Opening our CANDY STORE in Roblox!

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hiya everyone we are crew and welcome to the sweetest game on the planet candy simulator hey that's what i was gonna say this is gonna be the sweetest video ever delicious any bunny wants some chocolate make sure to like and subscribe unclaimed store more like funnies claim store i got nothing why are you roasting i'm trying to think of the best candy i'm trying to think of the best candy store name but i got nothing i know name it blueberry swirl hop i get another blueberry joke called i'm leaving roblox rainbow your store is across from mine and that means you're my competition yep i just wanted to bunnyhop over here and tell you that i'm going to steal all your customers i'm chocolate evil bunny hop hop while you guys were busy chattering everyone's already making money so ha ha rainbow you distracted me okay we got some milk some more milk whoa look at this i made my first set of jelly beans jelly beans wait jelly beans are made out of milk i guess they are okay let me see i have five bottles of milk and let's see what i can create with this oh just plain jelly beans the noise is uh kind of weird okay the question is what flavor will your jelly bean be blueberry oh welcome luna are you our first customer welcome to blueberry sweet cool do you work you get out no this is my store oh can i get some grape jelly beans do you offer those here we only serve blue things here so yeah stories only for blueberries whoa i have coconut jelly beans that's so cool you're gonna say milk nope it's coke i mean it could be coconut milk jelly beans so if i grab nutella some fruit and some sugar and spices can someone please remember nicest yeah everything nice can someone remove this mucho from my store hello moocher i'm no moocher gold you never play these there's no point in me opening a store you know why why because it doesn't go anywhere so i will be the seller here what would you like to see we have blueberry beans beans beans cloud beans and milk beans i feel like you're just making this up you're lying there's no blue here there's just coconuts this is it advertisement i'm gonna have no no it changes color by the mood if i'm going to become the best candy store i have to double my carrying capacity how does one burn all their robux in this game you go get candy lessons wait rich customers oh i think i just paid for rich customers to come in i wasted like 400 robux you have nothing why would you do that no no no okay just let me try cooking more the only thing i can make is wait i could buy gummy recipes heck yeah let's go 300. i feel like other people are being too quiet right now meaning they've probably already spent a some amount of robux stop i see you anything oh cool you're actually working jelly yeah is it some uh no i don't really know what flavor it was i kind of just threw whatever and it turned out brown no it's orange i mean they kind of look like beans girls you can sell it comically and be like yo anyone want to buy my beans what kind of beans chickpeas no they just look like regular beans going the next bonus is gumballs gumballs okay come on you want some chickpeas don't get fooled where are the customers i need the richest customers they're coming a pet oh you have to join the group i'm too lazy to do that why is there a lineup outside this store what are you guys doing over here just uh getting an edge we're just getting new stuff you're getting pets what yep a squirrel okay so let's throw 49 robux thanks did customers just come in i have to open this crate give me a second please give myself the best porcupine okay not bad so it's gonna help me let's go while i'm here i can also purchase some more things so i can make more candy my poke pie let's go work together oh my god yours is so tiny what is it it matches my aesthetic yes what the heck okay i need to go place down some more candy making materials baby i'll show you to your new home we got this gold no this is not its new home this is my home let's make some jelly beans and i have to go get some more recipes i don't see the rich customers coming in i feel like i got ripped off because you did what the heck flavoring some fruit our cart is full it literally touches the surface let's dump all of these materials in gold the customers are coming in less than once a second i'll get right samples hello i don't see them oh look at them they're coming in okay gold make sure to advertise the best we're competing against rainbow who's selling nothing so far i see nothing yes yes yeah for now holy took all the jelly beans thank you for stopping by we hope you enjoy it i hope you enjoyed our moody beans your job is to go distract rainbow so she can't sell anything rainbow hi would you like to sample some moody beans do you think i am a dumb chocolate bunny no but me and my meerkat created these moody beans they changed by the mood so if you're a bunny and you eat it you will taste bunny flavor that sounds wow if he tries it he will taste chocolate flavor don't bother someone else chocolate bear leave me in my store whose shelf is actually fall oh her shelf i'm a chocolate bunny look at her she's gonna make the best it actually looks good dracco is just filling his with what is this warheads wait gold do you love warheads welcome to toxic candy oh if you eat