We're TRAPPED in a Roblox Video Game!

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hello everyone so are you finally here to play some games huh yeah i've been waiting for this day for so long yeah yeah it's going to be fun i can't wait to play my favorite games same we gotta play pinball alright so what are we waiting for let's go play some games come on guys let's go let's go wait of course guys look if we get tickets we can get bubblegum i want gum balls you guys there's claw machines and you can collect toilet paper but wait guys over here this is the ticket lady i love ticket ladies and tickets so expensive i don't think wait we already have 10 tickets oh my gosh we're wasting time what's he called machine club machine unicorn i'm gonna go with the burger this way burgers this way guys so cool i got bubbles okay i need toilet paper i always needed some toilet paper from a claw machine nothing else matters except for winning toilet paper i got it oh my gosh i got a unicorn cute did anyone get the burger i did the burger i got a bunny this arcade is so nice yeah oh i have five tickets left let me waste three tickets on a gumball i did it i think it was a waste oh i just ate it it was guys there's money around the arcade i just found a dollar um i only have two tickets left i can't really get anything but this toilet paper makes me really really happy why is this girl crying hey what happened uh oh oh god we got sucked into the game what game charlie what do you mean the game is bombs and coins [Music] i have an idea let's have a competition what kind of competition like whoever makes the most points on this game wins the competition and i will buy the winner a free hamburger i already got one did someone take free burgers yeah but your burger wasn't free lunar okay so guys the game is very simple and easy just click the coins and avoid the bombs okay that is simple okay careful enough charlie all right remember guys going to win click the bombs no just click the bonds let's oh yeah you remember click i know bombs nope the bombs no i just missed it okay you got to say the coins go down pretty fast oh my gosh i'm trying high score though i want the house okay oh my goodness i'm getting a high score i deserve all there's no order to the speed i miss so many coins you guys you got to make sure you click the bombs remember no i'm gonna get the burger i just got 180 points charlie did i win me come on oh my gosh that was so fun yeah okay let's see who got the highest score 180 points i want oh yeah oh yeah i got a free burger you earned it yay gg guys blush emoji gg i'm so tired right now can we go home now rainbow no more toilet paper yeah oh let's go home no charlie's not ready i didn't want to go home wow this is a nice house hey mom these are my friends that played with me at the rk today hi charlie's mom hello everyone it's nice to meet you all my son talks a lot about you guys all the time your name is it's draconite dragon right yeah how do you know his full username so can you sleep here tonight of course they can i will go make some cookies for you all i love all right mom thank you okay guys please feel free to explore the house as this is your first time yo charlie's hotel charlie and i'll take your mommy chocolate i will take you three cookies yeah hmm why is there some cereal on the table wait are we bad friends for just taking random money playing around with the party playing around are you sure well i'm gonna see charlie's bedroom i want to see what it looks like a peekaboo with your money i got nothing i'm struggling to find some loose change around the house nope this what charlie's best friend it's a picture of me do you see that i'm charlie's best friend it's not it's me we can all be charlie's best friend okay hmm that's fair i'm charlie's best friend because i found the most money that's they have a lot of money around this house i think i got a hundred dollars from near the shower that is a lot of money okay wait let's go back downstairs guys charlie's gonna notice we're snooping around no i have to find the more money no that's enough money let's go get the cookies enjoy thank you i didn't get a cookie mom very delicious mom thank you thanks mom they are delicious what the heck yes thank you all right guys let's go to my room now guys we already did 12 42 a.m wow it's late or early mm-hmm whoa charlie your bed is so wide we can spend the whole night playing video games yes i love that i'm kind of hungry can we order something is it too late sure let's order some pizza nah lunar pizza's open 24 7. favorite yay pizza what flavor do you guys want um pineapple pizza please no pepperoni cheese no cheese you guys we always get pepperoni pepperoni's so big actually cheese basically cheese cheese cheese pepperoni pepperoni pepperoni yes come on i wonder what cheese looks like i love pepperoni pizza me too anyways i was thinking about something it would be very cool but it's kind of risky what is it all right charlie i was thinking about going to the arcade right now really it's past 1am you know that right yeah charlie exactly that's why we will sneak in there and turn on the machines um what are you sure about that i was literally thinking the same thing seriously ah yes also wait let me warn you guys first what my mom is a sleepwalker that's okay do not wake her up or we might get in trouble like and subscribe because we're so close to 8 million subscribers guess what will happen once we hit it what happens it's gotta be something thank you oh okay where's your mom quiet [Music] mom okay come on jacqueline you see anything tell what on your