How to Make Bacon at Home Like a Pro Butcher (JPV Method) | The Bearded Butchers

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most of you know what this probably is this is an entire pig and today we're going to show you how to make bacon and who doesn't love bacon we're going to start with the cutting process we're going to show you where it comes from on the pig we're looking for pork belly there's going to be two one per side we're going to take one belly we're going to cure it with celery powder and sea salt we're going to take the other belly we're going to cure it with sodium nitrates using a curing salt stay tuned we're going to break this pig apart and we'll show you the entire process not only are we going to show you how to cut it we're going to show you how to smoke it and then we're going to take it to cast iron skillet and we're going to fry some up you can do this at home with just a few pieces of equipment follow along gonna start with busting these pams off of here cutting through the right there the end of the sirloin so we get both of these broke off we'll move to our saw our trusty butcher boy first thing we want to do is break the shoulder off now we want to break the belly off of the pork loin now that we've separated that belly from that loin i'm going to show you how we fabricate the ribs from the belly first thing we do is we make a score right here not going too deep because we don't want to cut into that beloved bacon just take our knife starting at the top of these ribs being careful that we don't put deep score marks in that that bacon work our way down through removing that spare rib now what we'll do is we're simply going to square this belly up we're going to take this end off we're going to square this side square that side up now when we square it up here on the table what that does is after it's smoked and you slice it that gives you a nice uniform piece of bacon if you have one portion that's just slightly thicker than the rest you can always remove that that fat that way it cures nice and evenly throughout so there's one belly let's get the second belly number two same process go ahead and get this one broke down making that score removing this spare rib now chances are when you go to a local butcher and you ask for pork belly this part has already been done so you most likely you won't need to remove the ribs like i am however we just want to show you exactly where these bellies come from and this is just part of the process let's go ahead and get this one squared up this was belly one this was belly two we've got them all trimmed out and ready to go in our cure now i want to talk about this for a second we skin our pigs so what that means is when we butcher this animal we remove the hide when you go to your local butcher you may find a belly that has what they call the rhine the rhine on that you can remove it before you smoke it you can remove it after my opinion it's probably going to make a little bit better looking product if you remove that rind prior to curing and smoking so don't be alarmed if you go to your local butcher and you do buy a pork belly and it has the rind on it so keep that in mind ours we did remove the skin now that we have our bellies cut we were shooting for 10 pounders so let's see how we did boom i think that'll work belly number one weighed 10 pounds let's see about belly number two hey not too bad we hit her pretty close now that i'm done fabricating these beloved bellies i think that's going to be our word today so in our videos we talk a lot about incredible eating experience and there's different little slogans we use throughout our videos so i think today it'll be beloved bellies and we're not talking about mine or scots so now that i have these done scott is the master cure here at white feather meets he's going to take him from here and show you how we cure him that's right this is where i come in this is going to be super simple just plain vanilla basic recipe of course you can take and you can add different spices to this you can kind of take these any direction you want this is just going to be your base recipe to get you a great bacon with nothing added and maybe we'll get into a little bit more of that um adding some spices at the end so first thing we're going to need um we're going to need something to cure these in this made with meat tub is going to work out perfect now i'm going to be using the scales today and that's my father-in-law always said the only thing that separates the amateurs and the professionals are the tools that they have at their disposal that's why it's really great to have some nice tools here so i'm going to use this to weigh out my water i'm going to be doing two gallons of cold water in this case i'm using tap water i let it set overnight so any chlorine that's in it evaporates you can use spring water but it's essential that it's cold so i'm going to be doing two gallons of cold water two pounds of sea salt and then i'm actually going to make this recipe twice because the one i'm going to be using 1.3 ounces of celery juice powder um the other one i'm going gonna be using the pink cure the sodium nitrate so um i just went ahead and put this on the scale put my tub on there i can hit tear now my scale's zeroed out water weighs eight pounds per gallon so i can just go ahead and dump in until i'm up to 16 pounds looks like i need to take a little out i like to be super precise when i'm weighing out anything there it is there it is there we go 16 pounds two gallons of water now at this point um i'm going to use my my celery juice powder again this scale here it's different units i've got it ounces i can go ahead and tear it for the weight of my little glass dish this is um vegetable stable 506 that's the brand name of this we're going to