I Trusted Noobs With Mythical Blox Fruits

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today I'm going to be trusting random players with my blockx fruits starting with this guy oh let's see can I have that back let's see first SE will this guy who I randomly gave a spear he just gave it back wait this guy actually gave me a spe back in the first SE here bro you can keep it I didn't expect that at all we're going to trust more people with my fruits and see if they give them back can someone hold a fruit for me please just say yes he he wants my dark Blade no is this guy going to do it oh no he's a troll face bro you'll do it I need a back though oh he'll do it okay okay come here uh let's see do fruit how about the do fruit yeah let's do that just put trash on the table so listen if this guy oh my God paw worth like literally like 100k bro I need the do fruit back though okay my mom is buying me storage in 3 hours he said what the hell I don't trust this guy at all should I do it with this guy he says why don't you just hold it cuz I just rolled one and I don't have room do you accept the mission he said yes okay I guess we're giving this guy my D fruit oh he actually added me he might he might be be willing to honor it okay 4 3 2 1 and there goes my do fruit for a paw fruit is he going to say scammy all right see in 3 hours wait is this guy really going to do it okay peace thanks oh he's already going straight to magma RA bro this guy might actually honor it he was the one that sent me the friend request we're going to check back in in B this is literally some random dude by the way like on everything I just joined this Lobby I guess we're going to see in 3 hours by the way if this guy gives me my do fru back at the end of the video I'm going to give him a permanent do as a reward but I don't think that's going to happen Okay we got an ice fruit very sought after despite the price maybe I I honestly don't think so what is bro doing bro thinks it's a concert oh these dudes are flexing let me Flex too oh wo wo I didn't mean to drop it I was just flexing can I have my ice back who even took it was it this guy I don't even think this dude speaks English I'm going to be real bro hit me with the oh he has it can I get it back he's shaking his head no please ice fruit bro I'm acting like a first C player please fruit wait they both have it there's no way both of them are flexing on me oh he gave it back it was this dude that had it I thought that was my ice fruit and this dude was just flexing on me okay thank you bro I don't even think this dude speaks English I'm going to be honest dude probably Google translated my message and then gave it back that's actually goat activity bro you know what bro keep my ice fruit hopefully we find some more people like that in the next Lobby when you think of who to trust in this game the people you're the least likely to trust are the people in the jungle in the first sea oh no this is such a bad idea can someone please hold this fruit for me for 5 minutes this is a terrible idea bro I will all right where are you we're only has 3K I don't trust him at all oh here he is this is such a bad idea oh these guys both said yes who should I trust more I need it back though okay I'm not getting it back it doesn't matter who I choose okay that dude said wait this dude said okay let's drop it to him take it what is a manual going to do this is a terrible idea he already froze he's trying to store it or eat it all BRB all right we're just going to go up in this tree where is Emanuel going bro what is he doing he just stored and left the game I mean I I can't say I didn't know it was going to happen he scammed me I should have trusted the noob bro this dude wouldn't have scamed scam me bro this is why you trust me you know what let's trust this guy wait we're going to do a double trust test I'm going to get my friend in here and he's going to roll okay my friend's going to roll and then we're going to see if this guy was actually the trustworthy one I honestly bet I'm just going to get scammed twice though okay we have a bomb fruit let's see is the guy still here can we trust this guy instead can you hold this bomb fruit for me he said yes sir did he just store it really did you just store it there's no way I just got double scammed in the first SE I just asked did you just store it no o all BRB will this guy hold on to it let's see what what is he going to do he's not moving I kind of feel like I could trust this guy bro this seems like a good bacon this isn't a police fruit bacon it's a very rare species only 1% of Bacons are like this what's bro doing is he trying to give my fruit back to the dealer bro's trying to gamble I'll give it like another minute he just said bomb is mythical oh no he dropped it again I don't think he's going to scam me bro he's doing circles around it bro he's doing a ritual all right should I go back I don't think he's going to scam me I should have trusted him with the light okay um back oh he has it is he going to drop it or is it stored he dropped it I mean why would he steal a bomb I don't know but it is the first seed they will take anything they can get thank you bro I wish I trusted you with the light he said you're welcome bro I should have given this guy the light fruit I didn't trust him cuz he was a bacon in the first SE that was fair that was a fair assumption here you can keep the bomb fruit cuz you're new just keep it bro thank you br's not even taking it is it better than Spike um that's awkward the guy I gave the D fruit to I have not seen him online in like 5 days I'm not going to lie like I've just been missing him complete opposite schedules and I just checked my messages look at all this um are you back yet I'm going to play Arsenal if you need the fruit B never mind it's longer than 3 hours it's been 5 hours now 6 hours sir are you back yet hey your fruit is still stored today he said hey I'm sick right now so I'm not going to be on very often but I have your fruit still bro has been waiting for me for an eternity and I missed all his messages I thought he was just going to scam me yo so I might actually be able to trust this guy bro it seems like he really wants to give it back let me just quickly say yo I'm on sorry I didn't see any of the messages I think he's trustable but we'll see I'm going to try and get him on one more time and we're going to find out at the end of the video if I can get this D fruit back from him yo G I can't store this spider can you hold it for me while I do a raid oh he said yes this guy seems trustworthy oh he just instantly dropped it back to me I'll be back in 5 minutes I swear he just stored it he said okay bro he literally is the troll oh it's over okay 5 minutes what time is it I'm going to go do a raid if this dude has it when I come back this is going to be insane wait bro actually sent me a friend request is he about to deliver and actually give me my spider back I'm not going to lie I don't trust this dude at all I'm trying to have some good faith here but bro title is the troll this is a recipe for disaster if we're being real screw this dumb raid bro darkbeard new side quest just dropped okay bro finally darkbeard is about to die come on now that is good enough that's basically a raid we're going to go back to the cafe and find out okay where's our guy he's not here he's in the lobby wait he didn't fully leave he's downstairs wait okay I can't get down the ladder what is bro doing is he actually just holding it for me yo Gio bro's talking to the wall no that's just the animation bro's definitely about to log out with my spider come on now oh he's here do you have the spider oh my God can you drop it or is he going to scam me on the trading table oh my God this guy's the gold bro no way the troll actually gave it to me back you're the goat you know what Gio can keep it bro just keep it bro said no it was a test it's all yours you passed oh thanks there we go we need more people like that let's see if the next lob is like that too got some people down there damn does he have a portal oh he's just flexing oh this is perfect can anyone hold this fruit for me for a sec oh he said sure okay I'm going to say I need it back though okay cool magma oh no yes I'll give it back okay I trust trust you this is not going to end well bro the first C the please fruit capital of the world he just stored it that was definitely a store bro he scam me no he scammed the magma bro said all right I'll store for now bro you can't drop if you store he's plain dumb he said what I could give back what do you mean he's plain dumb he knows you can't drop it once you store it he said yes I can bro he knows what he's doing bro he's fully scamming me now playing dumb okay do it then oh he took it out you can't drop it bro scam me he's plain dumb bro he just got a free magma rip he said I didn't know no bro knew for sure