Stone Tools Everywhere : Return To The Indian Camp On The Washed Out River Bend

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all right did you see any we're gonna find out aren't we oh dude is that point oh my gosh all right so we're back on the river again today and we're at that spot where uh i've been finding a lot of stone tools like native american or american indian stone tools a lot of spear points and you know knife blades and maybe a couple arrowheads some dark points anyway this is my second time the third time here i actually found this spot earlier in the earlier in the year and have just gone along just kind of eyeballing stuff in the water mostly but also up on land right here and done really well the last uh the both times that i came here i think i found six or ten points each time a lot of people were asking about this line that goes across right here you see it goes all the way down and it's very very level i think that from the last time we had a flood which was earlier in the summer that was probably the level the maximum level of the water you look at these bushes this is all flood stuff okay so the water was up to here was up to there was up to there was actually probably a little bit higher than that but that might have been the last one it's all sand sand sand and it's uh it doesn't look like it's any different i just think that's where the water was laughing at it i don't think anyone's digging that out i think that's just where the water laps underneath there and that's probably a layer of sand that's a lot sander silt that's a lot less hard than what's here so that's like a weak layer that's being dug out of there uh naturally now so this is a kind of this is the highest point right along this part of the river and if you look that is kind of where we're finding most of our stuff right down in there that's where those little gravel piles are what we're going to work on and they sell some gravel piles right there and this bank probably went out who knows how many more feet but it certainly went out further and you can see it's being you can see we've been cut away now i did go all the way out in the middle and look and there's no uh flakes or anything up there everything is kind of in that little bend right there where those smaller rocks are and that's what we're going to sift so i've got this little sifter in the mail actually uh earlier this year the guy that makes them um i apologize i can't remember your name but i'll put a link to his website i've not even used it yet but we're going to put to put it to use today it's a little floating sifter so pretty cool i think it's going to work out well smaller beads might go through there but like eagle buttons and stuff wouldn't for sure no no coins but i think we'll catch most of the stuff in there okay i have to do a little bit of a over now because the wind noise was just absolutely horrible on the with the gopro i put the sifter up on the bank so that i could really load it up with the rocks i figured if it was floating around out in the water i would either tip it over or not be able to hit the target after a while so this is just you know i'm just testing it i haven't really used it before let's see how we do but first we have to sift out some of the big rocks and all that silt and mud the mud was really really sticky here so well you'll see that i have a little bit of a problem with that now up on the bank and sorry for that crazy camera work hope it doesn't make it too nauseous it won't be so painful in just a few moments once i get the technique down all right of course you saw this big rock that's definitely fire cracked and reddened a bunch of little smaller rocks i originally planned to do this over by the boat can you see that probably we'll end up doing that i think it'd be a little easier oh lucky that's unreal man oh looky keys oh my god that is freaking awesome look there's more that's pretty cool isn't it look at that baby you wanted to say i had no idea would actually find stuff i thought i could see pretty much everything all right let's look at where i just took that stuff from right in this area right here um yeah so i'm gonna re-scoop it again we'll do up to here in the next batch i didn't know it was gonna be so windy today otherwise i would have brought my external knife all right what do you see you see these things big rocks take a quick peek i don't see any in this one there's definitely some fire red and stuff in here and cracked rocks and flakes that's a flake but that's not a not a really good work piece go ahead and dump this out remember this stuff well i'm shaking the roots kind of like you're doing gold i'm just gonna scoop it all up into the middle again just like i did back there could be rocks right here too that would bury i couldn't see right look at that real quick what do you say all the stuff goes away oh look there's one right there check it out man definitely a rich spot wow look at that bad boy obviously the tip's broken but still that's a beauty and the thing is you see that green right there that's algae so that was showing that part of it was actually showing when i was looking for and i just i didn't see it maybe you guys did one of the other videos and i bet you if we go back and look we'll probably see it but all right let's throw this stuff into the uh shaker and see what we have overloaded it definitely overload this is actually designed more or less for guys that are metal detecting you might only have like a scoop of that's one or two scoops [Applause] all right i should have gotten it let's see what we have all right so this is what we have in this group we're taking these big ones off [Music] that one uh definitely a flake here [Music] fire cracked i've seen it yet all right that's an interesting work look at that little quartz crystals in it [Music] that's a beauty right there absolutely gorgeous same thing right there let's shake this out again we'll say i'm acting like a gold painting that's what i would be doing for the gold pan sifter all right lots of bulky stuff let's just dump it out let me say it might be easier actually all right that's a hundred times easier i'm just gonna go through it like this flakes not much powdery all right here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and um so we're not here all day doing this because that's some other stuff i want to try to do so what i've done is i've break a strip up through there i'm going to wait the silt shuttles oh there's that other one actually i lost one on the last trip i was here it's a big uh big porch one that was in the video but not in the roundup so i dropped it somewhere i'm afraid i might have dropped it out when i was in deeper water because i looked all around when i came here i want to show you this as