I Brought Midrange Druid to Arena and It Was GREAT!

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did you know with the latest balance patch it looks like arena got a micro adjustment where the best classes are getting slightly worse cards and the worst classes are getting slightly better cards so today we explore druid i am a student of the forest and a teacher to many the madman what an excellent first choice uh between swipe and nature studies it's actually a pretty tough choice uh it's swipe though aeroponics is not it's between tolvier and lightning bloom it's told here i think lightning bloom doesn't have its place unless you have specifically something really unfair to ramp to eccentric scrub a monster in arena i am surprised to see that quicksand elemental has a higher win rate uh this is probably due to sample size i would guess i'm going eccentric quicksand elemental is originally quite good though oh scavenging shivara uh that's good especially if i have a deck that's coming from behind i don't know if i'm going to be a head deck or behind deck yet but should be able to find a way to use it drew the claw versus disguised wander looks like it's disguised wander over this whole thing i have like good memories of five minute four six taunt but those are memories for the past remy is a good way to get started it's decent card and flinger is just cool you know i think i'm better at using pen flinger than everyone else so i'm going to choose pen flinger i think that's a fair call dollar and crusader over bog beam log beam isn't nearly as good in arena because there's not enough ramp i believe my deck is slower currently it's trending slower so batter head could be good probably better than the ugg merchant like merchant plus uh wander is a little bit of a combo like merchant plus scribe is a little bit of a combo but batter head i think uh jar i think yep we have a big card in the deck batter head for a faceless rager to copy these cards i are all pretty close to each other i'm sure it tends to have big stuff i'll take faceless rager [Music] rising wins love that card rising winds love that card i'll pick so many of these if i get the chance to sneaky delinquent i like that card quite a bit i think i like it more than divine rager it does kind of serve the same purpose as rising winds on four i have a disguised wanderer and a swipe on two i have a rising winds is kind of flexible it doesn't have to be played on two it's like a wild card i'll choose sneaky i like this card uh scorpion my belly scorpid over mermaid i am surprised mermaid is rating that high yeah could use another four drop this card's just really good for stats six mana for four two twos i've got two sixes scribe is probably better than carvings hot heads just good oh twilight runner now that card is op as you may or may not know okay we got a shrub a deer that's a three three four two og merchant i only have one swipe i believe i still only have one spell in this entire deck oh right spells uh yes i actually forgot about this this is actually pretty sweet uh anyways um troopa dear i don't have anything that means spell damage just reasonable card there's actually combos of tol'vir not really survival of the fittest deck when rate 59.1 but at times played isn't a lot uh probably because it is difficult to actually play it but if you do play it you probably win well fortunately for me the other two are pretty bad so it's an easy survival of the fittest but i was just wondering how good this card actually was uh seems good i actually have two rising winds to follow up initiate uh the other two cards suck uh easy evasive boy evasive looks really good compared to storm pike do i have enough dragons in this deck we have evasive crimson so it's a choice between i don't have any three drops that's an easy choice i actually don't think lightning bloom is not good in this deck i don't believe i need the extra two drops i'm choosing the two drop that has utility ooh smug senior that's a lot of value i think i need the value over the cable rat here checking two drops real fast one two four five yeah that's fine hey twin tyrant also dragon hey linux mage scrub also dragon hey swipe also swipe that got a lot better over the last four picks that's a living dragon breath three-man three-four that's actually pretty good too uh bone shoulder vanguard that's pretty good that got a lot better over the last six picks the deck has been secured i actually really like crystal merchant that's a decent three drop all right that got a lot better over the last ten-ish picks we have a very reasonable curve i think no cards in this deck suck we have two swipes two rising wins survival the fist on the top end there's a twin tyrant in there some value here and there solid all around this is gonna play as a pretty traditional mid-range deck it's kind of nice to have uh you know three drops because it's actually pretty hard to not to get three drops oh one two three i'm a i'm a [Music] you genius to be a fierce one was my considering trade face considering considering nah punished oh i think i play crystal merchant and rising winds kind of tempo warlock's not going to deal with this so i protect okay my goal is to [Music] protect while also attack i think this will work the goal is pretty much to always play one mana down and you know get that crystal merchant goodness going hen flinger penflinger pen penflinger wins penflinger penflinger is enough i'll take it i believe we want eagles because we have a card draw engine no poke hero power i think in this turn i think i will choose not to use my draw because we want to use that extra mana game plan has kind of consistently been uh protect crystal merchant for best values anywhere i got deals it's a good use of the divine shield but maybe i just swipe instead uh it's good use for the divine shield this extra cartridge turn has been quite helpful i do have lethal 6 11 14 15 yes no more niceties no more niceties uh that is my best three drop so i should keep it there's like some decks that don't want to keep three drop because you really want to fetch for one drop to drop uh some decks that have enough three drops i think this is a i'll keep the best three drop in my deck deck skip two but at least i've got three four six seven eight that's a good three four six seven eight we just need a five i've got two good fives in the deck this will work out a lot of dragons what was it in this deck that cared about dragon scale rider you're a power crystal merchant is a decent turn nice actually nice i'm gonna protect crystal merchants i'm definitely incentivized to play uh not six drop here but these are all like really extreme cards for crazed alchemist anyways we'll just decentric that's best card here oh oh cool i definitely want to trade the one one two three one and then i either play six drop which kills that or i play a seven to beyond curve this is just too good for that though all right wait now if i don't trade i get a card [Music] three one kills my 5'3 then wow yeah have a while i feel fortunate to have witnessed this hmm actually i have the better head to clean up so i think it's pretty likely they'll use the 62 to trade all right extra value obtained can i win with uh the crazed alchemist on this card not yet battle head just takes them out it's pretty good that's just better hey bada bada i think that would be much more dealable with as f59 i actually think he would like it as a 592 though maybe not five seven that's a good match up against the nine five hey i got you friends seven plus two i think it's the hide the inquisitor from the beaming sidekick gambit hmm well killing one part of the five six is decent value i suppose we've got enough cards [Music] that would be pretty good even just playing it on my spectral senior it's four mana five seven tone thinks he's the control deck oh i see wow that was a lot of healing ugh okay he's got 9 10 24 damage on the board [Music] mouth nice wow that's spell damage valley he's getting a lot of valley out of his uh cards probably want to shift that into a 4a so right now he's got if i shift that into a 5 8 it's a 5 9 10 11 damage on the board all right i guess i'll take that refreshing how refreshing see we're out all of our big taunts not swipe but swipe isn't really big enough let me think about my outs i don't think i have any i need a swipe i guess to actually survive a turn okay four six and then i have two mana so that would probably be best now this one since i actually get now i can do that anytime i want i shouldn't have hero parrot i should have also played the intrepid i thought i needed the one but i didn't was just nine on the board this would have been much better than uh well it's kind of close actually the freeze surprisingly doesn't work goldfish [Music] victory is yours [Music] oh that's a good hand i have to make a judgment call on how fast to play this crystal merchant like do i want a crystal merchant coin and to shrub a deer or do i want to shrub a deer into crystal merchant we'll see why hello uh there start i think i think i'll go crystal merchant coin yeah one man attacks each turn i'm going to have a lot of cards the question is can i spend them by the end of the game and based on that this is really good [Music] pay my taxes each turn is anyone else so much value he's like all right that's enough value it was a lot of value all right now we are going on a spending spree [Music] okay i can do the full trade and actually kill off the mana saber with the shavara that's really good uh let's see alternate place i can just play a centric scribe what do the gods say how much value do i put to killing that mana saber so he gets one mana one turn who cares hmm mine is really good though it seems like it might be difficult to actually play this later i'll just play it stopping his tempo is probably useful too okay well we have ridiculous numbers of value to out value him uh this game should