn't mention the sound design in Tron: Legacy at all. Everything sounds like rubber and glass, and it's fantastic.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheSweetestKill ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tron: Legacy's biggest problem wasn't design or structure. It was the protagonist. I don't even know the guys name, but he was basically a CW actor. Model first, actor second, no capacity to actually emote and had the delivery sharpness of wet leather.

It had so much else that worked well for it. But damn was he a charisma-vacuum.

Also the CGI Jeff Bridges has NOT aged well. People making fun of CGI Carrie Fisher in Rogue One need to see this.

*edit For those that need a refresher of just how poorly this has actually aged in comparison to what is out today.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 226 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Meph616 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
we had an arcade cabinet back in the day and not me my grandparents had what Ron like with the joystick and not really awesome makes a good video game it's a fine video game not not that great of a movie though [Music] greetings user we're here to talk about the geekiest s-- and maybe lamest attempts at a blockbuster franchise to ever be created yes also maybe the most interesting yeah that's why we're here to talk about it yeah Ron and Tron Legacy if at first you don't succeed wait 30 years and fail again Tron so what are we talking about first Tron are trying to legacy well you got to start with the og original film the film that started nothing but the film that tripped out of the starting gate did you ever see Tron like growing up I read some pieces okay I think that's yeah everyone saw like I saw some of it I'm on TV I think that's everybody's experience with Tron yes my grandparents were big collectors of the the clamshell Disney thing oh yeah with the white box and the the like rectangle in the middle yeah the poster or whatever yeah and so you know every once in a while we'd pick a tape put it in the VCR you want to start Tron and then come back an hour later and it's still where it left the hub there's still this kind of walking around just in their adorable little cardboard tanks it's but a set is cardboard right like yeah well it's it's a combination of a bunch of things and that's I mean that's of course what's interesting to talk about with Tron is not so much the story Jeff Bridges wants to convince people that somebody stole his idea for a video game right that's it I think it's also so adorable how like a company that made video games went on to like develop software and get government contracts from making video games like we know now that you just that making more video games yeah that's where the real money is it's now you know I was watching the first Tron and I realized that its story is very similar to a movie I know both of us love which is Mad Max fury road Jeff Bridges is our protagonist we see the film through his eyes but he's not the hero of the film Tron yeah Tron is the furiosa of trauma that's very true yeah I mean that kind of becomes the case with the sequel to where Kevin Flynn's son is he's tactically the protagonist but once he gets into the world of the grid in the game then it becomes more about it become that's when Jeff Bridges becomes the protagonists halfway through the second film that's what he's the one that really has an arc but yeah with the first one Jeff Bridges right out of the gate that movie stumbles for me because it's like okay then the second one structurally is perfect when it comes to this where it's like you're you're with the protagonists you're the main character we set up the real world and then he gets sucked into the video game world the computer world yeah and so we discover everything kind of through his eyes he actually did and the first movie especially when you think about when it came out and like the early eighties when nobody understood computers there weren't personal computers and like we see kids playing in arcade game and then it goes into the arcade game and then we're seeing these kind of realistic versions of the arcade game avatars and you're like what is this like who or where are we and then we like a little bit later we cut to like they're ushering some like nebbish little program the games [Music] he's like I'm just like a software like a armor like accounting and accounting software like I'm just an accounting and you're like what is this like is there we in video game world are we in a computer world these are real people like nothing to set up properly right and then later we get Jeff Bridges like hacking with clue who is also Jeff Bridges in a cardboard helmet yes in a tank or so it's beyond it not making sense cuz a lot of sci-fi doesn't make sense it's also inexcusably slow yeah that's what I remember the most from seeing parts of it growing up I was like this is boring like as fantastical and creative as the visuals are which you know we should give credit to the amazing amount of work that went into the technology of the making of the film [Music] there's a documentary on the it was made for the DVD when the DVD came out but it's on the blu-ray too and it's like a feature-length documentary about how they accomplished all this stuff it was a very early CG movie and all that stuff is it