George Goes on a Picnic 🐡 Curious George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies

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it was summertime and the city was trapped in a heat wave a real [Music] scorcher but there was one city dweller who was not hot George was in the country where things were much much cooler oh W you call that a cannonball I'll show you a cannonball George loved the country it had lots of great stuff the city didn't have you could hear frogs croaking you could feel the breeze from a hummingbird's wings when it's spun around the flowers at night you could see A Sky Full of Stars what you doing George stargazing no one knows exactly how many stars there are not even scientists huh that's when George thought maybe it's time somebody found [Music] out and since scientists would probably be very grateful George decided he was just the monkey to count all the stars the most important rule in star counting was keeping track George marked each star down on his Pad [Music] the two most important roles in star counting were knowing the difference between stars and lightning bugs and keeping [Music] track third rule the other two rules don't matter if you don't stay [Music] awake because when you come back the next [Music] night you can't tell which stars were counted or uncounted so last night's count can't count and you have to start all over the only solution counting them all fast before you fall asleep like this 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 [Music] 5 but George wasn't fast [Music] enough morning fellas oh hi Bill George was up late Counting Stars too bad you can't count them now huh they're always there you know we just can't see him on account of the sun being so bright George wasn't so sure about that he wondered what really happened to stars during the day maybe they slept or maybe they got blown out like candles then again maybe there was a guy named Lenny who just pulled a switch wherever they went you can't count something that isn't there George wasn't going to quit there had to be a way to count stars and go to sleep too he just had to figure it [Music] out the big upside down cap it could be a place keeper he could count the Stars below it until he had had them all then move to the other [Music] sides he had a [Music] system you're not Dr gazon are you really a doctor I've been waiting so long I don't even care I have this terrible sneeze it goes away it comes back it goes [Music] away the sweater was muffling the sounds inside there was one way to fix [Music] that or should I keep breathing it might help if I take this [Music] off ah I'm cured you're a genius monkey do doctor [Music] monkey oh I'm not [Music] cured I'm allergic to this sweater you're the best doctor I've ever had and I'm not just saying that because you're a monkey George had cured his first patient but [Music] then doctor is that [Music] you a doctor never ignores a patient in [Music] needa hey you're a [Music] monkey my problem is my arm not my throat I'll wait for Dr gazon because you're a monkey did you hear that weird noise too what is that [Music] sh [Music] I've had the hiccups for two weeks I can't [Music] stop well aren't you going to help me what kind of a monkey doctor are [Music] you that's him that's the monkey that tried to make me go ah he's a genius monkey doctor he discovered my allergy George do you have permission to be a [Music] doctor what's going on out here George what are you wearing you haven't performed any operations have you what was that you don't know I figured it was your medical [Music] Machinery Dr gazed no hello I I came in here during my break to play just one round I must have lost track of time woa nothing feels as great as monkey curiosity satisfied oh my my heup secured George liked the stethoscope and Dr coat so much that Dr Baker let him keep them and though Hunley was grateful the lobby was peaceful he started to worry that someday George might really be his [Music] doctor [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] H it wasn't [Music] perfect yet [Music] George's tree had everything a tree has including a homing pigeon in his new [Music] home oh look at this look at this wow that's a lot of dirt I left Hundley in charge and when I came back dirt everywhere if only I spoke Doon I wish you spoke pigeon a homing pigeon's been living on our balcony for little blue pigeon with a yellow tag yeah you've seen it too that's Compass I thought he was lost forever and I thought the pigeon would be happier on the balcony if it had a small tree to oh no oh bowling what if one of us spoke daon I bet this wouldn't have been a surprise George where are [Music] you [Music] is that a tree George had never felt prouder now that he had the perfect home the bird could live here [Music] forever Compass good to see you yeah Compass is an almost homing pigeon he wanted mid is a weak sense of direction George the doorman is the pigeon's friend he came to take him home to his real [Music] home everybody look who's home see he's back where he [Music] belongs I bought it for birds to sit in so you can draw them nice effort George but birds want to sit in a real [Music] tree compass look a real tree for you make yourself at [Music] home [Music] hi the pigeons still didn't know what George was but he sure made a good tree [Music] being a dog Hunley had tasted a lot of tennis balls but these were the first that ever tasted like ink these were the valuable balls the doorman promised to [Music] protect Hunley couldn't stop George from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him but he knew how to play [Music] defense it was tough for George to guess who sent all this stuff to [Music] him [Music] W uh hold on there's a monkey and a wiener dog at the door those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed I'm going to be very upset now George understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to George by mistake I'll be down to check every last one as soon as I'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball collector came [Music] downstairs all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that be [Music] sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one [Music] place but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a [Music] monkey [Music] [Music] Hunley showed George how to lay them [Music] flat [Music] they did it all the balls were back where they started kind [Music] of [Music] looks like they're all here oh even the Priceless Andy turkey rolly perfect score bowling ball I'm [Music] back is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great thank you Hundley thank you George it's nice to know Hundley has help keeping the place clean and organized George would you like to help Hundley again tomorrow morning you can be my official dorm monkey I won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery day
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 155,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: jW2gdSrHDFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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