2024 - COMPLETE Truenas Scale App Install / Home Lab Walkthrough (radarr sonarr lidarr homearr)

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all right this video is probably going to be a little bit on the longer side I may have to cut in and out a bunch I've got uh a pile of of dogs over here that like to bark every time uh something walks by the window but we'll we'll get through it so why am I doing this one um I originally fell in love with the idea of the stora AXA or just the the small Home Server um a year and a half ago two years ago now when they launched that thing and since that's no longer coming to fruition I decided to kind of take matters into my own hands here and build a uh just a smaller more power efficient server I've got an HP DL 380p uh Generation 8 I think it is humming along in the basement but it's pulling almost 300 watts of power just continuously so that's costing I don't know 35 40 bucks a month just to run that thing um which is a little excessive so now with this much more power efficient uh Intel 13th gen um it should be way cheaper to run um and just you know smaller form factor prettier I can actually leave this thing in my office now if I want to uh now that it's all set up so I just want to walk through everything so I'm going to go through everything from why I chose tress versus proxy MOX um you know I spent 48 hours trying to get proxmox to work and I'm a fairly nerdy person and it was just a nightmare for me I couldn't get anything to just it didn't just work you had to kind of Tinker with it it reminded me of back in the day when I got my first Android phone was like yeah you can Tinker with everything versus you know handing your iPhone to your grandmother stuff just kind of works so to me that's the benefit of of tras here um I'm not going to cover like the basic uh formatting of your your USB drive to get the operating system of trass onto your your computer um I can do that in a separate video uh you know when I get a couple more discs and I do another Bay I can set up a quick video on how to to add another vdev CU I plan on doing that um so at least you'll have some idea there but there's tons of videos on that what I really want to cover here is once you've got trass installed I want to cover the shares and all of the apps so your traditional R stack or Suite whatever you want to call it so how to manage your movies through radar your TV series through sonar your music through lidar if you're into books some we can go over redar uh but also things like index or management on Prowler and then media request ests through requester and overseer um I also want to touch on uh launcher screens so we've got homar in there and then uset providers um so how to set them up and uh a newsn downloader so we're going to go over Sab there then media playback I'm going to go over how to configure Plex and jelly Fin and then my absolute favorite new app that I found um I was searching for a long time for a photo backup app so I found one that is very very similar to Google photos it's called image so stay tuned for that one uh and if you're just tuning in for that it's very powerful it's under very active development so I'm sure there's going to be even more features by the time you get it implemented but as of now it's got facial recognition AI search um and it's just it's so smooth and seamless um so we've launched launched it here in the house um for multiple users and it is just absolutely fantastic so we'll get into how to set up everything all of your settings um and uh as a bonus probably go over tail scale as well just so you guys can see how to VPN into all of this so you can access all of this safely and securely uh without having to expose everything to the the open internet and uh be prone for for hacking or anything like that uh so without further Ado we'll get right into it okay so here we are at our dashboard when we first log in so you can see I am on tras scale 23101 three and this is the end of February 2024 um you can see I've got my 13th gen Intel i5 13500 um I've got my pool already set up so I've got 96 terabytes um which once you put that in raid Z1 yields you like 65 terabytes uh of usable storage um and then you get that single drive failure redundancy um so moving right along we've got our storage tab along the Le hand side you can see I've got my single raid Z1 with five discs um 13.37 tby bytes uh which yields 65 and A4 TBI bytes total um so you can see that's set up and healthy the next step is to go to data sets so once your pool is established you have to create some data sets to actually store the data on so you'll see here I've got two this applications that one will be automatically created by traz once you start installing apps the one we got to focus on right now is this one called media so you can see next to it I've got SMB and NFS shares already set up um and then I've got the permissions which you probably can't see because my face is in the way you've got permissions set up down here so you can see this whenever I've got an issue it's because I don't have just kind of full Open Access set up and all the apps can't read write and execute like they should so I'm going to go through just adding another data set here as if it were the first time so I'm just going to call this one test so we're going to add a data set going to call it test we're going to leave everything just as it is and we're going to hit save that created this new uh data set for us down here so as you can see it's only read write execute for the root folder so what we've got to do is now we've got this highlighted go into edit our permissions and then here since we want our apps to be able to do everything I'm going to set apps as our owner now this is a builtin user and I'm going to do the same for the group we're going to apply the user and apply the group because otherwise it won't save any the changes we're going to select make sure everything is selected here under read write and execute and then we're going to hit this set ACL for our access control and we're going to select the preset here and all we're going to do is Select open we want this sucker wide open we're not going to expose this thing to the internet at all so we don't have to worry about any hackers coming in and getting us um or anything like that so once we select that you can see it's says readwrite execute for every group here and then we're going to apply permissions recursively confirm continue and then save our Access Control list or our ACL so what that did for us is it got us our read write execute over here in this bottom right hand corner for everything so we know it's wide open so we know all of our apps are going to be able to talk to it so once that's done we can go over to shares so you see how this doesn't have our our new one doesn't have those SMB and NFS shares next to it that's in this next tab down called shares so here I've got set up our path here the Yoda pool and just a a generic media folder um so all you've got to do is set that up similar and hit save so let's see if we can