The most SATISFYING game we ever played!

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[Music] hello everyone we are crew and welcome to unpacking a super aesthetic game about well the title says it all unpacking unpacking what are we unpacking our feelings we are going to be super satisfied just stuff why don't we just leave in the box because that's too much no lunar no rainbow we are unpacking a bunch of stuff because we're moving in hurry up i want to move in resume the game um i guess this book belongs to crew crew let's go oh removing it well let's see this new place 1997. that's the year lunar was born and that's the year i wasn't born i guess you're not here bye can you actually leave rocco's stopping dramatic let's unpack is this draco from the future which box should we unpack first this one the small box yeah fine here let's see what's in it it's fragile a book it's a bear ball just store it like this we have to face no you should start flat on its face why like seeable yeah no idea such a cursed way to start and leave that frog on the floor oh my gosh can we not pack it up please i have an idea for the frog can you put it in the corner and face his butt out towards everyone that's true everyone deserves to see froggy butt oh a little superhero where would a toy go right here i think to unpack properly we must first empty the box so i think you should just throw everything everywhere that's true that's true no guys that's not aesthetic at all please what do you mean then how are you gonna know where to put it put that troll on the floor so it scares someone okay fine it'll go right here i don't i'm not sure if we're unpacking or just making a mess yeah how'd you know i'm right here rainbow look at me leave it on the bed leave it on the bed wait oh right there oh look under the pillow it doesn't work fine close it fine stays there there's a lot of toys what do we do with all of this duck whoa pig oh that's really cute but but no face it's blood out rainfall there there we go all right someone's a fan of the pig i see oh music nice oh my gosh you guys are making a mess in here gold hates this this is super curious to go open the shell i think gold's going to faint guys are you really going to stack books like that this is like draco's fault no we have to fix it you got to see you got to see this thank you oh okay golden rainbow will unpack this box i'm going to place the soccer ball right there between the bed to keep it lunar backpack this is literally a purple people room that's so true i was only one at the time okay a soccer trophy uh anybody's ocd kicking in can you actually have a show so i don't know what's near the window it's too messy oh yeah for storage yeah story in the ghost should we just hide these toys there's too much toys yeah but you gotta show off your toys clothes no toys oh it's a journal no no you gotta hide it you gotta hide it under your pillow oh you're right ah it's just a hundred good idea oh that's smart who hides their journals under their pillow everyone everything in the show more books whoa look at this picture kind of cute right here here yeah this seems really tall it's fine they can look up oh there's money piggy bank you gotta hide the piggy bank i don't know yeah hide it hide it somewhere see how much stuff could we stick under the pillow oh oh that doesn't seem safe yes no one will ever know more i don't like that toy what the heck rainbow oh rubix and the rubik's cube put it away too i don't like that so oh my god any toy that rainbow hates she'll put it away in the trash i feel like trash can should go right here tamagotchi she put the tamagotchi in the trash tracker why no it's all like are you gonna take care of it anyways that's how you feel about tamagotchis i mean so far this place kind of looks like a clutter mess checkers put checkers away too oh what the wow rainbow hates everything rainbow other shelf other shelf it's just not fitting the room at all you know like no this is like like yeah sometimes you know you just have too much stuff and you gotta put it away this is a lot of books i love the sound of the placement oh oh oh yes that's where everything goes oh my gosh this game kind of explains how messy we are in real life let's just close this yeah it should be a guy just stick everything in the shell this is testing our skills our organization skills yeah and we oh oh that's right but what a poster unroll it oh cute where did she go oh i feel like yeah right there we're up here we'll make a gallery up there and then put the horse art up there too oh yeah that's cute oh nice all around more books see facebook a game boy oh a game boy game boys have to be out here to flex no why we gotta flex it yeah let's put it out here more toys boys i guess on the bed right oh wait yeah you should buy a hole yeah yeah you got to show their butts books oh a polaroid nice fine ah they should go on the shelf i feel like we placed these wrong guys yeah remove some of the stuffies why there's too many butts there we go i'll put the two plushies at the bottom i guess we could place them like this it doesn't fit this plush is too big you know what but onto the bed you go yeah i love this