The WORST Christmas Movie Ever - PBG

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Those kids are some serious Village of the Damned/Children of the Corn contenders, holy shit. The way those smiles spread.... who needs sleep!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/YourSkatingHobbit 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

My friend and I watch this “movie” / play a drinking game to it every year...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/atomiczim 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

That might be some random ass question but anyone knows what kind of zip hoodie he is wearing? is that some merch because i cant seem to find it.

Anyone knows? thanks

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mighteer 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me the worst ever christmas movie and then we broke up [Music] hey everybody peebs here a couple of years ago we talked about arthur's perfect christmas aka the best christmas movie ever made and recently i heard about another arthur christmas movie that i had never heard of before called arthur christmas in 2011 and uh yeah let's check it out okay dear santa my friend doesn't believe in you wait a second this doesn't look right then there's arthur i just want it to be perfect for every kid i just want it to be arthur's perfect christmas so apparently there isn't any other arthur christmas specials which is leaving me a little bit depressed and if i'm not happy nobody can be happy so instead we're gonna watch this garbage the christmas tree from 1991. wait what's that you wanted to watch a good christmas movie well too bad it's 20 20. we don't get anything good you should have learned that by now i did some research online about this movie and to be honest i couldn't find all that much all i know is that it aired on tv one time and then never again so big thanks to call me alex on twitter for recommending this movie to me a very special merry christmas to you yes yes there are many many stories about this special holiday named christmas we start off with some disembodied voice picking a christmas story for us out of this book apparently out of all the stories he felt this was the one we needed to hear about if this one sucks and apparently it does then we can only imagine how terrible the rest of them are our story takes place in an orphanage with some children and a pine tree ah yes my favorite character of all time a pine tree a pine tree is a very dynamic character about halfway through the movie the the character development it takes a crazy turn just wait for that the children live under the rule of the evil miss mavilda doing chores and making weird noises that almost resemble the sound a real child would make but not quite the children eat white goop while mrs mavilda stares at a feast for one she also eats it presumably but there wasn't enough of a budget to animate that the children may not have much but at least they have their best friend a pine tree throughout the movie the children refer to the tree as mrs hopewell but i refuse to take place in this weird fantasy so from here on out i'll be referring to the tree as its actual name the pine tree apparently they enjoy being in the presence of a pine tree more than anything just look at how much they're enjoying it mrs mavilda was a very tricky person she didn't really take good care of the children but she made people think she did every so often the mayor visits the orphanage to drop off some donations from the town but instead of spending the money on the children mavilda promptly gambles it away with her friends and if that wasn't bad enough she also hates dogs [Music] [Music] well let's begin our story now oh great we're four minutes into the movie but apparently we're only just now starting everything starts when a couple arrives in town seeking a better life the mayor told the good man that he would offer him a job at the lumber mill but for a period of time he would have to live in the boarding house without his family he would arrange for the man's wife and children to stay at the orphanage where they could get room and board this intro with the disembodied voice goes on for forever why didn't they just have the characters talk instead of explaining everything oh you we come from the mayors i know i know the mayor just called i'd better go now oh [Music] i see i'd better go now bye here is your room this is the only thing i can do for you this is just fine ma'am i can put that old mattress on the floor for the children and we will be just fine oh jeez miss mavilda gives our main character judy a room but refuses to let her two children stay with her they for some reason have to stay with the orphan children and she's only allowed to see them after she finishes her long list of daily chores and even then for only 30 minutes a day i can't figure out why her character would be motivated to do this it seems like if anything it would just further endanger her whole orphanage scam she has going on but hey i guess she's just so evil she can't help herself after a lecture from miss mavilda judy's children get introduced to the rest of the kids and if there's one thing i could say about these children it's that they look very normal they're just about the most normal and least disturbing looking children i've ever seen before we continue i'd like to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video the wonderful 101 remastered the wonderful 101 widely known as one of the most underrated wii u games is back on pc ps4 and nintendo switch and it's even remastered check the link in the description below to download the wonder size cadet demo featuring wonder bayonetta for free the wonderful 101 is a colorful quirky heroism filled game by action masters platinum games creators of bayonetta and nier automata use the unique unite morph system to draw different shapes mid combat and form giant weapons ranging from whips and guns to swords and fists each weapon has different uses and strategies but they all look wonderful you lead the wonderful 100 a group of ordinary folks turned superheroes that you'll unite with and rescue on missions ranging from giant cities to the ocean floor they all have unique backstories and excellent over-the-top design like wonder professor here who literally has a triangle ruler attached to