Build the Ultimate Library | TRaSH Guides & Notifiarr | Custom Formats

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hi guys and welcome back  to another ibra corp video thanks for coming back and checking out the  channel today it's a pleasure to have you here   as usual in today's video we're going to  be talking about custom formats in radar   and the reason why we're going to look at custom  formats is because we really want to fine-tune   our libraries you might already be using radar  you might have been using it for years like myself   and you've come across trash guides or you  haven't yet and you want to know more about it   and why you should be using trash's guides as  well as a hard linking video in the past which   i'll put down in the description for you and if  you already have radar running and you're using   a couple of tips and tricks from trash and from  us here at ibracorp and uh you just want to be   able to optimize your playback for your media  servers this is going to be the video for you   in addition we're also going to be  showing you how to automate this process   using notifier now we haven't brought up notifier  yet it's been on our list for a long time   the developer of notifier is with us in ibracorp  nitsuwa and his hard work on this app is   absolutely phenomenal so we're going to give you  a scratch of the surface of what notifier can do   and how we can use it to automate with  trash guide so that we can really have   a let's say another automation level  on top of our already automated library   if you want better playback better compatibility  more specific formatting of the content you get   and trying to eliminate things that you know  just don't work for your setup or for your   clients if you have family or friends using your  plex for example this is going to be the video   for you and i really hope you guys enjoy it so  stick around and let's just get stuck into it so guys we've worked together with trash  to bring this video together for you today   and a big thank you to him uh and nichiwa for  working with us on getting the topic out for   you guys in the community as part of our team  meeting yesterday we discussed that we really   want to try and focus on our community developers  who are working really hard to put stuff out there   for you guys and they do that in their  own time and volunteer their own time   so please at any point if you think that either  the trash guides or the notifier application   are suitable for you and you're happy with how  they work and what they do be sure to support   them for their hard work you can find links to  support either of them on the notifier website   and on the trash guides website as well there are  also perks that come along for supporting them if   you so choose so be sure to really take a look at  what you get for it it's really really cool and   again really worth your time to invest in so you  might be here wondering what are custom formats   what do i need to use the first thing i'm going  to say is there's no amount of videos that we can   do that is going to cover what each and every  single custom format can do and the reason is   in discussion with trash himself is that it's  really subjective what you might want for your   media setup could be completely different to  somebody else and on top of that it changes all   the time terminology changes all the time filters  change all the time all that sort of stuff so what   we're going to show you is what are custom formats  how do we use a couple of those custom formats   and why we would use them and then it really  comes down to you taking that methodology going   to the written guides on trash's website here so  trash hyphen guides dot info and applying your own   sort of critical thinking to what you would need  so this will hopefully give you the talk here   to understand how to use them why to use them and  then you can figure out exactly what you actually   want to use so as i said here on the website we  are going under radar and then we have collection   of custom formats but right above that we also  have how to import custom formats how to update   them and how to set them up so let's go to how to  set them up to start off with and it's going to   give you a little bit of a description here there  isn't a best score set up being that everyone has   their own personal preferences so again really  important we take that in do you prefer high   quality audio do you have a 5.1 surround sound  setup ideally then you would want 5.1 surround   sound media do you prefer you know high quality  encodes or whatever the case might be that's   why it's really important that you assess what  actually works for you so here trash has tried   to explain a couple of personal used examples  so the basics is we're going to explain where to   set up the custom formats after you've added them  so in radar if you don't know if you're in radar   go to the left hand side in the settings and  you've got custom formats in there you've   also got the profiles so the way it works is you  have a profile right now you would already have   let's say any or blu-ray or whatever the case  might be and then you can create custom formats   now those custom formats will actually then apply  to the profiles so what we can do is actually set   what's known as scoring so we can say if the video  is 5.1 i want you to give that 100 points however   if the video is from this particular source i want  you to give it negative a thousand