be pretty hard to lose what must i do but you know gotta respect the priest end game still all right incentivize the hero power because by hero powering i saved my six two so what's good on five don't have another good way of dealing damage to that four plus one probably maybe a little order i would have uh poked and then done that more damage to each seems not very important getting a spell cast will allow me to kill the one for any taunts six plus two four four four three it's pretty good i think i like it see what spells i get that is a big card uh penfiling are actually really useful here uh let's see inflinger swipe all right i think we're good pretty much no matter what i'm always going to want to put plus 4 attack on this thing and then i guess also swipe i actually forgot about the divine shield part well i can afford the time run i can afford to even send the four nine and it's not great but i should play this first well it depends like would i rather have the one one out or not i would rather have it in my hand probably a good idea to have killed it because otherwise graveyard could wipe me out or psyche split or something crazy crazy nice i don't want to hit that so i guess i'll hear a parrot and then this thing can flexibly hit the 5.5 so actually kind of useful that it was out there in tempo we'll be fine it wasn't that big this actually kills both repeatedly denying the possible grave ruins psyche split we're dragging this out into the super long game i think that is well i didn't actually realize that would work yeah yeah yeah that's good wait order could have been an 88 uh anyways uh yeah i'll hear a power and kill it now [Music] um this would be kind of sad to get uh oh no there's nothing to hit i was um shadow madness we will hold the black temple okay chris doctor must deal six damage here no dragons uh he only has the top deck card in the smug senior but i'm still concerned of uh mind control i just don't play around it shouldn't play around it not now oh the shadow goodness would be so good didn't get it didn't get it oh he chose the destroyer thing but his health didn't change oh no oh shadow goodness is a three anyways um so many contradictions yeah i should crazed alchemist and then pow pow yeah even though this is a slight premium that should well grow first since that's what the remaining mana is being used for cruised alchemist better play than smug new senior okay so i actually know i mean i don't know but i can surmise that that last card in hand is a brittle bone destroyer which okay i guess you faked me out the top deck card is brittle bone disgusting okay whatever so few cards in my deck twilight runner is actually a downside just play it for the lethal though no need to worry save the rest for miscellaneous random events yeah that's a random event that's actually pretty good wait wait wait okay so i can consider rising winds like a four drop play it for two six fours for a two three twos for a six four valley on four that's actually fairly good sure i mean like i said just give me all the rising winds i'll take them all the coin usage is uh gonna be a pass due to my hand to the streets it's pretty good it reminds me of arjun protector start [Music] i think the scavenging is going to be quite good i set the board to minimal and then play scavenging guess they've got an answer it would be funny if they didn't i'm not relying on your top deck lackey for an answer are you that would be absurd he must have had another answer you must have i refuse to believe he didn't have another answer on the wings of evil what a tragedy you better write this down i should think about the fact that he could deal with a 9-1 so one of these cards is a specialty at dealing with low health minions unless he really was counting on his lackey but there's no way no one would be insane enough to do that [Music] all right three drop four drop trade reasonable oh there it is of course that card okay so four plus five equals nine this is gonna be a pretty monstrous tyrant 410 which deals eight pretty gross and this pen flinger looks like it's going to be pretty monstrous you got three spells in him baseless rager has a nice target the amount of my uh amount of value in my hand is quite variable but also so is his oh did he just get survival the fittest it's okay i'll just have to make sure to clear okay supposing he had mind control i couldn't deal with that so many contradictions i will just play five three the five six for three is still pretty good this card's too good to get mine controlled okay card from my deck random spell and six other cards i have so basically count that as about uh what counted as eight cards i have uh three plus six cards seven eight in terms of card advantage we're pretty even in terms of tempo i'm at a pretty good lead i've got pretty flexible answers let me think through the turn entirely here i'm definitely using this so i need to deal two damage to that pen flinger rising how cute flinger is