We Spent 24 Hours In A Roblox Bunker!

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welcome everyone to living in a bunker for 24 hours does anyone have any questions is there fish down here sadly there is no fish but we do have a convenience store with food hello hello I have a question what is your question Draco is there a washroom down here um no but I can give you guys a tour so if we're gonna live here for 24 hours you need to see the question the amenities yes what is the question I have a question as well are you our leader um yeah I kind of know how things work around here as you can see I have this ice cream vending machine on my back I sell ice cream oh so you're important I have a question how many questions do you guys have the ice cream machine broken is it broken because every time maybe you want ice that's really important it's broken and I bet you this machine is broken can we get one like And subscribe to see if this ice cream machine is working [Music] [Applause] oh no way follow me down here this is where you can sit and chill and get some free soda to drink wait don't drink it honey don't drink the poison there's a truck I'm too thirsty I gotta keep drinking we've only been here Taco it's poison soda stop Draco I think that's enough bloxy Cola for you no I need to drink more so I can eat more dumplings because I am evil dumpling yeah you know what I have something to say this stuff might be expired why are you giving us expired stuff and calling it free do you have the reliable beans why do you drink but it's so delicious okay well we'll wait for Draco to head to the convenience store welcome to the Epic 7-Eleven yeah there's a sale going on right now it's so epic um what's so epic is these you need to get a streak though so if we could drink this two times without throwing up we get money Cola see guys you will drink it easier if you drink diet water oh but what is Diet Water it's over here water is already diet where oh water's free right here you can't go you don't have Diet Water can you stop I'm smart I bought my own strawberry milk so I don't have to drink poison like you guys okay gonna watch that's good for you do you want some Mentos rainbow no no there's so many drinks but where's food food when we have chocolate milk right here we also have a magic potion don't you want a Minecraft potion rainbow look at this look look you first okay hmm Minecraft oh a potion you know what it tastes really great I'm not dying at all oh never mind I feel pretty bad you guys I found the food oh how the food is this though an onion [Music] Draco it's not worth it for the food I need to get the drumstick the highest streak we can possibly get is five for all of us every time we take any more sips we instantly die I can only get to four I can't get a six it's impossible I give up for Sixth Street I could get the chicken leg I need the six I really want a chicken I really need it you don't understand lunar okay no hungry guys I figured it out too much of a good thing isn't good for you the probability of you drinking one can dropping it picking up another flavor is higher for you to get a streak she's right one Fanta golden I can get a drumstick um let's stay down here for more than 24 hours uh cool maybe you shouldn't spend too long in here okay can I get my five streak and a Cola please six oh I'm on streak it's why do we think of this before Gold's a genius 10 11 12. oh you use some water 12. I think the Minecraft potion you could you could drink much more of this before you pass out 15 I'm on 15. oh my coffee 17 huh I didn't know this would be so animal gold is a genius that's a genius keep some mountains do no way this is actually working you are actually a genius thank you FBI juice all right let's get that some Fanta no what oh what you've been trolled get away from her I drank the FBI juice it wasn't worth it oh yeah with the highest streak of 22 I can finally get myself an onion please don't hurt me onion oh it's just an onion that's great I don't feel so good toothbrushes down here they got bad breath what the hell just punched me ah please help uh everything in here is cursed lamb sauce let's see what this does please no Chef Ramsay I don't think you should drink lamb sauce by yourself funny come on uh no what I think there's a chef my ears okay please no more just eat the beans and let's go come on guys the bees didn't kill you there's more places for us to explore is that just a landmine what the I don't know what that is oh wait what's in this bridge a brain freeze drink look it's a slushie I don't get a 15th Street it's pretty good look it doesn't make me I'm cold um rainbow popsicle gold are you okay I think you should stop drinking that help my brain stopped working you guys have you eaten enough now I think wait what there's Mentos oh wait I need to see this everyone Feast your eyes on Mentos the minty kind okay put it put it inside no that's dangerous rainbows rainbow why are you a Pepsi ah because I've been cursed I think someone stopped that person why what's gonna happen if I eat a bunch of Mentos huh what's gonna happen Mentos and drink at the same time one more