INSANE Power Level! New Arena Season! | Rogue Arena | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

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the madman it's time for an arena on the main account because with the new balance patch came new balance in arena as well theoretically all the classes are even now which means these percentages are quite old i don't anticipate that dao chan valera will be at that pathetic win right now me suspicious [Music] man i saw field contact and i was like yeah but not nearly as good as an arena i imagine a berserker is great deeper on engineer is fun and good wait why is swindle that low rated hard to combo and hard to get spells uh i gotta see for myself the lone champion was pretty decent though for what it's worth i wonder if i should go yeti or cartoon defender here cartoon makes a lot of sense for rogue especially since i have a berserker we can adjust our pick off of that i suppose a little cheap shot so flexible big ton rogue likes taunt rogue lights ratchet privateer but rogue also likes backstab backstabbed good with swindle swindle is window let me go backstab it's hard to uh hard to pick something over back stem october versus basilisk this is also i believe i'll be choosing basilisk here over october i just don't really see much point in reducing my hand by one basilisk is love marsh drake isn't as bad in rogue because he can kill the uh drink slayer loon shark though compound interest wow something something rador necro good old blink fox firebird i suppose good four-minute deal three damage to a minion well it's a good one hey good little swash i think i got swatched over two terrible cards ah free booter wow these three cards are all good i did learn from a previous run that you need some big stuff and i'm walking big stuff that goes there are the skulker is kinda like a it's fine it's another swindle oh alex strazza the life finder nice and the gamepad cd architect really good card i'm gonna basically be taunt rogue with all those uh six and seven drops a ton i'm just thinking about cheap shot because i do have two swindles how many spells do i backstab cheap shot swindle swindle don't think due to having double swindle i actually want cheap shot because we gotta make sure we have spells to swindle saddens me to pass up cheap shot but hey it's a forged fiend that's cool we definitely have a endgame this game which is good peasant wins games you know as much as battlemaster wins games peasant wins games extortion that's fun i'll skip third swindle go with ecto oh basilisk how many tons do i have in this deck i mean baloch rides or combos eight that's not enough shop keeps good echo two deep run engineer too another forge fiend i think yeah lock up that late game what i really like it's drilling into my mind you're going to make it through the early and mid game so you want to have big stuff i think that's my conclusion um this would normally not be that obvious to pick but having played this mode once i feel much better about this pick i think because that's swatch burglar i do like swashburglar a lot would have been really happy to pick it hey it's swashburglar really happy to think it hey it's the third basilisk how fun i think this is a pretty good arena deck on one you have double slosh burglar and a peasant and a backstab and an extortion on two you got double engineer the skulker and of course the rogue hero power cheap shot if you really need to on three you have all sorts of good cards blink fox double ectoplasm triple stone skin basilisk not the best on three but pretty good on three especially against classes that don't have a deal one impatient shopkeep uh four meh five you got a raider got a six two sevens two eights and alex frozen look at all those taunts at the end you got defender war bear attend looks like a good setup i feel so uncultured right now um but i've definitely heard this name before and it was spelled in this weird way as well and time for peasant to demolish this what is a parsible ready player one yes of course i actually don't remember which character this is get out of the way of the peasant i thought about coining on swashburglar but i don't think two damage would matter enough [Music] good job peasant drew two cards and probably gonna take down the skulker okay all right peasant get him peasant one mana draw three cards deal six damage draw four cards deal i win peasant win the game definitely thought about keeping a swindle to windall but more of a leaking card i think the light protects me nice one lacking a three drop a weapon isn't terrible i suppose but i want to backstab the anoyotron it'll allow me to hit the divine shield off of arjun squire it's probably good enough reason no that's not right is my destiny nothing gr well actually that is a good claw machine target and then i can kill both of these but the 3-3 divine shield gets a really kill good kill on the three then um but the six one survives then i think i like that kill both the one one so it doesn't have a easy kill on the sixth one kill the 33 or to the face tell killing a 3-3 allows the defender