for men and then i can play smug okay i'll leave my pen flow on the board i believe i want the 3-2 out yeah the other rising ones can draw two [Music] cards this card i think is fine to get mind controlled i'll give him a lot of value but i already know he has a smug senior in his hand a ghostie ghostly senior so he'll run out of time to play all of his stuff probably the fact that he played senior over mind control means he doesn't have a mind control the fans of time run low there were two main paths to take i'm going to take this path there was the uh go fish with rising winds play too and then like do some pen flinger things but i needed the one damage from the pen flinger to hit seven this play was kind of a big call that he didn't have mind control because he played a spectral senior over mind controlling my smug senior now we're cooking i have 10 14. i'll take that i'll develop over drawing cards draw last i actually should have um played i should have drawn a card over playlist in case he has some sort of crazy aoe that being pretty much exactly plague of death cute oh survival of the fittest i don't think that's a good car to keep though i got deals give me some rising winds the light protects me this will be good enough i guess with this hand scavenging shavar looks really good as my ketchup mechanism i lose melody probably gonna swipe this upcoming turn no also now um that turtle was so good against scavenging shafar toilet the shavara try to rng that down ah let's build your own twilight uh runner swipe the turtle hit the turtle hero power the scorpid i go down to 10 option two swipe the scorpid hero power the little guy there all right let's do it oh i hold on good thing i talk get the end of that piecemeal almost like an extra three damage another test my favorite nerd will be fine it wasn't that big yeah that leads into d4 pretty well reporting for duty you here for the tour okay swipe no more i niceties have thought about that one a little bit more two plus two no this is actually better it puts me in better position to shavara wait did i i should have played shivara there i'm a dummy holy crap it just lined up 4-1-1 i was like of course i swiped but shivara was actually better so many contradictions dang i missed out on such a perfect shavar it feels bad reporting for duty now the chevrolet will probably never be played [Music] get in there inquisitor okay this is actually a reasonable time for a shivara if i play shavara everything is expected to take one damage one two three four five one thing will take two damage hopefully his thing [Music] about 16 damage on the board he's at 19. you're here for the tour reporting for duty i must move quickly i think i only want a crazed alchemist for the finish not just now for damage oh nice broom no i actually want to uh that's plus three damage it's a good amount and i'm playing a big guy yeah yeah you'll love my new recipe do i have lethal it's at 12 21 health i have 12 14 16 19 21 22 if i can just do exact damage we have lethal how curious and i can certainly do exact damage [Music] survival of the fittest lurks in the darkness well it's been it's been used for one win already all right coin with intrepid that's cool hmm with two fours i'm obliged to coin out a four on three hopefully a little intrepid can get there hopefully i get a two drop hopefully i get rising wins i'll just use the hero power stupid intrepid initiate you're useless you'll force the opponent to use the hero power unless you have that going for you i'll deal one damage i don't think it's good enough to use the coin at that flying airship there drink with me [Music] okay this is a good setup for that to be scorpioned look at these two cards they're like they're originally part of the plan but i got better cards scorpio deals with both of those you can see a uh trade shivara here maybe hmm the card isn't threatening enough odd head coin troubadier oh twilight runner deck is lining up the curve yeah just attack shavara seems good oh very aggressive okay that card's pretty useless i think all right i don't think i want to get hit for five i can get taunt the next turn i have eight it's a decent number i think this is the key turn to not get hit probably no survival will fit us this uh game until like it's already been decided the game's about to get decided over the next probably two turns oh wow trade trade yes why would you trade you got the egg what a trump trade wait i just insulted myself swipe probably kills the serpent all right i think i want this out to set up the swipe and then you know two mana whatever play that thing let's see my best draws are probably swipe number two batter head twin tyrant bone shoe or vanguard smug senior that's five cards oh hey this guy has a taunt that's good i was like if he decides that my guy has taunt because you know spell burst is really spooky i'm happy with that too so i am tickled pink by that result i think i just want maximum stuff on the board in