Transforming Life Revival - Day 3 | Pastor Reginald Sharpe, Jr. & Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr.

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[Music] peace and power i stand here with the backdrop behind me of the city of dallas an amazing beautiful skyline and most skylines in the city are there to represent and project an image of a city that of prosperity promise and progress but here in the city of dallas when we go from the backdrop the skyline up high and we go down low into the streets in many black communities and communities of color prosperity promise and progress eludes many of us and so we want to talk about the ways in which we can get engaged and have action activism and advocacy to change that so one of the things we have to do is we come down into the streets just radically reimagine public safety because one of the things that we have to deal with oftentimes in our black and minority communities is police violence state sanctioned violence this form of physical bodies that's so traumatic that we see play out on tv almost every other day here in america right here in dallas texas you know we think about and remember both from jean we think about asiana jefferson and fort worth texas we still think about brianna taylor louisville kentucky everything about george ford in minneapolis minnesota so for many of us we have to make sure that we stay in this struggle for justice peace love and liberation we have to make sure that we stay in this struggle against state-sanctioned violence so we have to make sure that we are part of a movement to bring about a more positive way of police in our community so we just talked about the forms of physical violence that many of our communities are up against and feel the brunt of by way of state-sanctioned murder we also have to deal with the structural violence that takes place in places like this dallas city hall and many city halls around this country state houses around this country as well as the u.s congress public policy oftentimes is unleashed on our communities that creates wreaks havoc on our communities and we have to deal with that as well so we want to talk about some of the things that take place by way of public policy that we have to be aware of that we have to educate ourselves on so we can be better advocates and we can engage in activism to bring about a permanent change in our community so all of us can flourish and have access to life-giving life-sustaining resources so we left city hall we talked about where public policies are made to impact primarily black and other communities of color and we stand down here behind me what was shingle mountain which was a toxic waste dump right here in the city that was right next door to marsha jackson's literally her backyard and so through activism advocacy and action we were able to get those shingles removed but the fight is still far from over because the city of dallas still has racist zoning policies that impact many of the residents who live here in floral farms and so while the shingles maybe have been removed we have to make sure all the toxic waste has not seeped down into the land and so for us we want to make sure we continue to be involved in environmental justice work because we want to make sure that all of us have access to fresh air and clean water and this is just one of the many places in our part of town where we have toxic waste and toxic guns that impact the health of those that we love and so as we continue to fight for justice in terms of environmental justice another area that concerns us is economic justice one of the things that proliferates our neighborhoods particularly our black neighborhoods are payday loan and auto title loan stores where they charge such excessive interest rates and rollover fees it traps people into a cycle of debt so we want to also make sure that we do our part to have right policy public policies that make fair lending practices so those that must go get small dollar loans can do so without being trapped into debt so this is yet another policy issue that we have to be concerned about and engaged in so we have talked about many issues that are taking place here in the city of dallas but it happens all across this country in many of our areas where black and brown people live and so now we conclude this tour of our city right here on this sacred ground this ground where former enslaved african americans founded this area of dallas and so for me i remember and i think about all of their tenacity their self-determination to make it in spite of what they found themselves up against by way a bad public policy and so i think it's incumbent upon all of us to do our part to engage in this ongoing struggle for justice peace love and liberation because while we may deal with so many uh examples of material and punishments in our communities whether it's environmental racism economic injustice police brutality and the list goes on and on food justice what we have to remember is that we still do not lack that we still have all that we need to create a world in our communities that allows all of us to flourish because we are not lacking and we don't have a deficit when it comes to our rich culture and our rich heritage we don't lack when it comes to our innovation our imagination and we suddenly do not lack in our belief in a god who cares about us who loves us and who wants to make sure that our lives between sundays is still full and allows us to flourish and be all that god has called all of us to be so we're asking you will you join us partner with us and become a justice partner today [Music] [Applause] [Music] experience [Music] good evening good evening good evening friendship west family friends it is good to be here on this evening this is day number three a revival of renewing of the mind are y'all excited we have been blessed the past couple of days with good word and here we are for day number three let's see what else god has for us on today so come on and join us in prayer come on and join us in worship dear heavenly father how we thank you o god for this day that was not promised to us oh god we didn't know what the end of the day was going to be oh god but here we are standing o god so prepare our hearts remove any distractions anything that the enemy tried to place upon us some time ago and right now god we just ask you to remove it right now oh god god we thank you father for you have blessed our speakers you have poured into them oh god and we are ready to receive oh god so we thank you and we honor you and we're just praying for those who are zooming in on tonight that you remove distractions from them as well oh god because we are here to be delivered we are here here to be healed oh god and how we thank you how we thank you how we thank you amen [Music] oh lord refine me again [Music] lord [Music] lord i give you my heart and i give you my life lord i surrender as a living sacrifice as a living sacrifice [Music] lord revive [Music] lord i surrender as a living sacrifice as a living sacrifice come on somebody help me [Applause] my [Music] and i'll give you [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i really really really really wanna be like [Music] my [Music] come on everybody we thank you [Music] oh me [Music] [Music] lord and i give you my sacrifices [Music] go thank you god we bless your name jesus thank you jesus come on if you don't mind just one more time put your hands together [Music] it's something we cannot explain that happens when we proclaim your great name [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] when you're [Music] [Music] [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] let me [Music] stay [Applause] [Music] anybody ready to be free tonight [Music] oh [Music] anybody know the name of jesus tonight [Music] [Applause] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] i tell me [Music] [Music] anybody [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] anybody want to access their power tonight that's one thing i need you to do before we go [Music] [Music] when i call [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] come on somebody [Music] hallelujah this is the day the lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it won't you shout a praise for our great god whose name is great and greatly to be praised we thank god for our young adults blessing us our young adult praise team they are always on fire thank you so much for the powerful way that you have set the atmosphere let me just go ahead and present our special guest preacher he blessed us last year in august and he of course is black by popular demand pastor reginald wayne sharp he is on the fast track to greatness already god is doing phenomenal things through him he's a graduate of morehouse college in the atl earned his mass earned master's degrees he also is now in the phd program in african-american preaching and sacred rhetoric uh at christian theological seminary we are classmates matter of fact we just got out of hebrew class right now and he's so bad he's ready to go right fresh out of hebrew class let me just say this uh my beloved brother in arma bearer uh is antonio jober antonio jober when he found out that reginald wayne sharpe was coming to friendship west i'd never seen him do this before but he broke out in a holy dance and so that just lets you know that reginald wayne sharpe has got some fans here at the wild wild west and so would y'all receive this preaching phenom he's on the fast track to greatness he is a gospel giant already i'm talking about the pastor of the fellowship church there in chicago illinois pastor reginald wayne sharpe jr reg welcome to the wild wild west welcome back what's going on family thank you so much dr haynes it's just good to be