add one for our test so our mount point and we'll just select test now hit save restart the service boom it's that easy now we've got our new data set in here again I like to just call M media so I'm going to trash all this when I'm done with it um but same thing here you can do the same thing for your Linux or Unix shares and then we're good to go there now everything should be able to talk to everything and when you pull up your file explorer and you go down to your network and you select tras see I've got my existing media and then I've got our brand new data set test with nothing in it and if all goes well I should be able to make another folder in here called test beautiful I've got right access to it and uh you know I'll put [Music] a open up uh open up our document here awesome save it close it and then when we open that bad boy back up perfect so we know that that is all working well we've got our our shares set up and everything should be good to go for the next step now the part everybody's looking forward to getting to the apps so the very first thing when you open up the apps you'll see it's a a much different layout than the older versions where it was kind of a tile card for each one but you'll see all my services running here you won't see any of this you'll see a blank screen and the first thing that you've got to do is go all the way up in this top right and hit discover apps and then you'll see you'll only have about a 100 or so or so because it's only the trass sponsored apps so the ones that'll say trass underneath it here so what you've got to do is you've got to add an additional catalog so go to manage cataloges add catalog hit continue and then you're going to add true charts so you're just going to type in true charts right here and then the repository you're going to type in HTTPS colon SL slash github.com SL true charts SL catalog and I will just put that down in the description so you can copy and paste that in there leave it as stable and Main hit save um and then you'll see you've got this true charts in here that's going to take a while to load uh depending on your internet connection and your computer it might take I don't know 10 minutes to to actually load all those applications then when you go into discover apps you'll have to hit refresh and you'll see this number pop up to 820 or so as they get added um from that point on you can add filters to see one or the other or both um and then you can start searching for apps that you want to add so that's what I've done to get all of my applications I just kind of search for them because I know the names of them um it used to be a little easier to scroll through now it's just kind of a they try to put them in bundles here of what's going on um good batter and different it's cool um you'll be able to find what you need uh with all the information in this video so now that we've got our catalog set up the very first one that we're going to install is one called Sab so it's a the full name is sa nzbd which is Sab newsn downloader so when you go to set this up you're just going to find it in your discover apps search for it add an application and when you are setting it up there's only a couple of things that you've got to do so obviously you've got to name it set your time zone um or don't just default it to Los Angeles like apparently I did here um really with the majority of these apps all you're going to have to do is when you get down to the storage section all you're going to have to do is add that data set that we just added so even down here you're going to have to search for additional app storage so this is where you want your downloads to go essentially so for the type of storage you're going to click this drop down until you get to host path you are then going to say what is the host path so where do you want it to go on this pool so I have mine directed towards the mount point the pool that I created and then that media share that I created up in the the data sets tab just moments ago with you so once you have that media selected you then have to define a path for it in this actual app so most apps have a media folder already with a lowercase M just so I can differentiate I do all mine with a capital m it doesn't much matter um it'll shoot it in there wherever you tell it to and it'll kind of act like it's its direct path into that location so once that is done that's really all you got to do for this you'll hit save or launch uh mine says update here I didn't change anything so I'm not going to update it and then you'll be able to click on the actual app see that it's once it's goes from deploying to running and then you'll be able able to click open uh at that point it's going to walk you through a a first time setup where you'll set the the language and then after you set the language one of the first thing it's going to ask you to do is add your newsn server so I've actually got two of those um I've got Thunder news and uset farm um I set these up years and years ago I I'm sure it's still the same but the the rationale was you have kind of an unlimited account for the majority of the things that you're downloading and then you've got a a block account if if one or two articles are missing you can go to that secondary block account and just download a little bit so I pay for one through Thunder news which is $5.25 a month right now um it was $3 a month for years and years for me um but you know inflation whatever they they raised that rate a little bit which I still think is very reasonable for the reliability I get out of them again I'm not sponsored by them it's just what I personally use and then the use net Farm um I buy a kind of a block account and it's like 20 bucks for I think a terabyte um and I've needed to do that two or three times over the last six or seven years um that I've had them set up so it's not a whole lot it's not a huge investment um so I'm going to go over those but I got to I'm going to move my face a little bit to block my login credentials here so bear with me okay so here we've got my face kind of blurring out my login credentials but once you get in this is the thunder news the important thing that you'll need is right down here and it's going to be different for different providers but you'll need the actual server address so for the the US this one is secure. us. thunder.com that's all you'll really need in addition to you can't see it I've got a username and a password up behind my face here uh so you'll need both of those and you'll put those into nzb and then you can test your settings and it'll show you that you've got a good connection so now I've clicked over to the nzb configuration the the servers tab and again you'll see something similar to this um you've got your host so this is that server address that we just put in that secure. us. thunder.com then you've got your username that you'll put in and then your password for that web page you then got a number of connections so Thunder news gives me eight connections you know some of them you'll see this this uset farm when we go