INCREDIBLE 4x Legendary Arena Run! Festival of Legends F2P #10

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small okay played water beam all right all right calm down fourth legendary let's go The Madman okay uh let's go with it first I wanna like actually get a good free stack for once it can be so good okay power cord sync death versus treasure guard I'll go death it's the higher win rate card I'm sure I can use it better harmonic pop summon a random Minion from your deck that you can afford to play and I'll just go with the solid as Sentinel fight over me insane card allergy perhaps better in Priest than the necrolite which is good stats for the cost a little surprising death again Herald oh okay all right here we go Usher okay blade water Behemoth let's go did I say blade water black water it's pretty good old corn there I like real librarian also this one's a little bit more aggressive all right all right calm down calm down calm down Hearthstone it's not gonna be Heartbreaker had Dennis I have no way to dredge up the bottom of the deck though Phelan is a Yeti uh yeah I'm hella ghost I don't have the cards for it I guess it's a yeti with what's possible upside with possible serious upside uh we want the control cards this is a big control Deck with the small name the Behemoth and the feeling again Point diver probably should pick enforcer my three drop slot is kind of weak and take the Naga and the healing another power cord sync insane card even another power cord sink yeah insane card pick it get the minions later I don't believe I need the draw from the full I need the early game I need to go for the uh survive uh Pelican drown drown think there's a good amount of spells in this deck so handmaiden is actually quite good nine spells seems good X Arc ID theft good to have a few of these haunting nightmare really good card holy Nova my story holy spell Cathedral atonement you like to see that okay okay um legendary Lord some more Theron I guess it's Theron mostly because the other two cards aren't very good finally a queen's guard I guess nice little two three with a potential episode okay okay I think we went from a bottom two percentile to a top two percentile and the spell-based priest deck with solid early game Usher bone flinger Queen's guard pyro a little bit light on the early game Cathedral to follow up good amount of three drops got a lot of cards that rely on spells and I there is a good amount of spells in the deck and you know the top end is the impressive part with a sloana being myth and a Theron so the goal of this deck trade everything uh never go face eventually win the game with one of svalna or lorth or marathera uh we got the clearest we got the harmonic pop the light bomb we got the removal the deaths the drown the fighter Remain the fight over me is amazing man bringing a controlled priest to a Arena very exciting this deck um svalner is not a keep usually in most decks vulner would be a keep soak it in okay okay trade oh do I just play a formula four four for the temp out here I'd rather have that get buffed I think I'm looking for a cheap card coin coin lortheimer give me that coin if you played a Naga while holding this it's three Mana six six but I should play it too blessings to you do I dare sink the Theron that would be fun wouldn't it draw three draw some big cards okay good enough the goal is going to be to choose a bad card I think it's theotara here my hand is actually pretty bad surprisingly yes oh I have the silence this will be a pretty good card to take into hand with fight with me deal five me what the any copy of it to your hand voices please there's a reasonable way for me to do it I should just get out good stats play this there's nothing I really want to copy right now actually I think the herald of light is the thing I want soak it in back oh hi foreign threes don't matter due to the harmonic pop can either Dodge seven or heal six here those are pretty decent cards to grab seven six but one more damage I get a six eight it's a better deal plus we can actually fight some good stuff um okay Naga for all three the culprit was not tonight as tempting as it is to heal I think getting this out is more important I think I really want to get Ghost Rider out the heel but probably ideally I want to get it out with the finale wife steal hang on oh ah scourged wait zero one Whatever Whatever 12 in one it's fine foreign wow well this one's got to be a bass loss foreign [Music] ER and that should be the easy victory how can a deck without how can a priest without svalner be the deck with svalner well I guess if they steals fun it's not in my deck you're full oh no I'm handing them the coin keep your thoughts to yourself the waves of light cleanse the foulest waters oh that's hand deck rather I always forget like what things steal from that what's from him this is the the Dragon it's fine our most important card what the our most important card was in our hand so it couldn't be stolen hmm yeah the Theron I think is a little too slow if I just play it now the svalma I'm mainly playing it to get a six six in hand in play I got the ketchup with the light bulb but this