Dr. Marcus Cosby National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. Cincinnati, OH

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[Applause] [Music] Ana's seen the glory of the coming of the Lord he is trap ping out the vintage where where The Grapes of Wrath the store he had a loose fateful lightning of his terrible Swift so his truth his MA channel let me say that again I seen the glory the glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes maja you know I got one more and the beauty of the lilies across the sea in the bosom of his glory that's French figures you and me as he died make men holy Wow let us die to make glory glory hallelujah God heavens glory all right glory glory is ma can I sing my wish again this is not me and the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea in the bosom of his glory that transfigures you and me as he died make men holy let us die hard to make men three is who thank God Islam glory glory glory [Applause] [Music] göran [Music] [Music] glory glory sorry sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all the people said hallelujah to God be the glory for the great things he has done to the immolate an esteemed president of this convention dr. Jerry young the entirety of his cabinet that serves so faithfully along with him to the entirety of the whole mission board it brings us together this after this morning in this setting dr. Pickens and dr. Griffin who give leadership to this work past president dr. Scruggs who shares with us this morning and to my beloved pastor my father in the ministry Reverend dr. LK curry who shares with us all the days this morning god bless you my leader all of us who walk by faith and not by sight it is good for us to be here the elders would say it's another day's journey and I'm glad about it I'm glad to be in the service one more time Thank You pastor Holland for blessing us and allowing us to celebrate the goodness of our God even as we exclaim glory hallelujah his truth is marching on permit me please to offer a word of thanks to each of my brothers and sisters who has been so kind in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey so many of you have called said text messages shared your expressions of concern and care for our congregation and for our city and for you we are eternally grateful thank you so much for being there for us and for showing to us the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the challenges that we're facing in our faith and even as we thank you for that we want to be in continuing prayer for our brothers and sisters in the path of Hurricane Emma who has greater intensity than even Harvey did let's continue in prayer for our sisters and brothers as a word from the Lord this morning and if you have your Bibles I invite your attention to the New Testament book of Acts the New Testament book of Acts I a hazard to address this text this morning for those who were with us last night in late-night service already know that this text has been sufficiently preached what was preached last night and preached the previous night in late night service so either I've heard from the Lord or something significantly wrong with me to try to attempt another message from this very same passage but let's look at Acts chapter 3 Acts chapter 3 beginning at verse 9 the New Testament book of Acts at chapter 3 beginning with verse 9 if you'll permit me although we traditionally read this from the King James Version permit me to read from the New International Version this morning there is a special nuance in that translation that I hope to share with you as we talk this day Acts chapter 3 beginning with verse 9 from the new international version the word of the Lord reads like this when all the people saw him walking and praising God they recognized him as the man who used to sit at the temple gate called beautiful and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him that's enough amen praise God for His Holy Word when all the people saw him walking and praising God they recognized him as the man who used to sit at the temple gate called beautiful and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him for the time that is I was to share together today I want to talk simply from the subject revisiting home mission revisiting home mission the early church was abuzz because something had been happening in their midst that was all inspiring to be sure the work of the Lord Jesus Christ was going forth with significant momentum the people of God had been blessed because there was a certain date called Pentecost on which the entirety of the believers landscape had changed things were different as a consequence of Pentecost nothing remained the same after Pentecost it was on the day of Pentecost when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all in one place and on one Accord and suddenly there was a sound as I'm a rushing mighty wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting and the Bible says that they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and when they were filled with the Holy Ghost something began to happen that had not happened heretofore now Jesus had given them a preview of coming attractions hadn't he when in Acts chapter one he met with that huddled mass of brothers and sisters and said stay here until you imbued with power from on high he said to them you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and when that happens you be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth to be sure they didn't know all that he was saying to them they didn't understand that they could not conceptualize it but Jesus wanted them to be sure that something was going to happen that would shift the landscape of their understanding and the believers witness forevermore and just ten days later what he said did come to pass because while they were