into the show details that gives me 50 connections um you won't need all of them I mean I've got gigabit and I I'm already saturated with only eight connections so it is very fast now the one thing you'll see here we've got this one set as priority zero and then we've got our backup I've got this set as priority 99 um and you essentially set the lower number towards your unlimited account and the higher number I mean you could set this as one if you wanted to um I just set it as 99 just out of habit um to be my back up um uset provider and you can see I've only got 4 gbt of traffic um that's actually transferred on my backup account so you know if you wanted to click test and can click test it'll do its thing connection successful that's how you know that you are actually getting where you need to go and you can do that for your primary unlimited again and your block backup account all right now that we got all that good login stuff hidden again you can see it gives you a nice total see I transferred 1.2 terabytes from my unlimited Block in the last four or 5 days here um so you can really Hammer that unlimited when you're actually going out there and searching new content um and 4 gigabytes of missing articles were actually collected from that backup block uh and that really helps prevent a bunch of failed downloads if you know if something gets like a DRM request and they have to remove like one little snippet of an article you can then get that from the the backup [Music] block okay now that we've got our newsn uh downloader set up there's only a couple more things we got to do in here so once our servers are set up we just have to go over to the categories Tab and you'll see I just have this set up just about the same way that it will be stock except I added this this bottom one here so you can add a new one I have a separate list for my 4K movies uh so we'll go over what to do there but you essentially just need to one at a time just set the folder where you want the I call it the active downloads to go and this is mainly because there will occasionally be kind of like orphan jobs that don't download quite right and they just kind of hang out somewhere so by default this puts them in a weird spot that's not easy to access so since we've got our our already shared media location since we did that SMB share earlier and we can just go down to our Network hit true Nasco media just add a couple of folders here so add one called active downloads and then add one called movies music and TV uh we'll go over why you want to do all that later later um but just add them now now that we've got those shares set up and then you're just going to set all of these download paths to Media slactive download um you have to save them one at a time otherwise it's super annoying if you change all of them at once and then you hit save on one line it gets rid of the rest of your changes so just do them one at a time for your movies your TV your default um and your movies 4K if you're going to get into that but we can handle a whole 4K session uh in a little bit so once you've got those categories added the only other thing that you're going to have to do is locate your API key so we're going to go on this top left General tab here and I've got mine blocked out here um but you'll have an API key that's you know 30 characters long so you just select that and copy that to your clipboard and we'll go over why you're going to do that in just a second now that we've got Sab fully set up and running the next thing we're going to do we're just going to start with radar so you're going to do the same thing you're going to go to discover apps you're going to type in radar r a a RR you're going to install an instance of that uh so we're going to go over I'm just going to click on edit it gives you the same the same options when you're fully setting it up and it's really just the same exact thing you don't have to do a darn thing until you get all the way down to additional app storage you're going to go to host path and you're going to Define where you want the app storage to be so again you're going to select that media Tab and then you're going to do your Mount path of back SL media you're going to save that launch it and uh when it eventually comes up it'll add to your list here you can highlight it and then you'll click open when you collect when you select open it'll pull up uh the default Port is 7878 but again you can set those to whatever you want so from here we've got to go into settings first thing you want to do is go to Media management you want to tell it to rename your movies um then depending how OCD are you can go down the whole Rabbit Hole of how to name these with the release year and the full quality and however you want that to look uh but the important thing here is you've got to add a root folder so this is why we did it in Windows Explorer because you can't actually create a new folder here so when you click add a root folder it'll give you all of this garbage and then here you know here's that built-in lowercase media the uppercase M media this is the one that we created that share on and and we just told it that's where we want that share to point to as upper uppercase M and media so you can select that and then you've got all of those subfolders that you selected in here so you just click movies and then uh once that's there you'll just hit okay and um that will be shown here as your default path to download things to the next down under settings are profiles uh for my base instance of radar I don't mess with that I go right down to Quality um and now I'm trying to force This Server to be uh everything 265 uh so my old setups it was 264 which is um a lot easier for devices to stream to um but with the the processing power that I have I'm just kind of experimenting now I want to force everything to be 265 files as much as I can so I am setting my uh my quality limits down really really low so so I'm saying for all my 1080 stuff I want that and you've got you got two here you've got your preferred size and then you've got your maximum size for each file so I've got my preferred size I just drag those sliders down uh to 1.6 gabyt per hour and then I've got my maximum size set at 3 and 1 12 gabyt per hour and that should make sure that I don't end up with any of those ridiculous Blu-ray rips that are 50 and 60 and what however like huge files uh just for a a single movie um so my old server before I had these set up you know you'd tell yeah just unlimited and you'd end up with just these monster files that are so large it's trying to direct play but then your network can't keep up with it because it's just such a huge file so make sure you drag all these sliders down to what's appropriate for you again I did 1.6 and 3.5 for all my 1080 stuff stuff um I lowered the 2160p stuff but I actually request all of my 4K stuff on a different instance of radar and again we'll go over that in just a bit my 720p content I have set at 1 Gigabyte per hour as my preferred size and 2 GB per hour as my maximum size there next to help force