points radar   will then calculate all that obviously and will  be able to say okay we found five videos and all   those five videos two of them are worth 200 points  one is worth 100 points one is worth 50 points for   example it's gonna go ahead and pick the one with  the higher score because it meets more of your   requirements due to the custom formats so as you  can see what this is going to do is really fine   tune exactly what we collect we can also obviously  use that for when we want to upgrade from the   minimum custom format score so we can say you  know at the minimum i want you to reach this score   for the media and stop at this limit now the  logic is all explained here really well by trash   so we don't want to take up too much time doing  this in the video because we want to focus on   the methodology so please make stuff familiar  with it it's really important to understand   how this all works so under here under examples  we have releases you should avoid so for example   this is a must-have for every quality profile in  trash's opinion all these custom formats make sure   you don't get low quality releases so if we expand  that here's the scoring that i was saying so the   custom format he has uh br disc one okay if we go  into the collection of custom formats just here   we have all of these here written out for us  and here's the index to make it look a little   bit easier to read so if we go into misc here we  can see we have a couple of different ones here   we also have unwanted so br disc is one of  them and if you expand that you can have a   closer read on what it's doing how it works and  what the recommended scoring is the settings   and this is where notify is going to come in  handy for us at the moment we have we can do this   manually anytime we want okay we can import these  to radar by simply copying them just like this and   then if i go to radar here we are in radar we go  to settings custom formats we can click the plus   we click on import we paste what we copied and we  click on import and that basically just imports   that code and it gives us the custom profile easy  as that click save done right so if we go ahead   and click save we now have these custom formats  now just ignore all these other ones i'll get to   them when we get to notifier but we have br disk  here now if we go to our profiles here's a quality   profile 1080p okay i look for blu-ray and i want  it max at 1080. i don't really do much 4k on my   home server so under here we have the formatting  and the scoring now you can see the ones from   notifier here have the scoring already put in  for us at negative 10 000. and if we go back to   the guide that's what trash recommends for the br  disc one for example and this is the one that i   just added so i haven't actually set a score on it  these ones are synchronized with notifier notifier   synchronizes with trash guides official guides  so then we don't have to worry about that i will   add the trash guides sync function of notifier  is for supporters only so you can do a one-time   donation or an ongoing donation and you'll be  able to get those features out of notifier and   i really recommend you do help support the project  it's really fantastic app so we have br disk and   we're saying with br disk it's worth negative 10  000 points so even if we had another one so let's   go ahead and add another one and let's go for one  that we reckon actually is worth more so something   that we really actually enjoy that we really want  we could basically say under audio or under movie   versions or any of these headers for example let's  say we really like hbo max for whatever reason   let's click on hbo max we'll expand that there's  a little written description then we have our code   let's copy that and we come back to radar and we  go to our custom formats we click plus we import   that again we click import it's taken in our name  hbo max we click on save so now we have this one   here called hbo max let's go back to our profiles  we go into 1080 that's the profile we wanted on   and we've got hbo max here so by default it's  zero but let's say i want to give that 200 points you can see it's automatically  pushed it to the top and we'll say   let's say this br disk it wouldn't really  make sense because we already have one here   with the exact same details but let's  just say for example this was something   else we'll say 50 points the radar  will assess that and it will say   okay i found five releases two of them are hbo max  that's worth 200 points then we have brdisk is 50.   so it will say well i've got 200 points here this  is worth more i'm gonna pick this release you can   see how that can really pay off we're looking  for very specific files or media information   now let's just eliminate this we'll put this  back to zero we'll click save we'll go back to   the custom formats and i'm actually just going  to remove these ones because they are duplicates   it will delete these ones and when you go  to the collection of custom formats this is   available to everyone by the way if you are  a supporter of trash and you donate to him   you actually get access to a couple of different  formats as well through their discord uh   server so be sure to look at that if you do end up  supporting trash have a look at the perks you get   you can get some more customized profiles and  things like that but the custom formats that are   available for everyone now are already fantastic  and i highly recommend you