in the house of the lord tonight wherever you are can you help me give god your best praise for bringing you through another day god has been good and god has been faithful let's bow for a word of prayer family god we come into your presence realizing that we don't have to invite you here because you were here before we showed up so god in the stillness of this moment we just paused to say thank you we thank you for your glory we thank you for your power and we thank you for the strength that you have supplied us with this week now god in the midst of this revival we just asked that you would allow your glory to be revealed in this revival touch those in the sanctuary touch those who are watching virtually god we pray for healing this week we pray for breakthroughs this week we pray that you will give preaching power even to my preaching partner bishop mckinsey god have your way and we will give you all the praise honor and glory move this feeble preacher out of the way and do whatever you want to do tonight and we seal this prayer in the name of the one who's still able to turn water into wine in the name of jesus we pray let all of god's people say amen amen and amen one more time help me thank god for another day's journey we're grateful i'm i mean i i'm gonna get to the message but i just need to pause and let you all know that the jay-z of preachers is the pastor of friendship wes can y'all help me show some love to my classmate my big brother my alpha brother the one and only reverend dr frederick douglass haynes the th come on let's thank god for him we honor god for our pastor and we thank god for bishop mckissick is he not a killer in his own right he is guilty he is guilty and then i see another big brother of mine the reverend dr marcus cosby and showed up early and he's in the house i want to let you know that every preacher i'm preaching with this week are people i've looked up to all my life reverend jennifer connor dr haynes bishop mckissick dr cosby so i'm honored to be here and i don't take this lightly i am nervous in real life i'm nervous in real life fellowship has made it to friendship and it is a ship i'm happy to be here come with me to the book of isaiah chapter six there's a difference between habakkuk and jeremiah habakka is a minor prophet jeremiah is a major prophet so i'm gonna get out the way because a major prophet is coming isaiah chapter six verse one reads like this wherever you are in your homes in your kitchens would you pause to reverence god's word with us isaiah chapter six verse one reads like this in the year the king of zio died thank you you may be seated that's enough for right now in the year that king azad died i want to talk today from this thought from a topic that may seem on the front end of this sermon vulgar and obscene or crass but just hang on with me i want to talk today from this thought um a hell of a year a hell of a year a hell of a year say it with me if you're groaning on your own it's been a hell of a year tell somebody in the chat write it it's been a hell of a year a hell of a year before you dismiss me or cut me off let me warn you these are not my words but these are the words from that rapping hip-hop artist by the name of little baby it comes out of his song the bigger picture and i should warn you that little baby particularly in this song the bigger picture is connecting his roots to when rap was conscious to when rap was protest rap rap started in the south bronx a fellow by the name of clive campbell jamaican-born new yorker better known as dj coolhurt started this movement called hip-hop and hip-hop is a musical mix of poetry and rhythm culture and creativity beats and bass passion and politics pain and truth disdain and delight fear and faith that explain the pain of a people who were caught in economic conditions that were not favorable historian dr henry lewis gates argues that these lyrics often in hip-hop especially in the earlier days reflected the social and economic conditions of the inner cities as seen through the eyes of the people who live there so you get stuff like sugar hill gang in 1979 with rapper's delight you get music like grand master flash in 1982 talking about it's a jungle sometimes it makes you wonder how you keep from going under i've heard your pastor quote that fight the power 1989 public enemies protest rap conscious rap and then it grew into more gangsta rap in the 80s with nwa and ice-t and krs-1 and eze and the west side connection and then it took another turn to mainstream in the culture when uh when the money became more important than the message you're gonna get this in a minute and rap became commodified and while we dismiss rap and hip-hop because of the commodification with the money becoming more important than the message don't just judge hip-hop look at the church too because we used to be more conscious in the african-american church but we've become more commodified when the money matters more than the message you'll get that later on and it's out of this history it's out of this rich hip-hop tradition that little baby writes these words in this song the bigger picture and he literally says it's bigger than black and white it's a problem with the whole way of life it can't change overnight but we got to start somewhere might as well gonna start here we don't have a hell of a year i'ma make it count while i'm here god is the only man i fear i mean i'm talking about straight bars all the way in the chorus in the refrain he says but we gotta start somewhere might as well gonna start here we don't have a hell of a year he's talking about 2020 this song hit in june of 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic after we lost a george floyd and a brianna taylor and an ahmad aubry here comes a conscious rapper trying to describe the pain and the anguish of a people and was it not a hell of a year 2020 was a hell of a year i hope you understand where i'm coming from right and through here and it just wasn't 2020 i thought 2021 was gonna ease up a little bit and somebody who can keep it real with the preacher can admit even 2021 has been the twin of 2020 and it's also been a very interesting year but it hadn't just been an interesting year for us it was an interesting year in isaiah chapter 6 verse 1. in the year that king uzziah died i see some connections between isaiah 6 and the year we've had in 2020 and 21 are y'all with me are gnaw can somebody be honest and admit it has been an interesting year it was an interesting year for us but it was also an interesting year for isaiah how was it a hell of a year preacher with the little time i got left can you just tiptoe with me around this text i want to tell you number one it was a hell of a year because of it was a year of tragedy somebody say tragedy oh it was a year of tragedy what do you mean it was the year that king isaiah died the king offered stability the king offered safety the king offered serenity the the king died in isaiah 6 verse 1 and and the prophet is dealing with the death of judah's king isaiah isaiah who had been king for 52 years the second longest reigning king of all rulers of israel or judah he was he was successful isaiah established judah as a major commercial and military force he is known in the bible as a good and godly king for the most part his story is found in second chronicles chapter 26 he was a formidable king he led successful campaigns against philistia he established control of areas up to the egyptian border he collected tributes from the transgerdian ammonites he was respected i'm talking about king isaiah he reestablished influence in edom he made jerusalem safe he built towers he excavated whales in the wilderness he complemented agricultural projects he increased royal wealth his popularity was rivaled with that of king solomon and one day at the height of his power and grandeur he walked into a chamber in the temple where only the priests were permitted to enter and because of his arrogance because of his narcissism he would not leave that's found in second chronicles 26 19 and it tells us he became stricken with leprosy king isaiah didn't die immediately but he was quarantined doesn't that sound familiar he was quarantined and years later king isaiah died the king died the one who offered isaiah stability and serenity and safety it was a year of tragedy because the king died and it's not just what was happening in the text it was also happening to us today i'm talking about today we've seen tragedies in this country we've seen tragedies personally we've seen tragedies politically don't you recall how this year started when the mob uh stormed the u.s capitol and all black folk who've been kissed by the sun were just sitting there tapping our toes with our arms folded saying if it had been us we wouldn't even have made it up the steps it's been a year tragedy when you've had 147 mass shootings in america as of april 17th it's been a year tragedy when you lose hank aaron larry king sicily tyson dmx in the same year 82 indians have been found infected with a new strand of kova 19 we thought we were turning the quarter and here comes a delta strand it's been a year violence and vaccinations a year deaths and diseases a year racism and regrets a year of storms and stress a year of murders and tragedies a year of trouble and anguish and that's just politically but personally before i got here dr haynes i've talked with five members of the fellowship church in chicago i visited two yesterday who are the nicest people that you ever want to meet in your life who've been placed in hospice care it's hard when the good ones suffer and then you want to tell god god if you want to mess with somebody i got a whole list of trifling negroes that you can mess with but but but when the good ones suffer and