to wipe out basically everything here might get me a relevant card hmm this is some big stuff that is pretty big stuff too though hey i got you friends hmm six minutes to kill that if i wanted to and then i have two mana left over could dagger up and kill that thing that's option one option two is play this i think [Music] having this be um killing the stuff that can kill my big stuff is probably good and also i think about it maybe i should kill the one two instead of the one one with tiger now dagger is better edgar is actually better than using that echo because the dagger kills another one one next turn we just hope they don't have an answer to 11 11. no answer no answer i have things you never knew that's bad that's good oh that's bad that's good that's good now there's a scorpion on the board though that's bad oh no oh no [Applause] oh my goodness what a hand for the pick i know that was a really good part against basilisk but i've got bling fox at least four weapons i definitely should not extortion that i'll probably play it next turn uh if the opponent doesn't have very threatening things on the board that's a threatening thing [Music] but it's not one-shottable hmm honestly tough um i probably don't want to play this while they've got such a big minion on the board so this card is a disaster if the opponent has plus one attack buff but if not then it's actually quite good i'll give it a shot it's on curve the necromancer isn't a great play also i forget no code amount was from druid but i i know that one of the things was that kotomat was apparently two a piece so they had to remove it ramming mount rather was too okay okay so i can use this to kill off the double sword that's fairly good i can play a basilisk against the huge five seven which is also very good i can also use extortion to save myself several guys which is also quite good and i can trade shopkeep if i think that the card isn't very good and i fell right there so that's correct it's not great compared to fell now rather angry man this hand really brings me back let's truly see a basilisk pick a basilisk i am so bad i can't remember the set that it is even when looking at it at that icon cargo ashes of that land ah oh fellow rattler oh no the pain so much pain another basilisk okay it's the core set icon yes the griffin i was like oh yeah that looks like a griffin but i don't want to say it you got the wrong guy pal you got some bad news buddy it's intriguing neither snow nor rain nor witch [Applause] uh those snakes are super good against my basilisk too bad there's a big taunt in the way hmm unlucky bumpy one you poor thing you could use a coin [Music] oh my destiny are you going for 12-0 of course i got paid interest is the five drop in my deck i'm gonna keep it if there's only one mana cost of a card in your deck it tends to be good to keep it that's just a really um really specific rule you know if it's not absurdly high cost because it is the perfect card to play on that turn that's not something people do that often i think this is a good shopkeep it goes into the perfectly static minion and my curve is still quite good after and three ones can uh do a lot of damage to the three drop when i say like keep the unique casting cost card uh i don't mean you know if it's too high a cost however unless it's a really good i haven't decided whether or not i'd keep alex straws in my hand yet it's a maybe after a friendly minion loses divine shield oh basilisk i've got so many i forgot [Music] genuinely a tough turn i think the play is hitting them with 3-1 breaking the three ones divine shield with the one one i just have to think about if i want to uh do the trade it's a 3-1 against the 3-1 they're more obligated to trade because i have the weapon the dagger my dagger represents a really good answer to anything with one health so i think i can push the extra three damage well that thing around i've just gotta push the five seven to three one since this thing is dead and play my best three which would be this thing basil is so strong oh oh [Music] so much divine shield on that deck it's time for the morgue forged fiends no answer hope better than the aton because the six six doesn't die to end that's that's vicious really it's not too heavy okay paladin we get it your duck is good wait what where [Music] hogs on the loose oh my goodness oh he's a shaman now intriguing wow impressive shall we dance now those are my types of weapons we match i like to imagine that if illidan were going out with valeera he'd be sporting those hmm that's a decent answer i'd go as far as to say that's a great answer and go as far as to say that's an excellent answer we are revising earnings upwards with each statement i am usually not very observant but this carryall she seems outlandishly big am i missing something [Music] it's like even i can notice something seems amiss there hit the two one three three ghost face maybe three three hits the one once that the basilisk does enter is fine it went back together the neutron might be quite good that costs one mana if i played a neue and i got rid of the one one