do support him for that   so if we come down you have a whole collection  of things now after speaking with trash one of   the most common things that happens is people  stumble across the page they've read the guides   they've you know now want to look at custom  formats to really optimize their media libraries   they add everything that is definitely not  recommended if you do that you're going to be   in a lot of trouble because certain profiles will  do certain things and depending on your setup it's   going to really impact it so let's say for example  we've got 264 and 265 here profiles let's let's go   down to them and if we expand the description is  written here if you want maximum compatibility   and have much better direct play support then use  264 for 720 and 1080. under 265 you'll see please   don't forget to read the following if we click  on that there's a little bit more explanation   so it's a shame that most 265 releases or use the  264 source what results in low quality releases so   it gives a good example and his golden rule is 720  to 1080 go for 264 and 4k go for 265. and you can   look into that as much as you want whatever your  personal preference is but that's just an example   of why we really need to focus on what profiles  we're getting don't just grab everything and you   can see exactly what he says in the description  as well so make sure that we're matching the   scoring because that scoring will really judge  how radar uh decides which releases to grab so   i can tell you guys from personal experience  i actually put off looking at custom formats   for years up until only a couple of weeks ago and  the reason is i thought it personally was very   overwhelming and i thought it was for really media  aficionados who really want a specific format just   for their you know entertainment value but i was  obviously wrong there's actually a lot of reasons   why you want to look at custom formats and i'm  hopefully we're answering that question for you   today so even though you might be overwhelmed with  all this stuff all these different profiles you   could use you're not going to need all of them and  the explanation behind them all is different so   pick one that you might be interested in and see  what it will do so like this one here for unwanted   if we click on 265 this specifically will  stop getting 265 encodes or 720 1080p quality   now that's perfect because we then don't have  to worry about doing that manually we'll allow   radar to filter that out for us so that's a brief  explanation of the custom formats what i'm going   to do now is show you notifier and we're going  to show you how we can integrate that keep in   mind again this is uh that the trash sync feature  is for donators only however notifier has over 30   integrations and it can do many different things  so currently i'm inside of notifier right now and   to get to this it's spelt  like this n o t i f i a double r dot com   and it will take you to the main dashboard page i  guess you could say if you don't have an account   obviously create an account sign in and you'll be  on the same screen that we are the only exception   is we have obviously the patron supporter account  and so yours may look different here and there   just keep that in mind that once you do pay as a  supporter you will unlock other features as well   now there's instructions to do that under the  support project link if you just click on that   there's also instructions here to make sure you  get the right perks uh and if you have any trouble   be sure to join their discord as well now under  integration setup you might be overwhelmed with   how much is in and something you should really  understand is this may not be useful for everyone   but notifier honestly is one of the baseline apps  that we should have been covering a long time ago   and it took us a while to get to it sorry  nitsua so on the integration page if we go   to manage integrations you can see we've  got there's 35 integrations available   and as you scroll through you'll see exactly how  many there are that you could be using right now   for your self-hosted setup and again a big win to  us self-hosters so you've got almost every media   server here media server apps and companion apps  and and automation apps and everything like that   it's in here you've got plex meta manager  you've got uh qbit you've got prowler   radar reddit everything and you can have it  send you notifications to your discord server   have summaries sent to your discord server there  are so many things it can do so in the interest   of not overwhelming you only going to show you the  trash guides section for today and if you guys are   interested let us know in the comments we'd love  to cover more of notifier and we will in future   but if there's anything specifically you actually  want to guide on drop it in the comments and let   us know we'd love to know about it you can also  join our discord and let us know there so like i   said the first thing you do is go to  make an account and then grab your api key if you   don't know where that is you just click on your  name here and it'll take you to your profile   and it will give you an api key here the  next thing to do is back on your server   there are a lot of things that you can  get away with without needing the client   which is the docker container that runs on your  server end you can get away with a lot without   needing the client and it's all described on the  website so on for