Transforming Life Revival - Day 4 | Dr. Marcus D. Cosby & Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr.

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[Music] peace and power i stand here with the backdrop behind me of the city of dallas an amazing beautiful skyline and most skylines and city are there to represent and project an image of a city that of prosperity promise and progress but here in the city of dallas when we go from the back drop the skyline up high and we go down low into the streets in many black communities and communities of color prosperity promise and progress eludes many of us and so we want to talk about the ways in which we can get engaged and have action activism and advocacy to change that so one of the things we have to do is we come down into the streets it's radically reimagined public safety because one of the things that we have to deal with oftentimes in our black and minority communities it's police violence state sanction violence this form of physical violence is so traumatic that we see play out on tv almost every other day here in america right here in dallas texas you know we think about and remember both from jean we think about asiana jefferson and fort worth texas we still think about brianna taylor louisville kentucky everything about george ford in minneapolis minnesota so for many of us we have to make sure that we stay in this struggle for justice peace love and liberation we have to make sure that we stay in this struggle against state-sanctioned violence so we have to make sure that we are part of a movement to bring about a more positive way of policing our community because we just talked about the forms of physical violence that many of our communities are up against and feel the brunt of by way of state-sanctioned murder we also have to deal with the structural violence that takes place in places like this dallas city hall and many city halls around this country state houses around this country as well as the u.s congress public policy oftentimes is unleashed on our communities that creates wreaks havoc on our communities and we have to deal with that as well so we want to talk about some of the things that take place by way of public policy that we have to be aware of that we have to educate ourselves on so we can be better advocates and we can engage in activism to bring about a permanent change in our community so all of us can flourish and have access to life-giving life-sustaining resources so we left city hall we talked about where public policies are made to impact primarily black and other communities of color and we stand down here behind me was shingle mountain which was a toxic waste dump right here in the city that was right next door to marsha jackson's literally her backyard and so through activism advocacy and action we were able to get those shingles removed but the fight is still far from over because the city of dallas still has racist zoning policies that impact many of the residents who live here in floral farms and so while the shingles maybe have been removed we have to make sure all the toxic waste has not seeped down into the land and so for us we want to make sure we continue to be involved in environmental justice work because we want to make sure that all of us have access to fresh air and clean water and this is just one of the many places in our part of town where we have toxic waste and toxic dung that impacts the health of those that we love and so as we continue to fight for justice in terms of environmental just another area that concerns us is economic justice one of the things that proliferates our neighborhoods particularly our black neighborhoods are payday loan and auto title loan stores where they charge such excessive interest rates and rollover fees it traps people into a cycle of debt so we want to also make sure that we do our part to have right policies public policies that make fair lending practices so those that must go get small dollar loans can do so without being trapped into debt so this is yet another policy issue that we have to be concerned about and engaged in so we have talked about many issues that are taking place here in the city of dallas but it happens all across this country in many of our areas where black and brown people live and so now we conclude this tour of our city right here on this sacred ground this ground where former enslaved african-americans founded this area of dallas and so for me i remember and i think about all of their tenacity their self-determination to make it in spite of what they found themselves up against by way a bad public policy and so i think it's incumbent upon all of us to do our part to engage in this ongoing struggle for justice peace love and liberation because while we may deal with so many examples of material and punishments in our communities whether it's environmental racism economic injustice police brutality and the list goes on and on food justice what we have to remember is that we still do not lack that we still have all that we need to create a world in our communities that allows all of us to flourish because we are not lacking and we don't have a deficit when it comes to our rich culture and our rich heritage we don't lack when it comes to our innovation our imagination and we certainly do not lack in our belief in a god who cares about us who loves us and who wants to make sure that our lives between sundays is still full and allows us to flourish and be all that god has called all of us to be so we're asking you will you join us partner with us and become a justice partner today [Applause] [Music] the love for yourself good evening friendship west family and friends welcome to the last night of the transforming life revival where we have received an inspiring and spirit-filled word every night so let's set the atmosphere for what god is going to do on tonight let's set the atmosphere for an overflow of the anointing let's set the atmosphere with our prayer and with our praise most gracious god who is the creator of us all we are so thankful to be in your presence on this evening we praise you because we have something to praise you for we are thankful because we have something to thank you for it could have been another way nevertheless we are still here and we say thank you so whatever you want to do in the service on tonight guy we are here for it we are here for all of it we have great expectations we have great expectations of your anointing so have your way on tonight we thank you god because we serve a god who has a solution for our problems we are thankful because we serve a god who always has another move hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so we are survivors we are survivors on this evening so if you're a survivor say hallelujah if you are a warrior say hallelujah if you've been through the storm say hallelujah if you're still in the storm still say hallelujah because we serve a god hallelujah we serve a god who still has another move so we're going to give you praise right now we're not going to wait we're going to praise you right now right now we thank you for joy right now we thank you for peace right now we thank you for restoration right now we thank you because our god always has another move in jesus name amen and our shame come on come on everybody [Music] tonight [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was [Music] [Music] you [Music] i everybody here we go let's take it back to jumping [Music] thank you [Music] you [Music] thank you for watching [Music] [Music] together [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] you've done it for me [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you for the blood thank you for the blood you're gonna [Music] wow [Music] oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good anybody grateful for the blood and you know the blood still works lord have mercy i praise team chapman are y'all on fire hallelujah but again the match has been lit the inferno has been set all week long how we thank and praise god that we started sunday morning bishop mckissick absolutely lost his mind has not found it all week because he's been preaching the pain off the walls horns off of billy goat devil and hell gets scared every time he gets up to preach jennifer corner blessed us on monday night what a preaching phenom she is and then last night oh my god that reverend reginald wayne sharp jr what a preacher what a preacher what a gift god has blessed us and now tonight it's been going like this for a few years now so i kind of like this flow i like this because tonight we wrap it with the incomparable dr marcus d cosby cars is in the house and what a preacher he is we already know he is beloved pastor of the great wheeler avenue church there in h town houston texas and we know about his academic pedigree because he's got learning but you know he got that burning as well and let me tell you how much god's hand is on his life when they go back when they reopen this fall they are marching into a sparkling brand new facility that god has blessed wheeler avenue with so they go out of a pandemic into a new era whoa what a preacher what a pastor what a visionary what a gift to the body of christ but friendship west as much as we celebrate what's going to happen in the fall for wheeler avenue y'all have pulled up to your computer you're on your phone you're on your tablet because you want to hear what the bible says and so would y'all go ahead and get ready shout your amen of anticipation welcome back to the wild wild west that incomparable preacher the one and only dr marcus d cosby to god be the glory for the great things our god has done our god is great and greatly to be praised and on a wednesday night at the friendship west baptist church of dallas texas we may as well glorify god both in the physical space and in the virtual space let everything that hath breath praise the lord our god is great and greatly to be praised and on this night it's a joy to be in the house of the lord with these who have gathered here with us and to be in this what bishop mckissick has called the cyber sanctuary with all of the saints of god wherever you may be to god be the glory for this transforming life revival will you help me celebrate the incomparable the inimitable the reverend doctor frederick douglas haynes iii the senior pastor of the friendship west baptist church what a joy it is to be in his presence at any given time and i'm so grateful that he has given me the privilege to come again this year and share in this experience of worship and renewal and revival i am honored i know that he knows a whole lot of preachers in a whole lot of places but as was my custom last year i want to thank him for looking down in the hood of houston and allowing me to come and share with the great people of friendship west church i am excited as usual to be in partnership with the one and only bishop rudolph waldo mckissick jr will you help me thank god for the bishop and for what he has been doing in friendship west all week long it has just been amazing and phenomenal i missed him sunday but monday and tuesday i was delighted to hear what thus saith the lord from the bishop's mouth so thank you so much sir for what you have shared with us this week and i can't wait to hear how you're going to shut it down for us tonight as we conclude revival in this place thank you music ministry for reminding us about the blood of jesus what a joy it is to continue to celebrate the fact that that efficacious blood of the lord jesus christ still has merit for each one of us today and we cannot get enough singing about jesus christ and the blood that he shed at calvary that covers us and cleanses all of our sins to god be the glory for what he has done for us through jesus christ our lord well it's good to be in church and if you have your bibles uh whether you're here in the