doesn't hold up as far as the visuals go like I was trying to picture a little kid watching Tron now well especially like I said thank back then when normal like movie goers or general audiences don't have a real understanding of computers and they're using I mean you know words like program which we all know what you know stuff like that is now but back then like and and they tried to make it accurate so real like lingo that would be used but general audiences have no idea what any of this means I thought those conscripts I did like I liked in both movie in both movies how time is different inside the computer world like oh yeah you know like a Millis I call or a millisecond because of course computers think so quickly and so I didn't really enjoy that part of it how he was in the Tron world for a day and a half but it was only you know 20 minutes yeah well in that so I'm like when I say the plot is just Jeff Bridges trying to prove he created a videogame but you enter the the computer world and it's this grand adventure the connection between the two worlds is interesting it is I just wait where did the breakdown happen was it in the script writing was it in the edit why not cut away to what whose Tron's real life person Oh Alan Bradley why not cut to Alan Bradley hacking or whatever while while you're dealing with the boring parts inside the computer once the parts inside the computer aren't supposed to be the boring parts that's supposed to be the exciting adventure the awe-inspiring visual feast yeah that is Tron like I said I appreciate the amount of work that went into it because like every shot was this is in the days of optical effects so like to do like the light shining through the outfits you know you have the actors wearing white leotards with like sharpie lines on them but then to do to sort of make that glow and then have the background on top of that it's like the amount of taught like I can't even imagine keeping track of all that stuff every shots all these different layers basically for each live-action character an exposure for the main body there was an exposure for the circuits there was an exposure for the whites of the eyes and the whites of the teeth maybe one other paths it was roughly five passes as I was watching the original Tron all I kept thinking is Disney I mean no studio would make a movie as bold as Tron was nowadays yeah well especially coming from Disney right who at that points I don't know where were they at with live-action stuff then it was like they were trying to do some sort of different type of stuff because it was like this and like the black hole it's not a fun adventure movie it's very like I think there's parts that are maybe supposed to be funny but it's also awkward well I think they I think they put a lot of the weight on make it a fun adventure movie on Jeff Bridges you know to be like whoa man what's happening stranger in a strange land kind of yeah right but then like you know all the tech lingo all of the religious talk in Tron yeah like like there is no God philosophy in in the first movie and in the second movie they think of users as gods of course because they write the programs who are sentient beings doesn't quite work I'm not saying it works yeah what I'm saying is remember in the first Tron Tron is talking to Jeff Bridges once he finds out he's a user you just keep doing what it looks like you're supposed to be doing no matter how crazy it seems less waiters programs yes I hate to disappoint you pal but most the time that's the way it is for users to stranger and stranger literally like Oh God is just a dude yeah oh and the end the the master control he's kind of like I guess like a it's almost like a dictatorship so there's some political stuff going on Tron is trying to fight to you know get out of control of the the master control program that leads right into Tron Legacy we're clue is using like programs as slaves to you know be his like Third Reich army into being it's so crazy how many themes both movies touch on and then dismiss very easily yeah and I think that's where a lot of people kind of a reason a lot of people are into the Tron is because yeah it's like there's kind of attempts at ideas and it's sort of a a lot of them kind of get abandoned yeah one idea that I like in the first movie is it's kind of ahead of its time that they don't really follow through on and legacy is the idea that every program is is almost like an avatar for their user because you have like Alan Bradley is he creates the Tron program Tron is you know looks just like him and Tron is aware of his user Alan where did you hear that name well that's your name isn't it the name of my user which is and so it's like and then there's like the whatever the girl's name is the girl from Caddyshack girl girl yeah you know but she's in the real world there's an avatar for her so it's almost like a nowadays of course everybody has an online avatar so it's there's sort of that connection and they don't really go into that at all in the second movie no they don't they don't delve literate literally any topic that might be deep or like be worth exploring they do not explore it like a father abandoning his child oh [ย __ย ] bad Wow I disagree there when we talk about Tron Legacy that's the stuff that works for me but they they don't go into it deeply they I don't expect too much depth from Tron which