his back somehow looking good teach if you missed out on it the first time and trust me if you did you did miss out then this is the perfect time to give the wonderful 101 a try with this remastered version again the demo is available right now on pc ps4 and nintendo switch check the link below for a download and thank you wanna hold my teddy bear potato it's only one arm but my mom says santa will bring you one for him at christmas wait what was that potato it's only one arm but my mom says santa will bring you one for him at christmas what my teddy bear has only menarm but my mom says santa will bring dewarm for him at christmas all of the voice acting in this movie is bad especially the children but this girl is just next level i seriously had to rewind two to three times every time she said anything just to understand it he knows where the normal lives and besides i brought the team homie mommy come here and see mrs hopewell we might as well introduce the other kids now i personally categorize them like this there's judy's kids the two blonde ones pappy and lily and then there's everybody else they're basically all one character and frankly they might as well be one character i mean the story would be exactly the same if they were a couple standouts though would be um the girl with glasses i guess she you know has glasses so she's way different from the other ones and then i guess there's um the kid that inexplicably has his voice pitched up when i'm scared i think about her branches like arms holding me he's probably my favorite after doing all of her mini daily chores judy comes across the children staring out the window or more precisely standing next to the window and staring creepily straight at her just totally normal children stuff nothing to be too concerned about the children are definitely the creepiest thing in the movie but this judy face is still pretty up there for me i mean just imagine looking out your window and seeing this face staring back at you where is she i can't see her over there mine where why are you guys giggling this is hopeful as a tree i know all of you understood that perfectly and definitely know what's going on right now but on the very off chance that you didn't the kids are explaining to judy just how much they love the pine tree they love it so much that they believe it will somehow bring us a mom and a dad to take licorice and us to a happy home licorice now who's licorice a dog judy begins to bond with the children by bathing licorice but once that's over the children decide that they need her to do even more chores on top of her previously existing ones specifically she needs to do something special for a pine tree now we have to do something for mrs hopewell too i've got an idea ah yes the perfect idea we'll surround her with the guts of a different tree i'm sure she'll love that right help me get that pile of wood around her [Music] mine's better step up your game who built that me and let me tell you something here girl you're here to do your work first not that nonsense did you finish washing yes and what about cleaning yes the entire house including the windows and waxing the floor you may go now so judy continues to grow closer with the children by listening to them talk about how much they love pine tree and by showing them what a sandwich is miss mavilda on the other hand continues to spend all the donations from the mayor on her alcohol and gambling addictions and delivering what would be the best line in the movie if it weren't for a gym we'll be hearing a little bit later here goes the children's money again here goes all the children's money again is now a line i'll be saying at least once every time i play poker for the rest of my life so our story continues time goes by soon autumn came then christmas time arrives the mayor comes by with more donations from the townspeople i've got enough money here to get the children new clothes and still some left for their christmas presents and unfortunately for miss mavilda judy hears this request and the mayor asks for her to pick out the items miss mavilda then promptly ignores this request and calls her gambling buddies to come over for another game while judy tells the children the good news we're all going to have new clothes during this conversation she realizes that the children have never heard about santa before so judy gives them her incredibly contradictory explanation in her description she mentioned that santa can do anything but he also can't do anything because he can't hear very well how is santa going to know which toy to bring to which one of you if you all wish at the same time you should also think really hard about your wish to santa but think hard before you do but also you might as well not because you have to make a simple wish because santa has to make toys and other presents for all the children of the world you see he's very busy and doesn't have the time for anything too over the top and also he's your grandpa santa claus is everybody's grandpa and also he's not he's not anybody's grandpa and how can a slave fly because he has special reindeer to put and each one has his own special name hey i actually understood what she said that time it's a christmas miracle meanwhile in the land of mavilda what do you think movilda what a hangover and there's the best line in the movie unable to come up with any excuse for why the money is gone she tells judy that the children are no longer allowed to play outside and threatens her to keep quiet and now that you know you better make sure you don't tell him a thing or you and your children are out in the cold but she goes even further than that and decides to frame judy for theft so that she'll get arrested now i have a job for you what are you buying she plans to have her friend mel plant an expensive item in her car while she's picking up a package and on top of that she asks him to cut down the children's best friend the pine tree for no particular reason other than [Music] evil but conveniently one of the girls overhears this plan and tells the other children about it oh yes i forgot something what is the name of your friend out there why do you want to know if you're going to cut mrs hopewell down i'm cutting her down for firewood [Music] we can't just stay here without doing something what can we do what about your mother yeah that's a