physical space or in the virtual space won't you turn with me now to the new testament gospel is recorded by the writer luke the new testament gospel is recorded by the writer lucas 17. that's a joke that's a joke see last night i need to tell you what happened because you didn't understand what happened last night and he was you know bishop mckissick and i were talking last night pastor sharp preached from isaiah chapter six and when he said isaiah i got a little shook because i knew i was gonna preach from isaiah tonight and i told bishop mckinsey i'm preaching isaiah chapter 40 and so he got up here when it was time for him to preach and he said turn isaiah 40. and i was like oh lord he is not about to preach my little text and so i found out what he was going to preach tonight he's preaching luke 17 so get ready for it and i just had to get you back because you know you just needed that so i'm not preaching luke chapter 17 tonight but i thank god for the opportunity to have that moment in time amen praise the lord turn to isaiah chapter 40 will you please the old testament prophecy of isaiah you should have seen his face when i said luke 17. yeah that was good thank you lord for giving me that opportunity i appreciate it and everything give thanks yes isaiah chapter 40 isaiah chapter 40 and we'll begin our reading tonight at that classic verse 31 verse 31 delighted to have my biological sons in the sanctuary with us tonight uh marcus d ii and matthew d are here delighted to have our youth pastor deacon and preacher with us they drove up just to be a part of this experience tonight and i thank god for them breaking all the friendship west rules but they are here tonight and i praise god for their presence isaiah chapter 40 beginning at verse 31 i'm reading tonight from the king james version of the holy word of god and this is what it says but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint as enough amen praise god for his holy word you may be seated here in the lord's house and if you stood at your house but they that wait upon the lord [Music] shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not get weary and they shall walk and not faint for the time this house will share together tonight i want to talk from the subject's strength to keep going strength to keep going weary weak and worn these are three words that could aptly describe the people of god who are before us in our text of isaiah chapter 40. these the children of israel the chosen people of god the apple of god's eye and the ones whom god has laid his hands upon so that he they might represent him in the world knowing they are chosen knowing they are hand-picked hand selected by god but at the time of our text they don't feel chosen they don't feel special they don't feel precious they are weary weak worn as a consequence of their circumstance in life they are exhausted exasperated expended of all energy to keep on pressing to the next season of their lives and i don't know if you've ever been in that space where life has gotten the better of you where life has literally tried to knock the life out of you but somebody tonight knows what it means to feel weak and weary and warned somebody knows what it means to be exhausted exasperated and expended of all energy somebody knows how it feels to be sick and tired of being sick and tired here these beloved children of god are the children of israel the apple of god's eye the hand-picked hand-selected people of god chosen to represent god in the world but they're not feeling so special tonight they're not feeling all that chosen they're not feeling so wonderful because at the time of our text they have to deal with a rough reality known as babylonian captivity these are they who are isolated separated from everything near and dear to them they cannot do as they choose they cannot continue to progress as they would like they are held down locked down shut down in captivity these are they who are having to deal with the rough reality that nebuchadnezzar and his imps have put their proverbial feet on the necks of god's people and disallowed them to have progress and productivity their potential seems to be stifled and now as a consequence of this exilic experience they are weary weak and warm they are exhausted exasperated expended of all energy trying to make a difference in their lives but they're seemingly trapped they're seemingly so shut down that they cannot do what they want to do and i suspect i need to ask the friendship family tonight have you ever been weary have you ever been weak have you ever been warned have you ever been exhausted exasperated expended of all of your energy have you dear brother dear sister ever been sick and tired of being sick and tired tonight there may be someone listening to me who knows what it means to seemingly have the weight of the world on your shoulders somebody knows what it means to seemingly have the proverbial foot on your neck disallowing you to have momentum and movement disallowing you to have the kind of potential and progress and productivity you would like to have this is the story of the children of israel but it's not just their story somebody can testify it's your story because you know what it means to seemingly be in a space where you cannot move you cannot have momentum and you just want to throw in the towel somebody has been at that place in life where you wanted to shout stop this ride i want to get off somebody knows what it means to want to wave the white flag of surrender throw in that towel and say what's the use here are the children of israel and they are worn out worn out because they understand that they have to deal with 70 years of babylonian captivity 70 years of being in a space where they are constricted restricted disallowed to have the kind of freedom to flow as they would like and for the past nearly 17 months somebody can testify that's been your reality you've been constricted restricted seemingly disallowed to have the kind of freedom you want to have if we never knew of it before since march of 2020 we know what it means to be isolated from things near and dear to us separated from everything that gives us the joy that keeps us going and the biggest challenge for the children of israel is they can't get to the temple that they love so much they can't get to the place where they can feel the presence and the power of the living god and somebody at friendship west can testify i know exactly how they feel i haven't been at the wild wild west in all of these months and i'm feeling some kind of way because i've not had the opportunity to enjoy the presence and the power of the god that i love and serve at the friendship west church i haven't experienced the fellowship of the saints restricted constricted strapped down tied down locked down shut down as a consequence of all these things that are going on in their lives and tonight somebody has said i'm just over it i'm so sick and tired of this situation i'm over it i'm weary i'm weak i'm warned i want this thing to come to its conclusion and to make bad matters worse we don't know when it's gonna come when things are going to come around we don't know how things are gonna get better as a matter of fact it's seemingly getting worse the delta variant has now shown up and it is taking people out in droves especially those who have not been vaccinated and it is hurting people by the hundreds and the thousands and tonight somebody is wondering when will be we'll be able to get to some semblance of normalcy when will we be able to get back to the house of the lord that we love so much i'm sick of this i'm tired of this i'm weak of this i'm weary of this i'm worn out over this and tonight i came to testify that whenever god's people get to that place of exasperation and exhaustion whenever god's people get to that place where they feel like just throwing in the towel here's the good news your god loves you so much that god will always raise up somebody to speak a word into your life that will let you know that no matter how bad it is god is still in control no matter how ugly it is god is still on the throne and i came tonight to the friendship west church to testify that god sent me on assignment to let you know that no matter how rough it is right now no matter how tough it is right now no matter how seemingly sad and sickening your situation may be the sovereign god is still in complete control and there is still nothing too hard for god can i find 10 people in this sanctuary 10 people around the world who can testify our god is still in control yes lord yes lord he's still in complete control and so these children of israel who are seemingly in a space of demoralization they are displaced from their homeland and from the house of god that they love so much they have to deal with the reality that they have to be there 70 years we're moving into 17 months and still there's a word from the lord and here is the word that god gives to isaiah to share with his people what i love about it bishop mckissick when he gives him this word god literally speaks to them watch on their way into it even though he speaks as if they've already come out of it it's amazing how god operates that god is speaking to this displaced people and he's speaking to them as they're dealing with it as if they've already come out of it literally suggesting listen here i know the end from the beginning and don't you think that just because you're stuck in it right now that you're not gonna have some escape from it sooner or later he says i know you're in it right now but don't be dismayed cause i got you right where you are can i please help somebody to hear me when i tell you that no matter how shut down your circumstance may be your god is right there right where you are and he is able still to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think yes so he speaks to them like they've already come out of it i like it i love it he says i know where you are i know what you're dealing with it is interesting because jeremiah speaks to these same people but jeremiah's prophecy is spoken while they're in it and that's why when in jeremiah chapter 29 god raises up jeremiah and says listen tell my people i know the plans i have for you and although it's ugly right now those plans are to prosper you not to harm you to give you hope and a future this too shall pass this is not the end of your story this is not the end of your situation i'm still working things together for your good so so he raises up i say yes he does he raises up isaiah and when he raises up isaiah he says listen man i need you to talk to my people get them down off that ledge talk to my people let them know that i got them right where they are talk to my people don't let them think that this is the end of their situation and watch what he does when he raises up this prophet this prophet goes to the people of god and he gives to them what i call a word of genuine comfort yeah a word of genuine comfort is a word of guaranteed genuine comfort he says watch verse 1 of the of the king of king james version of isaiah chapter 40 comfort ye he comfort ye my people speak comfortably to them let them know that their warfare is accomplished let them know that their situation is going to get better pretty soon that it's going it's going to work out for their good he speaks to them as if it's already over he wants them to know that they can have comfort even in the discomfort of their situation that they can have a disposition that lets them know that everything's going to be all right he says i want to guarantee to them that they will have comfort beyond their wildest imagination that i am still with them that i am still on their side i have not left them i know that these singing celebrating shouting people feel as if they can't sing celebrate or shout anymore you will remember the psalm won't you when they're when their captors