dragon needs to show the butt too really scared me i love them yeah can we put that in the shelf why don't we put the troll doll in the shelf no because it deserves to be out here there's this little doll behind the piggy painting really like oh like this like that like you can see it's little hair just sticking out the back we're just hiding we have jump rope i guess put it in there oh that's it oh it's full okay um this is okay can we put our backpacks next to our chair like they're saying it's bad dangerous fine no oh no this looks like i don't know how i feel about this guys are they going to rank us now you left that whole bottom shelf empty oh yeah what are we putting at the bottom shelf what's going on other rooms to unpack no no no you have to be space efficient you got to use every space of fine are you happy there yes there and soccer ball this looks so empty now you know what this is close enough are you ready for a race it's okay this is our first try this is our first time is that four stars is that good what does that mean like this one star i feel like we could do better finally my own room i think oh we can see we did [Music] not bad not bad okay let's go to the next story [Music] 2004 i'm now born how old are you now draco i don't want no actually okay for this one let's actually make an aesthetic okay okay fine this is an old computer what is that a poster that's a poster poster yeah it's a poster oh i'm assuming um this is one of those hang everywhere posters we're in college now yeah and now books books on the bookshelf we have to make a bookshelf this time okay don't worry as an artist i know where lunar puts it wait like realistically is that martial yeah like realistically yeah yeah let's do it no no no i put markers in the closet drawer you got that wrong now okay i'm sorry okay for some reason the markers go in the closet for yeah and where your pens right here they're also on the floor aren't they no no they're right there actually they're way they're way above the closet like they're on the and it does have a lot of books oh these are dvds oh it's a mouse mouse okay wow do you remember what computers look like this mouse pad what is that oh the mouse pad you have to put the markers on the highest shelf in the closet that's where she puts hers yeah luna yeah is that realistic for you yeah yeah definitely yeah um picture frame this is definitely luna's room apart oh still the piggy plush though wait why do we have a toothbrush uh oh what toothpaste okay now i'm quite confused i don't know yeah it's a one-room dorm so everything just fits in the same place i feel like you would just put it in here right like in the drawer so you don't lose it yeah this is cool this is that goes right above the closet too no you leave yours on the shelf wait is it dabbing highest part oh nice so we got a lot of books we'll just dabbing wasn't even invented in that time it wasn't it's just it's time to organize clothes this is really awesome go ahead and leave that outside you could uh and unfold to the pants too just leave it up can you unfold them can we hang them up no why is there laughing it's because it's true luna will put them in the drawer don't go in the drawers don't go in the drawer purple shoes i swear this is luna's room it's an artist's room oh heart this is cool she uses your big bag go under your desk everywhere so yeah i can't there's too much stuff this is literally like lunar i cannot i can't deal with this where's the other shoe oh oh i'm just gonna i'll put this on stick that in a that's so true poster and a poster let's close this drawer up okay this is definitely a vibe room game boy no no put that on her bed oh yeah she always has her switch on her bed she really got carry these teddy bears everywhere huh naturally you have to eraser what though can you go ahead and throw that on there because she doesn't need an eraser no she would leave this in the closet right lunar lunar yeah thank you clena doesn't know what that is ah final shirt no funny don't hang those just leave them on there leave them or oh i'm not that sloppy rainbow can you stack of the jeans you're telling me if i go upstairs right now your clothes are going to be all hanged up there some of them okay it's like half and half oh there you go funko pops go on her shelves or windows yup that's true soccer ball soccer ball very important i don't even play soccer wait her sketchbooks go under her desk yeah that's true okay no we're not going to follow lunar's lore exactly let's let's be neat okay let's put this there what is this socks sock get in some socks off oh it fits socks oh wow look at that socks oh how neat it fits neatly hold our socks like that those are underwears they're socks they're socks wait the toaster should go beside the computer electronics i literally keep saying it's underwear and you guys like socks it looks like socks what are you doing there's socks section no no one answer that question then what's that what is this huh i think that's underwear and then that's all why is this aesthetic game tearing us apart guys this is supposed to be about teamwork yeah you said it was supposed to be peaceful aesthetic uh-huh oh now it's soft