it you'll immediately become toxic oh wait let me try it i hate draco you guys the businessmen are arriving hurry your store needs to be on tip top shape no gold we have nothing to sell um hello customers please go ahead and grab jelly beans and look they're all coming yes oh rainbows more look at her don't support that money thank you thank you see you again next time oh no this isn't good we need more money that's it rainbow store so far is a aesthetic look at it draco's looks toxic and don't even get a chance to look at my neighbor lunar don't you know now everything is aesthetic i may look like i have nothing but i saved up a lot of money just you wait okay um gold i think you should throw those or sell them because no one wants your moody bellies fine jelly bellies if i want to progress through this game i have to buy 5 000 coins and go figure out which candy barrel is the best barrel by the way is that how candy is made they just throw it in a barrel that's like boiling um totally probably yeah you should try doing it this whole time it was obvious what's the most expensive barrel we've got whoa how did do they become bigger these are so expensive gold our business will be ran to the ground like six thousand dollars we have to get like the prettiest i have to get blue oh this one looks so bad though i need cheaper we need our candy store to be appealing you know what i'll just buy a bunch of these the shard ones let's get up to 20. and in order to stick more stuff in my card i'm gonna have to get a bigger card with five thousand coins left to sp bend i guess a pink cartridge is all right i am ready two start making the best candy look at luna i am picking the finest ingredients for my hard candies well watch this boom what do you mean the only ingredient is sugar it's just sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar okay you guys you actually did not eat that much candy come on more sugar blue blue gold you see this blue thank you for investing into my business gold i will be welcoming some robux later no i don't do that what your floor looks kind of basic draco no one looks at the floor everyone looks at the floor the floor of a candy shop is the hearts of a candy shop are you just making them no hey i told you everything's about aesthetics if you don't got good aesthetics no one's coming to your candy so i mean everything my pink cart can pick up so much ingredients this is amazing look at this so much candy i can't even fill my shelves with it what the heck rainbow also has a pink card heard the competition oh yeah it's full it's full of jelly beans ah jelly beans no one likes jelly beans rainbow they want more things well what do you mean you love jelly beans i know i love jelly beans but i'm just being a salty neighbor that's my job as your local competitor i know gold really loves gummy so we're going to sell a bunch of gummies because everyone else is selling jelly beans wow look at this brew the customers are arriving soon and i have a bunch of gummies lined up i also purchased a new bowl because my candy store will be called bullseye because we have the best wine i see your tactic here hello you're leaving one on the shelf so it seems like it's scarce are you saying to seem like my store's busy rainbow you better not how dare you it is a great marketing technique it is limited look customers come on in as my bowl is making candy well i hope you're making jelly beans you know what we'll see after customers come one and all we sell the best gummies around here oh look at the rush there's so many of them hello thank you candy no look at them they're all walking out happy i don't know why some people aren't wearing shirts but that's okay we accept everyone i have 36 glowing gems and dracco said my flooring isn't good enough so i get fully blue blue checkers i want this door to burn people's eyes and it looks like my bowl is creating tangerine swirls whoa this candy looks amazing i want to eat this i want to eat swirl now we got some fireballs boom hello rainbow i came to check up on what type of candies you have here um would you like to try my new flavor chocolate mint pop oh cool do you see this this is your favorite type of candy no i don't want to eat it you're my competitor no just try it no it's not i refuse it's my famous recipe no rainbow looking at all the shelves chocolate lollipop anyone from hops store no thank you candy store anyone anyone how much jelly beans did you make nothing um i made a lot like too many and nobody wants them do you want to try one for free no no thank you freeze come here it's floaty safely save you from these candy sellers who's not even here that's it okay you're distracting me i need to sell i have 30 more seconds until my rush comes in and i'm trying to fill up the shelf as full as possible and my ox pet is very helpful i'm in my bowl sorry sorry a little bowl i did not mean to mistaken your animal this hey rainbow what are you doing over there uh nothing what is that candy lessons she's using robux i have to be there rainbow you can't prove it rainbow i literally just saw confetti go around your character oh no oh my god i see that look at the road they're gonna come on in and take all of the candy welcome one and all finally to bullseye wait they're so happy i love this we're taking every single thing oh look at all that money nice