DOUBLE SOLARIAN Arena! | Arena | Hearthstone

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today in the arena we have i need a weapon that was a mistake scream your dying breath the end is upon you [Music] i wonder which one of these it is the madman [Music] got a new display for arena this time around i'm only showing the hs replay win percentage of deck when the card is included in your deck because i feel like that is way more of an objective statistic than arbitrary ratings from people because people are flawed but statistics are not healer nice uh just solid card hog steed good solid card bug collector good solid card rush is good candle taker good solid card whoa whoa it's hilarious one of the reasons why mage is actually very good is because primordial studies can discover astromancer solarian all the time but hey even better if you just get astromancer solarian darling drake it's generally yeti plus hey look it's flame strike flame strike is a good card overconfident work actually has a higher win rate though uh but we have enough um we need some later game stuff people are just playing flamestrike wrong whatever whatever sometimes you make a uh you know against the win rate judgment um i think i also personally use animated broomstick badly like below average i'd rather just have the big bone shoe or vanguard vanguard i could use more big stuff hey look pit crocolist that's a good card one thief discovering cards wins your games primordial studies discovering cards wins these games especially if it's solarian these cards are all actually pretty close to each other but i think studies is best hey look it's more discover i mean yeah discover is just so good you can choose the right card for the uh moment while still playing something reasonable um let's see three two drops so far halfway in yeah i think initiate is slightly better than dragon breath three men and three four better in other classes uh but mage has enough three drops belly valley skystalker let's see i have spell damage plus one in solarian i have spell damage plus one initiate and we have the primordial studies to give me a spell damage i think uh this is actually enough spell damage to go for cram session over archmage oh spellbook binder actually has some synergy with all this spell damage uh because i have a decent amount of spell damage i'll pick spellbook binder over frostbolt cobalt spell kim now that's a value another yeti kind of bell bringer now that's value arcane explosion is higher uh yeah okay must be small sample size oh another legendary and it's evocation that's a lot of valley hey look it's another messenger raven oh another holy crap it's hilarious again see four drops i have four two drops i have two three four five six and spellbender like just whiffs a decent amount of the time i'm gonna choose the higher one rate card of storm and knight it's just this card is really good when it does go off but you know it often doesn't something something i'm gonna go with knight [Music] pretty close choice there nice another big card power of creation that's a huge card scorpion nice four drop guardian log merchant good card sorcerer's apprentice has some nice synergy with evocation that's uh pretty lame reasoning don't have many spells in the deck hog merchant it is what am i missing in this deck let's just it's pretty well sorted already i think i could use some small flexibility and magic trick this is a quite a strong arena all the cards are good to really good one potential weak spot is on three i only have three three drops but they're all quite good three drops i think this deck looks great and astromancer solarian is just so good okay i guess we could get 50 astromancer solarians you know each location can offer me nine solarians and i can get evocation about four more times so where does the magic come from look what i found see i believe in terms of arena win rate let me check the classes real fast oh yes of course shaman is on the bottom just like in standard as it should be it's the king versus the peasant who will win messenger raven would just trade the two one good thing i have a rush for that got some pretty sick cards coming up five seven and eight you full you can't get astromancer solarian with primordial studies is the life well you can get lady watch them is that good oh plus one spell damage of course time to find the good stuff i think observer is best yes this is looking like it could just be a fast flame strike depends on how much he trades the fact that i have a uh eyeball coming up will make him more likely to trade that is very trade so i think i'll freeze this fire blast that this will take the two damage uh so i'm obligated to spend only five mana which is the three plus tattoo looks good [Music] my card quality is just so high [Music] what's this is [Music] oh [Applause] what are you do a king peasant how dare you struggle how unseemly of you let's see seven cards uh i i'm gonna count this board as two cards this is three cards so like five cards against his seven uh he's definitely got the card advantage we're gonna have to capture a good amount of card value with flame strike [Music] i think