Holy Consecration 2021- Night 1 with Prophet Jeremiah Johnson

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] me [Music] justice [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord we welcome you in your majesty we welcome you in tonight in the name of jesus god we thank you we give you glory we honor god we give you praise tonight lord in the name of jesus as we enter in tonight into holy convocation 2021 let's just take a couple of moments to get ourselves in a posture of reverence whether that's at the altar or on your knees or with your hands lifted that we can worship god that we can give him glory that we can give an honor that we can give him praise that we can thank god for this last year of everything that he has brought us through that we can worship god that we can give him glory that we can give him honor that we can give him praise that a clarion call went out for holy consecration and that we were able to hear that call and come into the presence of the lord that he invited us and that we have been graced by his grace and his mercy to hear the sound of his voice that we have been offered an opportunity to come to the altar so let us tonight bring that sacrifice that we plan to place on the altar before the lord so that god can consume everything that's not like him in the name of jesus let us enter into worship and into prayer in a reverent way in an expectation this evening in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah welcome to holy consecration 2021 thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus our scripture reading tonight is gonna come from psalms 124 and we're gonna be reading the scripture tonight and the amplified version and the amplified version reads tonight if it had not been the lord who was on our side now may israel say in the name of jesus if it had not been the lord who was on our side when men rose up against us then they would have quickly swallowed us alive when their wrath was kindled against us then the waters would have engulfed us the torrent would have swept over our soul then the raging waters would have swept over our soul blessed be the lord who has not given us as prey to be torn by their teeth we have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers the trap is broken and we have escaped our help is in the name of the lord who made heaven and earth father we thank you for your word tonight lord we give you glory honor and praise in jesus name hallelujah can we clap our hands all over this place this afternoon does anybody got a yes lord in their spirit does anybody got a yes lord in their mouth does anybody got a yes lord in their hearts so if you can do me a favor tonight i want you to just say yes lord i want you to just say yes lord yes lord whatever you want to do yes lord however you wanted to it yes lord hallelujah so tonight we come to give god a yes hallelujah glory to god this is a new song for us and so we want to just lift this up tonight can you just move so we submit our wheels to yours and we say [Music] yes is [Music] is [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever you want me to do whatever you want me to do it however you want me to do it however you want me to do it however you want me [Music] that's it [Music] holy ghost help [Music] [Music] is [Music] it is the teacher is myself [Music] this week about a yes lord [Music] whatever you want me to do whatever you want me to do whatever you [Music] whatever you want me to say whatever you want me to say it is whatever you want me to say whatever you want me to say whatever you want me to say it is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] we're yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes lord [Music] company [Music] yes [Music] from the tops of my souls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do what you wanna do [Music] the seat of my emotion says yes my will says yes can we breathe in this evening and as you breathe out breathe a yes one more time let's breathe in and let's breathe out and breathe yes while you're doing that and can we raise our hands in this place move out the way i looked up what that phrase meant and it says to relocate to a position that is no longer an obstruction impediment or annoyance today this week and prayerfully for the rest of our lives we're saying god we're moving out of the way our wills if it is an obstruction impediment or an annoyance to you we move out of the way so that you can do whatever it is you want to do creation even yet and still yields to the voice and the breath of our god he said let there be and there was we yield to what he wants us to do if that is your prayer this week if that really is your heart's desire can you raise your hands in this place and as your hands are raised with a worship can you release a yes in this place [Music] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] can we sing that one boys [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] movies is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] and we me [Music] all we want is you to move if that's your prayer today can you sing that all we want all we want to move all we want is [Music] and all we want is you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] joy comes in when you move is [Music] [Music] god we are giving you permission we're open [Music] and we're moving away from all our other agendas give us a love for what you love and hate what you hate let our desire be your desire for our lives [Music] just slip those hands and just fill this room right now with words of adoration to our god come on just decorate this place oh father we love you jesus i'm open i'm open come on i'm open lord [Music] i'm open dwell here dwell here you can move whatever's in your way whatever took your place 12 12 [Music] you can move whatever's in your [Music] come on let me hear you lift it up says 12 here you can move whatever [Music] you can move god what if come on lift it up [Music] whatever twelve [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lord prepare me [Music] true come on that's a sin lesson [Applause] [Music] come on get in the doorway of your tent come on get in the door way of your tip [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a heart of thanksgiving oh i'm not just coming for a blessing but i will bless thee oh lord i'm a blessing oh lord [Music] i will bless the old lord oh [Music] oh god do something in me lord do something in me lord do something in me lord you are the potter and i am the clay move me god make me lord do it in me jesus come on in here do it in me jesus oh clap your hands as fast as you can and lend your voice to the atmosphere what about the ocean oh my god my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hallelujah hey yeah shut up [Applause] hallelujah do it in me lord there's something i need you to do with me in this consecration i'm not looking at the deacons of the elders i need you to do it in me lord oh i'm bringing myself to the altar i'm bringing myself to the altar she i fear that i'm coming back to the heart of the matter [Applause] come on release the sound let him give you a purified sound oh god [Music] oh [Music] lay your hands on me jesus somebody shall do it in me lord do it in me lord thank you lord amen you can be seated in the presence of the lord if you can hallelujah but the psalmist says my expectation is on him i said my expectation is on him [Music] i feel a boom in