that 265 you can go to custom formats and you'll click the plus here you can name it so you'll name it as x265 whatever you want to call it you'll have to hit plus sign for the conditions and then you've got a whole bunch of presets in here the top one you want here is release title you'll click on the presets and they've already got a an x265 um and this funky looking syntax here that's just so that it collects everything whether it's X or H and then the dot or the backs slash and then the 265 or HC it'll include all of that when it's searching for releases to make sure that you get um those 265s check the required box that way it will be required to look for that first it doesn't mean it's not going to download stuff that doesn't have it it just means that when I search for a title it's going to search for the 265 and if it can't find that then it'll fall back to the 264 you'll hit save I'm going to hit cancel here because I've already got it established um and then the way to check on any of that is if you go back to profiles if I go to my uh HD profile you can click on that and you can see that it already pulled that in that custom format um and that score of zero and again the lower the number the higher the priority so it's going to it's going to look for that first if you just want to confirm that it's in your quality profiles all right so we did media management profiles quality custom formats now down to indexers we're not going to hit indexers now because we've got a separate R program called Prowler where we can enter in our indexers just because it's kind of a lot of API keys and all that nonsense we're going to enter that once and that's going to go into radar sonar um your second radar if you have one set up for 4K your lar it'll go everywhere you need it to and then as you update those if you ever do it'll automatically inject them in there uh so then the next thing we got to do is go to download clients so this is where you're going to add that instance of Sab so your radar is going to search for the movies through your indexer or your search engine and then that search engine is going to tell it to go to sabnzbd so that's your download client I hope that makes sense um so when you set this up you're going to click on it all you need to do is tell it your host path so again my server is set up as 192 168 2930 and then the port for Sab is 10,097 on my instance you can have that set to whatever you're going to paste that API key in that I just showed you how to copy or where to copy that from and then here is important so for your first instance you're going to have this categories as just movies if you have a separate instance for movies 4K you're going to put that category of movies 4K or whatever you called it in Sab and that's going to make sure that it it keeps those separated and pulls them to the right place you can then test it you'll get that green check mark if everything's going well and then apply or save I'm just going to hit cancel because I've already got it set up so that's that um the connections once we get further down in the list and you have Plex and jelly fin set up you're going to want to connect it so that every time you add a movie it reaches back out to your Plex server or your jelly fin server and it says hey yeah I got a new movie update the list so that's very much one of the same you know you just tell it where to go um the nice one with the Plex is you can authenticate with plex.tv and again you can do your your test it'll come back with a check mark once everything's kosher um and then every time you get New Media it'll reach back out and it'll tell your media playback servers that you've added new content it'll show up on your your homepages all right so we've got radar out of the way now sonar so you you want to do the same thing with TV so this is going to start to look very redundant you're going to go up to discover apps you're going to type sonar you're going to find it you're going to see you've got the tras version or the true charts version you're going to click install which is going to get you to the very same install screen and again all you've got to change is going down and adding that additional app storage host path tell it that you want to go to that media share that you've set up before and tell it to go to back SL media so once that's set up it'll deploy you can hit open which will bring up your sonar and then again very redundant we're going to go through the same steps that we just did for radar so you're going to go to Media management scroll down to the bottom you're going to add your root folder except this time it's going to be back sltv because this is where you want your TV series to go to you're going to tell it you want to do the renaming you're going to jump over profiles again go down to Quality you are going to set your quality sliders to where you want so I'm not downloading any 4K TV at the moment uh so I am sticking with just the 720 and the 1080 now this is a little bit different so you've got your preferred and maximum um but this will again automatically change based on the time or the length of the show that you are downloading uh so I have mine set super low so I have for every hour of content my preferred size is 1 gab for any of the 1080 content uh with a maximum of 3 and 1/2 gigs um and again it's just a personal preference um and I'm trying to force that 265 just to have much smaller files I don't mind my server doing a lot of the work um and I want to be able to eventually store a ton of content here so once you've got your quality sliders set up to where you want them custom formats we'll do the same exact thing we're going to add that 265 so we're going to go 265 required save it and then once that's saved then we'll go to profiles and we'll verify that it's in there as 265 and required with the zero indexers same thing we're not going to touch the indexers cuz they are all automatically imported by Prowler uh and they are are doing a great job there download client we're going to add Sab so again we're going to add that paste in that API key just like we did in the radar section A little bit earlier and then connect we didn't get to these parts yet with the Plex Media Server and the jelly fin but this is where you're going to add those connections there as well so now that we're through movies and TV music and books are literally exactly the same thing thing so you've got your lar and your RAR that I haven't completely set up the reader yet um but lar is exactly the same way so I'm not going to beat that to death um but you're just going to add them launch them and go through those same steps adding the root folder adding the uh the Sab link verifying that the indexer poured over so I think the the more important thing to focus on here now is moving over to prowler since we've mentioned that four or five times so you're going to install Prowler do the same exact thing so when you launch this oh even easier this one I forgot we don't even need to add storage for because it's not actually accessing anything it's just you