People Who Didn’t Get What They Expected

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hello friends it's me take it from me life is full of disappointment my aunt tried to make this cake of Dolly Parton for our friends who the expectation versus reality bro what is this Dolly Parton when the glamour comes off and she's bathing in the cotton candy in your attic I mean she tried so hard and got so far and then she don't even have ankles there is a deer right outside of my window I live in the middle of town oh my god he's so close hey buddy Wow y'all thought I even thought I was like well the deer do it in front of someone's window like it knows no fear man this dude marijuana's the deer not a John Deere if you've ever been disappointed in your life imagine being this dude who bought a watermelon was like I'm gonna have watermelon for dinner tonight cuts it open and they get this what is this the watermelon is this big and that the rest is brine this is nature's way of saying heck you I can't believe that this watermelon has the nerve to have that many seeds y'all couldn't even grow the red part but y'all could still grow that many seeds I don't get it how does this even happen was this grown near area 51 is it missing a chromosome we'll never know but I do hope your two bites of pink flesh were delicious got up at 3:30 a.m. and hiked about four hours to see this beautiful view you know I saw this in a calendar and my whole life I was like I'm gonna go see this one day goes to see it one day and it's foggy and it looks horrible I can't even see much this is a Bob Ross painting versus me trying to draw a Bob Ross painting Wow imagine waking up at 3:30 in the morning - hi girl I go to sleep at 3:30 in the morning this artist was very very serious about her work this portrait was $40 $40 as she couldn't even get her hair line right I've seen 10 year-olds with more artistic skills hold on i'ma fix it [Music] there we go the photo would be accurate if she actually looked like this do humans look like this some do but Keeney bottom is that you welcome to the bikini bottom mr. Krabs this is inaccurate there we go that's better mr. Krabs taking a nap with his money you know when you go to Ikea and they got those big signs for like cinnamon bun one dollar not to actual size you know we have to let everybody know that when you get a cinnamon bun it's not actually six feet wide dang it man I saw the sign I was expecting a cinnamon bun to say that Alabama for $1 I'm assuming I hear I mean somebody had to have like walked in thinking that that they had to put not actual size like we have to clarify you ain't actually getting a cinnamon bun this big well you go to homecoming with me oh my god he went to pizza hi look at her she's so happy and then she starts eating the pizza and she's like wait there's a hidden message under these greasy slices that's mean I really hope y'all do this for the memes cuz that's straight-up cold I mean at least you got free pizza out of it pizza probably better than the homecoming anyway I just ordered a milkshake and this turned up what am I meant to do with it sorry bro we ran out a cup puts a milkshake and I contain there I don't know pour it into a cup at least I gave you a straw my professors door oh this is genius if you look closely it's not actually him working it's a photo of him making it look like he's working but no he's at home or the doors just shut because he's probably giving someone some extra credit either way nice pancakes and sausage on a stick and sounds delicious excuse me Jimmy Dean what is this pathetic excuse of a pancake and sausage on a stick where is the pancake where is the sausage this is a poop on a stick six grams of protein more like one gram of poop this coffee if has a Wi-Fi sign so you're like okay you know what they got Wi-Fi let's walk on in there but if you take a closer look it's ain't no Wi-Fi I never seen a sign like this like these signs usually means I got a custom one to let everybody know we ain't got no Wi-Fi Wow trolled I bought a rug online from my room and realized the importance of specifying the size of the product you're selling okay I know you're upset but you bought a rug for like five dollars what do you expect to get rugs it was like hundreds of dollars you can't just be like oh sweet deal five dollars could get me a foot walk and a rug I mean you can make that thing it's like a magic carpet for a hamster it'll be the best day of his little rodent life happy birthday I tried this is what you gotta wait for the cake to cool before you put icing on cuz you know I've done this way too many times I don't care as long as the bike has some cake and frosting we Gucci it don't need to look good in the end it all comes out brown when you ask your girlfriend hey what you want to eat I don't know okay I bet you a bowl of I don't know bone Apple teeth mmm this I don't know it's delicious a delicacy where I'm from here we have an ice cream shop let's go and get some ice cream oh wait they have a sign that says no ice cream but you an ice cream shop how you gonna have no ice cream see I can understand if you