there in Jerusalem the Holy Ghost came on Pentecost today they regularly celebrated but this day was not like any other this Pentecost was different because the Lord decided while all those Saints were converging at Jerusalem to do something unique in their midst the Bible says when the Holy Ghost came he filled the whole house and because it was such a phenomenal experience that folk just didn't understand there were some people standing around saying these folk must be drunk at which point Peter that great apostle stood up and he said no no brethren don't don't don't mistake this for inebriation this is what was spoken of by the Prophet Joel in the last days God is going to pour out his spirit on all flesh his sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions and now God is bringing to fruition what he promised us long ago and then Peter decided he wanted to talk about that man named Jesus and he began to preach that message you recall don't you when he preached one sermon and 3,000 souls got saved he talked about that man Jesus who was able to save us from our sins he talked about Jesus and what he did in his midst Peter began to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ 3,000 souls got saved and by the time you get to the conclusion of the book of Acts your Bible says that the Lord had to the church daily those who were being saved can't you see the excitement can't you see the joy in the people's hearts to know that God had done something in their midst that had never been done before it's a phenomenal experience to see how God works things out for the good of those who love him and are the called according to his purpose don't you see the excitement the exuberance the enthusiasm of the saints as they celebrate the fact that God is up to something in their midst that's pillow call Sunday that's Acts chapter 2 but turn all over to Acts chapter 3 for in Acts chapter 3 it's just another ordinary day and on this ordinary day two of the above the of the primary leaders of the early church are on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer Peter and John are making their way up at around three o'clock in the afternoon for evening sacrifices known as to Mead and when they're headed up for the evening sacrifices your Bible says that before they can get into the temple they are they are confronted by a lame man laying at the temple gate called beautiful he's laying there as he does every day he's laying there as is his custom and he's asking alms for every from everyone who goes into a comes out of the temple he's a beggar he's a lame land by Levitical law he cannot go into the temple because of his lame situation he cannot walk and consequently he cannot worship he cannot walk he cannot worship he likewise cannot work all he can do is wait on somebody to come into or come out of the temple and be a blessing to the one laying there before their gates no you missed it let me give it to you again he's a lame man he cannot walk and according to the Levitical law Leviticus chapter 25 says he cannot worship as a consequence of not being able to work all worship walk or worship he cannot walk work he cannot work all he can do is wait on some person to go into will come out of the temple and be a blessing to this brother who is a beggar can't you see him can you hear him can you hook a brother up can you help a brother out do you have any spare change alms for the poor there he is begging for someone to help him out in his sickened condition the Bible says Peter and John walk upon him and when they do he says the same thing to them can you hook a brother up and Peter says look and click look at us man silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I under thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and your Bible says that Peter stretched out his hand he lifted that man up and when he did his feet and ankle bones gained strength and he began to walk now that sounds good that's the miracle right there that that's worthy of celebration right there but that's not all the Bible says that walking got so good to him he began to leap and jump and praise the Lord I don't know if God's ever done something so good for you that you couldn't just give him the ordinary kind of celebration the ordinary kind of adulation but every now and then God will show up in your situation and literally wow you he'll literally blow your mind by what he does and sometimes you can't just say Amen sometimes you got to wave your hand sometimes you got to leap for joy this brother begins to leap and the Bible says he walks on into the temple a place where he's never been able to go he walks into the temple the place he's never been invited because of his lame status in life he walks into the temple and everybody this is what I read to you and all the people saw him leaping and praising God they recognized him as the man who used to sit by the temple gate called beautiful and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him it met some good news right there didn't that worthy of a name man it and that worthy of a thank you Lord isn't that worth a brother Holland of a glory hallelujah and this my friends is the story of what I might consider to be one of the first home mission experiences sitting right outside the temple gate called beautiful he's right there in there concentric circle he's not too far away he's not too distant from them he's in their midst and he hasn't read that the saints of God can accommodate and here are Peter and John on their way to the temple but before they get there they see a need and they make a need because that's what whole mission folk do let's see if we can unpack it just a minute can we look at the text for a little bit longer I've given you all the story but can I look a little closer at the details of the story because it seems to me if we're going to revisit omissions