launch it and that's it so once we have it installed we'll go over to open and this is where you're going to add your indexers so indexers are like your search engine um nzbgeek is probably 95% of what uh my hits actually come back for that are valid and good now it is a paid for service I think it was 60 bucks for a lifetime um and you know a lot of these this is probably the trickiest part so setting up your your thunder news and your use netform your actual downloaders or your um newsn servers is probably easier to to get into than any of these search engines so sometimes they have a weit list or you've got to have a refer a friend um you know the process is the same though so I've got a couple on here that are free and then nzbgeek is my main paid for one um that's absolutely fantastic so to add any of these you click on the add button you can either search for them or you can say you know I just am looking for nzbs and at least this will show you a list of what's available so the majority of the good ones are going to be private so this is probably the hard hardest part um where you're going to have to go out and you're going to have to actually find an indexer um to be able to Ping against like a search engine to to find your content that you're looking for to tell it which articles to download from your uset provider um and I I'm sorry that's about as clear as mud but that's about the best I can do in this section um because everybody's is going to be different so so we'll go into nzbgeek here just to show you uh I'm going to click the edit screen it's got my API blanked out but essentially you'll have a URL that it goes to and you'll have the same kind of thing you'll have that API key that allows it to communicate so you will add that API key you'll name it you'll hit test you'll get that green check mark down there at the bottom that lets you know that everything's going okay and you'll hit save uh again I'm just going to hit cancel here because I've already got these so once you've got an index or at least one um you know you can add these other freebie ones or whatever's free at the time um in that list then all you've got to do is go to your settings and you've got to add apps so this is where I have added my radar instance my radar 4K instance and my Sonar instance so you'll open each one of those and all You' got to do is tell it what server to go to so uh on mine I had to Define what the prowler server was it would always just say Local Host uh but Local Host wasn't working for me on any of these actually had to physically type in the IP of my server with the port here so again my server is on 2930 and this um Prowler is on 9 696 and I had to point to the radar server of 7878 now there's also an API key in radar in sonar in whatever you're connecting um so to get to that you've got to go into your um your general Tab and it'll have the API key in there you'll copy that paste it in here and again you hit that test button at the bottom and uh then save and it'll add it to the list and just so you can see that API key I'm going to go back over to radar again in your settings General you're going to have your API key here and you can click the copy button there and then just paste it back over in your setup of Prowler and that'll allow them to communicate back and forth and it really saves a a lot of time injecting um all of that because these search engines will change over time or these indexers will change over time uh it's just a nice easy way to update all of those all at once okay so now that we're done with Prowler we're getting quite a handful of applications installed you're going to say how am I supposed to remember to get to any of these things and that's where home R comes in so again discover apps search for Home r h a RR install that you need to do absolutely zero to get that up and running um you'll open it and once it opens you kind of get a a beautiful home screen here that's really customizable so you just have to go into the edit mode and then you can either add a tile or I've got all mine already set up here you can edit any of these so you just name it it'll automatically pull uh a PNG image to put on top of the tile now I did notice that it's a little quick so when you are adding a name it wants to sear if you hesitate for a second it'll search um let's just add a new one so we're going to add a name we're going to add radar so if you kind of for a second and you've only got [Music] rad it already picked what it thought was the best icon for that so you may have to eventually go over to appearance and then just clear that out and then type in radar and select one and then it'll give you the right icon um I just it's awesome that it's trying to find you an image super fast I just wish it uh hesitated another half a second second um just because it seems like every single one of mine it was picking the wrong icon unless I could really just super fast type in what the name of it was then your internal and external address you're going to uh essentially copy and paste in from each of your services so you know again mine's 1921 168 2930 colon and then the four-digit or five-digit port number so for each of those you're going to just put that in both locations and then the important part here is you've got to get out of the edit mode um otherwise it won't save any of your changes so you exit the edit mode and you can move these all around everywhere you want um and you'll see you'll have quite a bit of things when we're done with this full install here but it's a nice homepage that you can just immediately go into whatever frontend application you want so if you want to go into something we've already set up like the sonar you just click that it opens up a new tab here um and just shows us exactly what we were what we were looking for you know I've got my wled instances even set up on here so you can do that it'll load you right into the wled uh integration that I have um so it's a really nice nice and easy OneStop shop dashboard uh you no longer have to add bookmarks to all your different stuff you just add one bookmark to your to your Homer dashboard uh so that's a really great integration that I absolutely love okay so now we've got that out of the way let's move over to our media players and I say players plural because I love Plex absolutely love it with the exception that if and when our internet interet goes down I cannot play the media that is sitting right on the floor next to me that drives me absolutely Bonkers so we're going to set up Plex and then we're going to have jelly fin as our emergency backup um you know I've got everything on a a UPS uh including the TV so we could have power outage for four or five hours and everything will be fine and we could still watch TV we could still watch a movie if we want to uh you know we won't be able to pop any popcorn but it's not a totally dead night where we're playing board games under Candlelite uh but I cannot use Plex because it has to authenticate with through the Plex server before it'll let me play My Own darn media so we'll