Must-Have Jellyfin Plug-ins For Your Media Center

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and today we're going to be checking out some must have plugins for jelly fin so let's get [Music] started so one of the coolest things about Jelly fin is the ability to install plugins now you might find that jelly fin is a bit lacking in features when it comes to the default installation but that's where plugins come in to resolve some of that issue so some of the have plugins that I install on my jelly finin are almost like natural to Media Services like Netflix or even Plex but with that being said we're going to rectify some of that by installing our own plugins to restore some of the features that are basically missing and honestly I wish some of them were default on Jelly fin installs as well but they're not you do have to install them separately anyway let's jump into the desktop so here we have my install of jelly fin so if you've been following the series you already know about this but if you don't I will leave a link on the top left to the whole series of this proxmox install and to get to this area which is where the plugins are you just have to go to your dashboard and then head over to plugins over here now I do have a lot more than what you would normally see on a default install of jelly fin so I will leave all the links down in the description below to where you can get that now heading into my repository you could see I have jelly fin stable which comes default and then I added a bunch of these in here now two main things that I believe should be a must have is jelly scrub and intros Skipper those two are just phenomenal now jelly scrub in itself is basically allows you to scrub the timeline and you can see a little thumbnails uh let me see if I can show you right over here and basically you could just highlight your mouse over it and it'll show little previews and thumbnails of that little clip it's basically a musthave like most Services already provide this even Plex and everything already has this so that's why I was like this is should be a default installation now next we have something called called the intros Skipper so if you watch a lot of TV shows or anime there's MKV files that actually have the section that says intro or uh end credit scenes and stuff like that um there's a way to skip those by installing this little plugin itself which again I will leave a link down in the description below uh all it does is just leaves a little skip intro button so you could just skip that and I think those two are like by far the must haves of any media server because we're so used to it we're so accustomed to seeing this on everything else like Hulu Netflix whatever so yeah those are the two that um I added the third one that I did add is trailers I'm a big fan of watching a trailer before I decide to watch the movie so I know what I'm getting myself into and half the time if the entire movie is fit into this trailer then I know I don't have to watch it so I always have this plugin installed just to see what the trailer is or what the movie is about or whatever it is then you have Daniel um adov he has a few Plus plugins that you might find interesting especially one that's called merger or merge which I'll show you in a second and that allows for if you have multiple versions of the same video say like in 1080 then in 720 then in 4k instead of making three categories for it or three items for it it'll merge them into one so you can select the version that you want to watch instead so that's probably a must have as well uh in case you run into those issues now heading into the catalog itself you do have a lot more that I didn't install but you might find interest in which is ldap if you want to control your users they also have some single sign on if you want for authentication but yeah they have ldap again TVD tmdb trailers um a few other things that they have in here I didn't even install merge version yet but I will be doing that a little bit later but yeah this is the merge version we have theme songs if you want a huge one that a lot of people use is uh this one track and this allows you to sync between Medias so if you're watching something off Plex and and then you're watching off something here and you're halfway through the episode in Plex it'll actually transfer that data over to your um jelly fin so you won't lose the progress of how much you watched so a lot of people use this one as well and uh playback reporting if you want to know where your sessions at and what people watch off your server and stuff like that so those are the C the few that I don't really run but you can run just to uh keep everything more seamless uh there's skin manager so if you want to change the theme or the look of your actual jelly fin uh you could do that as well uh down in the metadata stuff I do use animeb or an DB I've used Annie list before they both work very well I've actually never used Annie search that I assume that that will work well too um and then we're down to Notifications now there are a few other types of notifications other than just web hook they have SMS and a few other things that you could add on now heading into jelly Fin's official website for plugins um again everything we talk about will be linked down in the description below um here they actually go by how you can manually install stuff but if you look through all here it'll actually give you a quick description of what certain things are that they have with the official library and if you go down a little bit more you have a third party plugin and it'll have all these other stuff on what you can do for the third party so you have Last FM skin manager a few others then they give you the repo which is this which this is where you would actually grab and head over to plugin and go into repositories and press the add button uh you add that to get the third party repos and everything so like here single sign on plugin if you want um Daniel adov has a few others like theme song skin manager if you need SMS notifications um a few and this is not even a complete list there's actually a lot more out there that is not even in this list so if I head over to like jelly scrub that's not in this list and this is almost a must have then we have over here which is uh tmdb trailers that's also not in the official list so if you guys know of any um jelly fin plugins that are actually not in that list or stuff that you must use let me know down in the description below because there's a lot more plugins like TV plugins Sports plugins stuff like that that's actually not in this list at all that you could possibly find anywhere again this is Daniel adol's version now I did find a little repo called awesome jelly that kind of goes down a few more plugins that it's not listed over here that you can uh check out which again link down in the description below and you could go through the list that he has over here if you want to check it out a lot of these plugins I find are just a simple matter of Googling what I want or just Googling uh jelly fin plugins and seeing what's available but I don't really play uh too much into the plugins other than just the main ones like jelly scrub and um intros Skipper those are the two that I generally install and then the tmdb trailers so this basically allows you to customize your jelly fin the way you want it to work uh some other ones I didn't mention might be like subtitles and stuff like that that would be good but if you have another program called bizaar that could grab subtitles for you so it really depends on how you navigate your server but yeah there's a lot of stuff that you can do on Jelly fin that makes it a lot more valuable anyway that is it for me guys I just wanted to show you some of the stuff that you can do with jelly fin especially on the plugin side if you guys have more plugins that is not on this list that you think is a must have listed down in the description below because it's something I want to check out as well now if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say my nerdcave hack to LIT hearts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 33,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, Jellyfin media server plugins, open-source Jellyfin plugins, third-party Jellyfin plugins, free Jellyfin plugins, easy-to-install Jellyfin plugins, jellyfin, plugins, jellyscrub, media server, homelab, homelab jellyfin, plex, jellyfin skip intro, plugin, jelly fin
Id: iHTah6KpxXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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