required of them a song they said how can we sing the lord's song in a strange land they couldn't even sing or shout because they weren't at the temple that they wanted to be at and somebody listening to me tonight probably couldn't sing with the praise team because you've been shut down and on lockdown and i need you to understand that the god we serve is right there where you are and i dare you to just make your house a sanctuary and begin to sing unto the god of your salvation and believe that he is working all things together for your good speak comfortably to my people let them know i got this i will not leave you comfort less i got this i did not leave you in this by yourself i got this you are not on an island all by yourself i'm headed with you as a matter of fact this is how i'm gonna hook you up every valley shall be exalted every hill and mountains gonna be made low the rough places are gonna be made plain and the crooked places are going to be made straight and the glory of the lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together rewind press play you just missed a good opportunity to look happy even if you ain't happy i said every valley shall be exalted every hill and mountain shall be made low the rough places are going to be made plain and the crooked places shall be made straight and the glory of the lord shall be revealed okay still somebody ain't shouting to tell me the third time is the charm the bible says every valley shall be exalted every hill and mountain shall be made low the crooked places will be made straight the rough places will be made plain and the glory of the lord shall be revealed and everybody gonna see it i love it i love it he says listen here you need to understand it's out of whack right now it's crazy right now this makes no sense right now but i'm gonna straighten it all out i'm gonna fix it all up i'm gonna make sure that when the dust settles and the smoke clears all you'll be able to do is lift up your hands and say if it had not been for the lord who was on my side i don't know where i would be i wonder if i can find somebody in church tonight who can testify you've had some of those moments in your life as you look back over your life you've had some scenes where everything was jacked up you've had some situations where everything was out of whack where you didn't know heads or tails from your situation everything was topsy-turvy but some kind of way in god's own time some kind of way by god's own design he worked things together for your good straightened out some crooked places and he smoothed out some rough places and he pulled down some high places and lifted up some low places and now you can do nothing but give him glory the glory of the lord shall be revealed and when god works that thing out god's not going to do it as a secret service sovereign he said everybody gonna see it yes lord is there anybody who's still grateful that god still lets your enemies watch you celebrate how good god's been to you is there anybody who can help me celebrate the fact that it doesn't matter if the devil in hell don't like it when god gets ready to take care of his child nobody can stop him and everybody is going to see it yes lord oh flesh shall see it together i know you're disquieted now i know you're discomforted now i know you're distressed right now but don't you worry about it hold on hang on in there with your weary self hang on in there with your exasperated self i'm in this with you and i'm working it out for your good yeah he says i know i know you're weary i know you're weak cause cause cause this is what he says all flesh is grass and uh i know that you're kind of fledgling you're failing and flailing i know that you feel as if you can't get your bearings you can't have any stability he says right then isaiah for all flesh is grass but don't trip over the failing and the faltering and the flailing don't trip over that because um because uh he says uh that even though all flesh is grass the good news is that even if the grass withers and the flower fades the word of our god shall stand forever are you getting happy with me because i'm so getting happy if i got to do it all by myself even if the grass with us and the flower face the word of our god shall stand forever god says if i said it i'm gonna bring it to pass if i spoke it you can take that to the bank and is there anybody who is listening to me on a wednesday night who can still testify that if i can just get a word from the lord everything's gonna be all right that's why you sitting in front of that device right now you're not sitting there for shape form or fashion because can't nobody see you you sitting there cause you need a word from the lord because the word of god still works every now and then you need to get a word from the lord thank you dr dr hayes for bringing us together this week because we get to hear a word from the lord thank you dr haines for making sure that we didn't miss revival because after all the hell we've been dealing with we need to hear a word from the lord in a time in our state when voter suppression is out of control we need to hear a word from the lord when it seems like gun violence across this country is tearing our country to sunday we need a word from the lord when you're dealing with the depression and the disposition that you're dealing with you need a word from the lord and can i find 10 people who can testify that one word from god can literally turn your whole situation around can i find somebody who can testify that one word from god can literally give you joy and sorrow and hope for tomorrow somebody needs to open up your mouth and say speak lord speak lord so the bible says god says all flesh is grass i know you weak you're flailing you faltering you can barely keep it together you don't know whether you coming or going but don't worry about it because i got a week in july that's going to give you some word to hold you steady when you feel like falling apart i'm going to give you a word to let you know that even if weeping endures for a night joy is going to come in the morning i get i'm going to give you a word to let you know that no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to prosper i'm going to give you some word to let you know that everything is going to be all right yeah and this is how god proves it watch it he says listen you need to notice what isaiah is saying about god you need to know that god is a strong god when you get down to verses 10 and 11 he says he's a strong god but i love the the juxtaposition of god or the two different ways dimensions by which we see god he says he's a strong god but he's also the shepherding god that god is both strong and shepherd at the same time that god becomes he what you need god to become just when you need god to be coming if you need god to be your strong god in this season of life god says i got you i know you're weak but i'm strong and mighty in battle i got you ah or if you need a tender loving god to hold you close to god's bosom and let you know that everything's gonna be all right i'm your shepherd and he shall feed his flock like a shepherd that's your bible and he's going to carry the young ones in his bosom he's going to make sure that they understand that he he has gotten he has gotten to the place where they will take he will take very good care of them no matter the situation in which they find themselves that's why we say lift up your hand o ye gates and p ye lifted up you everlasting doors cause the king of glory shall come in and here's the question who is the king of glory you already know the answer he's the lord what is it strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle i don't care how difficult it is for you the bible says there is nothing too hard for our god i got to close i got to move on here i'm only on point one i got two more points and really got to come and so i got to give you some more bible i got to give you some more bibles right there in the text from verse 1 to verse 11 we're talking about a word of guaranteed comfort yeah be up be cool i got you quit tripping i got you don't you dare flip out in this season of your life i got you uh i got you uh so i was word of guaranteeing comfort but watch watch what happens now from verse 12 all the way to verse 27 it's not just a word of guaranteed comfort but now he gives to them a word about our great creator yeah a word about our great creator and i i love the fact that that this part of the periphery this part of the chapter is the longest section in the entire 40th chapter because now what he does is begin to remind the people of who god is no you missed let me give it to you again you you're dealing with some weak weary worn out people you're dealing with some exhausted exasperated expended people they're expensive all of their energy they're weary weak one they're worn out they're sick and tired of being sick and tired and in the midst of their frustrating reality isaiah begins to challenge them to remember who god is see part of the challenge is when we get in our tight situations in the thick of the circumstances of our lives we seemingly get amnesia and we forget who god is and so what isaiah begins to do is ask a series of rhetorical questions he begins to ask rhetorical questions and make to make sure that these people of god who are the apple of god's eye did i mention that who are the chosen of god they're the ones god has placed god's hands on to make sure that they understand that they are in protective custody of god and now because they're going into a situation that is beyond their control now that they're in a situation that they never anticipated now because they're spawned in title brats who thought that just because they loved god and god loved them that they would never have a tight situation now isaiah has to remind them god will you help me preach of who god is and so he asks some rhetorical questions he says who who was it that uh measured out the waters in his hand who was it that that that made the heavens and gave them their formation he begins to ask all these questions he says who instructed him who is his teacher they understand that they cannot give any answer beyond what is the obvious they know that god has all power they know that god can do anything and so now when isaiah is asking all these questions all they can do is sit there and almost apologize for actually flipping out on the god who's been faithful he said he he almost questions them like god questions job where were you when i put this world together where were you when i made sure that everything was working the way it should be working where were you when i flung the stars in the sky where were you when i hung the sun into space and it never moved from that day until this who are you to question and challenge me thinking that i don't have your best interest at heart and every now and then god has to tighten us up doesn't it to let us know hey hey hey you can't just trust me when you're on the mountain you got to trust me when you in the valley you can't just trust me when the sun is shining you got to trust me when the rain is falling you can't just trust me when you got a pocket full of money you got to trust me when you broke busted and disgusted can i find somebody who can testify i'm learning to trust him no matter the season of my life [Applause] he says this is this is kind of god we serve we serve a great god and i like this that he spends this much time pastor rudy bishop apologizes i like that he spends so much time talking about god because all too often in these new school churches we serve we didn't stop talking about god we talk about everything else getting your breakthrough turn around three times and everything all right jump up seven times everything's gonna be fine with your family lay your hand on the car the dealership claim it by faith even though you don't have any credit