Emirichu's Anime Taste Gets Roasted by Trash Taste

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thinking of a fruit basket what anime are you uh into what are you watching i love spy family of course who doesn't wow are you also part of the human race it's so cute it's by x family i can't believe you so you're the spy family yeah i've been catching up with jiu jitsu kaisen okay funny enough it was really funny the last right now i'm on episode 16 17. what just okay yeah yeah yeah but uh i remember at the very beginning the very beginning of this episode uh this is kind of when they sort of go into panda's backstory and also the robot guy yeah oh that fight yeah yeah and at the very beginning of the episode i was like man it's been like 16 episodes but like i'm still not super invested in this show yeah maybe like maybe it's just not my thing we'll see right and i watched it and like this one was just so cute and like emotional and like at the end the episode was done dice was like oh no i'm crying a little bit and then and then i turned around with like tears screaming oh my god so cute so i like it so you think it's better than okay yeah for a while i was like you hear that you hear that it's it's not mid would you say it's better than mid well if a show takes like 16 episodes for me to like feel something yeah i thought it was better than that no no no no also your brother gets like the best part yeah yeah it's gonna get better so that's the thing i i don't like it when someone's like oh it'll get better after like 55 episodes wait i i like sakuna i think it's because like i'm not built for shonen like what are you built for what are you what are you built for different [Laughter] i'm mildew you should tell shonen fans that no again what are you built for i don't want to be crucified but like i think because i love watching like funny like goofy anime that when i was watching jutsu kaisen live i didn't really care that much about the fights like they're like sick but like it's a shonen fight yeah yeah also like i feel like yuji's just like every other shonen pro tag that i've ever seen i'm sorry the kaisen fans are quaking right now dude she's right you know what the [ __ ] no dude put the pitch folks down no like like i remember when i first started watching i was like i don't get what is so special about this show like it's not that's exactly how i felt about it you know what is this [ __ ] slander going on over here it is it is like it is i said this when i made like a shout-out this is 100 percent of the hmong readers because i've heard it gets [ __ ] incredible which i'm sure it does i really like it to say this literally allison was like on my on my side of things where i was like jesus guys was okay and then like he went off to read the manga and he was like [ __ ] i hate to admit that shonen fans were right but they're right and i'm like if if alan can admit that i'm like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i i absolutely love the first season i thought it was one of the best showing that we had in a while my favorite moments like the parts that i liked the most in jiu jitsu were like the goofy moments the goofy moments like the goofy little then you must love like todo right total total was his name yeah the the guy who's obsessed with that yeah no i don't like him what he's weird i don't like him he's literally like the best dude i don't like he's confusing okay well okay give it a few episodes he gets even better okay okay how do you know mikey what the [ __ ] he's so charming and like the robot guy i was like and he's whatever he's just like a robot guy okay yeah and then they got into like his backstory yeah and like at the very end when like it's just a cute little moment she has with his friends yeah another like to depend on him i was like oh that's so sweet but all the fighting stuff so you just like your mind just goes whenever they like they start fighting yeah right so you just want like you just want like the pandas just like [ __ ] and fart everywhere and then like that's that's like amusing man peter's so cute so basically if if if you if there was like a spin-off of jesus christ saying where just went over panda's stuff yeah just be like not just oh like just them being a homie so basically if there was a slice of life spin-off of jesus christ where all the characters are just kind of hanging out bro emily would see like [ __ ] jesus on the cross be like yeah no like the little second the second ending we're all together panda's wearing like a scarf and ear muffs and it's all cute and they're all just being friends are we watching the same [ __ ] show like what are you watching here like what are you getting out of this emily's gonna get to the [ __ ] hanami fight where just like like spoilers you know when it when it's just like [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah it's the fight where all the cool [ __ ] happens yeah yeah hey [Music] you literally want them to just like animate a full series of just like the ed well you know it's just you know where like they go shopping and everything like that have all the bags all the bags give me the backstory i think that's why i love spy family so much it's just like goofy shenanigans yeah the steaks are not high yeah so you don't lower your steaks i just don't want to be stressed out what the actual [ __ ] emily what are you talking about you mean like giving a [ __ ] about like the plot no i give a [ __ ] about the plot but like what's my family so you don't like stuff that makes you stressed out not too stressed out if you watched like uh uncut gems or um uh what's the other one that they did um [ __ ] is the other rod pat's and good time you watched that one oh daddies watching are those movies yeah why is it different why is it different because shows are so much longer i don't i'm stressed out for a little it's not all like [ __ ] edging like there's like there's parts where like there is tension and it gets resolved i mean yeah i don't know maybe just like it's like i don't just encounter it's a movie what are you talking about it's so weird how like you're so committed because it's in a show form but then when you look at the individual scenes you're not committed at all it's like i don't care about this fight i'm not committed who's that one character with the blue hair he pisses me off the long-haired guy and which show did you to kyson well oh the the like the animal dude oh the one on the other like school from kyoto oh oh that guy i really like the episode where he got his ass beat that was funny but what anime do you like then if you don't like tell them yeah fruits yeah it should be called mid basket because that's what it is dude you know what i can't even made best that's a hot take right there i like when an anime is just a good time and it feels good like fruit basket is like you've watched this really dramatic honey have you watched uh teletubbies she might like that one actually thomas the tank i think it's like right up here i really enjoyed my dress-up darling that was really good yeah of course what else why are you grilling me i just want to know what else that's too high stakes apparently okay wait you know what dramatic show i really liked actually fine ed but that also kind of took a while to that first argument both oh okay it's good that's good of course so wait wait that's way