Triple Gan'arg = Easy Warrior Wins | Warrior Arena | Hearthstone

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here we go this world its following time for our first warrior run I literally have never gotten offered warrior yet even though the class cards and the card quality from that class is so good a few moments earlier in the next run well boom squad is absolutely insane get that late-game I found that late-game wins all the games and sometimes if you need the Lackey you can get the lacking Roth golem that's pretty insane such a pain to get through mmm that's a two minute to three I think that's better than femme creeper hug merchants is pretty sweet Wow Ritualist that almost missed that the Ritualist is pretty good in the meta which is all about the late-game value battle rage can certainly be so good I don't think I'm as enthusiastic about a shadow shadow Weaver in a meta where a tempo it seems doesn't matter as much shadow Weaver's temporary battle rage though gets you that value preference pick I'd say Oh quartermaster scorpion that was a tough call but I think quartermaster normal Challenger it's a great card at battle rage just good card also well you look at that that is a tough pick because the cards are also good is croco listen I guess so my full Smith is okay warrior big ol well now that's some value imprisoned gun argh shadow me versus execute that one's also kind of tough I think I don't have very many ways to do some wall damage so shadow Weaver here this card is like always good this card I don't miss someone - of I don't think this card over the other one it's pretty close Kenard gay maybe we're a tempo deck it's guys wonder is pretty good it's for drop also good nard disgusting maybe we are gonna be a temp of that corporately vs. slam hmm or Kron isn't bad if I become a control deck either slam is also never bad but maybe not as good as cork run if I'm going tempo die so your cork run ah that's some real trash I guess we picked boom here 1k another beverage cool although we already have a battle rage in our deck looks like that's a major battle rage - in valuation because of having won Balor rage already I don't think it takes that big a hit though we seriously need every drop do you need one that badly maybe I should pick tidehunter actually at first I was gonna make a battlegrounds Jack like oh yeah of course I'm taking Thailand everyone the same card but yeah I think that's the pick because this deck looks like he gets off to a fast start bomb regular versus imprison developing that's a tough pick on three I only have two cards I can play yeah I guess it's regular tough pick that I'd like to choose both yeah steed don't think I have much thought I can restore three health too but we do want to for drop know a few facts skip babble arrange the dream I am really tempted to pick third Belridge but probably it's bizarre yeah yeah it's beserker improve morale is really good Skyraiders awesome tempo card this is like the lowest curve I've ever drafted by collector is kind of like hench clan hog steed I'll pick it over the trashy middle cards commanding shout battle rage combo I'm definitely gonna have other minions otherwise I lose so that's just a four-man two 6-ton so I better pick an ending last choice is actually a little bit tough how is this a 58 bone guard van Bonjour Vanguard 58 what what I don't think it's necessarily wrong to just play a bunch of Agra cars and play the Bonjour Vanguard and then hit faced with three Kenard because I want to always start off with turn one gun argh which means it's the fiery war axe is quite a bit less good I think shocking a tier score results here we seriously need a card to play on turn three don't I have a bunch bomb Wrangler quartermaster shadow Weaver challenging teeth of number three is ready alright Vanguard so we're definitely a very aggressive deck I don't think I've ever drafted the a deck point as tempo slash aggressive is this that said I generally don't believe in a grow or tempo in this meta because I think that most of my games have just gone into the late game and then whoever has slightly more value tends to win but I think when you're this quality of aggro flash tempo it's probably better so general idea of the deck killer [Music] so this is an interesting I think okay what do you think about the best cards to draw an are gonna like Renard Raider and then on to my best cards would be tidehunter spy beserker the question is basically do I want to dig so far that I Mulligan a to drop I think we have so much stuff I can toss that it is really rare that you mulligan a to drop I think think that's the one drop you don't play there keeping that for a combo just like her temple warrior and constructed I hate to play the on to but I will oh that's such a good combination of the Challenger look at that value you can get armor up her Ritualist here we have to catch up with a skipper I'm hitting the button so the reason is I think you just get so much