This is the PEAK of Ugly Bastard β„ŒΡ”π–“π–™π–†π–Ž

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speaking of mental break uh let's let's go on to my first one which was uh the one that has an ugly boss in it because uh I definitely had a [Β __Β ] mental breakdown after I watched this one I had a mental breakdown on two separate occasions yeah challenge again so my name yes um and trust me uh whether I like it or not when you're when you're perusing through the the wide world Cesspool of hentai you will come across ugly bosses whether you like it or not yes and uh and Saul was like all right what's the worst one and so I went with uh an hentai called um which is in Japanese it means even still I love my wife this this isn't pretty confusing because when you recommended it there are actually like two two of these right yes this this is actually this is one with multiple episodes and then there's a second season yeah with different characters to watch one but I actually watched both as well oh really and I regret it yeah so so I recommend I recommend the second one the second season because uh in the second episode the second season second season yeah um because it has an ugly bastard which I'm sure if you've been on any Twitter before you've definitely seen the ugly bastard in this yeah yeah yeah I had that's that's the that's what I mean when I said I had two different types of mental yeah one because the show was just goddamn horrible and two because I was like oh my God this is where this guy comes from I've seen this image of this [Β __Β ] so many times this is the one um so basically also the other mental breakdown I had was just how convoluted the plot dude what I I had man it's like you know when you read a book and you read a line you're like I gotta take that in again yeah I did that so many times and I was so confused so so if I can remember correctly there is a a husband and a wife all right I mean are they and they already and their teacher yeah that's a student or what no no no no so oh my God so there was a husband and a wife the wife is a teacher at a college yeah right and the college teacher the wife is in cahoots with one of her students who looks exactly like her husband but but her husband also looks like a kid as well but her husband also looks like a kid like it's so confusing yeah it's like a younger version of her husband yeah but basically that she's in she's so while like he's on a [Β __Β ] business triple no no she goes to work in a different School far away oh yeah that's right yeah so yeah so the life goes to work far away at the school but they're still mad but they're still married yeah but because she's far away she sees this student that looks exactly like her husband and goes like you know I feel a bit lonely at work because we're always so literally like one minute in one minute one minute in yeah and the guys and the student is like don't worry teach I I got you bro yeah and then they start and basically the husband the husband gets NTR yeah and then there's this weird like B plot when it goes to the husband's perspective yeah yeah there's this other girl who's introduced and she's kind of friendly with him yeah uh and that doesn't really go anywhere for a while until she drugs him yeah at the end of the day episode she drugs him and then it cuts but yeah but like that's right at the end yeah like obviously but basically so basically the wife and the and the teacher having and the student are having this like very secret intimate relationship and the owner of the apartment who is the ugly bastard in question manages to snap a picture of them kissing right and basically leave the building yeah and basically uses that as blackmail to be like Hey so uh I saw you having sexual relations with this student you don't want the teacher you don't want the school to find out right you know what you got to do I feel like people are having an easier time following the plot of inception right now there are like so many different things and man is this guy the ugliest of ugly okay I am pretty sure I am pretty sure okay that this hentai was made in order to limit test boners okay it's it's because okay here's the thing first five minutes this is a A plus hentai okay you got a hot teacher you gotta know you like the ntring of the the student sorry you like the NTR part with the student the answer like at this point the husband hasn't been introduced right well we we I guess we had a little bit of the husband a tiny bit no we don't we don't really get not enough to care about no no we don't care okay okay you know that's that's it's it's like a little bit of light cheating you know it's it's it's it's different from NTR all right it's not full it's it's like not full on NTR evaluation is good it has no right the animation is good it looks [Β __Β ] incredible the teacher is like an st dude I watched this [Β __Β ] in 1080P yeah I was like I almost wished it didn't exist yeah the teacher is is great yeah yeah talks and does things I I was like this this is this is this is great and then you get the shot of the ugly bastard and I swear this shot of the ugly boss I know the one you're talking about yeah yeah yeah it's vile it's it's the sh it's the full body shot of the ugly bastard and I swear to God I could hear Dark Soul music when like the shot comes on is this so correct this man is the final boss of ugly bastards the [Β __Β ] health yeah he takes up the whole frame yeah yeah because like I remember like I've I've seen my fair share of ugly bastards but the first time I watched this my jaw dropped to the floor it was like that that that's who that's who they're introduced that's that's a person yeah that's a real person that ain't a person okay yeah I mean some of these shots some of these shots like were framed and I swear to God she was [Β __Β ] she was like [Β __Β ] a Titan oh okay that was my nitpick with like the first like NTR scene with the ugly bastard I got more than nitpicks there's this there's different shots of like you know them [Β __Β ] doing whatever and they can't stay consistent with the size of this dude because there's one shot where he looks like 12 feet tall and then there's another one where he looks like you know the Hunchback guy from 300 like he kind of looks like that guy and I'm like why are you like all right what's happening I had to skip through the sex scene I couldn't watch it it was it was so gross no you needed to watch the sex scene to feel the pain no I didn't want I couldn't do it I couldn't do it yeah it was it was gross it was bad like you know in some scenes of Attack on Titan where there's like a really really small Titan with a really big head now like you might imagine Like a Porn version of that and that's what this anime was that was just what the sex scenes was like this man this man is literally the embodiment of pot of greed you know you he has a pot of green face he has a pot of greed face man and then like they do it and then I guess the student comes back and then there's the teacher's like well the Janet is like the ugly bastard guy's like well join in and the kid's like ah okay I'm gonna join it and it's like what the [Β __Β ] yeah I didn't understand that conclusion that was so weird like like this student would watch this and be like all right okay if you insist it's just like it's just disgusting like everything was disgusting yeah in episode two got like 10 times more disgusting episode two was just