order to survival the fittest so three four two i don't draw a current but oh well nobody move and no one gets hurt all right we got to 10. let's see the card i most want dead as this one the card i least want that is this one [Applause] i see his weakness 19 23 24 damage on the board just thinking about hero power nah hero power is pretty unimportant here also i'm getting the card yeah let's just summon a 3-2 and here i'll show you how to trump trade you do it like this i can let that one go [Music] i approve i approve i'm actually going to coin out the rising wind so i have a one also swoop a slope [Music] is it cold in the shadows hmm i had to think about which one to freeze it's not a good burrowing scorpion outcome oh wow i guess i'll just swipe the four 4-3 no more niceties not too exciting but that is also not too exciting think it's likely he uses the scimitar to poke off the divine shield if that happens there's probably still not a good opportunity to play shivara probably going two plus four hmm yeah go face and scorpid the 5 6 anyways it's actually an interesting one i like it because that puts it in range of either of the fives and he'll wanna trade home in the shadows forced to coerce the two health minion ah more damage okay that puts me one off of lothal i think i just swiped face anyways the remaining card is yeah let's just swipe face hero power face set it up yeah i actually thought about keeping the seven because the curve was so good but looks like we're going to tempo two three four two two one two three four again oh oh my god that's such a good start that is such a good start and digging and have a two drop and a three drop huh i'm thinking yeah i'll go one the two-drop beast uh i can either maybe beat it with these two or maybe he decides the hero power which is fine too low order wait no no not we'll order that's fine i'm gonna be saving the coin i don't think i can pressure early enough hmm yeah dealing with them big in the whole game it's going to be rough at least he's been playing off curve i think the freeze will be useful against any big anything that i can't deal with this is going to be really tough every card he plays will be like about plus one plus one over the cost so it's like he'll have like it's it's as if he has like a captured flag relic it's worth cheating out with the coin oh i'm sorry i feel fortunate to have witnessed this is it cold in the shadows unlucky now is the time you've got me fired up wanna remove the taunts or remove the things that can kill the a2 nope you're not that lucky in fact you're pretty unlucky oh that's pretty good they have a lackey i'll i'll i'll trade we have the survival of the fittest coming up i haven't had to deal with much and beginning yet we will now begin the beginning hmm [Music] be careful with that take a break batter head oh punished oh that was in the original hand okay so this is total 15. this and this though okay that's good now the sad thing is my pen flinger won't be a 5'5 i mean it's still the right play and this doesn't work let's see i'm gonna have to trade in both that's kind of sad eat so many do i have a better plate no i don't should i not trade no i mean should i not not go in and no the answer is no alvin archer you would have been better unlucky okay but now i'm double embiggened oh that's not a good card four seven nine ten but take this time goes short the opponent is priest do i want to keep survival of the fittest in my opening hand this is actually a serious question gamer should go on long i will have to begin with two random cards you know if i actually had a rising winds in my hand i think i would keep but i think i need to see the other card given that i don't have an early game i would have kept survival of the fittest had i had some early game even against priests you can just you know get beaten down with neutral cards on curve is it cold in the shadows it would be a pretty good result if my 4-3 managed to kill that 2-3 and the freeze is actually somewhat important because you can't do the feast card and then trade here oh nice wolf rider you've got me fired up three mana five six would be rather good oh three mana five four not bad player crystal merchant yeah sure yeah it is interesting to keep up with the hearthstone arena win rates right now the balance patch occurred just a few days ago and there has been a substantial impact to mage priest win rates as those win rates are kept track of on a i believe per week basis average over the last weeks uh mage and priest win rates have steadily dropped hey my survival the fist is here right on time so it is interesting to watch that progress look at that happy face it'll be fine scorpio is so good deal two and deal five for four i think having the yeah it's still really good to have this as a one health guy especially against priesthood 5-1 magma rager status hmm five seven four ten taunt i'll play the bigger one is that the thought steal ah i must consider swipe plus uh