The Happening Pitch Meeting

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so you have an M night Shyamalan movie for me yes sir I do wait a minute but you're not M night Shyamalan no I'm actually his ghostwriter bet you didn't know he had one of those I didn't know that's a fun twist you're damn right it is that's what we're all about amazing so tell me about this new movie oh it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be about this event that makes people kill themselves oh that kind of reminds me of Bird box bird box is that a movie no what kind of a dumb movie title is bird box I'm talking about a box of parakeets I used to have okay yeah and they all killed themselves after you know catching a glimpse of me naked oh my lord yeah they must have looked over when I was changing or something not great for my self-esteem yeah no I guess that wouldn't be so anyway what happens in the movie well we're gonna start off in Central Park and this girl is freaking out because everyone around her is killing themselves cuz of this toxin why isn't she affected I don't know fair enough and then we're gonna meet the main character Elliott who's a high school science teacher oh he's a high school science teacher yeah is that a problem it's just that I wanted to cast Mark Wahlberg in this movie but nobody's gonna buy him as a science teacher oh yeah he's more of a tough guy I guess unless we get him to talk in a strangely high-pitched voice right he could be like hey guys I'm a science teacher people are killing each other what's going on that works for me so he's gonna be telling his class that sometimes nature does weird things and scientists just make stuff up to put in the books what and then he tells one of his students that he has a perfect face but one day he's gonna be ugly oh this guy is just the worst teacher and then they're gonna find out about Central Park and assume that it's a terrorist attack okay but Elliott is like a terrorist attack in Central Park that doesn't make sense why wouldn't that make sense it's one of the most popular places in the world yeah he doesn't think it makes any sense well okay then so what do they do the natural thing anybody would do if they suspect terrorists are attacking they go to a crowded train station and get on a crowded train they go to a crowded train station and get on a crowded train those places would never be targeted during attacks yeah so Elliott's gonna take the train with his distant wife Alma his coworker Julian and Julian's daughter Jess why is Alma distant well we're gonna find out that she went to have tiramisu with a co-worker she had tiramisu with them yeah it's gonna be super dramatic maybe that storyline would be a bit more interesting if she did more than just have tiramisu with him oh okay I see what you're saying so maybe they had you know cheesecake nevermind okay so anyway then the train is gonna stop and everyone's gonna get kicked off why well the train conductors like we lost contact with everybody so it's standard procedure to abandon you all in the middle of nowhere very harsh train procedures so then they're gonna learn that this thing is hitting smaller and smaller populations how do they learn that oh well I realized that can have news anchors deliver exposition so you know that's how it's gonna happen always the characters aren't gonna figure anything out for themselves not really no this news thing was much easier for me well okay then and so Elliott and Ullman just get a ride from a guy who loves plants and hotdogs oh what's that character like I just told you he loves plants and hotdogs that's the whole character yup and he tells Elliott that he thinks plants are responsible for this whole thing oh yeah he says they're able to evolve and emit toxins to survive interesting and so they're gonna break off into little groups and the little group that Elliott isn't in is gonna start killing themselves oh no and so Elliott's group is gonna start yelling at him like we have to do something and this is on you that's pretty mean yeah so he's gonna have to use his science brain real fast he's gonna be like all right be scientific douchebag identify the rules design the experiment blah blah blah and what does he figure out he figures out that oh maybe it is the trees right so yeah then he's pretty sure it's the trees I mean yeah okay so then they're gonna have to outrun the wind Oh outrunning the wind is tight I know all about that you do yeah that's when you fart and you try to leave the room before the smell hits right no I mean they're literally gonna outrun the actual wind you're an idiot and then they're gonna try to get some help from a crazy hermit person but he ends up killing two teenagers that are with them oh my lord yeah so they learn their lesson and they go get help from a different crazy hermit person how crazy are we talking well in the middle of the night she's gonna be like are you guys trying to murder me in my sleep oh yeah that is pretty paranoid yeah so Elliott's like what no ma'am no we're not very convincing so what kind of fun twist is gonna happen with the crazy lady nothing she's just gonna die oh so what was the point of all that I don't know very mouth and then Elliott's gonna end up in a different house than Alma but they can talk through a speaking to okay and they're like you know what if we're about to die let's at least be together oh that's sweet yeah and so Alma drags that little girl Jess outside so she can go kiss her husband very romantic and so they all die nope because whatever was happening stopped why did it stop it just stopped I don't know well okay then so yeah that's about it wait where's the twist what do you mean don't M night Shyamalan movies usually have some kind of cool twist in them yeah it was the tree thing the deadly thing was the trees but that happened so early in the movie yeah but a lot of characters didn't believe it but then yeah that is what it was so the twist is that that was the twist sure and so what's the movie called anyway oh man I completely forgot to think of a title let me just think of something now oh it's gonna be hard to come up with a title off the top of your head no no no it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah yeah I mean let's see something happens in the movie right something happens in every movie yeah but like especially in this one yes so I guess we could call it The Happening yeah sure why not fantastic so what do you think overall well it sounds pretty ridiculous to be honest oh yeah you think so yeah but I mean as long as we could get the stars to stand behind this thing I think the public will like it great hey guys it's Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting we have a ton of these on the channel that you can check out you can also leave me a comment down below letting me know what other movies you'd like to see pitches for don't forget to Like comment subscribe share on Facebook and Twitter spread it around and as always check back soon for a new pitch bye bye 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Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,662,432
Rating: 4.966083 out of 5
Keywords: The happening, m night shyamalan, bird box, mark wahlberg, zooey deschanel, what no, trees, wind, twist, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: Tz1y2ihvOpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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