then three are fighting serious battles with cancer at my church one lady buried her cousin her grandmother and her dad in less than three weeks my own grandmother almost died of kobe 19 at the top of i'm trying to help somebody understand it's been a year of tragedy am i by myself am i preaching by myself that somebody can keep it real on a tuesday night and admit it has been hard can you admit that you saved and still struggle can you admit you have faith and you still get fatigued can you admit you still trust christ but you felt some chaos can you admit that you're a believer but your bills still get the best of you it's been a year of tragedy but it's also been a year of discovery because if you keep on tiptoeing through the text the text doesn't stop within the year that the king of zio died no it says i also saw the lord it's been a year tragedy but it's also been a year of discovery because isaiah said yeah i saw a vacancy but i also caught a vision he said yeah there is a vacancy but i got a vision the king died but i also saw the lord and often it's very interesting that you can't see certain things until it gets real real dark just a few weeks ago we were waiting on fireworks in chicago and where we live we can see the fireworks from our house but i had to wait until the sun went all the way down i wanted to rush it but you can't rush that you got to wait till it gets real real dark so the luminosity of the fireworks can be enjoy you can't enjoy certain things until it gets real dark you can't even see certain things until it gets real dark what if i told you that you can't even see god until it gets real real dark isaiah i feel like preaching isaiah said i also saw the lord is there anybody who can admit in 2021 i've seen god and i've seen god like i've never seen god before it was when i was lonely that i saw god as jehovah's shama which means the lord is here it was when i was losing that i saw god as jehovah neesee which means he's my victory it was when i was sick that i discovered he's jehovah rapha which means he's a healer it was when i was low i discovered that he was el elyon which means he's the most high god it was when i was weak that i discovered he's el shaddai which means he's the lord god almighty somebody just park right there and thank your god that you met him in a different way and you don't need a praise team to coerce you and you don't need a preacher to preach it like you like it when you sit down and think about the kind of hell you've been through you've seen some tragedies but you've also seen the hand of god working in your life can i get three witnesses and i'll make number four who can turn up on a tuesday and give god glory for letting you see him like you've never seen him before oh yeah that's what's wrong with some of us when we start thinking about everything we've seen we can't help but start shouting now you want me to sit down no you sit down you weren't there when he rocked me to sleep you weren't there when he put some money in my pocket you weren't there when he dried my tears on the front row of the funeral somebody take a few minutes open your mouth and praise your god for letting you see him like you never seen them before you ought to just tell somebody i know we six feet apart just tell somebody i've seen them for myself yeah i've seen them i've seen them open doors i've seen them heal bodies i've seen them make way so that's what's wrong with me tonight i said i want i was gonna behave myself when i get up here and i'm gonna make sure that i come across intelligent i want y'all to really believe i've been to school but i've seen too much and and and and and you know there's signs all over every airport that says if you see something you ought to say something i told you my grandmother had cover 19 at the top of the ear she was 80 years old when she got the virus before she got the virus she already had congestive heart failure she already had diabetes she already was fighting with health challenges and they call that comorbidities that means if you have comorbidities you're more susceptible if you catch the virus so they found out she had the virus on january 6 on january 8th they put on the ventilator january 10th they put her on dialysis and we thought grandma wasn't going to pull through when i tell you it was so bad i called cemeteries just to see if they could find a plot next to her sisters it was so bad i started writing my grandmother's eulogy but god decided that it wasn't time for henrietta harper to die and right now tonight she's sitting in her favorite chair at the crib and if you want me to be quiet let me ask you a few questions where were you when god made a way out of no way where were you when god sent an angel down to the hospital in atlanta to touch my grandma somebody else got a testimony it may not be mine and it may not be exactly like mine but can somebody thank god you've seen him for yourself i said open your mouth and give god glory for what you've seen for yourself oh yeah he jehovah jireh he's been providing even in a pandemic how did you buy a house in a pandemic how did you graduate in a pandemic how did you get saved more money and gain weight in a pandemic because while i saw tragedy i also saw the lord and watch this y'all and he was high and he was lifted up and his train filled the temple oh no and the text says and he's seated and i need to tell you something i don't need you to ever forget god can do more seated than folks can do standing oh yeah he's seated which means while you walk in the floor and losing sleep god is seated nothing is upset god i know we're living in a tough time tumultuous time turbulent time but god is seated and he's high and he's lifted up and he's seated and his train fills the rope which literally means his power fills the whole room and if you think that's some of the angels also caught this same theophany and when they saw god the the the angels dr cosby started singing in antiphonal fashion and they started singing holy all right all right i'm gonna try to hold it together holy one angel in the back of the sanctuary said holy another angel in the balcony said holy another angel in the choir stand said holy yeah rudolph ottawa called it the numinous rudolph ottawa called it the mysterium tremendous that god is so mysterious yet you can't take your eyes off of them god is holy verse one said his role filled the temple but verse 3 said the whole earth is full of his glory which means you can't even contain all the power that is god so while usia had a seat for a season the lord shall reign forever and ever i'm almost around the corner there's been a year tragedy it's been a year of discovery but it's also been a year of surgery isaiah is sitting there looking at all of this and around verse five isaiah says oh woe is me what was me was me because when you've really had some interaction with the holy you're gonna have some introspection woe is me i'm a man of unclean lips and he said i come from a people of unclean lips and an angel grabbed a coal off of the ultra hot coal and laid it on his lips that's around verse six round verse seven laid it on his lips and he told him your iniquity has been taken away watch this isaiah's gonna need his mouth if he's gonna be a prophet why would they lay a hot coal on his lips in the very place that god's gonna have to use him because often god will hurt you in the place where he plans to use you the most uh often god allows us to be wounded deeply where he plans to use us greatly and so this year god has been doing surgery he's been doing surgery on you mentally that's why you started therapy he's been doing surgery on you emotionally that's why you've had to work on your relationships and yourself he's been doing surgery financially and a lot of us stopped wasting money over this last year he's been he's been doing surgery on us which is why we had to just sit there and watch crime after crime injustice after injustice had to watch pain after pain we have to watch inhumanity after inhumanity because god was doing work on us there's a whole song that says please be patient with me god ain't through with me yet please be patient with me god ain't through with me yet but here it is but when god gets through with me i shall come forth as pure gold can somebody admit it's been a year surgery god had to cut some stuff out of me god had to matter of fact your christianity and your spirituality has grown in this pandemic oh i know it's grown i know it's grown if you're still tuning in to church and we're unable to get in the sanctuary and some of y'all have been able to transform your kitchen into a sanctuary transform your bedroom into a sanctuary that's because god's been doing surgery and god has stripped us from all of our religiosity and if even if i don't make it in the sanctuary wherever i am is the sanctuary so i dare somebody right now go have church wherever you are and lift your hands and thank god you don't need a pew you don't need a building wherever i am god is the real christians have been exposed in this pandemic because god's been doing surgery it's been a year tragedy it's been a year discovery it's been a year surgery but but it's also been a year of certainty in the year the king as i died i wish i had more time but i got to get out of here it was in the year the king cuz i died i also saw the lord what do you mean what what response is gonna happen after all it is god says now now now leans over the balcony of eternity now who will go for us who shall we sin who's going to represent us and after all this encounter after all of this vision after all of this theophany after all of this god stuff isaiah says in verse 9 here i am verse 8. here i am send me i'll go and the next verse god says now you go i'm going to send you on a mission