Transformer Rise of the Beasts: The One Nobody Saw

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[Music] monkey funny robots animals two things kids think are really cool so what if we combine them and that is how we got zoids God I love zoids we need more zoids oh yeah Beast Wars existed too probably should have led with that after this long and arduous Journey we end up here the end of the line these movies once dominated Hollywood Blockbusters that broke records year after year and now in the year of Our Lord 2023 most people probably forgot that this thing even came out poor Optimus got banished to the shadow Realm by barbon Heimer we could blame Transformers 5 for that but even after the worst Inferno there will always be something to regrow in its place if Transformers 5 was the fire bumblebee was the seed and rise of the Beast was the little bud that popped out of the ground will this series eventually grow into who knows I I guess my analogy here is they're they're just going to keep making these movies in one shape or another Paramount is desperate before making this video I figured everyone had watch this movie like I did I completely forgot how this film did at the box office silly me I was originally going to just talk about my thoughts in the movie but uh nobody saw it either way let's do a quick summary of the plot so we're all on the same page I'm going to try to keep it short so this one is Unicron yeah in this little reboot they went straight to Unicron a movie that takes place in 1994 instead of ' 80s California we're now in '90s New York City also known as the best New York City but our protagonist isn't Jerry Seinfeld it's this guy Noah Diaz he's from Brooklyn and he'll remind you he's from Brooklyn as much as the [ __ ] Mario Brothers you did it Brooklyn baby Brooklyn baby it doesn't get annoying at all he's down on his luck looking for a job to make money for a sick little brother after getting turned down time and time again he gets desperate and resorts to Crime he teams up with this Shady guy who tells him to go Jack a Porsche just so happens that this Porsche can jack him back wait that came out wrong back to Unicron he eats up planets and he ate up the home world of the maximals maximals are Transformers that instead of turning into Vehicles they turn animals turn into their little personas why did I keep that in the script honestly anyone that didn't know Beast Wars before this movie was probably confused as hell right like why do they turn to Animals the movie never says the show does but I don't think the movie does like I I've rewatched it Unicron is after a portal key that opens wormholes across space and lets him travel wherever in the universe to gobble up planets faster the maximals have it but before his goons can get it the maximals flee the planet and go to Earth this portal key is arm maguin for the movie you know how these things go anyway Noah is trapped inside a Porsche that he tried to steal and it drives off with him inside after those wacky Shenanigans he meets the Autobots you brought a hum here roping him into something greater than himself the chuffin just starts shining a beacon that only Transformers can see somebody's going to have to break in and get it you got to go commit a felony Noah you got to do it for optim Prime can't let Scourge win Scourge is the head of the terrorcons don't worry we'll talk about him later terorons aren't Decepticons or even Predacons who are the real enemies of the maximals they're like this entirely other thing they just do unicron's bidding and there's only five of them the teron want the McGuffin to summon Unicron and the Autobots want the McGuffin so they can go back to Cybertron these two run into each other and so do These two factions bumblebee [ __ ] dies yeah he dies again he's like Kenny of Transformers now the terra's got the key but apparently it's only one half to a hole as the maximals split it in the past just in case something like this happened and the second half is down in the land of Peru so the gang goes inside this guy and flies to South America how often do movies really take place in Peru I'm not talking about that one they have to sneak into this town during a festival and open a hidden entrance an entance to the ruins of an ancient civilization it's pretty crazy how nobody rotated these four identical stones in over 500 years uh-oh Scourge is back and a chase scene ensues after escaping into the woods the gang runs into the rest of the maximals including Optimus primal that's his name I I want to know people's reaction to this if they didn't watch Beast Wars big monkey man knows where the key really is and suddenly air Razer goes crazy because she's been corrupted by a scourge is a power spit in the confusion Scourge steals the key and after that um the rest of the movie is just kind of a giant action scene uh Scourge tries to open the portal to Unicron Unicron shows up and nobody on Earth seems to notice because there's a big storm that covers the sky and their Vision imagine this happening in 1994 and people just don't bring it up again there wasn't a single astronaut that saw that outside their window the autobots and maximals team up bumblebee comes back to life because ener johon and uh yeah the day saved Noah goes back to New York and continues searching for his job a new sense of purpose after his time with the Transformers and then the interview kind of takes a turn we know a