that clears that look at this look at these layers there's that hard clay layer look at this layer right here this is got charcoal on it now this could have been put down in the last 50 years i we don't really know it's really hard for us to say unless we can find some uh you know flakes and stuff in there but that's charcoal so that's part of a campfire that could be this could be the layer everything's coming out of that nice dark layer right there i don't know there's definitely evidence of a fire most likely someone's cooking fire there's some more there look at that i don't really see any pieces sticking out of that though this charcoal interesting i'm really excited to come back here in the spring well this has been oh this would be all wipe clean all these leaves and stuff will be gone and we'll be able to see what we got all right yeah this is where i raked it all up not a lot of rocks in this section um let's go look what do you say this is where i'll start picking stuff up it's like a lot of silt in here i just want to see if you can see anything that might be one right here what do you think that's the flake little piece there all right nothing obvious but that doesn't mean there's not a bunch of them in there this is the it's hard right here nothing's gonna be below that so let's wake up through here too all right not seen anything obvious nope this little darker thing over here looks suspicious that's definitely maybe not really soft that wouldn't be one all right did you see any we're gonna find out aren't we oh dude is that a point oh my gosh [Music] that's a nice one right there oh i almost cut my finger look at that baby wow that's awesome i don't know if that would be a sticky a pokey or a cutter you know like a knife looks like a knife blade more than anything but i'm sure you could stab a big old beast with that and bring it down oh man that's freaking awesome all right what do you say i'll fill up the sifter i gotta pick that up so don't leave it behind i'll fill up the sifter and see what we got got the little sifter uh filled up um i'm getting ready to sift her down but that looks very suspicious too doesn't it see it i'll put you under tell me what you think this is pretty awesome i don't care if there was a stick all right let's set this up together i think what i'll do um in a minute we'll just go ahead i'll just make a big pile of rocks and we'll go through them together but let's slip this one together while we're here actually my gold uh gold ring probably been better for this before taking up getting a bunch of dirt and a bunch of sand and more than one spoon [Applause] all right what do you see yeah we got a lot of broken stuff in there so who knows that might be one right there let's dump our own well we better pick it up just in case it is i'm gonna break it is it a little shaky yep that is definitely another one not the happiest looking one i've ever seen but look at that notch on the bottom all right let's set up uh let me dump it out real quick all right let's see what we got here seen yet that's a drill right there in it can you see that yeah i've got a bit of picky up hold on do you believe this is a drill yep that's a quartz drill this would have been used uh you know punch holes and stuff you know you know like hides and things like that you can like drill little holes and things bones whatever i'm actually saving all this stuff in another area um again later if you guys see anything that i miss let me know it's probably a whole bunch of stuff here so we'll get the rest of this next what i'll do is i'll go ahead i'm going to go ahead and just shake a bunch of stuff up and just put it in a big pile and we'll just go through it together and that will be quite so boring for you uh yeah so i was just getting ready to uh get the remove those rocks and look down okay never mind all right so i scooped up about five or six more of those little tubs and got them panned out now i'll be honest with you i think if i had my gold stuff with me today my gold uh classifier and buckets i could get it a lot faster and easier i do definitely have to get down a little deeper in the mud though because going in with my fingers i can feel this stuff that i'm not going to get with my scraper so we'll have to come back and redo this but that's another day all right uh we'll eyeball this in a minute oh i guess we can right now what do you say uh you see i missed quite a few of these rocks come back here don't worry you seem obvious but yeah some of the rocks are actually embedded in that mud i had to like pull them out with my fingers so i think i scraped up some of this but definitely need to get that's where i stopped right there i mean the best stuff was actually up in there that's where the most most of the rocks are so i think that's going to be the sweetest spot all right um here you go all right can you see that good all right let's see what we have we'll just kind of start poking through the top and i'll throw some water up on here in a minute so the bigger rocks over there i thought yeah i think that might be one too huh that's not the one that's the one we already found is it i think that's a new one right there i'll set him up there this was kind of curious this could be like a chopping thing i don't really see where it's cracked on the edges though maybe a little bit right there they could use something like this for smashing things breaking open things breaking open bones to get to the marrow things like that we might save that one of course those are all pieces there oh pottery i think that's really the first piece we found in it kind of surprising considering we eyeballed quite a few of them last time we were here over there you see me yet let me spread this out flush some water on it for you yeah the uh gold classifier will definitely be 100 better than this i won't have any of this all this mud will be gone if i had that not really seen much in this one except for the two pieces you set aside that might be one yeah you think it's definitely been hit several times but and it could have been a tool could have been a little scraper or something something to cut things small things with but i'm not so sure about that one we'll set that aside for now all right i gotta turn it off for a minute sorry i have to keep turning you off but i'm uh i'm afraid the um i don't make the scene too long in the camera because if it doesn't record for some reason which sometimes it doesn't and i'll lose everything this way at least a little bit but that might be oh boy shadows are terrible a little bit cloudy today so when the uh clouds go over the sun it's not so bad what do you think i'm too happy with that one what's that one kind of like the same type of thing i mean that could be natural though i can't see where