I submit and suggest to us in the first place that you and at my brothers and sisters need to maintain prayer as a priority I'm in your Bible I haven't left it yet it's right there in Chapter three your Bible says Peter and John are going to the temple win and I will pray yes that's when they're going at the hour of prayer they're not going for praise and worship no they're not even going for 11 o'clock morning worship they're not going to the temple for for a business meeting they're not even going for for ministry meeting no they're going for the express purpose of talking to the Lord a wonderful opportunity for them just to get into the presence of the Lord and begin to have communication conversation dialogue who's with the god of their salvation child of God I submit that most of us would be better off if we spent more time talking to God as much as we do talking to people about talking to God I suggest that most of us have a lot of time talking to people up talking to God but I don't know how much time we really spend talking to him for ourselves and today I submit that if we're going to revisit the power of low mission I submit that you and I need to have a little more time in concentrated intentional conversation with the god of our salvation these brothers are going up to the temple at the hour of prayer and that makes sense doesn't it because if we're going to do the work that is required of us to be the people of God that we've been called to be for such a time as this you and I can't do it on our own accord our own power will not give to us the ability to handle the circumstances of this thing called life this thing called mission this thing called the work of the church you need to have some committed conversation with the Creator now I know I know there are many in the room today who understand the privilege and the power of prayer but I submit that there's something about Peter and John that makes them pray that you and I need to revisit on this this this Tuesday morning because this wisdom one because it seems to me my brothers and sisters that these brothers know something about the power of prayer simply because of who they are I mentioned to you this is Peter and John you all know Peter and John don't you two members of the inner circle of disciples these are they who walked up close and personal with the Lord Jesus they saw some things that others did not see they heard something that the others did not hear they experienced some things that the others did not experience you remember it was Peter and John who went who went with the Lord Jesus on the very last night of his life to the garden of gethsemane walked a little farther than the others and they were able to experience him going back and forth for those three arduous hours of plan when sweat like drops of blood poured from his brow and he said father if his possible let this cup pass from me I will but that it will be done they knew something about his prayer life these were the ones who who hurt him when he took those five loaves and two fish and he lifted him up to God and he said Lord I bless these and these these pieces of bread and these faces of fish that are now in my hand he blessed the food that he had given to the Lord now a child of God we understand something about that don't we because most of us had somebody in our lives to tell us this is here before you eat one piece of that food on your place you better tell the Lord thank you I know you gotten grown now sometimes you just dive on in but somebody here still take some time just say lord I thank you for this food which I'm about to receive for the nourishment of my body in jesus name a man somebody had a mother like me said don't you get in that bed until you bow down on your knees beside that bed and you pray your prayer and somebody can testify that most of us or many of us learn the same prayer all across this country now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take I bless my mother god bless my father god bless my preacher god bless my teacher in jesus name amen and if it weren't when you were seven we gonna work when you're 77 and if he worked when you were twelve in a work when you're 52 if it worked when you were fifteen in a work when you 75 somebody in here who's learning how to maintain as a priority if mappy with a carload by my name will humble themselves and pray see my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land is there one grant worrying miss Assembly Hall today who who can testify that press still works if there's somebody in here who can testify I know that when you talk to the Lord he'll talk back to you he'll work things out for your good he'll make ways out of no way can I find these three people in here who read your Bible and you know the Bible says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous available me will answer then show you greeted many things that you know and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and the door will be open is there a prayer warrior in here who knows prayer still work I submit today if we're going to have the results of whole mission and you and I have to maintain plan as a priority not just talking about prayer but talking to God in prayer can I go old-school let's have a little talk with Jesus and tell him all about our troubles he'll hear our faintest cry he'll answer buying back feel a little prayer wheel turn you know a little Sonny is burning just a little talk with Jesus makes everything all right you don't know that when maybe you know to him of the church that we are blessed but blessed what a friend we have in Jesus and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry or you know and everything to God in prayer o what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless pain we bear oh because we do not carry everything to God and pray well child of God I submit