this is definitely peaceful and aesthetic to you sucks eight years later and you still never saw the blueberry socks okay clothes uh oh there's no more space just leave it on the floor if there's no room um monkey photo oh these have to be socks wait whoa oh wait oh under the desk yeah definitely under all right under the desk it goes oh hey that was easy we're almost done oh i see these are a lot closer we should have folded we should have folded this right hey luna's clothes is kind of just everywhere that's true on the bed under the pillow oh i think hoodies you hang it in t-shirts you fold it good eye gold but our closet is currently filled with garbage so that's why you have to put it on the top top of the closet like wait you can put stuff under the end table this is so cursed so many clothes whoa so messy i'm gonna close this where's the other little drawer we're missing the shoe guys it's a symbolism of messy and oh a tower cute ah perry um oh my it's never ending the clothes this is starting to be like rainbow's closet now i'm concerned i'm gold nah this isn't my room are you sure no like how many socks we have oh my gosh toilet paper toilet paper you never know you're gonna need extra toilet paper i feel like it would be gross to leave it on the floor like this huh yeah it is pretty nasty that's unsanitary leave it on the computer seat book [ __ ] more clothes oh no this ain't looking too good guys wait this is so cursed there's only one pair of jeans and all top now we have jesus oh wait there's a bathroom too funny it's not just this room look on the right side um you have to take the toilet paper to the bathroom that's why it's wait i gotta pop it over is i don't think so oh it is and then the toothpaste okay um where's the toothbrush so we were just being trash and just taking everything we lost our toothbrush oh it's right here i think we should leave the pajamas hung on the washroom on that tower lunar no wait a minute there's a problem we're still missing this shoe it must be in one of the other boxes yeah oh that's how unorganized that's trying to find this chaotic packing i mean it looks neat when you close the closet okay we're gonna let rainbow do this washroom okay show your aesthetic organizing washrooms then open the box ta-da okay hand towel there so bar towel it's just what the the mug happy birthday that's my brush can you put your toothbrush in happy face mug nice deodorant uh deodorant yeah there perfume uh-oh actually yeah let's put the soap in the bathtub let's grab the soap here you go and then put the shampoo body wash in the bathtub i mean that's how it usually works first aid kit first aid kit in the shelf to the closet yeah yeah yeah put it in the closet can we stack oh there's no more room that's unrealistic usually you can stack them there you go no lunar this is an organized life okay okay uh more conditioner nice oh cute toilet paper in the shelf this is getting unorganized toilet paper in the shelf oh towel towel on the towel bar oh okay that one oh hang it behind the door oh yeah the door nice good thinking gold uh more hygiene stuff trash bin to the right that's a tiny trash bin anything what the uh that's for the kitchen um don't you know you wash your hair okay let's close that can you please put the hair brush somewhere normal yeah right there yeah nice good job this looks good that wasn't the thing draco since you love the kitchen so much here take control yes now turn off oh i gotta control the kitchen yep that goes in a cupboard i have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of mugs no so related this is my nightmare it's rainbow and her mugs travel that goes in a cupboard that goes in the top most cupboard because i hate it that's rainbow's cappuccino that goes uh above the microwave cupboard because i wanted to be annoying but you can't reach it that also goes on the top i can't reach crack oh first that plate goes in the sink i can't dishes travel soul first put all of this there's a problem it would seem inside like we need to put this there you go and like this keyboard draco why you gotta do that to the kitchen the kitchen's the best place oh my gosh stack it stack it oh put that yeah right there put the knife in the sink actually is this shelf no you put knives in drawers okay yeah there's a drawer thank you oh not that one around here is there another drawer no no no no the top drawer i want it in the top drawer truck oh that's for cutlery oh my gosh can we kick him out yeah this is not aesthetic yeah we have the boot let's close this there you go back to the kitchen the horrifying kitchen what is this oh it's a grater just put it in this drawer if you don't know what it is you put it in the drawer eel i don't like this whatever's happening right now i hate that on top of the plate oh in the sink that one in the sink i hate you draco in the sink in the sink oh my god stop up there try not go up there up there too i hate you i would never visit your house i would never visit your house xbox okay i'm moving the pan onto the stove i'm moving the towel to the hangar thing uh-huh how organized and this will go in the drawers again and this will go in the drawers too and this