weird because I I don't know why they tried adding in subplots yeah yeah they added like a b plot and a c plot so and I'm like I'm still confused from the first episode because I was trying to treat like I in my in my mind uh to try to cope with like what like the atrocities that was like I was viewing on screen Geneva Convention somehow I don't know which one but they broke something yeah I was I was just trying to keep back uh keep track of uh so how many people are getting into yard right now yeah everyone was getting into yeah yeah yeah it was just like nobody was like why don't you all just just just call it a day no more relationships no one is allowed because this clearly isn't working in this universe yeah so originally it's the husband I guess NTR because the because the teacher is uh is finds a student who the student is also in love with the teacher right so at the beginning it's the husband getting into yards but then it's the student and the husband getting into yard because we find the ugly bastard but then the husband finds a yandere who drugs him and so the husband starts having sex with the yandere so it's the teacher getting into you hold up hold up he doesn't he is very much not doing it voluntarily she drugged him ties him up and then she makes him watch a video of her husband being destroyed by a dude and then he's just like drugged out of his mind being taken advantage of yeah they included this like they included this weird B plot which I didn't understand which is like while the husband is getting into eyed by this yandere yeah and they play the video of the wife explaining like the reason why she's willingly getting into yard is because like the husband is in like a bunch of debt or whatever and then it turns out the ugly boss there's like some kind of young and he's involved in some kind of like yeah when he was cigar and the gold teeth I'm like where the [Β __Β ] did this come why are you doing a janitorial which I felt like for some reason the first one was wildly popular in Japan yeah and they were like bro we need a sequel he's like bro that was not supposed and then they're like all right well let's make something yeah and then they made this [Β __Β ] yeah it's honestly this was like this was terrible it was bad like I cannot recommend to not watch this enough this is so gross so vile I mean like like just just awful we can all agree it's the ugliest boss of we've all seen it is the ugliest boss okay and I've I've done my job there is the reason why this guy has become a meme everywhere if when you search the term ugly bastard his face will show up because I would like to see if we can find an ugly boss uglier bastard than this because I think after that you're just in like like isekai Goblin territory like this I had this uh weird memory where um I actually realized I watched this the second one this only the second episode I've watched it before okay right maybe watch the first thing you just like no it was like trauma and you just blanked it from your memory I definitely haven't because I remember I'd watch the second episode thinking it was like the first episode of something and I was really confused yeah um and I think it put me off hentai for like like because I was like I was like when they got to the like the twist of like he'd been this yandere been doing the thing to him for so long that he just now is not even of the sane of mind and he thinks this woman who is doing the thing to him is his wife and it was just like what is this yeah yeah it made me feel like oh yeah this the NSA is watching me and they're gonna judge me for this what what pisses me off about this all right what pissing me off especially about this is that it looks really [Β __Β ] good like they this is like for some reason for some reason queen bee didn't pick this show up yeah I think I think the scariest thing about the show is knowing it was like successful and it was popular that's that's concerning dude I watched this [Β __Β ] in 1080P and I was just like [Β __Β ] yeah why did this 1080p version why do they go so hard why do they have to they could they could have kept it at 7 20 or 480 like all these other great series but no this one we needed to see an Ultra HD it's just like I I you there's some things you watch uh some some hentai you watch that really make you think like man they're really okay with them showing this but we can't show a dick like we can we can we can show this but I but you can't show an uncensored penis yeah that's where you draw the line but this is all fair game all good oh so I was just looking at my notes and that reminded me of just like there is so you guys obviously skipped the ugly bastard sex scene you know like I scrubbed with the mouse thing and stopped any dialogue I know exactly what was disgusting is aside from the whole [Β __Β ] head Titan thing they gave him so much detail so much there is this there is there's one close-up shot that is like I I think I'm going to have to go to like talk therapy on this because this is one close-up shot of his nipple and it is it is in so much disgusting detail dude there's like warts on that [Β __Β ] and like even noticed there's like one tiny nipple hair on it and I'm like bro you did not you could you could have just erased that one I'm concerned about who this appeals to yeah I'm concerned about who saw this and thought finally a show for me like that's concerning you must have been uh clearly yeah it's just like some animator make the conscious decision to be like we can make this worse we can make we can put more detail on this dude I'm just I'm just imagining the animator just hearing it from the producer being like you want me to draw what I have to draw this and color it in and animate yeah you know how like people are like man I I don't care how people can want to have sex sometimes I'm like well [Β __Β ] after watching this I don't ever want to have sex ever again yeah yeah there was one thing that did make me laugh though at the end where it was it was uh this at the end of episode one where we it was the yandere right that the husband was talking to yeah but the the it was the husband and the Andre at a bar uh and the husband was like I think my wife's like cheating on me I think I think she's having an affair and the girl just goes ah cheer up have a drink that's very Japanese yeah literally sure good night yeah drink your sorrows away bro don't worry about it it's like just just don't be sad it's just simple just get over it it was it was that image of like tap and like the like the scissors and the scissors yeah this is trying to cut it it's just like just don't be sad it's easy to go outside um so yeah this uh I don't recommend you watch this island but in fact I recommend that someone invents a time machine and goes back in time yeah and uh prevents this anime from ever being made I wish I still lived in a in an ignorant world or full of bliss when I know you guys I wouldn't I wouldn't [Β __Β ] have watched this if I never met you guys like ever like I would never have watched that ever I want to go back in time where I'm like I can just look at the image of the ugly boss and being funny image yeah without knowing the context behind it yeah God damn it
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 248,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: AQwg6uts1f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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