in the first place if we're going to revisit home mission we need to make sure we maintain prayer as a priority Peter and John on their way to the temple we're at the House of Prayer watch the text that's not all I submit likewise if we're going to maintain a commitment to hold mission not only must we maintain prayer as a priority but I suggest in the second place that you and that church family me to minister to people on the periphery I said we have to minister to people on the periphery you know the periphery don't you that's the folk who ain't in the clique the club or the crew you know the periphery don't you that's the folk who don't act like you talk like you smell like you dressed like you even behave like you say good church folk supposed to behave you know the periphery don't you that's the folk who don't know the Lord's Prayer don't know that the deacon supposed to sit on the front and sit wherever they want to sit whenever they show up and you gotta escort them to the places where they're supposed to be you know the periphery don't you that's the folk who don't put their pants up like they're supposed to let's forget that song over there buddy that folks may walk in and pass your church with a grill in front of their faces is there anybody in here who knows something bout the periphery you ain't got quiet on me keep on talking to me here just like I was talking about prayer back to me if you can that seems to be what's going on in Ex chapter 3 that there are some brothers who are headed to the temple they're on their way to the Lord's house but before they get there there's a brother who is on the periphery who is not going into church he's not one of them church people he's not one of those saved sanctified Holy Ghost filled fire baptized on the way to heaven when I got got a phone no that's not his reality he's on the periphery you know the periphery don't you is when you pull up to that red light and you know good where is that brother standing to your left right outside the driver's window and you do your best to keep your hands at 10:00 and 2:00 and look straight ahead and act like you don't see the person in your periphery this man is laying there every day what's what verse 5 says expecting to receive something from them oh don't miss that little detail of the text I said he's expecting to receive something from he's sitting at the temple gate called beautiful he's watching the saints go in and out of the temple can't you see him with their smiles on their faces they got their big old Bibles in their hand him watching this ayah this beautiful beautiful Zion they're on their way into the temple they're coming out of the temple and he's expecting watch this that something is gonna happen in there that's gonna make a difference when they come back out here he's of the opinion that if these folk keep going to the church house that something's gonna happen in there let's go make a difference when he's sitting at the temple gate called beautiful if I had time I preached this sermon from another subject I may just be tempted to call it ugly religion at a beautiful church [Applause] seem to me that the Thurston met these folk although this man is expecting to receive these foot that contextual implication our walk-in over him walk-in past him walking around him they're so interested in getting in there that they're forgetting to do ministry out here there are some foot on the periphery who are watching us move in and out of these churches we serve and some foot on the periphery who are watching us take over Cincinnati there's some folk on the periphery who are watching us every day and because they know that we claim a connection with that man named Jesus they are expecting to receive something from us the question is are we so busy getting to the beautiful gate and we're walking past them walking over them walking around them walking that is access if we don't even see them our hands are so tightly affixed to 10:00 and 2:00 and we cannot see that ministry is right in our midst the question becomes can you and I do whole mission for real for real can we do whole mission in a way that lets folk know who are sitting right outside the door and we care about you too sitting book folks at red outside the door who need to know of the love of Jesus Christ he asks them for money just like he'd asked everybody else for money and when he did Bible says Peter and John were not so busy trying to get to church that they couldn't be the church [Applause] and so he took some time stopped by the brothers side and Peter said hey man look at us looked at him and said listen here silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk oh man you should at least look Amen right there that was a good place at least to act like you a church person I said Peter and John said hey man ain't got no money but what I do have come on give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk let me let me see if I can unpack it my pastors here I love it every time I'm in his presence I love talking about this passage especially in his presence now remember when I was just a lad of a boy any manual Baptist Church 8301 saw Damon Avenue Chicago Illinois is 6:06 to zero but I'm not LK killer was my pastor he preached from this text right here I don't know what age I was that carry but I remember you preaching this from from from that pulpit at Emmanuel and he said of this passage he said listen here every Christian ought to have some such [Applause] he said now you're such may not be like my such and my such may not be like your such but have you been walking with Jesus for a day and a half you ought to have some such that I bless somebody's like hey is there anybody in this room today who can testify that may not have my sister-sons or have not pre spectrum so so does but it was some six on the inside to bless somebody's life who's