put links i'm going for 1.3 ounces here this scale is super precise as well take out just a pinch there we have it all right so i'm going to go ahead and put my celery juice powder in first give that a little mix you can just use your hand i usually like to use a gloved hand um work out any clumps you have in there this will dissolve here pretty quickly always start with my celery juice powder once i have that completely dissolved then i'll go ahead and add my sea salt all right next is the salt today we're using sea salt again i'm just going to tear for my little um you can you can substitute table salt for sea salt we like sea salt just because it's a little bit more coarse i'm looking for two pounds here so i'm in my units here or in ounces if i want i can just switch it over here so we're going for 32 ounces yeah so after years and years and years of working you know in the commercial world with the usda obviously precision with regard to measuring ingredients is paramount look at that nailed it just like at the gas pump all right 32 ounces sea salt go into the mixture again you can just i like to use my hand because you can actually feel when you've dissolved all those granular time for the belly to go in the drink so you can just submerge that in there i do like to use a couple of these tubs you can use plates whatever that's going to help hold it down minimum of eight days we're going to look at about a quarter inch of penetration per day this will creep into there so um quarter half maybe so minimum of eight days we won't touch this thing it's better to go 10 12 even up to 14 days now this just soaks in your fridge or in your cooler and we've got one more to do with a regular cure so let's get started on that one same process part do two gallons of water i've got a pack here this goes by sure cure this is just a pink cure reason why it's pink is that you don't want your wife or kids to mix it up for uh table salt good golly this thing must be made out of teflon there we go all right so one ounce for two gallons of water swirl that around get it mixed up we go in with two pounds two pounds translates to just about three and a half cups all right i'm a little disappointed why i haven't heard you say beloved bellies yet beloved bellies that was the word the words we just we just got them two more times we'll have more at the end of the video all right so now these are going to soak like i said 8 to 14 days let's call it 10 to 12. goes into the cooler goes into the fridge and after that we really make the magic happen because we'll be going to the smoker so stay tuned for the fun part [Music] we're 12 days in you can see the two bellies in front of me this one has been cured with a curing salt sodium nitrate this one has been cured with the celery powder so both of these have contained sea salt this was the sodium nitrate this one is the celery powder what we're going to do is we want to do some comparisons here we're going to season half of one with our black seasoning and half of one with pepper like we mentioned earlier during the curing process you can really season these however you want you know maybe you want to use maple syrup maybe you want to use brown sugar you could use cinnamon you can use whatever herbs and spices you'd like to do you can even use jalapenos maybe an italian seasoning it's just whatever twist you want to put on it by all means go for it but today we're going to do half of one with black half of one with pepper so we're going to move one out of the way and let's get started with that slab that was cured with uh pink salt get our weights out of there let's pull this belly out get it on our cutting board we're going to start with grabbing a few paper towels and just patting this slab dry get that seasoning to stick real nice on there if we pat it dry a little bit nothing too crazy just get some of that cure off of there and you can see that this belly has turned just slightly off color a little bit gray maybe even a little bit bluish purple to it and that's the uh the cure that went to work during the last 12 days now that we're padded dry pretty simple process we're just going to cut this belly in half you can see that how that cure worked on the inside someone's going to ask about the cutting board epicurren they're on amazon we'll toss in a link it's a really nice cutting board and you probably wonder why i have a cutting board on top of a cutting table it's simply because i'm going to be seasoning on this and i don't want to get our cutting table dirty for the remainder of today so if you want one go to amazon you can find the link there without further ado butcher's black pepper we're just gonna coat this surface area real nice with this nice coarse black pepper and if you haven't had pepper bacon you're really missing out because it is a special treat and you can see that pepper is sticking to that slab real nice that way during the smoking process it won't come off no real worry about over seasoning just get it get a nice coating on there all sides you can even hit the end and the beauty about doing this especially if you're going to be doing it at home is you can do it however you want you can put less pepper you can put more pepper depending on the palettes of your family whatever they enjoy base it off of that let's go ahead and layer these in our meat made with meat lug we're going to separate them by using some butcher paper i'm going to go ahead and wipe my cutting board off and we'll season our next belly now the pork belly that was cured with celery powder and sea salt same thing you can see this one has a different color that celery powder is naturally has that just a little bit of that brownish green tint to it and that's transferred onto that that belly you can see that it's it doesn't have that gray