OTK Arena!? 29 Damage in a Turn! | Priest Rogue Dual Class Arena
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Channel: Trump
Views: 269,019
Rating: 4.8628516 out of 5
Keywords: otk, combo, frankenstein, weapon, dagger, armor, control, halloween, hallows, hallow's, end, dual, class, /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/, trump, trumpsc, hearthstone, card, game, trading, tcg, ccg, blizzard, warcraft, multiplayer, rogue, warrior, paladin, demon, hunter, warlock, priest, mage, druid, shaman, arena, draft, scholomance, academy, scholomance academy
Id: JkntPpyKTIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 46sec (4966 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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