is a surprisingly bad Delight bomb board please light bomb anyways I guess oh all right if I can just survive one turn of beating then we can pop my light bomb right now Dodges oh wait this can kill them oh whoa foreign for Dr boom so that means there's a seven Health minion out there that normally has four health yeah killing this is probably good then I can pick an awesome legendary creature that's a pretty awesome one they're on a little slow impressive okay that's my drown very fair very good dog path is my destiny our gift of the Arcane enlightens us actually this for two ugly family's all here I've played astolore power chord synchronized three times this feels a lot like my uh free to play not free to play my bound stroke maybe I should build a pre-stack like this sometimes Arena gives you inspiration for constructed thank you Steve you are the Shadows perfect why am I playing Rogue instead of first anyways if you can just do this in Priest priest has better control tools all right here's an excessive excessively safe trade happy oh fight over me is such a strong card I think I'll keep that in hand even though it's reactive it's because I have the other two cards on curved I think I'm gonna pick the troll option so that the middle one definitely could be better for the priest uh for the opponent priest Baron gedden whatever um thank you four Mana four four it works for me wow look at that curve you get the goods do you mean I've betrayed it because priests have a lot of power chord synchronized and you hate to have partner in crime power chord synchronized that's a decent chance they have a clear here but we got vision of Darkness the value begins foreign seven of grabbing my vision if it grabs my vision I'll win the late game because I have three more colossae at the bottom of the deck my next vessel no no no those bottom three cars in the deck are rather good now hmm [Music] you've gone for hours days weeks it's nice to have these mirrors because I have the best priest deck my priest deck is superior oh my goodness priest I'm actually not gonna trade this it's a good card against priest death in corp corp s and we're going on a dangerous voyage anti-tempo bounce that Brew reduce the cost of cards copied from your opponent by two fight three Mana four three a failing foreign draw the Naga first then cast the spell of course foreign oh you might have just gotten a uh colossal from my deck so I'll get a colossal from his hand and from his deck huh uh-huh hmm oh this game is about to get real cray we gotta get that uh one and six one in six colossal in there oh no still likely they got my Spalding by now and or a colossae what the do I want to draw three cards or are we fatiguing I surely want to draw three all right 10 card hand versus a ten card hand let's go holy Theron oh no oh yes oh no what is going on all right well the opponent's deck isn't the same maybe I should have played this card first right here [Music] Spider-Man getting Giga thin is super good plus that that's really good okay wait this is the one that yes that is the one to kill I actually need to play this when I'm about to kill it probably or when the opponent's hand is full I can silence my gigafen I think I'd pass here yeah we're about to start eat Tuple in some cards here I'm pretty sure I want to play a Theron only nine damage on the void okay that's pretty big it's a lot of tempo okay phone probably has a removal two zombies is pretty useful ah eat 20. that was small okay I think I should eat these I'm pretty sure I want this card what's more important than the zombies yes I definitely want this uh some patience from the opponent did not kill the uh 20 attack last excerpt uh let's see 16 damage on the board I can clear the two of those with a fight then that's only five damage on the board then I can actually play this 24-16 probably worth it I guess I'd rather prevent five no and prevent the damage not that I think this will stick but it might stick holy oh no well that's three colossi which have been buffed which I've been quoted but it's okay I've got some hard removal hmm well that's a good guy then discover a card in the opponent's deck I'm not adex right yeah Summit 8X no I'm at 4X copy our random card from your opponent's hand one short what's going on foreign probably should have played this first oh no oh goodness we thought lethal I found it wow I can just killed the taunt with that one and silence that one that's more funny okay well it's difficult priest to be a priest oh I spawn the game holy okay so the Cold Case is good on curve but the queen of shark is a really good card oh I guess I'll take a queen wow this is gonna be a really scary okay they got a counter spell coming up too I take Cold Case depending we'll just play counterspell I'll play Cold Case it'll get counter spelled oh it's gonna be hard either way eventually like the counter spell hit my dis and then pop oh wow this card is just too insane I'm not taking Irene I think um let's see what else do we got here that is probably going to be I mean that's going to be counter spell I think I have to trigger counter spell thank you scary Mage deck on my six