evasive worm here would be so good too bad i'm down amanda next turn obviously i want to survival the fittest so i want to get as much on the board as possible right now there's nothing great to evasive worms i probably shouldn't do a vase of worms i probably should play spectral scenery and rising winds in that case there's nothing really good to do here actually i'm good here i dare you it's possible to hit hit and then do a swipe and do a full clear but uh i don't really see the major benefit to doing the trade right now it looks like that's about how he would send his the stuff anyways i mean the three one might not be there it'll probably attack into something but oh well right mind control all right that's not bad for me it's not that bad for me i mean it's bad but it's not that bad so to say we're in a spot that we can uh still do all right from in other words [Music] i don't have any cards and he's got like a bunch but the survival of the fittest here is the great equalizer and by great equalizer i mean we'll get a lot of value over the course of the game actually i'll just win thanks to uh facey plays maybe one game i'll get the intrepid initiated into rising windstream unlikely that i get that at some point this game oh got it this series i mean i got it well this is gonna make for a pretty aggressive open and thank goodness for rising wow thank goodness for rising winds giving me a turn to play in a turn three play uh it's so basically each time i attack him now he gets like a slightly expensive life tap so i'm going to pass on that um we're going to basically treat blessing of wisdom as kind of corruption this 3-2 will basically just stay in play for a long time i think i use my hero now i count on drawing something i can play next turn and i should play a 3-2 now this is a heavy curve i've drawn what are the chances i draw something i'll want to play next turn jar crystal merchant told your rising winds strabadeer delinquent faceless rager breath scale rider scorpid hot head wonder 12 about half basically my decision is to either cast rising wins now which is a better play if i draw something playable or to hero power and i'm going to do this the next turn it was looking like hero power plus rising winds was good but i'm going to trust in my deck to provide something because right now uh the only cost really to what you might call it the only cost of playing risi wins was essentially missed three damage on the face and take one damage which didn't look like a big deal all right so here's where i can yeah i'm gonna actually use this three two now and drew some tank thank you at the same time though i actually double counted a few because a lot of the two drops or one drops i would play uh you've got me what's the word that's a spicy crazed alchemist kill three damage that should upgrade probably i think i hero power the two one and then i trade into the two one ones for value and i hit his face with the three one yeah because the two one kills anything on my board anyways the blind shield doesn't seem to matter much it's worse if buffs happen i'll do this actually let the two one do its thing that's actually a pretty good card but especially on a 5-2 but the curve is so bad unless i think it's redemption you know if it's nah well if it's a redemption i guess i can kill that thing instead i fear and i never surrender noble sacrifice redemption repentance oh if it's repentance that's actually awful i should play this anyways actually if it's then i should kill this first all right that ended up a lot better than a vanguard all right and we got the late game with actually the advantage [Music] that's pretty good quite possibly good enough to just deal five damage to four damage too yeah four plus five so where does the magic come from i've got nine on the board it's looking great better head looks like it's gonna be a monster here how how how about power s'mores did you just attack four times in a single turn thoughts against the rules with a minion you just played i think penflinger there's a toss twilight runner is a keep that card's insane ah good old rising winds you don't pick [Music] so where does the magic come from oh face bold do i have a punish a little bit a tiny bit not really i mean the punish is that i deal with him three damage and he dumped me two damage i guess you might have thought i was obligated to trade because he's got a better trade here it's a warlock not trading which is interesting because the hero power of the warlock rewards uh having health [Music] that thing also rewards having health that thing will probably voluntarily kill both of my guys really i wonder is it hellfire no so where does the magic come from okay ah that's actually really unexpected so once again he thinks this is a better trade now i'm obligated to play this this is a slugfest right here ooh swipes so good his life is so good right now oh my god it's well he's gonna run out of health no more niceties running out of health