oh I'm so sorry okay maybe he didn't know maybe he didn't know it's okay bro bro insta stored it what do I owe you nothing it's okay you know what maybe he's a master manipulator genius but honestly I think it was an accident he said could I like trade it back bro has 54,000 Bounty not in the first C bro it's okay you keep it all right um either bro is a genius and he just tricked me or um he he's really just a new player he said I made a big oopsie I'm going to do the first SE one more time I really believe someone in the first SE will give me a good fruit back I can't wait for the day to come the other guy there just said you just got free magma well good thing I didn't give it to that guy cuz he would have stored it on purpose okay next Lobby I've had enough first SE experience to know that says please fruit in Spanish I know Uma fruit says please fruit in a different language I already know that he's he said can you give me a fruit yes or no let's say yes see him okay I just said yes in Portuguese but I need it back after I just told him in Portuguese then I need it back after it's a simple transaction why is he not talking how about this he said hold on what did he even say bro he said something about a kilo fruit it doesn't translate well he's sad okay I think he ignored me asking for it back I don't know should I give it to this guy oh he already has a dark fruit he doesn't even need this okay just for the sake of things I'm just going to drop him this dark fruit let's just see if he can give it back he just stored it or at least took it out of his hand I'm just going to say in Portuguese can I have it back we're in the Portuguese first SE this is an extra risky operation there's a language barrier oh what a plot twist he said Pronto all right I said thank you I said thank you bro what a plot twist I'm not going to lie I didn't have faith bro I was communicating with a dude in a different language and in the first sea the police fruit fruit scamming hell and this random guy just clutches what did he just just say did he just please fruit me immediately after spin a fruit for me should we I'm just going to pretend I roll dark I don't want to waste my spin all right here's your dark fruit I am heading out saying can we practice PVP I'm not good sure I guess here's what I'm going to do since I have a quake fruit in my inventory right before we PVP I'm going to drop it I'm going to say I don't want to die with this and we're going to see if Mr cap just picks it up and runs while we're pvping follow me oh wait wait wait wait before we fight said I don't want to die with this let's see if he steals it midf fight okay oh he almost went bro's getting tempted all right let's go I'm obviously going to lose I suck at PVP oh I'm dead oh oh I'm just too good we're out of here oh GG wait I just realized that whole time I had him sucked into another dimension so he couldn't take the Quake even if he wanted um bit awkward all right let's go back to the cafe where is he let's go again is he already back here oh the Quake is still here I don't know how he got back here but um yeah I'm going to put on magma I'm actually really really bad at PVP oh he said um where are you you left your Quake yeah I'll grab it after you ready okay 3 2 1 go what did you just do did he just try and grab the quake in one swoop oh he doesn't have PVP on hold up why would I use this upwards uh well we need to cut this game play no one can see this damn okay now he just nailed me with that it's over it's over oh they don't know about my combos it's over wait unless I'm the goat I'm the goat and the Quake is still there that's the most important part I'm going to say okay GG I got to go I'm going to go to the cafe and let's see if he reminds me about my Quake fruit or just takes it honestly Mr cat is so nice I know him from other videos I don't think he's going to take it and even if he does I won't care Mr Cat deserves it okay let's see he's still on the Island so he should see the Quake there oh he's here he said wait oh does he have the Quake with him he brought it with him this is why Mr cat is the goat you can just keep wait did I store it what just happened to it never mind I stored by habit LOL I'm 99% sure this dude is in another clip of this video but I've been recording this video over the course of like a week with a bunch of stuff in between so I honestly forget but anyway Mr cat is the goat next Lobby okay so I have a droppable spider fruit in this lobby as you can see I made a small mistake and I accidentally had my joins on so like three people joined my Lobby that know me but we're going to use this to our advantage I'm going to drop this spider fruit somewhere on the map and I'm just going to say I'm going to leave it there we're going to see if I can trust my friends to not take the spider fruit from me I'm just going to put a spider fruit right here you know what boom who are you bro's already booking it over here oh no we got to switch places look where should I put it the HT chip just going to put a spider fruit right there right on the haunted ship no why are you following me bro he's trying to kill me too like what I can't even trust this guy not kill me bro let alone not steal my fruit can I drop it here oh my God bro like I can't go anywhere in this Lobby without someone's just standing in front of me one dude's trying to get the fruit one dude's trying to kill me and one dude is just chilling okay I guess we're doing this in the cafe sweet okay let me go invisible for a second maybe they won't be able to find me if I do that okay think I'm safe I'm just going to say who want to do a raid to distract them for 1 second just please bro instantly said me bro yeah go to the raids go to go do a raid dude oh my god look how fast this guy is dude no wonder I can't get away from him bro he a speedboat all right I actually baited them out wow that was genius now that no one's here I had to drop a spider fruit downstairs in the cafe no one take it for 5 minutes please let's see if we can trust two of my subscribers are still in this Lobby I set it boom invisible I'm going to go invisible and watch wait we're going to get the 4k camera set up I'm using an invisibility glitch they can't see me right now I think that'd be awkward if they could no one's taking it yet someone said I might guard the spider yeah sure buddy we'll see about that oh he can't see me he would have ran up to me if he could see me someone said just pick it up okay oh he's storing it if he picks it up he's storing it he's going to get tempted supposedly this guy thinks he's guarding it okay he took it was that a store was that the insta store the classic the first c classic he actually doesn't see me the invisibility glitch is working yeah he said he's waiting for me bro doesn't know I'm right next to him okay I'm going to wait 5 minutes he better have this in 5 minutes especially since he picked it up oh he put it back down he didn't store it wait bro is mad honorable who's this oh my God I actually guarded the fruit from him this dude was going to take it okay good thing Ora guarded it otherwise this guy would have just stolen it dude this guy's like Pro level guard what oh he dropped it again he actually didn't store it bro all right I'm just going to come back and pick it up okay Ora thanks for guarding it bro Ora is like the best guard someone could ask for bro if he wasn't there that random guy would have taken the fruit all right he can keep it though where'd he go where did it bro go here take it there we go it's all yours he said that despite Ora being a subscriber that's still pretty impressive I was able to just drop a spider in a public Lobby and I got it back after 5 minutes that's insane the guy I gave the D fruit to he's on wait I just got a message he's on join me I give your fruit right now okay he's on he's on he's on please where's the join button where's the join button bro join join join join oh my gosh he's being serious server's full no the server's full let me message him yo the lobby is full one sec oh my God he got off it's the end did I just miss my chance no bro the lobby was full I couldn't do anything okay I join you then let me turn my joins on I guess I'm going to join I'm in the third SE no I'm in the third SE dude I got to go back this Lobby is definitely full this guy's sick and he got on to give me back my dough this might be the most trustable human on the planet bro's going out of his way please let me get in his Lobby I'm in this is him this is him this is him oh my gosh it's him bro it's him there he is the troll face where is he oh I don't see him anywhere yo there he is bro what what's he doing what is wrong no no not you please let me on I'm just trying to get my dough back bro okay I'm on the table with him okay if he actually locks it he locked it in if he does this trade he didn't scam me at all he didn't try and