is something worth 20 now because I guess well we'll go into the second movie now why not you know we're bouncing back we'll just talk about both of them whatever but like the second movie comes out and it was like this is Disney's attempt to make a new kind of big franchise it was meant to be the first part of I think at least a trilogy because this is sort of the era Pirates of the Caribbean movies that kind of run their course what's our what's our next big franchise what can we do what do we got oh Troms a cult classic people look back on it fondly that don't remember the movie let's try and make Tron or big franchise and then the movie comes out and people are like yeah that's ok and it's like it like it didn't meet their expectations and I'm just like your expectations for Tron do you remember the big [ย __ย ] were a computer program in first movie we didn't get any of those in the next in this and I guess no there's there's a much more consistent vision to the world in the second movie which we can get into that's what I like the first movie like going back to it being ugly the the ships there I think they're called recognizers the big kind of yeah the staple shaped ships like just the color like the fact that there's they're like green with red outlines they just look so ugly yeah everything in Tron is ugly yeah like even if you're in awe of the technology that made it it's ugly I think there's some some shots there's some of the like the landscape shots that I think are kind of interesting as their as their own if you just take a screenshot of it in the original track in the original Tron yeah okay if you take a screenshot of it because then you don't have to listen to the awful score in the original Tron [Music] but the second movie is elevated a lot by the score which of course we'll talk about but the first movie if it had a score by like tangerine dream or like John Carpenter or someone who like really good with sense stuff yeah it would have it would have helped a lot but it's got this really like crappy like corny it'd probably be fine in a typical like another eighties movie but in this world it's just like oh because they they fill up so much of the time in original tron with shots that are supposed to be inspiring yeah you're not supposed to you know we can't have too much story or dialogue here because you have to take in the Vista's whole and they do not land spot in Tron Legacy with someone who's a little more visually proficient will say they they have a similar amount of empty space that you do take in the world and it works cuz of the score cuz yeah visuals are up to par because it's actually interesting to look at yes yes and that's that's another thing too is like look at like I have such a soft spot for Tron even though it's a crappy movie just because of the amount of work that went into it but and yeah you know people say like oh you got to think about when it came out and how how amazing the visuals were when it came out and I'm just thinking like this came out the same year is like Blade Runner [Music] like Blade Runner that's the movie that holds up that's not a movie that you have to kind of put the asterisk of like for the time right you know but but then we get to to legacy and you know I we just have to start talking about it because Daft Punk killed it with the score yes and I know you and I have bonded over the score many times I listen to it just in my free time oh yeah it's brilliant as listen to it on the drive over here oh it's so great it's it's it's very it's like dark vapor where it's epic it's understated it sets a tone it's awesome when it has an awesome action sequence happening and it's also it's it's a good balance at first when I first heard the score I think I listened to the score before I even saw the movie and I was surprised by how much kind of traditional kind of orchestral type movie score was in it at first I was I was like I was expecting to be more electronic but I I think it's perfect as far as like balancing the more can a traditional score with electronic stuff because that's the world of the movie yeah you have these human characters in the computer world and it's yeah just so much of the movie is heightened by that score the score and the visuals the visuals are neat in Tron Legacy the the the little what do you call the pillar things the pillar ships oh the recognizers recognizers look neat and interesting the cycle races the the the ships in general the vehicle and it's it is really fascinating because you know just looking at the the ship design the light cycle races the action sequences that they tried to do in Tron like it you can compare so easily Jeff Bridges first like electronic highlight with Chevy accountant with his sons epic disk battle yeah the world like those are the first fights it's taking a lot of the same ideas like the idea that if your ball or your disc or whatever hits the ground that the layer of the ground disappears and you can fall through it yeah that whole sequence in Trump legacy is great yeah and then the the reversing of the gravity where they're upside down like and that that's another thing to talk about the visuals the movies directed by Joseph Kosinski okay who this was his first movie I think he was a visual effects guy before this but right coming out of the gate with such a strong vision yeah not just of the the look of the