and everything gonna be all right and now and then i need to hear about god ah yes i love this this is a theocentric section of this chapter because the church even the church of the lord jesus christ has moved i submit from being so theocentric and crystal centric that now we have become egocentric every song is about me and my and what i'm gonna get and how i'm gonna get blessed and how i'm gonna get mine we have become egocentric i don't know if it was the last four years of the past president who was an ego maniacal narcissistic jerk i don't know if it's because of him or it's just that we have fallen prey to this sick this kind of sickness that is in this northern american kind of standard but i need somebody who can testify i need to hear about a god who loves me enough to put me not just in a place where i'm a only one person but puts me in a community where i can love my brothers and sisters and be a blessing even as i have been blessed [Applause] he says you need to know about god by the time he gets verse 23 you need to know that god brings down rulers when he gets ready i like that because we saw that just a few months ago didn't we that joe that dude thought for sure that he was going to be there again and god said no no you need to understand that neither trouble nor trump lasts always somebody ought to thank god he still brings down rulers [Applause] brings down rulers and he brings them down to nothing and if isaiah's query wasn't good enough by the time you get down to verse 25 god starts speaking for himself he's like who is my equal to whom can you compare me i'm in a class all by myself i'm god all by myself and every now and then you need to be reminded of our great god you need to be reminded that god is in a class all by god's self somebody can testify we serve a god who has no equal we serve a god who everybody might try to rival but he has no rival because he's in a class all by himself i love this because it reminds me bishop mckissick that old school hymn that they made us learn back in the day oh lord my god when i in awesome one day consider all the worlds thy hands have made ye i see the stars shall excuse me i feel mighty good here i hear the rolling thunder thy power throughout the universe displayed then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great thou art how great thou are now i know i may have lost some in the new school but can i go count a new school it's pretty old itself but a kind of new school song goes like this how great is our god sing with me how great is our god oh we'll see how great how great is our god anybody know he's great anybody know he's great name above all names you are worthy of all praise and my heart will sing how great is our god i just want to tell you a little bit about it when you give your great god great praise i'm done i'm good [Applause] it's just a word about our great god but i got to close the message i can't keep you alone hey there's there's a there's a train revving up on the track i got to get out the way uh but the bible says that when god looks at his dispossessed disenfranchised displaced people who are weary weak and warned when god deals with his subjugated oppressed people who are in a space where they wish they did not have to be god gives to them a word of guaranteed comfort but after he gives them a word of guarantee comfort then isaiah gives to them a word about our great creator that's all the way from verse 12 all the way to verse 27 but round verse 28 he starts to shut it down uh pastor haynes dr haines he begins to shut it down in a way that all of us get happy at least we ought to get happy i mean if you got any happy in you it ought to show up around verse 28 because uh when he gets around verse 28 um he begins to ask just a few more questions now i know that usually and traditionally i preach from the international version and i appreciate the new international version i i understand that it's closer to the greek and if you read the new advice standard versus even closer i appreciate those new school translations but i grew up at emmanuel baptist church 8301 south damon avenue chicago illinois six zero six two zero where dr lk curry was my pastor and all in my formative years i ain't know nothing about knowing new international versions back in the day i ain't know nothing about no new revised standard version all i knew was king jimmy yeah king jimmy oh king james version helped me with this passage when i learned it way back yonder as a little boy i i learned these words hast thou not known hast thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is he weary there is no searching of his understanding he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength even the you shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that way come on and help me preach i don't mind they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they'll mount up with wings as eagles run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint did you catch it did you catch it it's not just a word of guaranteed comfort it's not just a word about our great creator but he shuts it down with a word of genuine contradistinction woohoo five dollar words that's that that's that freddie haines kind of stuff a word of genuine country distinction you know what that means it means he's going to compare and contrast a few things he's going just to pose one thing against another thing he's been talking all this chapter in the top parts of the chapter to some weary weak and worn out people he's been talking to some people who are expended of energy they're exasperated and exhausted and now hey in the earshot of these people he said there's some stuff you need to remember that you would talk way back as a matter of fact i know you heard it haven't you heard don't you know at the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth i love this over speak do you see this he wants you to really know who god is he's the everlasting god he's the lord he's the creator of the ends of the earth and he says about this god there is no searching of his understanding he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases strength are you catching it he's been talking to some weary people hey he's been talking to some worn out people but he says to these people this god i'm telling you about he never gets weary he will never grow weak he is never worn out and you need to understand that if you know anything about this god you ought to put your confidence in him he says don't stress don't trip don't flip out don't throw in the towel don't wave the white flag of surrender come on down off that ledge cause there is no searching of his understanding everything you going through he's got it on his mind everything you're dealing with he knows exactly how to handle it and how to fix your situation somebody ought to thank god that even if your best friend don't know how to handle your situation you have a god who does even if your circumstance has eluded everything of your mental capacity you need to understand that your god is still in complete control he's still the omniscient omnipotent i'm the present god who is right there in that situation with you there is no searching of his understanding and this is what he does to weary people he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases strength did you catch it that was a good place to shout hallelujah i said he he he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases their strength i don't know if you've ever been in that place in your life where you felt like you were going down for the count i don't know if you've ever been at that place in life where you didn't think you would ever grow up get out of the circumstance you had gotten yourself in but can i find 10 people somewhere around the friendship west church who can testify that when i thought i was going down for the count somewhere along the journey god stepped in and gave me some strength gave me some energy gave me the tenacity and audacity to keep on going when i felt like giving up i came to talk to that person who almost turned in the divorce papers i came to talk to that person who has your letter of resignation written because you sick and tired of them folk at your job i came to talk to that person who feels like giving up on life because it seems like nothing is going well for you i came to tell you that the god we serve knows how to step in your situation and build your back up and give you power to keep on going is there anybody listening to me tonight who can testify if you knew my whole story you wouldn't believe i got this smile on my face if you knew my whole story you wouldn't believe i'd dance and shout the way i do if you knew everything that happened in the years gone by you wouldn't believe that i still rejoice in the lord but some kind of way just in the nick of time the god i serve stepped in and did for me what nobody else could do so i need somebody to help me close this message and begin to testify he still gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he still increases strength and i'm not just talking to the old saints i'm not just talking to the middle-aged saints the bible says that even the you say shall faint and be weary and young folk will utterly fall those people who were relying on the strength of their youth can testify that after this pandemic i'm sick and tired of the circumstances of life i've been in but i came to tell some young person be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall replay if you faint not can i find somebody who can go ahead and testify okay nobody do me like the lord can i need somebody who can testify that just when you felt like giving up god stepped in and gave you a little more energy a little more vitality a little more tenacity and now you're sitting around your house talking about putting me in coach put me in i feel like going home those trials come on every hand i feel like going on he gives power to the faint after them who have no might he increases strength when young friends feel like falling when young women feel like giving up when you feel like throwing in the towel this is the word from the lord but they that way hallelujah hallelujah but then that way upon the lord renew their strength they'll mount up on wings as eagles they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not fake i need somebody who feels your strength returning to just start moving around even if you're in your house i need somebody who knows the lord will restore to stop moving around in the sanctuary and just get your blood flowing a little bit because he's giving you strength to keep on going you will not give up you will not throw in the towel the greater is he who is in you [Music] that's in the world excuse me bishop mckissick i usually don't do this when you're about to preach but i feel like lifting him up cause somebody in church tonight needs to understand that god is still on your side that god will still make a way out of nowhere is there anybody listening to me tonight who can help me celebrate the god who gives you strength to keep on going is there anybody who feels like going another father you feel like giving god the glory somebody somebody somebody somebody somebody ought to help me celebrate that everything is gonna be all right is there anybody in this church who can testify that eyes have not seen and he have not heard neither has it entered into our hearts the thing that god has prepared for those who love him so i need somebody to begin to testify i'm going on in the name of the lord i will not be defeated i will not be knocked down i will not be left out because god is still able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we [Music] doing cause in due season you will reap if you say not can i find somebody who will close this message by lifting up your hands open up your mouth and listen to me when