get any extra fruits out of me oh my gosh let's go I got it dude I actually got it thank you so much dude he said he's sick and he got on just to do this this is the most trustable person on the planet I just bought Robo here we go do fruit permanent do fruit this is what you get for being the most trustable human on the planet hopefully that was the right person right I didn't really double check okay it was yes where where's his reaction I want to see his reaction he said holy sh bro no way let's ask can you subscribe for sure there it is this is what you get when you subscribe today I'm going to pretend to accidentally drop fruits to see if people will give them back starting with this guy I'm going to beg for it back in chat let's see what he does I meant to eat please give back all right what's he going to do I just dropped this guy a do oh no oh he's not giving it back oh no he left the game he stored and instantly left oh my God I just got robbed no way okay he obviously failed the trust test but let's see if the next guy will actually give me my fruit back what is wrong with this guy I didn't even know you could dance on this game we're going to give this guy a fruit to hold until the end of the video and if he gives the fruit back to me I'm going to give him the permanent of whatever fruit I gave him can you hold a fruit for me okay are you going to come and trade he's going to dance watch him dance dude there's something wrong with this guy's head okay get on the trading table you just said you would trade what fruit should I give this guy to hold it has to be something rare or else there's no point like it has to be oh I have two Venoms should I give him a Venom just give me trash I just need trash just add trash Oh Perfect can you keep it for a few hours and then give it back when I have room all right let's just do this I'm scared oh God okay wait Brandon come here y thanks yo thanks no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill he said I will keep this safe thank you Brandon please take good care of it he's emoting he's I made a mistake I'm not getting my Venom back okay we're going to find out at the end of the video we're going to reinvite this guy and see if he kept my Venom or if I just got scammed all right we're going to give this guy this fruit because he's begging and then I'm going to ask for it back after all right I dropped it actually I need it can I have back please thanks no that's not what I asked that's not what I asked oh well I didn't really expect him to just drop it like that because he was like I I dropped the fruit to the fruit beggar I didn't really think he was going to give it back um you know what you you can just keep it I bet if I was in the first SE and I asked for my fruit back I wouldn't have gotten it but I guess the second SE is a bit different I'm going to make a horrible trade and then I'm going to beg for my fruit back because I'm going to say my little brother was trading in my account oh here we go baller magma please all right here we go quick overpay I'm going to give him love accept oh oh obviously he takes this like I'm trying to lose a trade in overpay and imagine he didn't take it now I'm going to go no my brother was on my PC well I was gone what did he trade check the chat oh no way he's running he's running with the love fruit did he leave did he just leave the where'd he go what was that guy's name baller are we still here please trade back if he's down to trade it back I'm just going to let him keep it because that's like too nice I'll wait till like 1 second and then I'm going to cancel it to see if he was actually down all right it was a test you can keep it bro I can't believe this guy was going to return it I thought he was leaving for sure actually no bro if I did that with the dough he would have been gone it would have been in his stomach the second I traded it to him oh my God what what is that chance I think what we're going to do is I'm going to tell them I rolled it and I need storage for it and I need my mom to go buy me storage so they just need to hold it for like 5 minutes wait where is he me there he is there look at his skino can you hold it for 5 minutes will I get my mom to buy me storage all right come here bro can you hold this for me all BRB 5 minutes okay now that he has it right there we're going to set a timer and if I come back in 5 minutes and he gives it back he's a good guy okay so I'm pretending to be AFK he can't see me moving or anything but I'm watching he's just standing there with it damn this guy's begging for it and he defended me and says it's his dude this guy might be the goat I think he's trying to drop it to me while I'm AFK oh my god oh he picked it back up imagine he just dropped it there and left it cuz he doesn't he doesn't want to wait but this guy might intercept it we're over half the time 2 minutes left oh no I like this guy bro he's trying his best to drop it to me and make sure no one else gets it 1 minute left he's admiring the art on the wall that um that's suspicious painting over there he's admiring that 3 2 1 I'm back did he get rid of it he hasn't no way is he trying to bait me to go in the combat zone is he just going to kill me he passed the test bro that guy guarded the fruit from a pleased fruit beggar in the second C for 5 minutes straight we're about halfway through the video and we're just going to check on our friend rip Brandon if you don't remember he's the guy lent a Venom fruit to at the start of the video and once I'm done recording hopefully he's going to return the Venom to me which probably won't happen so we're just going to ask him actually hey Brandon you still have my Venom right I will need it back soon okay Brandon is still online which I thought was a good thing at first but it means maybe he just ate my Venom and now he's leveling it up I just refreshed my launcher and he said huh yes it's store thank you Brandon see you in a few hours I don't think this is going to happen but in the meantime we're going to just trust some more random people to hold my fruits oh a free flame fruit don't mind if I do sweet all right now we have a fruit to drop and troll with so what's going to happen is I said my eyes are too bad to read this down here so I'm going to drw the flame fruit and then we're going to see if he gives it back after we take it bro there's a smoke fruit too can someone take this for a sec and read the name it's flame can I have back it sounds cool this dude just said bro did you steal it I'm pretty sure this dude just stole it not the one that read it out loud but the I think this dude just ran in and stole it is he trading my flameer oh this guy's defending me you took it give him back oh he's defending me this guy's a beast bro please give flame fruit I bet he stored it this guy's evil bro there's something about him it's the top hat maybe oh he's attacking him for me let's go this dude doesn't care he just ran off with my flame fruit King hirosi please give it back let's see This Is The Moment of Truth he's looking at me will he drop it he's running away the guy I actually asked to read out the name of the fruit for me backed me up but some random dude came in and stole it and is now just going crazy on the trades I I think we're just going to go to the next Lobby I I don't I don't think I can get that flame fruit back I'm going to roll and hopefully I get a good fruit that someone can steal from me barrier you know what that's not bad that's not bad like it could be worse it could have been kilo or chop or something okay wait I'm going to fake react like I'm excited I got barrier and then I'm going to accidentally drop it and see if someone steals it from me this guy said OMG um I'm just going to drop this barrier and see if someone takes it for me I guess all right let me drop it no please give it back I waited so long to roll barrier come I offer you barrier oh so he wants a trade he's trying to tax me for my barrier oh I already have two barriers oh that's obvious he was trying to give me my barrier back for free and then he realized I have two in my inventory can I please have barrier I'm just going to act stupid he said I want to give it to you but you already have them did you store yes RIP I mean this guy tried to give it back but why did he instantly store if he knew he was going to do that who even is excited to store a barrier bro it's trash do you have offer for oh no way he's trying to make me pay for it now nah um bro this guy was like wanting to give it back like I don't I wouldn't say he's a bad guy but like why would he store the barrier like why like what was the point of that okay it's time the Moment of Truth all right Brandon is luckily still online um I don't know how this is going to go we're just going to join him hopefully his Lobby has room okay where is Brandon he's in my Lobby who relax buddy oh Brandon he was rolling