go through we'll do Plex and then jelly fin they're both very very similar so again discover apps you'll search for Plex you hit the install um and everything's going to be fine you will have to get a a claim token from Plex it walk walks you through that um how to add that claim token if you're a Plex pass user um and again the only other thing you've got to do is you've got to add that additional storage so that it can find the media that you've got on your server so this one's a little bass Awards it has Mount path first and then what the host path is but the host path is the same thing we've been setting up for the last 20 minutes here and it's just wherever you're storing that media that we defined in that data set up above so if you're mimicking my flow it's just going to be Mount whatever you called your pool and then whatever you called your data set which I've called media mounted as back SL media in this app so once that's set up uh you can just launch that from the web portal and it'll be your regular Plex login um and credentials jelly fin is handled just about the same exact way so when you are adding your instance of jelly fin you don't need to mess with any of these top settings at all and that's kind of the the benefit of trass versus proxmox that I struggled with for days trying to get everything to work is all you have to do is go in for each and every one of these and add add the additional app storage of your host path with your mounted data set location and then call it back SL media everything else just works so now you've got your Plex and your jelly Fin and you know there's there's more setup involved in those um with having actual counts and and that but once you're in there you just point it towards your TV shows folder your movies folder your music folder whatever you want to set up and and you're good to go in there so next we've got our media requesters so I've got two of those one is called requester and one is called overseer so what requester does is it ties to your Discord account and this is really convenient for quickly requesting new movies or TV shows if if somebody's talking to you at work and you're like oh that sounds really good I want to add that you can pull up Discord on your phone you'd say back slash request TV and then you can add the title of the TV show and it will add it to your instance of sonar or radar so requesters kind of a pain in the butt to set up uh but they've got a really great Wiki that walks you all the way through it so once you have this launched you've got to then add a bot and the whole nine yards um I'm not going to do a step by step on this one just because they have a really good step-by-step Wiki um so I'll post that link down below um overseer is great for family members at home and or and or you I mean I particularly like overseer because it's got a really great um kind of Discovery function that that radar and sonar used to have that worked great but they've been kind of lacking I don't know if it's because overseers does such a good job or what but again same thing you go to discover apps you'll add it um let's check and see if this one needed any extra storage I don't think it did but maybe it did yep so we add um we added that additional app storage host path and we did to the mount Point um and media um and once you launch this it's really just uh a beautiful layout of how you want to add things so there's not much set up on the back end but once it's set up in here that's where you've got to add your services so in overseer you've got to add your default radar and then it actually is smart enough to say hey I know that managing 4K content and regular high def or or standard def content is kind of a pain in the butt I don't want to share any of my 4K content with my with people that's outside of the home just because it's it's larger files um it's a lot of processing power um that I don't want everybody just having free willly access to um full-blown trans codes from 4K down to something that they can watch on their on their phone at the train station or whatever like I don't want people making those terrible decisions and really crushing my server uh to do that so I have them set up for 4K when I am in the house and everything else uh on its own separate dedicated thing and I just kind of limit the access in Plex for that you can do the same thing for some R um and there's again API Keys involved in all of that back and forth um but once you have those set up uh it's a really great flow okay so now that we're talking 4K instance versus traditional instance this is where the majority of my issues were and probably the majority of your issues are if you're kind of following along with this so you can see here we've got the two different port ports we've got 7878 set up for our default and we've got 7879 set up for our 4K so if I click in the edit for these again you're going to need to copy and paste that API key from your particular instance put it in here you'll see that this root folder is defined as media movies if we go into the 4K instance you'll see it's media movies d4k so one once that's set up we've got our two instances of radar so this is my 4K instance and right now I'm looking at the connection to our downloader because this is where it gets tricky because you've got two separate instances of radar both sending files to one instance of Sab and you've got to make sure that it's putting those files in the right folder otherwise you'll have all your content just ending up in your movies folder folder so to do this you've got to name a category so this category movies d4k with no spaces in there has to be the same as is in our Sab category so in the very beginning of this we set up that movies -4k with no spaces as its own separate category and that's what defines what's going where so if we look at our regular instance its category defaulted as movies so that's why we have this separate category of movies so still sending them all to active downloads but our settings in radar then are telling it where to actually save it based on our media management and our root folder path so everything with the category of regular movies is going to get placed back into this movies folder because that's where our media management tab told it on our regular instance and on our 4K instance everything with the movies d4k category is going to go back to our media movies 4K folder if that makes any sense and that's the only thing that differentiates Ates where your files are getting saved and that did take me a hot minute to to figure out and get set up appropriately but if you just kind of mimic my setup you should be good to go in no time now moving back over to overseer which is where we started this beautiful layout so I absolutely love the Discover tab so you can just kind of scroll in here through trending through popular movies through whatever so if if you wanted to add a movie you literally you just you can either click on it or you can click the the request that's right here it'll ask you what profile you want to select it from um I