i tell you be not dismayed [Applause] [Music] whatever god will i [Music] [Music] strength to keep on going [Music] parliaments [Music] ah this is not the time to give up now keep on [Music] [Applause] weary weak worn even the youth shall feign and get weary young people shall fall but they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles run and not get weary walk and not faint i don't know about you but i feel like going on though trials come on every hand i feel like going on thank you dr cosby what a preacher what a word wow how we needed that word this night and i want to pray for those of you who tuned in you're weak weary worn and now god has refueled you transformed your trajectory let's pray god thank you the power of your word to raise up those who have been downtrodden thank you for the power of your word to liberate with overcoming power those who've been oppressed thank you for the power of your word to give strength to those who are faint and to re-energize those who are running low feeling like giving up quitting god you know who tuned in you know who's listening right now where they are how they feel and i just pray that this word straight from you through pastor cosby would fall into good soil and i pray oh god for your re-energizing healing word to have its way in the lives of your people god we needed a word and you show gave it to us and now we feel like going on thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you in jesus name amen come on right where you are won't you shout with me hallelujah praise god anybody feel like going on anybody feel like you're going to be all right yeah hallelujah hallelujah and marcus cosby wow what a unique gift he is listen it's offering time it's offering time won't you get ready you see how generous god has been with you with god's word so don't be cheap on god go ahead now prepare a generous gift give god your best gift we want to say to these preachers thank you of course you can text to give so it's real convenient and safe you can give on the giveaway app search out friendship west you can give on our website the fwbc app or of course some of y'all just got to bring it some of y'all gotta mail it old school 2020 west wheatland road dallas texas seven five two three two god bless you give liberally give lovingly let's thank god for these preachers who are blessing us in such a powerful way this week go ahead and give in a liberal and loving fashion i know y'all gonna get mad when you hear this but i might as well let you all know this is just a preview so get ready for next year rudy mckissick marcus cosby they got such juice that somebody is in this house who won't come to this house unless he knows it's rudy mckissick and marcus cosby we got y'all marvin sapp is in the house marvin sapp is here that gift that phenom lord jesus marvin sapp it's good to see you man god bless you love you so much praying for you and just excited that you're a part of this this night so listen we're going to keep this thing going while it's still while it's still hot we have them here bishop rudolph mckissick over 20 years marvin he's been coming to friendship west this week it started rudy i thought about it on a saturday night saturday night live friendship west back in the day on keith boulevard rudy mckissick preached in such a way that folks said uh um don't you just leave him on those saturday night he got to come on sunday and some extra days and so he been on sunday and extra days for over 20 years and when you hear him preach you know why and here's what i love about him so much all of these preachers this week and that is this place when he's here is always overflowing with people and of course he preaches us crazy he's been preaching us crazy and it's just basically pews in here and that says a lot about the anointing on his life the sincerity of his ministry he brings the fire himself and so y'all welcome back to the pulpit of friendship west you all know him y'all love him he's our fave i'm talking about my bro bishop rudolph mckissick jr come on and bless us rudy do what you do let god use you man right after this praise team i know y'all about to kill y'all got that look in your eyes i see i see you chad i see the look all right y'all get ready to die you see the look let's go [Music] when sunday comes [Music] as soon as it gets here i have a new song sunday comes i won't have to cry no [Laughter] [Music] jesus will soon my troubled minds all of my heartaches every burden all of my crying all of my trials every tribulation will be left behind [Music] [Laughter] [Music] day [Laughter] when [Music] and [Music] [Music] when day comes [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] yay [Applause] [Music] i can't wait to see his face just [Music] oh anybody wanna see his face [Applause] [Music] oh i'm gonna see his face [Applause] is [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] i can't wait to see him [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god we thank you tonight for your total sufficiency that it is in you that we live move and have every part of our being thank you for once again allowing us to turn virtual space into sacred space [Music] to make a cyber sanctuary no matter where we may find ourselves and so now god stand up in your servant [Music] grant unto me preaching power move every distraction not only out of my mind out of my way thank you tonight that i preach to an audience of one bless everybody that's eavesdropping [Music] it is in the name of jesus we pray amen we give all honor tonight to the spirit of our christ would you help me celebrate tonight my big brother one of the baddest to ever do it the wonderful pastor of this church come on the reverend dr frederick douglass haynes iii come on let's celebrate and thank god for him on tonight [Applause] can you help me celebrate tonight the preaching prowess of the one and only dr marcus d cosby who blessed us tonight and we thank god for him i'm so glad tonight to have one of my four covenant best friends in the world he is now in the fort worth area and he snuck in here tonight to hang out with his brother thank god for bishop marvin sapp my covenant brother and i thank god for him i want to thank all of you who are part of the friendship west church uh this is the the week i mark off on my calendar the thursday after i hit the plane and if i have not heard from him by june i don't even with without any apology and with all sagacity i'd text him and say what's the dates we own right i don't ask i don't i don't i put it on the calendar the very thursday aft as soon as i get on the plane in the morning i'll be flipping to 2022 and putting july down and i want to thank pastor haynes because i got enough sense to know there are so many preachers much better than i you heard one tonight that i don't have to get invited every year to preach every day and i want to know i'm humbled uh and honored by that and then as preachers we never get to hear preaching and so to be able to come and every night well let me put it this way sometimes we hear preaching it just ain't good preaching but to be able to come and every night hear somebody that's one of your favorites each night that's going to be good preaching a preacher needs that sometime you know and so i'm just thankful man to be and then jesus after 16 months just a fellowship with somebody lord jesus have mercy and uh so i'm grateful for that come on now this time turn to the 17th chapter of the gospel of luke i promise i cussed in my head and i don't even have no problem telling y'all that i i called marcus cosby a few names that i can't even say out my mouth at least not until i get the mic out my hand luke chapter 17 and i want to begin reading at verse 11. now on his way to jerusalem jesus traveled along the border between samaria and galilee as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice jesus master have mercy on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priests and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising god in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus's feet and thanked him and he was a samaritan jesus asked were not all 10 cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to god except this foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well amen you may be seated in the very presence of our god i want to preach tonight as the spirit shall god with this thought in our minds desperate to be delivered desperate to be delivered i read a quote last year in a book that i was reading on leadership and vision that has always stuck with me that quote said and i said verbatim your purpose requires freedom not perfection walking in your purpose requires freedom not perfection in other words you don't have to be perfect to walk in purpose but you do have to have freedom you don't have to be perfect to go after dreams and goals and aspirations but you do have to have freedom you don't have to be perfect to walk even in ridiculous faith but you need to walk in freedom what does the author mean by that that you will have issues you will have challenges you will have difficulties you will have ups and you will have downs listen but while you have issues what the author meant was you have to be free in your imperfections in other words you won't let what's imperfect about you stop you you know who you are scars and all and yet you pursue purpose and operate on a level of crazy faith even with a proper perspective on your lack of perfection so that i'm free enough to pursue purpose because i'm not worried about being perfect enough that when you walk in freedom not being worried about your perfection you get to the point where you begin to say things like i refuse to let what's not perfect about me keep me from being me and pursuing my destiny it really happens right here in this story it's a story of faith that's free enough to fight flaws it's a story of some men who have a purpose and have purposed something when they have nothing it's the story of persons with imperfections that they don't allow to label or limit them it's it's a story about a level of faith that knows how to take dominion over in every situation in spite of every difficulty that's trying to hinder you leprosy was a skin disease that affected not only your skin but it also affected your mind and your mouth i'm coming back to that in that day if you had leprosy the only thing you were supposed to yell when in the proximity of company of other people was unclean unclean that's a nice echo in here with nobody in here when you were in the proximity of other people you had to yell unclean because that was your way of letting people in your proximity know that somebody was near them that had the potential to contaminate them you you had to yell unclean so that people around would get a cdc regulation six feet from you so that you would not contaminate them with what you had the problem marvin i have with that is to yell unclean watch me means that i have come into agreement with your assessment of who you say i am y'all didn't get it to yell unclean means that i have allowed you to determine the value of who i am y'all still don't get it you didn't yell unclean about me you didn't say unclean when you saw me you didn't holler unclean when i was coming your way but you told me i was unclean and that i had to yell who you told me i am based upon your definition of my value because of the condition of my life you didn't get it because i didn't see your shout in plano i said i had to yell unclean not because that's what i thought about me but because that's who you thought i am and you thought you could tell me how to describe myself and what we need to understand about labels yes is that labels are the designs of persons who need to control you by limiting you and then once you label me you audaciously deliver to me the parameters and boundaries that i have to live by without