more like horrible than that that's like way more like dramatic and traumatizing what's medicine and like a slice of cheese it's like take take the dramatic pill take the tension pillow what you're saying is you would be more invested in the juices kaisen scene if a scene before they were shopping no yeah that's basically what you're saying it's like okay okay okay and then bam what about uh they're seen in judicial i really liked when uh well that big guy was telling mai to he gave her a ticket to see that one idol and like yeah she was like pretending she didn't like it that was cute and you still and you still don't like toto literally the most minor scene in the entire show was like yeah that that's the that's the highlight i think about um uh madoka magica i liked it that was pretty [ __ ] dark yeah that was that's like suffer porn the anime well that's different what what about this difference there was fights in there is it cause madoka's wearing pink no it's because it's magical girl that's why yeah anything with magical girl should just leave so if you just did any show but it was a shonen i'd be like so if they were wearing magical girl outfits jiu-jitsu would you be more inclined hell yeah it's all about the aesthetics okay nothing about that was funny what no like the joke got stale after one episode okay she's dumb i get it oh i really like it [Laughter] um i didn't see the second season of one punch man but you don't you don't need to you don't need them did you enjoy the first season of one punch yeah i mean it's great it is very good it is really good i love like goofy stuff did you like death note i did but that also has tension i just you saw me say misa you were like i am invested allow me to pay attention no that's not true are you are you telling me honestly that when meesa came in death no they're not throwing hands in death note so murder's okay as long as they don't get physical [Laughter] i think i think psychological trauma is fine physical trauma is a no-no mr kerfs just doesn't get pushed [Laughter] how dare you adopt my language the greatest showdown fights of all time the fisticuff have you watched what about uh man did you watch uh i think you just don't like fighting right that's yeah that's it right but she likes one punch man that's different she's not fighting that's that's that's murder that's that's he murders that man well like you know he's gonna win yeah right you don't like fights that okay so let me get this straight you don't like fight scenes in anime where you don't know if the main guy's gonna win or not no that's what it's sounding like i just i like i like low stakes you know like you know he's gonna be okay so i can watch that's most anime that's most anime fights true because otherwise you're just anger you're like you like this in real life yuji literally died well he came back but you could literally die the stakes are high oh yeah he does yeah complete but i mean like we all knew he was going to go we all knew he was going to come back is this some like childhood like thing where you're like you just hate like seeing people fight in movies or something i don't know i mean yeah i i kind of get it because no i don't i don't at all oh you don't [ __ ] get it don't pretend like you're just trying to be nice don't i get it because sydney hayes fights as well unfortunately and i have to live with that and i'm just like sydney look at this amazing action scene and she's like bro but like but like like sex is just cooperative fighting that's just like she likes that that's so sore come on fight i just want to show uh have you seen bucky at all no oh my god i just want to show you one scene of blockies i want you to film that [ __ ] because it would be sexy because no just like anything because it's like ridiculous it's everything it's everything emily hates it's like ridiculous wait have you seen jojo emily [Laughter] what are you saying no it's just the castle we don't like the muscles i love him i love that emily's reacting as if you showed her like gallport yeah yeah yeah yeah it's literally just a bog again in one of the scenes one of the characters can make like a demon face with his back muscles yeah and then everyone's like it's the demon face oh [ __ ] it seems like it seems like like a jojo fan type of show i was gonna ask have you seen jojo no i have no idea why i don't know if i'd be into it you know what you know what twitter post i keep thinking of when i hear jojo what what i've seen that post that's like jojo fans be like oh my god he's so hot ben proceeds to show me the uglies [Laughter] i hate how she like that character that is literally one of the characters that's literally what he looks like iraqi fan's quaking right now i i don't know i mean i think you should try jojo you might actually enjoy it because it's really goofy yeah yeah it's really really strange it's like so serious that it's like the most goofiest thing in the world yeah it's like imagine making like a fight out of like someone holding in a fart like that's like basically jojo fights like it's it's it's like keep up like how do you follow it though you start with part one i don't know just like i don't know and then it's part three and you just keep going in order but like most of the memes are from one to five at the moment because like no nobody's read the manga really i mean like yeah hardcore fans have but like people only meme the anime stuff but like even like from like the first episode you'll start recognizing memes okay which is like kind of fun it's like spot the meme it's like one of the most famous memes is from episode one yeah to be continued there's like so many memes in episodes it's like a meme bingo yeah i was thinking about jojo memes i was like that's not there's not a lot of part one oh no wait a minute it's just been so long since i've seen part one memes literally most do memes part one yeah yeah and then you can watch the like the jojo music meme you can watch it i've seen and yet i still don't know a single thing about the show that's like most people though yeah that's jojo in a nutshell i could spoil the entirety of like a part that hasn't been animated and you'll probably be like i gained no information from that whatsoever yeah and you could probably still go into it like one of the villains in one part is the president of the united states of america and they have to like resurrect jesus christ to like help is it the actual like president yeah in the show yeah the action oh no it's it's like the president in this university in the university for a second i thought colin's taking the piss and i was talking about metal gear solid which i'm just like which is also like a senator that's a senator by the way i made it the [ __ ] okay that's two metal gears games then because like in one of the main games like the main uh the president is like the bad guy as well yeah exactly it's good it's good it's uh yeah you should read it or watch it it's fun i'll give it a shot you should watch your diet actually die just like complains about everything don't want your daughters he does he literally like will watch one thing like oh [ __ ] actually
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 1,619,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: 8bPOpjH91sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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