Food Lies You Will Not Believe

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hello friends it's me today we're gonna be checking out some cool tricks used in food commercials that they don't want you to know about they hit a bottle and some cereal and then wait wait for it it's gonna just pop out i don't know what's creating the force to push it out but there you go then slow-mo it and see it looks so dramatic hi it's me so they got some food coloring and some mashed potato oh it looks like brownies now glue and some more food coloring are you trying to make ice cream sir that's illegal mashed potato and glue has never looked so good i can't believe it looks better than the actual ice cream like why you play with my emotions like this it's scary that i would eat that would take a bite hey at least this gluten free another way of preparing chicken plot twists they don't even cook it so they use this little creme brulee flame thrower to tighten the skin look at it just like tighten and it toasts some of it and then they don't actually cook it because then shrivels the chicken you know so not aesthetic so they got some soy sauce and just painted the raw chicken that's slightly toasted and look they look amazing so if you cook them they look like this dry crusty it doesn't look very appetizing right but this they look glazed and juicy i can't believe this is the raw chicken yo marketing raw chicken but it looked more cooked than the cooked one we live in a universal life tea food coloring mix it up what are we making now let it dry vodka you can't put that in tea whoa now i see why now i see why you see the real t and then the commercial whoa you get that color instantly i was gonna be like wait some tea actually if you pour boiling water over it you get the color right away but then you get those ugly steam bubbles on the side of the glass so this one's very smart oh man they took some glue food coloring mixed it all up whoa it's like a black hole oh no it's slime black slime oh so you're telling me the chocolate and the chocolate lava cake isn't real it's the slime and you just pop it in there and it's just look like it's flowing on out the chocolate hole lies in the seat y'all ever wondered how they do the sandwich commercials so they have every piece of the sandwich on some string and then wait for it boom sandwich made it's so much effort for like a one second shot but it's like the finished product is gonna look so dope another one okay they have this whole studio set up why i can never get my iphone video to look good how do they open the bottle oh oh there's like a tube going in through the back so it creates pressure and like pushes the cap off whoa you'll see the strawberry pie it do be looking good but this is how they make it look even better take some red lip gloss or lipstick or just any lip product and it's supposed to deepen the strawberries red so now they be looking shiny and saturated you know or you can just go into final cut saturation up it looks so much more appetizing like it's insane how they can put some makeup on a dank strawberry and it just looks so appetizing now this is how they do the big mac oh no it's fire wait does that mean it's a whopper fire is burger king's thing whoa so it's not a green screen they actually have the fire effects pretty lit if you ask me only the finest flame bro burgers nothing like some good old cardboard pizza oh no they're making a cake but frosting it was shaving cream because shaving cream doesn't melt and then some blue shaving cream for the frosting on top it's actually very cute i hate that i would take a bite what is that dirt graham cracker crust oh it's a fried chicken i don't even see the fried chicken piece in the crust whoa it just jumped on the fried chicken trampoline and there you have it what pasta lies are y'all gonna do today oh so that's why the middle goes like up like that so it's not just a lot of pasta yeah see that's what it looks like when i get it y'all obsessed with making your food look thick it's like the push-up bra of food this is how they keep their drinks super fizzy so after you pour a fizzy drink the carbonation is going to go away real fast but if you put some aspirin in there and then pour it you got bubbles for days let me get a glass of uh bubbly are these actual commercial what is this chips nachos why you crack an egg on some pringles i don't understand sir i have so many questions oh i thought that was a nacho they're dipping the pringle in the egg yolk i saw the salt tiktok where they use a pro blends to get these insane shots of food whoa oh did y'all just pour gravy on a ten thousand dollar camera oh wait no he's wearing protection it's okay so many things you could do with this so many places you could stay got some watermelon here and they're just gonna drop ice on it oh so i see my thought was just so hot outside that the watermelon started sweating oh slow-mo looks so good it's like it's actually quite simple like most of these people are doing this with their phone but they make it look so dramatic whoa excuse me sir did you just put a balloon in the rotisserie he just blew it up he made that thanksgiving turkey