Trash Picking in Rich Neighborhood : Best Night Ever !

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we're going through all these books they've all been empty and um i'm going to take these to get donated but i'm flipping through this one and babe this you've been with me right the whole time yes and is this 100 real 100 100 rule oh look i started flipping through this and y'all see that thanks for tuning in guys i hope you liked the video and let's get to it that was funny fishing pole got over here i don't know what that is some kind of pads check this one out all right [Music] so we've got a bird cage over here yep his that toys like kid's toys yep so all right what i saw right away was this guy right here we're gonna take that let's see what else we got glasses poke like chips [Music] kind of stuff in here christmas stuff all right look at this guys if it's broken hmm [Music] if it's complete [Music] i think it's good see how heavy it is okay we have to make this work somehow you can't completely thought that's it you're getting a lot of impossible to recordings back from fiction when it comes to the free quarters almost all right let me see i'm gonna do this i don't want to break it lifting it so do well back up right here later on sorry about that oh sorry about that again let's see see if i have enough room to get it in there now i got about a few feet to go straight back there we go all right so now just move this other stuff around [Music] that's a big table all right i don't want to put that brick inside at all we're gonna make it work we're gonna make it work boom man we loaded up today guys in here tls [Music] logistics services i might take some why not little chicabana i'll probably just donate these because i think the places started opening up again take the shirts that'll work all right guys so tell me y'all tell me how this looks i'm hoping and i'm sure y'all can see everything now looks like a bunch of boxes there dang this looked hopeful i will always take free bubble wrap i always take p bubble wrap guys all right let's see what else oh this is wet dang i'm not taking that this stuff must've been out here for a while because a lot of it's wet trash printer oh man i usually don't take baskets but that one's kind of cute the heart-shaped basket all right does something fall down over here no just moved around a little bit oh what's in here boom looks brand new too take this for my daughter she likes to water the plants all right i'm taking those xfinity boxes too let's see keep the basket here the other day i actually sold a cable box is there anything in here nope hdmi cable though i'm gonna keep the ac mic let's check this one okay well that's all right all right looks like that's the last piano we picked up actually worked and i got eighty dollars for it so we're definitely gonna pick up these pianos because you never know and in fact being that it's sitting outside you know not in the trash can you see this is what was wrong with the last one the inside was all rattling i don't know if y'all hear that so i bet you anything this is only that's messed up i just got to find another 120 volt on i'm sorry a 9 volt plug and i bet you that thing gonna work i bet you it works but we're gonna hold on to this just in case a little fan a little fan action there's a wasp you see that was they made a little house for himself in there let's see man i wish had room take this nice futon but as you can see i'll load it up backpack it's pretty clean stick it in here for now i don't like being parked right here i'm kind of in the middle road so i'm gonna be pretty quick yeah it's gonna be it i'll tell you what guys right now here in houston if you guys are not from this area let me tell you something man these mosquitoes are starting to come out and they suck because man you go outside and you get tore by them seems like hundreds at a time wow let's see no tires but look at this bingham this is nice um wow i don't know if i can get this in here i don't make a mess with these ding rocks oh well they fall out i think they're glued in most of them that's how heavy are you not too heavy let's see how we're gonna get you in well this is tight so let's see that's it let's see if we're going to need a flatter surface walk over here all right i'm gonna drop the camera in this light because i'm flashing everybody all right guys i'll say this it's always a good thing when you have to unload because your truck is full and you got to pick up some more stuff but look at that foosball table i set it up it's good condition except for one leg one leg is loose um i did test out the piano and it did work so that's awesome okay some of this other stuff we'll do a recap when i'm done but look how tall this plant is guys that's about eight feet tall at least all right let's keep going these are the heavy ones too these are those those clay pots just wash that down the brand new so that's a good buy right there good score wow look at that she's a little bit broken up here but that should be okay oh she's pretty careful with this one now nice and easy all right [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] look at this adorable thing this one's thrown out wow that's nice put it in here sweet i'm glad i came by here you know that's it all right guys i came to this dumpster and as you can see it's packed um i don't want to stay here too long because it does have signs where it says illegal dumping i don't want anybody