The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - PBG

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this video is sponsored by Ubisoft and Heroes of Might and Magic era of chaos sit back get ready here it comes [Music] hey everybody peeps here in the last video I did in this video I reviewed my old a top-ten Zelda games list and in that old video I was very harsh on Twilight Princess I said she realize I have this headphone in my ear and I don't know why I'd take it out now I've since come to appreciate the game a lot more but recently I was watching some other top-ten Zelda games lists and I noticed that a lot of them also place Twilight Princess pretty low so what the heck is going on is Twilight Princess underrated now I feel like it is I can't keep track of all this stuff stop changing your opinions I don't think that it should be underrated though but it's been so long since I played it it's kind of hard for me to say so I'm gonna play through the game again to refresh my memory and maybe I can make up my old terrible Twilight Princess opinions by making this new hopefully not terrible Twilight Princess video and with any luck I won't have to make another video in 8 years to make fun of the opinions I had this year there once was a young man named pingas with the help of his trusty steed pangas pingas is tasked with saving two different worlds and collecting bugs from a weird horny princess person that to the legend of pingas and congas begins one of my main complaints back in the day was that twilight princess was quote too dark end quote has no colors while it is noticeably darker both in theme and graphically especially compared to the previously released Wind Waker to say that it has no colours is pretty stupid honestly if anything it's just a little bit desaturated personally I wouldn't mind if there was a little bit more saturation and contrast added in fact I'm a little bit curious to see what it would look like huh it's not that bad I think I might actually prefer it this way that's a little bit too much come with me and Joby and a world of pure saturation it's just a joke to you but even the darker themes and no way to track from the game if anything they're part of what makes Twilight Princess stand out who could forget these crazy creep ass cutscenes with evil that's plural multiple Pegasus and multiple lifeless bodies of Illya floating around set the evil laugh sound effects seriously what the heck is going on with these who decided that this was a good idea I mean it undeniably is a good idea but still it also makes for perfect thumbnail material so I'm definitely not complaining in the same way that they committed to the cel-shaded cutesy style of Wind Waker they really committed to the more realistic style here three beds are more lifelike in freaky the arbiters grounds pose look like something straight out of a horror movie and even the great fairy instead of being cartoonish are over-the-top terrifying it's just a naked lady a straight-up topless woman with wings um excuse me I feel like you're being a little bit forward here if ever you need my ass sisters again visit any spring I'm so mature I know I definitely appreciate the darker and more realistic tone a lot more than I used to one thing I enjoy about the game that I've always liked about it though are the dungeons personally I think the Twilight Princess has some of the best onions in the entire series not only is the theming excellent to the spooky Indiana Jones miss of the arbiters grounds double claw shouting your way through city in the sky and a water temple that doesn't suck that much but I also feel like it has some really solid puzzles that forced you to think outside the previously established Zelda box I'll always remember the first time I played the game as a teenager there's a part in the Goron mines where there's a place blocked off by this big slab it's obvious that you're supposed to go through there but it took me forever to figure out what I was supposed to do I thought I was supposed to blow it up with a bomb so I spent a long time trying to time the bomb throws to blow it up that clearly didn't work so I tried every other freaking item I had nothing was working then it's been even more time wandering around in the dungeon seeing if there was anything I missed I think I eventually gave up I had school the next day and I had already been up to like 4:00 in the morning or something what was I supposed to do though you swing your sword to cut the ropes you just press a that's it I guess technically I was playing on the Wii so it would be more like that was what I was supposed to do that a couple other examples there's a switch in a room towards the end of city in the sky that you clearly need to pull with a claw shot but there's no way to reach it from within the room instead you need to go all the way back up to the previous room and hang down back into the room with a switch in it in order to reach it and in the temple of time there's a part where you need to place a pot on a switch so you can break the pot once you move past the open gate in order to lower the second gate without being locked out I feel like I didn't explain that very well but you just you just play that you play they just play the game and you'll see it it's not always push the block into the black hole or there's an unlit torch I wonder what I was to do with that oh okay light it with fire make sense there's still some of that for sure but you're forced to use your head and look around your environment a little bit more which I appreciate one thing I definitely don't like about the dungeons though specifically in the HD version all the chests with the freaking steps give me something better this is how I feel every time I get a stamp just this face that is me everybody makes sure to check out my new post featuring Zelda and link crying because there gasp chicken was killed by this creepy alien chicken coming soon to a miiverse near you sponsored by Mel Mart okay but for real though this video is sponsored by Ubisoft and Heroes of Might and Magic era of chaos you can download the game for free with a link in the top of the description Heroes of Might magic is a high-level strategy game that returns to the classic Might and Magic universe with a brand new genre and art style with over seven different game modes era of chaos has something for everybody if I don't mention high-level strategy lately this is a very difficult game to master and strategy is 70% of what you need to win it's not just about having the biggest army you have to think about stuff like placements morale free battle grid formations SF helped Queen Catherine Iron Fist reclaim her throne by recruiting over 20 legendary heroes and leading our armies across literally hundreds of story missions these armies can get pretty crazy with more than 80 types of units like classic fantasy standbys Griffin's and knights but also golems and bone dragons you heard me right bone dragons if you don't want to play alone you can even form alliances with your friends by creating guilds where you can chat play together and even share gifts you can even go to war with other guilds and the very appropriately named Guild Wars Heroes of Might and Magic era of chaos is available to download on both iOS and Android so make sure you check out the strategic twist to a classic franchise by downloading the game with a link in the description below thank you I know Zelda games aren't really known for their combat specifically but I actually really like the combat and Twilight Princess I think it