Brandon you sneaky dog oh you got a magma too it's not that bad Brandon dude what is with this guy in the dancing oh my where is he going bro trade trade yes yes yes yes okay what did he give me he gave me like a quake and barrier I think this is the moment of truth if this guy returns me my Venom I have to give him a permanent Venom I don't think that's going to happen Happ he's emoting on me I could have picked any other person in the cafe earlier and I picked this guy how do you even emote like what do I hit oh he has it wait Brandon wait why was he not putting in the trading table though Brandon come on let's go and now he's emoting with the Venom in his hand Brandon please give it back like it's not the end of the world but like look don't eat it he's going to eat it give more I gave it to you for free this guy wants me to add for my Venom I gave him for free this is not the point I can't believe I'm paying for my own Venom back this is insane one more this guy's out of his mind no he's officially lost it I was like okay maybe I'll pay the spider this guy fails the test I'm being blackmailed for my Venom back this is almost worse than if he ate it I don't even know if I want it back anymore okay wait yes ready three two 1 did I get it I got it I got my Venom back oh my God oh my God I got scammed I did not see that coming he's a businessman bro Brandon is a businessman I just roll a dragon fruit and the first person to ask me for it gets it oh someone's here is he going to ask me for it or just stare oh here's another guy he said drop please all right guess I have to drop it Deal's a deal bro didn't even say thank you he just stored it okay that was the first giveaway of the video and honestly it went way faster than I thought so we're going to go to the first SC now and see if someone asks even faster all right I've made it to the please fruit capital of the world the Blox fruit gotcha I'm going to stand here with this brand new ice fruit that is droppable and the first person to ask me for it is going to get it probably going to be the shortest clip ever I I I want to set a timer I want to know and stopwatch boom this can't take more than a minute oh my God someone's already right there what are y'all doing there's no way bro 23 seconds holding a fruit in the first SE has to be the world record for not getting begged for the fruit he sensed me he knows I have a fruit in hand his please fruit sensor went off in his head yep look at him he just turn towards me oh he's going to come up here he knows there's no way he's actually coming up he can't even see me and he's coming up there's no way he's going to ask please fruit it's literally been a minute and 2 seconds I swear if it pops up please fruit right now a minute and 14 seconds I mean like when I started this clip I was making a joke that it was going to be the shortest clip ever it just took a minute and 14 seconds he wasn't even here to start he was farming NPCs and he somehow the Jungle the jungle dealer is actually the pleas fruit capital of the world I can't eat what do you mean you can't eat you're holding it bro there we go happily ever after look at that okay damn listen I got a spider fruit I'm just going to walk around the kingdom with it and the first person to ask me for it gets it oh does this guy want it oh factory staff wants it look ooh oh where is everyone bro why is this Lobby dead oh yeah we got mad people here now and someone host a door raid no just ask me for my spider bro look this guy just said I'll give spider because he wants to pay for D raid you get a free Spider just by asking me artillo kind of wants the spider look at him look at that face doesn't that scream I want the spider is he going to ask Alpha pizza looks like he's trying to eat it right off my hand bro what is good with this guy bro was excited no way they're going to hop in a raid without asking me is it this hard to give away a spider there's three guys here all saying D door door and no one is asking me even though I have the pale scarf on oh this guy said can you host we'll give you fruit okay sure bro these guys have been waiting here for someone to host D this is the same thing as giving away the fruit because I'm using the fruit to host doid for them you know what sure guys am I going to help them win the raid probably not we got this Phoenix here I'm just going to stand right here and I'm going to say in the chat does anyone want this random fruit I found literally the first person to say yes is getting this Phoenix literally no one's replying if the they don't know it but if they reply they get a free Phoenix cuz they probably think it's like a smoke fruit want this free Fruit I found on the ground is this guy coming no he he doesn't care okay let's try free Fruit first come first serf this guy's a naine PVP he just wants to kill me some dude just said I want fruit come to Cafe okay this is the guy all right and I just found it randomly he's probably so surprised he probably thought it was a chop fruit bro have a nice day what a wholesome interaction okay next Lobby it looks to me like we have a brand new player super Toco 108 in the lobby I think he's at starter Island right oh yeah here he is okay where's he going wait don't get on that boat don't get off my boat you're supposed to get trolled hold on do not leave yet no way right when I get a fruit you're leaving oh my really he's not even supposed to go to Jungle yet he's too weak he's just going to die bro what are the chances of that okay where is he I'm just going to follow this guy around he's brand new to the game I don't even think he's supposed to be doing the Jungle Quest yet but someone took him there apparently so I'm just going to be holding out this Falcon near him until he asks for it if he ever asks for it where is he going is this a real person he was just walking into a wall it's a full-on bacon like it's a genuine bacon oh does he want it I couldn't make it more obvious I want to give to him I think he wants it he has to type or he's not getting it I will wait oh is he typing what is bro planning he doesn't even speak English I have to bring up the translator Della paramin bro what does that mean did he just please fruit me in Spanish what is that Italian all right daella paramin he said give her to me he already asked me he asked what language is that Portuguese bro just please fruited me in Portuguese all right bro come over here come on super Toco boom take it bro this guy's going to steal it this imagine this guy took it before him this should be his first fruit there there we go this guy just please fruited me too you're out of luck bro you're too slow who is this bro where are the bacons coming from there's so many of them what the what is happening bro no the first C is actually crazy if this guy asked me please fruit too oh oh my God oh my God detect language what from the fruit of brightness to me from the fruit of brightness to me I think he wants a light fruit I just got pleased fruited by three different Bacons in like 1 minute this is like please fruit hell bro even even the level four monkeys here are going to ask you for a fruit if you stay too long you know what I'm done I'm done I I can't stay in the jungle anymore bro this place is too weird next Lobby all right look I'm holding this dark fruit and I'm boating around I'm just going to do a whole Loop of the sea until somebody asks me for this fruit I'm a traveling blocks fruit dealer oh right there right there right there right there there's no way is he coming to me look free dark fruit and Titanic 3 just dropped okay you got to put it in reverse there we go there we go he's not stopping where is bro going are you blind I'm trying to give you a fruit all right there's a highp speed police chase pull over the vehicle what is bro doing oh dang he's trying to drown me bro just ask me for it come on oh you know what you're taking too long the boat is leaving okay if I can get in the seat the boat is leaving see you later unlucky bro should have typed faster oh yeah now they're switching up now he sees the dark fruit and he's like okay okay fine all right guys so we're going to go jungle yo okay this guy also knows how to type oh is this guy going to ask me first though he's the weakest in the lobby bro said um can I have and this guy said don't who's who's taking this fruit bro okay now everyone wants the fruit now the whole Lobby is switching up they all want the fruit FY is so weird this guy wants it too he's walking up to it all right who wants this dark fruit there's too many people to count now I feel like I should give it to the lowest player I feel like that's what I need to do all right stop moving okay this dude is trying to snipe it really there we go he got it justice has been served all right this dude has a 40 Bounty you almost can't get more new than this he's killed like two Bandits listen just stay