🔴LIVE: Backpacker Adventures with the Heelers 🎒 | 30+ Minutes of Fun with Rusty and More! | Bluey

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and these backpacks are so heavy well let's find a place to stay then Mom you need to look in the guide book for a hotel I need to look in the guide book for a hotel right where's that guide book it's in there somewhere aha what is that I bought it from someone on the train she said it would bring good luck ah you dingdong here it is don't let go right down him got it I'll find us a nice hotel in the guide book you're very hungry I'm very hungry hey look some guy's selling croissants I'll be right back please don't eat too many bour mate B I'll take one croissant please no no you want all the croissants ah I'll take all of your croissants please how much 600 okay one sec here you go huh uh do you take bananas yes you do oh what luck oh so good Namaste mate hello how much for you to take us to this hotel 300 no the guide book says 100 that's a good price no no no 300 ready to roll he wants 300 ask him if he takes bananas Bing give Uncle P a tummy egg okay my stomach I need the toilet CL whatever he wants I know how this ends croissant I told you not to eat too many but they were so [Music] cheap I hope it's not too far you want to stop and take a picture hang on driver I want to stop and take a picture a come on the ground here is more uneven than in the playground you all right BL my knee give us a look ah yeah okay I'll just have to chop the leg off what you don't need to the freek oo the quiek is beautiful there's a nicer bit just up this way we used to play there when I was a kid let's rock upop it [Music] up yesh some of these stones are poiny just take your time and watch out for wobbly ones ah this is a wobbly one yeah that's a wobbly [Music] one and the green ones are slippery I swallowed M what can happen that'll do you good oh the cre is beautiful it's so lovely I'm not scared of it at [Music] all hey I think I'm getting the hang of the creek good one nice job McKenzie ready Bingo yep your turn Bluey pretty wild okay on the count of three 3 2 1 go it's too far come on Blue it's just like jumping from one sheep to another we don't jump on sheep McKenzie really you'll be right kiddo just be brave the creek is beautiful I did it yeah you made it squ yeah I did which one's our room oh Tails dump your stuff sunscreen up and let's hit the beach finger what is it bunk beds bunk beds can I have the to if you like thanks oh look a present what I think it's soap have you got one I'll see yes BL we've got cars card hangers are they all ours yeah wow here wait I'll stand on this what is that I don't know let's pretend it's an oven okay and we can be mermaids mermaid waiter may I have a pie please oh yes I'll just cook [Music] it it will be ready soon mermaid thank you ready girls ding ready no I mean are you ready to go down to the beach have you sunscreened oh no oh come on the sunscreen's in the bathroom let's go M I want to start relaxing oh wow bu tub wo finger what's this I don't know the toilet's got a ribbon maybe it won a prize yeah the best toilet in the world I congratulations you're ribbon oh I want to rip one H can't see another one let's see if there's another toilet all right how are we hey oh hang on in here let's go one congratulations toilet pink wo B it's a triangle and it's got a microphone you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket ooh now if you AR happy with your whale watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best wild watching tour you've ever been on I don't know about that kid all oh blue that's too loud here we go yay it's a lovely day to go boat riding the sea is nice and calm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we've hit rough Seas what hold on customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smooth smooth seas and oh look we at the whales h no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact Wales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm going to find some Ru Seas sail sail here we are Ru Seas NOP well I'm just going to sail around till I find them okay fine hold on to your bre here we go hold on customer I'm sorry customer we have seemed to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over Storm's over and look we're at the whales watch out Snappy Turtles oh yeah Snappy Turtles a all right snap snap snap snap snap snap hey snap [Music] and now we're at the tole wave oh man oh man are you okay customer yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the whales yes no now this next one is definitely not friendly he's a big stinky baboon [Music] Big Blue Monkey well I rather thought we'd see more movement from the animals what a brute stay back Snowdrop oh get up you big a our visitors don't want to see you lying around all day what monkey sweet monkey sweet that's it back to the lady you la oh my monkey back but yeah forget this guy come on let's go see the cooker bar come along snow [Music] drop B monkey these cook bars think everything is funny ooh look at these little darling snow drop snow drop snow drop one hug snow drop that gorilla has snow drop snow drop hug monkey that's it don't worry Madam I'll sort this out straight away you be careful with that won't you he's not allowed to do this it's against the monkey rules watch out for my darling snow [Music] drop would you like to see our reptile section no where's your hat recruit Russell I forgot it Sergeant you can use my spare but from now on keep track of your equipment yes Sergeant po Ry took me into the bush to learn all the army stuff the first thing I had