good point what about their mother i don't worry about my mother because i know she can defend yourself but i'm really worried about the pine tree these kids are freaking obsessed with this tree it's like a cult even her own kids don't give a crap about her because they're too concerned about freaking pine tree so they come up with a plan and their plan is santa how are they gonna find santa well they have a book we can do it and they're very confident that they can find him but i don't know where the north pole is do you i don't i don't either neither do i i'm sure it'll work out it's even funnier because their original plan was to go to the mayor for help but they can't because he lives way far in the country yes yes he's very far away but santa santa it's gonna be a pretty lonely christmas i wish that my christmas wish could be changed since i wish somehow you could say mr tope well mrs hopewell save mrs hopewell i mean uh the pine tree these freaking kids do nothing else matters as long as they have their precious tree god [Music] they all changed their christmas wish to save the pine tree all of them not even one of the seven six eight i can't keep track of how many of them there are use their wish to save judy you know the only person in the whole world that gives a single crap about them now i'm sure she'll be fine in prison she'll like it there the pine tree told me so so pappy and lily sneak off with licorice and on their way they get attacked by a bear and in the process of what is a very epic fight scene just trust me lily falls down the cliff oh no it's it's that it's that one now she she was my favorite ah dang [Music] lily lily's gone licorice she's gone it's almost like this was a terrible plan unfortunately for miss mavilda her scheme to frame judy is foiled when the road is blocked forcing her to return home when she gets back she's informed by the other children that they sent her kids on a death mission to the north pole for a freaking tree luckily for them she doesn't really seem to be all that upset about it i must talk to mrs mavilda mrs mavilda is furious you you are the responsible one for all of this if you hadn't put so much junk into their minds they wouldn't be causing me trouble the fact that she's making judy's children going missing about her somehow aside you know i actually kind of agree with miss mavilda on this judy this is your fault for obliging these children's tree obsession i'm sick and tired of your children in that tree pack your things right now you're fired dang get back into that house at once or i'll thrash you one by one i'm sorry children but i have to do this job come on frank hurry up that does it ah yes both my children are probably dead but uh nobody cuts mrs hopewell until we talk to the mayor show them the song whatever you say ma'am what is the meaning of this oh mr mayor turn that thing off i can't hear a thing i just want you to know that this wasn't my idea mr mayor well there mr mayor i did chainsaw murder all those children but but she told me to mommy mommy so not only is the mayor here all of a sudden pappy and licorice are also back that is pretty considerate of them considering this is the climax of the movie but where is lily where is she she's gone mommy oh god what do you mean rey dad is also here apparently tell me son what happened to lily she fell from a cliff mommy daddy all the way down my baby james hurry and now the whole freaking town showed up oh and that cut at the end there that was not me my baby james hurry that's just the movie we had to do something before mrs mavilda mrs wait a second why don't you explain all this to me mrs kindle hey woman who just learned that her child is dead could you please tell me about this stupid tree here so judy explains why the children all love the pine tree more than her and tells the mayor about how evil miss mavilda really is tell her not to cut mrs hope well don't worry about that little one mrs hopewell is going to be all right that's what you think children oh no [Applause] what happened i don't know why are those people in the background not finished i don't know then santa himself shows up which leaves me no other option than to assume he is the one who killed miss mavilda or at the very least he has no alibi and he's looking pretty sus he decorates a pine tree drops off presents for everyone in the town and i guess he saved lily too oh yeah almost forgot about that this tree here i declare it part of city property it will stay standing as long as it lives i hereby proclaim this tree here i mean the pine tree our official city christmas tree the mayor also offers the job of running the orphanage to judy but wait a minute you can't take this job because you'll be busy helping me raise nine children nine children the fact that this guy is so quick to adopt a bunch of children he met literally five seconds ago aside nine but there's only seven i think i'm telling you even the characters can't keep track of how many children there are in this movie well i guess that leaves only one question what happened to miss mavilda i mean she's not really dead is she don't worry about mrs mavilda she's good now [Music] huh she learned that you always win when you are good well that explains it and that is the christmas tree from 1991. i hope you liked it but before you go i do have one last message for you and uh no it's not merry christmas i the peanut butter guy bring you good tidings of great joy from the one and only the pine trees what a hangover hey everybody thanks so much for watching hope you liked the video if you want to see a good christmas movie then make sure you check out the arthur's perfect christmas video it's one of my personal favorites or you can check out whatever i have over here on the peevs channel subscribe merry christmas and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 1,120,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the worst christmas movie ever made, worst christmas movie, worst movie, worst christmas movie ever, worst, christmas, movie, peanutbuttergamer, pbg, peebs, the christmas tree, tree, worst movie ever, bad, review, reaction, christmas movies, cringe, rant, bad movie, movie review, movie reaction, funny, comedy, parody, Netflix
Id: q3x1f3SUFJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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