that's going to be full of uncertainty they're not even going to understand what you're saying isaiah he said send me i'll go i can face the uncertainty of tomorrow because i'm walking with some absolute certainty today ah i've seen you for myself i've seen your glory i felt your weight i've been doing a surgery i've been doing a tragedy and now i'm left with some absolute certainty i think somebody opened your mouth and just shout certainty yeah that's what happens after you go through hell that's the problem with folk who've been through stuff for themselves because you leave with some certainty and can't nobody take that away from you when somebody says god is a healer you jump up and say absolutely because i'm certain about it when god somebody says he'll make a way out of nowhere you you throw your hands up cause you say absolutely i'm certain about it i got to go but i'm reminded when i went to jenny's ice cream for the first time don't judge me just pray just just pray don't judge me just pray went to jenny's ice cream one of my favorite places i went with my best friend he'd already gone before me and i walked in i said man there's so many flavors i don't know what to do he said well i think you ought to try this one right here i don't remember it was sweet cream something and i said i i don't know i don't know about that i don't know about that i know something about chocolate i know something about strawberry i don't know nothing about no sweet cream nothing he said no no i think this one you need to try i said why he said cause the last time i was here i tried it you also sleep and i know with certainty that it's good because i've already tried it can i ask y'all a question tonight has anybody tried god for yourself and when somebody comes in lying behind you talking about do you think i should try it you can say absolutely because i've already seen them do it for me with certainty the same isaiah later on is going to write some stuff because when you've been through some stuff you can say some stuff with certainty when you've heard god bless you and you've seen god take care of you you can say some stuff with certainty the same isaiah is gonna write in isaiah 9 and 6 for unto us a child is born for unto us a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace and he could say it with certainty isaiah 26 verse 3 says thou will keep you in perfect peace you keep your mind stayed on him and you can say it with certainty isaiah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded from my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed tell somebody that certainty isaiah 40 verse 28 says has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is he weary he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases their strength for even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait only lord that some certainty shall renew their strength they're going to mount up on wings that can eager run and not get weary walk and not faint can you do me a favor and look at somebody around you or just write it in the chat to look over that mask look them dead in the eye and tell them neighbor there's some things i'm certain about look at them right in the eye and tell them there's some things i'm just certain about tell them there's one more thing i'm certain about isaiah was certain and i am to no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper and ever return god that rises up against me god will condemn it tell somebody it's been a hell of a year i've seen a whole lot i've seen racism i've seen homophobia i've seen patriarchy i've seen misogyny i've seen evil i've seen white supremacy i've seen poverty but out of everything i've seen there's just one thing i still haven't seen what is the one thing that you still haven't seen there's one thing out of everything i have seen that i have not seen what is it preacher i'm glad you asked i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread so somebody in the building or at home or throw your hands up and tell god thank you for pulling you through a real tough year if you're still alive tell them thank you if you still got breath tell him thank you if he's kept you in your right mind tell him thank you because if it had not been for the lord o master [Music] i so do wish we were out of a pandemic because i would ask you to put your arm around your neighbor but since we can't touch nobody hug your own self hold your own self rock your own self and say self be not dismayed [Music] god will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] uh [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh my god come on praise god with me for god giving us some stuff that we are certain about oh i'm certain all things work together for good to those that love god and are called according to his purposes and we know this that's certainty that's certainty that's certainty i can do all things through christ who gives me strength that's some certainty right there that's some certainty right there anybody certain you got a testimony about what god has done oh taste and see that the lord is good i'm certain about that i'm certain about that i'm certain i'm certain that god is a healer a waymaker i'm certain that god is a keeper i'm certain that god will keep you in the midst of it all oh my god what a preacher what a sermon what a word i want to cover someone in prayer right now because you tuned in tonight and it's been a hell of a year it's been a hell of a year you've known tragedy it's become commonplace it's been a hell of a year it's hurt it has left you heartbroken grief stricken even confused having your own doubts it's been a hell of a year [Music] but isn't it good to know that in the midst of all of that hell is the presence of the god of heaven god can bring some heaven to a hell of a year god can i'm certain about that i'm certain about that i'm certain that god can perform surgery cut some stuff out cut some people out god will perform surgery you're going to find out who is who and what is what surgery it's been a hell of a year and and tonight god showed you that beyond tragedy oh hallelujah beyond tragedy is discovery beyond tragedy is surgery beyond tragedy there is certainty that's beyond tragedy tragedy don't have the last word god has the last word god is up to something and god made sure you tuned in tonight because god wanted you to know tragedy it ain't gonna have the last word so i want to cover you in prayer god thank you [Music] thank you for the power of your word thank you for the perfect way that you time the release of your word thank you for the powerful way that you have used reginald wayne sharp this night thank you for speaking to us at our point of need during this hell of a year and now god i stand in the gap for those of your children who are trapped in the first point they're they're trapped in tragedy it's tragedy that dominates their disposition it's tragedy that that consumes their spirit it's tragedy it's all they can think about because of the hurt the disappointment the sorrow the grief that won't let them go and so now god since you've revealed there's more to the situation than the tragic go ahead do what you do be who you are because god enough of us are certain of what you do and have done that we o god can say thank you lord for all you've done for us and so now i pray for a discovery a fresh revelation of who you are and even who they are [Music] as you oh god guide them through this hell of a year i pray for that discovery for that disclosure for that revelation i pray o god in a fresh way that that the surgery that leads to healing will go ahead and be performed by you the great physician and then god thank you for testimony [Music] thank you for testimony that informs our certainty of who you are and what you can do in jesus name amen and hallelujah come on one more time thank god with me for pastor reginald wayne sharp what a preacher what a gift wow fellowship y'all are blessed y'all are blessed get to hear reginald wayne sharp all the time that's a blessing i'm glad god created him a preacher because we need what god does through him amen listen it's offering time after that word it's offering time after god so generously poured out to you through that message come on it's offering time i hope you are hyped and happy at your in your own private sanctuary it's offering time it's offering time the bible says give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over come on now give to our great god there are multiple ways you can give you can text to give it's a safe vehicle for you to give text the number you see on the screen and prepare your heart to give generously not only text to give but of course you can download the uh app the gimplify app search out friendship west again safe vehicle to give and of course there is our own website our own app fwbc go ahead give through those vehicles or listen if you old school and you just got to send it to 2020 west wheatland road dallas texas 75232 snail mail still works some of y'all in dallas still drive here marcus cosby my mother drives her offering in every week so please feel free to do as god has blessed you generously to do god is a generous god a good god and we want to say thank you to these preachers so please give now in a way that reflects the generosity that god has poured out into your life through the power of the preached word go ahead may your offering reflect that as you give your best gift to the god who always gives us god's best hallelujah and praise the lord listen listen we ain't even stopping we're going to keep this thing rolling cause y'all know something about rudy mckissick over 20 years it's like every time a preacher before him goes crazy and dumps the house rudy just sits there and says okay okay god