Triumph Church 09/26/2021 08:45

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cheesy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord triumph family i just want to speak to those that if your name was on the wake up list this morning i need you to give god praise in this place i'll come on release praise in this place put those sanctified hands together for this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad and i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad now this is where we can all participate don't magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together come on let's give god praise in this place where he's worthy to be praised let us now go before the throne of grace if we hear about every eye closed father god we come this morning humble reverence oh lord how excellent is your name and all the earth god we come as humble as we know how as disobedient children before a kind and loving father father forgive us our debts as we forgive those that are indebted to us for god we know that you are forgiving god a kind god a loving god and god for that we say thank you we thank you for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way giving us a day we had never seen before and one we most certainly shall never see again father god allow your anointing to fall on this place for god if we had ten thousand tongues we could not praise you enough but god with the tongue that you have given us if you would allow your holy spirit to move in this place today let your dunamis power go forward that we might preach with power that we might sing songs of zion and that we might pray prayers of fervor father god touch our pastor go with him as he goes along this spiritual beltway father god let the words of his mouth on the meditation of his heart be acceptable in your sight o lord our strength and our redeemer touch us father god allow your holy spirit to fall upon this place and god we will not try to embezzle your glory but we give you all praise glory and honor in the matchless marvelous and majestic name of our resurrected lord and savior jesus christ and the people of god said amen triumph family i'm honored today to bring and present to some and introduce to others one who really needs no introduction for the holy spirit announces his anointing favor has fallen on triumph this week and is tilted our way but we are blessed by having the nelson family all over the beltway but this man bishop jason nelson is going to be our praise leader today give him a warm triumph welcome he is not only family he's kin and friend give god pray [Music] good morning trium family y'all ready to worship god this morning come on you come on come on come on we this we're gonna participate in worship today are we are we ready to worship god this morning amen we honor god somebody open up your mouth and say lord pour out your spirit on us come on say it say lord put out your spirit on us put your hands together like this [Music] let's worship the name pour out your spirits in this place lord pour out your spirit in this place pour out your spirit if this place [Music] overwhelm us and overtake us lord overwhelm us and overtake us and fill us up [Music] that's basically the whole song right there yeah yeah come on secret everybody say pour outside [Music] [Music] come on i want you to say this with us overwhelm us overtake us open up your mouth [Music] and not just a building but if [Music] i want you to turn up your volume we need oh from you jesus oh we want you to pour out your spirits how did you help me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we want more of you oh tell me we want you jesus overwhelm us and overtake us overwhelm us and please lord overtake us and feed us [Music] that's what we want lord fear lord feel us [Music] thank you jesus do me a favor as we are pushing further and walking further into this worship experience part of what worship is is telling god who he is it's one thing to enjoy the presence of the lord but it's another thing to recognize his presence and acknowledge it somebody open up your mouth and talk to the lord and say lord you are holy come on come on try and say lord you are holy one more time say lord you are whole [Music] there's a word to describe the glory of your greatness all heaven describe singing songs to the creator no one compares to you none can measure your greatness so we declare this truth yes we will cry singing all the angels to sing of the glory of your greatness bowing down at your feet worshiping and giving cause no one compares to you none can measure your greatness so we declare this true yes we will shout singing come on you said he's worth it [Applause] the only one who wanted to receive the glory and the honor of the praise there's none found on the earth is [Music] to you there is no equals yes you are [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] holy your holy holy holy you are worthy worthy worthy the one and only help us say [Music] [Music] the one and only worthy [Music] you are everything i need you are everything i pray for you are what i'm looking for you are [Applause] and what i need you are whatever you need gotta be can i tell you he's already that he's not becoming it it doesn't take him time whatever you require he is i don't know if y'all heard me i know it's still early in the morning and and some of y'all are still trying to get your legs in worship but let me say this one more time whatever you need god to be he is the bible says that jesus is the same yesterday today and forevermore another way of saying that is is god is only present tense he only is in the past and yesterday he is and today he is in the future he is he is at all times which is why we rely on him and we