example we've got   manage integrations and then underneath here it  will tell you whether the client is required so   for all these things where it says client required  no you can use it without having to run the client   on your server although i still recommend you do  it anyway it doesn't take much to do and having   it run will have it expanded ready to go when you  want to use those other features now in today's   video we're going to show you with docker compos  the same is equivalent when using a container   on the ca store in unraid nothing's going to  be really different so just match what we're   seeing here in terms of docker compose variables  and move them over into your container variable   there's nothing too special we've got our ports  here we've also got the volume that we're mapping   it to now guys we just did a docker compost video  a couple weeks ago so make sure you watch that   if you don't know how docker compost works it's  all explained in there we have our volumes here   and we also have our labels for traffic which we  always encourage a couple of environment variables   the network we want it to run on and that's about  it once you start that up it'll be available on   five four five four now there's two ways you can  do this you can expose the ports using expose   which we explain in docker compost video or we  can just actually forward the ports out at five   four five four which is what we've done here i  then set up port forwarding in my router just to   make sure that i can always get through now once  you've created the compost file on your server   go ahead and docker compose up so bring up that  file and get notifier installed and running   once it's running it will create a  file and will likely stop itself or it'll just   you know error in the logs until you correct it so  in the file that it creates notifier.conf and guys   again if you're wondering what we're using here to  do all this editing we're using code server which   we covered in a video as well highly recommend it  makes work like this so much easier than working   in the terminal so we've got the api key pasted  our api key here between these quotation marks we   scroll down and you'll see stuff that is commented  out you just have to basically set it up the way   you want to set it up now if i come down to the  star settings you can see that we've got prowler   radar and sonar uncommented if you wanted to use  anything else you've got lidar here for example   in code server control and then forward slash will  uncomment it or comment it and just highlight the   lot and do it that way and basically fill  it out so for parallel we've got prowler   we've got our url because it's running locally  and it's on the same custom docker network   we can just refer to the container name and the  port that it uses we then also put the api key   from each app in there as well so that gives us  our sonar radar and prowler i don't use reader or   lighter under our download client configs we also  have nzbd so i've put that in there as well for   myself if you guys are using qb or deluge do the  same here as well now for the trash guides side   of things we don't really need this but i'm doing  it anyway because we're here in the file we might   as well set it up the same applies for all these  other integrations as well so if you're using plex   go ahead and do the plex stuff i haven't done  it yet myself i still need to do it but we can   uncomment that and fill out plex as well we've  got tortoli settings here we can uncomment those   you've got mysql snapshots service checks that you  can work on as well so much honestly it's such an   amazing application but for the purpose of what  we want we definitely want to make sure radar and   sonar are set up in here now once you've set that  all up docker compost down or pull it again and   start it up again get the container running with  all these new variables and you should be right   to go now if you're looking at your docker logs  always make sure you're checking the container   logs and if it all looks good you're right to go  if you're seeing issues with it communicating out   obviously just make sure that it can communicate  out if you're using orthelia for example over the   top make sure you've got bypasses in place for the  api to connect and the other thing that you will   need to do if you're using cloudflare so if you  are using cloudflare the other thing you'll need   to do is add in a web application firewall rule  so under security waf go under here and create a   rule you're allowed to create up to five on the  free account we give it a name of notifier user   agent equals notifier and we're then allowing  that through so go ahead and click save and   that will should allow any communication to happen  without being blocked by cloudflare now depending   how everything else went you should be ready  to start setting up the trash synchronization   so in our starting up the client we sign into the  website and then we need to go to media requests   now even if you're not going to be using media  requests we do need to actually set this up now   if that's all working fine so far we then want to  go to the notifier client configuration so let's   click on that and once you open that up this is  basically it talking back to the client which   we're running on our server you can see the uptime  that that's been up how long it's been connected   for the last synchronization etc and underneath  that we have the connection