the room i'm telling you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah y'all excuse me but this consecration is time sensitive i said it's time sensitive god dropping into this moment because he knew what we needed so my prayer this week is have your way move me out of the way have your have your way lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you got to come bringing something did you come to bring anything hallelujah did you bring anything hallelujah oh god oh god thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord thank you all thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] don't i don't know we need to hear this but the root is coming out this week i said the root the root [Applause] the root is coming out come on the root the root of the thing the root the root of the thing this week this week somebody my faith began to pull it up shatters coming up and out it's coming up and out this week the root of the thing i'm kind of dealing with the symptoms i'm tired of dealing with the outside the root of the table there's some stuff that was passed to me there was some stuff i inherited but look at your neighbor tell your neighbor the root is coming out god bless you we are thankful tonight [Music] we started at midnight last night in prayer so as the sun is going down we're coming into a second day and i'm telling you hallelujah as we hear the songs that keep mirroring one another in the lyrics about moving out of the way it's about letting go of your pride because i want everything god has for me and when i say that i was preaching this morning i was talking about the stuff i'm not talking about stuff i want more of god i want more of god i don't want to spend my time working for him that i miss out on the knowing him and so uh welcome um just you know someone told us years ago when we started in the storefront church that this week we would wrap up in prayer shawls and we were praying that that as our church grow grew and we would get older we would stop doing this but i'm here to testify we just made it to the 16th holy consecration [Music] but i remember last year during the pandemic we had to sit in a meeting to discuss whether we would have it because last year we were in the height of the pandemic and the lord spoke to me and says if you obey me i'll cover you and i want you to know i'm here to testify last year we went thousands of people throughout the church that whole week and we didn't have not one breakout god kept us covered hallelujah thank you lord and so thank you lord jesus oh thank you lord jesus because he knew what we needed this realignment this reset i also want to say praise the lord uh to our saints that are watching us who are joined together at our location in brazil let's thank the lord for ram sao paulo we love you pastor hebridge apostle senor this have been sowing already hallelujah for the family that god has given us all around the world so as we get ready for holy consecration we're always in prayer about who god would use to come speak to us especially during this sensitive time and the lord dropped this man of god on my heart to come and share with us and when i invited him to come i had read an article about his ministry and the lord has blessed him he's been on tbn day star every christian at work known to man even been a guest on new stations uh secular news stations and shared his commentating uh comments prophetically and god has used him mightily he's pastored a church in florida for 15 years and then at the voice of god just obeying god uprooted his family and they moved to charlotte north carolina where they're leading out the altar global network who they have people that are connected to their ministry all around the world just obeying god not knowing specifically who he was until this week he shared his books with me and one of his books that he shared with me is entitled the power of consecration it has to be god rob it has to be god and so all over this place if you would stand on your feet with me are you all are you all alert are you sober are you aware are you open what all over this place for the first time to the ram church international will you help me welcome and give a big god bless you to prophet jeremiah johnson come on give him a big ramp welcome [Music] hallelujah you can be seated it's a privilege it's an honor to be here tonight i want to thank bishop younger and the family here at the ramp church international i've fasted i prayed i've sought the lord for what he would want to impart to us tonight i really feel the spirit of god is here to pull at the root how many of you know before jesus comes for his church he's going to come to his church i said before jesus comes back for his church he's going to come to her jesus began his ministry by cleansing the temple and he concludes his ministry by cleansing the temple the reason why he did it twice there's a reason why all of us throughout our entire lives need to embrace the cleansing that comes from jesus as i have traveled around this nation over the last 15 years most years ministering in 40 to 50 churches and conferences my heart has grown burden over the years by the love of the supernatural and the distaste for holiness i have marveled in the circles that i've traveled in the admiration for miracles and prophecy and the manifestation of the holy spirit but the moment you mention repentance from sin the moment you mention pornography and sexual immorality it gets very quiet i just want to remind us there are living creatures and there are elders and there are seraphim that are circling the throne even tonight and they're not saying grace grace grace they're not even saying miracles miracles miracles they're saying holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come and if we're really going to believe the prayer that jesus taught us on earth as it is in heaven we know that there's no sickness there's no disease in heaven and we should contend to pull down that reality here on earth and walk in it at the same time we also know that there is holiness there is purity there's consecration the seraphim literally meaning burning ones that god wants to release that reality here on the earth so i do bring a prophetic burden to you that's global that's from around our the charismatic pentecostal circles i see a love for miracles for prophecy for the manifestation of the holy spirit but when it comes to consecration i don't see a love and so when pastor younger bishop younger reached out and said would you come to our holy consecration i just started crying in my room just saying thank you lord that there is still a remnant in america who understand that the lack of demonstration of the power of god in the church is directly connected to the lack of consecration there is a greater realm of the demonstration of the power of the holy spirit that god desires to pour out but he's dealing with mixture he's dealing with compromise he's dealing with the little foxes that spoil the vineyard what a week that we have in front of us amen if you'll turn in your bibles or on your iphones whatever you're using to first kings chapter 16 first kings chapter 16 i want to deal with the spirit of perversion tonight i know that many of you don't really know me that's okay i'm just a pretty straightforward guy my mom had a dream when i was in her womb to name me jeremiah that the lord would raise me up as a prophetic voice that satan would try to kill me