Trapped In A Island With Josh Hutcherson

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Is this her shortest video ever? Iโ€™m used to hours-long epics about stuff I was completely uninterested in until she presented it!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 59 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Roofofcar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This video is worth watching to the end - the ending is hilarious and unexpected

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 26 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Unfair ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love Jenny Nicholson! She's so funny

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Interesting-Door-841 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Awww, less than 30. Whenever Jenny pops up on my feed I expect to just tuck in and listen her rant for over an hour about something thatโ€™s completely meaningless to me. And I love every minute of it.

Edit: oh, itโ€™s an old video from 3 years ago. Yeah, I was already subbed by them but Iโ€™ve since forgotten the video. Eh, time for a rewatch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nomnaut ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love this lady

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/somedepression ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Please everyone Iโ€™m begging you, watch all of Jennyโ€™s videos

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pearll12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

omg a friend of ContraPoints

yes i stan

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheMightyWill ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so when I have some free time I like to go with my friend Bailey to a restaurant where we can get bottomless steak fries not gonna say what the restaurant is because they didn't sponsor me and I'm too mercenary and we will either read goosebumps or the worst fanfiction that we can find on our phones I found this site called Wattpad which is like the burial ground for bad fanfiction like in fairness I've probably just gotten older and wiser but I feel like in my day fanfic wasn't quite as bad as the stuff that's on this site when this site opened it claimed to be for like serious novelists as opposed to like fanfic dotnet or fiction press this was for people who wanted to get published and they were like every year we'll pick some books and we'll publish them I think it's owned by HarperCollins I don't know at what point they gave up on that dream but boy did they could see the concept is that the people voting on which books got published would be the the community of like 13 year olds most of what you see on the front page of this site is real person fan fiction most of its One Direction fan fics about the cast of vampire diaries really objectionable kidnapping based romance and werewolf errotica some of which is kidnapping based also this site is also home to what is possibly one of the greatest works of fiction ever written it's a story titled trapped in a island with Josh Hutcherson this story has a lot going for it right on the surface the title is brilliant you immediately know what it's a foul I love that it's about Josh Hutcherson and I mean no shade on Josh Hutcherson but you have to admit he seems an odd choice most of the stories on this site are about one direction or like one of the knock off one Direction's a lot of the fanfiction about the One Direction voice is also set in the universe of the purge films which I don't have an explanation for that but I figured that no matter how hard I tried to sell you on this fanfic you're not going to go read it yourself so let's read it together trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson by that vampire chick of note the cover of the book is grammatically correct this story by the way has point three thousand reads so that's probably more success than a lot of you have ever achieved just let that lull you to sleep tonight chapter one Kate's POV mom dad this is what I want to do with my life I've always wanted to become an actor and not some freakin doctor I screamed at my parents no Kate you are not going to waste your life on an acting career life's too short my dad yelled usually usually life's too short is what you say when you're encouraging someone to do something irresponsible yeah and you'll go on the drugs like all the other actors my mom said not all the actors are on drugs mum I said really then the name one then josh hutcherson I said as I smiled at the thought of him um his name is spelled wrong josh hutcherson I said as I smiled at the thought of him Josh was my biggest celebrity crush I'm like obsessed with him despite her compelling example her parents are dead set on her being a doctor she runs up to her room crying my room had a Josh Hutcherson pillow and a Josh lamp posters Matt even a Josh teddy bear everything was of Josh I'm not even confident there is that much josh hutcherson merch available on the market if there was I would already own it I laid on my bed thinking I could run away but where would I go how would I go there oh I know and my dad shed he has a small boat and I can sail to Hollywood and become an actress I thought I was all one sentence at 3:00 a.m. I decided to