CAN I FIND THEM ALL? Fortnite Food Prop Hunt!

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is this you rainbow looking stupid like a duck buddy what [Laughter] i'm laughing so loud it's prop hunt time people i'ma hunt down some yummy dirtastic foods today if you can find us oh i want to be this one we're gonna be released in one second okay give me a second ready or not no absolutely bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam ba bit is there a new game mode are we getting damaged now we can't just shoot wherever we want anymore oh there's consequences how hot you feeling today draco this ice cream let me just eat some apples [Music] if one of you was an apple and i ate you why would we be an apple that would be such a shame if you ate us right totally um i have an announcement i found a room of toilets and they are not toilets so ah damn i dance oh no i'm hot i'm hot know the difference between chili dummy dummies oh man i'm aiming the wrong thing and it's killing me oh no she's so fat i'm so fast where'd she go you would never find me oh you will never find your evil person dancing remember i'm chilly i'm still chilly what are you looking at yeah i'm still chilly you know what it's hot like chili chili can i smell the chili is it this i might be in the room of toilets oh you're the handle luna you better do it she's trolling us luna let's meet up in the she's running she ran it meet at the front come on luna let's head to the front all right i've never been so annoyed by pop before oh my gosh they are so dumb we're so dumb there's like soda we're so dumb you are so dumb good job good job where are they are you is it not spicy it's so spicy you guys are trying to tell jokes and i don't like it they have like 45 seconds to find us oh man this is so hard we're never gonna find them you're this hot thought you wanna transform what are you doing luna come on hurry up hurry up they're coming back oh i heard something transformed oh no we're running out of shoes come on guys 25 seconds such a small place how can we not find them i don't know they're too sneaky he's in here funny come out here i'm running to the washroom i'm running to the washroom i'm so scared for my life oh wow wow they were very bad at seeking right luna look at this map it's so tiny [Music] now it's our turn look this is what we will do with them we will eat them all right guys you better find some good hiding spots because it's gonna get kicked open in right now where are you oh ice cream i'll eat this they can't transform as ice cream that's true maybe we should just pickaxe things it still hurts us oh this is different from uh yeah you're not invulnerable is this you rainbow looking stupid like a duck ow i don't know what your rainbow why are you moving around stay still what can you eat this why is this duck creepily looking nope lunar we must divide and conquer can you guys give us a hint no no no hate's for you rainbow looking balloon rainbow you're so silly what fries get away from my foot nope fake anyone up here your wall looks creepy i hear whistling right luna okay someone eating why would anyone be eating is there a duck eating at the table you're not invited i don't know where they are luna i hear it upstairs oh why is there a hot sauce in the middle of nowhere there's a lot of things that look out of place but it's just normal yeah this map is so messy whoa there's a duck room i think they're having a duck meeting a duck meeting yeah very important duckmaster crazy drop that's your cream burger wow you stole the staff's ice cream and then you killed the burger rude where are you draco i'm not telling you i hear you up here tell her he'll never never she just killed me and she's gonna is this you yes good job lunar very good at aiming lunar follow me i know what to be here come on you guys are partners in crime again i don't like this partner you're not down here i mean up here luna i smell a bunch of bologna upstairs luna and that rainbow don't you like waffle fries i do like waffles i love chicken and waffles do you like signs that look like ice cream with cherries okay i'll give you a hint i'm very very cold like you're cold okay oh i'm cold like so cold now like you're an ice cream yes i think she's trolling us waiter waiter hear anything they're downstairs they're not wait wait you guys look so confused right now yeah where is he [Music] come on come on why did you make me [Music] dance how dare you buy you earned something cold i was cold i was left out for a long time i'm cold fast delicious french fries i'm very good at escaping i gotta give myself props guys please smash like because i'm amazing at hiding thank you i appreciate it oh rainbow why are you here you you would think i'm a pink balloon like you again why would you think that rainbow where is she what she's simple i'm so simple i'm the most basic thing ever i'm so basic why would you shoot toilet paper uh-oh i would shoot everything you should have opened my big mouth [Music] i should have opened my mouth i would have won yeah you should know i'm sorry i got too excited huh while lunar next time i shouldn't talk yeah here we go again all right well um does anyone want some cold soda with a burger and some pop are you ready to lose i guess the most amazing seekers of all time plants plants soda alice hertz french fries hmm oh funny can you hear me whistle what can you fight whistle what [Laughter] okay gold we'll give you two seconds because that was really sad wait luna just let her no let her free luna she's sad what i was gonna pick a good spot okay we'll give you 10 seconds to hide go do not follow me oh that was so bad cheerleader let's dance okay you're five seconds up we're done dancing french fries nope hey funny i have something to tell you it's the same thing as you i'm ice cold yes i'm sorry she has to [Music] we gave you 10 seconds okay and you're still back hey funny you see that right there [Laughter] are you down here draco i guess everyone's hiding in the bed stop playing in the vents vent people luna here's something down here hi rainbow you're looking quite yellow what smell full and then