Our FAMILY VACATION in Roblox Livetopia!

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[Music] I haven't gone on a shopping spree in Forever retail therapy is my kind of therapy no way I'm forgetting something gold where are you you're late oh I'm just getting ready I was about to leave the house gold there's only one more train to live Topia if you miss it you're never coming don't worry about I'm on my way I'm late oh no come on gold is the last train you can't miss this come on one two three one two three come on I'm so tired finally a break [Music] two minutes to spare what lunar what are you doing here I thought you were already departed huh oh yeah me too but I got distracted because I was playing cookies are you even listening to me lunard there's a last train we're gonna miss it [Music] thank you next stop downtown livetopia who's excited yay you would have been here faster if someone didn't take so long yeah gold we're looking at you I just forgot because you know I forgot to spend an alarm you guys get a cute shirt Get Up Wait Stop's here Luna what are you doing come on lunar lunar you have to stop playing crew eats okay I know it's a very fun game but I have to beat this level if I don't beat it I'll never beat it okay uh let's let's go let's go to downtown listen up I'm the yo-yo boy and I get to decide where we go because since gold took so long look at these yo-yo tricks I messed them all look at it that's true he's pretty good at it amazing yeah I want to go eat wait oh Draco that's the first thing you want to do yes what did you expect uh Draco can you walk up the escalator no we have to no that is rude you wait fine you have to wait you think this place has Burgers um maybe let's see whoa Topia School the big city plaza look over there I found the perfect place what what meals in a minute in a minute possible fast food we have to cross the road properly oh that's true that's true that's true we have to go to a crosswalk Draco you're right we're new here and we shouldn't be breaking the law lunar you have to wait Luna what guys this is a serious problem she's addicted hey give me your phone please sorry I'm not listening okay give me your phone lunar fine whatever here thank you okay can we stop and just go have fun guys yeah okay Drago's stuff that's gonna hit me in the face all right I don't see no kais um your shower is coming soon who cares I'm hungry okay Draco let's go to meals in a minute meal new place wow hello anyone here hello yes I am the chef of this kitchen of this fine a minute Eatery what would you like to order uh what do you have on your menu they got Pizza Hut is this uncooked Pizza no yes that is why it is less as a meal less than a minute because everything is awesome this is your pizza I don't want to be rude but that pizza looks doesn't it look this pizza kind of looks unappetizing gold you love pizza what do you think about this pizza right here oh she just loves it looks a little raw but I'm hungry so I'm eating it hey you're supposed to pay pay off before you eat I didn't know you also like sell full turkey you don't get the best friend's discount can we get a besties discount well technically the best family's discount I don't see any promos of that just here so no okay fine I'll buy this sometimes like hot Steam and fresh chicken I thought it was Turkey so what is it just chips in this box stop eating it didn't pay for it yet gold you pay for it since you were late today all right so what is it one two three four five items that is a hundred and twenty dollars yeah it's kind of like healthy food you know so that's expensiveer what the does that work yeah is that is that good enough for you miss please it's some nice shoes yes how much is it can you barter faster my pizza's getting cold um they were originally 200 bucks but I got her on sale for 50 bucks so it's a its value is 200. all right deal give them over I never understood those sales if you bought it is that an extra yeah it just puffs of orange I just need a couple I just need extra cups orange juice is gonna be like thirty dollars so now I'm gonna need something else from thirty dollars okay that's pretty cheap gold can you check that out orange juice we don't need that much I need all of this no I need all of this orange juice are we done with our snack break yet we I still want to explore um not see how much food we got yeah I didn't go to the mall and live livetopia or is that what it's called here gold it's called livetopia I'm pretty sure as I read the pamphlet earlier so it's a Topia Mall okay so it should be cool right and there should be the best deal that's yeah they probably have tons of stores fine we will take all this food to go let's go person all right we need food boxes please uh we don't have that here sir um just put it on your backpack it up or I'm not tipping you okay I have to go find the restroom oh whoa It's the meteor shower they're talking about it's so beautiful we could have missed this if we were in there waiting longer everyone you have to make a wish oh you have to make a billion wishes I wish for a billion Robux I really bought more chips no Draco if you share your wish out loud it doesn't come true no one quote me on what I said earlier I don't I don't believe you good thing this mall is open 24 hours let's go shop shopping guys we were just here oh yeah this is weird we just think mall I thought picked up it's fine we'll go wait a minute boxes here why is this a livetopia Lamborghini do we get to win it like a raffle you know in malls they always have these expensive cars that's true and you never see who wins them rainbow huh I thought you said you took away Luna's phone yeah yeah she's holding an iPad now she's out of control I don't know what to do with her Luna are you playing on my iPad now yes my wish was to play on the iPad and it came true so