it was purposely broken there's a couple of chips right in here again that could be a little smasher let's set that a little i guess you call it a hammer but i'm okay with smasher if you are i'm gonna do just i'll go through all this again i'll uh i'll fill the big rocks to the side and i'll put the smaller ones that can separate the car to get rid of from this mud i'm not happy with how we're getting this cleaned off in the sifter so i'll get my classifier it'll be a hundred times better than this which is just a slightly different setup but we'll have to come back for that all right i'll go ahead and do that real quick i'll show you if i find anything neat let's go ahead and jump up to this area in here where there's a couple spots where there's a lot of raw you know just do some prospecting and the prospecting let me just see if we can find the best spot definitely coming back i'm not gonna get this done i had to go get my pan that little uh baking pan there because i want to keep some of those rocks up and um i haven't gone through that stuff yet and when i came over here to get it because i had it set by the boat look at this i think that might be a point right there too what do you think oh yeah looks like a knife blade doesn't it i saw this thing too but i think it's just a regular rock yeah i cannot believe that look at that i mean that's not something i just dug up either yeah see those are down and that down in that mud a little way so there could be tons of stuff hidden in there all right i didn't really find anything else in that uh stuff we looked through already so let's take a couple scoops of this see how this is going to pan out that's that's way down in the um in the mud here it's a nice thick layer of mud there's definitely stuff down in it i am wearing one all glove i have to move you just take a quick peek that's probably some type of grinding stone it looks really flat on that side all right i don't see much in this one it's that one little grinder all right i'm gonna work on my own just for a few minutes just whip through a couple of more a couple more of these and then i'm going to jump in the boat and cruise around for a while just to do something different but we're going to come back hopefully before the river floods again and we are i'm going to bring a different set up totally different setup i know exactly what i need now let's see something up here that looks suspicious um right there might just be a flake but yeah oh that's like a scraper right there that's smeared out of quartz you see how there's a bunch of little flakes taking off there one two three four five bunch of flakes so that would have been used to scrape hides or cordage you know uh vines and things like that it's definitely a tool right there yeah we're not finding as many of these as we already actually like points though usually find a lot more of these things yeah these all right give me a minute so i kind of went up the river there and i took like five pans i actually didn't find anything else that for one scraper but what we're going to do right now is we're going to just kind of walk up through up through there together where i was digging see if we can eyeball anything and then i'm going to call it a day for this spot and i'm going to go explore the river go down the river and go back up the river see if i can find anything else like this but we're definitely coming back because i have some other ideas if you guys have any other techniques look at that i don't know kind of thought it might be um how to best do this because there is stuff down in there i've got to dig down a little bit deeper than i thought i did i thought i could just scrape right along the top but like that stuck in there something here real quick to see if i scared anything else up when i was scooping that one was a leaf but that's been in the fire all right so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get in the boat kind of see if i can find another spot or two i'm gonna bring you with me but we're gonna come back here um probably very soon and do some more sifting i do want to show you one thing on the bank here that was kind of odd i don't know if you remember that big rock but you know i've had in the last two videos last two times i was here that was in it i just noticed i picked it up it's definitely a big uh crushing stone see that right there that's where they you know that was used as a big hammer like that the beat stop probably break bones i would guess you know big animal bones to get to the marrow that's what that is it's pretty cool huh i guess you ought to say that i don't telling how many things like that i've missed up in here even you see flakes right there either like i said i'm going to jump in the boat look for a new spot if we find one uh we'll be well we can't be any luckier than we were today i don't think i think we did really well i mean we only hear what an hour and a half probably max i wonder what this thing is too before we go there's some food for thought and i want you guys to think about it because when i first started i thought it was natural but i'm not so sure now look at this right here i thought these were just like old trees but i just noticed they're really quite in a line i wonder if that's like an old fish rear it's down to here and then continues on down a little bit but i kind of suspect that's probably part of the fish weir and what i mean by that that would be like a trap that the uh indians would make and of course colonials did too it'd be like a v-shaped thing in the river and they would chase the fish down into like the a funnel shape opening and in that opening they would put nets or like baskets where the fish would go into it they couldn't get out and i suspect that's what that is that could be that could be a thousand years thousand-year-old work right there or even more although i think they weren't doing that too much earlier than a thousand two thousand years from what i've read but i could be wrong on that but i swear that looks like it's falling more since the last time i was here but i don't believe it has all right enough yapping we'll see on the next one hope you join me from your then take your gold chain in your locket mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 554,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, fun videos to watch, things to do when your bored, stone tools, indian artifacts, indian artifacts identification, indian artifacts hunting, indian artifacts found, indian artifacts tools, paleo indian artifacts, ancient indian artifacts, arrowheads hunting, arrowheads in creeks, arrowheads arrowheads, arrowheads and artifacts, arrowheads
Id: B3ZC48T6PW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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