left where is she you don't see mom she's over here i spot her she's right there oh oh oh oh careful oh she's sleepwalking where do we go oh no oh over here let's go this way we're here hurry every time go go go go let's go let's go out there you go gold hurry up gold come on gold going right making it run funny good job we made it charlie we made it all right guys let's go to the arcade now why is there no sidewalks lunar you guys because yeah pick up some money oh the arcade's right there now that we are here we just need to find a way inside luckily i know how to open the door with a paper clip wow charlie is very skillful what a great skill charlie do you do this a lot oh really where'd you learn that video games of course oh come on now you can learn so many things from them i don't think this is a good idea yeah charlie i think the arcade has a back door wouldn't it be better if we use it a back door well i was thinking to do something daring but you guys can choose no pick the door pick the lock pick the lock come on charlie you got it dare devil and i'm in you know the main door picking the lock is way too easy and it's more cool all right then let me continue where i left off hey guys keep an eye out done let's go inside now we don't have an alarm system wow it's so dark here can you guys find the light switch light switch saw it over somewhere over here earlier over here guys i found it yeah i don't see rainbow dark here i can't see oh really that is oh i got it it's literally right here good job wait did you guys notice that broken arcade game too yeah i saw it too today when we came to play i wonder what it is whoa well let's find out wait what do you mean it's just great let's try to play it are you sure it may be a bad idea coming here was a bad idea but you guys accepted let's do it now that's true accomplices okay what type of arcade game do you think this is whoa what oh what's happening why is everything vibrating i i don't know maybe we're teleported to another dimension or something [Music] hello players wow you are six in total huh yeah who who are you and where are you let us go calm down charlie uh how do you know my name it's all you have a username above your head or anything you know you are in the world of games i collected your name from the games what are you even talking about help us wait how does everyone know our name tom calm down and listen to me what to escape from the world of the games you must complete completely three random games chosen by me and since i rarely see players anymore they will be a little hard oh come on be nice to us kinda easy tbh really we just teleported a white world and you're asking us to play three virtual games in real life real quick do you want to go back to the normal world of nice no come on trackers then do as i ask this is really happening out of nowhere i don't even know if i'm real or not right now am i real for my face what is happening right now i literally have no idea our world is loading charlie we shouldn't have played that game welcome to your first game challenge wow this game looks cool this game is called dungeon survival huh i just accessed your play of data and i see that you've played this game before no we didn't we haven't no we didn't no we've never i did so you guys know what to do good luck i mean i like arcade rpg games i guess we have to survive the demons if i'm right yeah we play rpg games all the time what is this do you guys see that seems like a machete i don't see anything just demons it's a statue that's funny oh i think we all see them differently wait why isn't the demon dying guys we're not really doing that well we're going to hit it more go get the demons get the demons they shouldn't be that hard we're five people how many lives do you hey um hey charlie what's up bestie charlie you're not helping us yeah charlie charlie you're a strong sword charlie come on wow that was kind of easy you didn't help dude you didn't do anything only for you you didn't even help yeah say that's rude it's true good job players can we vote kick charlie everyone survive the first challenge that's impressive that was kind of simple though if you think of it let's start with your second challenge what is this place welcome to maze craze in this mystical forest there's a portal waiting for you you have to find the portal before the timer runs out you have exactly one minute to complete this maze what or what or you'll turn into a stone statue just like many others did what no no no no funny you were playing this game once you better start walking maybe yeah you should know the way out guys we have to find a way out this way funny this isn't even a phase what type of game were you playing what well you know me i love amazing i don't really know where i'm going too far funny okay do you see that what do we do when we want to escape we go north no way this is way too easy i think we're done yeah okay way too hello random game master i'm not gonna lie your game it's for babies clearly say that finally what honey yeah it's disappointing we're in the game five out of five completed the maze you guys are quite good wait wait wait wait darling what about charlie it's time for the third challenge where's charlie sorry here we are hold on what is this a campsite welcome to tower of escapeology looks like none of you are familiar with this game i'll explain it to you i already have an idea you are currently in a tower with four phases forest sea cave snow after a few seconds the places where you are standing will be burned by lava you have to complete the four phases and reach the top before the