that is what I'm doing do not talk to me can we do this for the rest of them all okay fine lunar just pay attention Okay we're going to the second level and we're gonna buy stuff rainbow stopped moving on the escalator that's dangerous it's dangerous wait this is your guys just watch a movie in the small movies right now where's the clothes yeah all right I know I'm like not paying attention here but is this a mall or is it a media center because that's true there is nothing gold but Gold's going crazy video stuff where gold is the mall closed you promised me shopping the best deals of my life wait go you can shop right here at Super Burger there's a burger store hello breaking news can I wear the burgers all right welcome to the gossip Corner segment and today I have international worldwide famous celebrity golden glare on the hot seat so gold what's the tea why thank you painting rainbows or shall I say rainbows the tea is today that I just arrived down into live Topia and there's no malls no shopping no nothing here um don't they want money and on to the next segment bye bye we'll be right back after this commercial break because I drank too much coffee super big super delicious super juicy super did I say juicy here at Super Burger we serve 100 unauthentic beef made with the freshest ingredients don't forget to like And subscribe for a juicy burger is this is this even a real news station nope I'm bored I'm out I just saw a really good commercial I have to grab a super burger before I leave Draco come on sure wait where's lunar anyway just sneak in the back what Super Burger Luna what oh I think she's sorry I was uh that's it you have an obsession no more crew eats until the video is done now put it away you guys are so boring is that a pink Burger are those cookies oh that's what is that I think it's right he's on TV apparently they're the super burgers um I think that's enough super burgers for you guys because I heard that they're not made with authentic meat but whatever who kissed let's go it's delicious I don't care oh gold I found it the clothing store's right there I love shopping there's unicorns which I don't like any of these clothes shirts hi hello welcome to clothing spectacular how may I help you today oh do you have anything without unicorns on them because not really my vibe oh uh let me go check the back room for you but unicorn's kind of like the theme right now like everybody loves unicorns and like you're not you're not gonna check the back room are you can I have a fitting room no I will definitely just wait a second sir okay can I have a fish you know what I know that you're like saying can I have a fitting room but excuse me sir I said I will help you in a second so I know that you're saying you don't feel the vibe yeah I don't I don't feel but I think this one right here with the rainbow font and the black tank top will be perfect for you I don't I don't fit you don't like it can I have a fitting it's like it's like but like it's not me I have money okay okay how about okay I'll go check the back room for you and Sir come with me I will show you to the fitting room all all sucks okay um where is everyone else I don't think this outfit is my vibe Miss wait oh you can't win it by yourself okay okay so what's your name sir so I can write it on the chalkboard whoa um Mr Super Burger okay Mr Super Burger you're in fitting room one and I hope you love you yeah I can't reach sure remember [Music] you have to sit here and wait how do you not know there's people in your fitting room rainbow I think you're getting fired today that was I'm so sorry my apologies you guys look absolutely excellent I'll take that to the register for you I don't know okay can I take it to the register for you yes yes guys just let her it's Rainbow's job yes rainbow you may thank you okay I totally don't make commission off of this I'm just providing great customer service wink okay so three outfits plus times to the discount and I'll give you a special discount too since we're friends and you're gonna see this comes to a thousand dollars what pay it oh a blue card fancy these are one of those fancy extra charge cards [Music] uh it it doesn't work um let me try again it's probably just a mistake track why is it getting declined [Music] um that's because it's from the toy store next door all right so you want you a little okay you know what um you know what take this back I can't afford it um yeah I'll just put it back yeah it's okay it's okay here at unicorn store Galore we provide great service [Laughter] she's turning into a person from Liftopia gold you're really part of Liftopia have we been here too long uh yeah I don't feel good this is gonna happen to me you probably hurry rainbow I think we've been playing for too long can I get a refund please yes oh seems like the livetopia curse is happening already what there's nothing I can do for you goodbye get out of my shop rainbow get out of my store okay thank you for your kind service I don't feel I feel weird I feel really shiny I feel beautiful actually maybe can we get a new haircut oh we could go in here wow hi hello hello can we book a spa haircut session for four does this look like a spa does this look like I just want hair color can you see how tall I am yes we're not from here and we want to get the best haircuts yes please take a seat on this chair everyone please take us I'll give you the best haircut okay yeah you over there would you like your character diet gold ah it doesn't matter surprise me okay let me just put some sparkles on here yeah I'm using fire I'm using fire I'm those type of Barbers excuse me sir please stop washing your own hair this is not self-serve yeah I know I I saw on Tick Tock too all right put some fire let's burn this part off yeah really tall here it smells smoky it's supposed to be Smoky and then we're gonna