FOOD LIES that will destroy your trust

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hello friends its meet your favorite messy hair youtuber who needs a brush you know in life there are a lot of deceptive things like people companies buy now food the thing we love the most is getting exposed today so you know when you see an ice cream ad you like um that's our baby looking hey but it's not actually sorbet it's mashed potato they do ice cream ads with instant mashed potato y'all couldn't even have mashed up some actual potatoes and they just died the mashed potato and it's supposed to give off a similar texture so you looking at these a quick look at like a snack I mean mashed potato is also a snack but you know why I'm just being lied to at this point that is actually sickening the fact that it looks so much like sorbet but it's mashed potato food colored mashed potato all right here we got Cincinnati famous chili spaghetti look at that that looks so bomb we got spaghetti bolognaise and look at all that cheese on top and then wait hold on when you open that up this monstrosity I'll open a package of dog food that look better than that honestly that looks like that after it's digested and in the toilet imagine looking at this at the store I'm doing mmm all that you so excited for dinner and then you open it up and you're like well heck so there have been some conspiracy theories for fast food sizes that's the large and the medium contain the same amount whether it's drinks or fries like look at this look at this Arby's yeah I'm calling you out the large has as much as the medium y'all could've filled that up a little more also why does the large cost more when you get in the same food you know after I saw this I've been taking my chances with a medium and it is honestly almost the same but I guess it depends on the place and whoever's filling up the fries sometimes they want to be stingy with them not my McDonald's though shout out to my McDonald's every time I go order they always make me off fresh batch of fries I don't know cuz nobody ordering fries but it's like every single time I go to I am they got fresh fries from and I appreciate that so much but don't let that distract you from the fact that y'all still gotta fix your ice-cream machine cereal commercial surprise surprise was not actually milk milk makes a cereal soggy and you know what we can't have that so you know what they do they fill up the bowl so it's not an actual bowl it's really a plate onto a bowl and put glue and then place each individual piece of mini wheats on that bowl so you look at that satellite that looked like a nice bowl of cereal it's not it's a bowl of gluten and glue my favorite cereal glue and glue so this is another food Hat take your soda and pour it through a water filter this is the bougie way of drinking soda ah so it comes out clear oh my god I wonder what that tastes like that's nasty so they don't filter the soda I gotta try this you know those ads for Thanksgiving turkeys where the turkey looks so browned and crisp and they slide their self-tanner all over this bad boy like it's raw they don't even cook it and there you have it delicious Thanksgiving wise sauces are prepared with wax you told me in commercials where they dippin nugget and a sauce is not actually sweet-and-sour sauce it's white white to make the perfect consistency they melt different colors of wax to make the sauces I'm not sure if I could continue living knowing this fact not every time you watch a commercial it ain't actually ketchup you know what I'm gonna pay close attention I must see if it's really waxed cuz I'm not buying this one there's no way okay I've seen this a couple of times where people are claiming that for pancake commercials they used motor oil instead of syrup imagine being on set like damn those stacks are stacking you gonna eat that it takes a bite no I can't imagine eating motor oil but all I can tell you is like if there's a photo shoot for food and then I'm making it look really good it's most likely not 100% edible like they're gonna use some nasty tricks like damn motor oil it should only go in your car but they put it on pancakes because it doesn't absorb into the pancakes like syrup does like you know you pour a whole thing a syrup on your pancakes and you're like I want a whole damn cup and the pancakes slip the best step before I could that's why I dip my pancakes into syrup that are pouring it all over life hacks but that's gross oh this is the good one so for burgers you know how they got that char mark like perfectly grilled on the BB cube but it's not on the BB q it's shoe polish they take shoe polish and draw the char line so you telling me they take in a refrigerated burger like they couldn't even cook it and they just drew char lines on it to make it look like it was cut my whole burger eating life was alive I don't know how much more of a second take I don't care no matter how I do try you absolutely cannot ruin a good burger for me you can't ruin any of these foods for me guarantee but you know what knowledge is power and that's what we're gaining today oh we got the Chef Boyardee beef ravioli and they got one beef ravioli I mean that's what the things that is literally beef ravioli not beef ravioli you got exactly what the can said this was extremely unlucky or maybe you ate that and forgot about it you know we all been there done that you know I'll be eating something and before I even realize it it's all gone and then I'm like looking around like this somebody eat this there's no way I ate all of this right now films angry Instagram story somebody stole my taquito I had three taquitos on this plate I swear I had one and all three of them are now gone I'm suing the taquito company I don't know if that made sense but smash like if relatable you know those soda or beer commercials where they got a ton of foam and you like damn she bubbly but she ain't really bubbly she's soapy they put dish so to make it extra bubbly Wow you told me i'ma buy a can pour it myself that froth ain't gonna be that frothy nothing but lies Oh yet