Big Boi Value Priest FEELS GOOD! | Arena | Hearthstone

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today oh what are you looking at madame lazor let's cause some trouble [Music] the madman you'll notice new display we've got the hearthstone replay percentage wins if the card is in your deck stat now which is really useful i actually value this stat above the hearth arena and the light forged stat uh in this case you don't skip dig day over those aeon river is great dragon slash control slash value can't really buff the villain of the 758 here bomber nice little bit rng smug senior that's some value guardian merchant that's some tempo slash value the freshman admittedly looks good but doesn't really do much if you don't play it early i believe in silverhand night here i think in arena right now you can't afford to have cards that cost a small amount of mana and unless they actually do something bat writer value value tempo it's everything oh brittle bone destroyer i haven't gotten offered one of these it's really good holy smite efficient shadow word rune does stuff hey look it's twin tyrant that's a good card temple enforcer that's a good card thought steal that's a good card blue quarter that's a nice filler card big ol wealth that's a good card like a light forge rating wave of apathy higher silly light forge big day that's a good card mind control that's a good card now this is the end game that i dream of here we got value for days and we got fast value i mean fast late game value i don't even care that it's super heavy it should work right only nova nice to have some anti-aggro whispers of evil that's a good card that's a good early game card conscripter versus delinquent i actually have to think about and upon reviewing the stats looks like conscriptor is the winner hench clan shade cool i like four mana four seven the health to the opponent doesn't matter oh that's the first time i've seen mass resurrection on the other hand i guess it's not very good when you uh resurrect three small things i like no four drops apotheosis is actually decent there's nothing to put it on but it's still the best card a feast is kind of a similar thing here feast is usually pretty good but i might not have the cards to put feast on my early game whispers of evil evil conscriptor loot hoarder mad bomber that's pretty light on early game and a three i don't have any so i don't believe i can actually put power and feast on anything so we take scavenging shivara for ketchup and the guardian our merchant again steward of scrolls i suppose value value etc i have three dragons is that worth considering it's worth considering and then eight nine ten eleven twelve cards that are five plus okay let's let's take skill rider [Music] wretched reclaimer 333 could be put on some of these uh evil conscriptor loot hoarders could be used to heal a big guy uh fish flinger is actually oh stellar n wait let's see i have three five drops i think the fish flinger is slightly better not even slightly better it generates a random murloc murlocs are pretty low cost cards and i could use more low cost i think fish flinger is good here and finally oh you know [Music] all right finally the run that i've been dreaming of we have the deck that has enough early game to make it through the early game we got some ketchup in holy nova and shadow word rune and then we have the big stuff and it's not just big stuff it's big fast stuff with twin tyrant and double barely shovel fist here we go this is the run this is the run [Music] my card quality will crush the opponents we'll get to the late game we'll bully everyone around with this value-oriented deck yeah amounts of random card generation and thought steal conscripter whispers of evil but maybe it's okay not to generate random cards when you have double dig day and twin tyrant oh the punish for not trading not that unexpected this is humana two three plus two health happy little holy nova or something else this is also like the best holy no that i can really expect to get it's dealing two three four six damage yeah let's let's that's totally nervous if it's that close and one of the other plays requires the use of the coin then you choose to play without the coin well that's a good pick wow squire attend me ready sir it's okay he basically spent his five mana turn playing 11 stats i played uh 12 stats so technically i'm ahead four seven four five four five just gets hit by the five six so should i spread the stats here yeah i think this is better whoa whoa i i like almost vocalized and then clicked the wrong thing hmm it's a brand new it's a brand new wait wait wait i actually ordered it to get one more damage hey look it's the card that i should mind control so i want to save the coin for the mind control next turn i want to try to minimize the value that proto-drake gets but it's always going to get value origin commander the face that's how i make it get minimal value if you insist too much value if it just free trades a smug senior all right don't have mind control huge swing huge value swing give me oh no [Music] [Music] no fair having mind control no fare it looks like i'm in a pretty good spot if that life steal goes off again and there's the frazzled freshman case that's just a it's a card that wasn't really occurred