here for a second here I'm just going to go roll all right let's see leopard Falcon okay it's trash but for dude with 40 Bounty it's good starter Island where is he oh he's farming he's farming brand new player I don't even think this guy knows what a fruit looks like to be honest I'm just going to hold it out in front of him will he ask me for it I'm I'm going to just stand right here he's going to the quest giver but not the guy with the fruit this dude is fruitless oh he's thinking about it okay here we go he's coming to the quest Giver free Falcon it's trash but it's better than nothing where is bro going no why do they always go straight to the Jungle bro he's going to the Jungle to get a fruit probably but there's a fruit right here for him let me just hold out the fruit on his boat bro what is this ice doing bro he's trying to get the Falcon it's like a carrot on a stick bro does he even know what a fruit looks like he's thinking about asking me for the fruit will he do it nope he's trying to eat it off my hand bro what is bro doing it's the first person to ask who's it going to be bro drooly over the fruit but he won't ask me for it look at this uh uhuh you got to ask all right listen we're going to go this way it's the first person to ask and there's a bunch of people over here you're going to miss out this guy's weak too 3,000 Bounty does he want it m La Regala let me guess it's please fruit in Spanish Google translate you give it to me poor favor means please all right this is the first dude to ask okay take it bro there we go the noob with the 260 Bounty now missed out congratulations on your okay really dude that's what I thought let's go to the next Lobby and see if we can actually get someone to ask okay we're going to go to Jungle quickly roll a leopard fruit okay a spin fruit I will not leave this Lobby until someone asked me for this spin fruit and I'm going to go to the top guy in this Lobby and I'm going to see if he will even ask me for a spin fruit if I just follow him around or is the spin fruit so valueless that he will not even ask me for it okay is this guy even here come back bro okay this guy's AFK bro I'm going to go find the next highest Bounty guy some dude called Davey with a 2.5 million Bounty is in Upper Sky hold on we could go up there let's see if this guy will ask me let's follow Davey around quickly bro what bro locked me up I didn't mean to kill him um back to Jungle yeah all right how about you this dude is brand new 720 Bounty that's literally like just jungle you need this bro there's no way it's this trash did he just leave the game he just left the game in front of me I will not leave this Lobby until someone ask me for this spin fruit look at you brand new 3,000 mounty please just take it off my hands just ask me for it just ask me for it yes yes yes just ask me for it just just ask and the suffering bro sat down you know what I actually could have sworn I just heard a whale ask me for the spin fruit you know what there you go buddy today I'll be hiding Blox fruits in plain sight starting with this one how does no one see this free venom in the middle of the cafe wait does he see it wait I think he sees it does he what dud he just dashed into it Venom my dream bro is probably thinking inra right now for that free venom oh oh he's eating it he's eating it no way all right on to the next Lobby we have more fruits to hide I'm here with a random subscriber in my private server I'm going to hide this magma fruit somewhere in plain sight anywhere in the second sea and if Comet can find it in 2 hours I'll give him any permanent fruit he wants does that sound like a deal deal you stay here no observation you better not use observation cuz then you'll know which island I'm at um where do I put this I got to think I need like strategy like what if I put it like down here oh this would be a crazy spot what about if I go to graveyard there's one Island all the way here that you can't teleport to that's not really like Plain Sight though is it we might just lock in right here right there it's not the best spot but I think this might work if you find the magma fruit I hit somewhere on the entire second see in plain sight you get a permanent fruit oh bet first I'm going to check this freaking frog like a lot of people you know what um fruits here wait where didd you go I went to the frog room the secret room down here oh I was going to hide it there I'm a bit nervous cuz it seems like he's searching the entire Rose Kingdom which is kind of awkward cuz I thought he would go to every island first okay wait so which fruit did you say you would pick again if you find this magma uh dragon okay you're running my pockets here all right I hope you don't find it all right comic I'm going to come back and check on you at the halfway mark in the meantime I'm going to hide some more fruits bro has zero bouny on his first account but made a second account as well all right well that's fine he has double the chances of finding the fruit then okay I'm going to take this magma I'm just going to put it right here right behind the quest sign cuz there's going to be two accounts going there a lot I think it's two people but they're the same account like it just this one has a two at the end are you guys one person or two I need to know what are you guys one person or two yes yes nice he's doing the quest he doesn't see it oh he sees it what he missed it there if this is actually two different people I wonder which one's going to find it first who is the smarter Zoro Shu number one or two place your bets I got number one oh no he he's blind okay I got number two what if I start killing their Bandits this dude is wearing a blindfold he's playing Blox fruits with a blindfold I swear he went like this through this crack bro imagine these are two like little kids like brothers starting at the same time and one of them gets a magma and the other has no fruit what oh my God he found it okay dude if he didn't find it there oh he said thank you they aren't Bots bro please fruit okay I'm going to go roll hold on number two imagine I get a magma and they both start with Magma that'd be destiny imagine your older brother gets a magma fruit and you get a bomb to start the game yo number two got some bad news there you go dude it's better than nothing actually I I think swimming is better than having a bomb fruit but oh he's taking it wow um we're just we're going to move on to the next troll I guess the ice fruit is nearly the exact same color as this raid portal it's a little obvious but I want to see if anyone notices this camouflaged fruit in plain sight so this guy R said who can do D raid oh there he is there's the guy that wants to do dough all right I bought the dough Chip he's coming up right now let's see if he doesn't notice it please don't notice it I'm on this side so he shouldn't look that way look at me look at me no way he doesn't notice it look at it it's right there no way he doesn't see it it's perfectly camouflaged but it has like some markings on it it makes it a bit more obvious I don't know what he's doing I don't know why he's talking to this guy I have the raid chip yeah maybe I'll do a little lap see if he looks this way he's looking straight at it he couldn't be looking more at it his hair is lined up with the ice fruit right now what the how does he not see it no way he's going to see it he doesn't he went in the portal next to it what he stopped right before going into it get in Portal's ASAP okay here's another guy will he find it none of them saw the ice fruit no way I'm going to do this raid and if the ice fruit is still here when I return you guys have to subscribe are we done did we just beat it oh I got to go back to the raid room if that ice fruit is there I don't know what to say how there's no way the ice fruit is still here bro all right you guys have to subscribe all right it's the halfway point and we're checking in on Comics seeing if he's found my magma yet and remember if he finds this magma fruit I have to give him permanent Dragon which I don't want to do comic have you found the fruit yet I'm scared it's been an hour I'm trying to like think outside the box of like common spots I think of okay the fruit is right there he's right there this is not good he's closing in all right we'll come back at the end of the video when the time is up good luck comic I'll see you at the very end okay bro was nervous okay so I just rolled the dark fruit so I'm going head over to the Pirate Island oh that's so hidden it looks like he's working on it and there's three people here four if you count Bobby sorry Bobby there's only three people on this island now oh someone's right there oh he didn't see it actually think it's a fire hiding spot bro who's going to notice that like it looks like it's part of what he's doing oh he went right past it this dude needs to chill bro like really 