on many occasions so i was born dead the cord was wrapped around my neck my mom almost died we were a miraculous intervention in miami florida god swept down and saved us and then all throughout my life even in brazil is one of the times that satan tried to take my life interesting that you have a campus there but it's it's something when you know that your gods something when you recognize that your life is not your own and it is a joy and it is a privilege to lay it all down before him but this first king 16 we're going to look at ahab and jezebel we're going to look at a showdown that they have with elijah but i just want to throw this out there for us just to try to build a bridge from where i'm coming from in ezekiel chapter 44 verse 23 ezekiel the prophet begins to define one of the primary roles of the priests and the leaders in the house of god ezekiel says that one of the primary roles of leaders and the priests is they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane and they should cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean and so one of the things that god is coming to cleanse in his church is the priesthood you see that god raises up samuel a prophet and the very first thing that he does is he restores the priesthood before prophetic ministry and he begins to deal with eli the high priest who does not want to confront wickedness and sin in the house of god i fear that we have a modern day eli problem in the church which is giving breed to a generation of hofnes and phineas's who are living with one foot in the world in one foot in the church who are speaking in tongues and stills cursing their spouse who are trying to lay hands on the sick but they can't keep their hands off their boyfriend or girlfriend who are raising their hands in church on sunday and pulling their pants down on friday folks we have a mixing of the holy and the profane from the clean and it's it's on the platform [Applause] and so i believe that god is going to raise up a fresh breed of samuels in the earth and he's going to raise up hannah's intercessors that travail that's going to come again i feel like even coming to lynchburg god said to me that lynchburg has become a graveyard for prophets that there is a spirit of mixture and compromise that has tried to taint the true word of the lord and the spirit of god would come to this city in this region and prophesy to you that i am going to raise up a pure breed of prophets in the earth again and they will no longer dine at jezebel's table for they shall not be bought yea they cannot be sold because they have bowed to me in the secret place i'm telling you god is exposing the pimping and the prostituting in the house of god musicians and singers for hire prophets going to the highest bidder god is coming to cleanse his temple once again there's going to be a shaking there's going to be an awakening if you're awake tonight say yes god's dealing with the spirit of eli he's writing ichabod on many churches during the pandemic god himself is shutting down many churches during the pandemic he is nailing ichabod over their doors because they refuse to confront wickedness and sin in the next generation so the priests and the leadership we have a responsibility before the people of god to teach you what is sin and what is not it's interesting to me i was preaching at a mega church in michigan two years ago over ten thousand people they asked me to come and preach on revival in the back office they had five services the pastor said brother jeremiah you can do anything you can say anything this weekend but just don't say the word sin the word sin has become offensive in america and i'm just here to tell you that when you water down the gospel you strip it of its true power jesus is not a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life jesus is the life he is the truth and he is the way jesus is not an item on the buffet where you can have a little bit of him in a little bit of compromise if you are not selling out you can be bought we have people in the church that are backsliding because they've never front slide [Applause] telling you jesus is coming to walk among the lampstands and the way that we've done church prior to the pandemic we can never go back this whole business as usual this whole infatuation with the gifting and charisma of men is leading us down a path of destruction i want to remind us that in the new testament in titus and timothy the qualifications for church leadership have nothing to do with gifting and charisma they have everything to do with character and integrity romans chapter 11 says that the gifts that are given the grace of god are without repentance in other words if god has given you the gift of prophecy you can still prophesy accurately and be committing adultery you could still have the get you could still have a miracle working ministry and deceive the entire room that you're right with god and because there is such a hunger and a desire in the house of god for more gifting more charisma we are creating environments again where there is a love for the supernatural in a distaste for the holiness of god and i'm prophesying to you god is about to come and shake his church he's about to come and purify his church he's about to come and drop a plumb line in the church there is a standard of morality that you and i have to give ourselves to [Applause] people want to be told well just tell me who the fakes are just tell me who the frauds are here's what the spirit of god said to me i will not reveal that to you because i will not rob my church from the gift of discernment the only way to tell whether someone is right with god or not is look at how they treat their spouse quiet in here [Applause] wait a minute so i'm not infatuated with likes and subscribers and television ministry and more addicted to an algorithm than the holy spirit i'm talking about finding individuals who are winning in the private place folks we have a generation trying to slaughter goliath in the public place because they've never defeated the lion or the bear in the private place [Applause] [Music] this is really not radical it's just good bible [Applause] but we have built according to the traditions of men and the spirit of religion there is a spirit of hypocrisy in the church that's put a bad taste in the mouth of the next generation and as a millennial my heart is yearning and longing for young people to come back into the house of god for young people to be able to see leaders who are willing to walk with them who are willing to teach them about healthy marriage and healthy family we love the gifts we appreciate the the grace of god but we treasure character and integrity more [Applause] in ezekiel 13 he lays out who are the false prophets so ezekiel in chapter 44 says the role of the priests and the leaders is to make sure people understand what sin and what's not sin meaning you can't habitually and continually be sleeping with your boyfriend or girlfriend and think you're going to heaven you're not heterosexual homosexual bisexual if it's not in marriage covenant as defined by the bible it's an abomination [Applause] see it's it's easy to preach the truth when you can't be bought i didn't come here for money i didn't come here for applause i didn't come here for another gig i came as a messenger of the lord jesus christ who will have to answer to him well brother that doesn't make me feel good can i help us we're living in