just kind of have the default anything HD as the default here I'm not going to do that because I do want to go into this movie to show you you can click request or request in 4k and the cool part is if you just click regular request yeah I want to request this as kind of a default boom that's already a request you can then request it additionally in 4k and it'll send over to your other instance of radar so now you'll have two different requests one in each instance of radar in your standard high def and in your ultra high def uh if that makes any sense so again you can set up different users and everything for this I just have you know essentially my wife has access to this now where if she wants to add anything she can just search it up in here and add it or if we get bored you can go through and you can scroll U it's cool because you can do by studio um you can do by genre um or you can just type in and find it so it's really great for that discovery of new content um if somebody's bored or or wants to request something um again great inside the home all right now over to one of my favorites and that is photo backups so I originally wanted to be able to do easyish photo backups just because you know I don't want to pay for iCloud photo backups of $5 a month or whatever that's up up to um and even if you do it's nice to have kind of an off-site backup so I was originally looking through and I had set up this photo prism and then I was about to spend $25 on a onetime licensing fee for an app that would push those to photo prism uh and that would have worked just fine I think people are fine with it but I discovered this new one called image IMM I and it is fantastic so same thing you go to search for it add it and then the only difference with this is you're going to need to create a bunch of extra folders on your storage drive so when you get in here I just created a folder called image backups and then I created all of these file folders that it asks for some of them it doesn't let you choose I just didn't clean it up um but essentially it uh it's a photo database so everywhere where you can say um we'll go through here so our our host configuration our host path we have um for the so this is where it got weird so your library storage so this is 0.1 where you've got to Define so I pointed that towards that folder that I created called Library your thumb storage your thumbnail so it's going to create a small thumbnail a large thumbnail and a like a blurred thumbnail for each and every photo that you backup so I have that pointed towards that image backups thumbs profile storage so see how it won't let you do anything here um that's going to be contained in the app so I didn't need that profile folder that I created the video storage it let me select as um as host so I could point that towards that image backups profile [Music] um and the postgress it doesn't let you change so whatever postgress data storage is you just leave that as it was and then you add your additional storage so that you can physically transfer the files from your phone over to to the storage path you want so again I have mine as the mount path of back slos and I pointed that towards the image backups subset so this is where your actual files are going to go once you've got those four or five files defined you can launch it and then go to the App Store and download the companion app for your phone called image and I'll switch cameras over here so you can get a fit feel for what that looks like okay so here's the companion app on my iPhone so you'll have to set up an account through image so it's just an email and a password uh the first time that you physically launch it on your web portal here so you'll pull it up on your web portal and it will say you know create an account so you'll enter your your email and a password as the administrator um then just take note of the the port that it was installed on so this is 3041 and then when you open up your app you'll put in your uh your username your password and then uh you'll sign into the actual server so once that's up and running you can go to the top right icon there which is backup and from here you'll select the album that you want to backup so you will hit select say recent or whatever you physically want to back up and then it'll automatically do its thing you know so here's my wife at a dentist there's some some food there's the Fire and Ice Festival with our kids and you'll see the icon will change to the cloud with a check mark on it as it actually backed up so you can go in and you can tell it to uh to back up when it is um idle when it's charging um in the background in the foreground um all sorts of fun settings so if you go into settings so I've got it to automatic foreground backup is on and automatic background backup is on only one it's on Wi-Fi um you can say only when charging so if you wanted to you know hey I'm just going to leave this app open in the background obviously but then every time I put my phone on the charger uh at night it'll do its background thing and it'll do it then um so it's it's really nice the way that it just kind of functions and the kind of the search functions are fantastic so I'm going to switch back over to the the web portal version just to show you some of the features there all right so here we are back in the web portal uh so you can see it categorizes everything kind of on a timeline just like Google photos does so you can go back in time uh at any point in which you want then you can go explore you know and it has it identifies people through its facial recognition so you've got to go through and you got to name some people but then it'll kind of bundle them all together it pulls out places so if I wanted to go back to Bethany Beach here and relive the first time that my son saw boobs uh we can do that um it's really cool you can then go to the map and you can see you know all of the places where you're taking photos so you can see you know I'm in Central PA so the majority of my photos are boom Central PA but you can see how cool you know you're down in the Dominican Republic you were over in uh Louisiana here oh you were up in Vermont oh you were over in Connecticut or wherever that was uh you can see and you can kind of zoom in just like you can on anything else so it's it's really neat um it pulls over all your albums all your favorites um and again you can you can Trash stuff on here it gives you your storage gauge uh another cool thing you can go over to Administration and you can see your users and you can all lot them a quota so you know I gave my wife uh a 4 terabyte quota which may or may not be enough for her she takes a lot of pictures uh so we'll see uh but it is some nice features and it'll keep everyone's data separate you can tell if it's got any jobs running in the background so you can see when it's generating thumbnails doing the Met data um doing the face detection so as we were uploading 10,000 pictures yesterday uh you know the server was going nuts it was doing all sorts of its uh fun activities um but it even converts