Is Confessing to your Crush Worth it??

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uh should I confess to my crush go for it bro n it depends nah it depends it depends bro it depends bro you got to know when you're the one being crazy have you ever confessed your crush before uh My First Girlfriend yes I did so she became your girlfriend she became my girlfriend so that was the only time you confessed well yeah cuz Aki confess to me yeah listen Jerry is someone's speaking from a perspective of I've confessed and it went badly yeah I tell it's it's not always the right thing to do in fact if you're thinking most of the time that I know if you're thinking about confessing that just means you have no chance yeah you [ __ ] up it works for me well good for you Joey survivorship was Joey B you the fifth perhaps I'd have an easier time I'm the sixth excuse you oh my god get my [ __ ] prefixes right God damn it uh no I remember the first time I [ __ ] confessed uh don't [ __ ] confess yeah yeah it's it was in it was in year eight I was I was in year eight and I it was like the first this is like the most teenage story that you could ever ever think of it was like the first girl that ever really held like a conversation with me and I was instantly like wow I like this person I love her I I can't imagine my life without her that's such a urate mentality yeah right I was like oh my God this girl talked back to me she is she is the one she's in love with me she is the one and I oh my God I think back this is this is so [ __ ] cringey like I I think back and every time she was walking to school I would like [ __ ] run up next to her and just like talk to her because she was like the like the only girl I knew how to talk to to talk with that's so cute and I was and like every day I would be like you know I would talk to her as much as possible um and then I got and then like her her friend was like oh do you like her and I was just like uh no how do I how do I proess how do how do I process this as a little year eight kid uh I I think I do I I I I don't know what does what does liking a person mean and what do they say and then she's like and like before I could say like yes I like her the the girl goes don't worry I'll handle it for you and then and then and then I will never forget this moment for the rest of my life cuz it was like lunch it was like lunchtime and me and this girl her friend were sitting on like the opposite side we were like standing on the opposite side of the cafeteria she goes up to the girl yeah and then says something and then the girl just goes oh and I just this is like this is like a core memory for me oh God and and I will never forget that for the rest of my life because I think that scarred me for a while I didn't talk to like that that was like when I stopped talking talking to like any girl for like ages um and then she comes back to me and she says um yeah she'd rather just be friends and damn and uh yeah so that didn't end well that didn't end well I I confessed to a girl on MSN one time when I was like 13 the worst you could say is no right yeah well the worst you could do is tell everyone in the [ __ ] school oh no it probably contributed to why I got bullied yeah uh yeah I got made fun of for a while that I liked like I was like hey cute we should how old were you 13 like 13 or 14 yeah dude which is like Peak worst age for this to happen yeah cuz everyone's [ __ ] brutal about it and it's like the hottest news on the street they [ __ ] printing in I think I think you being in like middle school or high school might be the worst time to confess to anyone because like if you confess to someone as an adult everyone is like sympathetic enough to you where you're just like hey man it's all good no I disagree I disagree that but kids are I was forged in Iron because of that I would you no rejection ever in my life could compare to that right cuz what if I confess someone else I'm not going to be made like The Village Idiot for the next week right so I feel like that was a great learning experience yeah but that's what I mean as an adult I think it's a little bit easier like if you confess to someone now right you won't you won't be like the clown of the town because you confess to someone I think it made me moral like I felt like less embarrassed when I do tell someone hey want to go out on a date or something right when I was an adult cuz I I'm like can't be worse than whatever the [ __ ] happened to me when I was 13 I'm been made fun of by the entire [ __ ] okay so okay so you guys are both in the camp of you shouldn't confess if that's the case then what should someone do about it die kill you get over it [ __ ] so if they like someone right and but they don't know how to express their emotions to list if you're under 18 if you're under 18 yeah confess [ __ ] it find out right you'll bear experence if you're an adult uh and you're like over the age of 20 and you want to confess to someone yeah you probably the room the best the best thing I could the best advice I can give is probably just stop contacting that person just like completely cut yourself out for a while because you know there is no way that if she doesn't see you as a romantic partner that and you confess there is no way confessing is going to change her mind right most of the time um if you you know most of the time if you're like over the age of [ __ ] 16 or [ __ ] you you kind of get a feeling of someone likes you yeah you know yeah