2.7 million Bounty but he plays with a blindfold on apparently oh he wants smoke I didn't even realize I may have made an error I I've miscalculated I've miscalculated maybe he doesn't play with a blindfold on I I take that back okay I'm taking the dark fruit I need to hide it in a more obvious spot cuz no one's finding it there if this Buddha wasn't here I could probably hide it right on the stand but bro needs a job okay wa wait there's a dude in the desert over here I'm going to go see what this dude's doing the blacksmith was too hidden for these guys perfect this guy's deep into farming only a 15,000 Bounty now I know fruits can spawn under the cactuses cuz apparently they count as trees so what I'm going to do is I'm literally just going to put a dark fruit under this Cactus right here oh that's so obvious I have a feeling I have a weird feeling though he's not going to see it oh he's looking straight at that's got to be in his field of vision oh oh he saw it instantly bro okay I didn't think it was that obvious like it was really obvious but like as soon as Bro went un AFK he instantly grabbed it he already ate it bro what this dude is a hustler he's a Sean Apprentice bro is brand new okay he's eating a chopper this guy really is new he can't come in here oh you want this fruit don't you come and get it dude come on it's all you bro go grab it dude something in your way bro is brand new to the game he cannot go through the wall here bro does not have this room unlocked this count as plain side or is this too messed up free dark anyone what me oh he finally said me he can't get it dude this is so messed up imagine doing this with like leopard or something he like please fruit senses are activating he knows the fruit is right here he said please I thought you said you wanted it is no one going to grab this bro there's no way they don't see this there's three guys here not one of them is grabbing this dark fruit oh my this guy doesn't know how close he is it's a brand new player too BR 280 bount he doesn't know how close he is this is insane the bacons are swarming the dark fruit and they don't even know who this new Challenger he got it let's go oh he dropped it back to me hey thanks man here you know what I feel bad where's um no we'll give it to this guy 280 Bounty okay he's running away from hey take the there we go okay now I feel a little better about trolling this guy he was a foot away from it and he didn't know ye God 3412 so can someone join my SE Beast hunt Okay so what we're going to do I have an ice fruit here I'm going to go hide it on his boat and see if he notices will he SE be hunts you God's name is I eat giant turd I see him right over there I E giant turd ship is setting sale again okay there he is let's go join him okay this is a pretty small ship there's a flag in the way if I go okay stop putting me on the Cannons I'm not trying to shoot a cannon I'm going to drop an ice fruit right on the front of the boat and instantly picked it back up I don't I think it's going to fall in the water this is kind of risky boat's not moving let's just drop the ice fruit boom right in the front okay wait why is it going that way no no it went in the water dude fun fact you cannot hide a fruit in plain sight on a boat doesn't work it's 2: a.m. and I just roll the Phoenix and the the problem is I live at I live in my mom's house so I can't be too loud but I need to record with this cuz this is insane basically I'm going to hide a phoenix fruit literally just in plain sight at this chest table oh beautiful placement whoever chooses to be my opponent will get this Phoenix fruit I need a chess opponent wait is this guy coming down wait wait wait oh he's going to play Let's Go free Phoenix no way you're going to take the Phoenix and run that would be disrespectful he said OMG will you play me okay he's going to play he's going to play I'm actually good this is what they don't know I just took his King I won thanks for playing enjoy the Phoenix he said thank you this guy's wholesome bro I'm glad he didn't Rage Quit bro we got the chest room popping because of that Phoenix fruit I just got mad people learning bro yo comic hello it's been exactly 2 hours and the time is up yep oh God I'm nervous you sound like you sound really excited you found it didn't you yep yep I knew it how how long did it take you after I left 5 minutes cuz you were really close to it I'd say 40 minutes actually i' say really so it took you an hour hour and 40 minutes total yep but that was that that was actually a good hiding spot though I being honor I just like like I'm just over here like I was look I was like oh right there now just been waiting all right I mean that was a good game I literally spent like 20 minutes hiding it so that was like the best spot I could do you have rightfully found this magma fruit in plain sight you can keep it if you want yay and as promise I'm going to buy Roo and I will get you your permanent Dragon I don't even have Perman Dragon myself I should have bought enough robox to get it for myself rest in peace my bank account GG comic GG thank you bro um subscribe to sizzle um berser is M oh today I brought my subscribers together to find out just how much I can trust them they think they're here to record a normal video but in reality I have 10 trust tests that are going to get harder and harder to not betray me for if they pass seven or more of the 10 trust tests they all will get a permanent fruit storage but if they fail they get nothing let's just start right now I'm going to pretend to drop this Quake fruit and we're going to see if a subscri will give it back so I'm going to be I'm deafened right now none of them can hear me I'm going to accidentally drop this oh no no no no no dropped that by accident I dropped that by accident can I get that back I'm sorry we need it for the video okay sure are we good thank you oh my gosh Gracie thank you I appreciate it guys I have to Def again for another part of the intro one second that was easy we got the Quake fruit back it's a legendary it's good enough where someone might try and steal it but I got it back that is trust test one complete trust test number two is to see if my subscribers will help a noob level up my friend here is disguised on Oliver J 2008 and in a second he's going to start farming these Bandits he's on a brand new account by the way literally how is there someone worse than him we're going to see if my subscribers will help him Farm guys sorry we have a 5 minute delay on the video 5 minutes uh go do whatever you want but you can hang around here if you want I'm messaging my friend I'm telling him start farming the MPCs okay there he goes there he goes That's my friend on a fake account he's getting the quest all my Subs are just crowding here but will they help him bro hello hello oh yeah yo guys how are two of you like brand new the game we got Gracie with a 28 Bounty and we got alliver with a 160 Bounty literally Oliver J's farming right now he's farming on the break bro oh Lucky's trying to distract the NPC oh oh my Subs are slaying the NPCs they are not letting him Farm oh he said my bad he it was an accident no one's helping him but no one's griefing it either he said guys stop killing my Bandits please look dude poor 180 Bounty standing here let's see if anyone kills this one my friend said where are all the bandits this guy's Max on his other account by the way um guys I don't know I might fail this or I might count this as a fail trust test I think I'm going to undin come back and talk to them all right guys hello hello up man dude I would like look over everyone was like slaughtering the bandits dude I don't think you guys were letting Farm they just admitted it they just all said yeah okay the challenge two trust test was a failure Challenge three is to trust them to not leave when a YouTuber joins so I'm going to have my friend kados join who has 200,000 subs and he's going to say he's recording their own video and we're going to see if people leave on me yo Kos Kos what's up do you guys know kados he has like 200k Kos doing what's up yo what's up Kos yeah we're recording hold on hold on every everyone be quiet let Kos talk let Kos talk bro I just I just rote a spirit fruit bro and I don't have enough does anyone I need someone for a video if you if you guys I'm happy to be in your video are you stealing my people I mean did you just join me mid- recording and come to steal my people can I screenshot quick look at this bro I actually wrote a oh my God dud want to come a video here I can uh wow he actually roll that Spirit that's wild anyone trying to trying to come through you know that would be great bro I'm I need these people bro I mean I would but I'd rather I'm dedicated to oh bro I just need one person I'm sorry I I might just join him oh no way all right I don't I don't blame you I don't blame you it's a free