to learn was heaps of hand signals stop this one means stop this means get down this is move over there I'll get it now Rusty and I can talk to each other without talking an important part of the army stuff is doing push-ups good push-ups recruit russle also everything had a name okay that Hill is called Hill four that one is called Hill six that blue gun is called Tango 7 you got that a s I'm not good at remembering numbers of words well you better get good if you want to be in the army recruit Russell you need to know these things if we call for a dust off a dust off a dust off is when you call in a helicopter to come and rescue you you have to tell the chopper where to land Rusty love calling for a dust St but the funnest bit was the Sentry Judy it's when you were gone you have to be on the lookout on the other soldiers sleep I loved it all the other soldiers are counting on you I was really good at senty you're really good at senty thanks sge have some rations recruit Russell rations is what they call food in the Army how do you know so much about the Army cuz we DS in the Army is he on patrol like us yeah but not for long well that's good he said when he comes back he's going to bring me some condensed milk a I love condensed milk o nice shelter Bingo thanks I'm going to get some peppies pipp doing wee wees Lou oh man I must have fallen off my ship what is it Bingo it's a grownup let's eat it get off don't worry we're friendly I'm not L stop biting him grownups don't belong on rug Island oh please I just want to get back to my ship well you can stay with us until your ship comes back or until I get really hungry I got to say this place looks pretty chill what's the breakfast listen grownup if you want to stay on Rock Island you have to work up a man ripped off this is how we pick our own food fruit too easy fruit that's a snake get off spear it's okay fish ah I [Music] see carrot yeah you got it which what you can do fire uh grown up huh y my B fish yeah fish C C cook plate thanks have some beetro oh thanks banana H don't forget the salads oh wonderful salad oh The Greenery can you believe it the butler kicked us out oh we'll have to live in the forest not this one she hasn't had of bath in 3 days I like stinking goodbye sweet stinky cook oh we have to make a house out of sticks Hi H I'm not really sure what you're talking about oh thanks these are for my house my buty kick me out oh [Music] super oh yeah those will be the [Music] walles now we need food to eat hey yeah we can plant the seed like Farmers this will grow into a big tree fruit on it there might take a while we need something to eat now it's w Pig [Music] Sly I'll see you tomorrow oh my name's blue salute blue i l see you tomorrow [Music] luk dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow uh yeah I am how long are you gone for just 6 weeks how long is 6 weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it's here that the true challenge of the quest is revealed we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the mag pie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect V paint for you you want to know a secret bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stool this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I McKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it even though I don't want to yes even though that yeah you're probably right what do you think I think I'm getting better see you Collies enjoy the curry see you good luck with the magp now every good hero learns a few things on their Quest MacKenzie's mom can you face paint one more [Music] thing ready yeah armed with everything they've learned along on the way the hero faces their ultimate [Music] test the end you're my hero bingo bingo are your legs still tired oh yes a bumer I wanted to give give some of those pine cones to your mom oh I'll get them hey Binger give me a hand 2 seconds thanks mate she loves pine cones [Music] a can I have a piggy back now not yet a but my leg does not want to walk anymore fin chicken yeah chcken you take hey Bingo let's sneak up on Mom and Dad okay such a peaceful walk yeah so [Music] peaceful you got him you [Music] little do that again yeah yeah on the way back a how much farther to the river not far come on let's keep going but I can't keep going well how about we play chariots yeah chariots oh come on yeah I'm going to meet you Chariot oh no I'll help you horsey that's good exercise can I just have a te little little piggy back nah you'll miss out on too much fun stuff down on the ground a like what fun stuff dad i r you to that bubble up okay bingo Can you say Ready set go yeah Ready set go hey I didn't say go I said goat go I meant smaller I'm bored hi bored nice to meet you I'm hungry oh hello hungry this is Bored oh tough crowd I want some food oh yeah it's morning tea time yeah but I didn't bring any food a you know what kids I think we might be done no I don't want to get out come on Bingo I'm cold well grab your towel kid I didn't bring one just shake I have't learn how to shake it come on no I don't want to get out I'm staying in the pool I can't shake properly Lou give us a hand with your sister I'm never getting out of this Dad I'm cold Dad I'm freezing Dad I'm hungry Dad I'm staring okay can every w't stop saying Dad I think Dad is actually boring mom is way more fun oh that's nice to hear mom I brought all the swim stuff you left behind yeah oh [Music] Bubba so boring things are important sometimes then yes Mom brought the stinky [Music] y I am M who got her legs no Castle I wonder who lived here maybe this is where the other mermaids live [Music] hello