cut your hair using a fire stick yada yada putting some stuff in it uh-huh perfect sir please come over here wash your hair gold don't look okay I'm not looking that'll be a surprise [Music] okay let me open my eyes beautiful I mean it's kind of cute you look like you're in from I changed my mind I do not want a haircut maybe maybe I did quantity no you have to pay you have to pay I want to lose I didn't I didn't get anything done fine get out let's just do our nails let's just do our nails gold you look great lunar oh you want your hair washed I'll wash your hair for you yes please thank you yeah you could just stand there I'm washing your hair hi that's a hundred dollars look at the back deep into my ponytail you can see the blonde of my hair but you didn't fully dye it you'd only dyed the outside a girls like I said this place is called Quick Cuts okay you could get your hair dyed just like me I don't want a haircut but could you dye my hair I've been thinking of getting a new color you know oh yeah true kind of boring now gold looks like a pineapple you turned me into a pineapple Luna's dying her own hair see she's not complaining okay rainbow let me dye your hair on my own hair yada yada magic wand magic wand make her beautiful and blonde and she's blue close enough all right come here do you want your nails done I think we should yeah but I don't think we should pay for this because this is no you should everyone just come here you know what I just noticed we haven't paid for anything and your total I think we need to pay in this town yeah it's free this town's awesome I'm out Let's Go All Aboard everyone go on the train we're headed to the aquarium I'm gonna leave now do you want to drive this um this is so much fun I do there's pandas lunar and there um you're really good at driving a train the oceanarium it looks so cool so cute do you think they have Dolphins Maybe to the oceanarium hi can we get one ticket please I mean gypsies five tickets please no one ticket okay that will be um zero dollars because um you're all children yeah let's keep running before he figures out we go down here no wait I will be your Guide to the oceanarium I know where you're going yes oh welcome to the ocean area is he in this tank there are invisible crap crap they're very rare because they're invisible I feel like you're ripping us off here that's why it's free I'm not oh this is natural environment you see all the fish in here they're not safe there's predators in here they get it's natural way of life our tour guides kind of scaring me yeah maybe someone should fire him or not these are the fish separated and they do not get eaten they are it's Dory I I mean it kind of does look like Dory it's a challenge for you can you find me the same I don't see Fish no don't you they're just classic here Nemo is with his family in this I like this tour guide okay we have jellyfishes why you call them jellies is it true that jellyfishes have the ability to regenerate really fast I am not a scientist I just worked here we will now be skipping all the floors to go straight down to the basement where sharks are so cool is the invisible manta ray pool where you cannot touch the manta rays oh more jellyfish this looks so magical where are your sharks yeah we're at the Sharks okay but are you ready for the fun the sharks are cool come on yeah come up here wait what's this this is behind this please swim with the turtle whoa are you good are you okay um yes this is insane yeah this doesn't seem safe Draco it is safe have you ever seen a crew fish now go down to this light it up Square so you're just walking across and then you're like oh is that a crew fish mermaids that's cool Jack are you dead you dead crew fish no I'm not I'm a very much alive yes unfortunately the elevator has broken so you will have to take the stairs up no no you're lying no please order you you have to take the stairs up the arrows on the floor if you take the stairs then please I will take the stairs uh he's the guy wait where's she going like elevator by himself he's selfish whatever let's beat him see all the floors okay you're right let's go come on let's beat Draco wait is there a souvenir shop I want a souvenir from here maybe yes it's way too cute not to get a souvenir great I'm going backwards hello tour guide how did you enjoy the oceanarium if it was amazing really cool okay now the elevator is working so you can go to the second floor wow what's up here binoculars oh you can see stuff out here scenarium Observatory whoa here you can also stand up here and get a picture beside our mascot dolphin we should get a picture dolphin pucker lips okay let's get a photo in your dolphin pluck your lips cheese cheese actually I meant pucker lips pucker lips sucker lips there now that was a free photo I love livetopia everything here costs nothing there's even a pier with rides wait is that a ride teacups it looks so cool you know what it's been fast I never want to leave I want to live here forever they're like ever plushie cups Cups well we're gonna stay here forever and live our life in Liftopia Draco what are you doing that's dangerous go faster come on group get on get on okay guys I want to get on the purple one what what no no creamy Draco chew your food join crew we're all here so much food I'm so hungry so many places to eat yummy so cute collect all the pets sweet check out these outfits I'm beautiful [Music] Rocco you ate everything the game made me thank you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 8,350,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox bakery, roblox family vacation, roblox family, roblox vacation, roblox livetopia, roblox livetopia krew, roblox livetopia itsfunneh, roblox livetopa funneh
Id: CoswNreIJ6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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