We're LOCKED in School with an IMPOSTER! Propnight!

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welcome to prop night survivors must hide and escape from the imposter they can disguise as any prop around the map but beware the imposter can disguise and hide too like and subscribe so we can escape hello everyone we are crew and we have to escape oh wait lunar we have to escape her yes you better ride i'm scared what marvelous teeth you have lunar it's okay luna doesn't know how to go around school draco i don't think you should be like mocking the killer right now you shouldn't be mocking luna in a suit yeah do you see her magnificentness i don't i'm not looking behind me good luck to not you lunar kiki good luck and good hiding being locked in school i know i'm not a big fan of school wait guys over here where are we going i choose to be a book oh wait funny it's not time to hide it we have to flip it around funny okay wait guys this one over here over here yeah i know okay let's repair this what do you mean over here you're like a book you're like come on draco help out it's just fixed this i don't think she knows where we are this is pretty good it's a dumb idea to stay together yeah yeah we'll see you repair these and the doors scream if you see her oh let's get these coins guys let's go a couple more a couple more let's go let's go where oh behind us i gotta hide and stay put okay guys save me okay guys be careful i i don't know where lunar is i see her lurking i think she's uh camouflaging his gold character guys i'm scared shut up wait i'm in the hallway are you farting jacko dracula you fight i can't help it i fart when i'm scared tell us can we go i don't know where she is i got you i'm coming wait you guys draco just hold up she's lurking so bad you're gonna have to stay there i'm being targeted i don't think you're being targeted through a coin [Music] i'm getting out of here oh my goodness jaco you have an imposter rainbow [Laughter] is that you you know what yeah yeah it's me let's go let's go hurry oh he's dead okay i guess you shouldn't have made fun of her yeah he really should luna you look great in the suit might i said i've scared i've never seen you dress nicer surprisingly totally don't get me come on guys i'm almost done is draco alive i i don't know if there's a hot dog there's a hot dog is it really time to be a hot dog funny can you help out please oh the chair's gone oh god put you in a new let me go let me go wiggle gold wiggle wiggle go hold on gold wiggle get out of there come on wiggling and you will regret this lunar regret what huh you regret putting gamer gold in the chair hey hey punks come get me uh-huh rainbow you're gonna go scared you're gonna go save her rainbow you're gonna let this gamer girl die no i'm not i'm not planning to do anything are you planning to do anything rainbow i don't know are you couldn't do oh no oh no this is bad this is bad come on come on come on go go go run run run run run no no no no no no no no raymond don't worry you'll survive rainbow tell me to go down she's gone she's gone i'm not gone he's gone with the wind okay it's not looking too good we lost ourselves there's no wind in here it's a school whatever i'm just trying to make a metaphor jacko oh no uh what the heck no i don't like that rainbow brain she's crazy i hate her i think she didn't see me though that's good chasing me guys we're running out of time we have to escape come on no do you think it's easy trying to escape her uh i don't think she sees me the bell the bell is ringing the bell is ringing oh she sees you she's shitty buddy buddy i'm a hot dog go guys please i'm scared i'm rolling i saw that i saw that are you guys okay i can see you over there are you guys trying to help anytime sooner she's camping gold we should go help luna i mean rainbow you mean rainbow yo let's go okay come on i don't let's go no no just no no get away from me no we're not just another you're causing attention we got you you got you're caught in attention i'm scared i'm scared ooh money money money money well there's no time for money got this machine i swear it's fine it's fine you got this i'm going what are you doing you're not helping out i'm keeping an eye out for you we already lost draco okay come on creatures around here somewhere rainbow rainbow let's just escape my nose no no no no no come on oh i'm outta here i've never been so scared in my entire life i know she's tormenting you go let's hurry up let's get this okay i have to heal myself too is someone screaming no nobody didn't get me okay really fast all right we might have a chance to escape but we have to repair these a lot faster let's go let's get the chest come on wiggles i think you have enough money hey luna ring around the rosie you're never gonna catch me i don't think you should ha oh wait let me get something history box ooh i got a helmet come on what are you gonna get pills oh i think i got pills get it by the way there's a fake rainbow running around colors pink rainbow we don't see anyone okay you should eat that okay let's go beware of the rain pro it's a rain phony i don't see any rain