your your live images into little movie clips and a bass photo so you can still view the bass photo and then you can hover over it and it'll still play the movie clip um you know because not everything has that same functionality that uh that iPhone does with its heic compression All That Jazz so it does all the work in the background to make this as flexible as possible so this was the the the best find uh for our use case and the one that I am most excited about is this image software and it seems to be very very intensely updated so I mean it's I've had it up and running for three or 4 days now and it's it's getting a new update constantly and they're they're always adding stuff um so I'm really excited to see that it's it's highly supported under under vigorous development and it's only going to get better uh so that's my key find of the of This Server build okay now that we've got that covered let's go back for our last little bit and that is going to be tail scale so tail scale is a really unique I'm going to call it a VPN I don't know exactly how it works um but it's free and it gives you secure access to your server so uh it's super quick and easy to set up if you follow this so I struggled with this a little bit had to watch a couple of videos so I'm going to put this all in one place for you here when you are installing your instance of tail scale there's an key that you have to get from the physical tail scale web page uh so you'll copy and paste that in there once you set up your account give it a host name the route so my network is 1921 16829 and my router is at one you know like everybody's is you got to do whatever your beginning of your of your IP address is0 and then do a forward sl24 and that essentially says you're going to open it up to everything that's on that Network you've then got to select authorize exit node and user space so this will allow you to when you are on your phone you'll pull it up and you'll it'll act like you are actually here and you can access all of your apps um so you can access your radar dashboard your Sona dashboard your h r dashboard whatever you want to look at you'll be able to be just like your at home uh without having to risk exposing anything uh through port forwarding or any of that crap um it just works Flawless so once you've got those two checked and you make sure your IP address is correct um come down here there's one more check boox you've got to check host Network and that's what really ties it back uh even though if you click the little question mark here it says not to do it you have to do it um otherwise it won't act like you are on the network with your phone um hit save and then I'll bring you guys over to the actual their web page uh so we'll go over what to do there okay once you're on tailscale decom and you are logged in to your admin portal you'll see your true nass scale instance I don't know if I've got to blur out these addresses but I I am anyway whatever um you'll see if you did everything right it'll say subnets and exit node you've got to go over to the little Kebab menu over here and you've got to hit uh edit route settings and then you've just got to make sure that you select those to use as an exit node and to hit those subnet routes so you'll hit save and then those little exclamation marks will go away next to exit node and and subnets and you can see here I've got my my phone authorized as well and uh it's not showing up as connected because I'm not currently on the VPN um but I will switch over to my phone so you can see what that app looks like and um how easy it is to to physically connect so here you can see It'll walk you through the setup it'll make you do the VPN settings and all that jazz um but it's a really straightforward um you just authorize it it'll set up the VPN and then to connect it once you in the tail Scale app it literally is just to Ling on that button on the top left to connect to your VPN um and if you can see up at the top I've got my Wi-Fi off so you know that I am on the cellular network you can see my trest scale instance and my phone are active there so now in order to connect to this if you copy that IP address and paste it in there you can see I can connect to my tress so if you want to log in here we are we are logged in and it's just like I'm sitting at home you can then go to app app s it will pull your application list just like I'm at home um you know if we wanted to go to our Homer dashboard boom just like I'm at home you can sign in do everything just like you are at home uh but you can be anywhere in the world through VPN so that's going to open up a lot of possibilities and again you don't have to worry about exposing everything to the internet so I'm not an expert on this I don't expect a lot of you are I'm sure there's a ton of people out there that are way smarter than me that'll tell me I shouldn't post certain numbers here so I'm going to try to block everything out as best I can um but it just gets everything to work without having to open up your entire network uh to vulnerabilities there so that concludes this walk through of my server again it took me probably I want to say under 3 hours um to get this thing set up from writing the dis image onto a USB drive to physically up and running with a lot of these Services now of course there was some tinkering in there but if you follow this guide you should be able to do it I don't know hour hour and a half um just to get everything functioning uh and I think that this is going to be the loose the use case for a lot of people you're going to want you be able to have your network attached storage and you're going to want at least some some of these Services here you might not want every single service that is on my list but at least now you can have your photo backups or you can have your Plex or your basic radar and sonar um set up um but with this this is kind of everything that I need this server to do and it was just far far easier on trass than anything else I've ever used so I've been using tress for a while uh you know back when they called Everything jails so I switched from jails to containers to now it's kubernetes I don't even I don't even want to know I don't even want to look into it because I don't have to anymore they have taken this to the level of it's It's iPhone easy uh to be able to compare it to anything uh it literally is install the apps assign the storage is probably the hardest part but once you understand what's going on there it's not that hard uh and everything just works so hope you guys found some value in there if there's anything else you want me to touch base on or hit a little bit more in depth please let me know um until next time like And subscribe thanks guys appreciate you
Channel: Randy's Random Hobbies
Views: 18,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Radarr, Sonarr, lidarr, prowlarr, sabnzbd, usenet, immich, photo backup, homelab, server, truenas, overseerr, homearr
Id: rNp4jlzdSg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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