value before more Challenger by healing it we got the control I currently live in wrong kind of hoping to you know kill a 2 3 or 3 2 they you have to be flexible yes this is an aggro deck but I didn't wanna leave the agra cards so now we're a control deck depends on the draw look at how much potential value never sent ritualists could get I could heal challenger for 9 health it can heal the welfare for health it's happening I also need to consider that our Moringa for this deck might not be good because of Balor age but it's not like I cannot press the button on to full healing value it's not worth it's done [Music] watch ray alright I guess I'll settle for that much flavor only to imagine the opponent taking haha I've assembled the ultimate combo a lure with embalming ritual I saw this card being featured on the hearthstone launcher so I must be good show me hopefully we can uh per hour rate of drawing in prison Gonzaga what cost us to spell that hopefully we can up our rate of drawing an argon one so here's an interesting question it's frightened flunkey good enough that you keep in your opening ham when you have the better to drop in your opening in the tidehunter I actually think we can get a better car than that on average it's pretty in the same handwriting Canard coin gun argh just K okay actually it's like yous better against the one one then the tide under here pretty sure it's not worth keeping this just in case he rolls a one one that I think we want late game yep looks like the top and I brokered I will be nice let's start by the opponent but how can you defeat gun argh on one gun argon 3 discovered spell and some others still in hand there's small info on you I'm playing the fire drop could something be better I hope I think that's best and then take a swing at the 3 6 but I want to use the combo on this send Jean combo can be so much better you protect them 9 1 under our 7 7 talks I like this hey that's a good one wait that doesn't work bad no that doesn't work attempted to transform my 410 I was thinking about if there's any good a spoken things I can get can't think of many right that's not great give me a quest the Scorpion that's too powerful I really want to use this as like actual hard removal I think I should poke poke poke I mean I lose 2-1 once I guess since I'm mad at cards I mean there's no reason why I have to use this I can have a 110 at least that won't hurt them wait a word house because it can't get reduced below one health so it doesn't take damage so the poison this doesn't apply that's interesting I actually haven't thought about that free me what I lost stupid scorpion embrace the chaos look upon me the aspect of death nice card [Music] [Music] for a fitting fini fini let's go almost pity pity yeah 37.5% whoa I might play a vocation next turn when you vocation the warm watch Allinger punch punch punch punch 1 2 that's pretty good yeah the later I play vocation the better still knocks Ross is actually a little bit done I should go for a lackey here for the box sweeping of strikes does kill that thing it's kind of like deal to bellow rage draws one right now just pretty terrible I think next turn up the most always playing a vocation and turn nine it's almost always clinking skipper shadow Weaver actually it's battler AJ I can't believe I didn't draw a little courage cheese I think I play from Nana was Devo first I think about if I want to play card first so long agreed it was better to do the Dragonbreath thing but I ran out of time and it's not even necessarily better no actually it might have been better to do this because the other plate does not get me a 4-1 on the board he was actually very important right now I was definitely struggling against cream and I chose the mana greedy option this is a big decision here though I think he can deal with the 1/1 if not this is really why why did you play dr. boom scheme why did you take dr. velinski I lost that card is exactly definitely the nice thing is replica um does really well against effing oh that's quite a good card I don't want to not play a wrapped golem I think I'd rather play traveling killer in a four drop and they get the arm room yeah it's actually pretty good it was tough going to the opponents about to lose because he chose dr. guma scheme instead of any other card okay so one two three and that's about goodbye nice opening especially a great part [Music] sky pebble range is actually quite good against this opponent as we can trade so many things into that very soft one one embrace of the silver hand recruit to play I think I want to keep three three guy well big decision the decision is is it better as a three three hours of headers in line one and then there's also the question of should I hit the three three until one one side a consecration gets played it kills this but you wouldn't play consecration on to the support anyways more battle range Valley I like it well I haven't seen a scrapper colossus for such a long time but that