Trapped in an ESCAPE ROOM...

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we're trapped in a temple with only 15 minutes to escape wait 14 now 14 35 14 34. okay start looking around the room what's this a sphinx stop counting there's a shape on it keep it in your pocket for later it looks like a cork opener a forklift huh huh a quick oh a cork everyone collect everything you can see there's a vase behind gold i am guarding this craft okay i am garage okay you just break a face i sense there's hidden bricks around here yes i poke everything are you talking about the one that has a hand there's a suitcase right there what's that i don't know oh it opens look what happened there it was funny there's scorpio back there how big there is scorpion you mean gold oh wait is this red pyramid thing it goes right here we need to find the second half oh good job you know i have this suitcase rainbow okay i could open there is some stuff in here it looks like for archaeology oh we got a dust that box what right here that can you use to dust it off no way you guys crouch come look at this keep dusting funny all right crouch let's undust this what is it it's us one two three four points what does it say no i don't know goals you're our archaeologist what do you see yes um yes um that says that us humans need to blow wind and blow the sand off of the door what did okay while you figure out that i found the other piece let's uh just wait that's easier here we're missing gold oh we have her right she's right here yeah i got this piece of paper it says magnify glass onto the sphinx oh where's the sphinx who that's the stuff you have the sphinx oh i have it i have it okay watch okay oops cook it you got it you're gonna get cursed now no you guys what if you put the sphinx in there because it kind of oh good idea oh rainbow you choose it it became gold okay now we can look at it it says water oh put it in the water behind you wait water oh like this oh it's part of the pyramid now oh now we need one more piece hurry guys how much 10 minutes there's a key in here i don't know how to get it um there's a code obviously oh wait there's a book it says 110 100 lunar i'm pretty sure it's this you have to form numbers oh i also have this book on um oops i dropped this look so there's lots of books guys look at this book okay the numbers correlate with that over there so you're gonna have to figure out what all of this means how much people there are oh this is for the chest on the floor okay there is three people anyone reading the book one thousand um i feel like i need to take a screenshot no no no no we three people three strikes two windy two noodles wait two stripes hold up everyone remember their own thing i'll remember the point okay okay okay i'll remember the arches i'll remember the wind i don't know i remember the three lines hurry up solve it funny all i can do is four how much more wings you need the biggest brain uh i don't get it i don't get it either maybe we're thinking about this wrong um i have figured it out each symbol correlates with a number and if you add all the symbols together you can get three four two six are sure that's the match three stickmans three thousand six single sticks is six two arches is two and four swirly lines is four so was he correct oh wow good job draco now use the key on the chest oh down here oh that's such a pretty kitty so much do you see this it's so beautiful fine you should share we have five minutes left hurry no draco last piece we have to share the doubloons i have it gold but i would like to share i got nothing put the balloon for you all right let's put it in ready the balloons anywhere you take the doubloons oh what's that oh it's a door key oh you're right here okay this one okay so i have this other book but i don't know if it's for this what does it say oh yeah it's spelling we're not doing that definitely for this i think it's gold i'm pretty sure it's like you get into the maze what do you reach first right oh it's what symbols do you pass to exit the maze yeah wait got it right here you hit the lion first gold the lions the lion lion and then you hit the tent the tent okay and then they make master go the square and then the cactus and that should be it cactus is that it speed run hurry lunar this is a play you're here you've been slacking yeah another maze wait for me you know okay i'll read it i want to read it okay good job let me read it okay it's true she has the brains today come on go come on come on no rushing or anything there's four minutes 24 minutes colder cold stop panicking you have to use the symbols there's none of these symbols here what the oh okay here i would like to see the book i have no idea what i'm doing go move we're gonna die i think it's time to panic wait a minute is it based on who connects to who oh that would be too these symbols are on the maze guys this is too much thinking me are they on the book guys get ahead get a hint what does this mean oh it's the it's the map solution look at it it's on the front what enough solution chocolate is cheating whatever we need it it's three minutes the dog the cat i don't know what this means don't read it it's all cats check i don't know what i mean i'll read it guys we're failing this okay i'm stressed i'm stressed you've got three minutes look at how much stuff he has in his inventory um take your time taco confused what simple is that this is why we hated the dog and then opened this book no yeah and there's a dog thing m-i-w what does that mean white oh wait m-i-w oh the symbols are here on the left side m is owl oh oh there i is knife nice and w is crow bro there is no knife we could look for one oh yeah oh there is a knife there is what else draco um miw um it's okay owl thing at the top knife in the middle and crow at the bottom there is no knife in the middle dracula oh yeah and then there's a knife there's no knife guys there is oh you got the order back there's a knife here