let's do this thing and guess what won't he do it and so y'all i ain't even got to go through all of that i'm just talking about one of the baddest preachers walking the planet this day one of the most gifted preachers god has ever created he is the pastor of the historic bethel church that has gone beyond being historic to making history under his dynamic leadership he's a preaching phenom a gift to the body of christ y'all come on welcome back to the wild wild west i'm talking about the one and only bishop rudolph mckissick jr right after this young adult choir throws down all you know is won't he do it because he will hallelujah same choir [Music] hallelujah i may not know the details of your story every intricate facet of your testimony but what i know is everything that has happened in your life that was good god did it can anybody testify and say that on today everything that was good god did it and i'm here to tell you that he did it just for you son says the lord for me [Music] god [Music] he did it for me [Music] y'all come on y'all [Music] [Music] [Music] come on just tell the world i was down [Music] [Music] is come on y'all we want to encourage you tonight we want to help somebody else today and let you know the love we'll do oh [Music] the lord and you can't get away for me [Music] y'all what are some of the things he's done say he healed [Music] he helped me help [Music] me [Music] [Music] come on anybody knows that the lord me [Applause] come through [Applause] yes he did it for me [Music] somebody ought to testify today [Music] that despite all the enemy tried to do [Music] the lord still delivered [Applause] he did [Music] well if you know the lord did it for you hey especially if you're watching on facebook i want you to just write somewhere in the comments god did it for me god did it for me come on just write it somewhere god god did it for for me god we thank you tonight for your total sufficiency thank you for the voice and the vessel of pastor reginald sharp for all you have deposited in him now pour back into him everything he's poured out even while he is here bless his family his wife his ministry let him return and find all things well now god thank you for the privilege of preaching and as i stand as this emissary and this vessel between your voice and your people's ears consecrate me and use me so that the people will feel on the screen the glory that's on the scene have your way in jesus name amen we give all honor indeed to the spirit of our christ would you help me celebrate he's worth redundancy because he's just that bad of a man can y'all help me celebrate tonight my big brother somebody all of us look up to the reverend dr frederick douglas haynes the third i want you to holler all the way out in plano so i can hear you all the way over here come on even in florida holla like you love him hey zoom i see y'all down there we honor him tonight we thank god for him i uh i i remember the day when i would go to lunch or be privileged to sit and listen to the reverend dr charles with booth and uh bishop walter scott thomas and all of them and i was the young preacher and i have slowly been reminded that i have now become what i used to look at when reggie said today how old he was and i realized when he was born i was pastoring my first church i said jesus i'm i've become that older generation and i will say this and cosby you part of that generation too i will say this when you hear original sharp you know that the pulpit is in good shape you know that the future of the church and the future of the pulpit is in good hands i am thankful that not every young preacher out here is trying to be an entertainer but there are some young preachers out here who are serious about the craft so i say to every young preacher if you want to know what to be like at your age tune in and listen to reginald sharp because he is the lord's preacher come on can we thank god for him on tonight that was preaching and i was like i remember when i had that kind of energy he was fast and shooting off them words like i can't do that no more then help me thank god for my brother who is indeed one of god's best preachers will be with me on tomorrow night none other than marcus d the bible says cosby he is my boy he is my brother and i thank god for him come on if you got your bible stand and turn to the 40th chapter of the book of isaiah that's it that's an inside joke i'm just playing i'm playing with pastor cosby even the production room was scrambling like wait a minute that ain't what he gave us go to the fifth chapter of the gospel of john is that better cosby the fifth chapter of the gospel of john the fifth chapter of the gospel of john i tell my people all the time if you can't have fun in church stay the hell home cause my god you ought to be able to laugh yeah gospel of john chapter five i'm beginning at verse one reading from the new international version sometime later jesus went up to jerusalem for one of the jewish festivals now there is in jerusalem near the sheep gate a pool which in aramaic is called bethesda which is surrounded by five covered colonnades here a great number of disabled people used to lie the blind the lame the paralyzed one who had been there and in one who had who was there rather had been an invalid for 38 years and when jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time he said to him do you want to get well sir the invalid replied i have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred while i am trying to get in someone else goes down ahead of me then jesus said to him get up pick up your mat i like the king james rise take up your bed and walk at once the man was cured he picked up his mat and walked the day on which this took place was a sabbath amen you may be seated in the presence of our god i want to preach tonight as the spiritual god with this thought in our minds i'm changing my choices i'm changing my choices so some years ago a study was done that researched extremely successful people researchers were trying to find some link between them that would show what caused them to be so successful so these researchers started their actuary science and analytical endeavor looking at age and race gender education parenting iq eq culture nationality relationships opportunities connections anything that would be a defining characteristic to confirm their successful path and what they discovered was shock shockingly simplistic they found listen and all of these who were successful that had chosen to be a part of this research they found these researchers found that in when it came to those who were there who were successful they found that nothing linked these people there was not one thing they had in common that could be attributed to their success listen what they discovered sharp when they did their research on all of these successful people that the only thing their research could confirm was this simple and powerful attribute the powerful influence of choice every one of the men and women who were researched in order to discover the secret of their success used the power of choice to change their story and their choice to choose changed everything the power the power to choose who you want to be and how you want to live next to the power of god will be your most potent influence in your life your power to choose is a fundamental power of the human experience your power to choose has authority over all things yes all things god see has a will for your life but you have to choose it for it to come true sometimes the choice is about looking at our most painful moments our dumbest decisions the dark areas we felt wronged and saying by choice this will not defeat me i may be down but i am not out we we beloved have choices set before us every day moment by moment we have choices we see that at work again in this all too familiar story here we find jesus at the pool of bethesda it was filled with persons who were at the temple but could not have access to the temple because of their condition thus this place was called the house of mercy and jesus happens upon a man who the bible tells us has been in this condition for 38 years now cosby it's not clear if the 38 refers to his condition as some translations say or to how long he's been coming as other translations say but jesus happens upon the man and asks him a pertinent question that i want to examine tonight now one of the things that's really deep is we are given no insight as to why jesus chose this man among so many there are five porches out there i've been there three times there are five porches filled with all kind of people with a multiplicity and plethora of predicaments problems and sicknesses and issues and yet jesus passes by all of them and picks this one man and i've heard all of my life preachers often offering imaginative summations and suppositions as to why jesus picked this man but the truth of the matter is the text never gives a conclusion as to why he got picked but can i tell y'all something to me all the deep and profound exegetical imaginations people give don't give you the best shout the best shout is in the reality of the text that we're not told why jesus picked him all we know is that jesus picked him y'all didn't get it i don't have time to stop there but i wonder if there's any of you tonight who can look back down the corridor of your life and see some blessings that have no explanation not your degree not your money not your connections others could have been chosen but tonight you can say i don't know why but the lord picked me see that's the shout right there not all of this stuff we make up not all these imaginative exegesis that preachers come up with the real shout is just sticking with the text that every now and then the lord for his own reasons will pass