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a man thank the Lord for another Sunday morning hallelujah thank you Jesus the 2nd Kings chapter 4 there's a word I won't live today 2nd Kings chapter 4 2nd Kings chapter 4 I want to read in your hearing verses 1 through verse 7 a lengthy passage but I pray you will follow with us he the word of the Lord now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets on July she saying thy servant my husband is dead and I knowest that thy servant did fear the Lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be born men Elisha said unto her what shall I do for thee tell me what is thou in the house and she said that handmaid had not anything in the house save a part of a hall and he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors even empty vessels borrow not a few and without coming thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy songs and shall pour out into those vessels and thou shalt set aside that which is fool so she went from him shut the door upon him upon her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out can't pass when the vessels were fooled that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her there is not a vessel more and they all stayed then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the old pate I did and leave thou and thy children of the rest I want to talk today a little bit about the era of responsibility our responsibilities need your prayers all of us are still possibly enamored by the selection of Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th President of the United States it's been a thrilling and also an enlightening period of time as again we watched the first african-american president rise to the White House a house that was built on the backs of slaves God is good that one of the slogans that he has used throughout these days and others have picked up is that this is a new era of responsibility it's an awesome thought one that I thought would be pregnant with possibility for preaching from this pulpit this morning as we think about the days in which we are living in or trying days there turbulent days troublesome days how can we take on our shoulders the responsibilities that we have and also the responsibilities of others I thought it would be apropos this morning if we looked at the situation that this unnamed widow woman finds herself in because her situation can quickly become your situation I've discovered that you can be up today and down before nightfall things can be going well for you today and before nightfall things have turned in the other direction you could have your house last month and 30 days can put you out to school these are trying days somebody here today can testify that they've been in the situation that this woman has been in they're struggling with death death and despair somebody can testify this morning that you've been there you've done that you've got the bumper sticker you've got the mold and the t-shirt that says I've been through it all I thought it would be very important for you and I who were here this morning to peruse this passage because somebody here today is in the same situation that this woman found herself in the trouble with people in need usually they don't go for help until it's too late help me somebody but thank God that this woman goes to the man of God because she understood that her plight was above her power she understood that what she was going through would not be successfully maneuvered through unless she had help from the outside and by the time of our Tech's apostolic Authority and anointing has been transferred from Elijah to Elijah it is Elijah who says to the old man I want a double portion of your noni and if I can just get a double portion of your learning before you leave going from earth into eternity I'll continue your ministry the word says that Elijah promises Elijah if you see me want to go you'll get a double portion of my anointing the word says that the Word of God says that Chariots of Fire pull by chariots by horses of fire came from heaven took the old man back up to glory he gets the glory without the need of a green I feel better here directly he gets the glory without the need of a grieve and the word says he drops his mantle at the feet of his son in the ministry this servant becomes not only a servant but a song from a song he becomes ultimately a successor because he followed the leadership of the man of God the waiter declares that he drops the mantle at his feet and the word says that immediately Elijah picks it up and heads toward the Jordan while heading toward the Jordan he's confronted by 50 prophets that are part of the Jericho Bible Institute I'll feel better here directly who's simply wondering what has happened to Elijah where did he lies you go when Eliezer tells them that a chariot of fire in disbelief they sent out 50 million on a search party the word says they searched and the valleys they searched in a mountain prepare adventure the Lord had just thrown him in a mountain a maybe of Valley visited me in search three days the word says and they were not able to find their master when finally they recognized that the transfer of power has already been made and Elijah gives the man for the iowa when the word says that Elijah takes that manner goes right back up to the Jordan cries out where is the god of Elijah and the word says my brothers and sisters that God showed up when he struck that water with that mantle that cloak the word said though Jordan rolled back on both sides and he walked the cross on dry land he makes this way into some area where he sees a finds a woman it's this unnamed woman of our text this morning who finds herself in a very precarious situation her husband has died she's now facing dead and she doesn't have anything to give to her situation so she thinks she comes to the man of God and says to the man of God you know my husband you know my husband really feared the Lord he had all he had a respect the reverence for the Lord you know my husband loved the Lord but he took care of eternities business without taking care of Earth's business in essence he was fit for eternity but he left me in these children behind without any possible means of support we left this funeral and everybody was saying if you need me you can call him we buried him in the grave I went back to the house and I discovered that people literally don't mean that they told me if I need him I could call them but I had to sign my son's up - son - boys there's Barnes me and sleeves if you please I loo use them as collateral for creditors and I'm in trouble now because the creditor has come but you need to understand that first of all they are not writing they've gone they're not sending letters they ain't calling on the phone they they don't showed up they come to the house they about to take her two sons into slavery to work off the debt the woman's poverty is compounded by the fact that she's unable to pay her debt and somebody here today is it that same situation preach Marvin while I'm doing the best I can with the little notes out and brought up out here this moment she has nobody to turn to nobody that will go come to her assistance and the problem is she signed what might appear to have been a legal document but she doesn't do it with legal approve and so now the interest has gotten so high that she's unable to pay it she doesn't have a dime she's husband has died and now the creditor is caught and the word says she is in despair because she doesn't know what in the world to do they thought that she loses everything but her faith her faith still works could anybody hear this morning that no faith still works turn to your neighbor and tell him faith still works when everything else is going out on your faith still works when things are not going well they still works when your life is at a standstill of Thieves he'll work here she goes to the man of God and say you know my hug you've been knowing my husband you know he fears God got a know of God a reverence of God a respect for God he worships God because he loves his Lord and I want to tell you my problem my problem my problem is that I've got now two sons that I'm trying to care for and it looks like I'm not gonna be able to pull this one off well I just need to tell you when you can't pull it off God to him I came to me right there when you can't pull it off I'm glad to report that they thought steel can is there anybody here today that know when you can't pull it off God can turn it help me preach a little while and tell your maid but when you can't do it God can steal I've checked out the documents I had to go in hi legal representation and I discovered that the creditors are in their rights Levitical law says that they can come and take my two sons as Barnes men to work off the dead Eli's just said no we're not gonna let it go down like that since as a matter of fact you came in faith and I'm gonna think your finances you came in faith and I've got to make this thing work for you I know everybody else has left you alone there's as soon as they bear it's a husband I know how it is it happens the same way in the modern church you'd be shocked and surprised and how many pastors wives widows are left to make life on their own the reason this church has been so blessed as it has been when Reverend wave died we took care of sister wait I don't hear nobody there were those that said we shouldn't do it but we haven't lost anything because whenever you do what's right right will weeding out every time this prophet of the Lord we do not know how many times he's gone to assist other people we do not know how many times he's gone to the hospital to visit other people but he's dead now we don't know how many times he stood at the altar to receive a bride and a groom for better and worse rich or poor in sickness and in to love and cherish till death do you part we just don't know we don't know how many times he got up in the midnight hour to go and see about somebody and get some person's child out of jail we don't know but now he's dead and his widow has been left without a dime to her name and all of the people that that old man had help nobody comes to her assistance she she literally signs the papers to give her sons and Barnes men and now creditor has come
Channel: Rock of Ages Baptist Church
Views: 12,476
Rating: 4.6455698 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Marvin, Wiley
Id: Q4T41fwdqsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2010
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