sadly oh are you out of cards because you have to play low value cards like frazzled freshman oh or freeze wait actually i'm good here or six holy nova sure probably have hoped with this first didn't matter in this case but low order nonetheless well now i could have drawn could i have drawn something useful i could have drawn shadow word right no that wouldn't have been great i could have drawn a mover that would have been good i can't believe it storming champion is actually one of the bad cards in this deck but looks like it's gonna do fine here [Applause] not that unbelievable i suppose for it to actually do good hmm the goal is to hit the 5-5 i have two dragons in my deck that's not enough justification to hold skill rider [Music] oh is thought steal such a good card that i should keep it in my opening hand i think it's that good yeah second question is do i keep holy smite in my hand i'll keep that too all right we're playing a response deck usually i keep um you know proactive cards but these two cards have gotten buffed enough that we can be a response class and i believe i should play thought steel on two of our man bomber i think mad bomber has actual utility oh i think this deck is late game enough or apotheosis to buff mad bomber though what must i do nah i have holy smite plus holy crap holy smite plus mad bomber return oh mad bomber valley look at that utility so where does the magic come from do i want a five-five here what's the tempo play do we want the tempo play yeah then i can temple enforce or something wait we need the tempo play for the temple play [Music] uh i almost milled him i didn't realize [Music] one two four sure we will hold the black temple ah he's playing a card that holds the black temple against my temple play after i made tempo players question mark what do they come i supply only the finest creatures you're paying for my discretion whoa so option one played a really slow play option two aeon reaver it's a good card to annon river what do they i say it's close but i believe if i really try to put together what the cards say they're telling me to play that one it's the play probably most people play but i can't help but wonder if plagued proto is better i also don't know why they only cost one how do you get a dis oh spell damage oh what a good card two three four five oh my god two three four oh oh insane fish flinger wow it's a layering primer gurgle frame that's that's pretty spooky [Music] the spooky on that oh 11. counter i need mana i need mana i need mana magic is not a toy ugh [Music] nine damage on the board i can take it i guess ah four attack ah i got my sheep i could have used that sheep let's see these guys's health are fine as is i heal this it makes for a better trade room if i heal this he was probably gonna value trade anyways i think i just play loot order i'm okay with going down to six the best i could make it out of this is 16 and then take six i could be a 10. yeah we can't play that slow we can't play that safe rather well played justice okay coin fish flinger in the guardian augmentation is tempting i probably don't want to use the coin on something like that i probably want to keep guardian of merchant regardless i probably do want a coin fish flinger yeah i'm coin it two chances i either get a murloc i can play or i play the guardian on it and it's good and i got so much belly out of thought sees that last game but i actually got out temped when he tempo defended the temple against my tempo and i actually didn't play that much tempo because i held my temple hmm well now i have the temple cute [Music] ah a board full of cards that are two health and under perfect i'll do a little trading there no one can blame me for that now that's the proper rng ethereal wacky draconic lackey now that's the good stuff she's here [Music] it's time for the holy pre-setup have a huge card out and then kill the opponent's stuff with it and then heal your card very bullying oh very nefarious but stormwind champion finds a surprisingly large amount of stuff to hit [Applause] is it cold in the shadows fireball ready oh 3 5 7 13 5 off silence a friendly minion oh no [Music] and i didn't lower good i'll keep that and back in the day i thought yeti was good imagine yeti plus yeti plus two plus two oh now i wanted to have my hand and bow tempo well he played delayed frostbolt too yes okay sure hmm all right give me draconic wait if i save it i can play it with exotic mouth cellar oh that's actually worth it don't worry about me just taking a break on a turn to pull this off don't like don't like i pull the rabbit out of my head yeah but i got draconic lackey is good lackey is best lucky he's probably best lacking on average guys i can't move they're not trapped they're my friends am i supposed to just evasive worm the 3-3 then apotheosis something and hit the face with it but also clear off a 1-3 instead that lets my 1-1 just you know survive i think that's probably the best line some sort of uh great compromise where we play to save the bunny that we worked so hard to spawn bunny lives if the bunny gets off three attacks it means that i made profit on the exchange [Music] haha you fool you've buffed all your cards playing right into my shadow word ruin these are some terrible cards i'm top decking [Music] two options a on your virtual bat rider or if i think there's something bigger to mind control there's probably something bigger than just an eight sevens i wanna say i wanna go for this show me something bigger a place to hide technically bigger kind of sort of do i want it i win the game of that attack no i don't that's close oh i win the game if that actually survives it's gotta eat health that's a lot i'll take it i thought steal is a good card to get oh that is actually true the second guardian merchant wouldn't do damage to it let me work my magic oh magical oh sick combo i approve oh nice cards i have proof the master gave me many gifts [Music] that should upgrade probably we know his hand is all demons me show me baseless lackey easy wow astounding by the old gods i mean his coin and two drop traded for my one drops that's pretty good nothing but a bunch of big bads what oh get rekt all right i'll actually play the five six for tempo for once quite possible i should have done that the game i lost i put too much value on the plus three [Music] health that's a tempo temple enforcer [Music] it's worth it five five-star minutes i supply only the finest creatures punch we must cleanse the sun well that's right i'm the one who knocks don't you forget it hunter we take a brief break from knocking to uh clear the board oh that's the first time i've actually seen something attack off of true aim nice job that's pretty good guardian arc motion shovelfist is actually really good i should probably aim to combo those together push every small edge that's not even a small edge that's a pretty big edge the play is specifically only good though when the opponent plays something big oh that's good nice value card oh he's thinking about attacking or was it fake thinking now that's an interesting question why wouldn't you attack i'm just gonna hit you anyways what must i do dance for me okay i wanted to save until something big hit the board for my shovel fist all right i do have the brittle bone after all that's a good draw it's okay i'll beat you with sheer power very bold raid or no trade i could get behind either move whoa wait what i hope everyone learned that it's the order of minions you played it's not random you probably didn't know that or you forgot one of the two i'm gonna take the 50 50 here let me know if i hit that three four it's not like a total it's fifo not lifo [Applause] that's an upgrade probably is good enough to keep in the opening hand bro bone destroyer probably not good enough to keep in the opening hand despite it being a great card that's a very reactive hand but that's fine job's done nice coin numbering i think he probably did have a follow-up play but maybe because i didn't play anything that he didn't have a follow-up play what would that mean what's a card that would need follow-up or what's a card that would require me to have something to be a reasonable early game card to keep i'm thinking chaos strike anything else i grow impatient twin slice maybe get these off of me soul sheer soul sure yeah that's a pretty good guess too um already how darn ah he kept penflinger in his opening hand a man of culture i see deal for heel too seems good alternatives just play big ol well and the tiebreaker is i have holy smite in my hands i'll play it because the next trying to play big ol while holy smite scale rider that's good my hands looking pretty good we'll be fine stormwind champion double trade it's on curve i could play any card it would be apotheosis brittle bone destroyer would be good too my card might tip the skills for a holy nova um got the fast nine draw play followed by the fast 10 drop play that's the card that wants to get the fast 10 drop play i should play this while i have that's fine it's invisible i grow impatient oh i mind control that it is a six drop get to punch nine damage to the face seems fun i'll take it that was almost like a pyroblast and buy a cartoot defender for free and kill a cartoon defender and don't give him health that's actually a 15 damage mind control and i also get a cartoon defender that's pretty good actually cleared them ready sir i think it's very likely he'll get slightly ahead on the board this round and then i can play scavenging a great my effect was a little off uh if you insist but the idea is the same give him a chance to get ahead again then we should borrow him let him get ahead again then we twin tyrant him bullying i believe this is the twin now shivara first shabar then tyrant and that's the game that's so dumb actually i'm good oh wait i can't actually do win off that your future gummy guerrilla oh two drop into three oh no oh no uh i don't think it's worth pointing out a two into a two here so then should i keep the other two yeah because uh the mad bomber is a good response to the fish flingers are good too if i'm starting [Music] more like a waste than a warden actually what would be really good is he doesn't play anything and i use a fish flinger against that card hmm all right i got the usual priest pattern of buff something and then heal it and bully the opponent play something early buff it and then bully darn the bully part has failed you missed how you want to blow something up okay we're saving my coin for three cost beast hopefully i get a um whispers