talk to him and we ask him to be a part of our lives on a regular basis because he can handle whatever it is that we're dealing with somebody hold on say lord i'm nothing without you come on you got to say it like it made me say lord [Music] let's worship together [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] without come on turn it up [Music] so we say this to the lord [Music] lord let your glory reign [Music] let it rain in me [Music] come on one more time [Applause] me [Music] now none of us if you like me i try to do it by myself up stay with me so i'm holding on tight i'm please [Music] so breathe through me [Music] leave in me [Music] let your glory rain let it rain in me can you say that say [Music] your breathe rain please stay right there let it rain in me let it rain in me breathe through me [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] say i'm nothing without [Music] lord i'm [Music] without your dreams [Music] me [Music] me without you equals nothing [Music] can you say that me without you that's why i need you in my life [Music] stay with me and you can be glorified glory to god you can be glorified [Music] you can be glorified you can be glory you can get the glory out of me [Music] be my straight lord [Music] [Music] when you pray those kind of prayers the lord responds to us he says i will be with you i will be with you [Music] i will be if you would only trust me just trust [Music] i'll fight [Music] i'll find your [Music] if you would only trust me just me trust me i'll never leave you somebody needs to take comfort in this reality [Music] [Music] i will trust [Music] in is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i is trust in the lord until i till i die [Music] [Music] so [Music] i trust in god wherever i may be on land on life storm at sea come with me from day to day my heavenly father watches over you and me come on somebody ought to tell them thank you god bless you you may be seated what a blessing what a blessing thank god amen for the tremendous music and ministry of bishop jason nelson sharing with us today amen across the beltway we got the nelson brothers today bishop nelson shannon on this side of town and then jonathan nelson on the other side of town amen this is just a herculean work here i'm the only one to do all this this just herculean working so it's just good to be alive it's good to be back in service one more time thank god let's thank god not just for bishop nelson but for those sharing with him uh what tremendous gift this band is out of sight amen tremendous gifts to the body to the body of christ how many of y'all just glad to be alive yes sir yes i am days ain't for sale an hour you got you didn't buy it god gifted to you and so it's just good to be alive i want to encourage you that if you have not been vaccinated we are fortunate on triumph church's campus not just this one but all of the campus the health department is partnering with us and they have uh staff on campus in order to facilitate uh vaccinations so you ain't got to go nowhere else you can come to triumph church get the word get the music and get vaccinated amen and so i can take you to the water but i can't make you drink it but all i'm gonna tell you is it's hard to go to hell from triumph church that's all this you you you i'm gonna give you ain't gonna be able to say you went to hell because of me amen i'm i'm eliminate every excuse amen and so we thank god for your presence today get that when you get home amen and so i want to make sure that you know that next weekend we're baptized and at five o'clock uh we do it outdoors and we stream it inside and so you can be a part of that also you can be a part of kurt carr is going to be here next weekend along with uh along with uh vashawn mitchell going to be sharing with us on the beltway also next weekend we are celebrating the homegoing of vicki hudson will be next saturday and so we have guests on campus for that as well so we want you to pray for her family amen first saturday nights and communion will never be the same amen uh for i don't know how many years now uh she's always been a voice in our church and so we're gonna pray for her amen mark chapter 10 is where i want to hang out for just a moment mark 10 and 46 says then they came to jericho jesus and his disciples together with a large crowd were leaving the city a blind man bought a mass which means timaeus was sitting by the roadside begging when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to shout son of david have mercy on me many rebuked him and told him to be quiet but he shouted all the more son of david have mercy on me jesus stopped and said call him they called to the blind man cheer up on your feet he's calling you throwing his clothes aside he jumped to his feet and came to jesus what do you want me to do for you jesus asked him the blind man said rabbi i want to see gold said jesus your faith has made you whole immediately he received his sight and followed jesus along the way when he heard that jesus of nazareth he shouted son of david have mercy on me i want to talk just for the next few minutes don't miss your moment don't miss your moment it has been sagaciously suggested that god can write straight on a crooked line that no matter how tragic the story no matter how bad the narrative that god is the one he's the only one that has the ability to write a new script using the same character i remember as a child going to the amusement park and being given multiple invitations to get on one of the roller coaster rides i always had a problem getting on those rides because i didn't like the dips and the turns and i remember one day when i was extending an invitation and they said why you won't get on the ride i said i