though oh i know but tracker hurry up order backwards i don't like to rush but we have a minute and 30 seconds left helping we're gonna die in here please no please let us out get off the door to leave come on dracula i'm not home now i don't understand this here can you get me please and stop hogging it there's another head oh my gosh what's the point of this oh my gosh the puzzle answer wasn't cat thing it's this bee thing here look huh it's a b now i don't oh my gosh this bjt um b is the thing that looks like a wedge like a 90 degree angle j is a snake and t is a little hill oh my goodness it didn't work it's over not this wedge this wedge move gold move your head oh my god come on that's right we just escaped into the second chamber the chamber of the dead this is where we die chamber of the dead and another 15 minutes we know how this works guys okay we clearly need like three more jars okay just start breaking the jars first right no put these jars on here yeah like this bam oh yeah oh cool bam sorry i will clean them off pressure plate we just got to finish it that's it did i go on it it's not working draco oh okay that's cool what's over here i think you have to put something in his hands i found a key he wants a jar and a glass piece cause can you guys try the jar oh break that i broke too oh stop we gotta check we're taking the jars you see they get cursed there's a crowbar gold clean it up wait what's over here is this weights yeah what did you say lunar i said put it in the scan is anyone good at slide puzzles are you good at slide puzzles funny you got to finish this i'm doing i need to get another side puzzle oh you have to slide it so it looks like this these things that this person's holding it looks like what y'all behind you see your screen look look over here oh so we're making a cube and then a backwards out yeah a cube and a backwards owl okay i would do this and then you have to then i would do this oh and now the mummy is missing on something on the right what is that there's a stopwatch oh guys what does this mean it's pointing towards north okay um i don't know i have a key is there a keyhole anywhere good question right there draco the chest right there behind lunar can we open anything here in the chest right there open good job guys we're speed running this let's go yes let's do it oh it's the lid from one of the jars which which one it is do you see this this one right one of these monkeys monkey see monkey do no treasure on my way out if it's on everything we need more sleep here for now we'll figure it out has found yourself oh more coins yes i am donating coins don't do anything damn um guys we need to start taking more stuff wait to scroll no open oh yeah we should uh eagle symbol i found a note for how to do the heads of the jars okay the lungs are the baboon the stomach is the jackal the human head is oh that's right um yeah i don't know what that is the liver and the intestines are the falcon okay well let's see what we can reference i'll just sort this out while you guys do that stuff the scroll means nothing to me it brings me no joy falcon triangle p i have to do something with this guys look look at this what hey falcon circle thing p got it is it for this oh right this right here it's not on there now i have a hint what boom it's for the scales it says that we need to put a falcon in it and a snake in here four wait no sorry five one and then there's two two's empty this is what you're supposed to do you're supposed to put three of these balls in and then measure it oh the ball have numbers on them yeah yeah so like this no just five i think you have to weight them the same as these red balls so like put put them over here and try to get them equal oh good job what happened so that means that this is number five and one this is number six what what open so the owl is number six i think it's over here right no no draco it's right here this is sick oh right and then now we have to figure out what numbers the other uh balls are the symbols oh yeah okay go hurry squiggly line is two squiggly line is two okay it's on two good job guys just guess for the snake we don't have time are you sure draco go just go whatever you go oh come on look at that wizards they're just measuring heavier five is too heavy and three is too light it has to be four okay all right i have to pull down this one right oh yeah the jackal goes on the heart the stomach right here stomach okay that's what the stomach looks like right rainbow no no that's not a stomach the potato the potato right now that looks like a kidney that's not a stomach then it's a kidney then that's the same there's no time no not the liver that's feathers and those are on the box uh i'm pretty sure it's a hair comb it's a haircut yeah those are they're on the box they're fancy so what you want to click it what else is this yes oh now we have to find the other symbols keep looking gold are you gonna break stuff calm down i'm trying to figure it out does anyone have a shovel oh i do i do why there's dirt right here that needs to be uncovered wait for real oh my gosh luna go no way no how do i i don't know how to interact are you sure are you serious oh my god open those it's symbols okay next one hurry you open it come on oh no this whole time like beetle spider and lion beetle lion oh lion baby what it's for this because these jars are supposed to be in specific places i got it okay all right two minutes all right you ready so north is ahead of me no wait what the north right here ahead of lunar luna's north okay okay so baboon is north um yes lunar's north so the baboon right there all right okay there north yep and the jackal is east g so right here come on jackal there you go one minute come on the human head is south yeah okay get it i just have to say that you guys rainbow we don't have time it's not a hair comb but this is a feather oh rainbow we don't have time rainbow no time to feed it let's go thank you yeah [Applause] wow rainbow's really excited [Laughter] i don't think we're out yet guys leave one like and subscribe because we escaped we escaped we did it wait did we or no we now i don't think we have what we're in the gold chamber too complicated it's getting harder we are at the third level of escaping and then there will be the final boss but i thought this was the final one you guys are in my room welcome you've all been trapped in the gold chamber and now you must escape while i sit and laugh wow you're stuck in here with us i think that's a little crazy yeah she's getting in here for too long uh-huh our first clue this guys there's a can of beans here ooh honey that's not gorgeous never mind there's no food in here i'm very disappointed what is that a spoon oh yeah i thought i could eat beans with it i got really excited i hate put offerings in a bowl according to this room offering into a bowl funny you have offerings put it into a bowl what do you mean what bowl though we need a craven statue a chalice and an anubis head let's grab all of this wait more beans i don't know i'm so excited i just want to open the cans all right i already opened it funny i went from the top but mine was pre-opened i don't know what all these do you go open trying to clean up her room yeah you guys are making a mess in my room don't you know how to be proper guests guys there was something in the vase huh there's too many puzzles here what we put that in the bowl it's a golden artifact you gotta put it does anyone have a key a key would go into this chest right here nope let's look for a key or oh wait is it down here that is not a key but there is a raven and a tent um i just figured out how we do one of these puzzles yes does anyone can anyone count to see how many uh bubbles there are in this so there's um three fake charcoal medium and small i have seven are you i wish i could be counted right no sure you counted right large three uh medium's eight i knew it okay medium is eight sorry medium is eight did you fix it thank you thank you what's this another fact this one thanks that also goes into a bowl this radio it works what is this luna turn it on i hear someone on the other side tell them we're trapped and we need to wait a minute listen oh good job what's that token just a secret token oh it's just like i know i figured out the door handles look look okay hurry there's markings on these statues that are red lines uh-huh pull it down to the red line oh that's smart someone else do the left one i need help it's all the way down to the fourth place throw the stuff at the ball hurry get the artifacts here you go take this and this the beans i know i did i'm amazing what is this boop a key oh good job on tinkerine it's a relic oh it doesn't work i think it's the key behind us behind us the other box behind us two boxes thank you for the box gold who's moving it sorry gold we're giving all of your golden stuff away and we're breaking things stop making a mess the trash is literally right this room we're doing really good we're really good yeah okay don't drink something don't jinx us hot pun intended gold throwing stuff you guys have the cleaner achievements oh congratulations yeah what's that rainbow i don't know i found it on the ground it says pin oh that one that was to unlock the key that was to get okay it's garbage now i guess i'm now in need of hints oh wait behind the chest there's symbols oh [Applause] like a cup oh that's how you do this puzzle smart thinking the cup and the line go together though oh so the line and the cup loves each other let's go yes like that the crow and the tent go together it's in the front chest oh yeah crawl okay and and the right angle and the owl okay look at this guys i think this is the fastest escape good job let's go no way oh the key goes here we're going so fast open okay leave it experts now yeah what is this stuff gold you keep a lot of weird stuff in here this is my jewelry don't touch it okay well look gold time to sacrifice no is that it oh these gems are important guys i know what i'll keep them count them no no count them count them add two count them rubies are red um whatever the silver gems is white and you smell like poo i'm just kidding what the heck are we about okay well down you need to count why don't you just hold them down two two here here drop them all drop them all i'll pick them up i'll tell you guys we have two blues two blues two blues five of these uh brownish ones and then two red rubies is it gonna that didn't work we're missing one who isn't giving it up oh someone jacob we're not gonna do that can you help the door you're acting like we want to sabotage each other thank you now let's get out of here for real this time it's time to pull these levers right look no we're done look at the gloves we've escaped are we done yeah yeah are we for real done because i feel like we just keep unlocking more rooms oh my gosh jack was twerking too much the chamber of danger this does not look good for us it looks quite bad actually someone died that mural on the back of the wall what that's menacing oh the prophecy scorpions these puzzles said okay camel drinks in the oasis camel sleeps and then camel's bitten by the scorpion and dies oh is this what we're supposed to do here okay oh camel move the camel up to the oasis yeah because the camel went on an adventure right like like that oh and then move it up and then the camera got bit by the scorpion i said the camera got bit by the scorpion the end the prophecy oh so it's the sun this is very confusing you have to follow the story the camel drinks in the oasis at sun zenith while the scorpion hides in the pyramid what is the sun zenith this this i think left sun yeah but what does that mean hide in the beginning it means it's just telling the story okay fancy draco keep going camels sleep by the pyramid when the sun sets and the scorpion lurks in the oasis the sun sets that's the sun setting way to the right