the most overly sensitive i'm offended brother truth is never defined by how it makes me feel truth is defined by is it in the word of god but see we have progressive christianity who is now attacking the inspiration of the word of god so that they can define a standard of morality what's good for you is good for you and what's good for me is good for me and however it makes me feel folks i'm telling you as in the days of josiah who recovered the word of god i'm prophesying to you that god is going to raise up oracles of righteousness he's going to raise up modern-day preachers like noah who are going to prophesy to a generation that there is a storm on the horizon and the only way you're going to make it through is to root and ground your life and your marriage and your family on the rock solid truth of jesus christ we don't need five steps to a better marriage four steps to a better health life we need the word of god preached in power once again we need to throw away our church grow textbooks and all our mimics and carbon copy church plants and we need to begin to anchor a generation in the truth of how we doing you got your tomatoes ready [Music] here's the false prophets are you ready it's all in the bible false prophets discourage holy and righteous living and encourage the wicked not to repent of their sins ezekiel 13 22 false prophets allow a generation living in sin to feel that they're okay with god well i thought true prophets just come in and read my mail folks there is so much pollution in prophetic ministry today we treat them like psychic readers we treat them like magicians jeremiah 27 18 if they be true prophets let them make intercession to the lord of hosts in other words i don't need to know if you're accurate i need to know if you can pray in the holy ghost i need to know if you can carry the burden of the word of the lord i need to know if you can travail and you can fast that's how we know if you're a true prophet of the lord telling you this showbiz mentality in the church this modern day prostitution this hofny and phineas mentality god give us real prophets give us prophets that love us enough to tell us the truth give us real prophets who understand open rebuke is better than hidden love the father loves us enough too much to leave us the way that he found us come as you are does not mean stay as you are well brother i was born gay i'm not gonna fight you over it but you sure weren't born again gay [Applause] the gospel [Applause] [Music] you know there's a whole lot of preachers shouting and saying nothing [Applause] there's a lot of preachers shouting and saying nothing the gospel is not a gospel of behavior modification the gospel is a gospel of heart transformation this is not acting one way on sunday and acting another way at home this is about god giving us a new heart and a new mouth and a new mind this is about god mending broken marriages this is about god setting fathers in place in their families i really am i'm good with it all i'm good with the shouting and the dancing and the tongue talking and the falling down on the floor but folks if you can't take it out the door stop falling on the floor this is not holy ghost charades this is not the charismatic zoo [Applause] [Music] i've done the tv i've hung with them all i've done the tele i i've literally i've sat with our pentecostal charismatic heroes in america and i've grown sick i just want to be the same person behind the scenes as i am when you give me a mic [Applause] i just want to care enough about people about how they're really doing how is your marriage how is your family well what about david and bathsheba listen the sin in the bible was never meant to excuse yours [Applause] again there's this twisted perverted polluted mindset where we we find comfort in our sin because the bible is full of individuals who sinned as well let me tell you something the only person in the bible who's my example who i'm mirroring my life after is the lord jesus christ who had all power who had all authority but was without sin he was the spotless lamb of god who lived a life laid down dependent every single day and that is what this generation needs before jesus comes for his church he's coming to his church and he is dropping the plum line among prophets he is dropping the plum line among the priests and the leaders let's begin to deal with the spirit of perversion first kings chapter 16 going to begin reading in verse 29. now ahab the son of omri became king over israel in the 38th year of asa king of judah and ahab the son of omri reigned over israel in samaria 22 years and ahab the son of omri did evil in the sight of the lord more than all who were before him and it came about as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam the son of nebat that he married jezebel the daughter of ephbale king of the sidonians and went to serve baal and worship him so he erected an altar for baal in the house of bell which he built built in samaria we know that ahab is an evil dude it says that he did more evil than all the kings that were before him but there's this word trivial i want you to underline it highlight it circle it very important here and it came about as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam this word trivial means it doesn't matter this word trivial means it's not of a lot of importance i believe that god tonight i believe that god globally is going to come after what are we hungry for i believe that god is after our affections i believe that appetite dictates the direction of our lives if you have an appetite for gifting above character if you have an appetite for television above prayer time you are going to find yourself among a group of famous ministers in america who are casting out devils healing the sick and prophesying and jesus is declaring over them away from me i never knew you you prophesied to thousands you worked miracles but you were sleeping with the lady on the front row away from me i never knew you you had all the television and all the subscribers and all the church plants and yet you were in bed with mammon you did it for the money there is an appetite and there's a hunger that god wants to deal with tonight what are you hungry for lord i'm hungry for righteousness why because the bible says god is righteous and he loves righteousness the bible says the oil of joy was poured out on jesus why because he loved righteousness and he hated wickedness and sin do you know it's a good thing to hate wickedness and sin do you know that it's a problem tonight that many people in this room served the devil way better than you've ever served god man we have this chur this we were clubbing we were getting ready at 10 11 at night we would get back at 4 5 in the morning so we didn't know who we slept with we didn't care who we drank with but brother church has to be an hour on sunday or on board it's called idolatry how have we settled for such radical former darkness that now when we've been born again when we've surrendered our will to jesus that we have become domesticated kitty cats in the house of god we have become domesticated by the spirit of religion when god is releasing a holy jailbreak in the church he's going to raise up some lions and some lionesses because my bible says the righteous are as bold as lions and this little kitty cat religion isn't scaring the devil in america and god is looking for a people who will run to the altar again who will grab the