don't like the dips and the sharp turns and those that were accompanying me to the park that day said what are you worried about don't you know that the engineers and the architect of the roller coaster and the ride design the dips and the turns that way when i thought about that the other day i said that's a good reminder for those that will come to this service in this setting that as you go through life there's always some dips and some sharp turns but you got to remember that although you confront a dip and a sharp turn it may be new to you and it may be new to me but it ain't new to god because you got to remember god designed it that way long before you encountered it and whenever god brings you to something you can go to sleep at night and with the assurance that he'll bring you through whatever he brought you to he gives us the assurance that if i bring you to this i've already made provisions for you to get through this that's why i thought just for a moment it would be good for us to hang out with blind baltimore's because when i look at blind bartimaeus as life in verse 42 is quite different than the life we see in verse 52. when you look at verse 46 and you jump to 52 things are quite different and the reason i thought it would be good for us just to look at him for a moment because in verse 46 they put all these labels on him but by the time you get to verse 52 his faith has made him whole and when i look at the bible i don't just see the bible when i look at the bible i see people i know and when i looked at this i could not help but to say that his paths predicament resembles our present-day posture because if the truth be told a whole lot a lot of us are living at verse 46 where people have put labels on our lives and you got to be cautious and careful mama harris when you let people label you because when you let people label you they're really putting limitations and boundaries on you you got to be careful but in verse 52 from 46 he's a different person he's experienced another dimension of life and i'm trying to figure out how do you get from verse 46 of your life to verse 52 of your life how did he make the trip how did he get from this point to verse 52 and how do we make the shift i i noticed that because there were a number of things confronting him that may be confronting you and me notice notice just for a moment he was blind and to be blind in this day at the time and tell you of this particular passage there was a lot of optimal logical ignorance there was a lot at the time and tenure of this particular passage there was a lot of medical misunderstanding people just assumed that if you were blind they assumed that evidently it was because of one of at least three reasons that it had to do with parental penalties because evidently your mom and daddy had to do something wrong that they would give birth to a child that was blind others that didn't believe that it had something to do with your parents uh because they're those who still believe today that i'm in a predicament because my mom and daddy well if you have the good sense to diagnose your condition then you oughta had a good sense to do something about it your mom and daddy may be how you got here but you decide how you get through here and you can't just continue to go through life blaming everything on mom and daddy at some point you ought to be able to learn what not to do from your mom and your daddy some blamed it on the parents and some blamed it on personal penalty and punishment some said you had to do something wrong and ain't that the way a lot of people still work today when they see you in certain predicaments and plight they say evidently you must have done something yeah i mean that didn't just happen you must have done some well it happened the same way it happened to you you muster some believe it was personal some believe it was parental and some believe it had to do as a result of your prior life you must have done something in your previous life that caused you to be this way and some of us have never just figured out that some things are just life wasting frank sinatra that said it best when he said flying high in april shot down in may that's life because all of us are living on banana peel boulevard all of us you can you can walk good today but keep walking you're going to have some slippery days ahead and you never know when you're going to be in a different position than the position you are in right now it's just life a crust of bread and a corner to sleep in a minute to smile an hour to weep in a pint of joy to a peck of sorrow only to laugh as the bones grow double the poetic expression just depicts that's life he was blind but not only was he blind the other part that we need to look at is look at his name bartimaeus bart ming son of timaeus means low down so that's what people called them whenever they said his name son of a lowdown man and don't look like you ain't never said it because there's a whole lot of us here we love to remind people you know you know you know who they mama and daddy was don't you look this way so nobody never know you don't say stuff like that you know who they mom and daddy was i don't know did you know his mama did you did you know his daddy if you girl if you knew his daddy you know the acorn don't fall apple don't fall too far from the tree can you imagine every day being bombarded with that continuous and perpetual assault your constitution wasn't built to take that kind of assault on a daily basis somebody's saying to you you're son of a lone iron man but you know what i'm glad to tell you today where y'all says nothing about where you will end up just like where you started said nothing about where you would be right now god can take misery and turn