Tron world but even like before we get there in the real world it has that kind of like minimal kind of realistic lighting and very kind of mannered precise camera movements of like a David Fincher movie it looks like David Fincher if David Fincher were making a corny like Disney adventure film yeah and that and then it's all heightened by the score which I was thinking about the movie in terms of like the original script versus what it ended up being and like the I'm picturing because it was written by two guys that I think wrote for lost but like the sequence when Sam shows up a ton come tour and he's you know he he uploads their their new software to the internet for free cuz that's kind of in the spirit of what his father would want he's like [ย __ย ] with the company but then he's up on the roof and he jumps off and he you know the the parachute comes out lands on a car and he's like woohoo and I'm just picturing it on the script this being like a really corny Disney movie yeah and and it kind of is like if you look at it just in a literal sense but the way it's shot and that that Daft Punk score like it morphs it into something more interesting and something more like atmospheric [Applause] I did like that whole that whole introductory sequence in general is is a fantastic case of showing not telling we understand where Sam is as a character where Alan is as a character where the company is as a character you know like we understand all of the world by that back and forth Sam breaking in the boardroom meeting all happening is pure world building without getting in the way yeah well and also setting things up to pay off later almost everything from that sequence comes back yeah like him jumping off the building comes back when there he's rescuing Cora later on jumps off the building even the shot when he finally gets caught by the cops and there's like a helicopter above him shining a light down on him parallels when he's leaving the Tron world at the end with that light shining which itself is a reference to the original film's poster so it's all it all ties together works it all works together i I basically what I'm saying is I agree that Tron and and more importantly Tron Legacy are fine movies this this shouldn't be this are undiscovered gems kind of video no no it really isn't the second movie I genuinely like and most people are completely indifferent towards it and I don't know it just for it's just so unique as far as like a big movie like this goes and it's it's it's certainly not one of my favorite movies of the last decade but it's probably the movie ivory watched the most because I just like Chi hanging out in this world the atmosphere it creates the look of everything and that's something that's consistent through the whole movie which is something I wanted to talk about as far as like big visual effects movies go now where so many movies this goes for the Marvel movies and tons of other stuff just like dialogue scenes will be shot very traditionally yeah but then when you get to the action scenes it's like they just hand it off to the visual effects guys and then suddenly the cameras flip it in every direction and it's like you're watching a different film as much as I like Avengers end game yeah that end battle just looks like puke visually it's just like brown and gray puke it's it's not just I mean it's exciting like because these are all your characters yeah grown to love and you're rooting for but they're fighting and just like this brown rubble like I know it's the the remnants of the avengers headquarters or whatever but it's so ugly listen that ending fight is an accomplishment of logistics alone the the Russo brothers being able to keep track of all of those moving pieces is phenomenal but I agree but visually it looks like puke as opposed to Tron Legacy which has a very consistent style not just among the dialogue scenes but during the action stuff and and not just and that's true of a lot of Marvel movies it's just like the backgrounds they're so like the the Civil War fight they're like just an it's just a bunch of concrete and and but not just like that it has that Trent legacy has an interesting has interesting backdrops for the action but that the way they're utilized the way they're incorporated into the action like the the light cycle battle where there's different layers to it they're going up they're going down and you as an audience member knows the the geometry of that space very natural like and that's a really hard thing to set up the the physical space you need to have an understanding of what is where and who is what and we're in a place that's like the see-through and neon light oh it could have been a barf fest yeah absolutely I also just love like the like the liquid light that comes out yeah so beautiful just that that's solid colored rectangle in the first movie right yeah and then they they they incorporate that also with the the airplane fight later where they also have those trails who cares what they are they're gorgeous yeah yeah even though that ends light jet scene is basically just Star Wars [Music] they're in the turret they're shooting at the the bad guys it's it's the original Star Wars there's a lot of Star Wars in it and I think that's another thing that kind of turns people off from the movie is that the literal story and the a lot of the beats of it are very tired it's