of evil or a holy smite disgusting hmm didn't want to get that stolen definitely a slim aeon reaver i wonder if thought steel would have been better but i'm saying that i set up into the mount cellar coin og merchant okay one of the thought stolen cards is minor i supply only the finest creatures actually a pretty good pull what's next next next next nick there is some chance that my mount seller survives here and i get to get another beast maybe another two beasts maybe another three beasts you could perhaps make an argument and if you're on the opponent's side all right the mound seller isn't that big a deal trump only has three cards i think if i were the opponent i wouldn't put that big a dedication towards killing it you're a snack too scary got that snuck get the snack mount seller is going to sell more maps all right time for three oh my god oh this um there's actually a few options it's like why play chaplin when i can just press the heal button we're going from mass value right the tempo would be uh chaplaining the patriarch middle ground would be chaplaining this valley would be using the heel on this and we got draconic lackey valley all around oh well i guess i win that's disgusting i hate to see that i just killed this card is a swing of his side was 20 stats and my side is 14 stats that's 34 stats swing for eight mana disgusting like that looks good but this is only 18 20 21 20. that's only a 30 stat player i got a holy shadow word ruin right anything else oh he also played holy nova oh wait i never played shadow wardroom i only imagined playing the card this card is gross i've never been able to draft it am i enjoying arena this expansion i haven't really played enough to make a judgment call it does seem pretty high rolly i wonder if i should keep shakeful in my opening hand i've not had this thought yet so better cards whispers of evil inscriptor fish loot hoarder bomber i don't have that much early game there's only five cards better in the deck the four seven is pretty good i'll keep that's kind of a good point on dual class arena isn't this like the set where dual class arena would be good to make a comeback like maybe not the whole arena not the whole arena season but part of it welcomes your class usually in october that's true i guess that would make sense for the later half of this arena season what have they done play my 4 mana 4 7. if i don't play anything observer can't get me there's no way someone runs vaporizer there's no way i don't believe you she's here why okay wait did you think i would be bluffed you think i have that little heart okay wait let me think about if i should play potheases here yeah my hand's so heavy he's like no it's too big good old salarian prime i've lost a lot to that card oh well he held that for a while i think we can take it slow there could certainly be something bigger and even though i have a removal already can't hurt to have two of it he struck me as having a slow plan that having hard removal is probably a good thing wonder if it would have been better to trade first probably i have no good play right now fish you have a dragon in your hand plus two plus two ratchet reclaimer wow combo cool we shall end this disturbance i am [Music] the answer was sufficiently okay so i have three hard removal in my hand three hard removal one generally good card to play um aeon reaver no smug senior let's see thank you for the magic trick fish flinger dragon and coin oh thank you so much duck tracker so i don't have to keep it i think i just played this okay so i know he's got a dragon the dragon is probably answered by okay that's the dragon [Music] mage secret that probably wasn't his top choice but imagine if you chose a mage secret you'd want something that would copy something big so that would be the mirror entity or the counter spell which you counter a spell you would know i would have this in my hand i should try to bait it with a small card that's the card i should play anyways it doesn't play much but slow and steady all right um nice magic trick going with quality over quantity i say meh oh i saw a polymorph in there not like i have to do anything right now i should thought steel might get counterspelled i might get created stuff uh i kind of feel like i should burn the actually now i feel like i really should play these two together i am really uncertain about this one the fact that he has a secret is making me uh not play a spell wow that was a strong conjurous calling oh that went off what do the cards dang that's that might have been the worst possible targets okay so sadly i know that he's got fireball on his deck which means my doom is looming uh the mage spell that i want it would probably probably be blizzard i wonder but it would be pretty hard to like actually be able to cast it also okay that's actually fairly good we're in it i don't think i can ever heal my way out of it which means i basically have to kill him before he draws fireball but i also have to keep clearing everything on the board always i'm surprised by no conjurors calling on this wait why wouldn't you okay i didn't die that's good that's good that's really good okay let me think about this one we're traveling down the very narrow path i'm so i'm super shocked he hasn't played conjure his calling yet it's