pack my suitcase because I was going to Hollywood I put on my purple dress I made my way to my dad's shed and dragged the boat to the water lucky I live near the beach I thought to myself then when I finally got in the water I started puddling my boat and then I was of I she called her mom mum so is she in England I don't know if there's anywhere she can live that would make this reasonable so I don't know why I asked oh oh boy oh boy Josh Hutcherson POV I got dressed in my $50 grey shirt and jeans that's how celebrities think if if josh hutcherson ever does like a reddit or anything I wonder I wonder if josh hutcherson does have a $50 gray shirt and when I went outside my limo was waiting for to take me to the cruise ship it is Jennifer Lawrence birthday today I know Jennifer because she was in The Hunger Games with me yeah I know thanks Josh long time no see I'm so glad you're here she said as she started twirling her hair and giggling was Jennifer seriously flirting with me that Jen I like Jen but I just like her as a friend how have you been lately she said me I've been good I said that's good well I've been horrible I got dumped twice in a row and right now I'm looking for the right guy she's just like this in real life josh is so desperate to avoid Jennifer Lawrence's romantic advances that he runs outside and gets swept over the side of the boat by a wave we see Kate again she's been on the boat for seven hours and she contemplates going back home but decides that no she'll be at Hollywood in three hours I have no sense of where she started this journey from just then a huge wave knocks her out of her boat Josh's POV I heard a girl scream and I started swimming to where the sound came from it was hard to swim with all the huge waves in the water was freezing but I've done private swimming lessons since I was three and I still do them hell every Sunday very specific and I assume true factoid about josh hutcherson life I saw a girl I lifted her up in my arms and continued to swim I saw a island around 50 meters from here so I swam to it with the girl still in my arms there's no page break but we go straight into an author's note hey guys I hope you like this so far the picture at the site is Kate if you have any ideas of what I should write for the next chapter please tell me I will dedicate the next chapter to you so please comment by letting me know what you think and vote I will upload soon bye let's take a brief interlude to see what the comments are thinking so far Jennifer I love you but back away not to be mean but this grammar sucks sorry okay this might be the best one how convenient like what did she go into this story expecting ok we're on to chapter 2 of 8 let's do this oh by the way the author imagines Kate being played by Amanda Seyfried Josh's POV I got to the island and put her on the stand she had beautiful long blonde hair and her face was really pale she was so cold I leaned in closer to her and did mouth-to-mouth I gasped as I opened my eyes to see Josh Hutcherson looking down on me that is a devil of a coincidence given the whole conversation she just had in her room Josh came up and lifted me up and sat me down on a log are you okay you broke your leg he said why the hell am I in an island with Josh Hutcherson and a broken leg am I dreaming I asked it's going to be okay we're going to get out of here Josh whispered in my ear then he got up where are you going I asked it's okay it'll be back I'm going to get us some food and look for help Josh please don't leave me here there make be snakes what if you don't come back I said worried I'll be back I promised before I could respond Josh walked of Josh's POV I continued to walk the island was huge what if I get lost I found a tree with fruit in it and I climbed up it I picked up the fruit and climbed back down then I looked around what way did I came but crap I'm lost I said to myself help I yelled but she couldn't hear me even if she could hear me she wouldn't be able to help me because she has a broken leg josh is apparently the worst person to be stranded on a desert island with oh sorry in a island with Kate's POV Josh where are you I tried to get up and run but I tripped over a log ah I screamed my leg hurts so much that I passed out Josh's POV I saw her lying on the ground her leg was bleeding if only I stayed with her this wouldn't have happened yeah I know Josh I laid her down and I felt her forehead she was burning up and she was sweating like crazy I took my shirt of and wet it and then I put it on her forehead Kate is very excited to see a shirtless josh hutcherson over her Josh my leg hurts and I feel sick Josh looked at my leg and said I'll be back there's Leif that is big enough to wrap around your leg it might be able to stop the bleeding was really bad if only one of the people in this island was a doctor instead of a useless actor I'm Kate why didn't you swim when you fell out of the boat and why were you in a small boat alone I can't swim and I ran away from home she said why I asked because my parents want me to become a doctor but I want to be an actor like you I felt so bad and sorry for her I can't believe she ran away Josh is overwhelmed by her beauty and they share a kiss as we go into the next chapter Josh's POV it is now Kate's birthday I don't know if she remembers it though how did he know