it into a miracle he can take folk that other folks said are useless and worthless and do something significant in them and through them do i got somebody that reared and raised in an area where folks said you will never be nothing and you are never mounting anything and when you woke up this morning god had done more for you than you ever dreamed or you ever imagined cause where y'all [Applause] said nothing about the way you would end up i wish i could help every child today i wish i could capsulize this message as appeal and pass it out to a youthful generation and make them take it the way you are today says nothing about where you can end up tomorrow that god can do some amazing things with people that trust and obey him he was blind he was blind and his name was bartimaeus he was a son of a lowdown man but also he was a beggar that meant that meant simply that he he predicated his survival and he determined uh his worth and value on what other people felt about them his total survival was predicated on other people's feelings and sentiments and although you got a lot of people a lot of believers ain't standing on street corners we're still begging because we're dependent on other people for our survival and you need to know as a believer i i came down here to drop this on you as a believer you never broke you ought to stop saying that i'm i'm i'm broke you ain't as a are you a believer how many believers i got in here as a believer you ain't never broke let let me get this to you god got everything you need in his hand and just as you need it god give it to you [Applause] he don't come when you want him to come but he'll show up he'll show up right on time stop standing there talking about jenna motors taking care of you and four take a k if it wasn't for general motors if it wasn't for ford if it wasn't for fiat if it wasn't for the federal government if it wasn't for subsidy if it wasn't for the municipality let me tell you something it ain't none of those entities and establishment taking care of you do i got anybody that know it was nothing but god that brought you this far and it'll be nothing but god that'll carry you on how people feel about you listen should not determine your worth and value so even if you get a p if you walk into work and they hand you a note saying your services are no longer required pack that box with a smile and when people ask you how you smiling and you just got terminated you just got cut back you just got laid off tell them it wasn't because this job this job wasn't taking care of me in the first place this job was just a vehicle god used to transport a blessing to me and if this vehicle break down god got another way to roll me in a blessing my survival is predicated on god he was blind but he teaches us he was begging but he wasn't broke he was really blessed because he teaches us that it doesn't matter what move what wound you emerge from it doesn't matter what loins you sprung out of that god can do something significant with a life that other believe is insignificant jesus went into jericho but then he came out and the bible says while he was on his way out there was a man that was sitting alongside the road named bartimaeus and he cried out son of david have mercy on me and i'm trying to figure out my friends if jesus went into the city the same way he came out the city why didn't the man say something when jesus was on the way in i'm trying to figure out if he wanted his sight he could have asked jesus the question when jesus was on his way in why did he wait to jesus came out you know why i believe he he he didn't say something it's for the same reason you and i don't say something it's the same reason people sit in this worship and don't say nothing it's because some people don't know what to do with a moment like this [Music] maybe the reason the man didn't say nothing because he didn't know what to do with it he didn't he didn't know what to do when you get an audience with jesus and maybe that's what's wrong with some folk in here they don't know what to do when you get an audience with him you know my son my son was home a couple of weeks ago we dropped him off at xavier and he was home and because the hurricane came through new orleans and uh while he was home his mother cooked a special meal mama kk she she cooked the meal and honor him she cooked she cooked in honor of him of getting into trouble now about to get in trouble she cooked it on him she said i'm making a special meal i said oh glad you home uh glad you're glad you all listen oh made greens and macaroni and cheese and some candy yeah on a saturday grease macaroni and cheese i mean you know all that i do i don't listen greens [Applause] mac and cheese cornbread collard greens fried chicken and so he was home before i got there i i had to preach so he was already at home he had came to saturday night service and he ran back to the house and he was there when i got in the food was done sitting on the stove and he didn't have a plate and uh he came around there moving around he i said i said man you see what your mama cook and he said yeah i'm gonna get something in a minute i'll say okay i got me a plate she said babe you want to make me a plate say no don't need to you going to do what you're doing you did enough here i got the plate i put some greens on that plate i put some listen uh dressing candy yams mac and cheese fried chicken i put it on on that plate and listen he listen that wasn't it cause when you got a meal like that you got i know what to do with it put me a piece of cornbread next to it got me some cranberry sauce put that over that dressing and then put some hot sauce on that chicken out listen cause i know what to do with a plate like that listen and and when