time to go over here and spend a little hello sir let's just buy candy lessons yes rainbow before anyone starts i only get the monopoly on chocolate around this place okay whoa or what did you see that i just got lifted in the air and it just leveled me up all right i need to get leveled up again okay rainbow owns chocolate i'll keep up yeah maybe maybe not um it just said clowns are arriving to pick up the candy you should be scared of clowns i guess they love candy maybe gum they just love jokes you must tell them a joke too um knock knock who's there clowns clown sue stop clowning around around and get in here haha they're going to the hot air balloon and they are gone [Music] [Music] welcome to bullseye gumballs we only sell gumballs here from spicy gumballs to classic gumballs whoa i don't want your spices are they good gumballs of course tracker we specialize in them are they called bullseye because they break your teeth well i've never tried them so i can't answer that question you've never tried your own creation and you want to sell them to us whatever look at the customers the candy masters i would like to try a spicy gumball please oh yes rainbow let me get it for you very slowly why are you doing that she doesn't want to sell to your rainbow very slowly oh no i got money i'll pay you money oh no it looks like everything's getting taken see and that's why i'm going to the next door i'm never i'm out of here this place sucks this is a scam guess what my store is called lunar lollipops no sugar oh my goodness of course every lollipop says it's a flavor but it all just tastes like sugar white those are the worst lollipops the ones that look pretty and just tastes like sugar and that's why it's called meh sugary but gold it's the truth all lollipops taste the same that's true vanilla blueberry pop it sounds the fanciest rainbow you shouldn't say that to gold she's getting very offended because she loves but it's not just that you know how much my beautiful lollipops are two dollars 1.5 99. what that's a steal that's about that that's a great one for one chuckle they're gigantic the big guy has your head huge yeah that doesn't make it worth it yeah yes i have a big like the other day about like 10 lollipops for girl's birthday totally are you gonna pay for that draco mmm i'm gold where's your candy oh there's customers um i haven't been this busy in a while wait all right hi who's ready for the cutest and sweetest beanie babies i don't think you can use that name i think that's owned by somebody no you can soak them in water you can chew on them you can put makeup on them you could do everything with that guys don't it's free okay it's free you guys get to try it for free [Music] in the okay your jelly beans yeah yeah what is that for you literally ate luna's lollipops and you didn't even expect mine wasn't free here's the the blue the blue one matches your outfit yeah what's up grab one i'm being threatened i don't eat candy from threatened people so i'm going to um leave goodbye come back yeah yeah guys nothing better than free oh hey it was only one well you already know the name of my store draco's toxic candy store i actually i just crack those toxic toxic candy so hard it'll make you toxic because you won't be able to eat it i don't like that that makes me angry already oh no you're making rainbow toxic whoa the variety of colors those look like you can't eat any of this why they hurt my eyes it makes me toxic these candies actually look very toxic whoa he has a lot so you think you can take the challenge if you can eat it you get it free and you can't eat it i put it back for the next customers no this is an abomination okay luna you can try it no how do i know that those things weren't already eaten and then they're put back in the shower yeah we're just gonna leave to rainbows you didn't spit out okay no that was gross well i can't waste this candy welcome to the hop chocolate shop from perry can you say that faster happily and ten times it sounds like a tongue twister like pop hop chocolate yeah see that's a bad branding yeah you see here at my chocolate shop jelly bean finest ignore the sign that was my previous owners i took over anyways so we find we fly in the finest ingredients from all over the entire world and since they're so delicate they must stay in these barrels for at least 24 hours before what happens if i take it you're not that's why you can give us a sample yeah do not touch do not touch what why did you just touch it yeah can i have more spoils what if what if i told you that i accidentally glitched the game by using too much robux and if i grab four i will glitch out i don't believe that in the can you grab four i need to see this okay three rainbow you're being dramatic what are you doing where did she go i guess this is all ours now i'm disappearing [Applause] we love free samples here is she gonna come back she oh she's gone no rainbow you're right here but you made me disappear well we learned that rainbow's chocolate is too powerful for this game
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,806,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox candy simulator, candy simulator, roblox candy, roblox candy tycoon, roblox candy game
Id: tsRR-X0Fo8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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