and you can see here   this is required for things such as dashboard  channel stats trash sync plex notifications media   requests etc there's also a wiki link so make sure  you read that if you're not too sure it gives a   little bit more explanation as well but basically  here you can put if you're using a domain name and   it's accessible you can put the domain with  the port number of the notifier container   or whatever the case might be now my scenario i've  actually got a static ip so i just use the ip and   the port number then you click this little icon  and if it's green like it is here you're right to   go if it's red it's unable to connect so you'll  have to do some troubleshooting that might mean   that your port forwarding notifier in your router  uh making sure that that's accessible whatever the   case might be and once you've got the green light  keep in mind guys it's not my real ip address   it's just a little placeholder i put in there once  you've got the green light you go down and you'll   see all these options here now if you don't see  these options or they're different like i said   trashsync is a supporter product so only donators  will probably see that but under trashsync we can   set the interval for how often we want that to  sink so we've got 15 30 45 one hour or completely   disable it i've set that to 15 minutes i like it  hot off the plate as soon as trash finishes his   hard long day working and he gets home and he does  a little edit and he posts it i want it 15 minutes   later i just can't wait and uh same goes for all  these other ones as well so you can synchronize   radar and sonar for example now with that all  done that's looking good we can also trigger a   client scan if we want by just clicking underneath  you know which service we want it to check for   so currently these are disabled as you can  see but we can just click it on now you'll   see trash guides now you won't see that straight  away because we haven't set that integration up   under manage integrations we simply click that  here's our massive list of integrations that   are supported and we scroll down and we see  trash guides here this will keep your sonar   release profiles and radar custom formats  plus scores in sync with trash guides we just   select that to on and once we close it you should  see it here go ahead and click the little cog icon   and it's going to expand this now if you don't see  these bottom three then the connection step that   we just showed you before this didn't work and you  need to make sure that that's working once you do   make sure it's working these three options will  show up underneath you also have some other stuff   here as well and um it's an important explanation  of what's going on now one thing i didn't mention   is that if you're already using trash's custom  formats you're actually better off removing them   completely and then running it through here if  you're choosing to do it via notifier this has   been advice given to me by nitsua as well as trash  it's just better that way so make sure you remove   them from your current server that you've done  manually and let it be managed by notifier however   notify it does have the smarts to detect that the  custom format already exists and will sync it or   it's it's detected that something similar is there  but needs um to be matched up manually but just to   make your life easier why not just remove them  and then run it through here so then underneath   all this we have custom formats again everything  we just saw on his website we also see two check   boxes one is to sync the trash custom format names  and the other is to sync the condition names the   reason for that is if you don't do it and this  was explained to me by trash if you don't do   it it may come through with all these hyphenated  dash notifier names on them and that could cause   problems for you um processing data or anything  like that so you're better off checking those   boxes making sure they match exactly what's on  the website aka it'll be true hd atmos and then   have a look and really try and understand exactly  what these are doing and whether they're the ones   for you okay now this particular panel inside  of notifier doesn't explain them which is why   you really need to read them on trash's website or  join his discord in order to get more information   about something and how it works so here we have  the audio channels we have all the stuff that we   just saw i'm going to go down a little bit you  can see here these ones are green now that means   we set up this radar server okay this radar  has a server going radar1 and they're green   now we have the toggle so we set them to on and  as soon as we do that it will synchronize it   so let's say this one here obfuscated again this  may not apply to you we have 265 for 720 1080p   now i've read the description of that i understand  what it's going to do i understand that it   is going to be suitable for my media setup so  i'm going to synchronize that i'm going to go   ahead and check that to on and that will now  synchronize so if we go back to radar now and we   simply refresh the page you can see that the 265  is now synchronized let's click on that and we can   see that it's pulled everything through for us now  let's go to profiles and under profiles we'll open   that up here's that custom format but it's got a  score of zero that is where the next part comes in   so let's go back to notifier again i've closed up  the custom