hopefully hopefully there are people who are completely uh unaware like Joey Joey you can't tell but I think that you know you pick it up you I [ __ ] didn't well you also I mean you got in you were like first girlfriend all right how about life life together so I mean you need to learn no not really no but I was so [ __ ] unaware during school of like girls who liked me well I was unaware cuz no girls did like me we're in the complete opposite Joey Joey Joey I'm sorry there were no girls that liked me I had girls I was me liking the girls Joey another terrible experience I I had uh somehow by some insane miracle and this is like a i managed to the girl a girl in the year above had like had kind of liked me right yeah which is like this unheard of in our school this is like this doesn't happen an older girl who likes a younger and this is this how I started started probably started at all and uh yeah we were like in a relationship and I felt like the hotest [ __ ] cuz I had an older girlfriend in school I was like yeah guys and this is where the mil journey and then like a week later she was too embarrassed she broke up with me oh damn so then I was like oh I did not have a good run with relationships in school I was getting destroyed left right and center but that made it easier when I was an adult cuz I was like you can't hurt me right I've been through social parion stagis I know what this feels like I've been through public execution basically I have yeah I've gone through the whole shame have you have you ever had like an awful like first date with a girl back when you were in school or some [ __ ] we never I never went on dates did you ever go on dates I could because if you see them at school every day you don't really need to I couldn't afford to go on a date I don't know in like sixth form College um yeah oh uh when I was uh 16 I I went to go and watch the the the last Twilight movie with a girl and I hadn't watched any of the Twilight movies but I was like I was like well that's what guys got to do they got to watch Twilight and is that what you did yeah I watched cuz she wanted to watch Twilight and I was like okay I guess I have to go cuz I like her you got to walk the path of the Thorns to get to the Roses you know and I uh did did not enjoy Twilight and didn't really much so I was kind of like well that was a waste of time but it's a good Learning lesson yeah for sure I I remember taking a go to the cinema as well I forgot what film I watched though it was I think it was like I I made the [ __ ] worst decision of all time I think it was I I knew it was a film that was not suitable for first date but me this was like my very very first first date I've ever been on as like a teenager and it was like something like Borat or the inet this movie that we like like that kind of level I have the perfect movie to get us in the mood hello my all I remember thinking I don't remember the film all I remember thinking was there was like a dick in this movie right there there was a full-on dick in this movie so it was either Bor out to Bruno or the inbetween his movie one of one of those [ __ ] movies I just I remember like I was like I was having a great time by the way I was having a great time this was this was it was [ __ ] uh it was [ __ ] B uh but I remember going out afterwards and she was like and then I was like oh do you want to go out for dinner afterwards and she's like no I'm actually going to call my dad now to pick me up and I was like okay you didn't like you didn't like the [ __ ] on the big screen though I'm never going to forgive Borat one time like 5 years ago I wanted to watch Borat cuz I was just like I just want to watch it it was available on YouTube to rent right and I didn't want to Pirate it cuz I was just lazy I was just take my $2 and let me rent it and I open it up it was in like 480p and I couldn't put that any higher and ever since I've been pissed off at B at the movie cuz why the [ __ ] would I paid money I couldn't watch this thing in higher than 480p yeah that's pretty bad even like DVD rips a bit call I know Jesus Christ but I remember my friend when we were my best mate we were like 14 and I guess for like I when did when did Bruno come out for like for Christmas or or something his mom bought him Bruno she didn't know what it was how old were you guys I think you were like 14 or 15 oh God and uh 2009 how old how old was I in 2009 I was 13 oh my God yeah I was like 13 and he bought it and uh I went to go I went to go watch it at his house cuz I wanted to watch it cuz it was all like everyone was talking about it on the school CU they were like oh it's so bad so we're going to go watch it and uh his dad walked in and just sat down halfway through and was watching it and it was so awkward to be sitting there as a 13-year-old with your other 13-year-old best friend and his dad and he was like kind of he was kind of laughing his ass off but you were like this is weird right the guy talking about like dicks and stuff and you're like I don't know if I there a whole scene where he does like the meat spin yeah and and I remember thinking like my parents would [ __ ] kill me if they knew I was watching this uh but it was very funny God damn a core memory that I'll never forget
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 62,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: PNXs53Neijo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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