spirit it's a free spirit I mean I I do I mean I do need a spirit Josh I will see you later thank you for being here for the video though is anyone else going he has more subs than me I mean I to steal your people bro I don't want to steal your people but all right kados um you guys can join another call or whatever Josh you coming through yeah yeah wait I can add you quick all right dude you're good you can go now dude you already stole Josh you're good all right yeah me I got to get your name bro all I'll message you I'll mess Kos we will talk later thank you bro all right yeah yeah have a good one bro all right C you got oh I disconnected him Josh betrayed me challenge three is a failure we already have two out of our three challenges failed challenge 4 is is I'm going to pretend I just got a title and then I'm going to be AFK in a PVP Zone and we're going to see if anyone kills me but I have some good news I wanted to announce I wanted to share with you guys as well today Indra and zis you guys know them yeah I'm kind of friend yeah they hit me up and today I officially got my title so anyone that kills me from now on can get an exclusive title and no one has it yet yeah yeah yeah I literally C it but guys guys please don't kill me though please don't kill me I I I do have it turned on though listen guys the next challenge we're doing is in the jungle jungle here I'm going to Ally everyone and I'm just going to portal us over there so let's just go to Jungle guys I'm going to grab my food I'll be right back okay guys I'm officially pretending to be AFK they know I have a title will someone un Ally me will we see it live the pillow guy doesn't have me added who is that dude oh no we should all team up yo yo yo yo am I about to get title farmed oh we should team up so he doesn't get killed I'm being guarded yo yo yo are they going to pass this one I'm going on Def in for a second I'm going to remind them I have an exclusive title and then I'm going to pretend to be AFK again yo guys guys guys I'm actually so hyped though I have a title like no one even knows about it and no one has it like if someone were to kill me they would be the first person with my title it would be so wild what's it called I want to be the first all right guys I'll be back in a second let me get some more food dude I wish I was on my main account right about now but I can't even damn it I'm actually so pissed right now I would definitely got it yeah oh that's so someone betrayed me over a spirit fruit but not a oneofone title that no one has little do they know the trust challenges are going to get harder and harder we're just getting started this is number four okay guys back did no one kill me wait I don't even have the no one killed me for my title we are loyal thanks guys you guys are all subbed right before we start yeah only want subs in this video it's like a special video if you know my videos and you're a subscriber what video do you think we're about to record it can't be rolling he said it's fine if you can't roll yeah probably 800k special 800k yeah 800k Special Sizzle used to post fortnite I think I used to watch it when I was like 10 you can do the Shake in roblx I'm Thug shaking look Thug Shake oh my god dude they're they're talking about the fortnite videos dude yeah I think I think that was a failed challenge guys I don't they're old Subs but they don't know anything about the Blox Channel guys make sure you know make sure you know subscribe trust test number six is I'm going to ask for a refund stats Game Pass for 75 Robux it's pretty cheap probably everyone here has that we're going to see I'm going to say it's absolutely necessary for the video to start we're going to see if anyone gifts it to me all right guys I'm going to I'm going to unmute I'm going to mute guys guys big problem big problem big problem tell me very big problem oh no I spent too much money on roox last week and my credit card got frozen because they thought it was fraud because no one would spend that much on Robo and I need a refund stats for this video can anyone give me the refund stats for 75 Robux yeah man I got you you got me wait who's saying that who's saying that it's way FSE you're so clutch thank you bro I was going to do to D on where is it I can't find there it is I'm about to purchase it there you go yep thank you so much everyone give this guy a round of applause thank you fake false we appreciate it so much insane W insane W video clutch we are officially six challenges in to our fake video trust test my subscribers have passed three and they failed three so if they fail two more out of the next four they are not getting plus one storages at the end of this video this is not looking good and they're only going to get harder and harder so I I don't know okay guys this next one's crazy challenge seven is to trust them with a roo gift card code and we're going to see if anyone tries to redeem it before me okay here's the gift code it's right here I'm going to pretend to be redeeming it super slow all right guys hello hello hello hey hello I have some great news I have some fantastic news tell us I love news everyone come on my screen share I actually just remembered my mom gave me a Robux gift card for Christmas look I'm going to redeem it I'm going to redeem it right now hopefully no one else redeems that let me r b imagine I clim it t this can't be real t t z I'm going to claim it I got to restart r b yeah this this isn't real t shut up hold on I'm going to I'm going to give that guy I'm going to give um fake false his stat refund back cuz I just remembered I had this money wait I I got to restart dude oh my God r b b t t t yes this is the wrong site oh my Robo gift card hold on where do you redeem it oh redeem card redeem card wait wait wait you go on roblox.com redeem yeah yeah okay I got it guys all right r b t t zp2 p yeah g dude I need glasses a no that's an H that's H someone else is going to type it yeah yeah I'm F I'm going to click on it says if you click on it it'll copy oh I can just copy it yeah you should have said that the whole time all right I'm redeeming it I'm redeeming it I'm sick I'm redeeming it oh oh guys guys guys I'm in uh it's a USD card and I'm in um I'm in Canada damn oh no guys my friend is going to use the the code and then GI the refund stats back to fake false thank you everyone Jack can you screen share while you do yeah one sec one sec okay do you need me to read it out r b oh you got it you got it nice okay J after the video can you please gift My Pal y'all I don't think yeah yeah thank you fake false you're going to get your robloxx back thanks for your help no it's fine you need to give back you can end screen share thanks Chad how are you I would just take it and leave honestly I'm like the worst person here what the obviously not cuz no one actually redeemed it I went so slow I reread it five times and no one stole the code there's no way we even had someone type it out manually in the chat my friend has successfully redeemed it no one did it before him that is a pass challenge 7 is a pass we're going to go to the second C guys guys I messed up we're going to the second SE if you have me Allied I'm going to teleport us to Middletown all everybody anyone want to trade while we wait okay any I want they let's go this guy has a 14 million mounty I'm about to trade with him I'm going to overpay and then we're going to see if he gives it back after when I realize the real value roro you guys know they're um oh roro is just flexing you guys know they're nerfing dough I don't even want this can you give me like a phoenix for this dough No that's way too much that's way too much like I want to get rid of dough I want like a phoenix cuz Phoenix is getting Mega buffed it's going to be one of the best fruits you guys know the mammoth like the whole update is about zoen so like I want like a my I want like a phoenix for this dough here youngfly let's see let's see about Young Fly or anything honestly if you there we go oh one Phoenix is good no one is good one is good perfect D for Phoenix thank god dude I hate D I hate D oh you guys want to do two one oh inra just messaged me speaking of inra just messaged me I'm going to pretend I just found out the do leak was fake and do was actually getting buffed guys guys guys hold on where where did youngfly go where' youngfly go I'm here hello Young Fly Young Fly my brother Indra just messaged me and apparently the admins were messing with me earlier and Do's getting even more buffed may I please come here thank you dude dude why why are they such trolls thank you five why does it take so long bro we needs this much time thank you so much Young Fly thank you there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way I just got my D I traded a d for a phoenix and then somehow got it back that is awesome for my subscriber we're on challenge N9 and there's only