her birthday if she doesn't know it's her birthday and went out further into the island and I got some fruit from the trees I also picked some flowers for Kate I wish I could do more for her but we're trapped in an island there's not much I can do I walked back to Kate and she was still asleep decided to plan what we could do today but Kate has a broken leg so what can we do oh I know she could name her favorite movie or show and I can act it it sounds like torture please comment below if you were stuck on a desert island with the agony of a broken leg which movie would you ask Josh Hutcherson to act out as a one-man show Kate's POV good morning birthday girl Josh said still smiling God he looked so hot when he smiles birthday what are you talking about it's not my birthday oh wait yeah it is IMG I totally forgot yeah well I can't blame you it's not like we have a calendar here it's like when I fell out at the boat I scream help I need my calendar I can't leave anywhere without it instead of saying help he said I laughed at his little joke Josh Hutcherson has a wonderful sense of humor it was a great joke with a Plus delivery so I was thinking because your leg is broken and we're stuck on an island maybe I can wait she used the correct grammar that time maybe I can put on a show for you and we can play some games that involve sitting down he said I had a fun day that's just the end of the chapter so that was the end of chapter four which means we are now halfway done with this story and what I really love about trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson by that vampire chick is that every scene contributes so much to the men of the story chapter 5 one month later oh my god I'm I'm very glad that they have been able to find food for a whole month and that nobody's looking for Josh Hutcherson so it's been a month Kate and Josh are now kissing on the regular and Kate has discovered that her leg is sufficiently healed to get up and walk around so Josh wants to show her the island we walked around for an hour Josh was right it really was beautiful we went back to where the log was and sat down I like that they've just made their base camp this random log on the shore like this on the beach is high tide not a concern but if when Josh went and got lost looking for fruit he came back and and Kate with her broken leg had just been swept away by the tides Josh what is it like to be famous I asked well it can be nice for a while but then you need a break once in a while cuz when you're a star you forget who you really are go and I met you I found myself again and when I'm with you I'm Josh not josh hutcherson Josh said as he placed a strand of my hair behind my ear hey you know how you want to become an actor how about I teach you some acting skills Josh said I pretended to be Katniss in The Hunger Games and Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia and we Josh said that I was a pretty good actor I am not that familiar with the career of Josh Hutcherson I thought he was a somewhat prolific child actor but I do like the idea that a girl who likes him enough to write a whole fanfic about him is only familiar with two movies that he's been in full disclosure if I was trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson I would ask him to act out all of Bridge to Terabithia also Josh I'm hungry we haven't eaten all day I said when we stopped acting oh right well I'm Kate that's what I wanted to tell you before he looked really serious what is it Josh what's wrong I asked well because we have been living on fruit and nuts for a month there's no more food left in this island he said as I started crying okay well on that cheerful note we're done with Chapter five and I guess kudos for introducing some conflict into the story were right at that rising action point you know I'm gonna catch up once again with these comments stop writing and start going to school what are they gonna do like are they gonna die okay let's find out Kate cries for a while and Josh resolves to walk the island searching for food he might not have already eaten Kate's pov I was so tied and my feet were asking Josh asked if I was alright Oh her feet were aching I think is what she means Josh I said as I panted I'm just going to sit down under that tree I said as I panted and started gasping for air before Josh could reply I walked over to a tree and instead of standing on the ground my feet found air and I was falling that Josh help I screamed as I continued to fall Kate Josh yelled I could hear the panic in his voice sorry that's how I chose to read it there was no exclamation point then I hit the ground my back hurted but it wasn't that bad I looked around and it was like a mini island at the side of the island and there was a house then Josh jumped down Josh what are you doing are you okay I asked worried yeah I'm fine what is this place he asked did she not fall out far or is he just inhumanly strong hey there's a house Josh said as he walked toward the house Josh you can't just walk into someone's house I said he opened the door and we walked inside there was a big bed and it covered and a toilet and a tap they opened the cupboard and there was food Josh there's food in here and a bed and a tap we can stay in here till we get out of this island I'm continually confused by the switching grammar of