Rance Allen

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[Applause] [Music] how many of you know that the Lord will hear your voice if you just lift your hands to him [Music] unto me where I cry [Music] my my rock yeah [Music] [Music] in the pits yeah everyday when you pray you need to say hear my voice sweet Jesus where when I live in my hand to me every day when I pray y'all know what I say I said things like cheat me keep me away from the wicked that's my right from the work and the work of ever eaten uppity em in a wine [Music] [Applause] in every day when you pray baby she said here boys [Music] when I lift my hands to the I meet you let me see your hand if you've ever needed [Applause] every day now let me see those same hands of he's come through for you I need to Tina yeah look I might tell somebody I need the Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I lift my hands - the yeah but no thing I'm gonna say you know what though you've been through a lot to hear yourself bless him because he had you know what is that renewing me [Music] every time we cried yeah I know what I love about Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean you know that the Lord are here you boys if you just lift your hands to him catch somebody in every upon those as tongues I get your hands up the Lord and ready to flesh it there's somebody in here who knows that the Lord is blessing you right now give me the death scream to the top of your voice and give the law crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bring it way down bring it way down you remember the Hebrew bus they were put in the fiery furnace because they wouldn't bow down to the key and they wouldn't worship His image they turned the fire up seven times hotter his own men were burned alive trying to throw the Hebrew bars in there's a message there catch somebody nothing but tongue say the devil will miss Assefa trying to mess you up [Applause] [Music] the king went away long enough of them to burn to ashes but when he came back what a surprise he found three boys whose hands were tied and feet was shackled now they were all set free walking around in the fire talking about how the Lord delivered me [Applause] [Music] [Music] here the King looked in the furnace and he saw Shadrach shadrach was doing like this [Applause] [Music] the king tonight is he waving at me up just what is he doing Shadrach said now I'm not leaving in you know but I got a real reason to be waving my hand just wanna tell the Lord of thinkin cuz he ain't never not be alone if you been in a hot situation that you know Bob ain't never left you alone would you act crazy for two seconds and praise it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you'll attend again this time you saw Misha they shack was in the furnace talk it under his breath King stuck his head and he said wish I could hear what he was saying he stuck his head a little closer they had made sacks they satisfied if I have to praise you in the fire yo I need to talk to some people right quick somebody you really been going to a hot situation you don't write everything and everybody I dare you to try praise I gotta get to lose your mind and praise now YouTube raised around [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna be through in a minute that he looked in the last time said didn't we put in three allow the fourth one in it look like Jesus not till neighbor tell us I don't care where you are in that furnace look around in there Jesus is in there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah you live in one last time and he saw Abednego I can't tell you what a bet was doing with me but if you love me if you left me I'll show you I wonder can I show you kinocilium Candace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he was dancing in the fire he was dancing in the fire look at your neighbor and give them a message for me John says since we're always going to be in warfare you need to take your dancing shoes and just braise them at the dance / izip in the dance [Applause] [Music] now some of us some of us when we were in the world we did what we call the slow dance [Applause] [Music] but when the Lord saved you you let the devil trick you and make you think that you couldn't slow dance anymore now the only dance we do is that one where I am both up around my ears and me but three people tell us but that still room for slow dance people are worried about slow dancing cuz they feel you need an external partner but touch somebody from me right quick atop sin because Jesus is on the inside come on throw ya around Jesus I'm just talking [Music] I'm gonna take my seat in the minute I'm gonna get out of the way oh wait a minute everybody in here that wheel everybody in here that will you want to show God your love you want to show him your affection come on hug the Christ that's it you you that can find yourself a little dancing room do that and you they can't get out of you'll see just kind of just rock from side to side yeah ready to dance are you ready to slow dance slow dancing 1 2 3 let me see you slow dance impossible come up so the devil don't tell on you why you slow dance Olivia [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we're getting ready to praise a lot now anybody in here love praising the Lord [Music] I'd love pretties in the Lord come on just kind of throw your arms around somebody doesn't matter who it is throw your arms around them it just something it's all right now everything is all right now every everything is all right if you wanted to make away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you nervous huh when I mean can I bother you one more time turn to somebody get in their face close enough to kiss them and tell them say you don't know the power you have in your hands you get to yes [Applause] [Music] my sweeties when I lift my hands here - I want us to get ready to praise him like never before when you do that my [Music] when I live my hand [Music] my [Applause]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 4,060,475
Rating: 4.7105803 out of 5
Id: VnQ7Kr7uU0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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