a classic problem in hearthstone i didn't put a big priority in killing this this is usually not that big a deal in terms of health but adida the aggressive line he's taken maybe it's more of a deal than usual i am a little tempted to swap that he wants to just attack with it one more time and then have it die four plus two kills my crimson hot head oh wait a second if he plans to do that then he can't no this is fine and then yeah i'll play this i was like making a big debate on do i pay the one mana for the one two it doesn't do anything just attacks it with the two three but i guess it stops him from ganging up on the three six or the four and the two so there's some minor benefit here and if he decides to kill the 36 then this guy lives i can do a lot of damage with the crazed alchemist i think i'll do that and do i kill the 1-3 now that seems irrelevant face yeah take that damage they break so nice combo yeah never said thrasher uh that card usually not a big deal but apparently it's done 12 damage to him so that makes it a big deal this is a game where the small choices of like trade slash not trade will make a big difference you did this to yourself warlock oh that's a good card friend after this is attack deal one damage to all enemies oh that was perfect but i think i'm oh yeah that's easily lethal wait is it easily cool punch yeah yeah let's see in terms of three drops the frozen shadow weaver is my second best three drop usually is that worth keeping my second best three drop um cards that are better to get jar dealer crystal merchant hulveer wins wins shrubba delinquent dragon breath eight cards are better i think it's a narrow keep it's very close [Music] and go three drop into uh trading the crystal merchant of the three draw okay trade off the four one if possible not possible the imprisoned guy is really good of course i think i might just hero power it's slow tempo but anything i play loses two house right now my other possible play is play crimson hot head becomes a 3-4 i think i'll do this it drops me pretty far behind on tempo because he starts off with a 4-5 that card is so good i'll have a pretty big card advantage at least i guess tough turn could play this but then you just like watch this [Music] it's tough make a call on how temporary i want it to be oh my god i'm saved turn five pass has a lot of answers in hand of course must okay i know he's got a 4-3 rush so 2-3 isn't very good 3-2 however is reasonable okay if i play this that card plus the 4-3 trades in very favorably for him hate to see that happen i think i'll go one three five seven and then aoe would destroy me but i just trust he doesn't have it [Music] good plan just trust he doesn't have it and i guess i'll just swipe i have the tyrant yeah fine that card does have a lot of stats and low niceties i hate health swipe like that but um it's fine also this is playing around the knowledge that he's got a 4-3 rush we play two three twos my goal is going to be to set up a good survival of the fittest board so turn eight probably play twin tyrant or scribe wins turn nine play the seven and the two turn ten plays survival looks like it's going to be 6-2 do here lose these i wanted to get the best survival i would play like 2 2 2 2 1 right now but that's really vulnerable a good tyrant oh one big card was not what he wanted to do against my survival of this oh my god leave the two two gasps it's over wait did i win now but i basically won [Applause] well some bad cars i just still 29 damage [Music] oh here we go all right twilight runner is a keep crazed alchemist is not a keep two two two not too exciting ah that's a tough start of the boss that's an unfair card the gun hog i think i'm gonna go turn three dragon breath turn four dragon card yikes turn five toilet runner oh i'm happy that he hit me actually the fact that he hit me with that weapon should scare me it should terrify me you have too many weapons that you just felt like doing three damage to my face you fool this is a value game where is it oh i see i still don't agree with hitting with the weapon turn one turn two turn one of holy cow okay okay it's not bad you've got me fired up not bad not bad strong opening oh okay let's see all right we got a good swipe coming at least we lose a little bit of the charge there so pen flinger swipe will mean that pen flinger can get bombed but if it doesn't get bombed it returns to my hand i mean i definitely need to do this because i would rather the bombs hit my face than uh minions okay light bumps some valley it's fun let's play this one we got that batter head to clean up twilight runner is actually too slow i'm in a five four we must cleanse the sun oh trade trade yes trade oh batter head oh my god i win i win the total damage is 3 4 7 9 12 14 14 3 6. no i want to do the the big ones last so 1 3 6 8 11 14. oh my god batter head smash smash smosh oh god troublemaker please no please no no okay fine all right whatever you have legendary skill