horns and say lord i'm ready to give it all i'm tired of playing religious games is anybody awake tonight [Applause] brother my my attention span i can't can we hurry up and get out of here brother you're playing fortnite eight hours a day and you're you're 40 and you're like a 12 year old boy we need to get you a job we need to get you in the house of god we need to have you growing up and when you ask people their testimony i mean man they're like glorifying the devil 15 20 years of i mean wild stuff but you sit by them in church and they're like a statue some of these men they love sports they love entertainment i mean they're excited they invest their resources and the offering plate passes them every sunday i just believe god is going to raise up a radically righteous generation who is going to live to make the devil pay [Applause] whose i'm gonna make him pay for all the wasted years [Applause] look at your neighbor and say there's more oh there's so much more oh man we we would why are we more familiar with hell on earth than heaven on earth why have we settled for years and years serving the devil as our master doing his bidding testing the boundaries romans 1 says that they invented ways of doing evil we were wild ones for the devil and then we get saved and domesticated like little kitty cats and our purr is doing nothing see i love you too much tonight to leave you and compromise i love you too much tonight to leave you with mixture in your life i love you too much to leave you straddling the fence of a move of god in a move of the world god is saying come out from among them take a step toward the fire of god and i'm just not going to breathe fire that makes you feel good i'm talking about a cleansing purifying fire a heart transformation that will never leave you the same again so ahab looks at sin as a trivial matter his first mistake is that he says sin is not a big deal i want to tell you treating sin casually creates casualties [Applause] treating sin casually creates casualties you're not just watching pornography you are fellowshipping with demons [Music] not a big deal not a big deal i'd just rather pet it i'd just rather suppress it because we're going to church honey put on the tie put on the suit put on the dress we're just we're going to cut we're going to use ministry to cover up dysfunction we're going to do a little about a hyundai and i can't keep my tongue in my mouth on the weekends i'm just gonna wow everybody with my gift and my ability to play guitar and and play on a piano and prophesy i'm just gonna fool everybody but god god this is the first night not the last night folks i want to invite you to go hard on sin i i wan i i want to almost demand that we get aggressive on compromise and mixture how how does the devil begin in genesis as a snake and he winds up as a dragon in revelation we fed him [Applause] see it's it's that little fox it's that little text it's that little phone call it's that little flirt at work [Applause] it's that little seed that you allow it's not a big deal it's just one look it's just one invitation it's just it'll be okay and i'm telling you there is a false grace spirit moving in the church today that is literally allowing people to be comfortable in their sin sin isn't a big deal you know why sin is a big deal because it costs god his one and only son creates casualties how many people look we're all looking for some little red devil right with horns saying come here come here come here like oh yeah yeah that's the devil the devil comes as an angel masquerading as light god is the devil is tricking and trapping a generation with good things when god is asking you will you hold out for the god thing see don't forget that god blessed ishmael [Music] all right listen but god will bless many things that he will never inhabit his presence is here but is his glory here you've got the anointing but do you have the glory of god see i feel during this week of consecration god is speaking to many of us about settling for way less than what god is inviting us into i feel like the lord is releasing grace to literally make war on sin get aggressive with it how many of you men or grandparents would just let a grown man come in and take advantage of your children i don't think so you know that bear that we all try to act like isn't alive there's no junior holy ghost you know why i know that because there's no junior devil the devil has invaded the education system in america we are calling good evil and evil good there's a twisting and a perverting over i've got four children under 10. i'm carrying this crazy burden for the next generation god raise up a standard of righteousness in the land god protect them from the evil one [Applause] but it's it's not the sunday school teacher's job to disciple our children it's not the teacher's job to teach them right from wrong it's mom and dad in the home but hear me it's it's hard to drop the plum line on your kids when you're not living it [Applause] satan has neutered the church there is so much sin and compromise that we have a hard time talking about it because we're in bed with it you have no authority over something you're in bed with sexual immorality how about racism we can't get the victory in america because our churches are full of racist people great awakenings in society always begin with great awakenings in the church whatever you're believing god to do out there must come in here first this is why peter says judgment comes first in the house of god before jesus comes for his church he's coming to his church let me get through this so ahab makes a mistake and he begins to treat sin as a trivial matter it's not a big deal it's just a little of this and it's just a little of that just that little open door that's how it begins but i want you to notice here he treats sin as a civ a trivial thing that he married jezebel when sin becomes a trivial matter in our lives it opens up the gateway for unrighteous affections tonight is about what are you hungry for tonight is about our spiritual appetite when he begins to treat sin as not a big deal it produces unrighteous affections follow me and ahab becomes attracted to something he was meant to be disgusted by i'm going to tell you that when sin becomes not a big deal it opens up the gates of perversion where there begins a twisting and a polluting and a perverting of affections and that man should have ran from jezebel but all of a sudden because sin wasn't a big deal it opens up the door and here comes jezebel how many people do you know married the wrong person chase the wrong thing see that's the danger of of allowing what you watch on the computer define what it means to be pretty [Applause] sin is not a big deal the next thing that happens is his unrighteous affections begin to attract him to someone that he was never meant to be attracted to it led to fatal attraction there's just a little door that we downplayed there's just a little snapchat there's just a little inbox there's just a little of this and a little of that not a big deal and all of a sudden what happens is the snake becomes a dragon we become attracted and hungry for things that we were never intended to become hungry for it leads to fatal attraction verse 34 in his days high yield the bethelite built jericho he laid its foundation with the loss of abraham his firstborn and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son sagab according to the word of the lord which