other people by and say not him not her not him not her you every now and then you just got to say god i thank you that you picked me sometimes your shout has to be void of intellectual analysis and be just this simple thank you lord for picking me as a matter of fact somebody ought to write in the comments right now thank you that you picked me you all the rape thank you that you picked me i don't know why you picked me i don't have an intellectual understanding of it i don't have any deep profundity about it all i know is when you could have chose somebody else yeah y'all sit down you you pick me and i want to examine the question that jesus asked the man for our case study do you want to be made whole it's a question that seems to have an obvious answer even if you really analyze it even the man's response has a yes in it and i've come to discover that jesus was not trying to embarrass the man rather he was trying to empower the man but don't miss this but jesus couldn't empower him unless and until the man truly understood what was holding him back jesus had to get the man to understand what was holding him back because i've discovered and here's what i love about the lord god ain't just a need meter but god is a need assessor preached rudolph mckissick come back y'all missed it i sounded like the riddler on batman i said i've discovered that god is not just a need meter but god is a need assessor in other words god knows what we need even when we don't because sometimes what you think you need is really just what you want and not what you need so god comes through and assesses the need before meeting the need for some it is getting you out of the stuck place where victimization has placed you he comes by and assesses the need before he meets then he see most people don't even know they need to improve as long as they aren't in pain whoa preach boy some folks think it's all right to be like they are because they ain't in any pain and too many people are managing pain but are not pursuing purpose because they have normalized abnormality and they think because i ain't in pain it's all right to be where i am now now here's here's where i'm going i i know we know it was the power of jesus but the man had to participate in order for the miracle to manifest by making a choice see i believe there are miracles with our names on them that don't come to pass sometime because we don't do the necessary partnering with jesus through our choices everything the man did was the result of a choice the man made i know sharp i'm finna get in trouble with some of these preachers he this man didn't know it was jesus so we can't say this was faith all the preachers who want to talk about this he don't know it's jesus jesus this this story is not a supernatural healing in response to faith i'm getting in trouble already jesus never commends his faith even jesus never lays hands on the man he doesn't place any oil on the man he don't speak no tongues over the man he don't tell him to sow a thousand dollars and get up yeah all jesus did was give the man a command to do something and the man made a choice you see some of y'all are running to every conference you can find registering for every conference you can find getting on every conference virtually you can find writing all on instagram i'mma get my breakthrough at the conference when really you don't need a conference you just need a choice god preaching here tonight mckinsey you you run into some prophet to lay fake hands on you and tell you all your business that they discovered cause they looked on facebook after they saw who was coming to the conference and they found out your business and they laid hands spit on you wiped sweat on you you ain't fall out they pushed you down and now you talk about that's gonna change you you don't need all of that all you need is a choice because because when you make a choice you understand that your choices matter you better hear me because when you decide to make a choice what you are saying is i control my story even if i don't control my circumstances preach rudolph mckissick my my choices matter even in a season when i'm not free to choose a different story so watch watch what happens in the text with these choices and i'm going to get out the way i'm there understand the text teaches us um that the man was in position to make a choice because of what i call the prize of persistence the prize the prize this man has been a survivor he's been a survivor he he says he says now remember i told we don't know if he's been coming there 38 years we don't know if he's had this for 38 years or so we don't know how long he's been coming but we know this ain't his first time there because he says to jesus every time i try to get in somebody else which means this ain't his first time now y'all better hear me i'll survive can i tell you what a survivor is hey survive somebody's gonna throw your phone i hope you got insurance a survivor is somebody who continues to function in spite of opposition [Applause] a survivor is somebody who continues to function in spite of hardships in spite of setbacks and i'm a living witness god will give you power to function in the hard things preach preach my kissing i'm talking to somebody right now who's pacing up and down your house cause you just realized survivor ain't a bad thing there's somebody who's lifting your hand because you were taught by culture that to claim you're a survivor is something you ought to hide but every now and then you ought to know that there's victory in calling yourself a survivor because what it means is in spite of your hardship in spite of your setback and spotting your opposition you keep on functioning you ought to say to yourself i am not a victim i am a survivor come on put it in the comments i am not a victim i am a survivor i function in setbacks i function in opposition i function in hardships i thrive in difficult seasons and because i keep surviving i keep showing up [Applause] god somebody better hear me that's that's why you you keep so who am i talking to tonight you just say can't seem to catch a break you seem to go from one thing to another it's been a hell of a year people you thought had your back are the ones selling you out nothing you've done you did for you and nothing you did to yourself caused what you're going through bills are out of control and then others come in you forgot about job laid you off in a pandemic your pay got cut your health got challenged your family you haven't seen in over a year friends walked away you can't seem to catch a break but don't you throw no victim party you get up off your feet and wave your hand and say in spite of all of that i'm a survivor because i keep on functioning i keep on thriving i keep on smiling i keep on showing up can i tell you that's why some folk don't like you because you got the nerve to show up after everything you've been through some folk don't like you because now you ain't just surviving but you're thriving while you're surviving sit down sit down this man is in position to make a choice because he's surviving and in spite of every day somebody getting there first he kept asking somebody to bring him back that's that's my word for somebody you know you're a survivor sharp said it earlier you know you're a survivor because with all the hell you catching them you got the nerve to sign on every sunday and get your worship on in the cyber sanctuary you know you're a survivor with all the hell people been putting on you you still got the nerve to dress up like you're in church lift up your hands like you're in the sanctuary high five yourself shake and rock yourself because after and all you keep on showing up because you're a survivor that's why white folk don't like us because after everything they did we keep on surviving and they really don't like us because now we ain't surviving we thriving and they can't handle when they thought they had us on our back but we get up on our feet sit down sit down sit down it's the prize of persistence every day failed but he kept coming back but it's something else um texas taylor teach us you don't just need a dream but you need a plan i know that ain't deep um when you meet the read the man's response it's obvious to me at least that the man has not stopped dreaming but has started excusing i think he's still dreaming because as i just said he keeps showing up but here's the thing he's showing up but he's not showing up with expectations he's showing up wishing he's showing up hoping he's showing up supposing he still got a dream he just ain't got no expectation all he got is excuses every time i want to get in somebody else jumps in in front of me i ain't got time i ain't got time to preach that because you know now he's being defined by excuses ain't got time to preach that because you said you ain't got nobody to help you in the pool you don't know jesus is jesus all you know is he's a man so how you say you ain't got what's right in front of you ain't got time to preach that but while he had a dream jesus had to plan rise take up your bed and walk y'all didn't get in he he had the dream jesus had to plan god help me in here tonight see people know how to dream but sometimes they don't know how to translate their dream into actions because dreams don't become reality unless and until you work towards them becoming so no matter how hard you wish it ain't gonna happen without a play can i say something probably gonna get me in trouble freddie the reason they don't fear us it's cause all we talk about is a dream but we ain't never got a plan no i'm gonna get in trouble with some of y'all they they don't care about us protesting they don't care about us marching they don't care about us gathering every january talking about a dream they don't care not about