it's very clichรฉd in a lot of ways it's it's very cliched but also I'm gonna put this out here not cliched enough kind of going back to what we were talking about earlier Tron tries to throw in all of these deep meanings genetic algorithms quantum teleportation Tolstoy disease science medicine religion science philosophy and intelligence beyond our own but because they never really stick with one it it feels like a throwaway it's like a soup with too many ingredients you know it is confusing though with the character in the movies called Tron Legacy yes the character of Tron factors into it a little bit to the point where I'm I'm a either there was more of it that was cut or there was none of it and they created it in editing and with a couple effect shots because the character of Tron is revealed to have become this character Rinzler it was essentially going back to Star Wars he's Darth Maul he's the the the cool-looking bad guy with with double the main weapon he's Darth Maul that's what I thought when I first saw the movie but then there's like lines of dialogue where they hint that that's actually Tron who has been corrupted and they're almost always from characters that aren't facing camera it almost feels like a tr it's been corrupted he's alive and there's only one part I think in the whole movie when they're in the the jet fight um where Tron slash Rinzler is going up her head and you see Jeff Bridges say like Tron what have you become that's like the only time that any character on camera mentions that that is Tron I feel like it's something where they're like well we have this bad guy and the movies called Tron what if we make that that's actually Tron and he has a Redemption at the end it's so rushed do you think that when they wrote Tron Legacy they forgot to rewatch trauma and they just forgot that Tron was the hero of Tron it's very weird so underdeveloped everything because you see Tron briefly during the flashback stuff right here showing the creation of the new the new grid yeah and it looks like he gets taken out by the bad guy yeah he sacrifices himself for fraud for Kevin Flynn yeah and I feel like that was the end of his story then they're like uh what if he's one of his Rinzler now this guy would never show his face because you know it's easier to pay a stunt double but uh but what if it's Tron yeah yeah that's something that should have been the focus of the whole or at least one of the main focuses of the movie like for example you know they they talked about this this like leader of the resistance who turns out to be simon pegg who cycles again right that's not simon pegg who is that that's my Michael Sheen everything changed which one's Michael Sheen wait they talk about this like leader of the resistance who helped the ISOs I thought when I first saw that that was gonna be trauma and like Tron was like oh like very Jeff Bridges like kind of washed out and just letting stuff happen but Tron's legacy huh would be that he decides to fight again for the users I mean great that would have been great I use it instead it's just Rinzler he's drawn and he decides to be good again randomly for five seconds yeah and then dies I guess well no he lives cuz his colors go out and then they turn back to white and that's something that I think cuz like I said this is supposed to be planned is like a series of movies I think that was one of those things that was planting the seed for a later movie same with Cillian Murphy's a little brief role at the beginning he's in the boardroom when things are going bad and he's like calm down that's silly Murphy he was scarecrow in the Batman movie his character's name is Dillinger he's the son of David Warner from the first movie so it's I think he was probably supposed to be a bigger villain and because he don't cast him like a known actor like that for such a small role I think he was supposed to probably have a bigger role in the sequel that never happens because Disney thought it was a good idea to make a franchise out of Tron there is there is something that's the most frustrating part watching both Tron's Tron and Tron Legacy is there is something really neat there oh yeah I mean I I legitimately like the second one quite a bit there's lots of interesting ideas I like that it expands on the world yeah and that there is world building and this goofy we're stuck at a computer movie but though the world is interesting in the world visually it's great but yeah I think that the big problem is that they haven't been able to land a story that's gonna connect with a wider audience because it's so kind of niche and geeky yeah why he's my son for me the father-son stuff works really well it doesn't seem to for a lot of people but it's that that you know you have Jeff Bridges in the Sun and then you have Jeff Bridges in his creation so yeah it's like the two separates you know kind of relationships and Jeff Bridges sort of leaning towards clue is his fake son is trying to create this perfect system ends up abandoning his real son his Redemption redemptive arc I am a sucker for like father kid stories I am ready to be taken away hook line and sinker and for some reason it just didn't it didn't feel like it had any meat on that particular bone like I I really liked you know they they set up Sam as this kind of like apathetic drifter like hey you know you could do some real work if you