even this flame strike isn't good enough they'll be rare frosting and vanguarding we will hold the black temple [Music] why do you have so many answers come from you infuriate me hmm that should upgrade probably all right with all that we're even up on cards basically uh i'll still put him as probably one card up on me because this is about as good as one card and that's a card oh it's a top deck war but my cards are quite good in a top decor ee let's see that is a 4 3. i'll play the big card i've got so many good top decks because i have so many cards in this deck that discover and in the late game i can just discover big cards evocation is good primordial studies is good astromancer solarian is good just counting up oh let's see can i get a dragon three dragons left in the deck 3 out of 13. i think i'd rather go for the tempo of observer combos with rare frost so anyways where was i in terms of good cards evocation magic trick is surprisingly okay maybe i can get some card draw with it primordial studies is good uh cobalt spell ken stalker vanguard power or burly so 8 out of 13 cards are good here and you know relative values of good and combustion that's fine rear frost combo's a freer frost this is two mana deal six this is three mana it's probably better step up behold the might [Applause] i'll be combustion actually gonna do something this so where oh no that is quite a card but it's no evocation okay flame strike plus uh arcane explosion clears it but do i have something maybe a little bit better like this now i guess i can spare let's see nah it's still that plus arcane so many choices well-played well done a shaman deck had some good cards had some good answers but no match well here's a close match thinking for a moment if it's worth coining at a two drop probably yes yeah now i have a one two three four cram session for three cards the dream i was just gonna play bug collector one thief but i might want to play around aoe hey look it's evocation okay nice car okay who cares if you get some advantage early evocation draws me 10 cards you've got me fired up okay decent one drops cram i think i really want to play that while i have spell damage but i definitely want to play these while i have spell damage i think the order dictates that i'd play cram session near last for honor for cram session all right seven drop eight drop evo ah okay priest nice card nice card but can you stop all this power and value unlimited magic at my fingertips they break so easily gross um okay bruce your cards have been pretty good you feel pretty good answers against me turn tyrant's a good card holy nova on my huge board is a good card brittle bone destroyer is a good card malygos is a good card occur time to get hard removed though yeah yeah yeah polymorph uh well order whatever oh nice and was a little bit tempted to gain eight health but that would be overly safe like would i rather have eight health or a four drop or drop you've got me oh fired a four drop don't you dare get evocation that's the only way i can lose a log cram session oh nice stick there but excellent four drop did you just trade your one four and said the uh the one one attacked me first of all [Music] i have value for days you won't even see the second evocation probably it'll take so much time to unload the rest of my value a mistake um yeah my card probably the best late now one deal three i'm definitely casting flame strike and then cram session i think i just need sheep the opponent should be top decking after he probably plays his biggest thing here so the mirror entity is whatever luckily you have me it's a cleaning house i have so much value and who cares about using all the value because evocation draws me eight cards oh no it's hilarion that's pretty good but how about this three five seven with a plus one spell damage that's four seven ten three six seven nine fourteen on the board do i need to do it like this no by does using icicle for value awesome yes that's very kel'thuzad not that many three drops in the deck so i should keep it priest is a pretty slow class i'm gonna keep a slow card i'll try to discover the highest value trick here it's probably that's the fingers crossed evocation primordial studies what else is mega valley arcane intellect i guess got one of them four mana draw two i'll take it thank you thank you this one's a real paige turner [Music] well the priest slow down and play his hero power on the three four here is the question this one's a real page turner okay nice suit card very tempo my dax cards they're too good every single card i've played is above average not the magic trick okay two minute three two is whatever but the three drop was great the four drop was really good that's better than great really great the five drop is great the six drop is great how can i possibly lose playing a series of great cards well a catch-up card like that would be one way still a value trade there still lead off with a six going second but leading off the tempo that's right how can you beat this valley impossible ludicrous value it's a six mana 810. all these cards are kind of response cards this is basically better as rush almost always