sitting on the periphery if I can help somebody yes I passed along living it shall not be in vain can I find three people in here who can testify the reason why you're able to help somebody on the periphery is cuz you can remember when you were sitting on the periphery everybody in here hain't been saved since birth day everybody in here hey Ben spiritual since childhood somebody in here can testify how once was lost in sea but somebody came and saw me on the periphery told me about a man named Jesus and the reason of it the convincing this morning is because somebody decided to minister to a person on the periphery I don't have what you're looking for me but I got more and you ever thought you would bargain for when you made this request to me silver and gold have I none but such as I have give her underneath somebody ought to have a word of encouragement as such somebody ought to have a pat on the back of smile a word of it somebody ought to be able to testify I may not have what you're asking for but I do have what you need such as I had give I unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk I've got to conclude my little message but can I show you one more thing from the text that the Bible says that when when Peter makes this this statement to this lame man that he doesn't just speak to him he reaches out his hand and touches him I told you he's been with Jesus he's seen some things from the Ministry of the master that helps him to do ministry in Mission and watch what he does he he he reaches out his hand he lifts the man up and when he lifts him up his feet and ankles gain strength and the man starts walking okay alright you so accustomed to the text that you don't you don't you don't remember that that was a good spot to say Amen I said that that Peter lifts him by the head his feet mangoes gain strength and he starts walking oh maybe you missed the introductory statement that I made I said he ain't never walked before he never walked in his life and if you read chapter four you'll find out that he's past 40 years old for more than four decades he's never walked more than four decades he's never been able to move about on his own two feet for more than four decades he's just been lame wait no somebody had to move him in front of the temple so he get back some of them churchville so hook a brother up haha but now and got the weight on nobody now but now don't have to worry about whether enough somebody's gonna give him a little piece of something to get off get him from one day to the next nah he's able to walk for himself how is he able to do that because this brother named Peter said listen here man I may not have that money you're looking for but I know a man and his name is Jesus and in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk may I submit Chuck's family if we're going to be the people of God that we're supposed to be and we're going to be the people who engage in home mission I submit is that not only must be maintained prayer as a priority and not only must we minister to people on the periphery I suggest in the final place that you and I church family need to maximize our power to produce possibilities and it gives you again I said need to maximize somebody say maximize me to maximize our power to produce possibility I don't have any money but I got a name that's above every name I got a name at which every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess I got a name at which demons tremble at your name ha there's still Sue's doubts and calms fears in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is there anybody in here who know that there's still power in that name is there anybody in this Assembly Hall today who can help me call this message and testify I'm so glad I got acquainted with that name a couple years ago in my life because that name has given me power to do some things that never would have been able to do here go someplace that never would have been able to do though accompany something that never would have been able to accomplish somebody in here I don't know something about the name Jesus it because of the name Jesus has this man named this man who is unnamed in the text and is able to rise up and walk I submit that you and I have some power that we may not be using the way we're supposed to be used I submit that we're not seeing enough miracles because we're not using our power Peters just a regular ordinary man who've been walking with Jesus Peters just a spirit-filled man who's been walking with Jesus and if you and I claimed to be spin filled individuals who've been walking with Jesus we ought to have some help to transform some of these communities we living in we all have some power to get lame men out of their lame situations that allow them to walk and leap and praise God we ought to have some power that enables us to rise up and let the world know that we still know a man named Jesus who can do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think anybody in here who still knows that man the Bible says that all Peter lifted him up by his feet pass Hannan his feet and ankles gain strength and then man began to leap and jump and praise God he began to walk all around and celebrate the fact that he now had a new lease on life he was never able to go into the temple before now all but now he's able to get up in that temple can't nobody hold him back ain't nobody heading to him now is there anybody in here who still thanks God that if you go reach the masses even hot in the corners even out in the highways and hedges he'll come into the church and they'll begin to praise God like we're supposed to praise God I need to find some people who ain't been National Baptists all your life but you got a history and that may be your cue partner doesn't know about but if there's anybody in here who know that you were once out God brought you in I need