and the two one the opponent couldn't get through annoying do the trades to uh prevent the push through the annoying into the basilisk alas [Music] that means there's two spells in that hand oh the dog [Music] just the woman i was looking for [Music] time for despair even flowers i win good [Music] what a display thank you guys on the loose [Music] cool sure good enough it's a good weapon my poor skeleton army i have things you never knew you wanted really paul what secret is that nice the two one and the one one i actually get to kill one three that is something for the master and time to defuse the bomb [Music] efficient efficient is sufficient there's no reason to push two damage through fast even though i can kill it no reason to i think it's good play to play the forge fiend now this one goes there alex draza showing off her power in both games i hope um whenever i like put some big guys on the left on the right and then play against hunter and i'm in arena i take a moment and think well i sure hope kobolds and catacombs isn't in the sun it isn't here [Applause] i chuckled at the opponent's name that's a good one kobolds and catacombs is not an arena a little bit confused is it better to ramp him so i get ramped faster feels dangerous but i want to collect my interest faster that was a tough call not to play basilisk it was really close the devouring is at its best on this turn and obviously if i hadn't played the basilisk there would have been a different play hmm what downsides would there be to not attacking if it gets buffed and then it one shots my shark i think i think it's right some chance i get the rushing guy pay up pay up kings on a friend that is actually rather good here attacks the um the wind fury if i want to do it that way [Music] i think it would be correct to do this if i play cards that aren't very big then the poison isn't that good i think the uh cheap shot can be saved for a even better time i think double bass list is possibly even better than the power the pyro is not very good right now [Music] i mean i can see all sorts of good plays the question is which play is best the peasant is good because there's too much desire to kill stuff so sad where's your swipe now jared [Music] if i draw two spells yeah those spells could be good next turn the inside i don't think can be good this turn faith is my new [Music] such cool music doesn't match the goodness of the card though uh do i just burning that 7-5 that is a lot of stats what's the other way to kill it i have no really good other way to kill it well the cheap shot's actually pretty good i'd rather put out an 88 now and show off my awesome legendary [Music] oh you hate to see that a fine purchase here for a good time three mana deal 14 damage dang big of true and is true [Music] these big taunts hmm darn peasant no good against demon hunter part of me is thinking i want to save the peasant for after i get to put it behind a taunt i think the answer is yes i don't think i'm ahead if i play a 2-1 and the opponent hero powers it i think i'm behind if that happens i'd rather mulligan the two one [Music] strictly i could have sworn it went back together [Music] face my eyes wow intriguing god owned there so one will be on the top which means when i swindle i'm going to draw the card which card do i want to draw it's not basilisk is it backstamp it might be a swashburglar next up is a good card shrug man this curtris really wrecked me that was a multi-shot which also put a 3-4 on the board power but i think i'll catch up on this turn at least that's a tough decision dirigible or octave bot i think it's dirigible here georgia bowl is really good smell blood the dark path is my destiny big turn seven coming up all right got rid of the big direct damage i could bait out with the utten first do demon hunters have big hard removal that's one of the things that they don't have that would mean that there's no answer to the forge fiend anyways which means i should play the more threatening card first that's a dependent on the class play and the nightmare is big game hunter but we don't play around this the answer is [Music] how many spells do i have left in the deck two cheap shots oh wow that's a good combo play the big card while i have the mana there hello i definitely want a dagger one so i have seven mana so i guess i don't play swindle i'm actually considering is it worth giving up five damage in order to hold a one one on the board it puts this in three range i think no but it's close it was worth like taking a moment to think about if the four plus three um wasn't one away i probably would have done it if this had nine health i would have traded for the one one instead but demon hunters have a lot of ways to deal three i'm not even sure if that's true ah that card what is it if we just want to put out maximum stuff second illiterate inquisitor that would make me cry okay do i have lethal cheap cheap cheap cheap trade five seven eight ten eleven if i didn't trade i would have lethal but i have to don't you dare have a lidaria inquisitor don't you dare oh my eyes oh oh no oh no [Music] all