bluish look it's more of a a brown with a little tad of of that green tint so let's just get it padded dry now if you remember from when we processed this and showed you how to cut the bellies both of these slabs weighed right at about 10 pounds so if you're wondering the size 10 pound pork belly and i used about a half of jar of pepper and i assume we're probably going to use about the same amount of our black seasoning just go ahead and cut it right in half very similar look on the inside with both of these bellies the belly cured with nitrates and the belly cured with celery powder they look very similar on the inside black seasoned bacon the coffee and the molasses inside here it's just it's really really good on bacon and if you're going to be doing a bunch of them and you're worried about running out with one of our jars one of our shakers don't forget if you grab a bucket on our website shaker comes for free you can keep refilling the shaker so same thing here as we did with the pepper just put a nice liberal coating on here and i can already smell profiles coming through with that coffee and that molasses on there if you have a pack of bacon at home that has already been cured and smoked don't be shy grab your beard of butch blend seasoning out of the cupboard put some on it as it's in your skillet frying you'll be impressed now the nice thing about the black seasoning is is the the slab has already been cured with celery powder and sea salt and with the black seasoning that sodium isn't going to come through real heavy so when you season it up like this it isn't necessarily going to make the end result super super salty like some might think so there's your black season now what we're going to do is get it in our tub we've got quite a stack of bellies going for the smoker last piece is going in we put butcher paper in between each piece that way it doesn't uh they don't touch each other you don't get the seasoning on a portion that you don't want or the seasonings mixed together now that we have them in our tub let's go get them on the traeger caught us in a little rain here in northeast ohio traeger ironwood 885 it's set at 185 degrees we're gonna hit super smoke mode nope scott already had it on super smoke mode we want the super smoke mode on we're going to get our grille opened up we put a tag on each portion of belly identifying what it is so we're going to put the no nitrite belly on this side here's our little trick we talk about double up those gloves that way you don't get the other seasoning on them so we want to put the seasoned bellies on the bottom and the unseasoned on the top that way none of that seasoning falls down below now we want to take our probe we want to put it in the thickest portion of this belly which i already know is going to be up here at the front so we're going to go ahead and push this probe right into that thickest portion just like that boy don't those look just absolutely dandy 185 degrees we expect this to take probably about six hours we can manipulate that a little bit by adjusting our temperature up if needed so if we need to go to 200 to 225 part way through we will however our finished internal temp on these we're shooting for 152 degrees the grill is loaded up with hickory wood pellets so this is going to be plenty of pellets to do the entire smoke 15 to 20 hours per 20 pound bag of pellets there's going to be no issues there we're going to leave these on the trigger and we're going to keep an eye on them through the app on our phone and we'll be back in a few hours to check them out it's time isn't it we're cutting pigs we need to go rotate some bacons inside the traeger so what we want to do oh boy look at those we're at a core uh probe temp of about 116 117 so we just want to move things around so we're going to go ahead pull this one down to the bottom set this one on the top we want that heat to uh circulate evenly throughout this grill with all four slabs so that's all we're gonna do is rotate them top to bottom let's get them finished off and now you can see that that the uh pepper and the black seasoning that's set up on those slabs real nice so we don't have to worry about it falling out off now onto the plain ones so oh we've got about another 35 40 degrees to go we'll have some bacon six hours in and it just happens to still be raining we were hoping that we could ditch the tent um but anyways enough about the rain let's talk about these bacons let's crack open this treasure and see what they look like [Music] boy don't those look tasty hickory smoked internal temp of 152 degrees so what we've done is we've taken the meat your maker lugs and we put a couple baking racks in the bottom of it so we're gonna go ahead and set these slabs inside the lug that way it keeps it up off the bottom a little bit we'll place them in the cooler overnight we'll let them rest and then tomorrow going to slice these we're going to get them vacuum sealed and we're even going to fry some up in a cast iron skillet on the birch barrel so without further ado let's just start with this regular cured bacon to that nice color on there beauty so there's the chunk that we didn't season now let's do the pepper so this is the regular cured and by regular i mean cured with the sodium nitrate and i think that one's ready to rest too so if you look inside this tub non-peppered peppered both cured with sodium nitrites now off to the celery powder pure slab [Music] there's that one nice color both of them i would say very consistent in color and they smell just wonderful smells like bacon charlie do you approve that is the black season look at the color on that one smell is it hitting you it's coming it's coming look at that so here cured with celery powder and sea salt plain beer to butcher black season this one curd was