another because they know when that's over if they called us to the table and asked us what we want we ain't got no response and i'm sick of dreaming black folk that just dream but ain't got no plan y'all look i know i'm in trouble now i know what wanting something ain't enough you can't get off the mat without a plan whatever whatever matt you are crippled by needs a plan because without a plan that alters your daily habits nothing changes can i tell y'all what i think too many people don't create plans because they are too in love with the dream [Laughter] the dream is alluring the dream is exciting see if you're gonna really execute you've got to fall as in love with the process and the plan as you are in love with the dream oh preach mckissick it it means overcoming all the excuses you made but then it hit me cause it hit me the man had a plan he just had a wrong plan he got a plan every time i try to get in somebody beats me there so his plan is to try to be quicker than somebody else whoa jesus help me in here all jesus did was give the man the right plan and when the man followed the right plan he got the power y'all didn't hear what i'd say because it's too simple see sometimes you've got plans that ain't got power because it ain't a plan that the lord gave you it's a plan you came up with for yourself but plans only get power when it's a plan that the lord has given you he gives you power to do things power to do what he thought he needed somebody else to do because here it is if you follow the plan god will give you the power now every plan has a goal can i tell you what the goal is the goal of the man was to beat folk to the water but the goal of jesus was to put you in position to never have to wait on anybody else to do for you what you can do for yourself and to take your destiny out of other people's hands and put it in your can i talk to somebody stop waiting for somebody else to participate before you live powerfully jesus said i'm going to give you power so you don't need to pull no more let me let me get one last thing i'm done i'll be 56 september i'm pretty as long as i used to um watch this if you're going to exercise the choice that goes with the plan you can't get accustomed to crutches one one author um says that the problem with many people and why they get stuck in mediocrity and settle for suitability and normalize abnormality is because they've learned to live in what he called the messy middle the messy middle what is the messy middle it's it's messy because you know too much to stay naive to the plan of god but you're too dependent on your old habits to live powerfully in the plan of god so you're stuck in the messy middle that's that's why you can come to church and shout over everything your pastor says but then it don't happen for you it's because you are too naive to know it ain't true but you too stuck to do anything about it you're in the messy middle jesus the mess the messy middle this this man's problem is he had adjusted to his two by foot matt norm a mat they tell me was two by four feet and he had adjusted to that norm he went through the same routine every day watch this and while it seemed monotonous it was also safe but but you can't get miracles staying in safe space god ain't nobody saying nothing um dude you can't get miracles playing it safe y'all better hear me the man gave his excuse because he had grown accustomed to his crutch and because he had grown across them to his crutch his crutch had developed criteria the only way here's the criteria the criteria for me to get better is i need somebody to help me i need them to get me down there first i need the angel to trouble the water and if all of those criteria are met i will get what i need y'all didn't hear me the man had decided because he had gotten accustomed to his crutch he had developed his criteria and his criteria was i need an angel i need the angel to trouble the water i need a mans to come help me i need them to be strong enough and fast enough to get me down there first and if all of those criteria are met then i'll get what i need and i know some of y'all are quiet because you have set up your criteria for what's got to happen for you to get what you need but can i tell y'all tonight miracles cancel criteria y'all don't know when to shout out because i heard you all the way out in plano i'll say it again miracles cancel criteria see we set criteria that has nothing to do with what god is able to do and the reason we miss out on miracles is because we box god in to our criteria we let our logical assumptions trump our theological beliefs y'all they say it and before we know it our reality is defined by human assumption rather than divine revelation so you start going to god praying for your criteria to be in place let me have a man that makes six figures let me have a woman that's fine let me meet somebody who can connect me let me find the job in this place let them pick me over here and that's what you begin to pray you begin to pray to god for your criteria because you believe you've got to have your criteria met in order for you to get what you need that's what happens in the text i told you his criteria was already set for getting in the water but what he didn't realize was jesus didn't come to get him in water jesus came to get him into walking and to do what jesus said to do uh necessitated canceling his criteria as a matter of fact i've come to discover that sometimes your assumed criteria becomes the stage on which your miracles get set because when god does it and don't use none of your criteria the only testimony you got is if it had not been for the lord on my side i'm just looking for about a thousand of y'all online and six of y'all in the sanctuary who can say god did some stuff and didn't use my criteria god made some ways open some doors struck some tumors made some blessings brought down some valleys and he didn't use my criteria [Laughter] watch once once and so and i'm done here's here's yes here's what it is y'all sit down here's what it is here's what it is here's what it taught me sharp it taught me jesus said rise take up your bed and walk here it is i thought i was done here's my last point um you can't do everything but you can do something it ain't deep um the man couldn't do everything come here just use your exegetical imagination he couldn't bring himself to the pool he couldn't put himself in the pool he couldn't be first to the pool y'all ain't saying that he couldn't do everything but the command of jesus shows him he could do something yo whoa see some of y'all ain't going nowhere because you don't realize yet you trying to do everything when all you need to do is do something somebody ought to write in the comments do something no don't write in the comments because that means you telling somebody else text yourself and just say do something take up your bed as a matter of fact if you want to get out of the victim game start by saying to yourself i can't do everything but i need to do something here it is rise take up your bed and walk do what's in front of you to do preach rudolph mckinsey stop trying to plan way out there do what's in front of you to do rise yes and take up your bed now i hope y'all don't lose your mind cosby sharp and freddie there are only two ways to start carrying what's been holding you down y'all don't see me coming there's only two ways to carry what's been holding you down there's only two ways to pick up what's been carrying you you've got to bend down or bow down come here y'all because i've discovered when you bow down the lord will give you power to pick up some stuff when you bow down the lord will give you power to do some things some of y'all need to learn how to bow down because when you bow down the lord says i'll give you power some of y'all ain't bowed down in 30 years but god said if you bow down i'll give you power to bend down and if you bend out i'll give you power to pick something up but that ain't what got me rise take up your bed and walk here's what got me y'all this is so simple miles jones used to always tell me i'm so analytical with text but i approach a text like it's an opera or a musical book and i got to look at everything in the scene walk means use your legs use what you said wasn't usable um okay um you got the legs you just didn't think you could use the legs god y'all don't see me coming so what jesus does is restore to you the power to use something you already got you just ain't been using i'm done for the night but i came to tell somebody tonight this is the year of restoration well you gonna start using some stuff you already got oh y'all thought i was talking about legs sometimes your legs is your mind you already got it you just ain't been using it sometimes your legs is your smile you already got it you just ain't been using it sometimes your legs is your joy you already got it you just ain't been using it i want you to high-five yourself and say self it's time to get it all back everything i already had but i stopped using i'm about to use my joy like i never used it before i'm about to use my mind like i never used it before i'm about to use my piece like i never used it before come on tim you being timid crank that organ up look at somebody if they in your house and tell them neighbor you already got it you just ain't been using it and i came to serve notice on the devil you should have took it instead of leaving it here because since i got it i might as well start using it i got my joy so i'ma start using it i got my mind so i'm gonna start using it i got my so i must start using it and i i i need to tell somebody everything you need you already have everything you need it's already in you the lord wants to activate it to give you power to do what you used to do because i i don't believe