i thought about that the other day i said you know what that may be the problem in church some people just don't know what to do when you give them something like this oh johnny i mean jonathan nelson and bishop nelson sang in a day just pouring his heart out some people ain't packed their foot ain't waved a hand ain't said hallelujah ain't saying thank you jesus sitting in church nodding their head this ain't no place where you come make a joyful nod this is a room where you come make a joy for noise if your neck making noise go see a doctor but if god's been good to you open your mouth and say something got blessings all around you you don't you got to know what to do [Applause] with a moment like this you got to know what to do with it and some people maybe maybe this man missed his time because he didn't know what to do with a moment with a moment like this maybe maybe he missed his time and he missed this moment because he wasn't cognizant that although you can be in the same moment you don't have to necessarily be in the same time you do know we're in the same moment as people in chicago and california but we ain't in the same time see you looking at somebody and saying why they got what you don't have and why you got what they don't have because although y'all may be in the same moment you might not be in the same time and you can't get weary in your way of doing you got to trust god and know that he may not come when you want him to come but he'll show up how many of you know that if you don't get weary in in your work that in due season you'll reap if you don't give up if you don't get tired that's why you got to be a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it for fruit in his season that means your leave will not wither and whatever you do shall prosper stop letting the devil tell you just because it has not happened it won't happen just tell the devil it ain't my season yet but when my season come i'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water this this man bought a mass jesus was on his way in he didn't say nothing but when jesus came out there was a crowd that followed him if jesus went in with just his disciples and he came out with a crowd where did the crowd come from i'm i'm suspicious that evidently some stuff happened in jericho that didn't make it to the book and whenever you seen jesus do what they saw jesus do in jericho it'll make a believer out of you and those ain't the only people following him because they saw what he can do there's some folk in here this morning see there's some folk here because they heard about what he had done but there's some other folk here you've seen him do some stuff in jericho you you've seen him do some stuff that other people don't know he did and when you've seen him do some stuff that other people ain't seen them do it'll make a believer out of you somebody here seen him healed somebody here seen him deliver somebody in here seen him make a way somebody here seen him make your enemies leave you alone do i got anybody that's seen what he can do in jericho if you've seen what he can do in jericho then you ought to open your mouth you ought to be like blind by the bears bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside and and somebody told them jesus was in the neighborhood and he said to himself listen i'm closer than i may ever get again so he act like he was closer and that that was the last chance he could get so he cried out son of david have mercy on me and i came looking for folk that know this might be your last time so y'all now sit there quiet you ought to act like this might be the last chance you'll get y'all to open your mouth and holler his name son of david i said y'all to call him by his name my children need you my family needs you my city needs you my state my country needs you open your mouth and call them like you need them son of david hey hey have mercy on me do i got some help up in here wait a minute the louder he got the more they tried to calm him down but he didn't care how people looked at him he didn't care what people said about him he didn't care how people thought about him he got louder with his praise somebody ought to look down your room if ain't nobody else on your road praising him make up your mind i'll shout by myself i holla by myself i dance by myself cause i need him to do something that none of y'all can do where my holler is at where my praise is at where my worship is at holla like you know his name holler like you know his name i said wrap my focus that don't mind hollering [Music] hey [Music] say son of david have mercy have mercy on me jesus told them disciple go get him man what do you want me to do for you and that's what i came to ask you what do you want him to do what do you want him to do for you and based on whatever you want him to do for you that ought to be a sign of your praise if you want them to do something small give them a small praise if you want them to do some average give them an average praise i'm trying to ask you what do you want them to do for you if you want them to do something crazy oh march [Music] set go open your mouth [Music] i said whatever you want hey don't you run like that hey [Music] wow [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] what my worship was at come on what my worship was at [Music] what my sanctified worship was at i wish i had maybe some sanctified showers up in here come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] the invitation while you're standing the invitation to discipleship is extended hallelujah this might be the last chance i get open your mouth loud enough for him to hear you hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes he is yes he is what he says yes he could