phony gold come on let's go don't run as yourself she'll get you in here meeting here rain pro rainpro what i don't see here hey hey oh let's go come on come on come on let's go let's go oh look at this cookie it looks so good only it's time to look at a cookie see that uh someone coca-cola bottle uh great gold black rainbow oh my goodness guys this is bad i don't know if we're gonna escape oh i don't know oh well it's time to go in your little chair rainbow stay there rainbow inside for your deck what's wrong with no you're gonna die at this rate come on i'm really low on health okay just don't try to first take it funny what i think i'll make it no we'll make it we'll make it okay just get it here guys the principal is mad just go just go gold don't you have like the the painkillers come on stupid machine a rainbow is that that's not right that's not even raymond's gold no lunar i will give you my pink kitty headphones i know you're dropping them don't care stay there [Music] look at that rainbow the soul survivor rainbow you're strong i'm being chased help you liar [Laughter] that's it i got you rainbow i don't like you oh you don't you can't just smack a coke bottle i'll take this rainbow where'd you go just run i don't know she's chasing rainbow i literally have one health left okay you know what luna's so evil come on hope the dentist never checks your teeth oh that's straight i don't know what that means but i'm just angry that you keep capturing me let me go okay rainbow i'll go find funny evil you evil luna i hate you let's wow she's good yeah i am that's what you get for underestimating me lunar we never would have made it lunar was pog there you go indeed [Music] [Laughter] i don't like children in my school that's why y'all gonna die well we don't like your smile oh that's not nice i went to the dentist for this smile why would you say that goal everyone in the stu the teacher's office complimented my smile look he's stuttering because he knows that his smile isn't nice you should split up for this one okay nope i'm turned into a pig i mean i'm turning into a hot dog wait a minute you know since we're staying in one spot and it's not working why don't we just be distractions yeah rainbow you can do that i will not be doing that and i'm gonna go for you to be you just come on get in though you can do that man be quiet um don't worry guys she's gonna kill i'll be the hero you fix the machine i'll go save gold you got this i'll shut the door you stay in there okay we gotta go get gold gold gold i don't see you i'm in the library can you fart so people could know where you are no a lady does not do that i will scream gold ladies fart too that's gold everyone farts not this lady now help me [Laughter] okay well gold next time can we just tell us can you tell us if he's camping you'll never save your friend no he's not here are you sure yeah thank you is that you buddy come here [Music] go on go i'll show you where my other friend is dracco oh you out gold you wouldn't hold up go do something oh there she is no no it's okay i just went down the hallway too this is what you get from making fun of my dental hygiene i said no i said your teeth are clean dude i didn't say anything gold why did you rat funny out i didn't i didn't know she was actually there and i did you suck please no let's go now cool go hurry please please please okay okay what did uh the dentist say to one another can you stop shaking me i'm gonna throw up they said you should go brush your teeth and floss twice a day because you know why you should flash twice a day because it's good for you in your face do you glitch me in the door oh where'd she go oh i am smart i've escaped guys go fix everything upstairs draco only knows how to travel on the first floor he's a heart silly oh i am beside a chair i do not like that let's close this guy's oh my gosh seems he is not on the first floor oh no you guys we need to escape yeah yeah we actually do i think he's somewhere on the main floor come out come out wherever you are draco you stupid no no no die rainbow oh rainbow where are you i don't see you rainbow just i don't see you either okay well we both don't see each other right no we don't see each other at all i don't like i'm like where are you no way why are you guys so quiet these someone's singing upstairs i oh yeah someone i can yeah you're upstairs stop farting who's singing come out come out stop farting i know that's uh never gold because gold wouldn't walk around as a human because that's cold water walk around suspiciously yeah yeah i wouldn't okay good job guys keep calling out whenever you see them so then we can hide okay good job good job never get us that's a smart move okay i understand we'll never also we'll never repair anything that's true no no no we are repairing we're repairing stuff but just hide yeah i'm trying to hide gold but i also have to heal i'm scared i got one machine good job luna just go upstairs oh sorry gold i just had to pop it dracco is upstairs he's upstairs good job gold take one for the team take one for the team no shut up wait we need gold we need everyone to escape we gotta