have a lower offering read and read or something i haven't picked this in forever so good heavens yeah I guess I'll heal it for Justin time I kind of wanted to get more value than this guy but it's only impossible since there's that Vanguard and the Colossus coming up definitely torn between playing that guy there and I'm real I actually think I ring up was better 3 8 10 11 13 and 16 yeah okay got ganar going one improve morale is a great card warm wall challengers a great card but I don't want to skip turn to something about Mullen getting a challenger in morale now warm wall Challenger is too good early so improve morale I guess I wouldn't keep that in my opening and such involving in it never said Ritualist were launched on their thing again something don't want to play Ritualist in two three one bad cards out that cards of Caroline disgusting should I put this guy closer to the one sickest most likely to treat him to something need healing well we'll just happen to work out that way praise some healing value casual I eat Gillan not bad [Music] think about not playing tight on her to play around consecration yeah I think we can hold this we have enough that's fairly good [Music] just casually Oh you didn't have guilty there anything there buddy yes I'll lose the croc Liske no I could just do the whelp at 6:03 that was some serious calculus there in it that's pretty good look too bad that's okay welcome that's target we're gonna leave it a bit lethal okay so I had that thought of the first game do i Mull again the to the tears I'm all again weren't as good as temple Berserker was I mean this temple berserk even that good not not really well toss Klaus is really easy choice get that on Tyra temple does they're trying to I want to play first doesn't matter no it might matter yeah it didn't want to play this one first so the dragon was time to be bigger Ivan sure mmm sounds close I think bribing or evasive dragon they're both valid choices there a demon hunter is so annoyed by the astons I'm sure we return is adding up [Music] it was basically dealing to your face damage I guess that's fine yeah it's pretty much I'll go for the third the value in me and wanted to pick commending shout but the killing him so I wanted to pick a rampage quite a controlled demon hunter we have here this guy just doesn't know how to die good no org just a silly fairy dragon good thing we have ignore to be able to do deal with that it's not the best time to play bomber a little bit I'll play it [Music] Wow just one face okay well then let me show you a little bit on value I will not be denied Oh order especially if I got sassy backhand okay I out of the weapons I have in the deck I only have Guignard axes I think we might be able to wait around for another ganar okay for green skin definitely have a chance of battle rage within traveling anywhere I think we went for it I could have I can still battle rage whenever I want her mucho value right also known as well actually I think he also got good mark oh my god full cabinet work I guess that's not over if he also plays good mark why do I hear a boss music play okay it's Clinton to top in the to drop it's a crap hound okay I will not be denied wait I do background no I didn't I was thinking what if I played the war more Challenger first no it's still under a doctor who first hit its formal challenger is just destroying everything interesting attack reward [Music] the thing about our skilled happiness how happy am i if he uses the axe on the nine one I think you know where one is sad and tenants happy that's about it for me oh yeah I mean I want my 91 it's a pretty efficient refresh oh yeah I can either trade the cork front on the 1/3 or just trade the five five or is there an alternate play there is an alternate play can play the risky skipper no I think that's not great we can do better I think we just set ups just turn [Music] skipper boomerang where babbler eh definitely looks really good but I think I didn't do even better I think it's the skipped turn next skipper Lee it's not my work then we will draw a ludicrously large amount of cards a game of winning a man of cards and actually the quartermaster ISM is even more disgusting one two three four five six oh no I'm going to overdraw I better trade one first six cards is too many cards all right this is trash time for guitar yeah yeah Mon silverback unlucky now that's pretty good well and clay to coin play as my axe get into all it was bad the deejay [Music] so unfriendly are there is there any way for the jury to acquire weapon through that carved the Challenger Berserker is actually pretty solid here I should probably play challenger beserker that's pretty good they cannot fight my work I've actually miss pledged that there's some one from here and the one from here and Ray just thought well I guess this is better against whip yeah okay be able people people people brace the table kinda like how others back I'm just casually Mulligan in with teardrops