cured with sodium nitrates plain and coated in cracked black pepper of course you could just put these like on a fridge maybe you've got a fridge in your shop whatever you put on the the rack but make sure they're going to drip some so that's why it's great to have these in this tub but yeah if you put them until they cool down they're going to drip a little bit just just put something underneath of them but it's nice to get them raised so that air circulates all the way around there so as you can see up to this point obviously you know we butchered the pig we hung it in our cooler we fabricated the uh bellies out of it those what was our word beloved beloved bellies beloved bellies these do nests too just if you need to stack them one over each other in a fridge they nest together like that so we you know we did fabricate these these beloved bellies out of that pig um we ended up with two slabs and they weighed about well ten and nine point whatever nine zero um so 20 pounds of pork belly we'll weigh these after they've sat in the cooler overnight so we'll tell you how much shrink loss we had it's probably not a ton um but in the end if you think about you know economically eating bacon especially if it's a large family maybe you don't get to treat yourself to bacon a whole lot because of the cost well this is a good way to produce it more efficiently more affordably for your family because you can go to your local butcher and you can buy a plain pork belly and you can cure it at home so now we do understand that you have the investment in the smoker and the meat equipment however this is stuff that's going to last you a long time certainly isn't a one-time deal and you can never have you know these products again so with the traeger you've seen us make um the hot dogs using the meat equipment you've seen this make the summer sausage the beef sticks so very versatile items and in the end it's all about bacon sizzling in that frying pan so which we're gonna do tomorrow let's let these rest overnight we're gonna get them in the cooler it's the next day our bacons have had time to sit overnight in our cooler and you can see some of that moisture is coming out of those slabs a little bit but man i can smell them they look awesome let's get to slicing you want to start with the celery powder or the sodium nitrate slab first it doesn't matter to me do not nitrite yeah i'm gonna start with the one that's not seasoned first we're gonna have to do our plain ones first so we don't keep our slicer clean i wanna start off by showing you which direction to slice these so if you look at this half slab this was the the top end where that where that spare rib was and then this was the bottom but we want to slice this this direction not long ways we want to slice it across width wise like that at that point we'll just get it on our slicer have this set at a nice old-fashioned style thickness let me just kick this off for a second take a look i don't know about you guys but that looks like some mighty fine bacon and we're going to slice up maybe a half a dozen or so slices of each kind before we go to the frying pan beautiful beautiful slices of old-fashioned style hickory smoked bacon if you told somebody that you made this yourself they might not even believe you go ahead and take a look look at that color that's that's the celery juice powder the no nitrite cure or the naturally occurring nitrites and it's got that nice pink color just like you would get out of your sodium nitrite that is our celery powder cured unseasoned bacon it's time for the regular cured bacon with the sodium nitrites and we'll compare the regular cured to the one cured with a celery powder and sea salt same thickness there's the sodium nitrate cured there's the celery powder cured i can't even tell a difference just get some slices going and get them laid out on our tray of course you could do this by hand with a nice sharp knife but having the slicer um just i mean you see what short work that's making out of that and of course you're going to be able to use that for not just bacon but like the summer sausage the bologna of course cheeses anything you want sliced precise and thin and you can adjust your thickness also so like i said i have this set on a kind of an old-fashioned style nice thick bacon there is your unseasoned this is a celery powder this is a sodium nitrite side by side and you can see that you can hardly even tell the difference on to the pepper cracked black pepper if you've never had it i highly recommend it this is going to get a little messy on our slicer so we're going to do the black pepper and then we'll go to our bearded butcher blend black season slab starting off with the pepper look at that puts that nice crust on there that beautiful color imagine having that frying in a skillet around the holidays the fact that you can produce something like this at home it's pretty awesome and we're here to show you how to do it the satisfaction out of knowing that you can do this that my friends is beautiful down to the last one seasoned with our bearded butch butcher blend black has the molasses has a coffee in it you can see all the other the other three that we've already done now it's time to see what this one looks like we left the messiest one for last that way we didn't have to clean our slicer in between each one look at that nice color on there and we fried this up before we've made it a couple times here at white feather meets our shop and it almost has a little bit of a pepperoni taste to it and like i mentioned earlier in this video if you want to just sprinkle some of our spice blends on your bacon as it's frying you can certainly do that there they are see that nice coating of seasoning on there that beautiful color inside that beloved belly now let's just get it