are a McDonald and as soon as it hits 9:00 p.m. ice cream machine broke you ain't got no ice cream but an ice cream store must always have ice cream you know this would happened to me I have horrible luck with restaurants like whenever I travel I'll take it uber like 45 minutes to go to one of my favorite restaurants and then ends up being closed or something went wrong the power went out electricity went out they ran out of food all three of these things have happened to me hey let me do your wedding cake you sure yeah I'm like an expert Baker I'll do it for free and everything all right I baked you a pie this dude is like so proud of it oh this is really annoying me how they're two layers that are red right next to each should have been red purple red purple red you know what I said as long as it tastes good no not in the scenario this is just straight-up ugly oh the whole thing away why does this look like you got pieces of eggshells in it my chocolate chip cookie it only got one chocolate chip that's why they call it a chocolate chip cookie it's only required to have one chocolate chip not called chocolate chips cookie y'all done bamboozled me but okay you know I'll take it because I don't like my chocolate chip cookies with too much chocolate chips okay this dude was fixing a toilet li so he completely took out the toilet took two trips to the store reinstalled the toilet and forgot about the door Wow okay that was practice you're gonna have to do it all over again this is also a design flaw like you can't shut the door you can't open it race it we gotta take out the toilet close the door and then put the toilet back in then where you cheat this muffin I bought at work appears to have lots of blueberries but inside it there are zero no you are liar I see two blueberries right there that's what I do though whenever I see a muffin I'm like what y'all got the most blueberries in it I want that one karma for being greedy just kidding I thought I saw a Google Street View car on my morning commute the other day like what i'ma be on Google Maps and then you see it's Bing Bing Maps does Bing even have maps what's the point of even making a whole Bing Maps when there's already Google Maps oh so you know those lollipops are there like marshmallow lollipops and it's supposed to have a happy face on you open it up you got a sad face not just a sad face it look like he'd been having the poops all day and he's very upset ha ha ha someone is sticky these fake electricity outlets at the airport and the people gonna walk up to them legs oh yes finally oh it's fake this is a cruel prank whoever did this I hope your phone falls down a while Bianca posted on Facebook I like my people how I like my coffee I don't like coffee Oh BAM bronsted same Bianca but Curtis over here I was hoping you'd say black I mean he shot his shot he was gonna make it but Bianca don't play ball mother practice an egg for lunch so that wasn't a hard boy egg you gave me this morning Oh how do you accidentally give somebody out regular egg instead of a hard-boiled egg I Lin didn't go ham on it like karate chop that bad boy to get the shell off this is very disappointing actually I'm sad for that person this is honestly ruin my whole day the wife we tried to wash our husband's pillow oh no you don't you don't do that you don't but wasn't the pillow a whole entire pumpkin maybe some melon some pineapple just kidding that's gross everything in this photo is ruined ordered a cat toy on eBay for $0.99 well you get what you pay for what's that gonna do look at it exactly if I ordered this but look what came instead pull up is that a sandwich did somebody put their sandwich on the photo as they were making the phone oh no don't buy bootleg joys of online shopping oh look some Easy's sing they pay $750 so they thought yeah I'm gonna get some legit Easy's and they got some heat Z's slippers just eat these in the trash can where they belong actually that looked pretty comfy they even got a thing where you can hang them up by but I want my refund I paid $750 for this at least my feet cozy my mom used the Domino's app for the first time and forgot to get sauce and cheese back to the person making this pizza like so you want a pepperoni pizza just pepperonis you know what I'm gonna just do what it says okay I got you fam at least they had the decency to put extra pepperonis look at this cute little lion bouquet I'm gonna buy this for my wifey who loves lions is it a cute little lion this is a rabid dog kind of looks like Pluto the pet dog of a dog anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know the most disappointing thing that's ever happened to you if you guys enjoyed this video and for good luck make sure to hit that like my number and make sure you check out notifications link click and subscribe you're the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,742,450
Rating: 4.8759561 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, funny disappointment, disappointment, funny pictures
Id: -2c3zoA3Bpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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