like isn't this the perfect target i really need to start thinking about how i can kill him really fast but i also need to keep defending i wonder all right here's conjurer is calling i'm done i mean it's not like i had a way to stop that that is the perfect board to mad bomber against it's just sad when it doesn't hit i have the guaranteed i'm pretty sure it's statistically right to play this card i can coin like version if i miss i guess i was like about to hit the end turn i'm like oh yeah i can coin augmention still damn sucks having a bad hand makes plays really easy you play the card that doesn't suck that was actually a good play though at least observer i'm playing around your imprisoned observer by not playing anything ever now that's done this turn i'm encouraged to play nothing in the trade down and i'll do that [Music] interesting question do i play the one mana one one or do i save it not the one i won one do i just pay one man to discover a spell right now or would i rather have a one one someday in the future i can wait [Music] watch this options options power for the taking so option one nova scale rider he's left with a 4-3 i have a 3-3 option two scale rider guardian dog merchant yeah skill writer is probably right the 3-3 does challenge the 4-3 probably needs some minute tempo even though it doesn't look like it another solarian good old solarian all right definitely want to kill that probably with aeon reaver and then play one plus one which means technically i should play the disc cover first nothing not that it matters god i want to shadow madness this so badly there's no practical way to ever do that you did it you're a genius that is so much tempo that's a good draw oh i can thought steal solarian prime finally holy oh wait i have mind control that's pretty good ah you can just fireball whatever get this guy out of here um do i want to holy nova just that shovel fist don't shuffle some no i'm freaking i pull off this combo so many times probably because i have two each of shovel fist and uh merchant okay i definitely want a thought still here my business yeah may get me yes i'm a genius do i play it now i i believe it's wrong to play it right now it's like fast removal i should wait for him to like get more stuff out and then i play it and then i win yeah that's cool oh now that's value even more value if i can kill that while it's wounded is it too greedy to wait on the wretched reclaimer that's not realistic that he has something we'll be fine it wasn't that big we'll be fine this is the only card in the deck that i want to ratchet reclaimer that's left thanks whatever oh okay whatever i can do that too baka hmm i have become one with the void good man excellent yeah yeah cool i am the secret master this one's mine this one's a real page turner this man actually has spell damage mage [Music] darn wait this one's first oh after your opponent cast this spell hmm three day each okay i remember he has mirror entity in his deck so that's probable oh no wait i still have lethal four seven ten [Music] all seventeen look at all the value i can clear that more i can draw a bunch of cards i can heal that's gotta be the better player right welcome to magetown this encounter mage mansion the mage man the interesting thing about mage is i probably didn't quite understand how good primordial studies was because i didn't understand how good astromancer's hilarion was and of course firebrand is insane sadly i don't have a dragon so we're just going to have to pray okay we're guaranteed to win but can i super winner i actually gave some serious consideration to trading there if i draw a dragon trading would be better [Music] he's trading okay that's gonna be a three one bummer uh if i clear his board i don't have a next turn play i think i just passed [Music] ugh turn six spin three mana here comes another astromancer's [Music] hilarion there total health on this board is 14. i have two options i can play aeon reefer and guaranteed guaranteed1244 or what do you got that should upgrade probably turns out that skipping turn five and playing three mana on turn six is not good stupid stormwind champion how many of these cards are useless i think i have to just play the senior and pray he doesn't have an answer somehow which is very unlikely but it's my only way of coming back i think this deck is over subscribed to big cards i suppose all right well as much as it is about valuing arena you can't skip two middle turns yes yes whatever wait wait wait wait he might not be able to get through spectral senior well played okay all right i guess sometimes you learn when you go a little too far in the other direction i think what i was really missing was four drops there's only a shade cool in the back i did really well when i got that [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Trump
Views: 259,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, blizzard, ccg, tcg, card, game, multiplayer, trump, trumpsc, demon, hunter, demon hunter, outcast, arena, midrange, draw, ganarg, warrior, tempo, control, dig, shovel, scholomance, academy, spell, burst
Id: jHVP-6Db8SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 48sec (4668 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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