right it's gonna come down to the wire let this be the end of it intriguing oh so very long time ago i might have thought coin swindle would be a great play and i think a lot of people think it's a good play it's not and maybe that's why swindles win rate as though that's just a theory nice [Music] uh peasant and swashburglar this is a really good tempo open as expected if i draw all my one drop minions [Music] darn no fair having an answer to peasant the barons hmm hmm i think i do best just no definitely not for a moment i almost went insane and decided that the best move was to not attack with that but that would have been insane i could be a yog wisdom or savior i've forgotten how to trigger hidden wisdom i think it's if i draw more than one card play three cards in it oh it's the same with savior okay a plague is the most important card so i swim a good plague of flames oh i forgot about the mount [Music] third scorpion are arenas like this phase just insane maybe i've like overestimated that my decks because the average power level of decks just seems off the charts it's three scorpid versus three basilisk [Music] that's a really good card i want to save that with this that's a 7 7 divine shield rush but so not doable just uh just make sure i have something on the board i guess i don't think this is a lower power level than the last rotation i mean i only have a sample size of two but the cards clearly seem really good oh wow what's a seven um birdie up wow oh that's a five two twos well i got cheap shot a really good card to claw machine what 12 plus 6 is 18. better not be oh my young glad i didn't attack with a huge card into that so this would be 12 okay that's that works out oh it's a new challenger not a a new party or gather your party or whatever i'm a good six trump so many cool cards every single turn i'm like oh it keeps playing such huge cards i should play my basilisk but i have eight mana i really want to play the eight mana card if surely played all their big cards by now nah every single card has been big i have things [Music] that was a good card i missed that card mmm snack [Music] seven this time is it gather your party the deck quality i mean the quality of decks i've seen across the arena so far and you know given my own deck i feel like this is one of those um really powerful arena metas the decks are just all so good i could have sworn it went back together um your worst but hopefully not party up wow that's so cool that's so powerful good thing i went all in wait i still don't have lethal good thing i have cheap shot wait that's still not good enough okay i gotta think about this um i definitely want to cheap shot the two poison guys that's a four mana spent cheap shot the revealed 2-2 that's six minutes spent cheap shot both of those two two so that's ten mana spent need to spend one ones to poke both of those you need to clear off the 1-1 so it doesn't kill my one one probably should kill the four or five which means i should poke this one with this this goes there this goes there [Music] this goes there and then i'm gonna have to leave one alive interesting if i had cashed in the loan shark i could have gotten another cheap shot in i don't think that was worth it but good catch come on alex this one goes there the coin helped still all right my hand's really good oh this is looking promising cap well my deck's really good and one of the draws of the trade we got a two and six chance oh oh that's fine i can break through that with the poisonous [Music] i was about to poke that with the weapon but the three one will just die to the one one the big decision is basically do i immediately trade uh because if he has a buff that would perhaps go quite badly i i'd rather not risk it like pharaoh's thingy just blows me up i know that i put him at nine but it seems unlikely that i wouldn't be able to set the mate what a game good thing i have three basilisks i was not going to make it through without this all right the opponent doesn't know but he is not safe thank goodness i have hauling straws in my deck alright she's coming that was the worst draw but it's a good draw still just likes uh keeping things exciting i like it you're so spicy alex strazza i hope i draw si7 extortion here's a well played [Music] oh what am i gonna get tag team man that that last game made tradable looks so cool everyone's like tradable such a great mechanic yeah that's pretty good that was actually a really hard choice the next turn i'm playing basilisk and turn after that i'm playing firebird by then the october will be too late i think i want spider tank gotta get to me interesting attack must have a plan good plan all right i'm glad that both of those are rushy [Music] riders are gone enter the basilisk [Music] job's done hmm too afraid of the uh basilisk i think interesting line it almost makes me hesitant to play too bassless but i'll do it if one basilisk was such an issue then two basilis should be twice the issue [Music] the opponent is definitely getting wrecked by basilisk i can sense his frustration from across the internet tubes i can feel the tears