my friend that was very skillful final boss priest this four drops really good that three drops okay rising winds yeah two metal one for sure for this hand crystal merchant might be my worst two-drop still worth playing onto if i draw a two drop that'll be better than playing the three drop probably hmm black ice i've got a strong board see if he has holy nova or that oh crap go to discover i'm really thinking about it i actually think it's right get him i will teach you a lesson still better than magma rager in that it had the option to be better i mean obviously my turn six is something like this for this and my seven is the other card then the eight's there so you wanna get a card out sure i'll take that you did it magma rager we'll be fine it wasn't that big i think i'd do the clear on that yeah the full clay oh yeah that thing threatens the 5'3 just a simple easy curve i'm running out of value here oh i got an onyx mage scrub i'm actually fine on valley this is actually a fine turn 9 to define turn 10 and then may describe well give me the veen hopefully okay batter head is actually not a great play but that presented a different option interesting i uh interesting thought do i draw a card or do i create a three team i think i create a three two with the first one at least yeah double spellburst irvine with rising veins it's very tempo that's not necessarily good or bad i don't play it now i guess i could get death or something i should kill this and play it if he has to copy that it's a little bit worse for him yeah i mean killing it means he doesn't kill one of my smaller guys i don't think i've actually drawn a card in games where it mattered with rising winds yet i've always created the 3-2 so i value tempo over value so to say but this game this might be my first actual draw a card with rising winds that was tough see you're so good you're disgusting i am disgust thought about saving the wrath just attack and that is good card what am i hoping to get here there is there's a number of cards that are good that one's fine that our head does clear but i think that's such a bad clear also i did leave him with a 4-7 earlier so i don't feel like this opponent has like the crazy duplication stuff unless he was playing duplicate colossus in which case i do lose but uh you know you make a read and go with it these cards are all really bad to go into the seven seven you want high attack low health guys it wasn't that big if i hadn't played the batter head here i would run out of value because i can't lose the batter head and like basically both of these cards to clear one card okay let's think about the logistics how to trade the three one goes there that's good um the second swipe doesn't actually matter here unless i swipe the both the same target twice so many contradictions like it doesn't matter a little bit actually we're actually out of value but here comes survival the fittest [Music] it's pretty good that's pretty good um do i trade do i trade do i trade do i trade spectral seniors in the hand four plus three equal spectral senior i think my health doesn't matter we'll do this my deck doesn't have a lot of value left in it i think i do almost the same thing i did last turn um but i should clear off the six four it's a major threat to the 410. this might hurt i dare you and then i'll poke the 5'5 again that's a little off curve it's my way of getting a little bit of extra value use the health as a resource game is clearly going to be decided based on value not health on his side on my side i might be able to get his um watch america get his health down draw a card the cards in his hand aren't that great apparently right now this is it it's feeling like 11 wins is where i'm at phoning in survival running in the priest not having an answer for once it's a good start for me okay still good all right it's still fine i'm at a notable disadvantage right now but we can still do this okay that's not good that is a distinctly not great all right well it was a good run 11 wins was uh better than i thought i would do there's no series of draws that'll let me the game here so it's time to toss in the towel it's too bad he got the breath with the renew [Music] you have legendary skill my friend victory is yours if you think of my last arena it's basically 11 wins it's 2 11's in a row hey i got a better prize than 12. oh man [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 299,514
Rating: 4.8022213 out of 5
Keywords: midrange, survival, fittest, rising, wind, swipe, /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/, trump, trumpsc, hearthstone, card, game, trading, tcg, ccg, blizzard, warcraft, multiplayer, rogue, warrior, paladin, demon, hunter, warlock, priest, mage, druid, shaman, arena, draft, scholomance, academy, scholomance academy
Id: 5CyZY6wjlwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 19sec (6259 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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