so i think i'm going to just slow down with arcane intellect here i have a decent number of answer cards i consider the storm and knight the hog steed and the bug collector to all be answer cards it seems like my default answer is two two three two plus one plus three a six so i have four mana to play with and i might find a better answer in the meantime this by the way is the special exception of discoverers can't find themselves very unusual i don't know if that's still a bug they haven't fixed yet works against me that's what i found one mana six six i just have to play any spell after flamestrike i'm doing four plus uh three plus two two plus one plus one one discover first after you cast a spell game spell damage plus one it's a three-eight that's the biggest oh my god learn draconic can actually give mazaki spell damage plus one it's gonna be pretty hard for mizaki to be dealt with unless they have exactly pain or mind control i should be able to handle eight health though if they do mind control so i think the next play is mazaki initiate solarian 579 wearing draconic 10. and then i'll have the looming six damage flame strike someday [Music] hero yeah he can heal i still have a lot of big cards in the deck vanguard pit crocolisk power of creation cobalt spell kin counts as big we got mine control number one there nice nice invasive worm nice nice very value i didn't learn draconic i didn't learn you got it why i earmarked my learn draconic from mizaki i was like all right mazaki's going to learn draconic i guess i didn't feel like a one mana 666 instead i wanted to give spell damage when my deck has nothing that cast spells but it's fine just imagine the cram session i can have that is actually what i've been thinking of the amount of cramming i can do all right three eight really bad against eight eights actually a reasonable amount of dragons left in the deck so where does the magic come from oh okay pretty good pretty good not bad who's ready long years i have studied all right like this it's like ah stupid stealth guy i wonder we'll be fine it wasn't that big this is okay i think i really want a three drop but this is a really good four drop but i have a lot of good four drops because i think i go for a good three drop but the primordial studies can get me this is like one of the best four drops i can play i'll keep the four drop primordial studies can get me a four drop which becomes a three drop [Music] okay well i mean that's still good [Music] that's actually true i haven't thought about how solarian would steal the uh discount if i were to get something like ogre magic the power good car strong coin play so many evasive chimera a shame it's terrible against my board that's an interesting question would i rather have the 1 1 spell damage or i'll poke this actually i can use plus one damage on brain freeze don't have to fire blast immediately because it'll be frozen [Music] for the king [Music] freaking huffer i pretty much intend to use stormwind knight almost always is two fire rush for four which is you know not great but it's a card i wonder if he actually has another mech in that deck all i have to do is seven damage and then pyroblast gets him i think i will save the evolving missiles and do a good trade here even though it doesn't set them down to [Music] ten we're close enough to 10. what a shame i won before pyroblast oh oh it's interesting is evocation good enough to keep in the opening hand it's a really good card but probably not quite good enough to keep in the opening hand i want to keep both messenger ravens for the two drop three drop all right we'll do this i don't think messenger raven is the best card for me to keep obviously better to actually have good two drops but it might be just good enough hmm i'll save my coins turner okay the demon hunter is actually gonna get quite a lot of damage i think that thing's gonna do 15 damage to me should i coin out my one thief [Music] if i don't coin out the one thief he hits me for four i play a water elemental he hits me for five if i play one thief i can potentially fire blast that thing it's probably fine might actually get a useful low cost spell um i hate spending my turn for fire blasting i might just be willing to take that five damage take the hero power plus seven i'll go down to twelve in the world where i fire blast him i let him start off with a four drop it's horrific but i didn't get a two drop i can't pass my turn for it would be too painful okay so that's five guaranteed damage i've got the recovery being traveling healer for some heels boneshare vanguard for big taunt early shovel fist someday and random info i have is that one of these cards in the middle is an outcast card i see i see it was definitely my intention to heal myself but this should be sufficiently annoying oh that kills his own guy okay oh all right it's got nine on the board hopefully uh holding is done by my girl here what do i need i need to deal with the five six to survive by evocation here i would only get four cards how is it even possible all in due time [Music] okay that one's good enough theoretically i'm sorry let's see it was chen valla something