challenge Mentos and Coke what's gonna happen I feel like it actually does anything right it's telling you to stop Yes wait no this doesn't do anything it's a troll item okay let's go oh I just threw a bunch of Mentos this uh this place is very disgusting maybe we should mop it up but we have to explore the rest of the bunker should we mop it but there's already somebody mopping it for us oh I feel I feel bad not mopping it thank you for mopping yes thank you it's okay thank you for cleaning the magic let's go Mentos stop the cleaning more mess over there is the offices I don't want to visit it yet let's go to oh there's a mail room guys this is where we get letters from the outside you know what I mean but what's the purpose let's see there's no incoming mail right now but there is this deliver your mail or pay the fine at Mr Mailman all right let's go grab some lettuce oh wait there's a box come in anyone got picked us up yeah I'll pick it I'll get it I got it this goes through the head doc man gold that goes to Mr give cash from your DC badges I go to shop owner man hi Pepsi rainbow you could go grab your letter over there I regret everything what a waste of two hundred dollars isn't perhaps your favorite pop rainbow yeah rainbow it is but I don't want to be Pepsi okay does anyone know where the head dog man is I have to deliver this I need to find myself the doctor of this bunker hello doc if anyone sees a doctor please tell me can you hurry maybe this box is heavy they're in the Bingo area wait I see some people up here oh wait Mr screen shaking man does anyone you deliver to him no no none of you none of you need my letter maybe in here well Dr DJ man's in here well they even have Bingo down here I mean we could play Bingo after that's what you do in a bunker no ventilation room do not enter we enter that means do enter why what what's good what is this a particle filter disposal machine Draco did you just throw out your mail no I have it right here to freshen the air in the bunker guys don't mess with that okay I wish I didn't mess with this I don't I don't have enough money for this fine let's not mess with the bunker air huh I still need hello I'm looking for a rums things can someone anybody read that rainbow you're getting trolled run run rumps rump stunt man that's what it looks like looking for a rump stunt man hello Angry Dragon your mail yeah it's just throwing it in the garbage are we getting trolls I think we're getting trolls oh Mr Cash oh three I love free oh we just got money today this still doesn't say I delivered it but you know what who cares let's leave the bunker I don't think I should touch this it looks like we cannot escape the bunker people who cares about mail let's go down here why are we here anyways it's because the outside world is not safe right now that's why we're in the bunker it's just bad here scary for a Pepsi oh what yeah I don't want to be here let's go play Bingo in the bunker oh whoa is this the storage room all this stuff's off sale whoa I want to get it I hate it do not touch wait there's something up there I want to touch it I want to escape oh no someone else do it or else you might turn into Shrek are you sure you really want to be Shrek come on I'm touching it it's not doing anything sadly it did not turn me to Shrek this place is actually yeah sadly oh wait I found the mud bucket all right I could clean up this place now wait hold up you just ate it oh stop eating it stop that well this is disgusting everyone get in line it's time for Bingo yay not that exciting I always love hard man I would like a bingo we work so hard hello Mr card man I would also like a bingo card thank you very much whoa director okay rainbow hurry up move you're holding up the line so what number no it's not 25 58. um the number right now you guys can we can we slow down a little bit are we in a rush the numbers that have been called are 13 14 17 22 25.44. slow down 13. I don't have 13. oh no I have to call it like a bingo person Draco Bingo you guys at Autumn just collect who cares you got me you got Bingo yourself so funny I didn't I didn't get bingo so we you know what happens when you shout fake bingo what you go to jail that's a lead number is two nope I got three nothing gets better than this type of content playing bingo in a bunker for 24 hours the number is 43. how relaxing oh this is relaxing look at your guys's cards no oh I think No One's Gonna Get a bingo oh my goodness hi no one's playing bingo with us where's the party at Gold it's because Bingo's number is 46. okay can you go faster please actually I'm like a little Bingo board I think we can actually just walk around with these Bingo cards 49 anyone 49. no yes I got a 49. please bingo I need three more spots no I'm not even close yeah I got that 62. [Music] six we have we have a six I'm so bored please please sir just make it go faster okay I get to wear this Bingo hat seven probably no seven it'll be worth it huh thank you for the Mentos bar this is delicious yeah I don't think we're gonna win Bingo anytime soon no yes look how bored lunar like drank Cola three times to throw up it's amazing actually I've eaten cooked