you're supposed to answer and then then you're like hello and then i'm like i'm the repairman your refrigerator is running yeah yeah yeah i'm dead i'm laughing i'm laughing so hard i'm gonna die ugh you ruined my joke drock away when i keep getting cats i don't know where he is oh he getting hit do this wouldn't want to play the team you must be the loser yes win it for us oh all right i have to head back upstairs somehow oh no we're running out of time we're gonna win food i don't know how to get upstairs just get him dracco what are you you crazy you're insane goku [Music] i'm going down the stairs it was a draw are you kidding me what yeah i guess we're both good okay it's a duel off you got this all right we're gonna see who's better yes we gotta win this well technically i'm not on your team but whatever they can beat us it's out of two whoever wins wins winner takes off go let's do it i saw someone this way huh ready where's your friend where's your friends [Music] i feel like he's lying she's just trying to raise i swear dance lunar [Music] dance louie laughing dude why is he running dad oh my gosh there's lights all around her what what was she in that same room luna come here [Music] stop trolling us dance luna hurry around what are you going to move she knows where you are move you got to move before she comes back and realizes she missed the spot i'm running dude they're trolling us please wash your hands please no toilet double toilets that's weird that's weird nope never mind i don't know why it's too tight outside here there's so many vases here this is the glowing room funny is she in here what this is the glowing room he said with lights everywhere oh there's duct tape you guys are being crazy lunar if you're in here die you're not where are you i can't even spectate you now uh i think you've been disguised you're not even disguised lunar what you're not disguised i can't shoot what i can see that but i don't oh can you see it she's right here you're not just rushing look at her here [Laughter] you guys you know what to do explode he's just running into the wall gold rainbow in here come on this place where are you please please this is good you know where they're going right because i know where they're going no you don't know where they're going okay i just bam [Music] good see i don't know where that place is you don't know where we are the ducky place it's a small world after all it's a small world after all come on copyrighted by disney okay fine really really change change you're so honest you don't even fit in with us why would you do that crazy hurry you're stuck with that oh my gosh [Laughter] throw your boogie bombs luna no i escaped i went through the door no she didn't close it oh good job gold you left good job don't lie i run through the door don't don't even lie don't she's not lying [Music] i left already it's a ducky inspection [Music] she laughs i don't know why you're wasting you're so stupid i said i left already you didn't and why can't you see me she left because she's just saying she left bro i don't see you quack quack quack quack i'm gonna win this for the team thank you she could sit here all day i guess we that's right what else do ducks do ducks eat grapes they quack they swim i'm checking every single duck hey what's a duck's favorite snack draco crackers that's right hey waiter can we get the bill i guess you should play duck duck dude i guess you should like die i'm so is i saw a duck sneaking past the boxes [Laughter] see now we're on a draw again why do you why are you doing this why this round will decide who is the best gold that was amazing can i be the master hider of the year now gold you got to eat all the apples around the map yes i think draco and luna hide hiding oh did i see something on the side of my eye let's go i heard someone boogie i think i heard someone going upstairs not even hit yet he's still walking around i can hear him in the vents oh [Music] he's right there get [Laughter] don't you do it jocko i'm gone guys where'd he go draco used disappero what i think he's um he's right there he's a toilet for an interview good job and then there was one where are you i can't spectate you that's why you cannot see where you are she must be glitching again and this time i'm not glitched you're behind a vase again what i would laugh so hard if she's still behind me wait if you're not in the same spot again luna you guys are the worst players i'm not two minutes two minutes and we win i'll wait on two minutes and then i'll expose myself no one wants to see that [Laughter] where where sh guys listen quack wait what happened did someone just do something [Music] guys i think she's upstairs is she sure quack quack she's a duck again no more boogie bomb oh i think she's a duck is that you lunar i have low health you're really oh uh baby you here you're like a mega sized object of what you are what does that mean okay that's it guys i think she's the stuck sitting is that you guys that need help up here 20 seconds they're so close i can see them are you in here face your side uh he's not a duck valuable collateral what does that mean is it toilet paper she's the mega size of the most valuable object a door where is she i am toilet paper what oh my gosh what's behind the vase luna and draco have one wow guys smash like if you want to see more fortnite hide and seek subscribe because you're a cool hot dog thanks for watching now we're gonna watch rainbow's chimichanga burn in the microwave bye bye bye you guys are the worst [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,583,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, fortnite, fortnite itsfunneh, fortnite krew, fortnite funneh, fortnite funny, fortnite funny moments, fortnite hide and seek, fortnite prop hunt, prop hunt, hide and seek, hide and seek in fortnite, itsfunneh prop hunt, itsfunneh hide and seek, funneh hide and seek, funneh fortnite, itsfunneh fortnite, fortnite hide and seek school, hide and seek school, fortnite prop hunt school
Id: KoHwub_GyGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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