give me good numbers or give me death dinner argh someone's gotta lead the charge like it was a card that loses to canard guess we'll just chill card also this is taken our feels just like shooting only he doesn't have that one too how lucky oh okay oh okay let's guys fighting I think we're gonna come down with a value game on it you got a fight on our hands here that's pretty good that's that's awesome all right goodness looks like I win this Valley wha hmm I do need to kill that for to I think that's gonna be a rush travelling healer don't give up a little bit of tempo here we didn't want to get that like here but I guess it was better than some of the other lackeys okay and a high power of the game one I am saying only one that is really good though the cards don't make much sense take croc it was pretty good it's a good org party it's pretty good I use the weapon there oh right yeah I would rather keep the three one good large oh okay okay [Applause] what's a better defense bunch we Vanguard or wrapped coil I mean they both probably win oh and I get can you even play the friend I think the fact that I can play frightened flunky I should really armored up them in case he has like mortal strike oh okay blessings upon look upon me the aspect of death [Music] hmm one two three okay stupid Lackey why do you have to be the goblins I'm a little bit better than my fly here hey it's a real bad hmm nice tempo okay the warm water is good guess I play ball quartermaster could you not here comes the plus one plus one again hmm I'm at least gonna get some massive healing value actually maybe I don't worry about healing right now just take care of this or anything let's hear more well this I'll worry about that card later that is future my problem future me problem wow I'm not gonna say he was fast as much as I was like real slow on this one no one dropped no to drop really wait no actually I did have a one drop to drop it's not just because I did enjoy kandar I think although that was a part of it no more more challenges to get them all and I think y'know ganar kijiji goodbye let us hand this is a nice looking hand they cannot stop my work don't not as good as a good arm do now oh nice okay that actually might be better than just good night okay isn't gonna be a pushover that was a strange Hellfire well they even hold the accent turn I guess uh just no other term foreplay you also did it without hesitation get two luckiest I guess the lackeys weren't good saying that like you yep those Lackey is black they lack being good I forget about the staggering of these right I can't play it yet I have to play it the turn that I play the other thing to not overlap hello yeah I guess I'll just do one damage to the 401 doesn't get me a Lackey but it's still good hmm or would I rather get a Lackey I think fellow Lackey is back I think that's the worst one no it's better than the rush like me 206 weren't very good I was looking for summon lucky as the third West third worst one deal - as like a little bit better and then of course the discovered card sir I will not be denied probably I'll try to wish you luck and drop I believe that makes a change into a different ten drop huge draw Oh poke poke poke so this is all dull this alrighty that's not a Malaysian aura leave room of justice is a big answer we're eviscerate I think it's a viscera I don't know if I was the health to clearly remove justice I probably do it's a warlock then you're dead this is a big man sort of stuff I'm going to go for the big River Valley those are Cohen's lackeys I do firmly believe then you get the full extra 10 drop to potentially out belly this guy but I want to leave remove justice afire your warrant sorry fire your warmth what do I now tempo we do I want to be here mm I might have wanted to hold that again I'll say it's tough yeah I'm gonna run out of Valley I think I will not be denied Oh Pete that don't be dad Oh guys are pretty sick duck your feeble imagine their path to victory here it seems like we need evil quartermaster that wouldn't have done it didn't consider Hogg Steve does have a lot of cards even if I didn't dad this turn I was probably gonna be what you had another death situation thanks to me Oh close I'm sad that this went only nine winds but I think I got a feeling of what makes for a good warrior duck good Nog's it's just not that good it's not only thicken arc so a lot of all right Lance is also really good and I actually haven't seen that yet and Omega Devastator is really good [Music]
Channel: Trump
Views: 210,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, blizzard, ccg, tcg, card, game, multiplayer, trump, trumpsc, ashes, outland, ashes of outland, illidan, demon, hunter, demon hunter, outcast, arena, midrange, draw, ganarg, warrior, tempo, aggro, aggressive
Id: FokTDxSvgi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 45sec (3945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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