it's gonna be uh that's too scary on the right I could get burned down I guess I'll play this blah oh maybe we should just play it get it done all right all right we got the big pop star well the opponent go for the dagger to finish me or the colossae I hope for the dagger call lock Ed maybe Lord tomorrow's the better play there oh that's pretty good though hmm blah Secret objection very scary so we do need to kill this otherwise needs this there's two shells and that's too many shell I think I play light bomb here but what if it's counterspell again soak it in I guess if it's counterspell I play gigafen and then I copied fun this one because objection is the most likely now yep probably gigging that double our chain Defenders wait did you play the wrong one submerge Space Rock copy the highest spell anyways or was I holy Behemoth that's a good one here the good thing is very good they copied so they both discard oh that makes sense anyways Theron Giga and then I get the power cord synchronized one of those I guess it would be Giga Giga better than Theron yeah we don't need double double probably holy cow orthomar Theron Giga thin spalna Blackwater biemuth some cards it's not a priest foreign oh piranha too strong but does enable my bone flinger hmm holy I think I might lose this one the tempo was so strong foreign cards in hand death nine cards coin eight cards schooling seven cards I'll be at seven Mana minus two five I'll have a hand of ten cards three fish fish little tomato guess so oh what do I know about the opponent's hand they have a piranha poacher in hand they have another Ghost Rider which they're about to play what's up yet in the deck there is a bloodlust to play around someday so I gotta keep clearing we're just gonna be very tough Ghost Rider is too slow tight handmaiden to draw three and then we decide from there that's a good one and Yeti I guess all right next turn it's probably the behemoth thank you and the Hand will be too full but that might be okay foreign s triple power cord synchronized if I can just get some Heralds of Lights On The Board I'll stabilize real quick once I get Blackwater BMF on the board and then I power chord synchronize it I'll stabilize real quick yeah okay it's looking good hope they don't draw their uh blood bust do I lose the bloodlust here now 3 6 12 18. 19 one short plus of course other cards though dealing a small amount of support damage but they don't have it wasn't their duck foreign thing which can only be done with this and then I guess I play swalla since it's six Mana Ira would be pretty convenient since I need to deal three doll um harmonic pop would also be pretty good white bomb is that good enough just in combination light bomb doesn't matter here foreign Mana might have to consider that my constructed version of this to just toss in some trade so you can spend one Mana so you can finale the power chord s got two five eight eleven thirteen bloodlust would be lethal so hopefully they didn't draw it uh oh chaos they're top decked no that was Ghost Rider discover a spell from your dog oh no wow okay impressive tomorrow that's an effective hero power exchange audio processing oh I've been good librarian Target let's see I think that's good it's the highest spell in hand has been copied how scary will that be all spells in your hand are the ones that cost two more how scary will that be zero Mana spell transform all spells in your hand and the ones that cost two more oh the coin of course wait seven holy one two three four five six seven so six left [Music] exciting what the more spells Valley artificer I think playing daddy is better than getting a discounted random spell not random but in life oh good card give a random friendly Minion death battle summon an infectious School I'm at the deal six to all that's very good for me timing up oh I had failed to notice that there was lingering of zombie but fortunately infectious school got summoned first would that matter if the lingering zombie were first it probably would matter anyways that was real lucky copy without the finale um I think that's a little too slow foreign spells there's no way this kangaroo does anything useful right seems to be mostly reactive spells not even kill spells because they would kill the Behemoth if they could presumably once Saida spells could the Mage have I'm about to find out I think oh oops oops Swap this with a Minion from your hand and give it oops all spells wow why does that cost three why does that cost four oh I know wait why the what is going on uh vast wisdom um is there any way for me to maybe I just played no there's a light bulb uh where was I I'm I think I should I want infinitize the maxitude but yeah it works next turn I really wanted to play with infinity highs the maxitude for quite some time finally this is my time wow okay all right so that's now in Sun bomb light bomb range how do I infinitize the maxitude do I play a behemoth I don't want to have two behemoths get some light bombed uh three four three is the only way I see happening it would be this four first and then a three and then a three I guess wait oh yes like where's my infinity times I