set up and get these shingled and then we're going to pass them off to scott and he's going to get some always take your first one back here that way you have a you you can hide it that way that first slice is a nice nice pretty one so there they are black season cracked black pepper plain celery powder and plain sodium nitrate let's get them sealed up get them on the skillet so i'm going to vacuum seal the some of the strips to just demonstrate the best way to preserve your bacon is vacuum sealed we're going to be using the meat vacuum sealer admittedly terrible at this job especially when it comes to bacon so i'm going to put i think i'll do about six slices in a bag i'll drop them in here then you can squish them down shingle them up a little bit make it look like you're professional but like i said admittedly terrible at this job no yeah i want to show you a little scott's hot tip um so when i put this in here it's going to want to fall off the seal bar because this bag right here is just so i can use something like seth's knife right here and i can prop that up so that way i catch my seal bar see what i did there i'm full of more scotch hot tips all right so while that's sealing i can get started on a new one again just kind of working through my plane because the seasoned ones make a little bit of a mess oh we're done let's get my favorite part spencer can you get that in there there it goes look at that doesn't that make that look like an absolute professional pack all done with homemade equipment i know we're in the commercial setting but we're using literally made for home use so let's keep packing where's that knife it's right here no no no don't you get away i want to show you something so if you want like if you're going to do like sandwiches you can take um slices like this and this is another scotch hot tip you can just you can just rip them right down the center and then you can pack these up like so seth wants to show you too you can back that step up one one step further you can just rip your your slab and then that lets you have a little bit more control on the slicer and he's going to do some super thin slices just to show you move right up here to do it because while there's nothing like a thick cast iron sliced bacon if you want to have a nice real thin strips to put on sandwiches or something like that he's going to show you just how thin you can get it with this slicer way thinner than you would ever get with a knife so if you like thin bacon this is for you so maybe you think that you know ours is a little bit too thick by all means just change that thickness on that meat slicer and you can have nice thin crispy slices of bacon just like that pretty simple and then you know we're using this slicer for bacon but if you do summer sausage or you do bologna or make your own smoked ham at home or whatever you can use it you can chip it you can sandwich slice it however you want now let's take these to the frying pan we've got the birch barrel fired up we're gonna throw them in a cast iron skillet and we're gonna have some breakfast i've got a 17-inch lodge cast iron skillet this is actually mine from home it's going to go on the birch because there's nothing like bacon sizzling cast iron over an open fire let's get that skillet heated up uh which flavor we're going to start with it's going to be the one of the unseasoned ones you want to just start with the celery powder cured what we call no nitrite added just build it right up it's going to be a flight of bacon i like it how could you go wrong with a flight of bacon sounds if you're against a flight of bacon that's that's un-american in my book let's wait for the skill to get hot let's fry some up let's get the bacon in the skillet have the lodge cast iron on here let's just get it laid in there listen to that sizzle a lot of action around here this morning seth it is but hey oh man that smell hit you wow the only thing that would make this better is if we were on the side of a mountain somewhere first batch coming off the birch barrel wanted to make sure that we didn't burn it some people like super crispy bacon but different strokes for different folks i guess we think this is perfect let that cool for a minute while that cools let's go ahead and get the uh unseasoned bacon slices on here that were cured with sodium nitrates so we talked a little bit about our coals and where to place them underneath the skillet and you can see where we have them right there uh we've got the rockwood charcoal in there but we know that we didn't want this fire to get completely out of hand because then this stuff would just cook so fast and have we'd have a harder time uh keeping it from burning i got a coffee coffee chaser i'm just i'm going just full on full-on slice my mind screams back to like a pure farm mooring before school all those that is absolutely bacon at its finest not too salty and the great thing about this one this is the the no nitrite um it's just like i said jpv bacon just plain vanilla it's just like it's just bacon with just like the salt really really really good bacon mmm throw a little coffee behind that wow unbelievable so as this bacon is sizzling um scott and i i mentioned to scott this morning i looked at our youtube channel this morning and 80.4 of our views come from viewers that aren't actually subscribed to our channel let's see how we can fix that because we're uploading videos constantly but not to the point where you'd get annoyed with it so we don't want you to miss out we have people that reach out to us and they inquire about a video that's already on our channel so the way you avoid that hit that bell for notifications and please if you don't mind subscribe to our channel let's get that percentage way way way up in our favor and subscribers so just thought