will go in the bottom drawer no you see this isn't accurate because usually the spoons and the forks and the knives are mixed all together this will just go under the sink soap the soap will go beside the sink that's what's oh my gosh beside the sink this looks like oh oh my gosh i like this teapot thing that's bug spray why would you put it beside the no it's pam's pants bug spray that goes on the counter taco no draco's on the stove i think i think i'm gonna put this on the stove draco there's no room please clearly you don't spend time in the kitchen because it's messy in here um yes i do no it goes on the corner in the floor no size okay next it's cursed anything going in the garden goes near the sink too that's oil everything goes into the sink for easy accessibility okay oh my god oh it's a pack of sponges it goes near the sink no it goes near the sink chocolate just put it in the shell i hate this kitchen i oh oh what the paw is wrong thank you thank you you just wasted everyone's okay okay i know what to do i know what to do i hate you i hate you i hate you well there's air is in the bedroom in the bathroom too so what is wrong with the bathroom there's nothing wrong with the bathroom wait what this is oh it's fine dracco has called um cleanup condo and cleanup condo's gonna fix all of this treacherous messy up now we're spending more time fixing it this is why you do it properly the first time everyone this is the lesson we are learning today yeah okay because this honestly why are the mugs so high up though it's going to take forever to get cut no one could reach these yeah oh there's an achievement for putting the cookie jar all the way at the top of the cap so no one gets it it's michael we that's true we used to do that all right and you go ugh i hate it draco never make it no never make a kitchen style again please it's so bad crackle's bad garage organizing i agree i have to cook for myself uh oh oh why does it sound like all of us except for lunar and rainbow we're fine 2007. we've moved on to cosplay no rainbow there is no good that's cosplaying that's something this place is nice oh this place looks amazing it's kind of messy though what this is clean compared to what we had um that's also true let's just put these dvds where would this little guy go i'm gonna put on top of the cake um no wouldn't it just be above the other figurine oh there's fine because there's a big green there book whoa um big [ __ ] more shirts oh remember there's more rooms now oh okay you know what we should look at our rooms first living room no i love it no what is this draco you're chaotic um i laugh through dishcloth why is there why is this simple blind what is that i don't know savings you know big shampoo and big conditioner oh my god no no no no no there's too many rooms okay we're signing rooms you ready who's in charge of the living room someone take it i don't want to it's too much good job okay rainbow good job i would like to do the kitchen i claim the kitchen gold you're in charge of the bathroom sure lunar you get to be in charge of the room and drop out great the smallest space you can't mess up you couldn't mess this up this dining area okay so let's make a gallery wall out of all of our art let's put it right there and we're going to put our little speaker system on that shelf and our music there's no room in anywhere put it in the oh yeah the shirt doesn't belong there luna are you talking this is why you got to label your boxes that's true another moral lesson book easy just stack all the books in here is that a dude or is it a book a board game right next to the vcr machine rascal yeah it's a playstation rainbow oh oops that's my god it looks like a vcr machine anyways uh no put this picture right underneath the ribbon girl right there yeah right there oh the controller another controller whoa that's a lot of people oh my gosh thank you oh that's amazing someone has to leave a comment down below who remembers the gamecube it's uh so it's such a good console yes this living room is going to be very neat our controller we're not going to lose them dude we have like five controllers there's so much games i love it uh-oh i think you're running out of space i think that's a towel it goes in a carpet it's a carpet right no it's not it's a really thick towel i think it's a carpet you know what someone else could take care of this there you go jacka i don't want it not my problem all right more video games stack it where you can oh right there that's fine okay the living room area is unpacked and complete nice all right kitchen it's already a mess so honestly i should have just gave the job to draco there's no point we can't even clean this no what are we dealing with mugs smug is bigger than the other mugs that kind of that kind of hurts me it should go like inside the small blades right well i could put it on the stove so it lights on fire because this is too many or in the dryer clippers i mean potato peeler i don't think those are nail clippers scary let's put the cookie jar there some sugar where would sugar go oh it's not the coffee coffee oh right here yeah that's true sugar and coffee we got oil it usually goes down here this