haven't played this card yet yep I wanted sval now so bad but I didn't get it but at least we have infinitized better slash worst phone now how am I going to get to the right amount of Mana each turn I need to spend eight Mana I actually don't think I'll necessarily be playing a spell each turn I think I'll take care of us it's really hard to get a spell each turn I think the cannibalize is more secure because the only way I lose this is by running out of Health 712 I think all right they actually got a choice I choose a bad card or if I in fact choose a good card oh let's just play this card go holy the bottom of my deck is the good stuff I can't remember if it's doubled that's pretty sweet thank you my poor infinitized the maxitude it's gonna be on the bottom gotta play the strong cards before they get shuffled that's pretty insane all right is it time to Finley I think it's time to Finley bye infinitas cool cool cool cool hmm big turtle wow you managed to deal with my uh Colossus very impressive oh no okay that was meh so I can deal two damage to all blah blah two three three two three three six four four four four four four four four four four four four four all right decorative decorative locations Oops I definitely should have Frozen the five five double infinitas do I have weasel six by default six by default six eight eight ten if I kill and Undead none of my guys are Undead oh I have a weapon clock do the honors ah imagine your Arena deck is so heavy you decide to keep neither Spalding or Sarah on get out of here guys come back later is this my first coin Queen's guard game power cord sync on Queen's guard that's pretty good that is worth it let's go temper time ah missed four oh seventh Theron in the eight growth that's pretty sweet uh zomba no aquatic forms any handmaiden works Queen's car gets buffed what the oh that's right I need to possibly not play this until post feeling but I need to play it for the tempo with handmade oh wait it's already ready sweet IE oh my hand will be too full um but it's okay to burn a card we're going on a dangerous voyage what the oh no the opponent's gonna fail in aquatic what's going on wow oh I burned my silence okay so we're looking for drown yeah I'll just dig wait it's so much better to play that after I play thorough whatever hard to go wrong playing my card so that'll summon an 8-8 this will deal six damage of the eight eighth Here Comes The Colossus they drew it so the Colossus is seven or under so it's not a few of them wow brilliant so if I kill it just becomes an 88. which isn't great but I have to kill it someday it's only plus one attack and I really look at it I guess the Theron's a little bit too slow as a result I did not even remember that was a colossal okay nice oh good uh good light bomb for me hmm [Music] I want it but maybe it's not that critical maybe it's better to play Theron hmm for a master tacticians pulling over shadowward death or alternate play I think that's right I can't fight over me for tremendous value but I don't believe I need this tremendous value all right I'll I'll make him fight over me [Applause] anybody foreign oh another one okay I have another death else have another stoneborn Legion oh missed uh one one on Miracle growth oops created by peaceful Piper all right anyways steel through it all but no that I can't kill that Usher Usher too big yeah let's just get rid of that thing got all these uh double stat Minions that I just don't have the time to play oh hi Google oh that was a power play turn oh that's a brilliant idea there are trials run oh no I only have four cards left in my deck someone ing five ancients okay I know the bottom of my wait did I have weasel just happened what is my opponent's life it's a really good card I'll keep it all right good hand s it's a cute little legendary you got there Death Knight will you see mine weird that that was a trait of the librarian that's a good card to silence all right we'll go to the 456 route oh doesn't oh just barely has the right amount of corpses yes I have no reason to kill it then oh okay I can get a possessive fire if I want uh and I get a 4-3 with it and I get a 333 taunt but I think I can get better wow okay four three plus three three my alternative play isn't very strong so I guess I'll play 666. Boulder fist ogre good stats for cost unusually this card might have done better as Boulder fist ogre in this situation the one extra health is better than the silly little vision of Darkness card oh yikes the pain seven wins only the tragedy alas miserable courage curse you anti-magic shell you look like such a bad card until you aren't I feel almost ashamed to have only seven wins with this deck [Music]
Channel: Trump
Views: 116,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, expansion, blizzard, tcg, ccg, card, trump, trumpsc, march of the lichking, lichking, reborn, festival, legends, music, festival of legends, finale, free, to, play, f2p, no money, new account, arena, warrior, riff, riffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 47sec (5027 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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