whether they are on or in an island she got it right once in the text and on the cover of the book but it's been in consistently everywhere else and she even referred to getting out of the island like they are inside of it I don't know what this person is envisioning Island Josh's POV we continued to explore the house it was a nice house then a picture that was huge it covered the whole wall the picture was of this girl I have to admit she's got looks I touched the painting and it fell off Kate look there's a door I said I opened it and walked in then I walked in i saw a computer on a bed i walked towards the computer and there was a website called Wattpad then there was a story called hit by an angel a josh hutcherson love story on it and the cover had a picture of me in my old car and it said that that vampire chick wrote it then a girl came in and she was only wearing a black bra and underwear she just stared wide-eyed at me she didn't even cover her body up so I looked back to make sure Kate couldn't see me staring at her Kate was just sitting on the bench eating some chips Josh what was in that room Kate asked before I could answer the girl walked out thank God she was wearing a dressing-gown we all just kind of stared at each other for 10 minutes then she broke the silence oMG you're Josh Hutcherson hi I'm Caitlin um I heard you went missing she said as she walked closer to me she had beautiful black hair she didn't even pay attention that Kate was there um hi why are you living in the middle of an island I asked her Caitlin's POV okay okay pause so Caitlin is that vampire chick that vampire chick is the author of trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson the main character of trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson is a girl that's in love with Josh Hutcherson named Kate so clearly a self-insert and yet in the 11th hour of the story the author herself Caitlin enters the story they even had a line where josh hutcherson looked at her picture and thought she was attractive Caitlin's POV I had to lie to Josh because I want him to feel sorry for me oh well there was a storm and I fell came here to the island and I builded a small house and bam here we are the true story was I won a competition to spend three weeks in an island do you want some clothes to wear he must have been these clothes for a long time I said yes please that would be great he said I walked into my bathroom and made sure I got a shirt that is the size too small and tight so I can see his muscles he got changed and came out lookin smokin hot he kept staring at this girl and then she said hi I'm Kate I just stared at her like she was something I picked off my shoe okay Caitlin and Kate are not only here simultaneously but Caitlin views Kate as a romantic rival for josh hutcherson affections um some clothes would be nice she said I went in my room and picked my grandma's disgusting huge flower dress why did she have such a large selection of clothes including both a men's wardrobe and her grandmother's clothing with her on a three-week island getaway that she was sent on for a contest what what contest sends you on an island by yourself sorry inna island Josh's POV Caitlin came out and threw Kate a huge bright pink flower dress that was meant for a fat old lady I could tell already that they weren't going to get along with each other and that's the end of the chapter okay that was the end of chapter seven so the next chapter is the last chapter chapter eight is dedicated to Josh Hutcherson what's the viewer retention on these chapters I hear you asking well 4.1 thousand people followed it all the way through to chapter eight so feel devastated again Kate's POV Katelyn handed me a long dress that was meant for an old lady I gave it a weird look then went to go and get changed girl you can just stay in the clothes that you have like if it's that bad I very much feel that beggars can't be choosers in this situation also like Kate and Josh have been romantically involved for over a month this point and he's seen her in her old outfit he knows what her body looks like I don't really get the hang-up about the old lady outfit I hesitated before I went out of the room I looked in the mirror and made a face I looked like an old granny so I stayed in the room for 10 minutes till Caitlin came in come on get out of my room before you stink it all up Caitlin said why do I have to wear this I asked because it matches your personality she said with a smirk her Caitlin makes me so angry okay this is surreal she's literally fighting with herself over josh hutcherson I know what you're trying to do I said oh yeah what is that she said while flashing her beautiful white teeth she's still gorgeous make no mistake you're trying to break me in Josh up so you can be with him I said well finally it took you long enough to realize it and it's not as hard as I thought she said he loves me you know it's just I've never heard him say it but I know he does I gave her my evil eye my evil eye works with everyone one person even called the police when I gave her my evil eye I wouldn't be too sure about that she said while smirking again at that moment Josh walked in hey guys what's taking you so then he paused and started laughing Josh why are you laughing at me I yelled I'm sorry Kate it's just you look like an old