else in this thing i can't remember what the something else was shanvalla was bad this card meh all right secret guy this guy might actually be the best choice i trusted the game and the game did not let me down i suppose does he have tour guide in his actual demon hunter deck that's amazing oh spell damage plus three wait this is actually a combo small problem hmm [Music] you use the game oh not quite good enough oh so close to being good here so close you possess i think i don't want the og merchant this early drawing first also [Music] solid open this one's a real page turner you don't pick merchant seems like an okay three drop to play here uh sure not great but not bad strong wind night reasonable answer not great but it's one of my worst cards now that's a card now that's a card i think this too was worthy of being a card i don't think freezing is enough to sacrifice my one one nature that's a good card oh nice nice hmm freezing a wind fury is like double freeze i wonder why i've never thought about it like that before oh my god the theory behind not playing bug collector is i might want to bug collector and hero power the 3-2 next turn i think that's a legitimate reason to slow down on the tempo here is legit hmm so i will theoretically need this in order to clear the 6'5 now instead but hopefully this gives me an answer do i now toss an evo yes i'll still do it i guess arcane explosion is really good here i just played three mana for arcane explosion but that's fine wait wait obviously solarian i was about to fire a blast today i should probably have uh evocation before bug collector and one thief yeah i should have done that i was thinking too value-oriented oh you didn't let me get to play in my second evocation and my second solarian car oh my god lab partner dream start i'll take it lab partner spellbook binder the dream you would dream about this and construct it even the three drops uh good cards hunter got a coin turn powerful play option one water elemental option two brewing scorpid there's clearly a card that's really good to deal two damage to on the board it's currently hidden i think it's worth playing this one at and i actually think i should start poking this that's pretty good for me if he trades the five two into a three four we take this that card's a pretty good scorpion target also fire blast is a good move i don't want to play three two cobalt spell king is a decent move i'll go with this one praise the curve [Music] next turn i've got bug collector scorpion to looks like clear up the board plus have a little bit of board presence ah always collect look what i found [Music] not you let's see spells i have my ducky vocation magic trick cram session and flame strike and power of creation wormweaver though that's a lot of value that's um i do have this spell that's a 5 mana 5 12. that is a lot of value it's a good next turn play a little bit tempted to kill that ogre monster but i'll pass [Music] so i currently have the kill on that still have the kill on that and no longer it's a good card to devolving missiles but there's a lot of stuff in the way like this it's actually fairly good [Applause] derivative what a beautiful series of trades all right hunter end of the line for you i've got the board i'm in a decent amount of health my deck is amazing we've still even got some fuel in my hand and your hand is empty oh craig oh okay okay so the nine-to-five is going there almost certainly combo combo cram session i think is good [Music] even better is finding an answer out of this that is an answer yeah and then i'll play tricaster [Applause] hmm played well done interloper i don't believe you hmm this is a tricky hand i don't believe you keep the one thief even with the coin and then the guardian merchant i'm going second but i don't think i won it still but there's also the idea that i could play something like coin one the fog merchant i should actually go off the data the mulligan win rate on the cards when kept seem high so i'll keep him i'm one of the people who like mulligan's og merchant more often than i should maybe maybe i even considered doing like the tempo og merchant coin one thief thing hmm coin twilight drake will be big at least silver moon shall not fall hmm i think it's time for a rare use of the scorpion that's solid oh that is just too sad okay i think i want to go for the time clearer here yeah let's go for the clear the other play was reasonable to just play hellbringer uh take two damage from the two two ones four damage now that's too much damage i've got a lot of value in hand so not taking damage might be good holy you know it's kind of um it's a little bit telling that i voluntarily choose primordial studies over arcane intellect when we're nearing the end uh well i just need cheap stuff because i have your vocation it's telling how good primordial studies is i think this is worth doing one two this timeline amuses me so fire blast my guy kills his guy let's do this one yeah let's throw this out okay these are some good results that's a strong missile we will hold the black temple also so much value i have trained for days this far up you peasant what are you