we'd mention that we're done now this is the slab that we cured with sodium nitrate so we'll sample this one we just had the one cured with celery powder and sea salt so let's see how they compare you better test out those tongs that little slip up there looks like they're still in good shape yep they're still working these are my like my favorite tongs we've used them in think about every video so pepper black pepper let's get this one i personally love peppered bacon you know what i i was just sitting here thinking and i i like the height of this birch barrel um it's super handy because i mean we're outside and if you think about cooking over an open campfire or whatever usually you're you know you're bent over and you're way down here but it's just a nice comfortable height to cook on it's time for the regular bacon virtually the same i couldn't tell the difference between the two both delicious bacon cheers so uncured cured nitrite no nitrite it's a long explanation naturally occurring nitrites found in celery juice powder and sea salt are going to have the same effect as sodium nitrate however obviously celery juice powder is not a it's not a man-made chemical it's a chemical it's not a man-made chemical naturally derived sodium nitrate literally a man-made compound so there's an argument they do the same thing they perform the same way my money is on something that's growing out of the ground naturally produced um i know we've extracted it made a powder out of it so that's a little bit of the difference same same effect uh and that's kind of what we're proving here just one's natural one's man-made ready for some peppered bacon i am i already know the peppered bacon is cooling let's get the black in the skillet time for the pepper see that pepper on that edge of that bacon oh man do you realize that we're doing it to spencer again [Laughter] it's a tough job somebody's got to do it i love like the the back end of the pepper because you get like the the salt and hickory and the smoke coming through that pepper comes through there peppered bacon has always been one of my favorites incredible it's the last flavor it's that black seasoned bacon look at the color on these strips let those cool down for a little bit and then we're going to sample them wow there you have it it's time for the last of the four different varieties this one's seasoned with the bearded butcher black crusted right on there on the edge oh my gosh that's such a unique flavor like you mentioned it's like a tiny bit pepperoni but it's all the goodness of bacon that is fantastic i love that do you have a favorite i think i have a different a favorite for each different occasion yeah this is special maybe this is like something you can make and somebody's like wow i've never had bacon like that like you talk about occasion maybe even different time of the year because like pepper you think about you know christmas time the holidays um yeah this is just kind of that wow wow your guests with something maybe that they've never had but you could get one slab one 10-pound slab cut it in quarters and you can make four of these or three of these or whatever because the curing is the same well the curing on that entire slab would be the same right slice it into four slices and then do each each quarter a different way unbelievable if if i'm just looking for like the wow i'd probably be the black like something i've never had never had bacon like that that's that's impressive bearded butcher black beloved bacon what do you think about that i love it so you saw shoes obviously the pig livestock we butchered right here we cut the belly out we used the jpv the just plain vanilla curing process super easy to replicate that at home probably the biggest challenge would be if you go after the vegetable stable 506 celery juice powder it's a little bit hard to find i think just on the home user market but you can use the sodium nitrate instead obviously the salt the water easy stuff then we get into the traeger which we found is an absolute wonderful device for smoking um the 885 our favorite model we had 20 pounds of bacon did them perfectly get that great flavor and then we finished it off with the cast iron skillet and the birch barrel obviously you can use a skillet at home and then the meat equipment all along the way just made this process it turned it from what used to be commercial available only to the home user equipment so you're able to turn out perfectly sliced perfectly packaged bacon just like you see here so using all that equipment made all the difference to turn out what we would consider homemade bacon that's identical to what you would purchase from a commercial resource and it's not difficult to do yourself might be intimidating we talk about this a lot however with those tools with the knowledge go step by step in this video you can absolutely do this at home so i think it was a success bacon we did it don't forget facebook instagram tick tock subscribe to our also here on our youtube channel because we've got tons more to come you know the deal and we drop links in the description for all of this stuff so you want to find it it's in the link description below and click on the link you're going to find everything you need here and if you love bacon drop a comment tell us how much you love bacon until next time see ya [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 2,058,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bearded butchers, bearded butcher blend, bearded butcher bbq, chipotle, cajun, hot, original, seasoning, wild game, grilling, big green egg, bge, charcoal grill, whitefeather meats, ohio, creston ohio, scott perkins, seth perkins
Id: 8fuOmhzGAtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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