chicken see how good this is yum ten shoe [Music] is it over here yeah three I have three I just faces hello I just need 59 please and this is gonna end just let me win yeah can you give me 59 please I am sleepy [Music] what can I do over here nothing maybe I could read the advertisements over there nicer mask design stuff I think is okay yeah great no bingo bingo no Bongo Bingo Bongo b-i-n-g-o Bingo it's a bing it's a bing if you don't have all five it's a bing 54 and 65. [Music] 58 I don't know why do you have a Milo can on top of your head now oh uh I was trying to eat the jar and then it fell on my head and now I can't take it off oh wow please kilo dust over you no no thank you I am two spots away from a bingo hey I am one Spot Bingo is a game of patience okay it's a game of patience please all of my exes are crossed out gold doesn't even want to play Bingo anymore she's just eating something it rolls it rolls and it never stops it rolls for eternity and then you wonder what am I doing we're playing what am I doing with my life yeah watching a ball roll and spit out numbers so suspense someone got bored they exploded thank you I need one more I just need a five and I can please see everyone's playing bingo one more let me win I just need one please be either uh elasticity come on all the things are gonna light up Bingo bunker huh so how's everyone's day yeah doing good pumpkin yeah that's good it looks like you want Bingo before because of your hat get out you already won they look like they're living the life down here BL Bingo what I'm lying I'm lying I'm sorry oh my gosh why are you making this suffer please I have not gotten a number in the last like 10 numbers please Bingo ball give me a 66 or uh 59 that's all I need to win I just want to explore the rest but I don't want to be trapped you know what what I thought life in the bunker would be you know sleeping working on the farm making what farm what farm there's no Farm I know this is the bunker life instead I spayed 200 to look like a walking advertisement for Pepsi what is that size you guys um [Laughter] you ate you ate too much Mentos Draco please just just Rick it just pull out a 66 for me oh oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] painful what's up you suckers are you happy are you our new ruler now wait this bingo card is worthless to me now we've all been sitting there for 30 minutes and I'm done okay show us around the bunker Draco you you win we're going to the second floor now we are done with this place custom paper goodbye place it was nice playing bingo here not really no it wasn't we are going to the second floor of the bunker everyone let's go second floor up we go welcome to level two where we have roombas or robot vacuums wait is it what is this dabs new exclusive suits oh there's a clothing store but everything's awesome this is the suit man a bunker I don't have your mail anymore this is a dream where can I dress up Sir wait you could buy a spray vacuum okay the Robux on this account is running pretty low but it's worth it hello please I just parted where is it grabbing the robot vacuum there you go everyone it doesn't look like a pizza a pizza delivery box you look like yeah you look like you're delivering pizza watch this [Music] that's mad see that it cleans up we're gonna clean up my vomit it's brand new you're gonna break her machine hey come here come here clean it up hello little Roomba it's not mine it's not come on I stopped paying you over here hey I'm broken you should guess you should get a refund stock I don't think they accept refunds come on just come clean up this puke maybe go throw up in the store I want to rip off look at that let's see oh no no it's um it just makes a bigger mess please clean something everyone's throwing don't throw it you have to throw chicken at it here just clean this is what buddy spent her money on another thing everyone has threw up in this store just to see if Little Robot ice cream no no stop let the robot do the work no work stuff no it works it was pretty cool that's so cool the third floor wait what's this over here Draco there's a oh there's a washroom Jango your wish came true look 20 bucks I don't like this washroom I want to go to another washroom charcoal you're too picky you can't be picky in a time like this it looks like this place also has a green screen how nice if you were stuck in a bunker for 24 hours what would you bring leave a comment down below we would like to know if I was stuck in a bunker for 24 hours I would bring a can of Pringles because you can never get tired of them hmm for me I would bring strawberries because then I could get the strawberry seeds and make more strawberries if I was down here I would bring my phone and make sure there is Cellular Connection so I can order food I would bring a data stick cause look I'm plugging it in and the computer is gonna launch and I can use the web gold you're looking at nothing oh wait it's almost at 100 because I'm smart and I brought the data stick well the obvious stuff suck I would bring two dollars soup dumplings a whole box of pork soup dumplings okay well it looks like all of us would bring