doing here you're just the wrong color of mage buddy god i want to be so greedy you have the full combo to learn draconic on [Music] if my deck didn't have such value i would have usually chosen the other one but the amount of value in this deck is truly ludicrous hmm do you want to play a handmage that's a big drake i'm letting the shaman set the pace of the game here oh too far how about a 4 10. i actually should i play i should have played water elemental there this card's uh more vulnerable to number of things but it's not like he's going to use silence that early that's a good sign weird trade ah healing totem value i see interesting okay i'm really incentivized to kill this thing and oh you thought you heard it sorry buddy all right i got my frostbolt for that thing four drops should probably be water elemental took a moment to think about this scorpion yeah yeah took one extra damage one bump guess he uh was you know originally not intending to do a certain play and then changed his mind halfway through it happens this guy is the healing totem master freeze taunt totem true mastery takes dedication okay it doesn't want to kill that thing i'll leave the one one no good trades for the 4-3 i still haven't got to cast a single solarian prime that's not necessarily bad for the deck it's because i've unexpectedly been winning too early my next turn probably playing bone chewer and a hero power or a bone shooter plus the hench clan hog steed i have lethal on that with the hog steed i guess that's the play silly shaman what are these useless pieces of wood on the board that's pretty good whatever that's pretty good okay admittedly that's pretty good three spell damage it's actually pretty scary oh that's pretty good you're no match for the power of the mage spells feisty play it's reeks of desperation play it first the value goodness okay this five is probably better than that one yes nice these are some nice parlor tricks shaman but you've never dueled like this before ah no spell no whatever he would have played imprisoned balfing first i have no idea but this should be good holy crap i played that many so where does the magic come from oh i was thinking like earthquake that would uh kill my 1-1 but that's the only card all right okay nice job other mage my little brother mage you were so cute i think i feel pretty good about the mage mirror because my mage deck is better than other mage decks so you want to have a similar match up but just be better i think we might actually cast solarian prime with this game nothing like two mana discover a mage minion yes that's exactly what i'm saying to jaina you think you can beat the master you fool ludicrous oh wow nice combo i mean very silly combo actually wow showing us how wild damage works wow you're so cool rise up oh god i lose oh god [Music] why oh my god why oh my god we must oh my god okay it wasn't that bad it seems [Music] let's see they have a two seven and a two four they've got fire blast they really want to ping something uh cool my trickery so i think right now it's actually a downside for him to have a 2-4 on the board so it might just voluntarily trade so let's fire blast that one fortunately he wasn't able to take advantage of vomit much unfortunately i can kill khadgar before he plays his power of creation he's probably like trump's about to cry but no i mean i might still cry on this power of creation though okay i do believe i want to scorpion that to do so i actually have to play scorpid first which is actually fine if i want to also play this which i do if you played an elemental last train can i possibly pull that off elementals in this deck hillbringer solarian prime's an elemental right it's also just still the biggest card okay nice tutorial i learned something you're not an elemental i think i want to play that when the situation is a little bit worse finally i've drawn celery in prime this is the first time i've played i've drawn it it's still better to get the seven mana seven six magic okay please have a bad draw please yes bad draw oh god solarian prime you got this right you got this i have to cram afterwards too okay good okay not great why well i mean that's that's interesting gives me a lot of card advantage it's a good thing those uh seven drops were bad otherwise there would be a lot of salt solarian prime is a seven drop that's pretty sweet pug this guy's a prime candidate for conjurer is calling the gates i can even get my 4 4 into the 3 2 for some value first [Music] nice i believe we're done here [Music] cool okay oh all right okay all right ow only two all right we shared the pain no okay that's fine what the okay that's still fine ah okay whoops [Applause] and there goes the world and it seems like a good time for this i just have to think about do i actually need the health it here feel like i need the health but it feels like that that's so conservative to choose the cartoon defender and yet okay here shadows the violet warden might actually be better three less mana five less health yeah no dragon synergy in the duck with the evocation in the hand i'm more incentivized to get rid of my cards faster too they don't want big malagos