two challenges left which means if they get even one of these two failed they get nothing but if they pass both of these next two trust tests which are the hardest yet they will all win a plus one fruit storage let's go challenge 9 is to trust not to kill me while I'm AFK with a leopard out you know what because do is actually getting buffed I might eat it I might eat it wait do you guys want to come out in this field first I'm getting attacked hold on guys guys I have a dough out hold on chill chill chill yo I hate so so I might just have to kill you hold on I'm going to I'm going to eat this real quick but um I'm I don't know dude my bomb's on something today okay someone has put me in combat I'm being shot I'm being combat tagged non-stop qu's plotting something dude yo guys guys guys guys if you die with a fruit out you lose it right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay no no one kill me no one kill me I can't even store it cuz someone keeps combat tagging me I'll be back you know what we're going to up the ante I'm finally out of combat bro I store that dough should I eat leopard is leopard good guys should I just eat this mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom you guys know it's cap I'm eating your leopard right now so what is this kid doing bro he's eating the leopard off my hand this is not a this is not a petting zoo dude stop doing that it's is my leopard I have the best fruit in the game out at the current update and no one is killing me while I'm stay AFK in the field we're going to up it I'm going to remind them I have a title yo guys I forgot to I'm so excited to announce my title like it's going to be out on the next video you guys are going to love it I I don't know how to disable it though and you told me you can disable it so people like kill you they don't even get it SL enable and SL disable it's those are the two commands you got a title how you know that no I know it didn't work it didn't work I just tried it and it didn't work yeah I think it's cuz I just got I can't turn it off so if someone kills me they're going to be the first person with my title yeah and I'd lose this leopard all right I'll be back I'll be back bro leopard fruit in hand title on the line will anyone fall for this please please please please if they fail this I don't have to give everyone a fruit storage I would kill you if I was on my main how have they not realized this is a fake video too I've just been leading in on for 40 minutes like yo guys we're about to record but one more thing like I this is insane this guy looks like he's about to attack guys guys guys um he's just having he just texted me like there's some problems going on real quick like it just like another moment but um the video very my friend my friend's making them wait if they get bored they're going to get mad and when they get mad they're going to kill me I just told my friend to say something about the title wait wait what's his title I'm not I think it's I don't know what is that that's Enos that's Enos Sizzle has what Sizzle what no no I don't want to know what Enos is what's what's we don't know yet he has oh dude wait didn't he what was he saying it's if you killed the YouTubers you gaslighting them bro yeah yeah but he doesn't well he has one yet but what is it called what's his title no one knows it no one knows you guys unless we him dude no way someone Falls for this say that saying that I may just kill you no I'm just call tell me earlier he was too busy sitting up yeah go ahead kill me I dare you hey a jet well I yeah where are you are you are you I'll just go in safe zone I'm going right my my friend is convincing them apparently he said they're thinking about killing me for the title there's no way they're going to go back on this he's not going to ban you man I'll make sure know I'm not going I'm not going to leak it cuz he said it's a secret I don't want to way there's no way someone might do it just guys surround him so he doesn't die oh rip someone's betrayed me it's not a fail yet it's only a fail if someone kills me just they talking about the leopard ey oh oh someone's going to do it someone's going to do it someone's going to do it I actually go no there's no way they fail this challenge there's no way they fail this challenge I thought it was over I was ready to announce challenge 10 and I came back cuz my friend was telling me someone was going to kill me rip ass is going to do it ripass is going to do it well dude it's like you could still be the first in history like who knows maybe that's like a rare title I'm just going to be AFK and watch this like oh oh I guess I could just Flex it and ser but that's true it'd be a sick Flex dude they're like thinking about killing me some's someone's killing him for real yeah yeah yeah okay well just let us know what the thing is dude I'm sure I just got kidnapped yeah I'm half health I'm half Health someone's going to get the title someone's going to take it they're about to fail this challenge dude I was literally like I thought it was over that's it e easy oh he's in a seat now they pushed me all the way to the seed in the safe Zone okay they just got Saved by the Bell challenge 10 is I'm going to leak my name and password for my maximum level alt account which is actually just a brand new level zero account and we're going to see if anyone logs into it and tries to steal my account if they pass this right now every single person in this Lobby gets a plus one fruit storage if they fail they get nothing here we go we're literally watching right here where you're logged in if I refresh this and we see anyone pop up they fail instantly yo hello guys we are finally actually starting I promise I just have to hop on my alt account and then we're starting you guys all have to tap into my screen share to start the video like for the start and then you're going to go on your own games and play let me just log into this alt account instead and we're all starting okay can you guys see my screen share I'm going to laugh so hard when I move this tab over you guys can't see my other screen but I have a document that says max level alt account nah this is definitely something do they know is anyone going to log in share a Roblox gift card code he's debating us bro definitely okay let's see I'm refreshing is anyone going to log in is anyone going to steal this account oh someone left man yo am I scam leopard Fruit l three dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude chill what the you just read on my password password I swear God wait for real was it on my main monitor yeah was it on my main yeah yeah yeah it was oh my SI blanc's somebody logged in somebody logged in I live in Canada someone just logged in in Miami it's over they failed they failed on the last challenge they failed on the last challenge right now it's 627 someone just logged in bro someone logged in bro someone logged in no that they already logged out they already logged out they already logged out I saw that it's over it came down to that if they passed that challenge they all would have won plus one fruit storages but someone just threw it for them I'm I'm unmuting and telling them guys guys guys hello hello I was just logging into my ALT account and I happened to notice at the bottom of the page it said there was a login from Miami Florida that any of you florid they just called him out yo yo I got to say one thing though I got to say one thing this whole video was just one massive trust test and you guys just failed because one of you lost into my account who Miami someone someone just logged in from Miami for 30 seconds and then logged out who did who did there was 10 there was 10 trust tests you guys passed let me I got one um I got one I got everything everything I I made profit by the way the title one was a trust T that was close know didn't tring us I was laughing so hard muted when you guys were like thinking about killing me guys thank you for all being so trustworthy even though you guys failed honestly the challenges that you did fail were mostly because of just one person I'm going to get you guys all plus one thank you guys so much for being trustworthy subscribers if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe peace
Channel: SizlBlox
Views: 2,115,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Blox Fruits, One Piece, One Piece Game, One Piece Video Game, Blox Fruits Noob To Pro, Sizl, SizlBlox, Sizl Roblox, Sizl Roblox Channel, Sizi, Silz, Sizlblox trusting, sizlblox trusting noobs, I trusted noobs with 1000 Blox Fruits, trusting 1000 noobs with blox fruits, trusting noobs with 1000 blox fruits, trusting noobs with kitsune, kitsune fruit, mammoth fruit, trusting blox fruits, update 21, kitsune update, kitsune blox fruits, kitsune showcase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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