um would you mind moving I need to show this shelter my mom maybe I will just head back I think I've had enough walking by myself oh that's just a blue SP can't go back can't go forward what AM Mak get it do M footsteps your mermaid's just got to be brave I am the mermaid who got her legs but only for a day [Music] thanks for moving Mr [Music] pelic [Music] Mom did you come all this way by yourself yes come to Mama little gey I'm still timing you Bingo but I have to catch gcki you brush your teeth I'll catch gy okay no you find your hat I'll catch gy keep timing I can't find it have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere there it is oh yeah come on gcki what was it the Granddad used to say when he was a soldier hurry up and wait hurry up and wait Bingo teeth oh yeah sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this St a why do I have to help okay who's catching gecki I am my banana I'll get it here it comes go [Music] Fus tooth pasty okay let's go I need you out the door in 1 minute can I have my hat like Granddad with a side bit up like that oh look Louie please okay go and get a badge but hurry up sorry time for roll Escape Mom gy sorry come on gcki wao 1 minute well done now let's get going I'm just going to put on my roll skates Bingo there's no time a all right let me put them on for you no you have to time me okay ready to go and we can't leave before gy F of oh look I'm going to give him a hand all right I found a bu great Lou can you please grab my hockey stick I need to get geky down okay the Rabbit Goes Around The Garden no no try again look who I found what is that oh no we got to go but what about the tablets get him what why GR come on okay [Music] okay that was too close what are gray nads the Nanas and grandads in big slow Caravans if we get stuck behind them we'll be the last to the campsite and we'll have to Camp next to the toilet block E I like the gray Nomads their horns are funny but what about the tablets look mom forgot to pack them kid a don't worry I know plenty of non-computer games we can play hope you got 4 hours where games like what games like I buy yeah me first okay but please buy a hard one Bingo it's boring when it's too easy okay I SP with my little eyes something color blue me yes please can I play computer games what's so fun about them well there's one way you have to make chunky chimp jump over barrels you don't need computers to play Jump in games just use your [Music] fingers but there's no barrels to jump uh yeah but you can jump C oh yeah one point two points three points hey you can't play you're driving 7 8 9 10 100 a mil 100 I win all right this is not an actual stop family so everyone just stay those things there's nothing boring about this is there blue no biscuits time to go come what going on it's not finished family meeting big fish is impossible yeah I don't know about this Margaret character she's a silly old watermelon head yeah I want Karen back what if we just refuse to do what she says yeah if we stick together what's she going to do what do you reckon mendor mendor and then they said they weren't going to do anything you say and that they w't car excellent doing [Music] sweetheart that's what being cheeky mendor did you dob on us it's loud it sure is you just pass big fish what okay well she called you a silly old watermelon head you what you fail to come here you pass Big Fish instead but uh Sharon peaked in Marco Polo what I did [Music] not I'll just sa her over here then well D um um I'll just get ready for a squirty um go on you got nothing on me Sharon he he he beat in the bull it's a victimless crime you're to P Big Fish yes you fail you big grub oh Margaret I don't like dobbing on my family if B fails Big Fish then I want to fail [Music] too I'm with mendor yeah what fine you all fail thanks marior you're welcome B welcome back to Little Fish a I'm so proud of you all why is the water warmer here we can have a race to the top whoever plants their flag first wins ready go wait I'm need to get climbing stuff Bard we only have 5 minutes don't start without [Music] me oh where go wait I forgot the music box Bing go that's it I'm starting ready hey you didn't wait for me you taking ages I was packing important Mountain [Music] stuff this is hurt your backpack's too heavy that's why we just go to my climbing stuff and my m mom and dad H yes I'm going the right way oh Bingo ooh this is a nice view e this B the mountain stinks wi bingo bingo what are you doing we're racing ooh this is going to be a bit tricky help I'm fing I got all done help bingo I'm coming don't worry I got some rope in my backpack gra on I got your blowing hold [Music] on ph thanks Bingo that's okay dream about being a fruit bat it didn't work oh well you tried what is that Ang go he's outside [Music] dad dad dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey yeah hey Dad hey blue you're a fruit bat yeah how is it it's great you get to eat a lot of fruit H I bet hey did you see my try yeah I did how good was it so good there's plenty more where that came from yeah I do all right all right see you Bluey come on let's do this see you [Music] Dad [Music] wow hi 7:00 that was a big S sleep I had the most amazing dream 1 2 3 4 5 6 yes mate seven thanks for looking after us 10 you're welcome I've got your favorite blue fruit salad yuck no more fruit get some toast please m
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 1,513,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, Backpackers, Adventure, Rusty, Jack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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