the man was born not walking which means he loves something that he used to have he lost something that he used to use i want you to tell somebody this is my season to get it all back good night friendship west may the lord god bless you real good but is there anybody in here who can help me close this sermon stand up in your house run to the break room pull over on the 45 and say it's my season to get restoration restoration of my faith restoration and my ministry won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he fight your battles won't he make your enemies your footstool won't he give you joy and sorrow won't he give you hope for the laura won't he try your tears because i know i'm getting it all back because i know the lord is restoring me i'm not going to wait but i'm a shout in advance can't you see the man lying on his back can't you see the man lying down and jesus said her eyes i don't know if he lifted up i don't know if he turned i don't know if he put his hands down i don't know if he got on his knees but he did whatever he had to do to get up on his feet [Music] run around the church if you got to shout in your house if you got to run outside because i believe that if you do what the lord says dude he'll give you power to stand up to make a change because there's power in the blood i need somebody to say tonight is my night to roam to get up to put my feet down to lift my hands and i got to say i will bless the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes thank you i've discovered that the devil don't get scared till you rise because the last time somebody rolls on him you want to scare the devil let him get comfortable because he thought he had you in the death position and you start to rise get up get your plan for your business get your plan for your finances get your plan to fix your family get your plan to save your children pastor get your plan to come out a pandemic pastor plan to reimagine your church pastor plan for some creativity young person make a plan to go back to college you dropped out because of the pandemic get a plan together so you don't just have to depend on your parents money get a plan together [Music] jesus said if you follow the plan you won't have to worry about your criteria [Music] just get up [Music] i want to pray very quickly and i want to pray tonight listen for some of you to quiet your spirit long enough to hear the plan of the lord all right i ain't going to pray for your faith because [Music] that ain't what's in that text for some of y'all you got faith but it ain't really faith cause you ain't making the choice real faith is what the man did even though we know he didn't real we have real faith because he didn't know who he was but you can exercise real faith because real faith is a corresponding action to a word he got a word and then acted on it tonight some of you need that you've gotten so accustomed and conditioned to your crutches and criteria jesus that you don't even know all you gotta do is make a choice god is trying to give some of you plans plans plans for various areas of your life and you just won't get quiet enough to listen so god tonight quiet us [Music] teach us to be still [Music] so that we can hear your plan jesus tonight quiet somebody's fear quiet somebody's excuses quiet somebody's human assumptions they've been down so long getting up is no longer on their mind but you've showed up and you've picked them with a plan i'm praying for some husband tonight who just needs a plan for his family i'm praying for some wife tonight who just needs a plan for her family i'm praying for some single mother tonight some single father tonight i'm praying for some pastor tonight for some ministry leader tonight for some college student tonight for some high school student tonight that we will quiet our spirits long enough to hear your plan [Music] and rise and use what we already have we just ain't been using our legs our legs for somebody's sense for somebody else it's mine for somebody else it's joy it's confidence it's peace help us to work to plan tonight so that restoration becomes our outcome i declare it tonight i don't declare it already done like we pray sometime because they got to make the choice god so tonight i pray that they make the choice and if they make the choice it will be done convict somebody tonight to change their choices from excuses to submission in jesus name amen amen oh my god hallelujah hallelujah what a message thank you bishop mckissick thank you for your ministry for your message thank you for teaching us in a way well we'll never be the same right now you've tuned in and you've got the power to make a choice that can change your life forever you can choose tonight to give your life to jesus christ this one who will empower you beyond excuses and so i encourage you right now to dial that number on the screen dial that number right now i've got prayer warriors who are waiting to minister to you and tonight you can choose your way into transforming your trajectory so won't you do it right now now that number the prayer warriors are waiting on you and tonight tonight you can change no you can be changed i love that you can be changed tonight it begins so go ahead dial that number down that number don't wait don't hesitate don't vacillate dial that number right now or your thing is this why i got that part right but i feel god leading me to join this church listen we'd love to have you i'd love to serve as your pastor but here's what's so powerful about what god has brought out of the pandemic and that is we got what four pastors here tonight one two three four four pastors here tonight marcus cosby at wheeler avenue you got that preaching preacher who just blessed us reginald wayne sharp fellowship church in chicago bishop mckissick and bethel church in jacksonville do you know you can unite with any of those these churches including friendship west you can do that you can do that here's what you do dial that number on the screen we're ready to pray for you we're ready to direct you we're ready for god to bless you with the gift of fellowship and membership so dial that number do it right now god has spoken let the church say amen hallelujah hallelujah won't you thank god with me one more time bishop rudolph mckissick pastor reginald wayne sharp jr and then on tomorrow night marcus d cosby is already here so y'all know he's ready he's ready we can't wait to hear what god is going to do through him don't forget if you want to join us in austin on thursday in austin on thursday go to it's right there on the website even if you're not on the bus we need to know who will be in our delegation coming from dallas the metroplex so please go ahead go to the website sign up even if you're not gonna ride on the bus and we're gonna have a powerful time we got a plan we got a plan we're gonna deal with the governor and his trump looking imps because we got a plan we thank god for the dems who left the state since they left austin guess what we going to austin because we got that inside outside game so we're going to do that so we pray for those including our beloved member who is doing the thing been all over television uh state representative uh who was just blessing us had on her delta sigma theta uh shirt yesterday letting everybody know who she represent but we're so proud of jasmine crockett jasmine crockett we're praying for you and we thank god for your courage along with all of those reps who left the state because they refused to cooperate with injustice that's real right there don't you cooperate with evil don't cooperate with injustice so go ahead sign up if they can leave austin we can go to austin so let's do that here's the word a lot of folks saying if i was around when dr king and the civil rights movement was happening i'd have been right there whatever you doing now that's what you would have done then so join us and let's do something and make a difference we ain't got to settle for this so god bless you join us tomorrow night make sure what do you do you like share subscribe do all of that stuff join us tomorrow night it's gonna be on like neck bones god bless you the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord caused god's face to shine on you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the light of god's countenance upon you grant you peace go now in the power of god's holy spirit knowing it's been a hell of a year but the good news is you got the power to make a choice in jesus name peace thank you young adult choir you're bad thank you y'all did that thing hallelujah we praise god for this impactful experience and for your joining us during it for all of you who joined as visitors you can share that you were here please do that by taking time to text f w v i z to the number two eight nine five zero and for those of you who are saying hey i want this time that i'm visiting to be the last time i'm a visitor you can join us here's how you do that join us by calling the number 469-498-0210 or email us at join us at when you email email your first name your last name and your cell number and we will get back with you we are so excited that you are here until next time blessings on [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord for yourself you
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 9,204
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Friendship-West Baptist Church, FWBC, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Friendship West, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III., Church, Baptist, Haynes, Christian, Community, Christ, God
Id: X5LdIRrGQvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 57sec (7677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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