trying to be anything other than who the label says i am so you decide to put a label on me and you come up with a name for me that becomes a label that allows me watch this to only have enough freedom to be alive but not have a life preach boy i i can't have dominion because you've got de domination you decided do's and don'ts of my life you decide the can and can't of my life then you labeled me and expected me to act accordingly labels like divorcee single mom woman ex-convict uneducated deranged criminal thug gangbanger poor teenage mother poverty-stricken but i want to teach somebody tonight on facebook and on instagram i want to teach somebody tonight in the cyber sanctuary and the main sanctuary how to operate in a faith that says i'm learning to live above the labels it's not who you say i am but it's who god says i am through christ jesus that i'm the head and not the tail i'm the first and not the last i'm the lender and not the power you've got to have a faith that refuses to let other people tell you who you are you can't be so thirsty for connection god help me whoa i feel it now that you rob your authenticity just to have attachment let other people tell you who you are you've got to have a faith that creates a refusal to be labeled or limited by human-made barriers you've got to be desperate enough to be delivered now let me tell you it's not just being desperate because i know i am it's freddie haines church this is this is an intellectual and theological church so i got to be smart it's not just about being desperate because marcus desperate people take overdoses it ain't just about being desperate because desperate people commit suicide and do foolish things watch this but desperation married to faith leads to a different solution preach boy it ain't just about being desperate because you can be desperate and dumb you can be desperate and dysfunctional you can be desperate and toxic but when you add your faith to your desperation you begin to break barriers and break rules and ignore opinions because you're desperate to be everything god called you to be and i wonder if there's about 19 people on facebook tonight who can say i'm desperate enough to break every barrier to break every rule to be who god told me i am in spite of who people told me i am i'm desperate enough to be delivered let me show you what happens when you marry faith to desperation number one i love this watch this a faith that is desperate to be delivered i love this is a faith that overcomes your condition through your conversation okay um it overcomes your condition through your conversation okay this is so simple you might miss it jesus is on his way to the fulfillment of his purpose to doubt the ignominious death on the cross of calvary when he encounters these ten lepers these ten lepers who always have to yell unclean you don't see me coming round the mountain here i come but when you read the text they don't yell unclean they yell have mercy come here come here come here come here when they are in the proximity of people what's supposed to come out of their mouth is unclean jesus but this time they don't say unclean they say have mercy you didn't get it yet come come here one more time i saw you all the way in florida watching from the bethel facebook page you're supposed to yell when people are around unclean but this time they don't yell unclean they yell have mercy watch this which means the language of their conversation didn't change until they met jesus come here i told you it was simple you were gonna miss it because when you meet jesus your language ought to change when you meet jesus something ought to shift in the way you talk prior to meeting jesus they yelled unclean prior to meeting jesus they agreed with who others said they were but now that they have met jesus it shifted the way they talk can i talk to you cut him down a little bit something ought to be different about the way you talk once you meet jesus because faith changes the tone of your conversation because faith changes how you view yourself um okay let's let's let's let's teach for preach faith is connected to your mouth come here jesus said if you say to this mountain [Laughter] be moved you shall have what you say when you say it with your faith oh god so faith is connected to your mouth which means what you say sets the stage for what you can have okay what you say has the power to make things happen which means sometimes you are still stuck in a situation not because of the situation but maybe because of what you're saying while you're in the situation uh come here um i don't know who this is for but your problem ain't your mess your problem is your mouth all right i said um yo your problem ain't your condition your problem is your conversation yo your problem ain't your difficulty your problem is your dialogue your problem ain't what's going on in your life your problem is your language because once i meet jesus it ought to shift the way i talk it ought to change the way i talk about myself hey maybe your problem is not in what other people say about you but maybe your problem is in your own mouth maybe our problem ain't in what they saying about us our problem might be in what we saying out of our own miles about ourselves y'all don't like that me maybe your problem is not in what they call you but maybe your problem isn't what you say about yourself you keep speaking in agreement with your condition instead of against your condition i want you to write in the facebook comments change your language yeah don't say broke say debt free don't say sick say healed don't say unemployed say business owner don't say failure say learner don't say depressed say joyfield don't say losers say overcomer don't say mountains say move don't say hell say heaven don't say sad say joy you've got to change now now watch this watch this um they say have mercy have mercy that was interesting to me sam because if i got a physical sickness i ain't asking for mercy i'm asking for healing [Music] if if if i'm if i'm sick i'm i'm saying heal me not have mercy on me but but you got to understand that in the biblical day leprosy was seen as a spiritual condition with physical manifestation preach rudolph mckissick so what they tell me in yelling have mercy and not heal me is that they don't want the symptoms treated oh it's going to get bad now they they want the condition dealt with and to deal with the condition requires mercy god by asking for mercy y'all ain't hearing me they were saying to jesus don't treat my skin treat my heart and the problem with many of the churches today is that we got too much symptom preaching that ain't changing nobody's condition we got too many preachers who are getting good about preaching symptoms but they're dealing with nobody's condition so you shout in church but you're still broke you're still toxic you're still dysfunctional you still can't pay your bills you're still full of hell because you go into a church that's preaching to your symptoms but ain't changing your condition [Applause] you you at that pep rally church where the preacher is not a prophet but a pimp [Applause] selling liquid spiritual cocaine and you snorting it every sunday and wondering why your life hadn't changed when you stopped doing that because you stopped the symptoms but didn't deal with the condition the condition starts to change with what you say out of your mouth let me keep going let me keep going um i heard this is my point here this is my point here marcus um it's got to be a faith watch this that knows how to be obedient when the reasons aren't obvious okay okay these these lepers watch this had to transfer from the talk of faith to the step of faith i don't want you to miss this because if if you read the text this is going to mess you up when you read the text it says when they saw jesus in verse 13 watch this they said jesus master master a title that implies submission so jesus said all right let's put that to the test since you're calling me master whoa will you do what i say do when what i say do don't make no sense since you gonna call me master let's see if you're saying that as an emotional trigger or as a conviction of your faith since you calling me master let's see if you think that calling my name is a trick or if calling my name is your faith because if i am who you just said i am then you'll do what i tell you to do go show yourself to the priests i'm i'm coming to get you go go show yourself to the priest that was in line with the mosaic law because the only way to re-enter the normality and the normal flow of society was to be given the stamp of approval by the priest to validate that your healing had happened marcus they missed the shout all y'all in here missed the shout out i know y'all came all the way from houston to be with your pastor but act like y'all go to bethel for about five minutes um because y'all shouted if y'all got that let me say it one more time it was the mosaic law that you went to the priest because the priest was the only one who could not validate that you were now able to re-enter into society because they were validating that you had been healed okay y'all y'all missed it um because if you had gotten what i just said y'all ran all around friendship west and ain't nobody done 10 of us in here let me say it one more time you go to the priest yes because the priest would give you the authority to re-enter into the normality of culture because the priest validated that you had been healed y'all didn't get it but jesus did not say go to the priest to be he god help me you went to the priest after you had been healed in order for the priest to confirm that you had been healed jesus does not declare them healed and then send them to the priest as if they had been healed all jesus said was go show yourself to the priest y'all didn't get it he tells them to do the second step as if the first step had already been done when it had not god i feel like preaching it here he tells them to do what would be done after they were healed as if they are already healed and in that what faith is faith is following crazy instructions acting like you already got what you've asked for faith is walking in such a way that you start acting like the first step is done because you already on the second step it's called moving in expectation you've got to walk like it's already done you got to act like it's already done you got to talk like it's already done you got to act like you got the house act like you got the job act like you open the business act like your marriage is better act like your child is delivered act like the two man's shrunk go show yourself to them yeah go show yourself y'all not getting it i knew i was coming to freddy's church freddy is the king of illustrations um and i knew y'all wasn't getting it so i i'm a movie buff and i love bad boys bad boys bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna do when they come for you my favorite is the first one the first one is this there's this criminal this french criminal by the name of boudreau they've been chasing boudreau everywhere they finally get word that boudreau is at the miami international airport they've been looking for boudreaux boudreaux killed will smith i don't know if she was his girlfriend or what she was but she's dead and so they get there there's a gun fight and in the midst of the gun fight will smith gets shot boudreaux takes off they've got to jump in will smith's porsche but the problem is smith has been shot so he can't drive so martin lawrence starts driving and when martin lawrence gets boudreaux in his eyesight martin lawrence started and he started to give him his miranda rights whatever you say can and will be used against you in a court of law now will smith knows you don't do that till you've arrested him so will smith looked at him and said man what you doing martin lawrence said i'm just getting it out