clogging my hand up chance he uh remains stealthed here reasonable good to play this is um potentially something that the three one goes into doesn't have to fire close decision i imagine that's a good draw oh yeah that's a tough choice i'm definitely coin fiving next turn and then probably playing the other five so the question is pilgrim versus solarian um my deck magic trick cram session flame strike power of creation so one of the choices is guaranteed to be amazing unless i draw both of them by then yeah program the entonitis is like a very uh ultra greedy option it's like oh the coin can be a fireball of it definitely should clean out a five drop here i even have two one cost cards to go with the anthonitis but that's ridiculous you know it's actually not that unlikely to pull off the porthole and pilgrim potion of illusion combo in arena someday i believe that will happen someday god it's so slow for tempo i can't fire blast here that spooky amount of damage it could already be at 14. trading seems reasonable for him actually it's pretty reasonable so my plan is basically uh you know i can't spend turn for fire blasting so if i play the card that generates some one drops i can fill in with maybe a one drop as i also play the hench clan hog steed on the 5 2 if he doesn't trade and then fire blast that spends the mana better he should be a little bit scared that his spells my spells are doing double ac facey one two fire blast [Music] but we have two big taunts six and seven eight and nine coming up too i'm lined up perfectly hopefully this is enough to stop him what did i end up pinging three one oh i could have killed the four one see it wasn't originally my intent to do the trade so what's the problem with not thinking out your original your whole turn it's like okay i did my turn now do i want to trade the three five but then you go back and are like oh yeah i should have killed that hmm we shall end this disturbance let's hope that he doesn't have the six damage backstab okay that's uh nine damage on the board so this theoretically holds bottle huddle huddle we will hold the black temple i'll huddle huddle oh we'll even no we can't even kill this now oh my god flamestrike will deal eight damage to everything okay okay okay okay so i have to just pray i have to mega pray all right mega pray that actually wouldn't help all right well played that's a very aggressive deck of three spy mistress and then that two four for two is pretty [Music] shall big mine your curiosity will be the end of you all right well we got a win here so that's nice well that's our hands a nice easy game after that nail butter is it cold i almost feel bad for him cool i'll save magic [Music] tricks i right despair because eventually the solarians are coming hey i got you friends so do i want to float one man up with burrowing scorpid or do i want to just play hellbringer i think this is better and then there's actually another question do i trade trading means he can't do the two one into the three two it does mean he gets a four four and then the four four kills my three four moon pass spear oh it's coming [Music] but i shall wait for you to have more so you may despair more this seems like an adequate amount but just play one more thing play one more thing yes yes yes no yes yes okay whatever stormwind champion you did it or not alex slayer says i hate your deck makes sense it might be a little bit bitter if i had to face off against that too little bit pale friend oh evil christian i should play it i will get my so many mage spells oh murloc oh my god [Music] wait that might actually be the right play wait that is actually the right play that's so funny okay so that is a spell that he picked with wand thief he saw me play a bad card last turn my best play is twilight drake there's no way he would play flame word into this ice bear assume is very unlikely so the most likely ones are miranda d another win portal encounter spell seems a little weird to play counter spell into that too so it's probably mirror energy or another win partly i honestly hate to give him a twilight drake but if it is uh the mirror entity then and he played it this early it seems really unlikely that you would have played this early too now that i think about it so i think i narrow it down to another one portal do i have to kill this no that was actually a decent uh guardian log merchant yeah let's just go two 2-2-1 looks pretty good for me good job spellbook binder getting me a card spellbook binder is so much better in my deck than usual going for the tempo flinger that's the strongest card and i have cheap card to go with it what a tragedy better write this down i need to google for what another win portal does another wind portal whenever your opponent casts the spell no after your opponent casts a spell okay so i need to cast the spell first to trigger another wooden portal and then kill it before killing the things i think actually think this one will have the most impact did not like seeing that okay i didn't expect that i was expecting you know some damage going to the poke help there and then i'd trade in the pull kill but all right i was already