another deceptive tactics cardboard inside cake so they take the cake make it look dummy thick but it's actually filled with cardboard I said they just pull frosting over the cardboard Wow anything for the gram right this is the food equivalent of facetune [Music] so that's how they do the fry they stick them individually in like a sponge and then put it in so they're all like happy and floating in the fry bag this next one parfaits not actually whipped cream but it is another kind of cream shaving cream to be exact you know if the shaving cream is so thick and frosty and it works perfectly and it looks good and I feel like if they use real food or who whip you ought to got the same result but if you want to use shaving cream go for it I can't stop you okay it's 2019 can we stop calling seedless watermelon seedless watermelons because they're not seedless watermelons I have never in my life but seedless watermelon and had it not had any seeds at all they always have seats no matter how small no matter how big there's no such thing is a seedless watermelon I mean I've never had one that was actually seedless but like Who am I supposed to sue call up the watermelon republic hello my father would like to file a lawsuit because these seedless watermelons you sellin they actually seedless we've fallen for it for years and we continue to buy seedless watermelon only to eat around the seeds this is the most petty thing I have ever seen so Kellogg's has a to scoop Raisin Bran I don't know all people they love that raisin pops and poop so they're like we put not one but two whole scooper folds of raisin in this surreal and this person dumped out the whole thing it was like yeah you know what I'm not buying it I've had enough of this ya'll say two scoops I've been having Raisin Bran for 10 years and I didn't get more three raisins every morning so we gonna stay here we're gonna count it out we're gonna take out every single brazen from this box of cereal and it is not even a scoop full y'all lying how y'all gon say cheese goofballs I mean maybe there's scoopers or I'll really like this big you know what they say large to show texture but really the whole jumbo size and you only gonna get that many reasons y'all have been robbed for too long that's definitely not as misleading as the watermelon but that's still pretty bad oh the good old sausage and cheese Christmas gift box my favorite you thinking you gonna get a whole block of cheese and then when you open it up you got skinny legend cheddar and Swiss over here getting a whole block what is this tomfoolery this is nothing but a farm of deception you know when juices popsicles ice cream whatever says 100% juice I saw this today at the grocery store it is almost always misleading so when they say 100% juice they mean the juice that they use in their ingredient is a hundred percent juice stop but it says contains 27% juice in the actual nutrition facts so the nutrition facts 27 percent of the ingredients is juice but that juice is 100 percent juice see that's why they get you but now you know all right I've seen this before this has gluten free chocolate chip cookie know this is my area of expertise hello celiac over here yes I'm a glutton expert bite me so it's a gluten free chocolate chip cookie but this product could glutton popkins SB you see even if it is gluten-free most of the time it was made in a facility that has gluten in it so they make other things in that facility that have gluten in it so they have to legally put that it contains gluten does this process in the same place with non-gluten things I love buying panda shaped popsicles to open them and have them look like baby ever tried not one heck was given in the making of this Penza popsicle and even a panda it looks not like Mickey Mouse that a panda okay you know what I see chocolate I eat chocolate so I don't care what it looks like I'll still eat it here we got some pepperoni pizza and you know that little cutout in the box where you can preview the pizza before you buy it and then when you take your home and take it out is nothing but lies how you gonna put pepperoni on one side and then surprise the other side we don't cheap out you look at the window you're gonna be like damn is gonna be a meaty pizza nah what is this hopefully a roommate likes cheese oh they call it out Cap'n Crunch now he's not actually a captain so the stripes on his sleeve mean he is a commander so he's actually commander crunch Wow so scandalous can we cancel Captain Crunch for being a lie here we got some chips and then the new bigger size new bigger size this supposed to be bigger bigger than what my hand because it is if it's bigger that batboy better be filled to the top because I know that big one is it's only filled like less than half Oh so sad the gun Kenji bigflo oh man this looks really good it exactly looks really bomb but in real life it's ok I'm used to being disappointed as long as it tastes good you really couldn't put more ice cream on that y'all really had to be that stingy move move track ice cream look at that ice cream look at all those topping is stuck and then when you open it up what is this you know ice cream like hella toppings or mixed ends or like brownies in it or cookie dough I always eat just the cookie dough bites are always the brownie bites and I leave like the vanilla ice cream like alone and then I end up throwing the vanilla ice cream away like useless you've served your purpose and that is for the brownie bites but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these was the craziest which completely destroyed your trust and food if you guys enjoy it and learn something new make sure you smash that like button to make sure you turns out notifications today ok and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,369,880
Rating: 4.9302735 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, funny, food, lies, food lies, foods, fast food, trust, food lies that will destroy your trust
Id: _CcpXHfmLxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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