clown right now oh my god I hate josh hutcherson then Caitlin pretended to fall over and she took Josh down so he was on top of her Josh's POV gir Kate said as she stormed of Kate I yelled as I ran after her I'm sorry I laughed at you I know that was rude but can you please forgive me I begged I'm not angry that you laughed at me I'm angry at Kaitlin don't you see what she's trying to do she's trying to break us up Kate yelled I just took my laptop I was getting really into character Kate you're just being jealous no she's not I said are you taking her side can't yelled they keep fighting and Kate stomps away I don't understand how Kate can accuse Caitlin of something like that Caitlin is a nice girl and she helped me and Kate gave us some clothes and food at least we're well aware of Josh's motivations in the scene hey Josh do you want some champagne Kate asked me she now changed into a gorgeous blue long dress maybe Caitlin is trying to break me and Kate up no it's probably what she usually wears he had a lot of changes of heart within that single sentence yeah that would be great thanks I said as I smirked and sat down Caitlin poured some champagne and sat down next to me here you go she said this she handed me a glass of champagne Thanks I said as I took it from her this exchange is taking much longer that needs to so what's the next movie you're filming she asked he's he's not filming a next movie he's trapped in an island I liked how she wasn't talking about Kate because I really didn't want to yeah I hate josh hutcherson after my third glass I was drunk and we both were dancing to the song total eclipse of the heart even though it was a soft song we were doing rock dance moves and we kept falling over and laughing our heads off um that song is a jam you can dance however you want to it then it was like my body was moving on its own cuz I leaned forward and kissed her Josh how could you a voice said was it me am I in the fanfic now I looked up and saw Kate standing at the door crying that's it we're over I'm not your girlfriend anymore Kate said as she stormed off I wanted to go girlfriend I was too drunk to care Wow let's go take a walk she said after a while I have to assume she is Caitlyn okay I said as we both skipped through the island we talked for a while and laughed till it hurt what if what happened to Kate but it was Kate story oMG Josh a boat let's swim to it Caitlyn said so we swam to it and I forgot about Kate because I was drunk then the boat took off with us in it leaving Kate alone behind in the island oh my god wait oh my god that's the end of the story it's an author's note under that hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I made this chapter longer than the others because this is the final chapter just spring that on you there is going to be a sequel called still trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson and I will try to upload it soon the sequel will be just like a new chapter only in a different book almost like it didn't have to be a sequel but like oh my god okay can we talk about this okay first of all the comments are fully on board for this bizarre twist the story is taken lol I liked this book Josh and Caitlin all the way die Kate like how fickle are these people you should upload it quick because it is a very good book thank you for making this book so this author that our chick Caitlin decided that of all the human beings in the world she was going to write one about her idol josh hutcherson a man who she'd only seen in two films Hunger Games in Bridge to Terabithia halfway through writing this story she became jealous of the main character who was herself and had to write another herself in the story to be irredeemably cruel to the other protagonists it's such a way that no one could root for her and then successfully steal josh hutcherson away from herself who she hates there's so much to unpack and I don't know what this would say psychologically about the author this fanfic is art you know I knocked things like the grammar and the self insert character the pacing was a little odd but I have to give it points because I honestly do believe that if I were to be trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson this is exactly how it would go this is just such a perfect storm fan fiction it's about an extremely strange subject it has a self-insert character the title itself is misspelled and it has that wonderful third-act twist to draw you back in I mean I look at how Fifty Shades of Grey was turned into a movie and that was just a mediocre fanfic and then I'm like why not trapped in a island with Josh Hutcherson I mean Josh Hutcherson is still alive for the time being let's make it happen sign my petition I'm not going to make a petition you wait a second because josh say what are you doing in the middle of an island and kate fell down a pit to get here so is it called trapped inna island with josh hutcherson because they are in an underground cave in the center of the island and this is a twist where in the titles purpose is revealed and it was accurate the whole time and it wasn't a grammar mistake
Channel: Jenny Nicholson
Views: 1,260,490
Rating: 4.9360151 out of 5
Keywords: fanfiction reading
Id: OVa-sqcDYZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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