might even be my favorite Zelda combat system I'm specifically saying it's my favorite and not that it's the best breath of the wild in my opinion has the best combat it's not even close really in that game you can pull off some pretty insane stuff if you put in the practice you can do combos and stuff it's almost like a freaking fighting game but unfortunately I don't really like or care about fighting games at all what I do care about is looking cool why else do you think I've bought all of this Arthur merchandise for our children's character detective in this video is no longer competent fighters please make your fine jack a $42,000 written to the FTC and delete your channel Thank You Twilight princesses combat well much more simple does indeed make you feel pretty freaking awesome for one thing unlike wind wakers fairly lackluster combat there's a lot less waiting around to press a at the correct time are waiting for enemies to finally stand back up again so you can attack them but on top of that as you progress you can unlock a handful of special combat moves that are incredibly satisfying to use they're rarely necessary I remember beating the game back in the day by just z-targeting and smashing the attack button over and over there I guess it was more like wiggling my arm around since I was playing on the Wii but if you do end up using them it is a lot of fun but by far the coolest part of the combat system is which does that epic sword sheath thing [Music] [Music] and speaking of awesome this version of penis is especially awesome more specifically he's mega buff right at the beginning of the game he has a giant goat running straight for him and he stops it dead in its tracks okay well he stops it dead in its tracks first try as long as it's someone else other than me playing ed with that epic goat stopping The Legend of mega buffy chickens and it's not just goats twilight princess penis can carry and throw this giant ball and chain item he wrestles gorons and he can even climb across long ledges with just his finger tips for an unlimited amount of time like some kind of Ninja Warrior contestant all right a little less epic the Ninja Warrior but still how the heck is he doing this so easily this is not easy to do even as a wolf he's buff he takes his face and smacks people with it he just smacked his face on them until they're dead he can even hold onto ledges with his paws I'm 99.9% positive that this is impossible I'm pretty sure if I threw my dog at a Ledge this would not be the end result three two one have I mentioned how many weird characters are in this game I love weird characters in zelda they give the game so much personality can you even really call a game a Zelda game if there's no clown and Twilight Princess has two clowns which basically makes it twice as good don't even get me started on the cuckoo's or whatever the heck they're called demon chickens there's the capitalistic man-baby mal oh that guy that's turned into gold because he was greedy and he sucks and Agatha the supposed bug princess who's so weird I basically started making videos about Zelda a long time ago just so I could talk about it I do not think it's a stretch to say she is sexually attracted to bugs it's pretty much her entire character lil stag beat a little stag beetle your spiky pinchers are so sharp they must feel so good little grasshopper little grasshopper I'd like to tickle your belly all day long little snail little snail just once I'd like to take a bath in that slime and I guess that's pretty much it and I can't think of any other weird characters oh geez not this guy all right what do we got here huh nice so is Twilight Princess underrated having played through the game again I feel like yes yes I feel like Twilight Princess is kind of in that phase of a Zelda games lifespan where everyone kind of forgets that it exists and I get it breath of the wild is out now and it's shiny and new and different but I feel like a good chunk of Zelda fans myself included kind of miss the old traditional Zelda format tell me I'm not the only one or maybe it's just me you let me know in the comments sure breath of the wild is an exceptional game and I love the open world exploring stuff and all that but the longer it's out and the more I think about it the more I realized there's a lot of things I've always loved about Zelda that are either barely present or just straight-up absent from it playing through Twilight Princess again has really been a treat I genuinely enjoyed it in fact I didn't even get around to talking about all the stuff that I wanted to talk about Midna is by far one of the best zelda companions if not the best and she's probably the one with the most character development - it's cool to see more main story characters that has a direct personal attachment to like Ilia and the kids from Ordon village and to the soundtrack which you've been hearing some of throughout the video is way better than I remember it being Midna Schley meant in particular is a personal favorite of mine I swear this song could make literally anything depressing maybe I'm just not a very critical person but I don't even have that many things to complain about the game honestly I mean the tier collecting segment was kind of dull I guess one of my only big complaints about the game is kind of ironically one of the old opinions I had from the top ten Zelda games video that I keep making fun of the world itself was just naked yeah just look at this just look at all this nudity fine I was kind of right I think there's plenty of things to do in the game and the main story stuff is especially solid but I would have enjoyed a lot more majora's mask or even skyward sword style side quests most of the extra content comes in the form of collecting bugs or pose and mini-games and there's quite a lot of minigames actually almost too many I mean none of them are particularly bad but find all the cats is this really a minigame that we needed alternate idea I save all the cats from being abducted by aliens oast side quests that I would have liked maybe it'll be in breath of the wild - who knows so I definitely rank Twilight Princess much higher than I used to in fact it's probably it's up it's up there in the top for me I'm just saying so I hope you enjoyed looking back at Twilight Princess with me and I hope you enjoyed this year's Zelda month and if I haven't convinced you that Twilight Princess is good yet how about this there's a puppy this is the best game ever what [Music] sorry puppy every man from Southie hey everybody thanks so much for watching hit that like button if you enjoyed it it really helps me out and what do you think is Twilight Princess underrated or are there any other Zelda games do you think are underrated let me know in the comments I was in a Zelda video with Jeff that just went out today so go check that out if you are so inclined or check out one of my other videos I'll see you guys with the new videos soon
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 1,068,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda Twilight Princess, Underrated, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Wii, Review, Gameplay, Music, Ost, PeanutButterGamer, PBG, Peebs, Breath of the Wild 2, Link's Awakening Switch, Dungeons, Bosses, Link, Gaming, Video Games, best, worst, top 10 zelda games, twilight princess hd, hd, walkthrough, gamecube, the legend of zelda: twilight princess hd, tp, tp hd, ocarina of time
Id: RrplH8SuGxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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