just be taking one for the team someone go save our teammate he's disguising as a coca-cola bottle right in front of me don't even bother coming here oh now he's rolling around the vending machine he's it's not me gold oh no who is it who's that okay god um i don't know okay you guys are being dumb like in the horror movies you're supposed to stand there and talk and have like a moment you need to leave yeah can you oh okay that is rainbow i thought that was draco um i'm nowhere near you guys my goodness oh gary see if i could get something to help you guys okay uh go open open please something good okay painkillers it's so quiet around here where is he we have one more boom no oh no no no rainbow okay rainbow just survived don't worry i'm gonna go get something from the mystery box thanks thanks buddy i was planning on not surviving wow thank you so much you're very very welcome wow rainbow now i'm not going to save you for being salty [Music] it takes so long to repair this thing i need help what are your footsteps you're not rainbow you're not rainbow are you you're not not a rainbow you're sweet it took so much to put on that makeup to look just like rainbow like you know no wait wait you're beautiful you look exactly like rainbow jackal wait i don't believe you no you look exactly like her i swear you poop i was supposed to get a mystery box now i'm sad someone help me on the chair please i don't want to go to the dentist today please help me who's that oh no no thank you is your teeth who's that wait luna someone's behind us luna there's a hot dog behind us go hide go hide go dip no why are we both the same thing someone's camping the mystery box lunar yeah i think it wasn't in plastic okay you guys keep distracting draco i think luna i mean rainbow and i are almost done we're done what i'm not that's not me gold cool gold gold let's go he's coming up i don't know he's having too much fun [Applause] who's that speak for yourself who is that who is that stop it [Laughter] [Music] please let me escape guys run from the gym rainfall wait is that rainbow rainbow you're in the gym no i'm not in the gym it's not me wait okay where's funny can you that's i'm in the gym and there's a fake rainbow fake rainbow okay there's multiple doors open there's only these doors open good job get out of the graveyard funny yes of course i'm hiding i just [Laughter] what's wrong with you stupid thank you he is stupid please help me gold come on over here um draco's that backpack uh yeah there's a shaking back backpack no you called good job job let's go ryan rainbow open it up i was so close this is so bad stupid camper draft is a stupid camper i wish it was a penalization for being a you'll never escape completely uh he's really good at this game isn't he yeah run we open the doors we can make it through how help help me help i'm going to go to the mystery box though i still have myself points help wow there's an imposter in the room help it's all worth it you're gonna die this is worth it this escape stop wiggling that gym door already come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on hide hide hide go go go go go you guys gotta save luna we still have time we sell them no rainbow that's not lunar easter [Laughter] let the evil laughter draco us being how does it feel to be evil draco what a camper it feels great hey now he's like putting us all in this room and now we're both dead here funny i don't think we can save them they have 30 seconds you guys just run without us go okay broncos being gold leave gold gold i'm going to the door he's a camper okay he's a camper he's camping on something something something who's that thing i don't know where he is [Applause] go to the door go to the door is everyone out guys i don't want to say what i am but i'm going to roll i'm out to escape okay up okay you got this where's this where is he the gym the gym the gym i'm going to the gym i'm going to gym i'm leaving i'm not waiting luna just leave just leave leave her leave luna rocco i'm right in front of your escape you're gonna die gold's right there there's an opening there too no no gold that's draco shut right here oh hurry roll faster oh my gosh i escaped funny hurry go through the gym what do you got for me i gotta really troll him i gotta see you later yeah yeah yeah well gg that was that was very fun guys if you enjoyed the video if it wasn't for your stinky farts you want to see more don't forget to subscribe thank you so much for watching we are crew and we'll see you all later [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,327,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, propnight, prop hunt, hide and seek, hide n' seek, prop hunt hide and seek, prop hunt hide & seek, prop night, propnight itsfunneh, propnight funneh, propnight krew, propnight funny moments, propnight funny, propnight gameplay, propnight multiplayer, propnight game, hide n' seek prop hunt, hide n' seek funny, hide n' seek funny moments, hide and seek funny, hide and seek funny moments
Id: HDs850ADQdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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