the way come here every now and then you can't wait till you get it you got to shout like it's already yours and when they say why you're shouting and you're broke why are you shouting and you ain't healed why are you shouting and you ain't delivered you got to tell them i'm just getting it out the way i want somebody in your house to just put in the i'm just getting it out the way i'm on the way to the doctor but i'm just getting it out the way i'm on the way to the loan officer but i'm just getting it out the way i'm on the way to surgery but i'm just getting it out the way is there anybody in here who can say i'm just getting it out [Applause] i need somebody to shout like you're getting it out the way the interview ain't till next week the surgery ain't till next month but i want you to shout like you're getting it out see sometimes sometimes jesus wants to see a demonstration of willingness and obedience stop calling me mastering you ain't gonna move and are you willing to start off acting like it's already done lord have mercy you you don't know what he gonna do but you you're going to do whatever he tells you to do even if it looks silly just cause he told you because i've discovered marcus if you do the if you do the ridiculous he'll do the miraculous yes i'm in the text watch this come on hold on wait a minute let me put some bible to it watch this watch this hold on watch what it says it says they did what he said i love it as they were acting like it was already done as they were acting in obedience to something that didn't make sense by the time they got to the destination it had been turned around okay come here um you couldn't go to the priests unless you were already healed when they left jesus they weren't healed but by the time they got to jesus they were healed some of y'all gonna shout in a minute so by the time they got to the destination what they needed to be done before they got there before getting there what they needed to be done for what was there to work on their behalf jesus did it on the way there come here that wasn't a good way to put it um i'm on the way as they went he healed them god i feel the holy ghost coming as they went he healed them when where did he heal a mckissick somewhere between here and there somewhere between now and then jesus turned that thing around god i wish i had all 5 000 of y'all in here can i tell you when jesus is going to do it for you somewhere between here and there somewhere between now and then he's going to turn this whole thing around on your behalf whatever your schedule is whatever your deadline is whatever your expiration date is god sent me to tell you somewhere between here and there between your house and the hospital between your house and the bank between your house and the interview between your house and the therapy between going home from work and getting home somewhere between here and there and somewhere between now and then jesus is gonna turn it around so you know what i'm gonna do since he's gonna fix it on the way i'm gonna shout on the way since he's gonna turn it on the way i'm gonna run all the way since he's gonna fix it all the way wait a minute sit down sit down sit down sit down somewhere somewhere between here somewhere between here and there somewhere between now and then now now sit down sit down sit down sit down um because because in the midst of this is a tension in the text that has to be reflected before we shout um because um what we see is not just the thankfulness of one but the inactivity of the other nine in what i would call the ugliness of ingratitude let's just be honest more often than not we are less like the one and more like the nine we're anxious to receive but careless to give thanks all right watch text 10 10 receive the healing but only one returns only one out of ten come back to say thank you now if i were an actuary scientist who practices the research of analytics and if i were to do an actuary analytical exegesis of 10 being healed and only one giving thanks that lets me know that 90 of the people that get blessed ain't got gratitude if i if i were to do an actuary an analytical exegesis of what happens here that that that lets me know yes the 90 of the people that jesus blesses keep going and jesus asked this question freddie that i've never really heard an answer to i've never really heard an answer marcus marvin i've never really heard an answer but the answer is implied in the text where are the other nine and the man don't answer and there's no answer in the text but there really is an answer in the text in the implied in between interpretation of the text um jesus said go show yourself to the priests the priest is at the synagogue which means i know the answer to where the other nine are at church which means ungrateful people go to church and nine out of every 10 on the pew ain't giving god thanks i'm in the text i'm in the text the other nine went to church to show off their blessing the other nine went to church to pass a note to the pastor to announce their testimony see we oh lord we nine went to church i'm trying to really get you now and one went to christ who wasn't at the church [Music] jesus helped me in here we are developing a group of believers who run the church but never get to christ [Applause] because we are developing a church that is egocentric and not crystal-centric yeah we are developing this church yes who is teaching people how to have disneyland and praise and worship but don't know how to get to christ so you want to go to a church where you can wear your jeans and bring your coffee in and here's some nice cute sermon from a life coach but they never had a transformative liberating experience with jesus christ and this text teaches me that sometimes you'll run into a synagogue jesus ain't [Applause] that because for many jesus church has become an event not an encounter lord help me just because you get to church don't mean you didn't get to jesus i don't know about you but i'm i'm glad i don't have to be at church to get now let me tell you why all the thousands of y'all and all of you zooms should have shouted right there because what you're doing tonight is what the one did on that day you ain't in the synagogue but you done got to jesus i i thought i'd get some better shouts right there this shout ain't put us in here but i need some of y'all to shout that's watching me in your house to show the devil i'll get to him in my house i'll get to him in my kitchen i'll get to him in my shower i'll get to him in the break room i'll get to him in the garage because i don't have to be in church in order to get to jesus i need somebody to shout thank you that i got to him and i didn't get to church i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done text says he comes back and he yells with a loud voice this is my favorite text and i'ma tell y'all why in a minute because let me tell you what i discovered about leprosy marvin um leprosy doesn't just affect your skin it puts sores on your skin but the acidity in the pus yes of leprosy gets on your vocal cords and constricts them um there's one thing in here yeah um 99 time grammy winner and uh and uh yeah uh we we shouting between here and there and uh so he knows about this kind of stuff um that when your vocal cords get constricted all you have is a whisper i'm trying not marcus i'm trying not to run because i know where i'm about to go um um if you have leprosy um people know you have leprosy not just because of your skin but because all you have is a whisper so the ten of them had to put their whispers together because the only way jesus could hear them as if the ten of them put their whispers together and it sounded like a loud voice because if one tried to they didn't have enough strength in their vocal cords for jesus to hear them [Music] so if it's just me and i'm whispering nobody hears me so the ten of them got side by side and he said if i whisper you whisper if you whisper i whisper if you whisper you whisper if you whisper you whisper and when i whisper you whisper and when he whispers you whisper and when she whispers you whisper and when you whisper you whisper and that's the only way jesus heard them but after he got healed the text says he hollered with a loud voice because when jesus healed him he didn't just clear up his skin but he cleared up his mouth so everything he lost jesus gave it all back to him i came to make an announcement tonight everything you lost you're about to get it all back everything that was taken not necessarily by the devil but sometimes by your bad choices jesus yes is about to give it all back i want you to write in the comments i'm about to get it back i'm about to get my joy back i'm about to get my mind back i'm about to get my family back i need somebody who's ready to get it all back to stand up in your house stand up on your jaw stand up in this sanctuary and wave your way and say i want it all back up i want the lord to restore everything i have i want the lord to give me my voice back cause if i don't get nothing else if i got my voice i've got my praise and if i got my [Music] lift praise my voice can i tell ya why this one is the one i love y'all know my testimony several years ago i lost my voice and the doctor told me i'd never preach again and i'd never sing again but then one day my wife took me to another doctor who said i can fix you in 20 minutes he took some tissue from my stomach put it on my paralyzed vocal cord so that when my left cord came to the middle it would meet the muscle and fool the vocal cord but that ain't the shout because i got a new testimony that y'all don't know about about a year ago i went back to the doctor because i was having sinus problems he said let me take the camera look down in your throat to see yes how the muscle is doing because when i got the surgery he said every year you don't have to have this procedure again because it's a muscle and it wears out this is 14 years later he puts the camera down he steps back from the screen he scratches his head me and kim looking at each other he said something don't make sense i said what's wrong doc he said the muscle is all gone i said well is the vocal cord moving he said that's what i don't get the muscle is gone but the vocal cord is still paralyzed i don't understand how you're talking when you ain't got no more muscle and i told the doctor i know how i'm doing it he said how are you doing it i said won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it he won't he wanted [Music] because i know the lord will give him because i know the lord will restore it people ask me why you modulate you didn't used to do that why are you going so hard and i tell them since the last report i got to modulate to remind the devil that what you meant for evil the lord and now every chance i get i go higher to let the devil know i got it back i need somebody anybody everybody to get on your feet [Music] [Music] lord have mercy on the lord open up your mouth and say this is the day that the lord has made rich nice [Music] yes like your god [Music] [Music] [Music] went to church one went to jesus which means the one that went to jesus was the one that got total liberation i want you to act like you're that one and you ain't in this sanctuary but wherever you are get about your bed get them off your couch get above your love seat get up off your patio get up off your lanai run to the break room and i want you to act like you got to jesus even though you didn't get to church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'll see you over there [Music] do until you get it hold until you get it come on tim we're going into overtime the fourth quarter the dance is over but we're going into overtime i'm gonna give you 95 more seconds to go and get god just [Music] [Music] your whispering days [Music] you're whispering days jojova [Music] your days of having to depend on other