different things but this is the third story it looks like it's just a plain office where people work and do you know business things there's a lot of AFK people businesses there to do the lucky combination guess the two digit numbers win 40 bucks oh let's go wait what's up uh two yes oh wait the current round has to end first oh it's gonna start soon let's go you go on this computer I think what I was all taken up not really I'm pretty sure you clicked this staff person one two or three I think three is lucky one two two type two three please two numbers 31 31's for me um ready how are your chances game over the answer was 48 40 48 boom this game is impossible yeah I'm having number combinations there are this four brings me no joy it's all work work work and it's boring let's go to footwork floor is this the last oh there's fish okay let's go whoa Hair Shop I've always wanted to go here toilet paper oh my gosh I have to get the duck chair you have chocolate you don't even have enough money what I will take this fries I only have 176 dollars I guess I will buy the uh what's the cheapest Runners free it's free I don't want free no no no I have 167. I'll get the generic plastic chair no haha funny you broke oh no I'm actually broke I should have worked I was too lazy hmm I have 350 dollars I'll just get this you know what I got a pile of small boxes everyone look at this watch me sit it matches my aesthetic anyways lunar let's go to the doctor's office and see if we can take that can off your head but I like this can I want to stay on my head forever I'm just saying you're making a mess Luna let's just go to the doctor's office hello it says treatment is free register here to see a doctor Hello Nurse woman we would like to see a doc all right go see the intern con man for your checkup what oh this here he is hello before you see let me take your temperature first how's my temperature doc you're not even sick what are you doing oh gold I think we have to get out of here we're not sick chat bubble surgery oh can you change your chat level no way you can change your font for the power of Robux no thanks thank you thank you I found a green jar rainbow you can't drink it yeah just don't hold it guys I don't think uh this stuff is good you know what this is germs why is there another doc here hello are you the guy I had to deliver to you don't talk yeah take this green Jack thank you Nurse woman for your um kind Health but I think we've explored everything on this floor there's a book club wait we can get books free books what is this of deafness wow what a great book art of politeness well I guess I could buy this to learn things [Music] there's a big red button rainbow not every button is the light switch it's like gonna explode stuff I was expecting destruction old book club wow times have changed goodbye book club let's go to the fifth floor yeah the final floor of this bunker I hope has a pool or a restaurant a pool whoa is there a pool up here ticket line it's a ticket land whoa whoa is this where are you baddies hang out what is this I think this is like an arcade the stuff up here's so cute oh I want to live on this hello how does one get tickets do we throw Robux hello Mr tokiman may we get some tokens uh claim some tokens we have 15. okay 15 tokens I guess we can go to this machine please give me something please I think that's it are we gonna get anything good no I guess we'll be here all day all right this is where there's nothing better to do and that is my last token I have accumulated eight tickets I feel so happy not really I have 123. what tickets yeah 160. I have 239.20 is really unlucky wow I'm actually super unlucky today okay it's fine just go claim stuff I'll figure out what I can get okay nothing no maybe you can get those little plastic Rings or erasers I know like at the arcades right I need the cheap over here I can't even afford the fort not V bucks card maybe I'll go to the bathroom oh cut out my sins for 10 tickets I don't have to buy this for me please please I can't afford it either yeah yeah yeah it's in the back it's in the washroom hi hi Draco this for me bring that home are you sure yeah it's worth it okay fine what's it two here you go this is the best prize ever it's an official clown license for a clown graduate certified clowning Essentials certification and most importantly it never expires what'd you guys get with your prizes I got this cute balloon plushie ah why is everything so cute you guys look at all the awesome stuff we got at ticket Land tickets no I'm going back to the first floor that was a great day in the bunker I want to stay here forever well we kind of have no choice gold I'm gonna go find milk to make chocolate milk see ya quack quack [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,963,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox family, roblox funny, roblox itsfunneh, roblox funneh, funny roblox, roblox obby, roblox bunker, roblox da amazing bunker, 24 hours in a roblox bunker, roblox bunker 24 hours, roblox 24 hours
Id: b31qftS0njE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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