he spoke by joshua the son of none it gets worse joshua gave a prophecy years before this that the man that would rebuild this city it would cost him his firstborn and his youngest so ahab is so trapped in a spirit of perversion and unrighteous affections that he begins to build something that would cost him his own sons and daughters what kind of individual would do something that would cost them their children a perverted man or woman let me run this by you one generation's compromise becomes the next generation's captivity [Applause] sir this is not just about your computer problem this is about the demons that you are inviting into your home that are going to prey on your children your compromise as a man is going to lead to your children's captivity so when you talk about the enticement of sin when you talk about the allurement and should i do it and should i not and who's gonna know about it and who's not gonna know about it it's like they walk in the office you're married and she comes in and says come sleep with me the only right thing to do is say hold on pull out your wallet before we do this let me just pull out the pictures of my wife and kids and light them on fire before we go ahead because my choice today is going to affect those who come behind me tomorrow and our aggressiveness and our hatred for sin should come from our knowledge that satan is not just coming for you he's coming for your children and your grandchildren and i've got good news for you tonight god is going to raise up men and women of covenant it was job who rose up and said i have chosen to make a covenant with my eyes i'm going to tell you one man of covenant has the power to reverse the curse in the bloodline i've come here tonight to prophesy to you that generational curses are coming off your marriage and your family tonight i'm here to prophesy to you it's time to get radical against darkness it's time to come out of the shallows and the shadows of christianity and it's time to hear the deep things of god calling out to the deep things of you it's time to grow up and recognize my choices in my marriage and my family are affecting others remember that nike t-shirt that came out not a role model you know the problem with that is is everyone's a role model whether you want to be one or not someone's always watching someone's always observing you can be up here preaching but your wife knows you're a liar yeah we need his help i want you to close your eyes all over this place holy spirit we need your help tonight god i ask that you would restore the fear of the lord to the church once again lord there's no fear of you in that in your house anymore we've become too familiar with your presence that we don't even know you've left i feel like the lord is speaking to me right now about samson but some of you have been playing with delilah too long you're allowing sin to massage you and stroke you it's stealing the strength of the zeal of the lord in your life it's time to renounce all sin it's time to repent and make a way for great refreshing to come this week i believe the lord could have sent me at any night this week but he loves this church enough to start out with a deep deep call to consecration and repentance lord let every stone be overturned [Music] god raise up men and women of covenant that will reverse the curse in their family holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come god i ask that you would take us back to our first love tonight where are my pure ones where are those like daniel where are my radshack meshach and abendigos who will refuse to bow god i ask that you would raise them up in lynchburg here come the consecrated ones [Music] if you feel the burden of god if you feel the hand of the lord upon you right now i want to ask you to come down to the front quickly [Music] it doesn't matter if i came for one person [Music] god let fire fall on your altar tonight [Music] taking some of you back to your roots i hear the voice of god saying i'm calling many in this room back to messages and men that you used to listen to as young people [Music] what are you hungry for begin to pray begin to open up your mouth lord i'm asking that you would release righteous affections i pray for god appetite i command every demonic influence to be dispelled from your life right now i bind the spirit of pornography in jesus name every sexual perversion demon go right now in jesus name i command a cleansing in your house right now come on pray pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it's time to get your fight back fire fire it's time to get on the wall where are the watchmen where are the watch women there's a call to the wall tonight [Music] [Applause] there's power in the blood there's power in the blood of jesus [Music] i break the spirit of shame in this place right now in jesus name i declare freedom over your life in the name of jesus [Music] come on i want to empower you just contend a little bit longer we've got to pray until we can pray we've got to shake compromise off [Music] mixture go in jesus name poor lord more lord drive out hypocrisy in the church [Music] we're coming back to the heart of worship come on push that sin out of the way push that compromise and mixture out of the way come on it's time to break up some fallow ground tonight [Music] come on i hear god saying i'm bringing holiness back the world might be bringing sexy back but god is bringing holiness back [Music] god is calling forth prophets he's calling forth consecrated messengers i break the fear of man in this place i believe god is ready to send some of you to the nations but it's time to bow [Music] [Music] i don't know who you are you've got a watch in a time i see a fathering mantle on you and i see sons that the lord is going to gift you that have mixture and compromise in their life and i see you disciple training and disciple making working out character flaws in their life and preparing them not just for the race but for the marathon i just prophesy you've been given a marathon ministry not shooting stars but shining stars not only called you to run but you're going to run a marathon you're going to last and remain a long long time [Music] telling you there's a glory there's a glory that god wants to send to churches and individuals but if there's a crack in your character what was intended to bless you will crush you if you don't begin to deal with the skeletons in the closet the very spotlight you crave will be the very spotlight that exposes you [Music] just pray in the holy ghost just a little bit longer god let every curse be broken [Music] god i'm asking that you would resurrect fathers in this room i'm resurrecting a fathering mantle in this room [Music] brother i want you to come in and come [Music] lord says that i've anointed you to tread on the head of the serpent [Music] there's an anointing on you to break the power of religion [Music] i see a a realm of jealousy around you you're occupying a position in the spirit that many want the lord says i've not chosen you because of your gifting i've set you apart because of your humility and many around you are looking to soar but i put a heart in you to get low i see a realm of warfare in the second heavens attempting to entice you into the warfare the lord says if you will bow low before me i'll allow that warfare just to pass you over i free you from the opinions of your family we just break off i see white witchcraft all over you