lava eats you so time to eat the floors and your time starts um cruise down all the way everywhere money put money sorry i gotta go charlie [Music] oh the lava's right there do you we're not flying how do you know draco's just playing games rainbow ooh okay okay careful careful you just foul you just fell one ladder to the ladder come on guys we cannot make it out we still got time no no guys be careful at the mine level i don't see anyone rainbow hurry up i'm trying i'm trying to make sure it's straight to the snow level where are we going here oh the ice wall the last level okay this should be easy i think this is this is really easy rainbow don't start talking until we're actually up here yeah what they said are you fine okay stay in let's go this isn't that there you go okay game master whoever is watching us right now um your levels very simplistic too easy for these pro gamers can you see draco's hat is sideways he was meant to be yeah so easy oh hello everyone hello um guys the love is coming up can you hurry up how do i just keep spam jumping just jump just jump straight swing oh my gosh gold just keep spam jumping gold that's what i did i just pressed double space i got this house to watch go go go go don't the entire floor is orange and we all made it through good job look at this honey you better get back in okay i'll go back in game master you see that that's how easy it is you are no i'm kidding maybe we should stop uh smack talking the game master before they actually give us something challenging i'll stop is that all you got game master congratulations i see that you guys have finished the three games yep you are the first players ever to complete all three games really surprising honestly now now let us go back please pretty please relax relax but before you go what huh i want to tell you something hey hey where's our friend charlie i know i told you that i would let you go they lied oh my gosh but now i have changed my mind i did it let us out i'm this far hey there's a wall nobody goes alive from here i know you've done a lot but come on can you survive me well who are you whoa oh okay whoa just survived jason i know oh my god um i guess you can survive ai right you just have to yeah still no i cannot no no no no no you cannot your health is really low everyone's not oh wait it is low oh yeah i can't die wait are they spawning it's just ai it's just ai ai it's just ai whoa jump rope this is pretty so daft are you a pretty computer dance party we can dance we can party because it's a dance party i think the ai is getting very very angry at us let's just let's start right now because you're just keeping it yeah you're gonna die rainbow oh i told you guys to stop making fun of the ai i mean i didn't get hit yeah it's pretty easy i'm almost dead save me she's dead revive rainbow oh you can pay i can pay for friend revive oh my gosh i just have robux it's okay okay we just all paid for you it's fine it's one just one thank you what a waste that's it you must die no oh i'm angry whoa whoa whoa okay very angry very angry very upset i'm out um why was the computer mad at breakfast because it was fried rainbow rainbow i don't think it's time for a joke really rainbow no jokes oh what's happening it's closing in guys it's closing the world oh no no no no jump dude wow we made it are we free oh get us out of this game please let us go we're good right we beat you um what just happened i think we oh um i don't know where's charlie oh is it finished are you done tormenting wait hold up where is charlie yeah that's what i just charlie turned into a statue i have no idea it's getting bright again ah my eyes whoa we're back and we made it out yes we're trying to get game over we are back to the arcade now game over but what does it say that machine's broken yeah but i am still worried about charlie uh is charlie stuck in there where did we last see him um i have no idea really oh wait the third level no it was the lava charlie did you make it out charlie charlie charlie what if we why are all the arcades charlie in the restroom charlie are you in the restroom no no charlie i'm gonna get some bubble gum oh rainbow time oh wait charlie's right here oh what are you doing here oh you made it charlie how did you get here uh i don't know i'm scared when i was left behind i suddenly fainted and then woke up here oh that doesn't make any sense damn now let's get out of here quick yeah i think we just broke the entire shouldn't be here okay wait what is that sound oh we broke in trouble oh no cops who called the cops guys guys wasn't you let's get out of here uh run to the back door i don't want to go to jail let us out oh no hey kids what were you doing inside wait we didn't do anything yeah sir do you know any of these kids no officer you all have no idea what happened we barely survived yeah listen to charlie i think these are the kids who broke into the arcade maybe we were just having fun no wait listen listen quiet it is 3 30 a.m where do you live at charlie's house sir we live down by the street please let us go we live at charlie's house my name is charlie your parents and i are going to have a good chat about this let's that's right wait no no charlie's mom doesn't like getting woken up [Music] don't break the laws [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,612,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox family, roblox memes, roblox funny, roblox arcade story, roblox video game, roblox arcade, roblox escape, roblox story
Id: G5XYN_2_svg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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