but even though we're connected i can still feel the of tears from the alex traza oh nyxia close enough all right you got rid of one charge of poison pope little time to statue i've gotten rid of another charge of poison impressive wait no you haven't well yes you will for the statue i thought that it would be enough to anyways i'm lucky blah blah blah time for some good burgles decent phone didn't seem to be able to go long now keep the option such big cards you have there normally i'd be happy to uh send the divine shield poison into that but i can sense that there are some huge cards over here still big very big oh at least i get to eat a 12 health dragon still lose i mean if sarah awakens doesn't kill the big guy [Music] this is fine i really want to beat uh edius sarah play cheap shot can solo that takes my turn but that's fine that stealth guy might combo with my dagger to deal the final three damage hmm that doesn't work but let's see i mean i put them to one that's probably good if only i had the coin well then i wouldn't have the two damage that's interesting i can either dagger or i can cheap shot all right burly adventure you can do it you can do it barely adventure no all right you held out good job okay uh this is possible with cartoon defender [Music] alexstrasza okay the peasant has landed but i think i'd rather play ectoplasm secure the board and then i lay down the peasant next turn or maybe way later it's so tempting to play peasant when your opponent has no board but better to stay ahead on tempo because then when you play the peasant you'll be winning by more rather have a 2-2 than a 1-1 and it's worth taking 4 damage for that you never know what you're gonna catch what is it this peasant is burning a hole in my pocket but this firebird is a good peasant test cheap cheap no maybe definitely want to keep this around and looks like they didn't have an answer mark's definitely good here and then it's the choice between basilisk or uh peasant with dagger basilisk every single turn i've considered playing peasant uh and then every single turn i'm like i should do the tempo play i considered playing peasant yet again in that turn all right we've cleared the board for you peasant you got this you got this get behind the end and the bear it's peasant time your time has come oh why life tap when you can just peasant it's a coin shark in the basilisk seems like a good opening in theory because the uh the temporary alone only empowers the basilisk actually i'll just go queen basilisk that card is huge the opponent has decided to trade two of their health for two of my health vicious [Music] is my destiny do you have an audience with the king razor main is a good card to play when the opponent can't one shot it and it's my five drop my alternative is to play the basilisk which is a good card to play into their big card i think the basilisk is better and then it will let me have a lot more options with the swindle these are both good lines harder to say which one's better i think this one's better it's in a unique spot where the basilisk has found a good target already good answer okay my option is three three or six or five i think three three is best here three three maybe i'll get a really good card let's try a friendly lackey to summon a 5-5 demon well hmm the cartoon defender is now in a good spot because all of those are in three damage range the amani warbear is of course a decent choice i think cartoot's at its best here though so many options in my hand so many bad options but so many options okay it's worthy to uh note it's worth noting that the opponent doesn't have a good answer to one health minions right now i think i dig for a cheap back shot it's the secret play the hidden play that was not an obvious answer not in your hand and it stats oh lone shark clockwork giant combo uh if i play lone shark clockwork will cost three so three six i don't wanna play clockwork while the hand is big and i miscarried my mana but that's fine i was thinking about this anyways [Music] getting poisoned i suppose i'll take that [Music] that's stung but doesn't sting as much since they did kill their own six seven wow well deck huh it's rigged it's rigged well warlock does actually have ways to restore health do you have an audience with the king note to self to try to dodge lion's guard in arena this is a good weak turn oh they do have cascading ouch what as good ah trade last one oh no they're in lines card range they've already played two lines card though i'm crying intriguing [Music] my conclusion is that the arena decks are really really strong and i thought i had a good arena deck i mean i do have a good arena deck it's just everyone's arena deck is good [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 197,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ysera, arena, draft, trump, trumpsc, hearthstone, united, stormwind, united in stormwind, rogue, valeera
Id: LIVRCpsiwks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 33sec (4953 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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