to think that i'm dumping but i picked this horse out of here and this box full of stuff so we're gonna look at that when i get back okay um there's clothes there's all sorts of stuff in demand but there's also trash in here so i don't even know where to start with some of this stuff oh man i don't even know if i'm gonna look through all these bags it's gonna be impossible to get through all this stuff clothes and just close all right guys well it's the next day and we're gonna do a recap of everything that i found and i gotta say um as far as the amount of quality and quantity this is probably one of the best um picks that i've ever done i've had better picks where i've found like you know gold and i found money but the whole night i was finding stuff all night long and all of it was good stuff i can't wait for you guys to see this video alright so here we go let's go check it out i don't even know where to start because it's so much but i'm gonna give you guys a quick glance around and you can see all this stuff right here plus some stuff over here so we are going to go through nice and easy without taking too much time but y'all remember the bird cage good bird cage solid base the bottom is kind of you know flaking a little bit that could be spray painted be good to go i found this darling uh garden fairy i really really really like this the only thing that's wrong with her is this right here but that is really minor oh looks like she's also cracked over here on the other side but that's that's nothing i mean this this she looks amazing i think she's dusty you know you just wipe her down and she's gonna look amazing really nice take off a couple of these you know nest that got built on her and we'll be good to go all right i don't even know what's over here oh you got that phone a couple of tubs got this tonka truck i don't even know if i'm gonna sell it i might just give it away for free see if anybody wants it because it's kind of rusty you got these two little houses they're like victorian style homes um i guess you put these in your garden as well really nice got that one there and you also got this one right here just kind of clean that up they should do well all right a little dyson uh toy for a kid now guys we need to talk about something dvds most of the times dvds aren't any good but anytime you see anything that has to do with um like you know asian uh tokyo stuff uh what are these called anime anime that's that's from with that any any anime these dvds hold their value really well i saw a listing on ebay that just sold it was nine dvds and it sold for forty five dollars used not new use so i've got two four seven of them so if i can get 30 bucks for those seven i'll be doing well uh plus you got a bunch of other little einstein sesame street you know i don't even know how many are there but these are all complete i mean they do have the dvds in them so that's a good good good score here uh so if you guys are out there picking and looking at stuff keep an eye for anything that is anime anime sells really well all right back to this stuff over here um this bag i want to say all this stuff is um what's this oh awesome some boat blades yeah it looks like some roller blades in here oh these are ice skates so then yeah i thought this stuff was hockey stuff but i guess i'm right there's a ice skate there and looks like there's i think this is all hockey all right well i'm struggling to get this bag open but i think this is all hockey equipment yeah see this is a glove so uh we're down south hockey's not big down here in texas so i'm not sure how hard that's going to be to get rid of but we'll post it for cheap hopefully we can move it this monstrosity nothing's got to be eight feet tall i'm six foot uh six foot two and you see it towers over me so really really nice i'm so glad that all these rocks are glued down or else i've made a humongous mess on the back of my truck the only one that wasn't glued down was this one so all right moving along we've got this this little play pin area some people use it for their kids to keep their kids you know and they're with their outside keep them from running around some people use it for their pets uh looks to be in good condition uh they'll sell real easily this is something that i found at that dumpster and i'm telling you guys right now we're gonna go back to the dumpster as soon as we're done with this and see what else we can find but it's a playful plush it's a little rocking horse it does have a place for it to have a battery it doesn't feel like there's one in there these when you squeeze it make noise and do stuff so we'll put the batteries in there see if it works if not we'll sell it as is roller skates right now any of this outdoor stuff is selling really well because parents are trying to keep their kids outside and keep busy so you got the roller skates you got the chalk you got this thing full of yarn um my sister-in-law's probably gonna take the yarn asked her if she needed it okay what else got this octopus i don't know what it's from if it's from a movie or if it's just a toy octopus but yeah octopus [Music] um i think is this baby einstein i'm not sure there's a baby answer or not but these these kind of books here dvds um they sell really well so we'll see how much they go for i should be able to get a good penny on those [Music] let's see this is uh you would put this in the back of your truck like so um but it's not made for my truck it kind of extends