lot about you Mr Diaz who are you like CIA or FBI or the guy hands him a card and uh opens up a wall and he tells Noah his organization could use him in the Transformers Noah looks at the card GI Joe it's [ __ ] GI Joe what I'm a computer stop all the downloading G so I have some thoughts in a franchise of brutal lows and even lower lows there are a lot of movies we can compare rise of the Beast to so after watching this movie twice what did I think of it it all right thanks for watching this is one of those movies that were work well in certain moments but it just never really adds up to anything substantial what the hell am I looking at it's got stuff for the fans it has decent action but the story is just a little off a death by a th000 Cuts death in this case being a 6 out of 10 but Cody you say this movie wasn't a Michael Bay movie how could it not be good well straw man I just made up Michael Bay wasn't the only thing holding these movies back and also just because something is all right doesn't mean it's bad like McDonald's rise of the Beast is a perfectly serviceable movie one that I could see fans of Transformers really liking because it has Optimus and the Danimals but for the general audience it's just sort of there and they shrug at it this movie did not do well at the box office I guess last night's Legacy still hauns the Transformer's name come like a phantom but if people had faith that this movie could write the wrongs of the past then I guess they'd be pleas ly surprised let's start off this positive why not the things I liked the era bumblebee was 80s 8s 8s I'm sick of the 80s this is just New York in the 9s desolate subway trains and everything Noah I like Noah he's probably the most likable human protagonist really who are you human I'm nobody I ain't even see nothing I'm not even seeing anything right now like think about this Sam was mainly a punching bag Kade was uh uh and Charlie was certainly an upgrade but if you didn't much relate to her grief I could see some getting annoyed by her Noah's just like a guy and he gets wrapped up in all of this Mirage I find Pete Davidson's recent Ascension into pop culture mainly just puzzling like I don't hate him but I don't find him particularly funny and I don't know anybody else who does does he just bang a lot of celebs yeah I'm walking to Peru he's nothing like his gen one counter part uh but he brings a relaxed energy to an Autobot cast that's pretty serious most of the time he's almost too relaxed like how did he even end up like this oh they're flying now they fly now the designs for all the Bots were pretty good Optimus for the first time actually looks like Optimus they're all pretty perfectly spot on except for Wheeljack my God what happened to Wheeljack man what else I like Peru man I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with praise huh how many people are still here why is this called rise of the beasts when do the beasts ever rise I would have loved to see that I would have loved to see the beast in general should have been called rise of bird lady cuz she's the only maximal we see for most of the movie when we heard years ago there was going to be a Beast Wars movie I really expected Beast Wars these guys are more wasted than my uncle rico after slamming back too many dois Michelle yo is used for an exposition machine Ron Pearlman Optimus primal just stands around sounding stoic he could have used anyone with a deep voice could have used the original voice for Primal he doesn't even say that's just Prime even once well that's just Prime for shame like cheetor is the youngest and most Reckless he's like bumblebee but more prone to [ __ ] up I'll be moving too fast for them to see me he gets one line sorry about scar you a brother rhox was strong but also smart you rarely get a character in fiction that's both Brawn and brains man I got to be a miracle [Music] worker he's like ratchet and iron hiy slammed together in the movie he's a [Music] rhino the worst sin of all though the most unforgivable crime is there isn't even rat trap hey you want me to show you just how velocir has got extinct rat trap my boy where are you it's alluded that these maximals are like the last ones so I think he might be dead who knows these aren't their characters they're just their animals even then it's still not done well air Razer gets infected by a Scourge and knows she's been infected but then just does nothing he leaves the mark but I'll be all right the one character that knows what's going on could have chose to fly away but she instead Waits until Scourge takes over her brain so the key can get stolen and the plot can happen wow the maximals really don't show up until right before the final fight the movie's marketed like this to get butts in the seats really no different than the Dinobots in four or evil Optimus in five there's never even an explanation for why they're animals in the show it's because they couldn't be outside in their regular robot forms because of Energon exposure not the best explanation but it's something they're on an Animal Planet so they got to take the form of local animals Mak sense in the movie they're just animals cuz that's what the show was we were expecting a Beast Wars movie and are still going to have to wait on that Beast Wars movie they don't even fight the Predacons they fight Scourge and his gang and Scourge and his gang are a you think you can take me on alone uh even though though