you to help me close this message and justify this steel pile in the name of Jesus is there anybody in Hugh's ever had to call on that name and you found out there's something that happens when you call the name Jesus who can testify that's healing in the name of Jesus there's deliverance in the name of Jesus there's seal salvation in the name of Jesus there's power in the name of Jesus to break every chain to break every chain and somebody in here oughta help me say that name that's above every name they anybody still able to call Jesus anybody still willing to call Jesus anybody not ashamed to call Jesus a man I know there's some people around the doorsteps of your churches who needs to know there's power in that name there's deliverance in that name don't you be afraid of him folks standing out in front of your street corner you still have power to effectuate change in the lives of God's people and the Bible says that when he got up in that temple he was still leaping and jumping and praising God he was upsetting the status quo he wouldn't let things be as usual they couldn't have Church like normal and your Bible says that all the people saw him walking and praising God and they were filled with Wonder and amazement and what had happened to him and I love the Greek word there Griffin had that Greek word is ecstasy it literally means they were ecstatic they were in food they were excited about what was happening in that man's life you just missed it and I said when he came in there he's never been in there before but the people were filled with ecstasy so they were excited and they were ecstatic that something had happened in this man's life I got a funny feeling that too many of us are too busy keeping folk out that we're missing out on ecstasy we're missing out on excitement with too busy same you don't belong and you don't look like a church person and you ain't got a tie on and you don't look like one of us but I wonder if there's anybody in here who can testify that God will pull them from every whichaway who understand that if you lift up Jesus he said heart out wrong from the street corners out wrong from the prostitute corner out wrong from the crack house come from places you never anticipated won't he do it child of God he'll draw men unto himself and when they get in there don't you look at him funny and let them go ahead and leap and praise God but I love the word extra seat got it literally suggests that they didn't just look at them but he likewise joined in and began to celebrate him right along with him and somebody in this church ought to help me close this message and testify I'm not gonna let him praise God all by himself I'm not gonna let her praise God all by herself if she's got a reason to rejoice and then I've got a reason to rejoice right with her is there anybody in church who members your Bible the Bible says Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together is there anybody in here who's seen God make away have seen God opened doors seen God fight so battle seen God heal your body let the redeemed say so begin to praise God somebody oughta leap for joy somebody ought to clap your hands somebody ought to say Amen but you gotta remember they're not praising God for what God did for them they're praising God for what God did for him and you know you're growing up in God with all of your praise ain't about you but some of your praise is about somebody else somebody in church ought to celebrate that God is still blessing your neighbor God is still blessing your pew partner God is still blessing your sister God is still blessing your brother I gotta close right now but will you look at somebody close to you and say this phrase is not about me but this phrase is cos God is blessing you this phrase this cos God has healed your body this praise this cuz your children are doing all right this this cuz Cosby survived Hurricane Harvey this phrase mister somebody in here got a new lease on life is there anybody in this church who help me celebrate the god of our salvation I need to shout glory hallelujah his truth is marching on I need somebody in this church today to stop looking at stop spectating and stop participating and tell them I'm still praising God cuz you still standing oh you've been through after the surgery after the divorce the depression the frustration you still here by the grace of God in here thank God that your neighbor is still standing I need somebody in the room today just start leaping and praising God thus things are as well with your friends as they are somebody made it to the meeting and you didn't think you'd make it was coming from the goodness of Jesus [Music] I submit that it's time for us not to just read about home mission but it may be time for us to revisit home mission so that folk all out in the streets on the periphery will show up walking and leaping and praising God to God be the glory for the great things he has to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - Mina's Aldrin Tolson [Music] Savior whoa-oh here my heart cry Oh ooh while the star our car ah holy [Music] Oh ah pass me me back and I'm calling you say Savior Oh sir a savior oh no no no no oh my Oh Oh cry Oh Oh [Music] the star our car [Music] do not me by whoa let me bathroom um my mercy Oh fine final sweet really me nearly there in deep country country Oh help my Oh [Music] and I'm calling you say ah yeah we'll say yeah Oh aha whole crime Hey [Music] [Music] do not do not pass oh do not [Music] hallelujah let's bless God for dr. bockris cost me Amen differ if Marvin while he was here he would say veteran light your fire you're dealing with whit Luud so thank you dr. Cosby for that awful word thank you for your remaining
Channel: 831Vision Media
Views: 45,530
Rating: 4.7702127 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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