and the scorpion is in the oasis right here uh-huh and the camel it goes in the pyramid right no this is the side all the oh you're right you're right okay okay and the last part camel is bitten by the scorpion at the sand dunes when the sun rises no poor camel sand is the left and the scorpion was like fitting nice ankles you got and the sun was like hello it's morning ouch hey draco there's something down there what it didn't work it's supposed to work what happened again um excuse me jacko this is really awkward it's supposed to work this is the story the camel's bitten by the scorpion at the sand dunes when the sun rises what happens if this is the sun dude where's oh wait we did it backwards we somehow did this part already we're supposed to do the first part here we go ready yep boom yes more stuff to clean up okay so we have put that ball beside this infinity stones what we got we have the infinity stones we are collecting them all i don't know they're very shiny though oh do you think we put them in here i think we do um all right guys pick up the balls okay can i speak to one of you guys who was the one who did this art piece oh lunar oh where's she luna it was me i wanted to apologize to my friend uh uh skelly okay wait gold you know i broke him right how oh my goodness okay so our gold balls right there what is this rainbow it's a puzzle again it's a right angle yeah but what does it mean look the symbols up here i know the symbols so like this and then this one will be the tent and will this be the square do you think that's how it works um this goes it's clearly it clearly goes i picked up this one piece on the floor hi hello oh gold thank you can you put that in for us i think it goes in here yes square we're still trying to figure out this puzzle how about it's where it points you know how the triangle points are pointing somewhere yes do you think this means like it's the squiggly maybe oh no guys we need to solve this it's complicated square or we can get back to that and do what simon says what okay yeah over here looks more fun good job okay i'm gonna just keep looking at this simon says pharaoh uh oh luna i wasn't paying attention no wait fair one two three right i don't think this is simple simon says what are you sure both of them are glowing at the same time yeah it doesn't make sense oh maybe you're supposed to unclick it right so like that doggy you you and then press out we're failing this i don't think it's simon says again draco thank you so much for your help okay maybe we just click this one all right you guys oh what it's what you're supposed to depress you're supposed to versus a dog a crow and a human dog why right because it's a it's it lighted up on the person and the dog and together that human dog it didn't work everything's hard we are doomed little you can't just give up in the escape room person dog bird person bro because it combined together that makes hey i'm good good job jacko um ah we're being silly we're over here for this puzzle because i'm confused okay there you go right there next to your feet oh this is the hint yeah let's see i think i was doing it but then i got confused points do you guys see this so it's pointing definitely pointing at something but we don't know that makes no sense i need another hint here we go the better hint we're good okay what is it which time uh that's not a better hint first one is squiggly pasta but why squiggly oh is it the one that's missing i see it's not so you just have to figure out which symbol is missing from the four so this one has square hill knife so you have to put the one that's not square hill knife yeah you go ahead and figure that while lunar overhears what are you doing there's more symbols than that so after a couple of minutes we figured it out this thing relates to this one right here we sound crazy okay but listen leg track will move your green and beautiful hair tent leg the missing piece is the knife i got nothing i don't understand i don't get it okay we'll use the one we do know as an example so we know that this thing is the squiggly lines you know why it is yes because the head literally what where's your explanation first find the cube that matches it so what guys is it me or is draco being those teachers that don't tell you the answer yeah like don't guide you there you're just saying whatever this cube see this cube right here yes triangle right it has a knife it has a square and it has this wave thing but it doesn't have the squiggly line that's why squiggly nine is number one okay can you just explain the rest of it and do them now we'll do the second we will all do the second pyramid together no we don't go together this one is leg yeah leg this one is chains really yes teacher this one is feather and the last one yes owl hoot right professor draco how did you get the answer jackal oh no professor struggles yeah okay now what it's not working it's okay everyone be quiet so jacob can concentrate let him use his all right intense music go 20 seconds not trying to rush you here buddy but this one's owl you guys can't try i know i did it oh my god put the ball in the thing put the ball in the thing go please we lost these balls around the wrong way guys with five seconds put it here flip it hit it press it go hurry come on one second run down here go here hit it yes come on no no oh wait no we still have times this is on easy mode so we're not actually dead oh my gosh oh my goodness just don't get the achievement okay what are you doing here wow we are so dramatic that was really scary you just hook it up like this yeah you're just trying to get the puzzle yeah just a puzzle guys just gotta attach it um attach it no it's not attached oh this one over here uh we need our little beetle guy to meet somewhere yep is that what the beetles for the one that lunar found i think that's great yeah dracula can't lose shoes what is happening um like this it has to be exact i think oh there we go yes