Unicron is the overall threat in this movie he's just a big planet if he actually got involved everyone would die and it's the '90s so you know that's not going to happen Optimus and his friends have to fight somebody though and that somebody is unicron's minions the terorons led by Scourge Scourge is the worst villain in the whole series my God awaken my dark master yeah worse than the Fallen or quintessa because at least our voice actors could voice Act at least they gave a [ __ ] as you see Scourge is voiced by Peter Dinklage every line he says is stilted and awkward breath the flesh from their bones and bring me the key master the reinforcements can we replace him with Nolan North in this movie too one thing they can't patch up though are the visuals if you've been looking at the clips come on you might have thought it too this movie kind of looks cheap right Transformer movies despite failing in basically every Department have never really had bad CGI yeah even Transformers 5 and yet rise of the Beast is the first one where I think it kind of looks a little wonky I would say what happened to the CGI but considering how overworked special effect studios are nowadays I think we all know the answer to that every Transformers movie has been animated by industrial Light and Magic but for the first time rise of the Beast was handled by another Studio MPC I don't think the CGI is really NPC's fault can't really blame them when every CGI Studio has been obliterated by horrendous schedules and Industry practices the budget for this was about the same as the first Transformers movie even bringing into account inflation these two are almost 20 years apart it frankly just looks rough characters pop out of obvious backgrounds and part of that is not helped out by the directing this was directed by Steven kapple Jr a guy who only directed three movies including this one and while Creed 2 is great that's an entirely different genre than a big robot action movie it feels like it's trying to be Michael Bay without Michael Bay it's diet Bay and his absence is really felt action doesn't have as much weight to it it's not truly disorienting like last night but none of it really comes together by the final fight it's a gray CGI mess you know how Bumblebee speaks with his radio and all the other films down like visitors from Heaven Hallelujah yeah now he exclusively repeats movie lines what the hell am I looking at you can't handle the truth I have come here to kick ass not on my watch it's terrible I do not want you going to that drive-in theater anymore I am so sorry if you found out through this video but yeah gi. Joe now exists in the Transformers Universe they're making a Hasbro verse baby it's kind of poetic that the whole reason this movie series even began in the first place was because they didn't want to make a gii Joe movie so close to the Iraq War and now we end the Standalone series with gii Joe it's poetic in a way is this in a way an end to the Transformers liveaction series like we've known it yeah pretty much from from what they're saying like any future incarnation will have Optimus and pal teaming up with other Hasbro properties are they all going to fight on a battleship maybe learn that friendship is Magic from rainbow sparkle or whatever the [ __ ] everyone wants their Cinematic Universe and for that they kind of threw this movie under the bus a common complaint I've seen about Beast is that it feels like three movies slammed together uh you got Beast Wars Unicron and then whatever the hell the final battle is apparently they're hoping to turn this into a Trilogy and expand B on the maximals in a sequel but considering this movie's box office uh I'm a little doubtful about that sequel rise of the Beast is flawed but enjoyable it does what it sets out to do be a Transformer movie The Bots are characters more than ever it doesn't feel a shame to be a movie about transforming robots it doesn't try to make its Concepts seem more mature than they really are and it's not an entirely different type of movie that just happens to have Transformers kind of like a big episode of a TV show and I mean that in both a positive and negative way a lot of fans of Transformers will get something out of it but I think for a lot of the general audience uh they're pretty much going to forget about it and after the path that we've been on the numerous war crimes we have witnessed you know is that so bad at least it isn't a hellish Abomination Transformers was able to pick itself up and end things right on a middle of the road action flick that's a better fate than most franchises can really ask for so there you go rise of beef man I guess I've talked about every Transformers movie that's weird well all except for one I guess you can say I've saved the best for L which is kind of ironic considering it was the [Applause] first e Jo [Music] oh
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 706,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PointlessHub, Transformers, Transformers PointlessHub, Transformers Rise of the Beasts, Rise of the Beasts, Maximals, Optimus Primal, Bumblebee, Transformers 7, Transformers 6, Beast Wars, Rise of the Beasts Box Office, ROTB, Transformers ROTB, Rise of the Beasts: The One Nobody Saw, Video essay, funny review, transformers review, rise of the beasts review
Id: aGpxMIgKE9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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