people [Music] god's giving you your voice back [Music] so since you got your voice back asked and it shall be given if it's in his will and you pray in his will seek and ye shall find knock at the door since you got your voice back say to that mountain in faith get out of my way since you got your voice back declared no weapon formed against me shall be able to to prosper somewhere between here and there [Music] somewhere between now and then [Music] that's that's the shout of somebody who got the voice back somebody's gonna get your voice back in your marriage you go you're gonna get your voice back to help deliver your child you're going to get your voice back to get your joy you're going to get your voice back to get your confidence you're going to get your voice back i know what i'm talking about because i got it back and even after the muscle wore off that doctor looking at me and i i said well do you want to do the surgery again he said bishop for what you ain't got no more muscle in there and it's working and i don't know how it's working and i tell you i've never had another horse day [Music] and i stayed hoarse [Music] because when the lord supernaturally gives it back to you i didn't have this range marvin i can't explain it marcus you know i didn't have this range i did not have this range when that muscle wore off somehow my reigns went higher and the lord said because when i give it back supernaturally i'm not just giving it back i'm giving it back better than it was before you lost it i'm giving it back to you in greater capacity that it was guys i came to tell somebody getting ready for greater joy greater peace greater confidence greater is coming come on write in the comments greater greater greater come on right write it in the cod greater i'm trying to control myself but i feel my pentecost coming out in me come on write it greater greater greater greater greater greater greater on zoom i can't hear you but i can see your mouth just yell greater greater crap i see you dr pablo i see you gloria i see you leela i see you paul i see you my greater [Music] jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] nobody sign off don't do like you do when you're in church don't walk out cause the preaching is over don't sign off don't sign off benediction is a blessing don't miss the final blessing because the words you need for tomorrow might be in that benediction don't you sign off i want to pray and then i'ma give you an instruction remember i said this kind of desperate faith is a faith listen that follows instructions even when the instructions don't make sense keep that in mind [Music] so god i pray i pray for the whisperers jesus who've lost their voice the whisperers who've lost their voice in their marriage on the job lost the voice of their confidence lost lost the voice of their security lost the voice of their convictions they're whispering and that's why they've got to have so many people around them because they can't do it by themselves but tonight god you are cutting the cord of the addiction to dependence and it's not that we don't need other people because you didn't create us to be islands but you're gonna give us our voice back so tonight i pray for somebody to get desperate with their faith change somebody's conversation tonight change the way they talk help them to begin to speak faith convictions and not flawed convictions change somebody's language tonight to speak in the affirmative of their faith according to your word in god give them the kind of faith that's going to start to make moves according to what you say even when the moves don't make sense and god i declare tonight i don't know how you're going to do it but i know according to your word if we simply follow the instructions somewhere between here and there between now and then you're gonna turn it around they're gonna get it all back i pray for somebody tonight who feels like they can't have it back they've been whispering so long they don't think they know how to talk but tonight you're about to turn it around if they activate a desperate faith thank you oh god for those who have raised up to be a voice for the voiceless until they get their voice back thank you for freddie haynes and others who stand o god in the gap and help us as a people get our voices back thank you that in spite of people like trump and policies and mitch mcconnell and even the current regime every now and then policies that make us whisper thank you for profits that help us get our voices back [Music] and we declare tonight we got it back i got it back i'm going to work with a different smile tomorrow i'm going to let my spouse see a different attitude my children are going to see a turnaround my parents are going to see a difference because i got my voice made in jesus name here's the last thing i want you to do follow an instruction even if it don't make sense now i'ma give you an instruction that i tell my staff all the time marcus about vision if if you don't agree with division don't agree with it but don't put your mouth on it so i tell my leaders all the time so if you're not gonna do what i'm gonna ask don't do it but don't put your mouth on it everyone watching me tonight across every streaming platform across every streaming platform i hear you're in the holy ghost there are 250 of you tonight that i want to give a hundred and ten dollars to bless this conference and as your faith see now i've been coming 20 years so y'all know a i don't play with god b i don't manipulate faith and c money can't manipulate sovereignty don't you listen to these preachers who preach that prosperity like your money gonna make something happen you ain't got enough money to make god change god's sovereignty god's will a seed is a statement of faith that i believe what god's word said about me even if i don't have it yet i shall have it that's all i see it is it ain't you ain't gonna sow a seed and check on show in the mail unless that unless that's what god decides to do you're not going to sow a seed and the tumor is going to go away unless that's what god and if god had decided to do it it had nothing to do with your money but tonight if you have been blessed over these four days and three nights not by me but by the woman of god and these two men of god and then inclusive of me if you've been blessed and then tonight you're saying this seed is cause i got my voice back this scene tonight 110 at least 240 of you did i say 240 250 110 250 you everybody else you can't you can't do 110 bishop i don't have 110 okay that's fine now if you have it and don't do it then you deal with that with you and god i'm not going to speak nothing over you i ain't one of them kind of preachers but if you got it and you're going to trust the prophet tonight bishop i don't have it then i want you to get tonight as close to a 55 seat as you can everybody else get as close to a 55 seed as you can they're putting the giving platforms up i see the giving platforms up right now and i want you to sow it right now listen i i want this pastor to know listen that y'all gonna give so good this conference ain't just paid for but next year is already paid for that's how you gonna give tonight because you're going to be supernatural in your giving come on three ways to give you see it tonight 240 of you god told 250 god said to me son if you ask for 250 i'll give you 300. that will sow that 110 seed i'm i'm one so there are 299 of you besides me and everybody else 55 as close as you can get to 55. hey i'm out of here tonight god bless you friendship wes next to bethel you know i love nobody greater than i love y'all and i thank god that god keeps restoring me to come back another year and i bless god for that pastor if they're giving tonight in the sanctuary and they got a check or they got cash you want them to just give it to somebody what you want them to do if they got it in the sanctuary all right we got us a reset there we go we got us a receptacle so if you're in here tonight are you going to do it that way god bless you [Music] oh my god lord jesus thank you thank you lord thank you bishop rudolph mckinson wow what a testimony what a preacher what a gift my god i told him last night man you're getting stronger and stronger that's phenomenal that testimony let me know god bless you man we love you we love you see you next year i hope it's on all right it's on the calendar okay all right listen we're going to get ready to go i want to cover you in prayer i just want to say thank you so much to everyone our prayer warriors god bless you thank you so much thank you prayer warriors you set the tone for this and we love you and we thank god for you av god bless you ave y'all got this thing tight and right sounds good thank you so much communications getting the word out like you did thank you you did that we bless you thank you to our fine arts worship guru thank you so much you choreographed this holy spirit took it thank you so much thank you praise team musicians lord jesus thank you thank you thank you our deaf action ministry thank you this has been powerful all who tuned in we bless you and we thank god for you we're getting ready to go please go ahead let god continue to minister to you in the overflow of what we've experienced not just tonight but all week long we pray for bishop mckissick we pray for dr cosby we pray for jennifer carner we pray for reginald wayne sharp we pray for you thank you marvin sapp it's so good to see you brother god bless you god bless you let's pray god thank you for all you've done for what you are up to thank you the power of your word you knew exactly what we needed and then you generously gave it to us exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or imagine for that we thank you now god we feel like going on now god we thank you for what you've said [Music] and now we live in [Music] faith thank you i pray o god for all who will be going to austin in the morning please give them traveling mercy may we all meet there then oh god i pray that you will move with such power that our government will know you are god you love your people and you speak up for those who have no voice so yes collectively give us our voice to speak truth to power as we go to austin from all over the state thank you for what you're going to do and now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine to god be the glory in the church and christ jesus now when forever amen and god bless you if you're going to austin be here at 4 30 in the morning bus is leaving at five o'clock bus leaves at five o'clock even if you're not on the bus but you want to go in the caravan meet us 4 30 leaving at five o'clock god bless you god keep you peace we praise god for this impactful experience and for your joining us during it for all of you who joined as visitors you can share that you were here please do that by taking time to text f w v i z to the number two eight nine five zero and for those of you who are saying hey i want this time that i'm visiting to be the last time i'm a visitor you can join us here's how you do that join us by calling the number 469-498-0210 or email us at join us at when you email email your first name your last name and your cell number and we will get back with you we are so excited that you are here until next time blessings on youtube [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord for yourself you
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 13,130
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: Friendship-West Baptist Church, FWBC, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Friendship West, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III., Church, Baptist, Haynes, Christian, Community, Christ, God
Id: OE2Mbi7ui7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 2sec (8822 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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