you did it guys no what the hell is that we're out of here yeah yeah yeah totally we totally didn't did we do it yeah we did it yeah we did yeah we did it [Applause] we're not dying today wait it's over right what did we do i don't think so no draco draco the top of the pyramid the last level the treasure we long for this thing um are you lying to me are you sure at the last level because i said three times three minutes the last level see even luna's done she's like i'm out she's she escaped you guys okay is this a parkour what what what those over there like why are there like stages no it's just for pretty aesthetics we're on the top okay hello you can hold this adventure hat but i have a canteen i'm pretty sure you open it what's in here i'm picking up all these monopoly pieces yes i think is any water around here oh water okay that's not water i should have known we are in a desert hmm there's nothing up here what are we supposed to do tracker what's that i think you're supposed to point it at the thingies let's work together oh no that looks boring i look at this i'll play with this track though excuse me funny all right it lights on fire it's a match look draco's right we have to light all them up and the note says finally reach the top needless to say the view is everything i expected emotions are all mixed up one part of me is happy that i got here but the other part feels the need for going forward all i know is that i need to hurry for my final goal is still not done yes found it okay what a great story but we'd like our on a timer and um that just wasted like a minute you're lighting up the wrong ones you have to light it up like this map right here no yeah unlike draco no you're literally right there the pet was covering the shop i don't think so thousand percent sure i don't think i can unlike them yes you can there you go i can you're dramatic i don't wanna this should be it right like what happens whoa whoa pillars wait one pillar okay that's it i have these statue things do i stick them on top of the top i think so try i can't reach i'm short what do we do with them is it for this um oh wait there's little um there's little markings down here is it far down here i don't think so nope we do have to figure out this puzzle though yes we do you can just see the character in here but i don't know what the point is oh there's a symbol on the thing yeah why the lines why are there lines lines polka dots was it the pattern it's it's the shape of the key oh stripes yeah and then yeah stripes oh stripes only move it to only oh like that there are polka dots on the bottom wait this yes yes good job whoa oh next party there's another puzzle oh more puzzles everywhere this is the end what are we oh the statues go right here okay awesome i don't know what placement it is yet uh now there's there's a bunch of stuff there's okay i get it i get it there's so many so these things are lighting up whatever is shown in the sun see on these things it's lighting up two tents you just swapped not too tense so we gotta pick one to do first it lit up what does that do i think you just got to keep going what a knob oh and a knob oh i think we're going to get out guys oh what the four statues okay bring up here okay does it matter what way we put them up probably not right it probably matters but we'll just keep figuring out what we're figuring out and we have this so definitely don't know what this is i don't know what anything does and the second knob boom what the dragon's elizabeth draco pogs this is how it works in escape rooms there's always the one best like twisted um i don't really think these coordinate with each other so it's probably useless everyone one more please oh wait what what i just figured out that this one isn't lit on fire my bad oh my god now what oh what do you see this this piece oh just a secret towel it's just the tofu nothing oh i think this one's easy i think you just do what you see in the view see there's a pyramid and then there's a sphinx over there oh oh you're trying to match the graphic that's it yeah i think so like this this the right yeah like that way yes oh good job oh no what is it olden day photography freak brain draco we're just gonna click it we're gonna unclick it we don't know what it is we have seven minutes that's tons of time oh wait i just figured out i think the placement for these are literally in front of us oh yeah that would make sense like what the cards are and it says you can press space to rotate them um and spaces to rotate i don't know what that guy's holding over there i think it's this that's it's a rotation here's something something happened what are you guys doing what i did because it is the height difference what oh you do smart yes okay that one worked no good job there's more of these congratulations okay now what do these mean wait look there's constellations are you sure i think so i'm pretty sure well i see it i see this one oh wait i see this one right this one's this yeah good job did you guys escape this is it okay do the far left one do the far left one and then look up someone i don't see it i don't just click a random who kiss i would do this yeah i would do that nope doesn't work then you unclick it and you do this i think we have something wrong oh we did it it's it oh yeah yes are we finally done we're done please for real we're escaping we're done are you lying to me stay escaped we did it we've escaped we never have to come back here again see you later sand castle unless you want us to do no
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,722,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, escape simulator, escape simulator game, escape game, escape, escape room, escape room game, escape room gameplay, escape room funny, escape room simulator funny, funny moments gameplay, secret, room escape, escape room games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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