the room inside your bed so you can put stuff longer without it falling off i think this would go to like a ford uh like a sport track maybe that's what it goes for i'll see if i can find any numbers on it tell me what it goes for got these two real nice um i guess they're clay pots they're really big uh they got some algae growth on it but that will come right off really nice i'm glad i found those uh got the fan i haven't tested it yet but hopefully it works i'll keep it outside i'll probably just keep this one because you can't ever have too many fans in the garage keep you cool uh while we're here fishing poles you probably get five bucks for these got all these shirts got all these hats they're brand new hats the basket got this backpack i don't even know what the name geo i don't know never heard of it but it looks like a good backpack though i'm hoping i can get hopefully 10 bucks for that keyboard did work that's the second keyboard i found in the last couple weeks and uh this one also works so i'll clean it up wipe it down make it look like new and i should be able to get hopefully sixty to a hundred dollars depends on how much yourself we have to look it up but i'm thinking around 60 to 100 what they'll go for all right we're gonna look at some stuff now that i found in that dumpster oh yeah hold on before we do that also all these books i'm gonna see if i don't know if i can sell any of these i might take them a half price bookstore but also another thing with books guys what you want to do flip through the pages sometimes people stuff money in them uh turn the book upside down and do that that way if there's any money they'll fall out and i do that with every book that i get that i find because you just never know it might be 100 bills stuck in there somewhere so we got all these books all those books and some kids books right back over there all right this is a real good find and the reason i'm gonna go back to that dumpster is because of this stuff right here this is all yankee candle all of it is yankee candle you got this little birdhouse i'm sorry this little lantern here is missing the handle which is unfortunate but someone could still use it as is put the candle inside that's a really nice pretty blue vase as you can see there it is yankee candle for 29.99 all these are brand new they're you can also gold leaf there was one that was open i'm gonna try to find it so i can show you what they look like in just a second it's three four five six seven eight nine ten and eleven there's eleven of these and i'll head on those open um jeez juan oh here we go excuse the loud noise my neighbors are cutting the grass so this little tea light handle a tea light candle holder really pretty i look these up i think they go for about six dollars or so and all these are new so i'll sell them as new this little guy here it's a little basket and i guess these are like easter eggs maybe they look like easter eggs with the egg crate 15 bucks new again yankee candle got this cute little guy here i think these go on top of the candles the candle i think uh so if you have a candle the jar just goes on top of it to display your candle and this one's a uh easter theme i think these do the same thing they go on top of the candles two bunnies got a snowman themed uh christmas yankee candle tea light and another topper sand beach beach house whatever sandcastle another this is a hurricane glass i got two of those and this pretty um christmas themed vase also by yankee candle and this little glass tray also by yankee candle all right guys so what did i just finish saying about these books right um so far come on here my wife's filming for me right now um we're going through all these books they've all been empty and um i'm gonna take these to get donated but i'm flipping through this one and babe this you've been with me right the whole time yes and is this 100 in real 100 100 oh look i started flipping through this and y'all see that look at this guys a hundred dollars a hundred crispy dollars now i wonder if these are these aren't silver note are they no they just these have probably been here for a long time but a hundred dollars in a stack of books 100 real not fabricating it i can't believe i found this i'm not surprised but man guys i'm telling you even at garage sales look for stuff like this because people put money in the craziest places and you never know unless you look so that i think guys this is one of the best nights i've ever had there's a lot of good stuff a lot of good stuff not just one good thing but a lot of good things a lot of good things and it was a really really fun pick i hope you guys enjoyed the video and hope uh you guys enjoyed watching it y'all leave a comment let me know what you thought was the best pick let me know what your favorite thing is and i'm excited to hear y'all's responses y'all's comments i'm gonna go through one more time so you guys can see everything one last time oh did we even talk about the foosball table that was the biggest thing and uh i put it together last night alright guys that's gonna do it for today guys thank you so much for watching the video i really do hope you enjoyed it leave a comment let me know what you guys like the best until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 132,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy
Id: FwiiqJ7CT04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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