do yes he will yes he will he's gonna yes he will every promise so don't give up on god cause he won't because he won't give up [Music] come on the door's open come on i'll see you my sister come on come on [Music] right here right here right here i see three come on come on come on help me bishop come on is there another come on [Music] is everybody oh [Music] is [Music] he's gonna do it [Applause] oh thank god for those of you that have come let's praise god for those we're glad to have you as a part of our family right this way bless you all the doors of our lord's church are now open you may be seated thank god for those of you those of you sharing with us virtually in your vehicle you still got time you still got time we got six most services today that you can be a part of i wouldn't just do it virtually and vehicularly listen just like they can go to see charlie wilson at the aretha franklin apple theater just like they can go to the big game at the big house just like they can go to the arena uh and the park they can come to church that's just about a ball when you come in here we shout about a blessing you ought to take a chance it might be your last chance amen make your way to the church house let's prepare to give get that offering in your hand get that offering in your hand prepare your hearts now to give to god if you need an envelope in your in-person way your hand ushers have made themselves avail if you in your vehicle or your virtual listen you got multiple ways to give thank you for sharing with us today on the worldwide web thank you uh for sharing with us today in your vehicle good to see so many of you out there in your car amen and i drive in you can give through cash app dollar sign triumph detroit you can go to our website or you can give uh by texting your gift text to gift by texting triumph uh to 28950-28950 while you're giving uh what we're going to do now while you're giving uh we want to take a break just for the announcement purposes after that we're going to come back and pray over your gift and we're going to thank god nelson amen as he makes amen his final blessing of music on your way out the door come on tune in to these announcements tuesdays are triumphant triumph church our midweek bible studies are another opportunity to study the word of god at triumph church you're invited to join us at triumph and tuesdays for primetime bible study at our east campus and tuesday night at north bible study services triads triumphant tuesdays begin with our 12 pm primetime bible study at our east campus which is followed by a free specially catered lunch and if you have to get back to work no problem grab lunch on your way out but that's not it you're also invited to enjoy dinner with pastor kenlock beginning at 4 30 p.m at our north campus and at 6 30 p.m the praise party begins pastor kenlock will continue the insightful and life-changing four-part bible study series entitled living life on course the study of the book of proverbs don't miss this chance to reconnect refuel and refill by the word of god are you or someone you know in need of groceries triumph church is here to help register today for our upcoming free grocery giveaway on friday october 1st beginning at 10 a.m at our east campus located at 2760 east grand boulevard in detroit visit to register for our october 1st free grocery giveaway resources are distributed on the first come first served basis and registration is required the bible teaches us in acts 2 38 that we must repent and be baptized if you are ready to live for christ triumph church is a wonderful place to call home if you or a family member wish to begin anew and be baptized you can do so this saturday october 2nd at 5 pm at our special baptism service at our north campus visit to sign up today on the first weekend of each month triumph church pauses to reflect on the ultimate gift that has been given by our lord and savior his life for our sins once again this saturday october 2nd triumph church will share and what symbolizes the body and blood of our lord jesus christ at our special in-person communion service at 5 pm at our north campus and at our 7 45 a.m and 1 45 pm east campus worship services at 8 45 a.m 10 45 a.m and 12 45 pm north campus worship services as well as the 9 45 am west campus 11am flint campus and 11 45 am eastland campus worship services the blood still works to stay in the know and register for all ministry programs visit today let's give god a handclap of praise for the gift of bishop jason nelson hallelujah did not our hearts burn from within while the man of god spoke with us along the way if all hearts and minds are clear if you have those gifts prepared please lift them to the sky father god we thank you so much for gift and giver helping to advance calls in kingdom that we might continue to do the mammoth and moth works that you've called us to do in this season now may the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ love of god fellowship and sweet communion of his holy spirit may he rest ruling abide with us thou people now henceforth and forevermore that the people of god say amen praise god and thank you jesus there will be people waiting to receive your gifts on the way out the door god bless [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] forever no matter what life forever [Music] you can count on me i promise forever [Music] forever forever [Music]
Channel: Triumph Church
Views: 2,556
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: triumph, church, detroit, southfield, northville, harper, woods, flint, canton, worship, gospel, choir, praise, team, christian
Id: RRbrTOuJS08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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