Trash Taste Explains Domestic Girlfriend

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because I've got a crazy question for you guys okay podcasts called trash taste which I would assume means bad taste yes who amongst you three have the most trash taste oh God would you say gone oh well you didn't even think it's gone for me it's kind of hard okay so he's the only one I could trust you it depends on which category have you heard of uh domestic girlfriend he's obsessed with this piece of [ __ ] thing what the title sounds like like a is is that a good shows it's incredible can you describe the plot okay how about let's do that he describes the plot to me okay and then you describe maybe Conor describe it first and then we'll see I'm assuming I already know it through him so I I can only guess what it is okay but I know I know roughly what kind of happens yes I mean just like wow just guess what you think it's about I think okay no correct if I'm wrong this might be funny for you because I this is purely what I've I just picked up your description before before you say anything um um do you like vanilla sweet storylines like sweet romances or do you want something that's got a little bit more like in terms of I liked uh like Toradora was good okay okay yeah yeah that was a cute one okay so that's some drama in it this goes a little bit further yeah so to my memory and in my memory of nothing I've just gone mentioning things right uh I think it's about a story where there's a teacher but then the teacher becomes the main character's step sister and then they they start like getting freaky um but then he has a girlfriend I think already I think and then he's like kind of figuring out who the [ __ ] between the teacher who knows knows his stepsister and his girlfriend he likes his anime he loves this anime sure because he's one of his favorite he had an interview with the author a teacher and a student isn't that like a like Dad well they're Step Brothers and stepsisters as well I feel like it's like you know how it really sucks yeah well I guess it's kind of like if I I imagine I'm not interrupting you I think it sounds like it's all true well I think it sounds like it's all true you know what you know what um the reality is actually worse than what he said okay easy right really I I know I remember seeing a scene where he's in the bathroom and she sits on his face or something in school and this is a regular like it's not one of those those like like 18 plus it's a regular anime okay it could probably be in the 18. okay okay anime opens up okay the anime literally opens up with a uh with the main character and he's just finished sleep he's just he's just lost his virginity he's just finished sleeping with a girl that he met randomly literally scene one of them literally seen one of them he's like he's like a [ __ ] chat that that girls are just into him or no no he literally just lost his virginity um with how what's is there a story yeah yeah so he randomly Mets uh a girl at like a kind of like a karaoke meet up and the girl was like I feel like losing my virginity I choose you like a [ __ ] Pokemon I don't [ __ ] know like she just woke up that day she was like I wanna I wanna know what it feels like to be an adult I guess yeah yeah yeah so um so that happens is this the scene that hooked you in on the anime or what well honestly I'm gonna be honest yes because how many how many anime how many anime have you seen where the characters are actually like actually have sex or do something adult or do something more than just kids first of all I'm going to say I haven't seen any and I'll also say I believe there's a different term for shows like that yeah yeah it's called yeah okay but you know you know you know I will say that okay hey hey you know adult relationships uh human relationships go further than just hand-holding and having one kiss yes I get that but you know even porn has like a beginning plot before they start talking you know like no no it's not the point the point is it was shocking just to see an anime like open up on that I'm like oh okay they're taking you like that it was shocking yeah yeah I'm lucky I was doing something different uh which this definitely does that sounded very different from the description and this is one of your favorites yeah I generally like generally the manga I think is it's the best way I can describe it it's like the most trashy soap opera you can ever imagine like you know you see scenes of outer context Indian soap operas or favelas or stuff like that this is like on that level okay like drama so this is uh that's how it starts off and then after that happens he goes to school and we find out that this person has a crush with his teacher um who you know his teacher is uh uh like a female teacher or a female teacher so their step sister uh we'll get to that we'll get to that so is there an age difference I I always imagine like a teacher is like much older yeah I mean she's like what you know like late 20s maybe yeah the guy is 16. yeah like he's a high school student yeah and that's okay in Japan or or is this oh I wouldn't say it's okay it's very very tough you like about this anime yeah um so so what happens is uh you know he he's he has a crush on his teacher his teacher obviously is just like no you are a child um but then he comes home one he comes home and he realizes his dad's like son we need to have a talk I'm getting remarried and uh because his father's divorce and then he Reveals His new mother uh his new mother-in-law he's like great I have a mom now that's awesome but then it's revealed that his mother-in-law has two daughters and who are his two daughters one is the girl that he just slept with and the other is his teacher so at first the teacher says no you're too young yeah and then um their step-sister he's she becomes a step sister and now thinks it's okay no no because that's what it sounded like maybe I'm misunderstanding yeah yeah so and so now they become uh and so now they all of them become one big family so they're living in one roof and uh there's a lot of tension in the house because he's not innocent it feels bad the way he's describing this sounds insane mind you all of that happens in episode one yeah that's that's episode one okay um and so the story just kind of evolves from there from being just this insane kind of premise of just all three of them living Under One Roof and just [ __ ] figuring out feelings and [ __ ] is this this is one of the anime you would say gives him like not highly rated on yeah a terrible show what's one that would make him say you have bad taste unknown I don't think well he did say he did say you have he voted not an anime my anime tasted the best well even anime taste what what do you have bad tasting would you say uh nothing don't know what that is um I think someone brought it up to me and I thought they were talking about Initial D because of the car I I feel like I definitely feel like you've probably watched more the thing you just described I've never heard anything like even similar though okay you're very surface anime though yes because that's like yeah I watched most of the main stuff right yeah right I haven't watched too much crazy different car yeah yeah I mean like the the anime I described I wouldn't I wouldn't actually call it good it's more like a guilty pleasure kind of show to be like oh my God this is so if you thought it was actually good I would be judging you so hard right now but he loves it he always talks about it yeah because the guilty pleasure you see I'm passionate I could very passionate seemed like he liked it quite a bit yeah it's it's definitely a guilty pleasure hopefully the guilty pleasure ones are the ones who get the most I couldn't get over this interview you did with the author and it was like the most polite thing ever and it's like so why oh this I I feel like because um uh yeah that's how it always is in Japan that's how it always is especially when authors always show like timid and reserved but then like the stuff they write is like holy [ __ ]
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 339,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: eMpbjOh-ZnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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