could make some real change at end com if you actually sat on the board no man I'm doing my own thing yeah I just want to screw with them and right and then like we get to Jeff Bridges and he has a very similar a very parallel thinking like no I'm just letting it play out man that's his whole thing is if we he goes out there and tries to confront clue it's gonna cause more damage than if he just removes himself completely from everything which is what Sam was doing yeah yeah I'm just back here man and I it's not my fault that bad things happen even though I can change things but then like it was the showing of that arc that I felt was really lacking you know like you can show all the footage you want of some kid riding a bike but like where was where was the action the the end and I do I know I'm speaking very harshly of it I do like Tron Legacy I think it's a fun movie to watch not the best movie ever made but like I do think that the biggest problems I have with it's story wise are just it needs to pick a lane yeah and and give us a little bit of meat to that scene to that idea if it's gonna be father-son stuff if it's gonna be your like just apathy in general pick a theme and run man and maybe they would have expanded on it in the sequels it's you know what they actually if you read the novelization it explains a lot of things there was a cartoon that was I think supposed to take place between the two movies I think Tron uprising I saw it's on Disney Plus but it lasted one season because nobody cared cuz nobody cares about Tron nobody stopped trying to make trauma thing Disney it's not gonna be a thing it's an IP that they own and they need to squeeze it you know the first movie did not make money the first I was looking at box office numbers and it was a legit bomb yeah but it became a cult classic and I it's just fascinating to me like cult when a movie is like a cult film it's that it's called that for a reason because yes the people that like it are very rabid about it and but there's not a lot of them so I think they were hoping with Tron Legacy that it would be like oh people remember Tron there's a nostalgia for it they thought so far ahead of exploiting nostalgia that they built action figures for the actual movie in the movie that's true yeah that crazy yeah something I want to make sure we talk about as I'm thinking about the action figures and as far as we're talking about a movie ahead of its time D aging yeah yeah we gotta talk about that it wasn't even great when it came out like it's not terrible when he's not talking and you I only remembered it inside the Tron world where and where it could kind of make a little sense like he's a he's a digital yeah you know he's a program so it's like then it could make sense but they D aged him in the real world too yeah well they were really smart I thought they were smart at first because he had that great opening shot but the title the movie isn't even Tron Legacy it's weird in the actual movie it just says Tron oh really yeah I always thought that was odd but you have Jeff Bridges explaining how the grid works then you see the logo for the movie and it turns sideways just like the original and you get that great shot that starts some like across a lake and it goes all the way down into the you know it's very like like I said like the movement is very precise like a David Fincher film that's very like Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yeah or like a Zodiac there's some stuff like that but yeah you just see the back of his head and it's like okay they're smart they're doing the smart they even continue with the smartness as he's talk with his kid like his face is in shadow a lot yeah yeah he's kind of backlit you say profile but he's backlit okay all right this is gonna work and then they only blowing they decide to give the money away all right there it is always on the same team the big room you know I think that was supposed to be like it this is gonna blow people's minds instead you're just like ooh yeah that's supposed to be the connection between father and son and you're just like no it looks like Toy Story you have to wonder and there's a lot of information that we're not privy to like behind the scenes in in a executive boardroom at Disney but how many people who were involved with that product took the lessons they learned from that and then applied it to Marvel movies applied it to Star Wars movies I did to the brand's the IPS that people actually care about rights well that that's why I wanted to talk about this movie it came out ten years ago and so now we're at a point where people maybe start to feel nostalgic for it even though it flopped when it well it didn't flop it did like okay yeah but I after I saw the force awakens I was like oh it's Tron Legacy everybody goes when they talk about like the modern era of like soft reboots which is basically just a nice way of saying a remake that is pretending to be a sequel we have you know now we have force awakens Jurassic world Halloween 2018 if Tron Legacy didn't come out and they were trying to revive Tron now I think it would be such a different movie yes and probably a way less interesting one I mean it's hard to say but I picture in my mind they would probably play up the corny aesthetics of the original more you know a slightly campy I think the movie would be more humorous like a Marvel