George Fixes a Machine šŸµ Curious George šŸµ Kids Cartoon šŸµ Kids Movies

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y well will you look at this boat race bucket toss water slide you've got everything you [Music] need the Donk Booth actually I think I can help you [Music] there got it after the fair closed down yeah a mind if we borrow it well only if you invite me to your [Music] fair wow that's the most wonderfullest dunk Booth I've never ever [Music] seen [Music] I think I know where your problem lies [Music] George yep thought so it's your hinge all right rusted stiff [Music] hinges are very important they're what let things open and close like the ones on this [Music] door hinges even help you get around H like your knees and your elbows even your fingers all hinge joints but fingers won't help with a dunk Booth we need a real hinge [Music] h good work George lucky you found a hinge guess what I brought uh it's a dunk Booth I'm going in this is it okay George have at [Music] it don't worry try again you can do it dun him D Hit the Target George [Music] George holy cow the [Music] pigs little Mike stop eating a bear [Music] where's little Mike whoa look I hear you're having a fair you don't mind if we pitch in with a little music um George you guys remember me [Music] watch and learn Mrs rankins cuz if you got it you got [Applause] it just warming up concentrate now George I on the target come on George you can do [Music] it George thank you oh my this is great nice arm for a city kid George stand back my turn I want to dunk Mr yellow trunks both sides have one point we did it we Ted yippe who for [Music] us our final event is midnight alarm it's a har Dinger whoever wins wins the must this game tests each team's response resp to a surprise nighttime emergency when the alarm sounds each team must put on their gear attach their Hol to their truck and run it all the way to the other side of that hill and shoot it off oh yes got this one okay night night [Music] everyone get up get up there's an emergency all right let's go do this I'm ready I'm [Music] [Music] ready [Music] that's a new way to do [Music] it [Music] [Applause] h nice shortcut George [Music] yellow ready turn on the hose now hurry turn it on R [Music] ready [Music] red team wins all right so close so darn close congratulations [Music] Stig hang tight boy we're going to need a long [Music] ladder it's too short we should get our ladder truck from the city oh that'll take [Music] hours George knew Blaze couldn't wait for [Music] hours [Music] okay it's set up come on [Music] [Music] Blaze Ah that's well done George and so the winner of this year's fireman's Master is the Town volunteers what you get extra points for a real rescue it's in the rules here you go a must tests who best prepared for an emergency and today that was you we only brought a truck and a ladder you brought the monkey well Neptune's knickers well thank youall and thank you [Music] George ah [Music] a [Music] now all he had to do was pull the string at 400 a.m. and how is George going to pull the string if he was asleep h i [Music] the heavy book could fall on the string that would open the [Music] flap but now George needed something to push the book so that it could pull the string [Music] his toy truck could push the [Music] book now how would he get the truck to go [Music] George needed something to make the truck start moving and move at the right [Music] time the ringer hit the bells when the alarm went off could the ringer push the truck [Music] [Music] George's wakeup machine was set to go and just in time he was tired but it was hard to sleep with a tube of balls hanging over his [Music] head George decided to watch from the [Music] [Music] sidelines George's wakeup machine was even better than he'd imagined but now George was really tired he didn't see the harm armman closing his eyes for just a [Music] [Applause] [Music] minute the birds were tired too and they couldn't sleep with that [Music] snoring George hadn't overslept now he had two ways to get up a wakeup machine and wake up [Music] birds wow hey George I think you got [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] George was ready for his very first Hamilton sleepover you know George not every animal likes to be picked up like a little monkey yeah maybe we should make him a bed down here so we don't have to carry him [Music] [Music] upstairs say good night [Music] George don't worry George you can have more fun with Hamilton tomorrow but George didn't really have fun with Hamilton and now they weren't even having a sleepover George wondered why the day hadn't gone [Music] better but there were a lot of things George wondered about like how those baby owls could eat a [Music] worm owls must just be different than monkeys maybe that was it George was caring for Hamilton like he was a little monkey instead of a little [Laughter] pig George remembered that Hamilton liked drinking from a [Music] bottle nope not hungry George wished he knew what Hamilton wanted Mr Rankin's list maybe that had the answer [Music] that was the problem Little Pigs liked being cozy and [Laughter] [Music] warm it [Music] worked George finally slept thinking of all the fun he and Hamilton would have together tomorrow little piggy Style [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] before George knew it Hamilton was big and strong and it was time to take him home you did a fine job raising Hamilton George now we just have to see if his brothers and sisters will accept [Music] him [Music] George had done it he had raised a pig okay George time to [Music] go had Hamilton forgotten George [Music] not a chance
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 404,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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