throw away back look at that inflation dang boy he really do be thick now who comes up with these things the butt is a little saggy we need something like hold it up oh that's not what happens on the mukbang you pour the liquid on them they start jumping around we back in the ocean no oh sh we getting cooked okay what voodoo magic did you pull with this shrimp what's wrong with it oh they just put a steamer under it no funny business with mushroom today only the steam and a very subtle effect it's actually cold but we gonna make it look like it's hot and steamy they took some dry ice hot water oh i seen drinks like that and then they put it behind the baked potato or whatever food you want to look hot and steamy okay very subtle but i like it whoa they put a corn on the cob on a drill drenched it with water they recorded everything on a phone new iphone camera be looking good to make grapes look good they dust them with baby powder and y'all could have used powdered sugar or something and then they wet them so first you mattify them and then you make them look wet the commercial versus the real i mean both look fine except one had a rash had to sprinkle some baby powder on those buns they greased up some parchment paper that's a big old tortilla oiled up the tortilla cracked some salt and pepper on that bad boy and made a giant lace more like giant lies and even a chip and even a bag is a pillow case so if you want to know if you have real good quality butter take two glasses of hot water pop your butter in it real butter should melt the margarine or fake butter just stays the same what is this disgusting is made of some kind of oil and it doesn't melt also real butter is very delicious there is no substitute to make fruits look extra shiny they took dang hair spray not only for making your hair shiny will also make your fruit shiny looking like a renaissance painting this is what genetically modified food looks like advertisers are obsessed with making their food look thick these pancakes look horrible they're flat you could have done better than that and then go put cardboard to push these cakes up and then engine oil because regular syrup gets absorbed sucked into the pancakes but the engine oil just sits on top of there so y'all could have your little photo shoot without worrying about the pancakes sucking up the syrup plastic ice cubes wow no wonder ice looks so good in commercials and it doesn't melt doesn't actually look like that oh that was a very satisfying scoop very nice on the finished product yes now if only cold stone was this generous with their scoops so look at all the work it takes to make the perfect burger if mcdonald's did this they would be a five-star restaurant but ain't nobody got time for that okay i still don't even look that good i don't like the ketchup placement it's horrible ketchup goes inside the burger not chilling on the edge of the lettuce like what what is that agar agar or jar jar i i don't know how to say it some hot water basically it's gonna make it like a jelly you let it dry that's a fake soup you got there sir that's illegal did we looking good though no soup looks like that where everything just like floats to the top and sits pretty on top of the cup no panera i know all your secrets now there's been so much controversy over a mcdonald's ad specifically the big mac like look how beautiful and appetizing that looks and then the real thing oh so sad patty's not as thick as i was expecting bun looking a little sash still very gorgeous to me food is food as long as it tastes good so anytime y'all want to use whipped cream coo whip it's actually shaving cream because look at the real whipped cream it's a mess ain't nobody want to eat this it kind of look like they took a lump of garlic slapped it on that chocolate cake oh but the shaving cream it's a good poop shape very plump okay how did they get this shot they just poured water over some lemons right in slow-mo oh no they just shook it through their fingers oh okay okay okay i see wow very professional okay this has got to be the worst one because i remember the first time i went to taco bell and i saw this and i'm like dang that actually looks really good and then i got this what is this they ain't even brothers are they barely even friends how you gonna advertise this and give me this y'all be so stingy with your meat every taco get one spoonful of meat oh you know what they did so in the ad they took all the meat and just put it in that front corner there ain't no meat in the rest of the taco and then filled it all up with lettuce i must delete it though so i feel like most of these shots are just water being poured on whatever they're advertising nothing sells like wet and juicy vegetables but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below and let me know which one of these was the craziest and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,400,346
Rating: 4.9291048 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, food, lies, food lies, foods, fast food, food lies you will not believe
Id: sZE-Kx09iUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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