lord says the witchcraft comes off by the tears it's the tears it's the priesting before the lord that will set you free there's going to be humility that you're going to walk in even in your marriage even as a father or it's given you he's gifted you a sharp arrow to keep you humble don't despise the arrow embrace it [Music] just pray in the holy ghost come on come on let's just be open yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on the primary way god's going to sanctify you is through your marriage and your kids primary way god will sanctify you is through your spouse and your children yes lord [Music] i see god dealing with a hunger for influence [Music] a hunger to be seen [Music] i hear the spirit of god saying to someone if you don't bow low i will bring you low god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble [Music] i see god mantling this church with a strong backbone [Music] may have felt like things you were taking a step back but i feel like i see a picture of a rubber band i feel like the lord says get ready ramp church because in 2022 there's going to be a catapult [Music] it's going to be a thrusting forward but right now in the backing up and in the in the humbling i'm giving you a backbone i'm laying into your foundation so that when i call you to run in the coming season you won't lose your breath it's a real attack on this house in the spirit to cause you to fall short and not reach out for the lord would even say over this house and even bishop younger there are many things that will come that are within your reach but there are things even beyond your reach if you'll contend for and if you'll ask me for i'll allow you to grab hold of them don't just settle for the blessing of what's near you stretch out for what's beyond you i'm preparing a people i'm preparing a people for what's to come [Music] hallelujah [Music] feel the fear the holiness of god that afterglow here [Music] you're not just called to sing i see the lord giving you messages from the throne room prophetic rebukes to the church i hear the lord say they love how high you can take them but in the days ahead they'll despise how low you'll bring them [Music] there's going to be some high highs and some low lows there's going to be some high high praise and then there's going to be some deep deep repentance lord says follow the ebb of the spirit it's going to be a flow it's going to be some meetings high high high other meetings low low low i just call forth the mothering mantle on you [Applause] [Music] this is not just give you your song you're going to teach others how to sing [Music] and it's the song of the lord you've been around so many gifted individuals that can hit every chord in every chorus but do they have the anointing of the holy ghost just release the gift of faith you need faith to accomplish the will of god i release finances to you right now in jesus name [Applause] [Music] you need to make your dream known you need to put your dream out there give god an opportunity through others to fund it [Music] [Applause] sir would you come right here lord has called you brother he's marked you from your mother's womb [Music] lord i just release radical fire [Music] oh there's there's a radical fire that god wants to mantle you with you have a mantle to make the devil pay [Music] to speak to your identity you are a son of god you are a son of god i just command every demonic lie every serpentine stranglehold i command you to come off of him right now in jesus name satan you can't have him you cannot have this one we call you into your destiny [Music] come on let's give god a praise [Music] i'll continue to pray in the holy ghost [Music] some of you are looking to rub shoulders with famous people and jesus says i'm the most famous one no i'm serious god is dealing with appetites tonight that would rather rub shoulders with famous people in a back room than spend time with god god i ask that you would deal with those unrighteous appetites [Music] i promise you you won't like what you see anyways man i just feel the lord all over amen put your hand on him father in jesus name you are welcome in the house of god [Music] and every harassing bullying spirit [Music] i release a spirit of acceleration upon you that you are not far gone you have not lost the anointing [Music] i'm going to give you back your ministry [Music] no you didn't hear me i'm going to raise you up as a trophy of my grace [Music] and you will deliver a knockout blow to the enemy [Music] you will restore hope and the god of the second chance to my [Music] people this okay [Music] the lord says that i have marked you for a youth revival there's a revivalist anointing upon you i've called you to go into the high schools and set them on fire there's an anointing for college campuses i hear 18 to 35. lord i ask that you would release a prophetic evangelist anointing and i command religious legalistic spirits from family members to be lifted off your bloodline [Music] every spirit in jesus name loose him [Music] you're a bloodline breaker you're a deliverer you will cast out devils [Music] you will win the heart of the next generation the holy spirit's ministry is for today [Music] [Music] favor favor favor the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon you he's anointed you to preach the good news to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives setting you free tonight [Music] just say yes there's some gifts that are coming there's some gifts that are coming you've been praying some prayers believing god for some things in the name of jesus we just command what's locked up right now would be unlocked and given to him right now [Music] we bless you [Music] with the love of the father [Music] just see the blanket of the lord the heart of god for you tonight working on your heart tenderizing coming to you i hear a song that's called it's gonna be worth it there's purpose in your pain it will not all be for nothing i just break off every thought of the devil that you're not going to make it out [Music] i just command depression to leave your mind right now in jesus name god has not given you a spirit of fear but love power in a sound mind i break off every suicidal thought off of your bloodline right now in jesus name the joy of the lord shall be your strength for you will come up out of this wilderness leaning upon your beloved you will see the goodness of god in the land of the living you will make it through this time [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] can i pray for you [Music] hmm [Music] i see a mantle on you for deliverance and i see like a sponge that you have soaked up for many years and you have seen many things god has allowed you to be exposed not so that you could walk away but so that you could run toward the battle line in this generation and i just speak strength to your inner man that this generation needs you there's been some kind of plot twist in your life something unexpected something that caught you off guard [Music] and the devil's trying to use that plot twist to take you out [Music] and i just prophesy life into your bones i just command all insomnia every attack in the night season all nightmares i command the spirit of the accuser to come off of you right now in jesus name [Music] you don't have to blame yourself any longer it's not your fault [Music] you're gonna wield a sharp sword in the days ahead you're gonna fight for women who don't have a