like okay one damage goes to pull kill if i send the drake in two damage goes to poke hill they send the spellbender in spell book weaver book thingy three damage goes in i still send a three two and i'm a little sad four of damage i send the fire blast and then it's like all four hit the uh eccentric scribe and it's like okay okay got some desperate plays niceu card but it appears this is better i have trained for days all right one card left it's time for flame strike uh final boss demon hunter my one loss was to a demon hunter well two losses one of my losses that loss which i had the demon hunter actually kept two messenger ravens and now that i reflect back on it i'm like why did i keep messenger raven in my hand that's really dumb i got baited by having two of them it's like okay i can coin out one and then play the other it's i can understand having a two and a three it's reasonable uh it's probably wrong to keep that in the hand definitely a reasonable play to clean out the binder here i'm not past though because my plays right now are quite ambiguous quite a lot of options i think this is the best one this actually could work with a spellbook binder uh even if i didn't have the even if this were just a ooze i would still play that even if it was just a raptor rather just give this play the slow cards first i've got a strong seven drop and eight drop so basically just have to come up with a three four five six plan that's a good four and this is a good three and that's a nine so we're just missing five and it's time six a little blood they will never catch me okay turn four by him good turn forward by me good turn five by him i guess okay turn five by me probably coining out the no i'm probably going to play whatever i top deck statistically i'm likely to play the top decked card this is a really fat hand here yo my hand so fat i actually may not need to draw any more cards in this game to win a simple spell well i ever played two elementals it's really dumb to have spent that much time on that decision if i had any spell burst in the deck and there's also like potential spell burst later but small decisions can make or break a game so where does the magic come silver from shall not fall okay oh one card left for him i had thought i would be playing seven drop for sure here that's a decent play but there is the option to go two one now let's just play this you are not prepared am i not or are you just mad out of your depth oh actually pretty good [Music] works against me try to be patient come on i need these to be duds okay it's kind of a dud we draw okay i can kill that with the five two pull out the two one warlord is really insane in arena 1414 with relevant with relevance okay it's a really good pit crocodile's target a hero power and then i take three pound floated a lot of mana interesting what is situational in a demon hunter's hand that doesn't do four damage it's either six plus cards that suck more than dalaran crusader or specific answer cards that weren't relevant i could see like maybe some ugg merchants so my prayer did work his uh cards do appear to not be great wait a second what wait what why didn't you play that last turn okay i do actually have an answer to that though um oh sunwalker versus xavius but god i'm about to play a card the mana stats on xavius is so big yeah but this one okay this looks pretty good it's looking pretty good ah one of the situational cards is gyrocopter so he had a big decision to make between 5'4 divine shield and 7-7 can't be targeted now he's only got a top-decked card i've got a lot of fuel with messenger ravens probably have to use my 4-5 to clear the 4-3 my 4-1 rather so i'm definitely playing this and that that's 2-4 so i should play that oh my god this could actually happen so you know obviously some people are like discover first right but you gotta also think about what i'm actually gonna do with the turn so allocate the mana first and then discover if you are planning to play a discover occurred the frost nova bought me just enough your time is my suggestion oh no oh no that offered him pyroblast for sure oh no are not prepared it's like is there any card that can actually win me the game i don't know but we'll play it over the other one oh wait maybe yes maybe counter spell counter spell counter spell oh my god oh my god oh my god oh okay maybe that first failed maybe it's actually very possible that first failed oh okay i'm crying [Laughter] okay we won that was a slight misplay there yeah oh i could actually use that in the deck it's uh very unfortunate that his mouse had to slip there unlucky but it happens to the best of us [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 584,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, blizzard, ccg, tcg, card, game, multiplayer, trump, trumpsc, demon, hunter, demon hunter, outcast, arena, midrange, draw, ganarg, warrior, tempo, control, dig, shovel, scholomance, academy, spell, burst, solarian, prime, fireblast
Id: p4EaRnMmH3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 35sec (6455 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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