movie lots of quippy one-liners and that's a complaint about Tron Legacy is it doesn't have quippy one-liners but the Sam character has lots of like oh I could do this another customer like the most generic action uihlein's yes yeah no and I mean also just kind of him at he's very milquetoast yeah he's a fine actor but the character like I said it becomes Jeff Bridges story have certain point I think no matter what from a box-office standpoint I just don't think there's money or I don't think there's blood you can get from this stone yeah probably not I mean especially now like if this if Tron Legacy didn't happen and like I said they tried to revive it now I think it would have a much different tone it would probably be closer to like a Marvel movie and and it's possible they could have what you really need is that relate ability to the characters and I think that's something that both movies are kind of lacking I like the father-son stuff and Tron Legacy but like I said the first movie Jeff Bridges has to prove he made a video game which by the way is proof at the end of the movie it's just like a doc dot matrix printer out like anyone can just print that out right it just says like I made the game he might have might as well of a hand written it Flynn made the video game yeah I'm like Oh gotcha yeah I got you secret of use maybe maybe we'll get a show a Disney Plus show Tron we can just be done with Tron we got to kind of cult movies this it's interesting because the second movie is the same kind of following the first one did or it's like it came out didn't do great business and and over time is developed kind of a following amongst people that like really geeky weird [ย __ย ] and then the second movie comes out and the exact same thing happened no one cares about Tron yet here we are talking about Tron and and you know what makes them the most interesting their original ideas yeah like Tron [ย __ย ] fraud you know someone thought of this world and put it out there and it it it failed but wait they did it they put something new into the world and we need to be thankful that this hit before the regurge tation machine yeah well it's I mean yeah technically Tron Legacy is a sequel slash soft reboot but it didn't just rehash the first movie it updated the world it took the Lord relatively seriously which you didn't have to do because everybody thinks Tron is a joke yeah but it did you know and created its own thing and and created a very unique atmosphere and visual style that's very clean and different than anything else that's out there so go watch it go what it's on Disney Plus you know you all have Disney Plus that's something I want to mention actually when that came out in theaters it was it was shot for 3d oh it wasn't a post converted thing it was shot with 3d in mind and kind of like The Wizard of Oz where it's black and white until she enters Oz and it's in color the 3d didn't kick in until you're in the computer world it's cool and it's the only 3d movie I've ever seen that I actually thought benefitted from 3d it looked great and and it yeah it added to the experience but also like Christopher Nolan movies it had sequences that were shot for IMAX so you have on the blu-ray and when it was in theaters you had these shifting aspect ratios oh yeah you have the normal whatever was two three five or two three nine and then the IMAX sequences it opened up sure which was great and the blu-ray has that too but if you watch it on Disney Plus its crops the whole way through they [ย __ย ] up The Simpsons they [ย __ย ] up Tron Legacy they [ย __ย ] up the synth they literally cut out visual gag yeah that's I think I think I heard they're correcting that oh sure so like Tron yeah you all want if you want no I don't want you don't want wobbling aspect or ease the fuss about Simpsons no one has even noticed that trot Legacy's [ย __ย ] up I think you and I are the first two people to watch Tron ability plus so the Disney's gonna hear about it now yeah everybody write letters mail physical email letters to Disney if you do that Disney won't know what to do because no one mails letter to the receptionist will have a heart attack what the hell we have three letters about Tron [Music] we had a we didn't even mention our action figures here explain this listen this is the craziest coincidence I was I was on my way here to the studio today and I stopped by Walgreens and as I'm ambling around Walgreens they are selling Tron action figures in the toy aisle of Walgreens and I just happened to come across them today when we could look at Cirque yeah sark the they have it they have Sark one and they have a flame one no Tron one because everyone forgets that Tron is the star of Tron it's just such a weird coincidence isn't it yeah Flynn comes with a disk it's supposed to fit on his back but it doesn't because of this this sash yeah so you try and put it on and it just falls off which I assume Jeff Bridges wanted a sash just to cover up his junk that could be yeah because everybody else just it's all out there all them bits yeah what a weird thing that day we talked about it that's how you know the revivals real Walgreens if there's selling action figures of Walgreens tell me about pizza
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,083,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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