formats tab and we open up the profiles   and scores tab so let's open that and here we  have our radar instance so let's pick a profile   1080p is our profile it's going to give you what  your score currently is and what trash's score is   you can see our current score is zero for that  custom format but we do want it to be in sync so   let's either check that here or we can just simply  check the top here and click on save score sync   done now that's done let's go back to  radar again and i'm simply going to   refresh this now open it up and sure enough we now  have our score back in again and now it will stay   in sync so if trash decides to change that down  the track that will automatically synchronize   for us how good is that honestly how awesome  is that so now i can be confident knowing that   i will just grab 1080p content or 720p content in  264 encode which will hopefully make sure that i   get as much direct plays as possible and and as  little transcoding as possible at the same time   now you can imagine if you set up a brand  new library you've got no content at all   you've got a brand new library going  you only want to grab certain things   is going to help you so much considering the price  of hard drive space storage space cpu power all   of those internet bandwidth all of those things  in between this is going to really give you the   maximum output and really fine tune what you're  grabbing i think we've all been there if you've   you know been with this game for a while you know  that you can end up with some really really really   bad content um you know sometimes you've got 60  gig files when you could easily get something at   30 gig with the same quality and better playback  but all those things come from experience and   someone like trash who spends all his time doing  that specific task really pays off and there's a   reason why we really want to support people like  that as well as notifier of course because to be   able to automatically synchronize that stuff and  not require you to stay on top of it all the time   is a really really important perk so we showed  you radar and we showed you the profiles and   scores now sonar does not have custom formats  at this time but they do have release profiles   as well so if we come down here under sonar you  can synchronize the profile and the scores so low   quality groups peer-to-peer all this stuff is  explained on trash's website so make sure you   read up on them and see whether they apply  for you as well one more thing one final thing   under custom formats again under radar if we  expand that and we scroll down to the bottom   under patron testing you'll see this here it says  they're not publicly posted for everyone to use   with that being said if you use them and need  support you do not use the normal support channel   there's a special channel set up for those who  are using these profiles now these profiles are   very specially built and they achieve very  special tasks if you want maximum playback   maximum compatibility for example some of these  profiles are the ones you'll be looking for but   again they're for patron supporters but hey buy  the man of coffee buy a nitsy or a coffee get on   board with it not gonna cost you much and honestly  it's gonna revolutionize your library so highly   recommend you do that read up on them as well  um to get more information about these you'll   need to join trash's discord and and chat about it  there you can also join our discord as well trash   is a community leader with us on ibracorp and  if it's an initial question something you might   need to know related to the video today as well as  trash guides join us as well and we'll refer you   one of course if it's more specialized for this  topic so guys i hope you enjoyed that i know it's   an interesting topic to cover and there's certain  ways that we have to do the video i hope you'll   understand what i'm saying where it's just a  little bit safer to show you certain things   without showing you certain things if you know  what i'm getting at so if you're interested in   more information that isn't necessarily shown  in the video that we can't put on youtube join   us in discord and let us have a chat about it and  we'll be more than happy to help you again we have   trash there as well and we also have nichiwa there  as well and a big thank you to both of them for   working with us for today's video we can't wait  to help support projects like that again in the   future if you want to optimize your library and  you want to get the best possible bang for buck   make sure you sign up become a supporter and help  support us as well if you can on our website to   help us get more content like this out to you a  like and subscribe goes a long way too thanks guys   i hope you enjoyed today's video and we can't  wait to see you in the next ibra corp video you
Views: 75,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, radarr, radarr setup, radarr and sonarr plex, radarr unraid, radarr sonarr, radarr docker, radarr plex, radarr sonarr jackett, radarr lists, sonarr, sonarr setup, sonarr and radarr, sonarr radarr jackett plex, sonarr unraid, sonarr plex setup, sonarr plex, sonarr docker, sonarr tutorial, notifiarr, notifiarr setup, trash guides, trash guides sonarr, trash guides radarr, trash guides unraid, trash guides anime, trash guides docker, custom formats
Id: DCxU3Vzaz6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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