voice [Music] i just free you from demonic intimidation and religious men that want to shut you up there's some that fear if you speak you'll expose [Music] hearing or [Music] god [Music] yes [Music] just lift up our hands to the lord we love you jesus just tell them you love them we love you lord we surrender tonight we declare that you're just getting started this week that you've come for the root tonight [Music] lord here it is here it is lord just give him the root give him the appetite give him the compromise whatever the mixture is lord here you go come on just 30 more seconds [Music] come on his glory's here his glory's here he can deal with it right now just give him the root quit playing games quit faking it just give them the root right now give them the marriage give them the prodigal [Music] come on i feel another wave of glory here i know it's getting late he's a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night come and burn up that shaft lord come with that winnowing fork [Music] so [Music] lord's dealing with church hurt tonight i speak to every person in this room who is wounded [Music] by a man or woman of god who fell who stumbled on their journey and it caused you to draw back caused you to criticize it caused you to grow cynical god i asked that you would heal how many of those that's you you've been impacted in some way by a man or woman of god that felt just raise them high god [Music] lord i ask that you would remove the spirit of offense right now come on that's a demonic spirit that's trying to steal you your race lord we shift our gaze back on jesus the author the perfecter of our faith help us to trust again [Music] on the count of three i want us to give jesus [Music] the biggest shout round of applause we can give him for the work that's just begun tonight are you ready on the count of three let's shout give jesus a clap offering one two three go come on release the sound come on release the sound [Applause] come on release the sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on there's no domestic cat in here come on release the sound of the lion come on roar in the holy ghost roar [Music] hey [Applause] so [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] tonight god discomforted our compromise how many heard the lord speak to you tonight i mean god did something in me tonight [Music] because i found myself even standing here when god gives me strong word i always say y'all cover me because every time i preach a strong word i go under this increased attack [Music] and one aspect of it you know about spiritual warfare all of that yes because the devil will fight you because he don't want you to preach holiness but there was another aspect of of my attack that i didn't really discuss out loud one aspect of my attack is is sometime when god has you preaching hard and you're preaching holiness and you're preaching righteousness that spirit of condemnation rises up to intimidate you it says don't preach on that because you've been guilty of that [Music] don't raise your voice about that because i'll expose you and it'll cause me some time to pull back because anything the enemy can pull up on me is from the past and your past can be very intimidating [Music] and so because of that that times maybe i should have spoke up and i was silent i repent of that tonight [Music] i repent of that tonight i repent i repent for the times that i may have even tried to skirt tails something and not address it because i didn't want the warfare that was associated with it [Music] but tonight god has discomforted my compromise everybody in this place who are ready to cry loud and spare not i want you to raise up your voice one more time and release the arrow of the lord's deliverance come on whatever i did is under the blood now coming for blood i shut up never no more intimidation no more guilt no more shame cry out experiment cry out despair not cry loud lay your hands on somebody's shoulder and cry [Applause] [Music] come out of that cave come out of that cave prophet come out of that cave okay [Music] [Applause] tell my people their transgressions at the house of israel downstairs cried out lift up your voice like a trumpet inside lift up your voice like a trumpet like a chopper [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on that's what repentance is i'm changing my mind about the sin i've been in i'm changing my mind it's no longer trivial it's a great day [Applause] [Music] i can't tell [Music] i can't tell you how so much we needed that word tonight will you thank god for that message tonight thank god for the messenger thank god for him thank god for your obedience prophet come on let's thank god because he may not be received everywhere so let's give it to him here because we're conscious we're sober and we're aware [Music] hallelujah i'm going to tell you how i really he's the first preacher that i've ever invited to our church that i never met before but what drew me to his spirit is that he will he pulled back from a crowd that was celebrating him and he was willing to offend them because of the assignment of god on his life and in this hour i want to hear god's heart for my life oh my god and i'm telling you there's so many testimonies that happen at this altar it's not my testimony to tell some of you all know that was god speaking to you but this is just the beginning but i'm telling you if you won't fire you've got to lay something down and i felt something laid down tonight i felt oh i changed my mind about the sin come on no more compromise no more compromise hallelujah no more compromise we're [Music] [Music] tell your neighbor he came for the root tonight [Music] i want i want to do this we want uh you notice we didn't take up our offering earlier we won't be doing offering rallies this week i want you to put the ways to give online we want to sow into the man of god tonight you can take out your phone and sow and uh also there are people at the door that will be able to take your offering as you leave out tonight we do not dismiss because we're in here all the way until saturday morning and so if you're visiting with us you can come around the clock you can bring your blanket and your pillow and be in the sanctuary we know that there are more people who are traveling to get here this week so we are praying we're praying traveling and mercy hallelujah if you are sinner and you do not know the lord there are people all over this room stand up elders and raise your hand raise your hand elders we got people all over this room you can come to them and they will pray with you if you need to be baptized we baptize all year long all night long he just saved my life [Music] he just saved [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he uprooted the thing i'm not all the way there but i'm on my way [Applause] i'm on my way god started something in me tonight [Music] god started something at me tonight [Music] [Applause] if you don't have the baptism of the holy ghost this is a good atmosphere to open up your mouth and let the river flow out of you he's giving you a language to cause you to fight well hold up shut up [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ramp Church Intl
Views: 4,097
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cN2Z2vzHkWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 47sec (9107 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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