knife where's the knife drawer um no that's kind of dangerous no no right here no all the ways are dangerous knife drawer there is no i'm knife drawer there's a nice place above the counter right there oh you're just gonna leave it outside that's how horror movies happen what is this guys please tell me what this is uh i don't know i don't know okay that's pretty good what else we got plates plates a bowl oh this is nice okay easy organization so aesthetic water bottle in the fridge i don't think you can open the fridge it's a flask i guess usually you can't even know where flask go i guess flash will go here for now okay we got a cans a towel washroom there you go gold that's for you to take care of thanks and it looks like a panini press right guys got our spray first aid kit i guess you go under here you shouldn't be putting something so toxic next to the oil okay give it to goals [Laughter] and then food let's put our spatula here our cutting board uh-oh it's kind of big oh oh oh wait that's on the countertop belong to the cutting board yeah yeah yeah all good let's close it i am done my task how how does it still look messy i don't know because you can't wash the dishes time to go to gold oh boy it looks messy um okay hang the purple towel we'll hang up the purple towel let's see what's in here toothbrush okay oh no taste why does one person need three toothbrushes i think it's a family it's a door yeah oh it's family now or it's a family shaver goes into the drawer oh obviously toilet lid [Laughter] it could go on top of the toilet right yep that's where it goes and can we move that nope i guess it's too late leaner take these tadas you gave me the most trash literally what do you mean just put every book in a shell put the drawing on there yeah okay next box what we got what is that a rock it looks that i appreciate and a mouse pad okay the purple mouse pad is still here isn't it cool to see how the computer is like evolving yeah but the keyboard's still the same yeah but also put away those pencil crowns so we could set up the pc pencil crown values for pc more oh oh wait no that's a psp it's a psp a psp i was gonna say it's a little nintendo light it didn't exist during this time okay i'm sorry i did it oh my goodness it's huge look at that it just goes right in you can see that she's upgrading slowly over time together yeah i think those shoes should go to the living room are you just saying that we don't want to dance luna shoes they will look very nice in the living room don't you agree yeah sorry i agree i think she's tired of packing guys again this is too much stuff well that's what happens when you pack okay there's a lot of stressing out right now too much for me i don't want to break no you have to keep packing come on it's your stuff you just got a pack hey hey you hang that sweater the hanger for a reason finally everything is packed that was the longest room i've ever seen [Music] can we close the blinds okay all right draco this is it oh oh wait did you really have to drag that sticky note over here um let's just put that back for luna let's see what we got here stack it on the shelf stack it on the shelf you stack it on the shelf you stick they're stacking it's okay first we're gonna have to do it all over put it on the shelf draco no if there's he can't mess this up i know it's just it's literally just a shelf like yeah how can you mess this up painting anywhere on the wall anywhere on the shelf i mean so far it's not bad we got anywhere on the shelf you just put stuff on shelves it's clean you know it looks nice put so much stuff and people won't know that it's a mess it's artistic that's not a good tip draco draco don't give that to you but you can't anymore oh yeah i'm pretty sure that's an extra bed sheet for the bed i think we should put it on the top of the shelf oh the shelf it's so cute on the top of the shelf and a picture fine now whatever you guys gave me on the table um on the top of the shelf oh this has to go somewhere all these are in the wrong spots you know what stay in the bed that's true where do we put this underneath stick it in the closet maybe in here yeah oh it says the knife is it yeah you know what just go in there that looks right it looks like the washroom was perfect oh the dice it's in the living room with the game board stuff dice like do we really need to carry this much organization [Music] of course kind of messy kind of kind of hurting me but it's like calming it's like a calm doing an aesthetic mess movie nights are gonna be awesome today we learned that we're pretty bad at unpacking um or decent edit i don't know i think we did do not hire us no hire us leave a comment down below if you would hire the unpacking crew but other than that if you enjoyed this video and would love to see more leave a like and don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for watching we're crew and we'll see you guys on the next one bye-bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,339,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, unpacking, unpacking game
Id: Na9__gjuwgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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